Fiancé of my Ex-Boss Ch. 21


A gay story: Fiancé of my Ex-Boss Ch. 21 Fiance of my Ex-Boss: Chapter 21 – At the gym with Matt and Goofball



Tuesday, Feb. 4th, 2020


The beginning of February, winter, around forty degrees outside, when the door opens, and in walks a dude with short pants and a tee shirt. I grinned and turned to welcome him when I saw a picture of a man raising his hands above the huge sign “I POOPED TODAY!” on his shirt.

I busted out laughing. This man gets me every time. Last Thursday, he walked in a shirt saying something like, “I’d flex, but I like this shirt.” And kept taunting Matt the whole time about it for some reason. Those two are remarkable! Especially since Matt wears three-piece suits normally.

“Hi, Ross, what’s so funny?” he said with such a neutral tone that I had to laugh harder.

“You are just special, Goofball.”

“Oh, thank you!” he touched his chest and smiled at me.

“Hi, Brandon!”

“Hi, Ben!”

Ben started laughing also. “Congratulation!”

“Thank you, you know it’s a very important part of life, and honestly, I had such a good one today that I just had to wear this to celebrate it properly.”

I was in tears now!

“Do you own anything else than goofy shirts?”

“I am scared to buy some, cos then Matt can come, borrow it, and bring me back scraps. He never wants to wear anything like this.”

“Why in the world not? I think many 36-year-olds wear it nowadays.” I grinned.

“Why does he bring you back scraps?” Ben asked, entertained.

“Last one he borrowed came back ripped and cut.”

Ben laughed as if he understood something.


The door opened, and we all turned to see Matt entering. The mood shifted. I looked at Brandon. I saw him straighten his spine and broaden his shoulders instantly. His face didn’t bear any trace of a smile anymore. I never saw him even neutral. He always just grinned, so now seeing him alert like this gave me chills for some reason.

I looked again at Matt. He was obviously pissed. Something was really wrong.

“Hi, Matty.” Brandon’s voice was calm but cautious.

He glared at Brandon and was about to move past us when Brandon stepped in his way.

“What’s going on?”

“Move, Bran,” Matt growled.

Brandon carefully examined Matt’s face. “You haven’t slept.”

“No, let go of me.”

Brandon held Matt’s biceps firmly. Ben and I looked at each other.

“What are you doing now?” Brandon asked slowly.

“I am going to change and beat something.”

Brandon shook his head. “No way.”

“Let go of me, Bran,” Matt tried to shake Brandon off him but couldn’t. I never saw Bran serious like this. He looked twice bigger; even with that goofy shirt on, he looked stern and menacing. He was like a solid wall.


“Matt, I am not letting anyone fight you now. You will snap after the first punch.”

“Bran, if you don’t let go of me, you are getting the first one.” Matt looked into Brandon’s eyes, and they stared at each other, neither backing down.

This was the first time those two or three inches Brandon was taller showed immensely as he towered over Matt with all strength.


“What’s going on?” Ben approached them.

“He needs to calm down.” Bran didn’t take his eyes off Matt’s.

“I need to beat into something. Last warning, Brandon.”

Brandon’s look was resolute and cold. “Go to sleep, now.”

“Fuck you!”

“I mean it, Mattew.”

“Don’t fuck with me now, Bran,”

“Matthew, this is your last warning. You either go to sleep now, or I am taking you home myself.”

Matt sighed, obviously realizing he couldn’t shake Brandon off. “Can’t you just give me a break?”

Brandon’s look grew gentler yet still unwavering. “Matt, I know how much you need it; whatever happened is grave. I know it and am here for you, but I know that look too well. If you now start fighting, you will not stop until you draw blood.”

“Fuck you!”

“We are not fighting today.”

“You are not my trainer.”


Brandon looked at me. “Ross, I mean it. If you now start fighting him, he will snap.”

I looked over at Matt. It was apparent to all of us that he was in distress. “Matt, what happened?”

“I am not talking about it.”

“Fine. Then let’s work out with the equipment.”

“No, I want to punch something.”

“Okay, there is a punching bag.” I pointed.

“Fine!” He glared at Brandon, still holding him. “Can I go change now?”

“Are you going to change into pj’s?”

“Brandon, let him go change. Matt, we will wait here. Go.” Brandon looked at me, concerned but let Matt go. Matt scoffed and walked into changing room.


“What was that?” I asked.

“Something is wrong, very, very wrong. He is out for blood.” I never saw Brandon this severe.

I nodded. I could see it too. “I know.”

“He needs to let it out of his system, Brandon. We are here, don’t worry.” Ben said calmly, but it was evident that he was vigilant.

“You don’t know him, Ben; he had beaten to coma guys bigger than you when he was like this.”

Ben and I looked at each other.

“Thank you for warning us.”

“He can’t spar today.”

I nodded. “He won’t, but you can’t just send him home to sleep. It won’t help him.”

“He needs to calm down,” Brandon kept repeating. He cared a lot!

“Would he be able to calm down like that, or just push it further until it blows over?”

Brandon crossed his arms and looked at the door to the locker room. “Then what do you suggest?”

