Father Paul


A gay story: Father Paul All participants are over 18

I grew up in a catholic family, we attended church every Sunday, I went to a catholic school, I was taught by nuns and the parish Priest took our confession once a month. I spent many days in the church, our priest Father Robert was an elderly man who was ready to retire. The year I finished school they retired Father Robert and Father Paul took over.

He was a young man in his late twenties, he looked so young, being used to Father Robert with his grey hair and wrinkles it was really nice to have a priest who was more our own age. I got the job as accountant because of how good I was with numbers for the church and worked closely with Father Paul on a daily basis. Pretty sure I could say he and I were friends, maybe even best friends.

Father Paul was a handsome man, no facial hair that maybe made him look so young, he was six foot two, well built he worked out in the rectory basement daily. After a month or so I started to work out with him, he and I talked about everything and anything. His views were mostly open minded, but he did have some that I did not agree with.

His views on homosexuality was the biggest one, I was a nineteen year old closeted gay man, I would say fag but I found that so derogatory, like I was somehow lower than other people. Was I attracted to Father Paul it would be a lie if I said no, but I kept my boundaries with him. Even working out with him I never showered at the rectory, I could not get naked in the priests house.

To say I was a tad uptight would be the understatement of the year, I would go home and shower and of course masturbate thinking of some of the things I had seen Father Paul doing while he worked out. I was nineteen, considered attractive by most, well my Mom thought I was pure perfection one of the most handsome men she had ever seen.

Father Paul came in my office the one day and sat back and stared at me, he was such a handsome man with his black clothing and his white collar, I call it a collar cause it looks like a collar to me. He sat there not saying a word and he did this often, like he came into my office to reflect, to be able to think and not be interrupted.

He got up and shut my office door.

“Billy can we talk? I need to ask you some questions, some really personal questions actually.”

“Father you know you can ask me anything and I will tell you the truth.”

“Not sure you will be totally honest with me on this Billy.”

I sat there and stared at him, what could he possibly want to ask me, that I would not be honest about with him.

“Billy there is talk in the church about you actually, some of your previous classmates are saying things about you and wondering why you are working here in the church if it is true.”

I knew it could be only one thing, my fellow classmates loved to call me many nasty names and yes they all had to do with my sexual preferences. I hated the names they called me and the taunting grabbing their crotches and asking if I wanted to suck their penises.

“Billy are you a homosexual?”

“Father you know I will not lie to you, yes I believe I am a homosexual, not openly but I am more attracted to the male form than any and all women. I am sorry Father I should have told you before I started working for you.”

I started to cry cause I knew my life from this moment on would change and not for the better in my eyes, I was happy in the closet being friends with Father Paul. I knew our work out sessions would end and they would probably fire me. Father Paul sat there and stared at me, he did not say a word he just stared at me and I could not stop crying.

“Billy you could have told me, I do not see you any different than I did before, you and I are friends and this does not change how I feel one bit.”

He got up and pulled me out of my chair and held me to his body, this man’s chest was incredible, Father Paul’s workout were ten times harder than my own. I only tried to tighten things up he worked to get a muscular body, ripped abs, tight pecs, massive arms and legs. Try as I might I could not get my cock to stay soft.

He let me go and I quickly sat in my chair and pulled it in so my desk would hide my erection.

“Billy I am pretty sure this reaction you just had to me holding you is very normal, it also made my own cock react to having your body so close to mine.”

My eyes went down to his bulge in his pants, the man had a huge cock by the looks of it, it snaked down his trousers half way to his knee cap. I could not stop looking at it, my mouth watered, my hand went to my own cock trapped in my dress pants. Father Paul took a seat and tried to cover up his rock hard cock.

We sat and talked about all kinds of things, things that would help us both lose our erections, once soft again he got up and stood at my desk, he looked me in the eyes and asked if I would still be coming over to work out tonight, he had some new routines that I would find helpful in my quest for a better tighter body.

I always put on my work out gear in my office, tee shirt loose shorts, socks and runners, the first time I went to the rectory to work out with him he gave me this odd look like why was I already in my gear when I could change in his home. I went over and he was already bench pressing the weight he would lift.

“Billy glad your here, I think you and I should have started by taking measurements, see how much progress we are both making as we go along.”

“Father I would prefer not to take my clothes off in front of you.”

“Billy it’s just your shirt, come on, I promise I won’t touch you. Please Billy can you at least take off your shirt for me please?”

