Fiancé of my Ex-Boss Ch. 18

A gay story: Fiancé of my Ex-Boss Ch. 18 Chapter 18 – Kyle’s first



I woke up and was honestly surprised that I had probably spent the whole night in one position. Kyle’s head rested on my pec like it was a pillow, and I just turned to him and kissed his head. His lips smiled, and I pecked them lazily.

“Morning, babe.”

“Morning, baby.”

I stroked his hair, and he slowly opened his eyes. I hated how perfect this was. I tried to remember when last time I woke up next to someone like this… I couldn’t.

His arms pulled me even closer, and he gently caressed my butt.

“How do you feel?”

“Sore, but that’s fine.” I kissed his forehead and squeezed him lightly.

“Should I have been gentler?”

Kyle was now so cute! I had to grin and kiss those swollen lips crumbled in care for me. “And make us miss a ride like that? No way!”

He smiled and hugged me.


We just stared at each other for a little while. I then smiled wickedly and started to kiss my way down his body. Kyle chuckled. I licked his nipples, enjoying his light moans as I trailed his abs and reached for his cock. He already had a slight boner, and I couldn’t help but taste it.



“You meant that we are going to fuck the whole day?”

I smirked at him. “I did. But don’t worry. Half of that, I will just eat you out!”

“For real?”

“Yeah! You will have to beg me nicely to fuck that sweet pussy!”

“Ross…” his voice traveled to my ears as he lost it when I engulfed his cock and rubbed his crack before diving into it with my tongue.


I spent minutes sucking and licking that place until his cock was fully hard and a drop of precum pushed its way up his slit. I then sucked on it and kissed his stomach before jumping off the bed. Well, as big of a jump as I was able to muster since I was seriously sore! But there was NO WAY I would let that stop me!


“What?” I glanced at him with a smug smirk.

“Why did you stop?”

“Cos I am hungry.”

“I can feed you if you come back down there!”

I grinned. “Tempting, but no! Come, baby!”

Kyle scoffed. “Tease!”

I went into the bathroom with a laugh and washed my face when he joined me and kissed my shoulder blade.

“You are making breakfast.”

“Am I?” Kyle asked, looking into my eyes in the mirror.


“And what you going to do while I will make it?”

I towered over him and seductively pulled him closer, whispering into his ear. “Eat your pussy.”

Kyle looked at me, his eyes dim.

“Fine, but you will show me your clothes first.”


“Just show me!”



I let go of him and brushed my teeth while Kyle stepped into the shower. I watched him. “You brushing your teeth in the shower?”

“Yeah. I am used to that.”

I liked that. I will try it the next time. I joined him and pointed the showerhead at his butt, and while he was brushing his teeth, I generously soaped him and rubbed his crack. I washed his whole body properly!

“Man! This is nice.”

“Trust me, baby. You haven’t seen anything yet.”


We finished and stepped out. I then showed him my closet. I had some idea of what he may look for, but I was still curious about which one he will pick.

He picked up a black double rider jacket with a belt. His eyes just beamed when he put it over his naked body.

“What do you think?” he looked at me and spread his arms, standing there naked, his cock hard and leaking, dressed only in that leather jacket, slightly bigger than I would buy for him.

I slammed him into the back of my closet and sucked on his mouth before I rammed my tongue between his lips and kissed him so roughly he started shaking in my arms. His dick twitched as I roamed his chest, feeling the leather on the back of my hand.

“Fuck, Kyle, I need to be able to hold back at least a little if I don’t want to destroy you!”

“Then I hope you will do your best, cos I am wearing this the whole day,” he purred, staring into my eyes.

“Fuck!” I groaned and kissed his neck, inhaling the leather mixed with my soap and his slight body odor.

I looked at him, and the grin on his face made me positive that this would be a fun day!


“Here, you take this one.”

“You better pick jeans for me as well cos otherwise, I will ram into you sometime soon!”

“Wasn’t that the plan?”

“No, the plan is for you to beg me to take you, not me pinning you down cos I couldn’t take it anymore.”

“We can meet somewhere in the middle, babe!”

“Damn!” I took the black bomber jacket from him and put it on my bare back.

“Fuck! Ross! Why you never wore it before?”

