Finally, He Touches Me Pt. 07

A gay story: Finally, He Touches Me Pt. 07 To the reader: The long awaited seventh part of ” Finally He Touches Me ” is here! Thank you all for your patience as I dealt with life and struggled with inspiration and the direction I wanted to go with this story. When I began writing, I knew I wanted to do something different than the standard romantic arc, but I wasn’t quite sure how to go about that. So, here is the next installment, after which things are going to open up further. I fully believe that love and sex should be free, unlimited, and unhindered, surpassing all expectations. And remember, communication is key! Okay, now on to the sexy stuff …

* * * * *

When Trent opened the door to his room, in the small hours of the morning, he assumed he’d find Sam sound asleep. Instead, he found Sam wearing only a pair of workout shorts and sitting in his bed, one leg crossed under him and the other dangling off the edge. His eyes were closed as he dozed, head leaned back against the wall. The autolights were dim, casting subtle shadows about their small room. The HVAC system whirred softly, ruffling Sam’s shaggy hair.

Sam must not have been sleeping very hard however, since the soft swish of the door made him open his eyes. He grinned.

Trent heaved a sigh at the beautiful man blinking drowsily at him, a smile spreading on his own lips. He was on Sam in a lunge, practically throwing himself into the other’s embrace as he covered Sam’s face in kisses. Grabbing his chin, Sam pulled Trent’s mouth to his and practically smothered Trent with his hot, lusty ferocity.

“Miss me?” Sam breathed when he finally let Trent come up for air.

Trent chuckled, weaving his fingers into Sam’s shaggy hair. “No more than you missed me.” He gave the other a wink.

Sam laughed, wrapping Trent in his arms and uncoiling from the bed. “Touché,” he said, pulling Trent tighter against his bare chest.

For a moment, all Trent could do was bury his face into the side of Sam’s neck, breathing deeply. Sam rested his cheek against the top of Trent’s head, his quickened breath ruffling Trent’s hair.

“It feels like I was gone forever,” Trent gave a contented sigh. The faint scent of soap complimented the heady smell of Sam’s skin, making him lightheaded. “I hope you didn’t have too much fun without me.”

Sam laughed again, sending a tingle through Trent’s core. He’d missed that sound. “Just a little. You were only gone a few days.”

Trent pulled back, looking Sam in the eye. “A little?” He raised an eyebrow to accentuate his point.

A worried look crossed Sam’s face and he frowned. “Wasn’t—wasn’t that okay?” he fidgeted on the bed, now sitting on it with both legs hanging from the edge and Trent standing between them.

Realization began to hit Trent in a cold-hot wave. “You—?” he gasped, “You really did something…with somebody else?”

Sam nodded with a thick swallow, and Trent watched the Adam’s apple bob in that perfect throat. “I thought…you said…it was okay…?”

Trent thought for a moment. Yeah, he’d said it was okay. He’d said it was okay because the last thing he wanted was for Sam to cut short their relationship just to chase some interesting, new tail. He’d also said it was okay because…

“Trent?” Sam pressed, squeezing him with his legs.

Trent blinked in confusion. This was all happening so fast. “Yeah?”

“You got quiet,” Sam said, lowering his voice in submission. “Did I fuck up?” He looked down at his knees, tracing the line of his prosthetic with one finger.

Trent bit his lip, placing a hand on Sam’s chin. He pushed Sam’s head up, forcing him to meet his gaze. Sam’s green eyes were moist and large, a sight warm enough to melt Trent’s heart.

“No, you didn’t fuck up,” Trent replied. “It was…I said it was okay because…”


“You were right. We’re young. We don’t know everything—”

“Don’t let Mara hear you say that,” Sam teased, despite himself.

Trent snorted. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous…but I’d also be lying if said I didn’t want to explore too.”

Sam’s full pink lips made an “O” of surprise. “Mr. Von Buren, you perverted bastard!” he said in mock outrage, even placing a hand to his mouth in a gesture of shock. “If I had known…”

Trent rolled his eyes. “Oh stop it, you ass.”

But Sam wouldn’t be deterred. He continued the ruse by muttering some choice dirty phrases under his breath—all of them a commentary about Trent’s future sluttiness.

