Finally, He Touches Me Pt. 06

Note to the editor: There are italics in this story that I’d like to be retained. Thank you!



Lana Lovelace

Sam banged on the door a second time, a nervous jittering in all his limbs. The bottle neck he gripped had become sweaty in his hand, and he felt his fingers tightening around it.

This is a bad idea, he thought casting a quick glance up and down the hallway. It was late, but not that late, and if someone walked by right now…

The door swished open, followed by a man’s annoyed voice. “I hope you’re not planning on staying long, because I was just about to binge-watch my favorite show, ‘Get Lost’—oh, uh…Hey, Sam.”

JR stood in the doorway, hair rumpled, wearing a dingy white undershirt and a pair of ratty sweats.

Sam ran a hand through his own damp hair as he felt a blush creep up his cheeks. He tried to play it cool, “Uh…hey, JR.”

An awkward moment passed between them. The older man looked Sam up and down with a quirked eyebrow at his too-tight T-shirt and well-worn pants. Sam shifted his weight between his feet and cleared his throat.

“So, were you, like, in the neighborhood or something?” JR asked, eyes on the bottle in Sam’s hand. “Just some light evening walking and drinking?”

Sam jumped, fighting the sudden urge to tuck the bottle behind his back. That would just make him look even more suspicious. “No, I…uh…” he stammered, “I came to talk to you.” He glanced down the hallway again. “Can I come in?”

JR looked over his shoulder, but Sam knew he had no partners tonight. Mara was out of town on a recon mission, but just to be safe, he’d hacked into the security camera footage in hallway. No one had entered JR’s room but the man himself.

“Yeah, sure,” he said, shuffling aside on bare feet. “Sit down.” He gestured to the battered orange couch in the corner that looked as if it had seen more than its fair share of good times.

Sam sat. Perched on the edge, he suddenly felt like a student who’d gone to the principal’s office to be scolded. With a thinly concealed shaky breath, he scooted back, trying to look casual, though springs poked him in the back from every angle.

“That’s better,” JR said, sitting down next to Sam and pulling his feet onto the couch after him, knees against his chest in a very uncharacteristic JR pose. “You’re too damn tall now.”

“Good genes, I guess,” Sam gave a small laugh. He’d surpassed JR’s six-foot height years ago, but every time JR brought it up, he made it seem like it was something new.

JR cast a quick look at Sam’s lap, but then flicked his eyes back up. “You as tall as your father yet?”

“Taller, by an inch or two, I think.”

“Damn,” JR replied with a shake of his head.

Another awkward silence hung over them, but this time it was Sam who broke it. He lifted the bottle, still clenched in his white-knuckled hand. “I um, was wondering if I could ask a favor. I brought a bribe.”

JR peered at the bottle. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that’s baiju,” he began, studying the slightly yellowish liquid inside, “But we’re not in China. So…hooch?”

Sam swallowed hard. “I’m not sure what that is,” he said, voice cracking, “But if ‘hooch’ means home-stilled liquor that tastes like lighter fluid, then you’d be right.” His heart hammered in his chest. This was where JR could either accept the gift or turn him into the generals.

While beer was allowed on the base, hard liquor was much more closely controlled. In addition to the real thing being difficult to get, the generals tried to prevent the exchange of these home-made concoctions. Getting caught with it would land you in the brig with a month of hard labor and limited rations—if they didn’t kick you out entirely.

JR took the bottle, flicking open the crude lid with an audible pop. He took a sniff, then recoiled with a face. He turned that face to Sam. “Lighter fluid indeed. Where the hell did you find this monstrosity?”

Sam hesitated. He didn’t really want JR to know he’d made a deal with the Wasteland Savants, genetic mutants whose Skills made his and JR’s seem like child’s play. “Oh ya know,” he hedged, “Around.”

The man shrugged. “Well, gets drunk the same. Whaddya need?”

This was the question that had given Sam anxiety all the way here. But, instead of trying to dance around the subject, he decided to just come out and say it. Better for JR to eject him quickly than to die a slow, embarrassing death beneath JR’s stinging wit. “I want you to teach me what you know.”

JR took a sip of the liquor with an audible cough, wiping away a clear trickle that ran from the corner of his mouth. “I’m not sure I want to ask you what you mean by ‘what’, but I already think I know…” He passed the bottle to Sam.

Sam eyed the spirit warily.

“C’mon, kid,” JR said, nudging Sam’s hand with his toe, “I’m not drinkin’ alone.”