“I sometimes do, but when we meet, I am usually driving, and I don’t need to wear jackets for the short walk to my car.”

“You will from now on!” he kept staring at my chest.

I looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Will I?”

Kyle authoritatively pulled my head to him and kissed me possessively. “Yes, boy, you will!”

I grabbed him by the nape and kissed him with the same vigor. “In that case, boy, you are too. This one is yours from now on!”

Kyle breathed deeply, and his lips were shaking when he smiled at me. We were so hard by now!


“Jeans!” I roared and made myself take my hands off him.

“No! Why?”

“Cos I am not strong enough now to watch you walk here like this and not ram my dick inside your pussy, Kyle!”

“Man!” he sounded genuinely disappointed.

I didn’t wait for him and put on my loose pale blue jeans. “That’s all the protection you will get, boy, so be careful about teasing me now.”

He smirked and walked away. I watched him with my dick leaking in my jeans. This will be a FUN day!


Kyle stepped into the kitchen and spread his legs, arching his back so his butt pointed at me.

“You wanted to eat me while I will make the breakfast!”

“You are ruining my flow, man!”

“Deal with it, bro.”

I grinned and pulled him roughly against my covered boner, making him gasp. He turned to me and licked my lips.

“I hope the sandwich is fine. I don’t have the guts to cook or cut something now.”

“Sandwich is great.” I licked his ear and knelt before that firm bubble butt, taking in his sweet smell and licking his asshole. I pulled his cheeks apart and rimmed him while he made the food.


“Done, you tease!” he was nearly out of breath.

Then I stood up and circled his hole with my finger.

“Lick it, boy.” I pointed my index and middle finger to his mouth. Kyle looked at me and licked it good. Then sucked on it and smeared saliva around my fingers.

I pushed one in his crack, and he moaned as I fingered him slowly before adding the second. Then, with a second hand, I pushed on his back, made him bend over the counter, and massaged his shoulder in that jacket while he moaned and tilted his head.

I pulled him close and made him lean against my chest. I kissed his neck while still fingering him slowly and grazing his prostate with precision.

“Ross! Fuck! More!”

I increased the tempo, and he was now moaning, gripping the counter in front of us.

“Kiss me, babe.”

I smiled and kissed the tip of his nose lightly.

He laughed and pulled my head close, pouncing on my lips.

We kissed like this for a little while until I felt my fingers getting a bit dry. Not much, but enough for him to wince a little.

I pulled out and grabbed him, turning him to me and kissing him heavily.

I let go and took my plate as if nothing had happened. “Let’s eat.”

Kyle roared, his dick twitching. “You fucking tease!”

I blew him a kiss and sat down.


“You look so fucking hot in that jacket!” his eyes were dreamy as he watched me.

“You too. Eat, baby. You will need the strength.”

He just shook his head with a grin and sat before me. We ate and talked about what I’d been up to these past weeks.

“I should actually mention something.”

Kyle looked at me expectantly.

“Don knows about the two of us.”

Kyle stopped eating and glared at me. It was obvious he was fighting the urge to scream. He leaned back in the chair.

“You told him?”

“Not precisely. I told him we never slept together, which was true then. Well, partly true,” I shrugged.

“What did you tell him?”

“He knew before I even asked him about Karl.”

“What do you mean?”

I told him pretty much everything that happened that day. Kyle was looking at me, and there was no more sexual tension in the air… Maybe I should have waited…

“We talked for hours yesterday. Why didn’t you tell me then?”

“I didn’t think of it.”

Kyle stood up and went into the living room.


I came after him. “You pissed?”

“Mostly worried.”


“What if he says something to Karl?”

“Kyle, Don is a man of his word. If he said he wouldn’t say anything to Karl, I believe he won’t, but let’s be honest, he could have told him a long time ago, and he didn’t. And more, what business is that of Karls?”

“Huge one! We are getting married in two months!”

“Right, your big day.” I definitely should have waited! My mood was now completely gone, and I just felt hollow.

“Stop it, Ross.”

“When is it exactly?”

Kyle looked at me, hurt, but his eyes grew gentle when he saw my face. “March 26th.”