“That’s enough,” Trent teased. Sticking out his tongue, he made a perfect raspberry, spraying spittle across Sam’s nose and cheek.

“Oh, you’re going to pay for that!” Sam laughed, burying his face in Trent’s chest and wiping it dry.

With the same motion, he wrapped his hands back around Trent, sliding them under his buttocks, and pulling the two of them closer. By this point, Sam had slid his feet to the floor and now slouched, half-sitting on the edge of the bed. Trent pressed against him, and Sam gave his ass a hard squeeze. A pulsing between his legs told Trent that other things were getting hard as well…for him and Sam.

Sam kissed him again, sliding his tongue between Trent’s teeth and making Trent sweat all over again. His hand went to the zipper of Trent’s coveralls, pulling it down and whipping the garment open in one motion. He tore off Trent’s T-shirt next, running sweaty hands over his bare, burning chest and taking back Trent’s mouth. His fingers tickled under the waistband of Trent’s briefs.

“Wait,” Trent said, coming up for air even though it left his hungry mouth wanting more. “Did you really find some fun while I was gone…fun as in sex?”

Sam nodded, and though he no longer looked apologetic, he did still seem unsure.



Trent wrinkled his nose. “That old playboy?” Well, at least there was no risk of the man falling in love with Sam.

Sam rolled his eyes. “Call him old all you want, but the man still knows pleasure. He’s a dick but at least he’s not bad looking.”

“Whatever you fancy,” Trent snickered, “though not my type.”

Sam stuck out his tongue. “So, what is your type?”

“Oh, you know…muscular, blond, tall—bout six four—with shaggy hair and piercing green eyes.”

“You just described me,” Sam made a face, slipping his hand the rest of the way down Trent’s briefs and taking two handfuls of his bare ass. “You can’t tell me you’ve never crushed on anyone else. What’s really you’re type?”

He gave Trent’s ass a squeeze and Trent yelped. “I dunno!” he laughed, cupping Sam’s face in both his hands. He wanted to give more kisses to that beautiful face, not think about other guys, but the mischievous twinkle in Sam’s eye made him pause. He felt heat rise to his cheeks.

“You don’t have to be afraid,” Sam encouraged. “I won’t be mad.”

“I’m not afraid but…” What was he? Why was this so hard? And why was he so hard?



“Well, what?”

With a shuddering sigh, Trent thought through the people in the base and those he’d met elsewhere. He thought of the pinups he’d seen in online magazines, of the pornstars he watched. “Taller than me. Strong, but not super buff. I like red hair, natural or dyed. Or any color really. Tattoos. Strong jaw. Facial hair, but not styled like JR. More…scruffy.”

His cheeks burned so hot he thought he’d burst into flames, but Sam just stared back with earnest eyes and that dreamy smile on his lips. Then, he snickered lightly until it turned into a full-on laugh.

“Why Mr. Von Buren,” Sam continued to laugh, “do you like the bad boys?”

Trent blushed further, tearing his eyes from Sam’s. He tried to sidle away, but Sam still held tight to his bare ass. Standing up straighter now, he nuzzled against Trent’s ear.

“I can be a bad boy, too,” he said in a husky whisper that made all the hairs on Trent’s body stand on end.

Then, before he could process that, Sam slid to the floor pulling down Trent’s briefs and the rest of his coveralls with them.

What followed can only be explained as the best blowjob of Trent’s life. He watched Sam seamlessly take his entire cock into his mouth, looking up at Trent with those big green eyes framed with soft, blond lashes. He swirled his tongue around Trent’s cock head, pushing his mouth all the way onto it, only to pull off entirely, causing Trent to shudder with desire.

Saliva dripped from Sam’s lips in messy strings as he rubbed the sticky wetness over Trent’s sensitive balls. Trent groaned when Sam gripped them, giving a gentle squeeze that elicited both pleasure and a little pain. His cock grew steadily and his balls tighter, until Trent thought he would burst. But then Sam would release him, blowing on his sensitive cock, cooling it and taking him down from the edge.

