Evil Frank

A gay story: Evil Frank Ethan took a deep breath and used every bit of courage he could find. His shaking hand knocked on the old trailer door three times. The strong afternoon sun intensified every second he waited. After a minute, the door opened loudly and Evil Frank stood there in all his intimidating massiveness. The man wore a dirty wife beater and ragged, brown cargo shorts, and some worn-out flip flops. His big beer belly and thick, saggy arms shined in the sun. His skin was red, and his arms were covered with cheesy tattoos and a layer of thick hair.

The man stared at Ethan with a threatening grin and analyzed him from top to bottom. Ethan noticed that his face was red and wrinkly, covered with a dirty stubble, but it still carried a strong energy and confidence from when he worked as a Marine.

“What do you need, young man?” asked Frank, with a raspy, slightly irritated tone.

Ethan gulped. His voice sounded thin and shaky when he answered.

“I’m sorry to bother you, sir, but I was wondering if I could help you and clean up your yard.”

Evil Frank looked at Ethan with a strange expression. His eyebrows raised slightly, and his blue eyes suddenly glinted with surprise.

“What do you mean? You need money?”

“N-no, sir. Not at all. I noticed you could use some help… and uh, I want to volunteer to clean it up for you.”

“Why?” asked Frank quickly. He looked at Ethan from top to bottom again.

Ethan lowered his head for two seconds and caught a glimpse of Frank’s famous fat bulge. The soft snake flopped around freely under his shorts. It always flopped around, left and right, every time Evil Frank walked down the street, and it made the women laugh in embarrassment and make comments about his incredible size. How many wives had secretly visited his trailer and had tasted Evil Frank’s Fat Schlong? – That’s what people called it: the Fat Schlong, and every time he used it, the trailer bounced and squeaked and the whole neighborhood knew somebody was getting pounded.

“Sir, I just want to help. Consider it a courtesy for your services, sir,” replied Ethan humbly, but Frank had caught the little glimpse at his crotch.

“A courtesy, huh?” said Frank ironically. He looked around and seemed to think for a minute. “You’re Ryan’s son, right?”

“Yes, sir. Ethan, sir,” answered Ethan while cringing internally. If his father ever knew what he intended to do, that would make the next family reunion very awkward, especially because Frank and his father were longtime enemies.

Frank walked out of the trailer, slightly bumping his big shoulder against Ethan and forcing him to walk back. Frank turned around a few times, inspecting his own yard, then hocked a loogie and spat on the floor. Ethan observed his sweaty back and hairy calves. The man was tall and somehow impressive, even as a burly 50-year-old.

“How old are you?” asked Frank while looking around the empty street.

“Twenty-five, sir,” replied Ethan quickly.

Frank turned around again and walked toward Ethan. He approached Ethan until his face was only a few inches from him. Ethan looked up and gulped again. He realized the man could beat him to a pulp.

“Look, buddy, I know what you want,” said Frank in a lower tone. “But I’m not interested. You’re too young, and your father and I have a history. Go home to your daddy, alright?”

Frank bumped into him again and walked toward the trailer door. Ethan felt the shame all over his body. His face burned with embarrassment, but he knew what he wanted and he would not give up so easily. He was tired of pleasing his father and he was tired of being with chicks – they caused too many problems. He wanted something different.

“Sir, please… I don’t want anything from you. Just let me help you this time,” he begged all of a sudden.

“I don’t need your help, buddy,” barked Frank with a brutish, impatient tone. “Now go away or I’ll knock your teeth out.” He closed the door loudly.

Ethan waited a few minutes under the sun. He took another deep breath and knocked on the door again. He hoped Evil Frank wouldn’t hurt him too much.

He heard some clunky noise inside the trailer and the door opened again. Frank had the most threatening gaze he had ever seen. He felt his legs shake and his butthole twitch in fear.

“Please, sir, please… I just want to serve you,” said Ethan meekly.

Frank stared at him for a whole minute, with a deep eye-to-eye contact. Ethan tried to sustain the contact for a good ten seconds, but slowly gave up and looked down at Frank’s big feet.

“You want to serve me, huh?” mocked Frank all of a sudden. His red face finally turned into a dirty grin, exposing his shiny gold tooth. “I know what you want, buddy. You’re not gonna get it. But if you really want to serve me, well… go ahead. Clean up my fucking yard.”

“T-thank you, sir. Right away, sir,” said Ethan promptly.

“Alright,” Ethan chuckled and pointed his fat finger to the old tires on the floor. “Start by cleaning those tires, and get rid of all that junk. If you do a good job I’ll give you the honor of cleaning my trailer too. How’s that sound?” he mocked openly.

“Sounds fair, sir.”

Frank chuckled in disbelief and burped casually.

“Alright, have fun,” he said, and shut the door again.

Ethan caught another small glimpse of Frank’s bulge before he disappeared. The desperation inside his chest and between his asscheeks was stronger than his self-respect. He would have to work hard to convince Evil Frank of anything. Only a few guys had had the honor of experiencing the Fat Schlong. It was a known fact the bastard preferred women, especially married women with fat tits and tight beavers, but there was a strong rumor Frank had busted a nut inside Garry’s son the previous summer.