Steeling his resolve, Sam took a swig, immediately choking as the fumes hit the back of his throat and crawled up into his nose. Droplets sprayed over JR. What little Sam had managed to swallow trickled down his throat, burning like liquid droplets of sun. A warmth grew in his stomach, even through his coughing fit.

JR tsked, though a smile creased his eyes. He wiped the hem of his undershirt over his face revealing a muscular stomach, six-pack softened with age. The fuzzy trail below his belly button was the same color as his golden hair.

“I see you’re still new at this,” the man said, laughing. He leaned over and pulled two thick-walled glasses from a crate.

“Sorry,” Sam mumbled, feeling another blush rising to his cheeks. He wiped tears from his eyes.

JR shook his head. “Not a problem.” He took the bottle and poured some into each cup, using two horizontal fingers for measurement, then held the glass toward Sam. “It’s easier if you don’t drink from the bottle. And relax your throat.” He gave Sam a wink and clicked his glass against Sam’s. “Round two?”

With a deep breath, Sam nodded. JR shot his in one swallow, again wiping the corner of his mouth with his hand. Using his Foresight, Sam tried to see how this next shot would go—whether he would choke again—but his future sense showed him nothing. He knocked back the shot with a focus on not coughing, trying to do what JR said. It went better this time, and he managed to get the whole glass down, but not before losing some from the corner of his mouth.

JR laughed again, this time gently, taking a thumb and wiping the liquor from Sam’s cheek. “Right of passage,” he said. At that moment, though the man was at least two decades older, he looked much younger. There was something in his amber eyes that radiated warmth and fun.

Sam smiled back, the heat in his belly growing to encompass his whole body. He raised his arm, fingers brushing JR’s palm as the man pulled his hand away. Then, the warmth was gone, and JR was pouring another set of shots. Sam looked at his empty hand, still aching for the man’s touch, and made a face at JR.

“Wait a minute…” he confronted JR, realization coming to him. JR was a Sway—a savant who could influence people’s emotions. “You said you never used your Skill to flirt with people.”

“Who said I was flirting?” JR retorted, “You’re the one who came here with a bottle of hooch asking what I know…”

Sam stammered.

“But, you’re also a bit wrong there. I said I never used my Skill to flirt with unwilling people. And since you showed up at my door, dressed like that…” he hooked a finger under the tight sleeve of Sam’s T-shirt, “I knew you were anything but.”

Sam shot his next drink without even waiting for JR to get his. Right now, the burning liquid seemed preferable to a lecture on how terrible he was at flirting.

“Either way, you’re too nervous, so I thought I’d help. Maybe instead I should tell you that I’m also not unwilling, despite your terrible taste in booze.” JR grinned, finishing his drink with a dramatic gasp and setting the empty glass down on the table.

Not unwilling…Sam thought as his brain, made sluggish by the alcohol, worked to unravel that phrase.

“So you mean…?” he stammered, his head floating. He smirked again, trying to recover his cool.

JR chuckled. “Do you still want me to teach you what I know?”

Before tonight, the thought of fucking JR had been exciting, but now that it was within reach, Sam felt a bit terrified. This man had a lot of experience and if the gossip around the base had any accuracy to it, that meant hundreds of people. He nodded, suddenly growing shy despite the buzz.

“Okay, so first things first,” JR said, taking the glass from Sam’s tight grip. Instead of pouring more, he set it to the side. Sam watched JR curiously and the man met his eyes. “Trent?” he asked simply.

Sam swallowed and spoke, his tongue feeling two sizes too big for his mouth. “He’s okay with it. We—we talked.”

“You sure?” JR’s gaze was piercing. “While I wouldn’t consider myself an honest man most of the time, I always am in the bedroom. Because this is for me…and if you can’t be honest with yourself, you have nothing.”

Now, Sam was doubly glad he’d brought everything up with Trent before attempting this. He hated lying but more than that, hated the idea of a world where JR was a more honest man than he. “Yes,” he said more confidently. “Trent understands and wants too—”

JR held up his hand, “That’s for him to tell me. That he understands is all I care about.”

Sam nodded, shifting on the couch. The thing was downright uncomfortable, so he tried to prop himself up by putting an arm across the back, placing his fingers only inches from JR’s raised knees.

“Secondly, whatever they say about me, know that it’s exaggerated.” He snorted a laugh. “Not by much, but it is exaggerated. Thirdly,” he placed a hand atop Sam’s, and Sam did everything he could not to tremble. “I won’t hurt you, ever, or force you to do anything you don’t want. If that’s your kink, you’ll have to go somewhere else.”

“Oh no—I—that’s totally fine,” Sam stammered. “I—yeah…” he finished lamely. “That’s fine.”