“Great, Ben’s birthday is that Sunday. At least I will have more reasons to get wasted.” I stood up, took my jacket off, and walked down to the basement. I needed some space. And by the look of him, Kyle did too.


I sat there on the couch and looked at the carcass of the boulder we had built with Kyle. Nothing made sense now. What is the point? I liked him a lot… But he was getting married to a guy he considers a best friend and even they are secret in front of his boyfriend. How twisted is all this?

I recounted: I am Kyle’s secret, Kyle is Karl’s in front of Don, and Don is Karl’s in front of everybody else… Have I missed something?!? I tried to make some sense of this crap… I just couldn’t.

“Ross?” I heard him coming.

“What?” I didn’t even glance at him.

“Sorry, I was just shocked.”

“Kyle, I don’t care. In the end, you didn’t do anything wrong. I am just trying to figure out all those unnecessary secrets here…”

Kyle sat next to me and took my hand in his. I looked as our fingers entwined, and Kyle took my chin and made me look at him.

“You don’t have to be part of this. I know how crazy this all is… trust me, I do.”

“I want to be part of your life, Kyle. So it’s not like I have many choices.”

Kyle smiled softly and kissed me slowly.


Fuck it! I took him by the waist and made him sit on me, straddling my waist. I kissed him slowly and didn’t want to let go.

Kyle started moaning and breathing heavily as I roamed his body with my hands and took off that jacket so I could hold him completely. We kissed without any words. I turned with him and laid him on that couch beneath me. I was kissing him quietly, feeling so many emotions now that I didn’t want to think about anything.

I felt his fingers open my jeans and push them down. I raised myself, and watching his hazy eyes, I took them off. He smiled tenderly as he lifted his shoulders and pulled me between his legs.

I kissed his mouth, his neck, and Adam’s apple. I then traveled with my kisses down his pecs, nipples, and abs. I licked his stiff shaft gently and raised his legs. I kissed his inner thighs and then lightly licked his crack, circling it with my tongue before pushing it in.

Kyle moaned and scratched my scalp and nape soothingly as I let go and reached for the lube. I took a generous amount and pushed my finger into his hole. I looked into his eyes and put another two fingers in. I was slowly stretching his sphincter, and after a little while, his crack was so soft and relaxed that I could put a fourth finger in.


I raised above him and looked into his eyes. Kyle smiled and kissed me taking my stiff cock towards his pussy, and guiding me in.

I saw the slight worry on his face, but we both knew it was time, and he was ready.

I covered my cock with lube and pushed in slowly, patiently. I watched his face and kissed his eyes, nose, and lips as I was gradually entering him in smooth movements. I felt him getting a bit stiff, and I calmly pulled out. He groaned and kissed me. I dripped more lube in my hand, smeared it around my shaft, and then put more into his hole before entering him again. I kept watching him and unhurriedly thrust into him in a steady, gradual rhythm. He gasped when I smoothly reached his ring with the base of my cock.

I smiled at him, and he smiled back at me, pulling me close and kissing me. I moved lightly back and forth, and soon he moaned in my mouth and looked at the place our bodies were joined at. Kyle eyed me and beamed with such cute satisfaction that I felt filled and on top of the world at that moment!


I slowly increased the pace, and soon we were both grinding and moaning as he hugged me with his whole body, pulling me so close it was hard to move at times. His hole was so tight that I thought I would be unable to keep this up for long. It was breathtaking!


I held him, and he brushed my hair and kissed me, his eyes filled with a devotion that was breaking my heart. I kissed him again and gradually took us to the edge of heaven!


I don’t know how long we were there like that, but at some point, he sat on me, straddling me as I leaned on the backrest, kissing his nipples and neck, licking his ears, and holding him around the waist as he was riding me.

It was beautiful… I hated that we lived on borrowed time. I wanted him all to myself. I craved waking up next to him every day like this.

We didn’t speak much, we moaned and kissed a lot, but mostly we stared at each other until Kyle started shaking, and I could see his balls tight under his leaking cock. He was close.

I started stroking his cock, which emitted the sweetest groan of him as he tilted his head before diving into my mouth and began to ride me faster and more desperately.

“I will cum, Ross.”

“Cum for me, baby.”

