Fiancé of my Ex-Boss Ch. 14

A gay sex stories: Fiancé of my Ex-Boss Ch. 14 Hi guys, sorry for such a late upload.

I have been very busy these past weeks as I am finishing two books (this one and My New Personal Assistant) as well as writing enough chapters ahead with two new books I will be releasing here in some time – Why Him of All People?! and Co-Worker in Heat (Own-me).

I will try to post chapters again according to the schedule.

Thank you for your patience, and enjoy 🙂


Chapter 14 – I’ve missed you



That guy really hasn’t contacted me. At first, I didn’t care, then I was pissed as he was absolutely fine with knowing about Karl’s lover, but I was still his dirty secret. A few days passed, and I cooled off and decided not to care about that.


My days returned to my old ways, and I got over it. Well, that’s bullshit I wanted to believe, but I tried. I kept watching Kyle’s stupid dance in the kitchen and jerked off many times to those videos we did that day. It would be pathetic if I cared about labeling it.


I talked with Chad, and he told me that Kyle had already called him a couple of times since Chad was indeed rebuilding his basement and some parts of the house, and Kyle sent him some designs. How cute. I was curious how did that look for me to be officially calling Kyle so often. Well, if he still does have Chad saved as me.


The month rolled by, and then I got a text from him.

“Hi, bro. You going to the boulder Friday?”

I just replied with a simple “Yeah.”

“Cool, are we still up for that basement afterward?”

“Sure. If you want.”

“Great, I will see you at the gym!”

“Sure, can’t wait,” I said sarcastically into an empty room and threw the phone on my bed. I knew I wanted to see Kyle, but at the same time, maybe I should listen to Don. At New Year’s, Karl called Don for like half an hour. I am not usually petty but when I got single “Happy New Year’s, bro” text from Kyle, I was pissed. I realized how much it hurts watching a guy you care about from across the fence being happy with a prick that doesn’t deserve him. Fuck all this…


Friday, Jan. 10th, 2020

Friday came, and for the first time in years, I stood in my shower and stared at the bottle of douche, seriously determining whether to use that or not. I have no idea why I brought it in the first place, and I was really weirded out with everything going on in my head these past couple of weeks.



“Hi, Fred.”

“Hi, Ross. Finally, the whole team together?”

“Everyone’s here already?”

“Yeah, they’re up.”


I went after them. Kyle looked good. Fuck! He looked great! He already wore clothes for climbing. His arms were bulging, and that tight slacks were driving me crazy. His face was one huge grin, and he bro-hugged me enthusiastically.

“How was the month without me?” he grinned and talked as if my buddy was teasing me.

“Cool. How’s your family?”

He rolled his eyes and said, “Fine.”


We had a good session, and Kyle was excited about the progress I’ve made in the time he was gone. I tried to be neutral, but I think it mostly came out as me just being rude…

I went to shower with Zack and Stan and was dressed by the time he came out.

The guys looked like nothing was amiss, but Zack looked suspiciously at us, and Kyle definitely knew something was wrong. I could see it in the way he was watching me.


We said bye to the guys, and Kyle got into my car.

“Okay, what is going on, Ross?”

“Nothing.” I started the car.

“Right… I’ve missed you.”

“Really?” I didn’t even look at him.

“Well, yeah…”

“Well, you could have called.”

“I didn’t want to risk that.”

“Sure, and how you managed to call Chad? Didn’t Karl wonder that I called you?”

“I changed the names after leaving that day.”

“I see.”

“Are you jealous?”

I looked at him, and he smirked.

“No, just pissed.”

“Good, we are getting somewhere. So why are you pissed?”


I stayed quiet until we reached my house. “We are here.”


I stepped out and tried to calm myself down. I was torn between pinning him down and kissing the life out of him or slamming the door in his face and blocking his number. I don’t even know why I cared so much, but I cared a fucking lot.

“You know that he has someone, right?” I didn’t even look his way and just walked in.

“Who does?”

“Stop it, Kyle. I am a fan of open relationships. However, you should know that I worked with Karl, and I know he doesn’t need to be working overtime in December.”

I went to the kitchen and ruined my favorite ritual with this conversation. I washed my hands and pulled out things for meal prep. Kyle automatically followed me and frowned.

“I don’t see how that is any of your business, Ross.”

“Sure is not. I am just baffled that you’re okay with Karl having someone, but you can’t tell him about me.”

“Are you the same person that made me a speech on that couch about not expecting anything from me?”

“Fair enough. So how did you decide?”

