Erotic Fantasy Generator

A gay story: Erotic Fantasy Generator Erotic Fantasy Generator (bi)

We were out of ideas yet we knew we needed some spice in our sex life.

Finally Elisa said, “Just look it up on the internet. Everything is on the internet.”

Sometimes I didn’t get her, “You can’t look up your own personal fantasies on the internet. That’s why they’re called personal.”

“Pish, You can look up everything on the internet.”

Just to shut her up I said, “If you find your fantasy on the internet, even though right now you can’t even figure out exactly what it is, then I’ll make it come true for you.”

“Honey, I don’t want you to just go along with MY fantasy. I want us to live out OUR fantasy.

“Well, you find it and we’ll do it.”

I watched her poking around on the webs for awhile while I watched reruns on TV. It’s not that I didn’t crave seeing my wife acting as a sexual being. I just didn’t trust that this plan could work.

Finally she announced, “I think I’ve found it. All we have to do is enter the starting points and this Erotic Fantasy Generator will spit out a few scenarios, based on the input. It’ll be ours!

My curiosity was peaked. But still, “So, we have to give away our private thoughts to a stranger? And who are they going to sell them to?”

“So, you’ll do it? And no, it’s a machine.”

“Yea, yea, I’ll do whatever.”

“Oh, come look at this and help me make it work.”

First we named any old fantasy. As a test we just put in “Love In An Elevator.” Then we picked tags from a list of genres. After that it was as simple as pushing the button that said “Story Generator”

We didn’t have any desire to do anything in an elevator, but as a thought exercise we watched it create several samples displaying them on her phone:

Scenario #1, “I’ve got a crush on a man who works in the elevator I use every day. I see him all the time but I never feel brave enough…”

Scenario #2, “I love you, Max,” I said again, this time more urgently. I pushed the button for my floor, rushed off the elevator in a panic but left my panties…”

Scenario #3, “It was my third day of work when I saw him for the first time. I was heading up to the thirty-second floor when I thought it would be impulsively sexy to flash him…”

Then two things happened. First I saw hope that the crazy thing might actually work. And two, I forgot I’d said I would do whatever it said.

For the next few hours she was obsessed. We took turns entering interesting titles, characters, and choosing tags from the categories. Anytime I got exasperated with how long it was taking she pouted and I gave in.

When she was done she’d made five complete fantasies guaranteed to ‘represent our most intimate desires, tickle our fancies, and bring new experiences into our lives.’ She sent copies to me and I saved them to my phone too, along with the app.

“Honey,” she said, “I did all the hard work. “Now you just pick from those.”

The first story in the bunch was called “Max Makes Her Dreams Come True.” Not very imaginative, but it seemed to capture our state of mind.

It started out like this: “Max is obsessed with the idea of seeing her masturbate. Imagining what she does, imagining Elisa’s fantasies and wondering what turns her on. He finally attempts to set up scenarios where he can get Elisa to masturbate for him, or at least get her to admit to masturbating. Max plans to create a situation where he can watch Elisa do it, and it comes to fruition when he plans a vacation for them.

However, Elisa has unique about what motivates her to touch her sex when she’s alone. And as much as she craves new adventures in their lives she can’t bring herself to admit anything so out there. Besides, what if he wasn’t into it?”

And that was as far as I read before concluding that this was a perfect story for us. I mean, the idea of my Elisa masturbating for me was hotter than hot. I didn’t even know I wanted this, but damn…”

The last page listed required props, a budget, and anything else we would need. The setting for the story was a couples vacation to a resort and since we were due for a vacation I figured we could fit that into the budget.

The next part, the part I didn’t read before jumping to the page of supplies, continued like this: “She barely brings these homoerotic thoughts into her own consciousness. And the potential for her to get them into trouble was high…”

During the ensuing weeks the EFG had us complete surveys and asked specific questions to deepen the storyline. Weeks later we arrived at the all inclusive resort suggested by the program. We didn’t need to go to that one, but why not?

The grounds were luxurious and relaxing. The room was great and the delicious food and drinks flowed freely and were included.

