Fateful Encounter, Introduction by markerss


A gay adult story: Fateful Encounter, Introduction by markerss ,

I was naive, young, vulnerable and I never would have thought it would happen, but it did and this encounter has stuck with me for a very long time. I have mixed feelings about what happened, and it has shaped me, I feel, even though I continue to suppress

What happened in this story, I feel has in a way shaped me, and when I find myself remembering what happened in my first year of high schools, and my thoughts drift back to when it all took place, I end up wishing in a weird way that I could somehow go back and relive it.

Like I said, it all took place when I was in my first year of high school, and like everyone, I was trying to find myself, trying to find my place. It was a big school and like many, I was soon skipping classes to hang out with my friends at this local game room that was just down the street from school.

I was enjoying not going to class, and because I was spending so much time up at the game room, hanging out with friends, it didn’t take long before this older guy, that I thought worked there, started to notice me, and over time we became friends.

He went by John, and because he was really friendly and gave me a lot of attention, I was unsuspecting. John had dark skin and dark hair, not really taller than me, and he was probably twice my age. Over time, I found out he was actually the owner of the game room, and it only made sense because there were other younger guys that worked there that seemed to take instructions from him.

Any ways, there were lot of students that liked hanging out up at the game room during the day and sometimes, even into the night and on weekends. It was just call the game room, but as you first walked in, it was a record shop at the front, but as you got further into the shop, there were pinball machines that lined the walls, toward the back, along with other video games, and foosball tables in the middle.

At first, I really didn’t take notice of John, but I’m sure he must have been watching me, noticing how much time I was spending up there. He was very friendly and at first, our interactions were very innocent, and our conversations were nothing more than a casual, “Hello,” as I entered the game room or whenever I asked for change, it was nice.

Over the next few weeks and months, we were becoming very good friends, and I think at some point, John must have decided to see if he could entice me to have a relationship with him. I was so naïve, I had no idea he was gay, I actually thought he was just being friendly, however his desire to be with me, would soon become apparent.

As our friendship grew, he started giving me free games on the pinball machines and even ended up nonchalantly asking me to go out for breakfast and lunch with him. I was leery at first when he suggested we go out for breakfast, very reluctant, but eventually he was able to convince me it would be okay.

I really liked all the attention he was giving me, I looked forward to seeing him, especially now that he was asking me to go out for breakfast or lunch, which had become more and more frequent.

I was continuing to skip classes to hang out at the game room, which was an everyday thing, and whenever John had me go out for breakfast or lunch, our conversations were very innocent, at least it seemed that way on the surface. However, when I think back, I’m sure he was always looking for an opening, wanting to find out if he could get me to sleep with him.

However, this one particular day that stands out, one that when I think back was a turning point in our friendly relationship. It was one of those days when we were out for breakfast one day, and our simple conversation turned to one about sex and girls.

I naively didn’t think anything of it when John asked, “Have you ever been with a girl?”

Yea, I had been with several girls, but I had not gone all the way yet, and trying to act cool, not wanting to let on, I enthusiastically said,”Yea.”

It made him smile, and when we started talking about what hair color we liked, and what kind of boobs, and asses, etc., we jokingly laughed a little. However, John then happened to ask me, “When was the last time you had sex?

I paused, naively wondering why he would ask, but feeling it was okay, I accidentally let it slip that I had never actually had sex.

At first, he seemed shocked a little but then asked, “Why not?”

I didn’t know how to respond and after a few seconds John continued by saying, “Maybe you like guys.”

It was what he was wanting to lead to, but after I quickly snapped back telling him, “No, I like girls, not guys!” John smiled slyly.

He then pressed the issue and wanting to know more he asked, “Then why haven’t you done it yet?”

After another pause, I told him I just hadn’t had the chance, and feeling a little embarrassed, I didn’t look at him. This was the point where our conversation started to take a turn, and after a moment he asked, “Do you ever find guys attractive?”

This line of conversation made me really uncomfortable, “Why would he be asking me this,” I thought, and without hesitation I said, “No.”

Looking up and seeing John looking at me, smiling, I tried to tell myself, “It’s okay.”

However, John continued the questioning by saying, “So, you mean that when you’re watching a movie and there’s a guy in it, you never say to yourself, he’s good looking.”

Again, I snapped saying, “No, I never think that way.”

Yea, I probably had, but seeing the topic was making me uncomfortable, John chuckled and quickly calmed me down by saying, Don’t worry,” agreeing that he knew I only like girls.

Our conversation went silent for a minute but then seemed to return to a more innocent one again, but it was about to take yet another turn. John needed to keep this going, because he sensed there might be an opportunity, but seeing my concern, John asked, “Are you ok?”

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