Fiancé of my Ex-Boss Ch. 20

A gay story: Fiancé of my Ex-Boss Ch. 20 Chapter 20 – Please, Matt, Stay on the Line

Monday, January 13th, 2020


I arrived before the boulder gym and took my things. I genuinely missed Kyle as I woke up today. He demanded to go home yesterday since he needed to grab some clean stuff from his house. I reluctantly let him go and drove him here. Honestly, I was curious how Don managed that after all this time.


I watched the spot where we parked yesterday and made out like we would not see each other for months before he ran away with a laugh. I really liked that guy at this point–baggage or not.

Kyle was coming. I saw him in the distance in my old leather jacket and gym bag over his shoulder. Damn, he looked yummy.

“Hi, buddy.”

“Hi, big guy. I like that jacket.”

Kyle grinned. “I love yours.”

“You know, my demanding boyfriend made me wear it.”

“What a coincidence, mine too.”

I just laughed.

“Let’s go inside, or I will kiss you right here, Kyle.”

Kyle just chuckled. “Let’s go, then.”

We went to the dressing room and saw Chad closing his locker.

“Hi, man.”

“Hi, Chad.”

He looked at us with a friendly smile. “Hi, guys.”

Chad seemed like he was already on his way down. “Do you want me to wait for you?”

“Guys are down already?” I asked since, from what I saw, the room was empty. Kyle put down his bag.

“Yeah, Zack started really early today, and Stan went after him.”

I took off my jacket and put it into the nearby locker. “Cool, just go. We’ll be down in a minute.”


The moment Chad closed the door, I grabbed Kyle by the nape and launched on his lips, pushing him onto the locker.

“You should have stayed the night. I would drive you here.”

“No way, man!” Kyle chuckled as I roamed beneath his shirt. “The way things are going, we wouldn’t even get here. Karl was mocking me the whole evening when he saw the state of me.”

“Really? And what was the state of him?”

Kyle started laughing. “True! Ross, what are you doing?”

I took off his jacket and pulled the shirt off him. I threw that in a nearby locker and bit his nipple.

“I’m helping you get changed, of course.”

He laughed. “Of course, how considerate of you, man.”

I unbuckled his belt while kissing his neck.

“Seriously, Ross! Let go. I don’t want to get down there with a boner!”

“Well, and I don’t want to be the only one having it.”

“Ross, we are in the middle of lockers. What if someone comes?”

I let go of him and exhaled. “Fine. Come.” I took him by the hand and led him all the way back to the last row of lockers.

I slammed him against the wall. “Better?”

“Yeah, great, I feel much safer,” Kyle mocked me with a grin.

I raised my brow and put my hand over his shoulder, pinning his hard body to the wall.

“Fuck, Kyle, you are making me seriously crazy.”

“Bro, I hate how hot this is. But make it quick I want actually to send something today.”

I grinned. “I am gonna send you to heaven and back, boy!”

Kyle chuckled again and knelt down as he opened my jeans and pulled them down with my jock. That guy got even better at blowing over the weekend. I tilted my head back and groaned, pushing against his hot, wet mouth.

“Come up here, bro!”

I hissed, pulled him up, and turned him around before I grabbed his jeans and pushed them down to his knees.

“Dude! If you fucking me now, I am fucking you in the shower when guys go to work,” Kyle hissed, turning his head sideways.

“Really? I was going to take you to one nice restaurant and sit on your cock in the restroom,” I growled into Kyle’s ear while I licked my fingers and put them in his hole, hearing him hiss and moan.

“Fuck, yeah.”

I didn’t know if it was a response to what I said or did with my fingers, but I was past caring at that point. I braced myself and spread his butt, pulling his hips to me.

“Let me in, baby.”

Kyle groaned, his cock tenting his jock.

“And what about my load?”

“You can feed me when I’m done,” I said, sliding in as I felt his crack push against me. I groaned into his shoulder and bit it gently as a salve of ecstasy ran through me.

“Baby, I fucking love that ass.”

“Wait till you get my cock, babe.”

I pumped into him hard for a few minutes, holding him tight when we heard the door open. We both stopped frozen.


I could see that all lockers in this row were open, so there was a big chance he wouldn’t come this far. I slowly pushed in and started fucking Kyle silently.

Kyle looked at me, and I wasn’t sure whether he was pissed or turned on big time.

We heard a locker just in the row next to us open, and that guy was removing some things from it and most probably undressing after a workout.


I snickered at Kyle, and he squeezed me inside. I gripped tight his hips and opened my mouth in a silent moan.

You tease. Let’s see how much you can handle yourself.

I slowly started thrusting in and out, making sure I was pressing into his button every time.

Kyle opened his mouth and mouthed, “Asshole.”

I grinned and continued while I took his stiff cock and stroked it while we listened to the guy remove his clothes and put something back in the locker.


Finally, he closed it, and we heard him walk away. Probably going to shower as we soon heard it running.

At that moment, I started ramming into Kyle’s pussy and stroking him furiously with my left hand while covering his moaning mouth with my right.