The first night we were tired from traveling but we checked the app to make sure we were on track: my phone’s story said I should offer my lover a full body massage before bed and to tease her erogenous zones greatly. We had it set to play-by-play so parts would be revealed bit by bit as a delicious surprise.

Elisa admitted nervously that her message was to allow me to touch her absolutely anywhere, even if it made her uncomfortable, and she tried to go along even when my fingers grazed closer to her backdoor than they’d ever been before. I rubbed her buns letting my thumbs just barely touch her puckered hole. She squirmed, “Hey!” But I reminded her of the message and she relaxed, letting me push it, which was as much as I dared. In retrospect this was as wild as we had ever been up to that point.

She wore a new nightgown to bed as she was supposed to. Making it even harder to resist. But we decided to do as told and wait.

The next morning we were advised to have breakfast on the beach. We weren’t at all sure about not eating in a restaurant, but it was indeed a new experience that made us feel intimate. Elisa said the romanticism turned her on. I didn’t understand how the noise of waves, and sand in your shoes could be a turn on. But I was reminded yet again to let the app be our guide.

At midday we relaxed in the sauna. My phone told me to take a chance and strip naked despite resort rules about such things. It was forbidden and insane and we didn’t end up getting caught. It did, however, lead to hot sweaty sex. We’d never had sweaty sex before – I suppose we feared it would be gross. But it turned out to be slippery and exciting. Soo exciting!

After showering, we went to a show in town.

On the drive back she was engrossed, first on her phone, and then in her own thoughts. I felt needlessly neglected.

Next, I watched with amused bewilderment as Elisa put her long brown hair up in a bouncy ponytail. It couldn’t be: fifteen years of marriage and she’d never blown me in a car.

Without a word she leaned over and started kissing the front of my slacks. Quickly I grew to my full stature. She tried to retrieve my dick but it was awkward with the steering wheel there, and she wasn’t experienced at this. “Honey,” she whined, “help me out here.” Was my dear wife begging to suck my dick rather than the other way around?

Naturally, I unbuttoned, shimmying my pants down a few inches.

Without a word she sucked the head into her mouth, nibbling and nursing on it like she loved the act.

It was a long stretch of empty highway and I debated slowing down next to the one truck, to give that guy an eyeful. But I chickened out.

Within minutes I was ready to burst. Tapping on her back, I squirmed, trying to hold back long enough to keep from splashing the insides of her warm mouth.

Worried that she missed the signal I couldn’t help but hump into her oral cavity while frantically tapping harder.

As if to tell me she understood, she grasped my balls, pulling them against her cock-stuffed lips. What choice did I have?

I unloaded, giving her my love for the first time this way. I don’t suppose there was much, given that we’d done it so recently. I just hoped I didn’t owe her an apology.

Sitting back up and flipping down the mirror in the visor she wiped the corner of her mouth with her pinky, gave a tiny sigh, and said… nothing at all about it.

I waited a minute then felt I had to address the unprecedented activity we’d just engaged in. “Wow! That was amazing. What got into you?”

She smiled demurely, tapping her phone with one aqua painted fingernail, “It gave me the courage to do what I’ve been too afraid to try.”

“But you…let me.. and didn’t… spit…?”

“I know!” She practically beamed. “Crazy, isn’t it?”

Did it tell you to, uh…?”

“No, but it said, and I quote, ‘Elisa remembered all the things she appreciates about Max.’ just before my character did it. And, I do appreciate you SOOO much.”

I put my arm around her shoulder, hugging her close to me as we drove back to the resort.

She rested her head against my shoulder, content, until we arrived. Impulsively, I ran around to get the door for her before she could get out on her own. Walking hand in hand to our suite I proudly imagined that other guests, men, were eyeing her tight ass. If they only knew that MY wife enjoyed giving me a blowjob. I bet theirs’ didn’t.

She entered our rooms ahead of me, calling back, “And it didn’t even taste bad.” Even after thirty minutes of driving since she’d done it, I knew just what she meant. The thing that really struck me was that it was obviously still on her mind.