Sam’s fingers explored the place between Trent’s ass cheeks, themselves slippery with Sam’s saliva. Each touch to his rosebud sent shockwaves of longing through him and he tried to push back and facilitate entry. Yet, Sam continued to tease, expertly sucking him off until he was practically begging for release, or penetration, or…something.

“S-sam,” Trent moaned, his legs wobbling like jelly. If it hadn’t been for Sam’s strong hands on his ass cheeks, and his own hands holding him up against the bed, Trent surely would have collapsed.

“Too much?” Sam asked, applying pressure to his asshole once again.

“N-not enough,” Trent stammered. His whole body trembled.

Sam gave a single, decisive, “Hm!” and then engulfed Trent once more with renewed frenzy. This time, however, he breached the barrier of Trent’s asshole, pressing a finger into him deeply. Aggressively.

Trent gave a cry of pleasure and thought he’d come right there, but sensations rocked through his core instead. Sam continued to suck, though the cadence changed when he slipped a finger in Trent’s ass. He sped up, sucking harder, more ferociously, one hand pumping him when Sam’s mouth pulled away.

He couldn’t remember when it happened, but Sam had two fingers in him now, curled in just the right way to hit his prostate. His other hand was fondling Trent’s balls, gently squeezing, filling him with pleasure so raw and buzzing that when Trent came, he felt his entire body come with him.

“Sh-sh-sh-shit,” Trent moaned, eyes squeezed as tightly shut as they could go.

A moan came from Sam, vibrating his tortured member into a mind-numbing orgasm.

A low moan tore from own Trent’s lips as he trembled against Sam, his cock still in Sam’s mouth. Rope after rope of hot cum shot from his over-stimulated cock. Fire burned through him as every tensed muscle instantly relaxed and his knees gave way. Sam eased him to the floor, fingers slipping out of him, and pulled Trent’s quivering form toward him.

“Ch-charger’s balls…fuck,” Trent muttered, curling into Sam and pressing his cheek against Sam’s chest.

The other’s skin was cool and clammy as if the heat in the room been sucked out along with Trent. Sam shivered and shifted into a more comfortable position, pulling smaller man onto his lap. Something wet pressed against Trent’s thigh.

He roved a weak, questing hand down Sam’s stomach and felt for that warm, smooth knob. When he touched it, his hand came away slippery. It seemed Sam’s cock had escaped through the open fly of his shorts, and he’d come right along with Trent.

“Did you—?” Trent teased, twirling a finger in the semen at the edge of Sam’s cock.

“Yeah,” Sam sounded hoarse and a little—sheepish?

“Earlier, too?”

The blond boy shook his head, his grin feral. “No. Was saving it for you.”

Trent laughed the triumphant laugh of someone who’d just gotten laid and devoured Sam, tasting himself on the other’s mouth.

When he finally pulled away, he said, “So, that was the trick you learned, huh?”

Sam nodded, gaze twinkling. “Was it a good trick?”

“It was adequate,” Trent grinned back, sticking out his tongue.

“Adequate?!” Sam said, again feigning affront. “I’ll show you adequate!” He pushed Trent over and the two began to wrestle.

Trent, still weak from that amazing orgasm, barely fought back as Sam touched him all over, pinning him to the floor and covering him with kisses. He at least managed to grab hold of Sam’s ass, partially pulling down his elastic-waisted shorts.

“Oh, that’s how this is gonna be?” Sam laughed, giving Trent’s neck a nuzzle and then a suggestive lick to his earlobe.

“Yes,” Trent said, slipping his hands in Sam’s shorts down the rest of the way. He grabbed two handfuls of that downy ass, and pulled Sam close, mashing their two semi-hard erections against each other. “That’s exactly how it’s gonna be.”

Sam ground his hips against Trent, making his cock go from semi- to hard in 0.03 seconds. Trent sucked air through his teeth. Sam’s questing hand found Trent’s erection and the boy’s green eyes danced. He gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Ready for round two so soon?”

Trent wiggled his hips back beneath Sam’s superior weight, feeling safe, warm, and—again—unbearably horny.

“I mean, unless I’ve already tired you out?” Trent quipped back.