“I am gonna breed you, baby. Squeeze that pussy for me!”

“Fuck yeah!”

He was getting close, and as he grabbed my hand and tilted his head to me, I could see he was about to cum! Fuck! That was so hot I just lost it. My hand moved faster, and soon I felt him shake and squeeze so tight I shuttered into millions of pieces and groaning filled him with my load.


We breathed heavily as I pulled out, and he turned to me with a wild stare.

“You fucking eating that off me, asshole.”

“I think you meant to say thank you, babe.”

Kyle snickered, pushed me onto my knees, and pressed his cock and stomach covered in his cum into my face.

I just grinned and licked him clean.

He, nevertheless, must have taken a clean jock, and I stashed this one in my bag before I got changed.


“Dude, how am I supposed to climb with your load in me?”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine. Do what you must. But it would be hot.”

Kyle chuckled and went to the stall.

I came down, and the guys were already on the wall.


“Kyle is still in the gym?”

“Went to the restroom.”


The Guys didn’t pay much attention. I suppose they thought we were warming up all this time. Well, we kind of were.


Zack looked suspiciously at Kyle heading down the stairs, looking at me meaningfully, but he didn’t say a word. So we just joined guys and pretty much acted normal the whole time.


When the guys started to get going, Kyle and I told them we would stay longer.

“So, where do you want to go, big guy?”

“I was thinking the whole time about you sitting on my cock in that stall, so we’re either going to eat somewhere, or I am dragging you into the one here!”

“Tempting. How about both?”

“Fuck, Ross, you are just perfect!”

Kyle really did fuck me in both! That guy is a real perv. The moment we are out somewhere, he gets hot as fuck and down for anything. He even pulled out his phone and filmed it while I bounced on him. I don’t think I ever enjoyed bottoming like this before.


When he was filming us in the restaurant, someone called him. We were in an accessible toilet, which was more like a small bathroom. We could lock ourselves in, giving us an excellent chance to move around.


I looked at Kyle, and he answered while ramming into me from behind.

“Mr. Sanders, hello.”

“No, unfortunately, I don’t work there anymore.”

“We had some mutual disagreements.”

“No, unfortunately not.”

“That’s really nice of you, thank you.”

“Well… I suppose I could have a look, but I have a prior engagement today. Would tomorrow be alright for you?”

He kept pumping into me the whole time, and I was on the verge of moaning. Kyle saw that and shut me up with his palm.


“That sounds amazing. I appreciate it.”


“Yes. I can make that work. Thank you.”

Kyle smiled as he tilted his head to my back, and I felt his cock jerking in me. I turned to him and saw him biting his lip and looking at me with a wicked grin.

“Sure, please do.”

I immediately understood, squeezed him in me, and started thrusting against him.

Kyle straightened over me and grabbed my shoulder from under my right pit, twisting me slightly so I braced myself on the wall only by my left hand. Kyle then began ramming hard and fast while listening to the man on the phone.

“I think we could manage that.”


“Of course, I remember.”


Kyle looked at me like he really looked at me!

“Would you mind holding for a minute?”

With that, he pressed on mute and launched on my lips.

“Fuck, you are the most amazing person I have ever met, Ross!” Kyle kissed me so hard I could taste blood, not like I cared. At that moment, I held him so tight around the neck that I thought he could not breathe. We groaned and moaned, not caring if anyone would come, and soon I felt him shaking and unloading in my ass the second time, adding a new load to that first he made me leave there.”

Kyle pulled out with a kiss and knelt before my throbbing cock. Stroking it while he resumed his call.

“Right, so two o’clock tomorrow. I will send you an email later today.”

“I thank you.”

“Have a nice day.”


He ended his call and dove on my cock with such vigor I screamed!

In about a minute, I was shaking and filling his mouth with my load.


“Dude, I think our meal is cold by now.”

We both started laughing as we dressed, washed, and returned to our table.

Yes, it was cold, but damn, all this was so hot I didn’t care the least.

“So, who was that?”

“Old client, we built his house back when I started. It was actually my first assignment. And then two years ago, he wanted me to design his apartment.”

“You do interior design?”

“It’s part of the job usually, but mostly we specialize in building.” Kyle smiled at me. “It’s fine. I don’t want to bore you.”

I leaned back. “You joking? I am curious. My dad built his whole house and garage with his buddies.”

“He’s an architect?”

“No, he’s fixing motorcycles,” I said casually before taking another bite.


Kyle looked skeptical.

“And who designed the house?”

“He, of course. He’s old school.”

“Did he at least have static engineer over?”

“Not sure… I was like two back then, so it’s not like I remember it.” I grinned. “What? You have that queen-about-to-arrive look again.”

Kyle looked at his plate and looked a bit apprehensive.

“Nothing, just think he should have at least checked it out.”

I grinned. He was so cute now! “Maybe he did, but as I know him, he probably didn’t. No idea. Trust me, it’s one sturdy house.”

“I mean. I am glad. But still…”


“Nothing. I just don’t think it’s a good idea just to wing it when it comes to building a house your family should reside in.”