The warm blanket of emotion washed over him again (or was it the booze?) and JR leaned forward. “We can go slow,” he said in a low voice.

Sam’s tremoring heart resumed a normal beat, and his rational mind clawed its way through the fog. Get a grip! he told himself. You want this. JR isn’t a bad guy. JR is fun! With a breath, he focused on the man’s hand atop his own: warm, strong, and rough with callouses. The warmth traveled up that arm to merge with what the hooch created in his belly and also creep between his legs where his cock began to harden against his tight pants.

He nodded at JR, washing his gaze down the man. An angular jaw and sharp chin, a result of the light gene tailoring from JR’s cartel upbringing connected with his sleek neck set upon slender shoulders that were nonetheless sculpted with chords of muscle. Tufts of hair poked from JR’s sleeveless undershirt, the man’s nipples like beacons against the thin fabric. The sweats, also thin, barely left anything to the imagination and he noticed JR was growing just as hard as he.

Gripping his hand, Sam gave a slight tug, unsure how to initiate the exchange. JR slid closer to Sam, their hips now touching, and turned his face. Gripping Sam lightly by the jaw, he pulled Sam close.

“Before we get into this,” JR said in a whisper, he lifted his shirt. On his left hip, just above the waistband of his pants, was a tattoo that looked like a simple pair of painted brush strokes. Right now, they were green. “I take safety very seriously.”

Sam had the same tattoo—in fact, everyone was required to get one when they officially enlisted. The colors allowed doctors to quickly assess a patient and diagnose illness, but Sam now realized it was also helpful when picking sexual partners.

“I’m good,” Sam said, showing JR his own dual-green stripes.

JR nodded, then closed the distance.

Sam gasped at its suddenness, even though he’d been expecting something like this. JR’s tongue pushed through his teeth and Sam’s tongue returned it, hesitant at first. The man’s kiss was completely unlike Trent’s— Sam’s only experience so far—aggressive and rough rather than sweet and soft. JR bit Sam’s lip, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to make Sam yelp. The man stopped.

“Too much?” he asked, his lips moving against the corner of Sam’s mouth.

“No,” Sam breathed back, “It’s perfect.”

He pressed closer, JR’s mustache tickling Sam’s nose, his stubble rough against Sam’s chin. A soft moan resonated through the room, and Sam didn’t even know it was his until he heard JR chuckle. In his pants, Sam’s cock throbbed with the excitement of a new lover. He rubbed a hand over it quickly to try and calm it down, but that only made it that much more erect. It grew tight against his fly.

JR’s hands ran over Sam’s body, down his back and across his hips. He cupped the top of Sam’s ass, giving it a little squeeze and pulled Sam even closer, making him gasp yet again. But then JR pulled away, cradling Sam’s cheek in his hand. With a contented sigh, he stood up.

“Well…let’s see what you’ve got,” he said, hooking both thumbs in the waistband of his sweats. He removed the garment with one swoop, stepping out of the pile and kicking them away. Sam noticed he wore no briefs.

Sam tried to stand, his legs like jelly, but JR pressed a restraining hand on his shoulder. He ran a thumb along Sam’s cheek. “I’d prefer to see you from this angle,” he said, his head tilted down and cock fully erect.

Sam stared at that cock. It was larger than Trent’s, though not by much, and far smaller than Sam had expected. No hair haloed his rod, the trail from his belly button ending abruptly just below the line from his sweats. He let out a relieved chuckle.

“What?” JR asked with a frown.

“They said you were hung like a horse,” he mumbled with a blush.

However, instead of getting angry, JR laughed again. “Like I said, don’t believe everything ‘they’ say. I just hope you’re not disappointed.”

With an eager hand, gave JR’s cock a few strokes, eliciting a gasp from the man. “Not at all,” he whispered, his lips only centimeters from the head.

In fact, he was relieved. Even though it made Sam incredibly nervous, he would like to feel a cock inside him someday. An experienced lover and a reasonable size eased the nerves somewhat.

Sam rubbed a thumb against the underside of JR’s cock, flicking his tongue out to caress the tip. The man made a light moan, thrusting his hips forward to press his cock head against Sam’s lips. He opened them, allowing JR to slide in, over his waiting tongue. He trailed his fingers lower, down to the hairless and velvety-smooth sack and gave JR’s balls a gentle squeeze. The man moaned louder, and Sam sucked harder, taking in as much of JR as he could before pulling way and leaving a trail of spittle along its length.