Ethan started working on the tires by moving them around and getting rid of the water. He found a cloth lying near the door and used it to remove all the dirt. He then rolled the tires under a shadow and pilled them up. The sun intensified the heat and he felt a drop of sweat run down his forehead. He started collecting all the junk that had accumulated for months around the trailer – bottles, bags, boxes, rusty tools, dismantled car parts – and when he managed to put them all into a big cardboard box, an hour or two had passed.

Frank looked out the window and made a raspy sound of approval. He then gave Ethan a broom and a wet cloth and told him to clean up the ground around the trailer.

“And while you’re at it, clean those windows too,” said Frank casually.

“Yes, sir, right away, sir,” replied Ethan.

“Thanks, buddy.” Frank chuckled. “You’re a cool guy.”

Ethan spent another hour wiping the floor and removing the dust and the dirt from the windows. He also decided to polish the exterior in general, rubbing the cloth up and down the panels and the front door. By the end of it, the whole trailer looked shiny and fresh.

Frank walked outside and inspected the result. He made deep, throaty sounds of approval and tapped Ethan on the back.

“Thanks, bud. That’s a pretty decent job. Come inside and drink some coffee.” The man grabbed Ethan’s shoulder and practically pushed him into the trailer.

A smell of beer and cigars hit Ethan’s nose when he stepped inside. The small kitchen was covered with dirty dishes and boxes of pizza. Beer bottles lay around the floor and on top of the tables. A large TV was turned on in front of a brown leather couch. In the back, Ethan saw a glimpse of a messy bed, and dirty socks and underwear lying on the floor.

“I’ve been lazy lately, so I appreciate some help,” said Frank while shoving a cup of coffee in Ethan’s hand. “My bad knee won’t let me do much.”

They sat on the couch and stared at the TV screen for a while. Ethan felt an intoxicating, masculine scent take hold of him the more he breathed. The whole place reeked of Evil Frank – his beer, his cigars, his hairy armpits and bodily testosterone, and probably his ballsack. The man spread his legs comfortably and burped casually. Ethan couldn’t help but stare at his crotch for a few seconds.

“I know what you want, buddy. You don’t fool me,” noted Frank while staring at the TV.

“Sir?” asked Ethan meekly. He gulped and looked away from Frank’s intimidating bulge. He felt his butthole tingle.

“Clean up some of that mess, will you?” said Frank suddenly, pointing at the kitchen.

“Uhm, yes, sir, of course.”

Ethan collected all the boxes and beer bottles and put them into the trashcan. He used a cloth to clean the surfaces, and started washing the dishes carefully. Frank chuckled at the TV and scratched his balls naturally, as if Ethan wasn’t there. Ethan began to feel overwhelmed with the amount of work he had to do, but if he wanted to convince Frank, he would need to impress him. He found a sponge and started rubbing every inch of Frank’s kitchen.

“Bring me a beer, buddy,” said Frank an hour later.

Ethan obeyed and quickly handed him a beer bottle. The man winked and waved his head toward the bed in the back. Ethan walked into a tight and warm bedroom and collected all the dirty socks and yellow underwear. He noticed an intoxicating smell coming from them. Frank’s briefs and boxers were obviously stretched out by the shape of his Fat Schlong. Ethan made the bed and brought a cloth to clean the dirt on every surface. He also took that opportunity to clean the dirty toilet and organize the junk inside the bathroom.

After a while, Frank walked into the room and inspected the place. He nodded approvingly and chuckled like a proud dad.

“Good job, bud. Come here, sit down,” said Frank as he sat on the bed.

Ethan felt his heart beat faster as he sat next to Evil Frank. The man grabbed his shoulder and patted him a few times.

“Good boy… you’re such a good boy,” he sang playfully. “Now tell me, buddy. What do you want from me?”

“Sir?” Ethan felt his dick tingle and his butthole twitch again.

“Be honest, buddy. You didn’t come here to be a good housewife, did you?” Frank insisted while spreading his legs wide and looking suggestively at his fat bulge.

Ethan took a small breath and felt his heart jump so hard he could not think straight. He knew that he would have to tell the truth somehow.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” asked Frank. “A cute guy like you should be popular with the women.”

“N-no, sir,” replied Ethan carefully. “I had one, but we broke up recently.”

“Oh, how sad… why, buddy?” Frank had a slightly sarcastic tone.

“She… she kinda pissed me off. Girls are trouble, you know…” said Ethan.

“Yeah, I know, buddy, I know. So you wanted to try something new?”

“Y-yes, sir. To be honest, I’ve always been curious… about other things.”

Evil Frank smirked and nodded knowingly. He tapped Ethan on the back again.

“It’s okay, Ethan. I know, I know…” Frank suddenly grabbed his bulge and waved his fat sausage casually, beneath his sweaty cargo shorts. “You want to have a taste of the Fat Schlong, don’t you?” he asked warmly.

Ethan gulped and felt his entire body shake. His own dick started pulsing inside his pants, and he was not able to hide his excitement anymore. He looked down at Frank’s thick bulge and opened his mouth in pure awe of its size. He stared at it like a hungry pup and looked back at Frank and nodded, almost drooling from his mouth.

“Sir…” Ethan whispered. “To be totally honest, I wanted to have more than a taste. I was wondering if… if you could pop my cherry, sir,” he finally confessed.

