Father Paul Pt. 03


A gay story: Father Paul Pt. 03 After about a half hour he lifted his head and smiled at me.

“I’m sorry Billy.”

“Sorry for what Father, I mean Paul?”

“For what I said this morning, I felt guilt, but now I feel like this is so right for both of us, falling in love with you Billy.”

“Paul I feel the same for you, I understood why you said what you said, you took vows, they are between you and God, not me, but I too am falling in love with you.”

“Billy I am not sure I am ready to leave the priesthood, I will take some time to figure it all out but in the mean time we have to keep doing this.”

I smiled at him and he leaned in and kissed me.

“Billy do you think we could do that one more time?”

I did not respond I pulled my legs back and he wet his cock and pushed it in, we tried different positions but I liked me on my back legs on his shoulders, his face looking at mine and his huge cock pushed in deep. He pounded in another huge load into my tight ass, he flooded me once again, I lay there him above me, a smile on his face. He pressed his lips to mine, we kissed then he lay on top of me.

“Billy wish you could stay the night with me.”

“I would have to bring my car home and you could pick me up once its dark out, we could sneak in and I could be in your bed all night.”

It was like I had this all planned out in advance, we would take my car home, I would tell Mom I was going to bed early, then sneak out and get in with Paul. When we got back to the rectory he and I stripped naked, we went into his bedroom and he would seed me one more time. He pumped my cock while he pushed his huge cock into my tender hole.

He lay on top of me after he came, we lay there and he soon was asleep, I pulled the blankets over us and I dozed off after about five minutes. He held me tight as he slept, our bodies glued together from the load I had shot on my abs, his head on my chest I was so content where I was right now. We woke early, we showered and I got dressed for work.

I snuck in to the church and got in unnoticed, I was busy at my desk when Father came in, he had a woman from the choir with him. We traded good mornings and they were on their way, the rest of the week was more of the same, I made an excuse that my car broke down and needed extensive repairs. I would walk home or Father would drive me.

I snuck in the rectory every night before he was even came home, I started on dinner for us and he would come in and kiss and touch me all over. Most times we would end up in bed or we traded blow jobs on the kitchen floor. We made dinner together, I stared at him as he got ingredients ready for our dinner.

I was in love with this man, a priest no less, we would have to be so careful not to be caught, but we would be caught. In the act no less, his cock deep inside my ass, him kissing me. A forgotten meeting with the church board members, one of them came into his room thinking he was hurt or in pain. A scream, a gasp “Father!” broke the mood of him and I making love to each other.

I was fired on the spot, told to leave the church and never to return, get my belongings and get out before the town strung me up. Father got dressed and met the board members, the meeting more than a little uncomfortable, but they were willing to blame it all on me the homosexual, because people like me did things like this to turn good moral citizens like Father Paul to the path of evil.

Not only was I banned from the church but my Mom and Dad as well, I hid in my room, I had to leave town, I hoped Paul would reach out to me somehow, but he never did. I packed up and moved to the city some hundred and some miles away. I started my life over, Paul was in my thoughts daily, but I still never heard a word from him.

I cried many tears for the man that I loved, but I moved on, I never dated or met up with anyone, in hopes that maybe some day he may come and find me. I found a really great job at a large company that paid well and had great benefits. I could be openly gay now, but I kept to myself, I still loved Paul so very much.

I was having a really hard day, work was flooding me with so much, I would be here all night the way it was going. It was going on seven in the evening when I finally decided to go home, it was a Friday but it made no difference to me, I was in here six to seven days a week.

On the way home I grabbed a pizza and headed home, with the work load and how lonely I was I was in tears as I walked home. I poured myself a glass of red and took a seat in front of the tv, I nibbled on pizza and sipped my wine. I went to bed so tired and worn out, I dreamed of Paul each and every night.

I hoped he was okay, I hoped he got to be the priest he always wanted to be, he really was a good man, and I loved him so much. I woke at seven and got in the shower, I went in to work in jeans and a tee shirt. I worked for about five hours and then headed home, I had left over pizza and a half bottle of wine left.

I walked into the building and got my mail, I sorted thru flyers and junk mail, as I walked up the stairs I wanted to cry again. I sat in the one stairs and sorted mail and cried, when I got to my floor my suite door was not closed or locked. I took out my phone and was ready to dial 911, I opened the door slowly and looked in.