While he’d given Trent many blowjobs before, this one felt different. When sucking off Trent, Sam wanted to please his boyfriend, to hear his moans, feel his squirming, make him crazy, but with JR, Sam wanted the cock. He wanted all of the cock. He wanted to feel the man’s power as he fucked Sam’s face. He wanted to be used for pleasure.

JR’s scent overwhelmed him, heady and musky. It made the tingling between Sam’s legs grow in anticipation. He wanted more. With a breath, he swirled his tongue around the tip, saliva drooling from his mouth and tried to take in another inch until he gagged again. He tried again, slower this time, pushing his face a little closer into JR’s groin. Using his other hand, he got into a rhythm with JR’s thrusts, but couldn’t get past the point of gagging.

JR’s moans grew even louder and his thrusts rougher. Sam struggled to keep up. After one particularly hard thrust, he choked and pulled away. Tears sprang to his eyes.

“Fuck,” he cursed, looking at the ground.

JR man caressed Sam’s jaw again, wiping his spittle with a thumb. He pulled Sam’s chin up. Sam opened his eyes and wiped the tears away. “I’m sor—”

“Relax,” the man said, his voice gentle. “Breathe through your nose.”

Sam swallowed the saliva and bile in his throat and nodded. Opening his mouth, he took JR in again with slow, deep breaths through his nostrils. This time, he used his Foresight to expect JR’s thrusts, and was able to take in even more of the man’s beautiful, hard cock. The rhythm began again at a much more controlled pace. Eventually, Sam found his nose grazing JR’s pubic bone.

A shiver ran through him as the man went on to fuck Sam’s face. Sam’s own cock pressed uncomfortably against his pants, but his hands were too busy touching JR to touch himself. The man wove his fingers through Sam’s hair, taking control of his movements, though without force. Sam moaned against JR’s cock, squirming on the couch to try and give his throbbing cock some attention.

JR echoed that moan, squeezing his hands into fists which put just enough tug on Sam’s hair to send another wave of electricity over his skin. “Fuck,” JR moaned, and Sam looked up again.

The man’s eyes were closed, his head thrown back, and his mouth open in ecstasy. It was so hot that Sam found himself desperately touching every inch of skin he could reach on JR. More saliva dripped from his mouth. He squeezed JR’s ass.

“Fuuck,” JR moaned again, his thrusts growing stronger. “I’m gonna—”

Suddenly, something shot against the back of Sam’s throat causing him to choke and rip away. Bursts of hot, sticky liquid landed on his face, coating his cheeks, lips, and chin. JR grunted until his cock only dribbled. The man looked down, a dreamy smile on his face.

“Damn, boy,” JR said, running a finger through the thick cum on Sam’s cheek.

Sam’s head floated, taking in JR with his halo of golden blonde hair. The man looked like something from a fairytale: tan, strong, and glowing. JR pressed his finger against Sam’s lips. He instinctively opened his mouth. When he wasn’t choking on it, JR’s cum tasted great—fresh and salty. He moaned while he sucked on JR’s finger and the man’s mouth dropped open slightly in pleasure.

Easing down on the sofa by Sam, JR wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close. The tip of his tongue traced over Sam’s cum-slicked cheek until it met his mouth. He sucked in Sam’s bottom lip. They kissed deeply, Sam’s hand going to his own cock, straining within his cargos.

But JR pulled Sam’s hand away, surprising him.

“Your boyfriend gets back tonight,” he whispered when their mouths finally separated. “Why don’t you save that and go show him what you’ve learned.”

Sam gasped, giving JR a long-suffering frown. “You’re an ass,” he said from a throat strangled with arousal.

The man’s eyes twinkled as he used his discarded sweats to tenderly wipe the cum from Sam’s face. “Well, I didn’t say I was a nice guy.”

Sam spread his eyes wide, trying to turn his frown into one of pleading desperation and JR chuckled. “Nice try with the eyes,” he said, kissing Sam again, fingers tugging at the hair on the back of Sam’s head. “Next time.”

Sam sighed, brushing a hand over JR’s flaccid cock, causing the man to jump. “Next time,” he said, trying to make his voice sound deeper than it was. Then he stood up.

“I’m looking forward to it,” JR replied, and that jovial, white-toothed smile almost made Sam’s knees melt.

Trent was going to love this trick…

* * * * *

Note from the author: I, like Sam, decided to try something different this time so, since Sam wanted more experiences, I decided to give JR. Let me know how you like this new adventure. Keep an eye out for Part 7! And…if you like JR, check out my stand-alone on my profile: Healing Hands, Hot Body, featuring JR’s steamy encounter with the base doctor.

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