Frank’s eyes bulged with a trace of surprise and mockery. He grinned and let out a loud, raspy laugh. Ethan noticed the fat snake in his shorts started growing and throbbing, and he found it hard to move his eyes away from it.

“So you’ve never had it up the ass before?” Frank spread his legs wider and waved his hardening cock at Ethan. “And you want Evil Frank to pop your cherry? That’s a pretty bold choice.”

Ethan tried to explain how he felt, but the words came out too fast.

“Yes, sir, it has to be you. You see, I’ve only been with girls so far, but they all talked about you. They… people talk about you and your big cock. They say you have the biggest cock they’ve ever seen, and that you please married women with it, and they worship you and everything… but also… they say you fuck guys too, and… that you give them a…”

Evil Frank nodded with every sentence, amused by his own fame.

“That I give them what?” he encouraged.

“That you…” Ethan stuttered. “That you give them a sloppy pussy.”

The man cackled and tapped Ethan on the back.

“That’s right, buddy. You heard the truth,” he said in Ethan’s ear and grabbed his neck. “And you want to have a sloppy pussy, too?”

“Yes, sir. I can’t stop thinking about it,” confessed Ethan. “I’m not into guys, but I can’t stop thinking about it. I need to have a sloppy pussy, sir.”

Evil Frank looked him in the eye.

“Are you sure?” the man asked seriously. “There’s no turning back, buddy. If you want to play with my big boy here, your little butthole will turn into a loose, sloppy pussy. Is that what you want?”

“Yes, sir, please,” replied Ethan. “I’ve been thinking about it for months. I want to have a sloppy pussy, sir.”

“Well, if that’s what you really want, I can give you a chance. Turn around and show me what you’ve got,” encouraged Frank.

Ethan stood up and hesitated for a second. The shame made his body burn, but he would have to do whatever it took to achieve his dream. He slowly turned around and slightly tilted his butt in the air.

“Let me see it, buddy,” encouraged Frank.

Ethan grabbed his waistband and slowly revealed his naked butt. He looked down in embarrassment as Frank chuckled and let out deep grunts of approval for a whole minute. He felt the man’s eyes on every inch of his buttocks.

“Sweet, very sweet,” said Frank finally. “You have a sweet bum. Spread those cheeks, let me see that little cherry.”

Ethan obeyed and felt the warm air on his virgin hole.

“Very sweet. You have a sweet little pink hole. Give me a little wink, come on…” said Frank warmly. “Fuck, that looks tight. Keep winking, buddy,” the man insisted. “Good, very good. Okay, sit down.” He patted the mattress next to him.

Ethan pulled up his shorts and sat down shakily. His heart beat like a bass drum, but part of him felt proud that Frank seemed to like his butthole.

“That’s a cute hole, buddy. But are you sure you want to get ruined by this?” Frank dropped his cargo shorts in a second, and his gigantic cock jumped out like in a porn movie.

Ethan felt his mouth drop in complete awe. It was even bigger and fatter than what he had imagined. Frank’s cock was monstrous and intimidating – a masculine, veined tool filled with testosterone. It pulsed over his hairy thigh – the head was red and had the shape of a bell, and the foreskin was thick and saggy, and hairy at the base. The shaft had a rubbery texture, both strong and elastic. The long phallus was accompanied by an equally impressive large and heavy nutsack. Ethan tried to calculate the cock’s length, but his mind felt slow and heavy – nine? ten? eleven inches? – it was definitely much longer and fatter than his own average dick. In fact, it was the biggest and manliest cock he had ever seen. Something about it practically demanded respect.

“Have a good look at it,” encouraged Frank, with a lewd grin. “Do you want the Fat Schlong in your little hole? Is that what you really want, pal? Because I’m not gonna go easy on ya. You’re gonna have to take every inch, balls deep, hard and deep. And you bet the size is gonna break that little hole.”

Ethan felt a trace of fear run through his body. Hearing those words made him realize how close he was to turning a fantasy into reality. If he complied, he would never be the same. But what if he regretted it?

Frank squeezed his neck harder and pushed him onto the floor.

“Get on your knees and get a whiff. See if you like it. Come on, get a whiff of my cockhead.” Frank waved his big cock in front of Ethan’s nose, only one inch away from it. The big piss slit had a drop of shiny precum. “Get a whiff, pal. If you like the smell, chances are you were born to take it.”

Ethan opened his nostrils slowly, and timidly inhaled. A strong and masculine musk filled his mind and made his mouth water. The scent was both dirty and tasteful, like a strange aphrodisiac from a distant land. It touched something deep inside him and made his brain slow down comfortably.

“That’s it. Sniff my cock stink. Good boy,” sang Frank. “Now sniff my balls. Come on, don’t be shy,” Frank lifted his cock and exposed his saggy nutsack. His low-hanging balls were robust like two large chicken eggs, resting between his hairy thighs.

Ethan felt the heat coming from them, only an inch away from his nostrils. They had an oppressive, toxic scent of masculinity. It made his stomach turn and his butthole twitch at the same time.

“Do you like that smell?” Frank chuckled. “Cause if you do, that means you’re in heat. Tell me, princess. Do you like my scent?”

Ethan nodded timidly with his head down. “Yes, sir,” he whispered.

Frank cackled and tapped Ethan’s head. “Okay then. We have a deal.” The man stood up and opened a drawer, and picked up a bottle of something. He waved it in front of Ethan’s face and gave it to him. The bottle said “Hair Removal Cream”.