I awoke the next morning to find Elisa naked and sitting on my chest, “Good morning, my big strong man.” Her heavy breasts looked pretty good from this view.

I grinned from ear to ear, “Morning. What’s this?” Wake-up sex sounded fantastic, but I wasn’t at all sure about being UNDER her.

“You’re supposed to go with the flow.” I frowned, and she frowned at my frown. “Besides, you owe me, and you said you would do whatever it told us.” She was right. And so far the Fantasy Generator HAD proven itself.

Slowly she knee-walked up to my face rather than back to my dick as expected.

I’m no stranger to tasting my wife, but this would definitely be a new way: underneath. How much of this was the generator and how much was her own initiative?

I started with the dabs and licks I’d used before, but as she was in control, I soon found myself forced to apply my tongue more deeply and with more pressure than ever. I joyously discovered new parts of her anatomy that day.

I waited for a blowjob, or at least a handjob, but after her body shook, she fell off, exhausted with no indication of relief for me. A sixty-nine would have been cool. If only to find out what all the fuss is about, but, oh well.

We stayed in, talking and playing games the rest of what turned out to be a rainy day. It felt like the teasing was keeping me on edge the whole time. I checked the app for guidance but it read like a fortune cookie: “Patience rewards the man who waits.”

Around nine that night it surprised me when without my checking, the app dinged to alert me to a message. It said, “Hit a club and open your mind?”

I didn’t want to wait any longer and clubbing would prolong things at least a few hours.

Elisa approached me, questioning the program, “It just called me. Do you think we should?”

It’s bold behavior was scary but I clarified, “just go out dancing?” She nodded so I reassured my love that it would be alright, though I had my own apprehensions about what was rapidly showing itself to be more than just a fantasy generator.

Elisa looked hotter than hot in a brand new silver clubbing dress and told me I cleaned up fine too. We drank, we danced, we flirted. And occasionally my phone buzzed me with obviously canned messages like, “Be bold.” Or “Take a chance.” Or “Make her dreams come true.”

Elisa’s phone was buzzing too.

Guys started paying attention to my wife. Taking her on the floor without me and pushing the limits on how they should touch her.

I was just getting ready to put an end to it when I noticed for the first time a text box where I could type in questions. I bet the app would know a way for me to swoop in like a shining knight to the rescue.

I typed: “What do I do about guys who are hitting on my wife!”

Immediately it responded, “Is there one who is the leader?” It had to be a person on the other end. Hadn’t it?

I looked. Sure enough one guy was bolder than the other two: “Yes.”

“Do you think he’s good looking?”

I looked him over. Yea, he could have his choice: “Yes.”

“Wait until all three guys are together. Look the other two right in the eyes and tell them, ‘My wife is a special lady who deserves the best. It’s time for you to go.”

For better or worse I trusted it. The two guys caved instantly and left without disagreement. I looked suave and heroic. But the remaining, more charming guy, seemed encouraged rather than dissuaded.

Elisa checked her phone, “Let’s go for a walk on the beach.” She seemed cheery, rather than annoyed like me.

I thought it was a great way to extricate ourselves. My phone was, sadly, too quiet.

“Um, yea, let’s get some fresh air.” The guy produced a doobie winking at us conspiratorially.

Elisa giggled, “I haven’t lit up since college.” So off the three of us went, instead of just us two.

Holding our shoes we walked the water’s edge and Ryan turned out to be a great guy to talk to. President of a company that just happened to be in my field so we had lots to talk about. A young widower. And when we came upon a beach cabana he suggested it was the perfect place to get high.

Finishing her drink, Elisa commented dreamily on the moonlight and the gentle lapping of the waves.

Twenty minutes later and the only time my phone bothered us was when it said, “You wanted to see her touch herself: to know her secret.” Then its last cryptic message was, “You’re on your own and she must be left on her own too.” If I was understanding things right, now was the time for her to masturbate for me – right here in front of this stranger. My pent up sexual energy skyrocketed a thousand times over.