I knew this was a really bad idea but I had to know if someone was in my apartment or not. There was clothes on the living room floor, a tee shirt, a pair of well worn jeans, one sock then the other. A pair of white underwear, all men’s clothing. This person was in my home naked and I could smell what smelled like spaghetti sauce.

I grabbed the bat at the front door and went into the living room, on the couch naked and eating spaghetti was Paul. I dropped the bat and my bag, I stood there and cried, I fell to the floor and he came and picked me up, he pulled me in and pressed his lips to mine. His cock grew quickly, his body held me tight till I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I pulled back and stared at the man I so loved.

“Father Paul what are you doing here naked?”

“Billy I am no longer Father Paul, I am just Paul now, I am naked waiting for you to finally come home Babe.”

“How did you get in?”

“Your Mom gave me her spare key.”

Of course I cried some more, he held me close.

“I’m sorry Billy.”

“Sorry for what Paul?”

“For taking so long to figure out where I should be, and the church back in town is not where I should be, it’s here with you Babe.”

He and I kissed, we sat and he got me a plate of spaghetti, he explained what had happened after I left town. He tried to get back into being the good loyal priest, the church called him in and gave him a good talking too. He told them he had to be a priest, the whole town was not told just the board members.

He told me he missed our work outs, but mostly he missed me, this Friday evening he was getting ready for mass, he went out and started the sermon. He stopped midway and told his parishioners that he had a confession to make to them all. He told them of the relationship between him and I, that he loved me very much, and he could no longer be their priest living a lie, he had to be with the man he loved.

The gasps and moans and groans from the parishioners, he walked out removing his robes and drove over to my Mom’s place. He knocked on the door and Mom welcomed him in.

“I was expecting you sooner Father.”

He told her he did not see himself being called father much longer, he told my Mom how much he loved me and he felt terrible that he did not come to me sooner, but he had to see me and be with me, he loved me more than he loved being a priest. My Mom told him he really hurt me by waiting so long, and she was not sure I would welcome him with open arms.

They talked for hours, he told her he loved me but he also loved the church, but being without me he knew it was me he loved more. He got the key and drove over to me the next morning, as quickly as he could, he decided to make us dinner and his clothes just seemed to fall off. He figured he would leave the door open so I knew someone was in his home.

He and I cuddled in, he told me he loved me, he told me he could not live without me, we kissed and I got in the shower and he and I went to bed. It was only six in the evening but we would stay in bed till the next day. We talked we made love, we talked some more, we made plans for the both of us, and we made love.

He and I fell asleep he on top of me once again, his head on my chest, I being held by him tightly. I slept so very well with him on top of me, I woke many times to make sure this was real and not some dream. When he woke he lay there his eyes on me, me still asleep, I opened my eyes to him on me his eyes on mine, his lips coming in to kiss me.

I pulled back my legs and he put his cock in me, he made mad passionate love to me, his cock in and out of me over and over. Having him here with me, him inside of me, how he made me feel, I started to tear up. He stopped and asked if I was okay or not, I told him I was never happier and that is why the tears were flowing.

He and I up early we would go out for breakfast, do some shopping, spend the day together I am not sure I had ever smiled so much in my entire life. Trying to keep my hands off of him is impossible, trying not to smile when I look at him again impossible. The man I love is here with me now how can I not show how happy I am.

Paul soon found work in an outreach program helping homeless people, he is amazing at his job and they all love him. Paul and I settled in with each other, he and I happy with our lives, we went to visit my parents and we ran into some of his parishioners. Some were happy to see him others were judge mental and would not speak to either of us.

Paul and I after five years are still together and happy, we have a son his name is Peter, thru surrogate Paul and I had a child, and yes it is his. The man cried so much when he saw his son for the very first time. He still looks at him and it brings a tear to his eyes, this would have been not possible if Paul had stayed with the church.

He and I still attend on a weekly basis, Paul had chatted with our local priest he is open minded and is happy we are part of the congregation. I know Paul misses it some days, but he tells me he made the right decision to be with me and our son. I love this man so very much, he and I hope to grow old together and see our son marry one day and have grandchildren.


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