“Go home and take a long shower. Use that on your butt until it’s smooth and hairless. Douche your butt properly… make it squeaky clean for me. Tomorrow, you better show up wearing some cute panties. I don’t care where you find them. If you still wanna get dicked down, you better be clean, hairless and wearing panties. Now go home and think about your life choices.”

Ethan left the trailer with a red face and a throbbing heart. That night, images of Frank’s cock assaulted his mind, and two pair of hairy balls bounced in front of him. He silently touched himself under the sheets, stimulating his pulsing member until he was almost over the edge, and then he fell asleep.

The next day, Ethan took a long, steaming shower and shaved his body. He felt the smooth texture on his defined chest and flat belly, and realized his skin looked better without any hair. He used Frank’s bottle on his buttcrack and on his pelvis and testicles, until his parts were perfectly hairless. He douched his butthole for a long time, inserting some of the water inside and allowing it to clean the depths of his virgin walls.

He walked into the bedroom and applied a moisturizing lotion all over his body, using special amounts over his buttocks and around his ring. It gave him a sweet smell of flowers and peanuts. Then, he opened a drawer and found the pink cotton panties his ex-girlfriend had left behind – they still carried a soft pussy aroma. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was right to wear them. If he refused to wear panties, Frank would have a reason to reject him. He let the desire take control of his mind and felt the fabric on his leg. He noticed how they made his buttcheeks look hotter. His soft dick created a funny tent in the front.

He wore a regular tank top and khaki shorts, and walked the way to Frank’s trailer. The panties slowly stuck into his crack with every step, making his butthole tickle. By the time he knocked on the trailer door, the tickling had turned into a strong itch.

He waited in silence for a few minutes. He heard the TV inside the trailer, and finally wondered if Frank had tricked him. He felt his face blush and he took a deep breath, before he gathered the courage to knock again.

The door finally opened and Frank stood there with a threatening look. Then, his face turned into an evil grin and he scratched his balls casually. He wore the same sweaty wife beater and some dirty cargo shorts. Ethan felt a smell of beer and testosterone invade his nostrils.

“Good afternoon, sir,” said Ethan nervously.

“Good afternoon, buddy,” said Frank with a playful tone. “I thought you would chicken out. Did you follow my instructions?”

“Yes, sir, I did,” replied Ethan, looking down at Frank’s feet.

“So you’re ready for a permanent change?” asked Frank.

“Y-yes, sir, I think I’m ready,” whispered Ethan.

“Come in and serve me,” said Frank casually.

Frank spread his legs on the couch and kept watching TV while Ethan washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. The panties kept rubbing Ethan’s pucker and increasing the itch. He felt a desperate need to take them off and scratch his hole, but he controlled himself and made a ham sandwich for Frank, and handed him another beer.

“Thanks. Now be a good boy and prepare our bed.” Frank took a bite and smirked. “Stay there and wait for me.”

As Ethan cleaned the bedroom and made the bed, he felt the itch deep inside him, getting stronger and stronger, begging to be scratched. He distracted himself by cleaning the toilet and the sink, but at some point the sensation was so irritating he sat on the bed and moved his hips back and forth, rubbing his butt on the mattress.

Frank appeared some time later and caught Ethan wiggling and moaning.

“Wow, I didn’t know you were that excited,” Frank laughed.

“Sir… I… I have an itch in my butt,” said Ethan.

“I can take care of that,” said Frank. He sat down and spread his legs. “Turn around and let me see those panties.”

Ethan stood in front of Frank and shyly lowered his shorts to his knees. He then tilted his butt a little to make it look more plump. Frank made a throaty sound of satisfaction and Ethan felt the man’s thick hands on his waist, pulling him closer between his spread thighs.

“Aw, you look so cute, princess,” sang Frank. His hands ran over Ethan’s buttcheeks and squeezed them roughly. “And what’s that? You smell just like a girl.” He touched the panties with his big nose and sniffed. “I smell pussy… fuck… you smell so good.”

Frank pulled and stretched the fabric to the side, exposing Ethan’s butthole and rubbing his fat middle finger over Ethan’s pucker. Ethan felt an immediate relief when the rough skin ran across his moist ring and slowly rubbed the itch. He moaned and twitched against Frank’s finger.

“Is that better?” asked Frank while making circular movements around Ethan’s pucker. “Does that alleviate your little itch?”

“Y-yes, sir… but it’s deep inside,” confessed Ethan.

Frank let out a dirty laugh and hocked a big loogie. Ethan felt the hot saliva fall onto his pucker, and Frank’s fat finger added more pressure and rubbed him and made him twitch uncontrollably.

“That’s it, pussyboy, relax that hole and get ready… I’m gonna rub your little itch with my Fat Schlong. Don’t worry, buddy. I’ll take care of your little itch.” Frank rubbed Ethan’s pucker faster and squeezed his asscheeks roughly. “Now help me get ready for you, princess. Get on your fucking knees.”

Ethan felt the man’s hands on his waist again, forcing him to turn around and fall to his knees. He could sense the warmth between Frank’s thick thighs, and the masculine musk coming from the man’s crotch. Frank lowered his cargo shorts quickly and his cock jumped out threateningly, throbbing and growing and becoming harder and harder. Ethan’s mouth opened in pure awe again. His mind felt heavier all of a sudden, and he slowly accepted his fate as the big phallus danced a few inches from his face.