Kyle held me around my neck as he bounced up and down, and I stroked him fast. He screamed, staring into my eyes, and shook as volley after volley of his cum hit our chests, and the tightness and shaking of his pussy got me into overdrive. Then, with a roar, I started shooting into his no longer virgin hole.


We stayed there like that. Kyle laid his head on my shoulder and hugged me tighter around my neck while I held him around the waist and kissed his strong, smooth neck softly while we both came down from the high.

Kyle took my face into his hands and kissed me.

I turned with him and lay on the couch with him lying on top of me, still holding him tight around his waist and roaming his back with my fingers. Not caring at all about his cum all over our chest.

I saw an old blanket near and reached for it, covering us.

Kyle lay his head on my pec and shoulder, and we just lay there in silence.

“I wish I could just stay like this.”

“I wish so too, Kyle, but I suppose I shouldn’t hold on to hope, should I?”

“It’s not like I wanted this, Ross.”

“Which one? Me or being forced to marry your friend?”

“Honestly, both, but I am now kind of glad for the first one.”

“Cute. I suppose I should thank you.”

“Ross…” he wanted to raise his head and probably look at me, but I couldn’t stand that. My eyes were on the verge of crying as I realized I had indeed become Don… I pressed his head back into my chest and squeezed lightly.

“It’s fine, Kyle. I will deal with it.”

“Is there anything I could do to make it better?”

“Yes. Find a way to tell Karl. I need as little hiding as possible.”

“It would hurt him.”

“If I were him, lying to me would hurt more. But you know him better than I do.”


There was another reason he didn’t tell him. I was sure of that. He probably didn’t know himself if this was even worth it in the end. It was too soon, and he didn’t even consider himself gay a few months back… I shared my thoughts with him, and he just nodded on my chest.

I could understand that.

“Fine. Take your time, baby. I will try to keep sane for a while.” I kissed the top of his head.

Kyle raised his head, watching me with red eyes, and smiled. “Thank you!”

“Sure, but I hope we are still on for some threesomes, public and hot sex in general. I am not some boring housewife.”

Kyle grinned. “I can see that work.”

“Good.” I smacked my lips on his.


“I don’t do women.”

“How did you know?”

“Wild guess.”

“Why not?”

I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know, never felt the need to try it.”

“Not even with me?”

“Cute. Not really. If you want, I can keep that in the back of my head, but I am not making any promises.”

“That’s more than fine.”


“So… my kinky boyfriend, what do you want to do next?”

“Well, someone boasted that we would fuck the whole day,” he smirked.

I grinned and gave him a smug smile. “As you wish, baby, it’s your ass we are talking about.

“And you’re welcome,” he winked.

“You didn’t sing it. So it doesn’t count.”

Kyle laughed and kissed me.

“How I see it, we have few things on our to-do list this weekend.”

“I am all ears,” I smiled softly.

“Fuck in leather.”


“Fuck with role switching.”


“You, showing me the special person that took your cherry.”

“I obviously don’t have that one on video.”

Kyle frowned a little. “Do you have the supposedly best threesome of your life?”

“No… Man! You just made me regret so much!”

“But you have recorded some video of him toping you?”

“I do. Three actually. But we are switching on all of them.”

“How many times have you watched them?”

I started laughing. “I lost count. Boy, I haven’t watched much porn these past six years. I prefer my own.”

“You narcissist.”

“Maybe, but you love that!”

“I do!” he grinned.

“Then why only three?”

“He dated a lot, and even if we had many threesomes with his boyfriends, I never let him top me with them.”

“Except that Ben guy.”



I kept quiet.

Kyle raised himself higher. “Why?”

“Cos doing that is fucking emotional for me, and I can’t handle that when I see him with another man.”

Kyle smiled softly. “In that case, I know what I want to do now.”


“I want to see that man that has such power over you, so I can see if I will be jealous.”



“Do you have a favorite of those three?”

“Fuck… I suppose you want me to tell the truth.”


“Fuck… okay, I do.”

Kyle watched me. He didn’t smile anymore, as if he understood. “Show me, Ross. I want to see you love him.”

“Kyle, I hate how perfect you are to me right now…”

He smiled softly and kissed my eyes, nose, and lips.



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