“On what?”

“You said you will try not to think about me the whole month. How did that go?”

“I tried, but as you can see, I am here.”

I just scoffed and started chopping the poor vegetables in front of me.


“I was going to ask you if I could spend the night, actually.”

“Why? Karl’s at Don’s for the weekend as every year?”

Dead silence. As I thought.

I looked at him, and he stared at me in utter horror. It would be funny if it weren’t so messed up.

“What did you just say?”

“You asked how my month was. Well, honestly pretty fucked up. At first, I was pissed thinking that the fucker was cheating on you. Cos, you may not know what Karl does, but you forgot I was working under him, so I know fucking well that December is the month when we pretty much chill out. So I forced my friend to look into CCTV to be sure before I would think whether I should tell you.”

His mouth was agape, and I just turned back to my chopping board.

“Not like it’s my business or I ever cared enough about anyone to act like an absolute moron, but let’s leave that aside. I found out that Karl is fucking my good friend. Not only that. That poor bastard loves him for some reason and was brokenhearted when he found out Karl got engaged. I suppose you know why? Cos Don is not fucking good enough for Sinclair’s stuck-up parents!” I looked at Kyle with contempt and turned back again, too riled up to stop myself and try to settle this like a normal person.

“I got into the most awkward conversation with my friend as I tried to convince him that I was not looking for some dirt on his precious boyfriend when I told him I saw them.”

I took a deep breath, but it was no help whatsoever. I’ve been on my own emotional rollercoaster these past three weeks.

“Not only that. I’ve been told that his fiancé knows about all this and they have a kind of arrangement. But said fiancé doesn’t mind spending twenty minutes in a room with Karl while he calls his boyfriend at midnight, but there is no way he would send me something more thoughtful than Happy New Year, bro. While he’s got me saved under the name of a guy, again – not good enough for his posh family! So what I got from that is that you don’t mind Karl fucking around, but for some reason, I am still your dirty secret.”

I exhaled and put the knife down.

“Man, if I get to fuck you, I will destroy that hole!”

He crossed his arms in front of him.

“Now look at who is acting like a crazy woman.”

“Don’t fucking push me, Kyle.” I looked at him furiously.


Kyle watched me for a little while and then sighed and put his palms against me. “Ross, seriously, let’s just stop.”

“We haven’t even started, man. But I am honestly considering if I even want to.”

“I don’t get it. Most of the guys you sleep with are married, as you said yourself. So now that you know Karl has someone, I am no longer interesting enough?”

“There is a huge difference if I fuck someone or that prick already made me develop feelings for him. I wouldn’t mind having you as revenge prize, but you kept fucking with my feelings, dude.”

“And what happened to that: You not gonna break up with him, and I would think you were naive if you would, so I will protect my feelings first!” He said in a deep mocking voice.

I threw the knife in the sink and turned to him with a fierce look.

“How long did you really date Karl?”


“I want to know who that fucker cheated on first.”


“Cos I care about Don!”

“What business is that of yours?!”

“I want to know what is happening!”

“Why?!” he sounded like a broken record.

“Because I care for you, but everything in me screams to kick you out right now!”

I just stared him down. He stood his ground with an angry look in his eyes. His chest was massive, and he breathed deeply into them. Fuck! He looked menacing. He was hot as fuck! I couldn’t stand it.

“Fuck this,” I growled.

I went around him furiously, walking to the living room. In truth, I was scared. Deep down, I was afraid to fall for this guy and again be stuck on the sidelines. I was fucking terrified to end up like Don.


“Ross.” his voice got gentler.

“Just go away, Kyle.” It would be easier like that.

He crossed his arms.

“We never dated.”

“I know we didn’t, don’t worry.”

“No… I mean Karl and me.”

I looked at him, confused. “What?”

“Karl has been my best friend since my mom died.” His eyes got red. He kept his tough stance, but he now seemed somewhat vulnerable.

I just stood there staring at him, perplexed.

“My father knocked her on one of his trips. She hated her family, so when she found out she was pregnant, mom looked him up and confronted him about that. He married her when the paternity test showed it was indeed his, but divorced her like three years later and married into a “proper family” the same year the divorce got swiftly dealt with. In the end, he just bought her a house and kept sending us money. I grew up not far from here, actually.”

I didn’t understand what it got to do with Karl, but I wanted to know more.