“Brandon, we all here had issues with anger. Why do you think I own a gym? And why do you think this area has a place for sparing and punching bags? Cos it’s such a good business opportunity?”


“No, because I started in a place like this dealing with issues you have no idea about. Let Matt deal with his.”

Bran frowned, and his face turned to stone. “I did that for years, and we swept guys into the ground three times a week.”

“You should have come to some gym.”

“Matt wouldn’t set foot into a gym like this. His dad was a boxer. He hates those bags more than anything. Why do you think he had such a hard time starting? I have no idea what spell you cast on him to change his mind, but trust me, back in the day – no one could do that.”


“Can you stop gossiping about me?”

“No, you are too interesting.”

“Fine, I will not spar, but I need to do something.”

“That you do. Let’s warm up normally, and then you at the bags for the rest of the day.”

Matt looked at me. “Bags are not enough. I already tried that.”

A huge cruel smile set on Ben’s face. He was pretty much listening up to this point. “Did you?”

Oh boy, you will be so sore tomorrow! I thought as I watched those two look at each other.


Ben turned to Toby at the reception. “Toby! Close the gym for today.” Ben yelled.

“What? Why?”

“Just do it.”

“What am I supposed to tell the people here?”

Ben took a long look at everyone present. “Tell them it’s personal. All of them know me well enough that they will understand. Just do it.”

“Okay, should I then stay?”

“No, take a day off; it’s fine.”


Toby went to people who had already noticed Ben yelling, so most just nodded and started wiping their equipment, ready to leave.


Ben turned to Matt. He looked eagerly at Ben. “Now, before everyone gets out, you start running. You need to warm up, boy. Those muscles will hate me tomorrow.”

“Which ones?”

“All of them, even blinking, will hurt, boy. Run!”

Matt nodded and went to the treadmill.


“Do you think that’s wise? He really hasn’t slept.” Brandon looked worried.

“If he faints, I have a comfy bed in the back. Don’t worry. I won’t kill him. He will just think that I am.

I looked at Brandon. “Honestly, I don’t think he could fall asleep if you laid the bed before him or even tucked him tight. He is livid.”

Brandon nodded with worry, looking after Matt.

“Wanna start, goofball?”

Brandon turned away from Matt and looked at me. “Sure…”


I trained with Brandon while Ben was making Matt regret he ever came. But Matt was relentless. I had to admire that guy. He wouldn’t give up no matter what Ben threw at him, and I could respect that and saw that Ben respected it as well.



By the two-hour mark, Brandon was about to finish, and we sat down and drank while watching Ben destroying Matt. We couldn’t stop looking.

By hour three, Ben finally told the magic word. “Done!”

Matt fell on the ground like a rag doll and just lay there.

“Are you alive, Matty?”

“No!” he groaned.


“Now, do you feel better?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good boy.”

“Now. Thursday, we are closed.”

“Right! I exclaimed. “I forgot.”

“What? No!” Matt whimpered.

“Chill, Matt. You can come to mine if you want, but you will need to behave.”

“Thanks.” He managed somehow to turn.


Brandon closed his bottle and went to Matt, giving him his. “Now, what happened?”

“Met Thomas’s ex.”

Ben sat next to Matt. He was covered in sweat. Now when I think about it, I don’t remember the last time he gave such brutal training to anyone.

“Which one?” I asked.

“Can’t say.”

We frowned. Tom was a close friend; Ben and I know all of his exes. “Why?”

“Brandon knows him, and he is not out yet.”

“Duuude! You can’t say something like this to me like that….”

“Wait. Tom’s had an ex that is not out? I know all of his exes, and all were out.”

“This one isn’t.”

I leaned back in shock. “Dude, he lied to Tom?” I looked at Ben, and we both knew of only one person he dated who lied to him, well, maybe except Peter.

“Right… in that case, I suppose we know,” Ben said. “How did you meet him?”

“Can’t tell either.”

“Seriously? Because of me?”


Brandon scoffed.


“Fine. So you met his pet. What’s with that?”

“Let’s just say we had a long talk about Thomas, and I am pissed at him.”

“Tom or his pet?”

“Ex-pet, and I am angry at Thomas.”

Ben shook his head, and I didn’t like this either. “Then, I think you are angry at the wrong person, but it’s none of my business.”

Drama, drama, drama…

“What did Thomas do?”


My phone started ringing. I jumped as if I had just won the lottery. This ringtone is assigned to one person. I mean, I know I should feel bad for Matt, but the surge of dopamine made me forget about everything as I went to my phone and picked it up.

“Hi, baby.”

“Ooooh, cuuute!” Brandon turned to me with a grin.

“Shut up, bitches.”

“Where are you?” Kyle asked with a smile in his voice.

“I am still at the gym. Ben just destroyed Matt, so it was an interesting spectacle.”

“Fuck you, bastard!” Matt shouted.


“Great.” Kyle chuckled. “Look, I could finish a bit earlier here. Would you like to meet? Karl is spending the night at Don’s.”