Sam struggled the rest of the way out of his shorts, his cock now sticking straight out at full mast. “Never,” he grinned, placing a hand on each of Trent’s legs. “I never get tired of you.”

And with that, he pulled Trent’s legs the rest of the way open and up, then dove into the opening they made, placing his hot tongue right up against Trent’s asshole. Trent shuddered at that contact, squirming under Sam’s grip. His hand groped for Sam’s cock.

He found it when Sam crawled on his knees to the compartment by the bed that held their coconut oil. However, instead of pulling out the recognizable little jar, he removed a slim black bottle.

“What’s that?” Trent asked, freezing in his ministrations of Sam’s cock.

“Real lube,” Sam said with a sly smile. “JR gave it to me.”

At Trent’s worried look, Sam continued. “It’s supposed to be better.” He twisted off the cap and squirted a large bead onto his fingertips. Trent nodded.

The lube was cold and slick, and from the first moment of insertion, Trent could already tell how much better it was. Sam’s cock filled his lusting hole, sliding in so smoothly that Trent almost missed the friction generated from insufficient lube. However, moments later, he forgot all about that as Sam pounded him harder than he’s ever been pounded before.

And Trent fucking loved it, moaning so loudly the small room echoed in a chorus.

“Goddamn, Trent,” Sam huffed, hooking Trent’s knees over his shoulders and hugging tight to Trent’s legs. “So. Fucking. Good.”

Trent couldn’t even choke out, “I know.” He was too busy moaning and rocking his hips against Sam, the sensation of fullness throbbing through him.

“I’m close,” Sam groaned, pulling his cock out almost all the way only to drive it home into Trent once more. “So. Fucking. Close.”

Then Sam cried out, shooting his load into Trent and pulling out halfway through to cover Trent’s sack and entire ass crack in cum. The feeling of that hot jizz spraying all over his slutty hole, was the last straw for Trent and he grabbed his own cock, giving it only a few cursory strokes. He came onto his belly, muscles twitching, and back arched. He gripped Sam with his legs, still resting on Sam’s shoulders, toes curled.

Once he’d finally drained himself dry, he sagged back to the floor and noticed Sam doing the same, leaning against the side of the bed, his bare chest heaving with great gulps of air.

“That-that lube did make it even better,” Trent breathed. “Another trick?”

Sam just laughed in agreement.

“Fine,” Trent said, after a moment. “You’re right. JR does know sex.”

Sam laughed again. “Yep. We’ll find someone else for you though,” he said, looking down at Trent through half-lidded eyes.

“Oh, you don’t have to…” Trent began, sitting up on his elbows, suddenly embarrassed. Though, that prospect did get his flaccid dick to twitch yet again.

His boyfriend eyed at that twitch and smiled, pulling Trent up and toward him. “Don’t worry,” he breathed, slipping an arm around Trent’s shoulders, “you won’t have to do anything you don’t want. But, we’ll keep an eye out, just in case.”

Trent chuckled, nuzzling into Sam. Anxious exhaustion fell over him and he looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost six in the morning.

“We need to get to going,” he muttered. He made a half-hearted attempt to stand.

“If by ‘get going’ you mean ‘get going to bed,’ you’d be right.”

“No, like, to work,” Trent said. His racing heart did not help his rising anxiety. “Shit, the officers are gonna kill us.”

Sam stroked his hair, planting a soft kiss on his forehead. “Relax,” he soothed, “JR’s gonna cover for us today.”

Trent gave Sam an odd look. “This guy goes from being mad that we had sex in the kitchen, to covering for our all-night sexcapades? How the hell did you arrange that?”

Sam grinned wearily, “Oh, you know, I guess I just sucked the right cock.” He gave a melodramatic wink.

If Trent weren’t so tired, he would’ve given Sam the eyeroll of the century. Instead, he just gave a snort. “Fine, let’s get to bed.”

The two stood up and Trent helped Sam out of his prosthetic. “Want me to clean you up, first?” Sam asked, with a wicked smirk.

Trent shuddered, tingling expectation running up his spine. “There’s nothing I’d like more.”

“Perfect,” Sam replied.

And with that, Trent fell asleep to the soft ministrations of Sam’s tongue on the most sensitive parts of his body.



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