“Take a big sniff,” commanded Frank. “Come on, sniff that cock stink. It’s gonna help you get in the right mood,” he explained.

Ethan promptly obeyed and let the smell invade his nose and take control of his brain. The intoxicating fumes made his arms and legs shake and his mouth water and his wet hole twitch. That dirty, manly scent made him moan like a bitch in heat.

“That’s it, sniff that cock, princess. Sniff the Fat Schlong. Are you ready to be my bitch, huh?” Frank smacked him in the face.

Ethan whined in shock and lowered his head.

“Hey! Look up here!” commanded Frank with a deep, threatening tone.

Ethan looked up and Frank hit him in the face with his hard cock – several loud slaps.

“Are you ready to be my bitch, faggot?” sang Frank.

“Yes, sir,” moaned Ethan.

“Then kiss my balls, bitch,” commanded Frank.

Ethan looked at the big pair of saggy low-hangers and gulped. He couldn’t believe what he was doing. He was about to kiss a man’s balls, and he knew there was no turning back. If he kissed those balls, he would never be “straight” again. His butthole twitched uncontrollably.

Frank’s hot ballsack had a strong, manly taste. It spread on Ethan’s tongue and made his mouth water. Ethan tried to lie to himself and think “this is just some sweaty ballsack,” but his subconscious knew that was not true. Deep down, he realized Frank’s balls had the awesome taste of a real man. He kissed, sucked and slurped the fat chicken eggs, and heard Frank grunt and chuckle in pleasure.

“Yeah, suck on my balls, faggot. That’s what you wanted, right?” Frank grinned.

Ethan nodded and a tear left his eye. He looked up at Frank and admitted his deep lust by sucking all the sweat from the man’s balls. Frank cockslapped him again and let the monster rest on his head.

“That’s it, you slut. Be thankful I’m giving you what you need,” said Frank. “You knock on my door begging for cock and I give it to you. What do you say, slut?”

“Thank you, sir!” said Ethan. He rubbed the ballsack carefully with his drooling tongue. “Thank you! Thank you!”

“Yeah, you little whore. That’s it. You’re nothing but a slut.” Frank grabbed Ethan’s hair and shoved his cock into his open mouth. “Now lubricate my prick. Prepare my cock for your little pussy,” he mocked openly.

The fat cockhead stretched Ethan’s mouth and throbbed on his lips. Ethan felt a drop of thick precum on his tongue and a salty flavor of big cock possessed him. Frank thrust his hips forward and pulled Ethan’s head against him, forcing another few inches into his mouth. The Fat Schlong hit the back of Ethan’s throat and he choked and drooled uncontrollably. That superior phallus was simply too long and too thick for his mouth, and he could only swallow one third of it. It stretched his jaw and made him lose his breath.

“That’s it. Taste it, taste it,” encouraged Frank. “Take that fucking dick, bitch.” He started to pound fast.

Ethan drooled and choked and tried to breathe as Frank’s cockhead knocked his throat repeatedly. He felt a warm sensation on his chin and suddenly noticed Frank’s low hanging nuts were smacking him with every thrust. His face burned in shame.

Frank’s cock came out of his mouth with a wet “pop”, throbbing and shining with a large amount of saliva. The thick foreskin and the large veins on the shaft looked even bigger now.

“Quick, lie on your stomach,” said Frank.

The man grabbed Ethan’s arms and practically threw him onto the bed. Ethan fell with his face against the mattress and sensed a manly aroma on the white sheets. He lay flat on his stomach and tilted his butt in the air for easier access. Frank grabbed his waist with both hands and pulled the panties to the side again. Frank removed his wife beater, revealing a large, hairy chest and an intimidating beer belly that fell over Ethan’s back and pinned him against the mattress.

Frank’s cockhead pointed at Ethan’s buttcrack and knocked on his hole. Ethan suddenly felt the pressure and the thickness of that monster and twitched in fear. The fear took hold of him and he suddenly regretted being in that position. But now it was too late – Frank grunted and panted on top of him like a wild beast, ready to breed. Ethan whined in panic.

“Let me in, pussy,” provoked Frank.

The cockhead pressed hard against Ethan’s pucker. Ethan twitched and tried to resist for a moment; his ring tightened as a natural reflex and tried to stop the invasion, but Frank laughed and added more pressure.

Frank slapped his buttcheek and suddenly his legs started shaking again and he couldn’t resist anymore. His hole gave in and slowly relaxed and he felt a strange pain, as the head drilled into him.

“Fuck, that’s tight,” said Frank while his hairy belly lay against Ethan’s back. “Let me rub that little itch. Come on, relax, buddy.”

“Ow! Sir, it’s too big!” said Ethan.

“I know, buddy, I know,” Frank chuckled. “Good luck to you. Now let me in,” he said and shoved another inch into Ethan. “Let me scratch your little itch, princess.”

“Ow! Ow! Ow!” whined Ethan.

The itch was slowly replaced by a funny pain. Ethan tried to breathe as Frank plunged deep into him. His mouth opened in shock and awe of the sensation. “It’s happening,” he thought, “I can’t believe it’s happening… it’s entering me… it’s stretching me…”

“Relax your anus, buddy. Come on. Relax that anus for me. Take my dick like a champ. Come on. Take it all the way,” sang Frank in his ear.