When I looked for clarification or direction it shut down, leaving me helpless on how to proceed.

Passing the joint around, Ryan was talking, “I like you two.” Then he started hinting uncertainly at something. “You’re a good looking couple. Elisa looks fabulous in that dress that covers too little and you’ve got an easy manner that puts me at rest.”

I was feeling anything but easy, and then he crossed the line, “I’ve always had this fantasy about being, er, taken care of, by a couple…”

I placed myself physically between my wife and the interloper. “Well, she’s not like that. She’s mine and I’m not sharing.” I felt her relax, her body pressed against my back as I protected her.

“So, she’s not available? Not for ANY price?” I frowned at him, yet couldn’t help but think about how rich he was. She hugged me while Ryan surprised me, “I respect that Max.”

Then he went on, “I have another fantasy…to watch a woman please herself while her husband pleases me. Do you think you two might be up for that? You’re real handsome, Max.”

I was shocked at what he was suggesting. I’m not sure if I was more or less shocked by that than by the previous proposal.

But I too wanted to see her masturbate. It WAS the whole reason we were here after all. The reason the machine led us to this very spot? And just the mere notion of it had me hard in my pants.

I thought about the messages that had kicked off our evening: Be bold.”, “Take a chance.”, “Make her dreams come true.” This fantasy that the EFG had made WAS supposed to be hers as well as mine so maybe she WANTED to masturbate for me, for us, all along?

What could it hurt if she touched herself in front of Ryan?

She whispered in my ear, “You’re the boss.” Those three little words conveyed so much love and admiration! I felt manly and in control.

When I looked back to Ryan his cock was waving in the breeze and he was expectantly hoping for me to give him a blowjob. I couldn’t believe I was actually thinking that if the app wanted me to do it then I should. But did it really want me to? It hadn’t directly said so.

Ryan spoke so confidently, “It’s your choice, Max.”

Behind me Elisa’s hand moved from my shoulder down down, somewhere low, and my lusty thoughts kicked into overdrive.

I turned to get a better view of her wanton behavior. I was right! Her hand WAS somewhere under her flowy dress.

Meanwhile, Ryan placed two gentle hands on my neck, drawing me in slowly…

“Stop.” I objected weakly. But Elisa’s fingers were in her box. “Can you move next to Ryan so I can watch what you’re doing while…” I couldn’t finish that sentence.

Elisa glanced at another man’s cock for the first time in forever. I was sure that look she gave me was telling me that I’d promised to make her fantasy come true.

Right or wrong I let him pull my head down to his firm taut cockskin.

He didn’t jam the head in my mouth. That would have been too much – too soon. Instead he was talking to my dear horny wife as she climbed up onto the bench next to him, “I like tender kisses on the side first.” It felt more like he was talking to me even though his eyes were glued to her cleavage.

So what else could I do? I kissed the side of his dick. I stayed away from the fearful head, but also steered clear of his brutish and hairy balls. It was firm, warm, and clean-smelling. Really, not objectionable at all.

Ryan moaned and that set off Elisa, who slouched as she worked herself over. It was fucking incredible: two of her delicate hands were buried in her snatch: doing things I couldn’t even speak aloud.

Her bare shoulders touched his, but I wasn’t jealous at all. All her attention was on me. He meant nothing to her. In fact, I felt like I was her whole world and she was mine.

Ryan’s fingers urged me to move up and down and his dirty monologue with Elisa continued, “I like it when there’s a slow progression from just lips on the side to a hint of tongue with an exploratory attitude.

Who ever heard of an ‘exploratory attitude’ during a BJ? Elisa responded, “Unh huh.” It was a simple agreement but it made me want to, to explore. I felt it with my lips though not really seeing what I was doing because I was so intent on watching the hottest sight in the world.

“What do you like best about sucking Max’s cock, Elisa?” He pushed my lips to his balls as he asked her.

She ignored his question, “I like how you’re guiding him so confidently. Your orbs are caressing his lips.”