Kyle came into the living room and sat on the couch. “When mom died, I was 16, and father didn’t have any children, so he decided to take me in. You have no idea what that is like, Ross. Loneliness doesn’t even scratch the surface of how I felt. New school, new rules, new fucking high expectations. Like I could have become a whole new person in a year while living with people that resent me. Right after my mom died, and with that, my whole previous life ended. Father was distant but otherwise okay, I suppose, but stepmother is a bitter bitch to me to this day.”

I stepped closer and sat next to him.

“I am sorry.”

Kyle just nodded.


“Karl lived in the same area, and we went to school together. A prominent family, of course, the pressure was even higher for him. I could at least decide what profession I wanted to do. Karl hates that company to his core but doesn’t have a choice.”

This actually put many things into perspective. I still didn’t like Karl, but we all at work wondered why he was working there. It was evident to us all that he hated it. We just thought it was because of the money…


“I was an outcast at home and in school, then one day I ran accidentally into Karl making out with his then boyfriend. Since we lived close and his family was often meeting with mine, he was scared I would out him.”

“Honestly, I think many of those douchebags would, just to feel better about themselves for one minute. Trust me, many of those kids are walking insecurities thanks to their parents.”

He took a deep breath and bent so that his elbows rested on his knees, and he kept taking to the carpet.

“I didn’t, of course, and we became friends. Since I was McCoy, his parents allowed that, and life became somewhat bearable. He helped me so many times I can’t even count, and I got used to covering for him when he was with his boyfriends.”

“We got older, and I was never into guys. I dated many girls and women, but those my parents would allow were bitches, and I had no intention of marrying someone who would order me around and tell me what kind of nobody I am.”

He leaned back and combed his hair with his fingers, still staring somewhere in front of him.


“Fast forward to Karl dating Don. They had been dating for about two years when it happened. We were at this huge event, and I mean huge! But Karl is dumb,” he looked at me angrily. “Like seriously, he gets a thrill from shit like that.”

“He asked Don to send him dick pics, and they had a pretty heated conversation. Karl was walking around those people with a boner and frequently took out his phone and sexted with him. It was fun until it wasn’t.”

He crossed his arms and fumed as he continued.

“Thankfully, he didn’t have Don saved under his name. But one bitch, Karl refused to date a few months prior, saw one picture on his screen when he looked at it, standing near her. That bitch grabbed it from him and made a scene! The whole venue was quiet. You can’t imagine! Karl is set to destroy her life bit by bit.”


“Of course, it was bad. I ran to him and tried to calm her down, but by that time, Karl’s parents were right in front of him, taking him away. I freaked out! I knew that he had no chance against his father. If they found out who Don was, they would destroy that man. I mean, he wouldn’t be able to find work anywhere in the States. And they would probably make Karl leave with him. It was not only that he was gay, but the way it happened was an unforgivable embarrassment for his father.”

“The detail that he had a raging boner was making things even worse. You can’t imagine, Ross.”


“I ran there and stood next to Karl. When they asked me to leave them, I said those messages were from me. Karl was shocked but understood what I was trying to do. He knew that it was already out that he was gay, but there was a chance to save Don and maybe something from his life if his boyfriend wouldn’t be just a security guard in his building… It was not perfect, as I was still a bastard, but manageable, thanks to my father’s name and the fact that I was the only heir. And it was believable since everyone knew we were still seen together.”

“But that, of course, meant that my parents were too dragged into this mess. The shitshow my stepmother then unleashed was mental! My father hadn’t spoken with me for like a month. The only good thing was that I wasn’t living at home anymore, and we could hide there for a bit.”


“You must understand that it was pretty public coming out… there was no way around it. No possible cover-up for either one of us.”

“Thankfully, Karl’s mother is one sweet lady; honestly, she is the reason all worked out well in the end. She managed a meeting between my parents, and those four discussed what they would do about it. We were engaged within three months. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to say that we were dating secretly for years but not like I had it planned out.”

“At first, we were thinking about some clean break up, but then they bought us a house and started accepting us. You know, I already know everything about how we will have our baby, how our wedding will look like, but with that, all that pressure somehow stopped. Like we could breathe for a minute! You can’t imagine how that felt…”

“So you got together only to cover for Karl and Don?” I asked, absolutely stunned.

“Yes. But I was not gay, and Karl knew I had to spend the rest of my life with a man… Don’t take me wrong. I love him! I genuinely do love that man, but he was always, most of all, my best friend.”


Kyle calmed down a little and started to speak slower.

“Then you came along. Look, we do have an agreement. I can date as many women as I want. Even if things would get out that I have an affair, we would just play a sad couple and work on it. We were laughing one night, our asses off plotting all this.”