“Fuck, it’s so big!” observed Ethan.

“Yep, I know,” said Frank. “Please relax your anus, bud.”

“I’m trying!” whined Ethan with half of Frank’s cock up his bum.

“I want you to do something for me,” said Frank. “I’m gonna count to three and you’re gonna push out for me, okay buddy?”

“O-okay, sir.” Ethan felt puzzled.

“Good boy.” Frank patted Ethan on the head and spread his big legs wider. “Ready? Here we go… Three, two, one… push!”

“Aaah!” Ethan whined and pushed out with all his remaining strength.

To his absolute surprise, Frank’s cock plunged smoothly into his butt, deliciously balls-deep. He couldn’t believe it.

“Good job, buddy!” shouted Frank proudly.

“Thank you, sir!” replied Ethan with tears in his eyes.

Frank started thrusting into him slowly, pulling his cock out until only the head was inside, and plunging it all the way in again. Ethan moaned with every thrust – the pressure was mindblowing.

“That’s it, accept my big boy,” said Frank. “Accept my big boy in your little pussy. Come on, make room for me, princess.”

Frank increased the velocity minute by minute, and before Ethan could protest, he was being powerfucked. Frank choked him with one thick arm and bounced up and down, drilling into his hole. The bed squeaked lewdly and the trailer started shaking.

Ethan knew the neighbors would notice – they would know somebody was getting pounded by Evil Frank again. He felt his face blush and the sex became louder and louder. Frank grunted and roared like a wild bear and fucked harder. The entire trailer squeaked.

“Take it! Take it!” the man shouted.

Ethan felt his anal walls give in and accommodate Frank slowly. The strange pain was numbed by an incredible pleasure inside him. The itch was finally disappearing and turning into a new sensation.

“Do you feel that, princess?” said Frank in his ear. “Do you feel that little spot inside you? That’s your bitch button.”

Ethan could feel it. Frank’s cock was punching and massaging a little spot inside him that made him feel so good… it was difficult to comprehend. His legs felt warm and weak and his pucker started to spasm around Frank’s shaft. His own dick throbbed against his panties and jumped out, rubbing against the mattress with every thrust.

“Oh, fuck! Sir, I’m gonna cum,” confessed Ethan.

“Yeah, give up, princess,” said Frank. “You can cum all you want, but Daddy’s gonna pound you for hours.”

“Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck…” cried Ethan.

Ethan’s dick spurted pathetically against his will, prompting his hole to twitch hard around Frank’s cock several times. The man grunted in his ear and smacked his face.

“You naughty slut,” he chuckled and kept pounding nonstop.

The trailer squeaked faster and louder with the savage sex. Frank turned Ethan around and placed Ethan’s ankles over his big shoulders, almost folding Ethan’s body in half, and fucked him missionary style.

Ethan observed Frank’s sweaty, hairy torso on top of him, and noticed how strong and potent that man was. He also realized his butthole would never be the same. That savage fuck could never be stopped – Frank panted and roared on top of him like a sex maniac.

“That’s it, buddy, take it! Make room for my big boy,” sang Frank lewdly. “I can feel your little ring giving in. Soon you will be a sloppy pussy for my cock,” he grinned.

Frank looked down at Ethan’s wet, soft penis and flicked it a few times, and then hid it behind the pink panties. Ethan felt strangely glad about it. His defeated manhood formed a cute, pink tent as Frank’s thick, girthy beast abused his new pussy.

“Good girl… good girl…” Frank whispered.

Ethan’s butthole started making funny, wet noises – little loose sounds. Flop, flop, flop. Frank hocked a loogie and spat on his entrance, and started pounding even faster and harder. Ethan’s mouth opened in surprise. His loose hole made louder and dirtier sounds. Flop, flop, flop. Frank winked at him with a filthy grin, and kept stretching his ass without a trace of mercy.

“Oops, I think I broke your cunt,” said Frank.

Ethan teared up and moaned desperately. He slowly admired Frank as the man fucked him with all the swagger in the world.

“Look at it, princess. Look at that giant cock,” said Frank while his fat shaft jumped in and out smoothly. “You love that big bastard, don’t you?”

“I love it, sir!” cried Ethan.

Frank approached his ear and whispered.

“Then get ready for a brutal fuck,” he chuckled.

Ethan whined like a bitch in heat. Frank nodded approvingly, and started fucking him with a new energy – not just fucking, but really abusing his hole with heavy, thunderous thrusts. Ethan thought the bed would break and the trailer would fall apart. His new sloppy pussy made the most ridiculous sounds.

“Fuuuck yeah,” Frank roared. “Take it, take it, take it!”

Frank fucked Ethan until he couldn’t breathe anymore. The incredibly intense heat of the afternoon made their bodies shine with sweat. The room was filled with the strong scents of Frank’s balls and his hairy armpits. Ethan was drowned in that smell, as Frank fucked him for hours and hours.

“Who’s your new daddy, huh?” asked Frank all of a sudden. “Tell me, princess, who’s your new daddy?”

“You, sir!” moaned Ethan.

“I’m your new daddy?”

“Yes, sir! You’re my new daddy!”