“Yeah, and maybe we could skip the boulder tomorrow, and we can fuck around the whole house.”

I sat comfortably next to poor Matt and the smirking Brandon. “We have already fucked around the whole house three times.”

“Show off,” Matt growled, and Brandon just laughed.

“Yeah, I kind of meant my house.”

“Wait, you mean that house you live in with that dick?”

Ben shook his head, Matt chuckled, and Brandon facepalmed. “Classy, smooth move, dude.”

“Shut up, Bran.”

“Don’t call him that.” Kyle’s voice got stern.

“Fine, is prick alright?”

Matt laughed.


“Do they hear me?”

“No. Only me. You said you are okay with it as long I am not mentioning names, so I need to call him somehow.”

“Just drop it. It was a bad idea.”

“Just come to mine.”

“I will call you later. I have things to do.”


“He hung up on me.” I looked at the guys, stunned.

“What happened?”

“He wanted me to come over to his house.”

“But you rather chose to be a dick.”

“I don’t need to see the house he lives in with the guy he’s about to marry while that prick is at his boyfriend’s.”

“Well, you are Kyle’s boyfriend as well.”

“Still, I just don’t want to sleep there.”


Matt sat next to me. “Fascinating.”

“What is?”

“I never invited Thomas into my house.”

“No, you invited him to your fuck place. While Nat was in your house.”

“True… but you know… I remember I wanted to invite him into my apartment, not only because it’s my fuck place. In truth, it was the only place that stayed only mine. Everything in there was me. I wanted to show that to Thomas, good and bad. I didn’t want to invite him into the house that Natasha decorated, and I just learned to deal with it.”

“Matt’s in his story mode again.”

“Shut up, Brandon. I believe he has a point.” Ben said calmly.

I turned to him. “What do you mean?”

“I have it the same way. Peter or I can fuck pretty much anywhere with anyone, but only very few people can see our bedroom. It’s fucking private.”

I nodded. I knew about this. I just never thought why that could be. “I know, and?”

“Maybe, Kyle just wanted to show you another part of his life. You told me he designed that house.”

“Just the interior.”


They all looked at me as if I was missing an obvious point.

“Fine, I get it, but are you forgetting that his fiance lives there also.”

“You mean his best friend who is dating another guy?”

“They still sleep together.”

“Do they?” Ben raised his eyebrow.

“I mean, seriously, if what you say it’s true and that guy has the energy to fuck his fiancé in those days, he is not fucking with you three to four times a day. He is seriously talented.”


“Ross… From experience, they are right. I cheated on Flo with a couple of women. But only one ever saw my house. The one I really loved. I know it’s fucked up and wrong! I know I am a piece of shit, and I hurt them both immensely, but I agree that maybe Kyle values you more than just a fuckbuddy if he wants to risk that, just for you to know him better. Especially when you have the perfect place to have sex in the first place.”

Brandon smiled at me weakly. “Not to mention, his fiancé knows about you. So it’s not like you two are cheating in a normal sense. I wasn’t so lucky. I lost them both.”

“Brandon, seeing you being serious twice a day is scary.”

“Then just call him that you are coming.”

“Fine! I suppose I can always leave if I will feel uncomfortable.”


“Okay, guys, I am beat. I will go now.”

“You are beat? Dude, I feel like I should call an ambulance.”

Ben laughed. “Wait for tomorrow.”


I typed my address and sent it to Matt and Bran. “Right, I am now sending you the address. Come around eight.”

“Fine. Thanks.”

“But Matt?”


“If Brandon says you can’t spar, you will not.”

Matt looked at Brandon, who nodded. “Fine. Ben, can I borrow one bag? I will buy you a new one.”

“Sure, boy.”


I stood up and wondered whether is that bad to come over to Kyle’s. The truth was, I never-ever went to the house of my fuckbuddies. It just became more real that way, like I was intruding…


Fuck it. Karl is with Don anyway. Kyle and Karl are friends with benefits at most. So let’s give it a chance. I dialed Kyle’s number.


“Hi, Kyle. Sorry, if you want, I can come over.”

“Really? Why?”

“I want to see how you live if you want me to.”

“Yes, I would love to.”

“Good. Do you want me to bring something?”

“No, you are fine. I have pretty much everything ready.”

“You have been preparing for it?”

“Little bit.”

“Oh, how sweet. When do you want me to come over?”


“Six is great.”

“But don’t eat before. I am cooking.”

I grinned. “Can’t wait.”

So I just went home and took loooong shower, got ready my first overnight bag in life for such an occasion, and went to the car.

I realized I didn’t know the address. So, I took my phone to call him when I saw his message. Kyle sent me the address. All right… That is not nearby from the boulder gym. It was about 6 miles, which is only a few minutes by car, but he either walked for over an hour or knew some very special shortcut…


When I came to the area, I realized this neighborhood was really good. Every single house here was huge, and only five were on the whole street, each with a perfectly sculptured lawn. I was never easily intimidated, but I felt weird being here. I understood Don advising me not ever to see it. Next to these houses, Don’s or mine looked like little shacks.


I parked in his driveway, stepped out, and walked to his door.




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