“Yes. The thing is that Karl thinks I am straight. Well, I thought I was straight! I can’t tell Karl that I like a guy. He told me that he would take that as cheating.”

“I have to tell you, man. You give pretty good head for a straight dude.”

“I had pretty good training.” he shrugged with a meek smile.

I raised my eyebrow in disbelief. “Then why are you sleeping together when you are supposedly straight?”

“It was, kind of, in the heat of the moment thing the first time. We were drunk, and we both said we would be married anyway, so what’s the harm?”

“The thing is that it was good! We both knew what we liked years prior. We shared our kinks and sexual experiences since we started being friends. Actually, that first video with Jill, which started my whole kink with filming me having sex, was because Karl asked me for that. So when Karl and I got to do it, we knew what to do to each other to make it spectacular. We still sleep together sometimes, but Karl says that Don cannot know. He said he doesn’t even want to know.”

I nodded slightly. “Don said to me the same thing. Well, and also that Karl wouldn’t be able to sit for a week.”

Kyle smirked. “I would believe that. You should see Karl after that day he introduced me in the office and said we were engaged! Man! Those two are perfect for each other!”

“Did he hurt him?”

“Well, let’s just say Karl really cringed every time he sat down that week. But no, I would never allow that if Dan wasn’t a good guy. I’ve met him many times. He cares for Karl the same as me. Maybe even more, and I really believe that Karl enjoys that. Although the truth is, I am not sure if he enjoys sex without it.”

Kyle sounded a bit bleak as he said the last sentence.

“Do you mind that?”

“No, it’s just that I miss having more connection, to be honest. I love rough sex, but I suppose I am also a sensitive guy, and there is not much of that with random girls you pick up for one-night stands.” He smiled at me softly. I nodded. I had to admit I knew precisely what he meant. Damn… this will hurt me a lot in the end…


“So let me get this straight. The two of you are really getting married?”


I shook my head in despair.

“You and Karl are sleeping together.”


“But Don cannot know…”


“You are straight.”

“Well, I think I may be bi. I just have a preference for women.”

“Right… So what do you want now with me?”

He looked at his hands.

“I thought we could try to be together,” he said it so quietly it was nearly a whisper.

“Together, how? Like I am with Seth, or Karl is with Don?”



“You are jealous of what those two have, are you?”

“I don’t think jealousy is the right word, but yeah, I think it’s nice.”

I took his chin and made him look at me.

“Kyle, are you asking me to date you?”

“Well, I don’t know.”

I gave him a stern look.

“Well, yeah.”

“But you want it to be secret.”

Kyle opened his mouth. He had there this accusing look.

“Don’t you dare say that I am secret to most of the guys I fuck!” I growled and crossed my arms.

He closed those full lips and fidgeted.

“Yes,” he admitted after a while.

I took a deep breath, looked at him, and shook my head, trying to collect my thoughts.


“I suppose you could tell Karl that you found some woman.”

He looked at me, confused, and I smirked.

“When I was Chad, I suppose I can be Rose.”


“Look, man. I kept thinking about you the whole month. I am not saying I am okay with it, but we can see where it goes. I am not looking for a husband right now, but to tell you the truth, I really like you. I just honestly worry that I will end up like Don.”

“I can’t promise you anything, Ross.”

“Good then. I hope you will be okay with me fucking other people as well.”

He frowned. “Why?”

“Cos I am not spending my time waiting for you here and getting anxious about what the two of you are doing.”

He nodded. “Fine. But you will either use a condom with them or with me.”

“Do you use a condom with your hookups?”


“You didn’t with Seth.”

“Yeah, and I went to the clinic the next day.”

“Fine, I can do that.”

“Thank you.”


“Good, then I hope you brought a toothbrush, big guy, cos you are not going home this weekend,” I smiled at him.

“I’m not?”

I finally felt at ease enough to lean toward him and kiss him softly. “No, you are not. I will devour you tonight and tomorrow and the day after!”

He gulped and smiled nervously.


I combed his hair back and took his hand in mine.

“One thing. If you ever find yourself a woman or someone else, I want to know about that.”

He nodded. “Even one-night stands?”

“Sure. But mainly if it gets serious,” I looked at his hands and kissed his palm.

“Okay,” Kyle whispered, watching my darkening eyes.


“Now, before we start. I want to see the video you did when you called me while you fingered yourself.”

Kyle grinned. “I was hoping you would.”

I smiled and finally kissed him properly. I feasted on that mouth and didn’t want to let go.

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