“Good girl!” Frank roared and finally achieved a long and delicious orgasm.

The steaming spunk inundated Ethan’s pussy in a powerful flood. Frank had a big, cocky smile of intense satisfaction, and slowly pulled out with a humiliating “plop”. The man observed Ethan’s pussy for a minute, apparently proud of his work. Ethan had tears in his eyes. He felt an immediate emptiness inside him, a longing for more. But Frank quickly got off the bed and walked into the bathroom.

“Clean up your mess and get out,” said Frank casually. “Come back tomorrow. If you want a total sloppy pussy, we need to work on it two more times,” he noted.

Ethan dressed up and cleaned the sheets carefully, while Frank took a loud piss in the toilet. He reluctantly left the trailer and felt the warm afternoon wind on his face.

He had a funny walk as he made his way back home. His legs were shaky and weak, and his sloppy pussy throbbed uncomfortably, forcing him to walk carefully. His mind was fuzzy. He thought he heard a few neighbors laugh in the distance – he was not sure. He knew that everybody could hear Frank’s trailer shaking, so he tried his best to walk normally and not raise suspicions.

He ran into the house and went upstairs. He locked the bedroom door and quickly undressed in front of the mirror. The panties dropped to his ankles and he spread his buttcheeks slowly and finally saw the state of his new pussy. His loose hole suddenly released a large blob of white, creamy semen that fell on the floor with a loud bang. His butthole was nothing but a puffy, gaping gash.

The next day, Ethan looked at it again and felt some hope – it had closed a little, and it would continue to close if he gave it time to heal… but Frank had made it clear he wanted more – two more times. What if Ethan said no? Would Frank be upset? The thought of disappointing Frank made Ethan run to the bathroom and prepare himself again. He took a long shower and carefully cleaned his pussy for round two. He could never disappoint Frank! He quietly realized there was nothing hotter than making Frank feel good. He giggled to himself, shocked by his own sluttiness.

In the afternoon, he knocked on the trailer door again. Frank laughed and burped in his face.

“Back for more, princess?” he laughed. “Come in, sweetheart. Daddy was just thinking about you.”

Ethan served Frank as the man watched the game. He made scrambled eggs and bacon for him, and waited patiently. Frank pointed to his feet and wiggled his long toes.

“Give me a foot rub, princess,” he ordered.

Ethan blushed and fell to his knees. He massaged Frank’s big dogs until the man finished eating and watching the game. Frank suddenly let out a sound of satisfaction and grinned at him suggestively.

“Ready for round two?”

“Yes, sir, I can’t wait,” admitted Ethan.

“Good girl,” said Frank warmly. “Thanks for serving me. I feel strong and energized today. I’m ready to pound you all night long.”

Ethan gulped nervously.

“Y-you’re welcome, sir.”

“Get up! Let’s go,” said Frank. He smacked Ethan’s butt and pushed him into the bedroom.

Frank undressed and lay comfortably on the bed – he spread his huge, hairy, vulgar body all over the mattress, like a sweaty wild bear.

“Let me see that pussy. Come on, sit on my lap,” he commanded.

Ethan removed his clothes quickly and jumped onto the bed. He spread his legs on top of Frank and tilted his butt in the air for him. The thick hair on Frank’s legs touched his hairless body and made him tingle. Frank pulled his panties to the side and smacked his buttcheeks.

“I see we still have work to do,” noted Frank. “Come on, sit on my cock. Let’s teach that hole a lesson.”

Frank hocked a loogie and massaged Ethan’s hole for a moment. Ethan felt the man’s strong hands on his waist, guiding him, forcing him to sit down. The fat cockhead pointed directly at his entrance and throbbed threateningly. Ethan took a deep breath and sat down as instructed.

“Push out, princess. Yeah, that’s it. Push out for me,” provoked Frank. “Yep, that’s it. Sit on Daddy’s pole and prepare for a long dicking.”

“Ow! Fuck, it’s so big, sir,” cried Ethan.

“I know, baby, I know! Aw, poor you!” sang Frank. He held Ethan’s waist strongly with both hands and thrust his hips upward, and started pounding mercilessly. “Take it, princess!”

“Oh, fuck… fuck me… ow, ow, ow,” whined Ethan.

“Yeah, take it, take it, take it!” shouted Frank.

Frank’s cock was shoved balls-deep into Ethan’s pussy in a matter of minutes. Ethan fell onto the man’s hairy chest and started moaning desperately. Frank chuckled and pounded his pussy for hours, making the bed squeak and the trailer shake absurdly. Ethan’s pussy started making funny, loose sounds again. Flop, flop, flop.

“Do you hear that, buttercup? That’s your pussy singing!” said Frank with a nasty grin.

Frank lowered his head in shame and Frank laughed warmly.

“Aw, don’t be shy, pussycat,” sang Frank in his ear. “Be proud of your sloppy pussy. Come on, tell me, tell Daddy you love your sloppy pussy,” he whispered and smacked Ethan’s buttcheeks a few times. “Come on, bitch, say it!”

“I love my sloppy pussy…” whispered Ethan.

“Louder!” shouted Frank.

“I love my sloppy pussy! I love my sloppy pussy!” cried Ethan loudly.

“Yeeeah! That’s my princess!” said Frank proudly.