“Duuude.” I had the widest grin my face allowed me. “You have just earned the great honor of me telling him that when you come over. I cannot wait to see his face and yours as he will force you to check everything he touched and make you listen through it all!” I laughed wholeheartedly. “You gonna hate it, but bro, trust me, I will be having the time of my life following you around and grinning like this,” I pointed to my face.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Kyle, dear, trust me, I will. This is just hilarious! When do you have time to go there?” I laughed, but Kyle stopped and just gazed at me.

“You want to introduce me to your parents?”

I stopped laughing and just smiled. “Sure, why not. It’s not like I am held to some standard I must adhere to, and at least dad will have more reasons for a treasure hunt.”

“Treasure hunt?”

I grinned, “Yeah, my dad is…”

My phone rang. I looked at it.

“It’s fine.” I heard Kyle when I felt his foot on my crotch.


Kyle just gave me a wicked grin.

“Put that shoe back on now!”

I stood up and went to the restroom.


“Hi, Matt.”

Kyle walked behind me, and I pulled him into the stall for the disabled.

“Hi, Ross. Look, I have this dickhead over, and he is bugging me about calling you.”

I heard laughter on his line as Kyle knelt and opened my jeans. How many times does he think I can go in one morning? I just shook my head with a smile. I had other plans.

“I always liked dickheads. Give me one sec, Matt.”

I put it on mute and took Kyle’s chin. “Just warm it for me.”

Kyle glanced at me quizzically. “What do you mean?”

“Just hold it still in your mouth.”


“One, it’s nice. Second, dude, I have shot three times in the last few hours.”

“You’ve done this before?”

“Sure, I had a few subs doing that.”

Kyle frowned. “Fine, but you are doing it to me when we get home.”

I raised my brow. “That will be a first for me…”

“I believe it will.” Kyle was resolute.



“Hi, Matt, sorry.”

More laughter over there.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, just this bastard is making fun of me that everyone I call today put me on hold.”

“Really? Well, what can you do.”

I looked at Kyle as he took my flaccid cock in his mouth and just stayed there. It was so fricking cute. I caressed his hair and smiled at him, enjoying the moist warmth.

“Sure, sure, so when are you coming to train with Ben? Could we join?” I heard Matt’s voice.

“You can just call Ben if you want.”

“I kind of preferred your style.”

How nice. But remembering Matt walking with Tom down to the basement with Ben and Peter following made me think more like he doesn’t really want to introduce the guy who probably fucked him to his best friend. I may be wrong, of course. “Right… so it doesn’t have anything with New Year’s?”

“Not particularly.”

“Well, I have time Tuesdays and Thursdays if you want.”

“I have something tomorrow, but I could find the time in the morning.”

“Morning is fine. How early?”

“Seven is fine?”

“Seven?” I looked at Kyle, and he nodded. “I need to sleep at home anyway,” Kyle whispered.

I frowned but accepted it. “Fine, seven is cool. Ben’s gym?”

“Yeah, sure. Can I take this bastard as well?”

“The dickhead?”

Matt laughed shortly. “Yeah, that’s the one.”

“Sure, bring him. We can gang up on him.”

I could nearly see a wicked, broad smile on his face as I heard him say. “Deal.”

“Okay, Matt, I have someone here. So I will go now. See you tomorrow.”

“Okay, bye.”


Kyle looked at me with a smile around my now semi-hard-on. I knelt in front of him and kissed him.

“Let’s go home, baby.”



Kyle took that gig for interior design, but Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays always went with us to boulder gym and then worked at mine. He kept Tuesdays and Thursdays to look over the workers he hired and organize everything he was hired for. I trained with Ben, Matt, and Brandon, his best friend in those days.


Matt turned out to be one demanding student, and Brandon a real goofball. But hanging out with them was fantastic, so I got into such an active lifestyle that even I sometimes just fell into my bed, absolutely spent dreading the next day.


Since that weekend, we were fucking with Kyle every chance we got. I was even surprised we managed to do something in the basement since we constantly pounced at each other. There was so much cum splattered and wiped on the walls and ground of that basement that I will never be able to work out down here and not remember some sex scenes from these times. And, of course, we installed the camera there to preserve these memories. We kept teasing each other and switching so much that my ass was just as sore as my dick after a while.


But in general, we surprisingly really did a lot. Since we managed to keep ourselves at two to four loads a day, we tried to outdo each other in between. By the end of January, we managed to do all basics, and now we just leisurely fucked while the paint was drying.


I wouldn’t trade these times for anything! Kyle was on fire, and that was forcing me to go even harder. We fucked like mad and worked like mad, and thanks to Matt, Brandon, and Ben, I trained the hardest in my life. I was constantly horny and constantly pumped!


Kyle was one great perv. We never went from boulder straight home. We fucked in many public spots I have used, and he showed me some of his.


What an incredible month! Over the weekends Kyle spent at mine, we haven’t worked at all. Instead, we just fucked, talked, laughed, watched videos and films, or just hung out. Seth came a few times, and I even introduced him to more of my fuck-buddies. I will share those in a special collection, which we will write together with Kyle.


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