They were, in fact, caressing me. And she was saying she liked it. I was watching her rub her clit in response to his balls on my lips. Never in my wildest dreams did it occur to me that THIS is what turned her motor. And never in my wildest dreams did I previously think that I’d see her circling her clit.

But there she was, rubbing one out while drooling over my ball-licking.

Ryan reached for a boob without actually touching her, “Are you sure you don’t want to join Max on the sand?

She slapped his hand playfully and replied, out of breath, “I’m… fine… watching… but maybe…”

I really wanted to know what that ‘maybe’ was.

I didn’t have to wait long. Ryan pushed her, “What do you need gorgeous? Do you want to rub your boobs on his face and my big cock while he sucks it?” He chose that moment to pop the end into my mouth. It was somehow both gross and delicious at the same time.

“Nooo.” She was laughing nervously. But she couldn’t take her eyes off my hollowed cheeks.

Then she got serious, “But maybe you could cum on his face?”

It was Ryan’s turn to get serious, “Aw, baby, I always go deep.” I felt his cock shrink almost imperceptibly. “I don’t know. It’s not the same. It would be — incomplete.”

She turned to begging again, like the other day, “Please, do it for me.”

Ok. But on one condition. I mean, it could ruin today’s experience so the least you guys could do is to make it up to me tomorrow.

“And if we – make it up to you – you’ll do it?”

“Yea, baby. Whatever you want.”

Her back arched as her fingers probed her gash, “We’re in suite 215. Do it! Coat his face!”

She never asked me, just assuming I would go along with it. And seeing her flushed chest and wet fingers, I did. Besides, she was wrong about the room number.

Ryan took his cock from me, jerking it fast and hard, aiming right at my helpless face.

I gawked at her fingers, “Yes! Cum for me!” She said it a bit too loudly for this semi-public place.

I was surprised to feel her foot slide up the inside of my leg to tap my balls. She caressed the area with her foot, knowing that I was turned on. This made her moan yet again.

Her foot was bouncing to the rhythm of her fingers in her snatch.

She never took her eyes off my face. But speaking to our new friend she said, “Ryan, cum on Max.”

I craved seeing her cum as well and it was my turn to beg, “Elisa, cum for me too.”

“I’m there…almost…again. It was a small one. I’m gonna do it again. But I want you to cum too, Max… All three of us.”

Just then from the corner of my eye I witnessed the head of Ryan’s cock spurt a big rope of cum. In my vision it came out in slow motion, flying through the air. It hit me right in the eye, making me squint. I flinched when the next shot hit my upper lip. As he jerked erratically the volleys hit me randomly, coating much of my face in the slime which I was actually permitting just to see Elisa masturbate.

With my one clear eye I watched intently as Elisa was humping her hands, thrusting her hips, and in her excitement, unwittingly slapping my balls a little too hard with her foot. One boob accidentally fell out of her dress which was now hiked up high, showing off her self-pleasuring to both us horny guys.

I humped her foot, holding it tightly to my throbbing cock knowing full well that she could feel me cumming in my underwear. I came from the whole wild scene, but mostly from the sheer sexiness of watching her play with her cunt.

They grunted for another moment before calming down. Slouching further on the bench the two of them put their clothing back in order, while I used my shirt to wipe a huge amount of runny spooge from my face.

Parting ways as we were leaving, I held up her tipsy body as she swayed and stumbled with me back to our room, “Remember, she called to Ryan. Room 215.”

I called back to Ryan myself, “Hey, Ryan! She’s drunk and high.” I was going to let it go at that. Then I added, “It’s room 315.”

Author’s note:

If you liked my story please give it a good rating. Add it to your favorites to read later if you want. Follow me and you’ll see all my stuff.

I try but don’t always succeed in creating a good story. Please add comments so I know what I’m doing well and what to improve on. If you want to talk I’ll answer your friendly comments.

I often attempt to create tension in the main character’s motives. In turn, this often means that characters in the story have flaws and might not even be nice to each other all the time.

I really appreciate polite comments! It’s what motivates me to write more.

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