Like I could say no to this man, I pulled my tee over my head and stood there shirtless, hands trying to cover up my nipples. He had the tape measure ready and told me to lift my arms over my head, my nipples would be fully exposed if I did that. He wrapped his arms around me, his warm breath on my neck as he was so close to me right now. He took the measurements and wrote it all down, he did my chest my mid section, my waist, my thighs and calves. His touch was so soft and gentle, I wanted to feel his whole hand on my body, caressing me touching me, holding my erect penis.

Once done I wanted to put my shirt back on but he handed me the tape measure and pulled his shirt off. I never imagined his body could be so incredibly hot, a chiselled chest with perky nipples his upper chest covered in hair and a treasure trail that went to his navel down to inside his waistband. I stood there the tape in my hand and my cock reacting to his perfect body.

I did not realize but my mouth was wide open, he ran his hand over his chest and I so wished it was my own hand touching his perfect body. He lifted his arms and I walked up closer to him, I was so close to him right now, his cheek almost on my own, I wrapped my arms around his chest to get the tape around, his scent alone was incredible. I did not realize but I took in a deep whiff as I got close to his hairy armpits.

He leaned in and smelled himself, I have never been so red faced in my entire lifetime.

“Do I smell bad Billy? I put on deodorant this morning.”

“No Father you smell so darn good all the time.”

Damn did I really just say that to my priest, he smiled at me, I wrote down his chest size then his abs, his waist I was so dangerously close to this man’s cock.

“Billy could you measure my hips as well, I have been doing squats and want to see if it is having any effect on my butt cheeks.”

I was sweating now, my entire body covered in a layer of moisture, my cock rock hard and not going down anytime soon. I wrapped the tape around his hips and my face was so close to his genitals, I could smell the intoxicating aroma emitting from his cock and balls. When I went with the tape the back of my hand was on his cock.

His cock reacted to being touched, he looked at me and smiled, I wrote down the size and stayed there on my knees, his thighs were next, my hand between his legs, I touched his balls. He drew in a deep breath and his head went back, I wrote down both thighs then his calves.

He reached down and lifted me by my sweaty armpits, he held me close to him, he and I both boned up, my cock was dripping all over my underwear and shorts. He asked if it would be okay if we both stayed shirtless from now on, he wanted to see the muscle groups we were working out. I agreed, not like the man had not seen my naked chest now.

We started with stretches, then some lifts, then chin ups, sit ups, his body holding down my feet as I did pull ups, again he was dangerously close to me, we did squats, I always hated squats but he reminded me they were great for a nice firm butt. We always did bench presses last, I would spot him first, the weight this man could lift was incredible. I stood there and held the bar so he would not be crushed if he did drop it, like I could hold it off of him.

He had the perfect view of my semi erect cock right now and I did not care to hide it, with my underwear on he could not see my actual cock and balls. We removed most of the weight and he talked me into going with a bit more weight this time, he assured me he would make sure I would not get hurt, I trusted him with my life.

I lay on the bench and got comfortable, I grabbed the bar he adjusted my grip, his hands on my own made me tingly inside. He helped me lift it off then he stood his crotch directly over my face, what I never noticed before in all the workouts he and I did, he always wore underwear. Not today, the man had a beautiful cut cock, with a purple knob, and huge set of balls that took almost all of the space in his shorts.

I had a hard time to concentrate, he commented that I was not concentrating on the task before me.

“Father Paul come on what I have before me is a huge cock and a beautiful set of balls, for a virgin homosexual like myself it really is impossible to concentrate on breathing let alone lifting weights.”

He smiled at me and apologized for not wearing underwear, but it was unusually damp with all the rain we had been getting so he preferred to be commando. His excuse kind of made sense but I had on underwear and I was fine.

“Shall we get back to it Billy? I will try to keep myself back a little more so you don’t have to look at my naughty bits.”

“Father you have beautiful naughty bits, I just have to say it.”

He smiled and we got back to it, I lay there the work out over I would go home and shower, then settle in for the night.

“Billy would you please just shower here? I hate to see you go home all sweaty like this.”

He took my hand and led me to his washroom, he had an oversized shower with multiple heads and a rain shower head in the center of it all. He turned it on and I removed my shoes and socks and shorts, I waited for him to leave the room before I took off my underwear. I got in the water felt so good on my naked body.


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