Frank fucked Ethan until the sky was dark, and busted another fat nut inside him. Ethan left the trailer almost crawling – the energy had been drained from his legs and his sloppy hole twitched uncontrollably. A few neighbors looked through the windows and laughed at him. Thankfully, it was dark enough so he could hide his face and not be recognized.

Ethan spread his buttcheeks in front of the bedroom mirror again, and Frank’s spunk came out and hit the floor. He observed the new state of his open gash – it was puffier, wider and looser than before, but somehow that sight made his dick twitch, as he stared at the erotic shape. Frank had said before he left: “One more time, princess. One more time and your sloppy pussy is finished.”

That night, Ethan had intense dreams of Frank’s cock and balls, and Frank’s strong, hairy arms and fat, hairy thighs. His mind was assaulted with vulgar nightmares of rough anal sex and Frank’s cocky smile. In the future, Ethan would realize his mind was going through a process. It was not only his hole that was changing, but his entire sexuality.

He woke up the next morning and listened to some classical music. He felt strangely peaceful – an unexplainable sense of duty. He wanted to serve and worship. He began to find meaning in servitude.

In the afternoon, he served Frank eagerly and rubbed his feet. He cleaned up the entire trailer and cooked for him. Frank whistled happily and smirked at him several times, making his heart melt a little.

“Good girl… you’re a very good girl,” repeated Frank.

Ethan blushed and tried to hide his desire to serve and worship more, but Frank could see it in his eyes. The man chuckled and dropped his cargo shorts, revealing a throbbing erection.

“Sniff my sausage,” commanded Frank.

Ethan fell to his knees and inhaled the exquisite cock scent. He felt his mind slowly drift away and enter a state of burning desire. He felt the fire inside him.

“Now worship my nuts. Come on, give my sweaty balls the respect they deserve,” said Frank.

Ethan obeyed again and kissed Frank’s balls quietly. He took the large nuts into his mouth and washed them with his tongue. He sucked and gagged on Frank’s veiny shaft and made the man grunt.

“Fuck, you’re getting good at sucking cock.” Frank grunted and fucked Ethan’s face for a while. “You’re making me super horny for that sloppy pussy.”

Frank manhandled Ethan and threw him on the couch. Ethan fell on his hands and knees and Frank grabbed him from behind, pulled the panties to the side and invaded him easily. This time, Frank’s cock slipped in comfortably and stayed there, punching and rubbing his bitch button and making him spurt uncontrollably again. The sloppy pussy sang louder and louder. Frank winked and fucked him balls-deep, reshaping him more and more.

“You have no idea how great that feels on my cock,” said Frank.

The evening came and Ethan felt exhausted, but Frank wasn’t done with him yet. The man sat comfortably on the couch and tapped his big thigh.

“Come on, sit down on that pole, we’re not done yet,” he ordered.

“Y-yes, sir,” Ethan panted.

“Yeah, that’s it. Now jump on it. Massage my fucking cock with your new pussy.” Frank laughed.

Ethan obeyed and fucked himself up and down on Frank’s pole, as the man watched TV. They stayed in that position for many hours, and Ethan was only allowed to stop to bring Frank a beer or make him a sandwich.

“Sir, my pussy is so tired!” complained Ethan while he jumped exhaustingly.

“That’s part of the process, sweetheart.” Frank smacked Ethan’s bouncing buttcheeks. “Keep jumping up and down on that fat pole. Come on, kitty, keep wrecking that pussy on my big boy.”

Ethan cried in pleasure and obeyed.

At midnight, Frank finally exploded in a big and proud orgasm and slapped Ethan’s buttcheeks hard until they were all red.

“Fuck yeah, good girl!” he shouted. “That was amazing… for me, at least,” he chuckled. “Now let’s see your new sloppy pussy.”

Frank grabbed Ethan and practically dragged him into the bedroom like a ragdoll. Ethan’s legs were entirely weak and shaky at that point, and his mind was lost in a confused trance. Frank placed him in front of the mirror and kissed his shoulder.

“Come on, baby. Spread those cheeks and let me see the result,” said Frank warmly. He held Ethan in his arms as Ethan timidly exposed his hole. “Look at your new pussy! This is what you wanted, right?” asked Frank.

Ethan opened his mouth in awe. His pussy was completely destroyed: a puffy, wide and sloppy hole that leaked large amounts of thick semen. He tried to close it, but it was no longer possible. It stayed wide open and begging for more. He looked at Frank with a confused expression and the man smirked at him.

“Do you like it, princess?” asked Frank with a lewd grin.

Ethan looked down at his ruined pussy again. His dick twitched and he spurted in a pathetic orgasm.

“I guess that answers the question,” said Frank proudly. He smacked Ethan again. “Now don’t be shy and come back whenever you need more stretching,” he suggested.

“Uh… t-thank you, sir, thank you so much,” mumbled Ethan.

“You’re welcome!” Frank let out a potent laugh. “Now why don’t you stay for the night? I want more pussy!” he suggested.

Ethan felt Frank’s cock throb against his soft thigh. The man grabbed his shoulders and suddenly threw him onto the bed. He fell flat on his stomach – his legs spread and his pussy exposed. Frank lay on top of him and crushed him with his incredible weight, and fucked him all night long. Ethan wasn’t sure when it all stopped, but he knew one thing: the neighbors could not sleep that night with all that lewd squeaking.

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