Finding pleasure on a business trip by Silverpen69


A gay adult stories: Finding pleasure on a business trip by Silverpen69 ,
I’m sure every guy on here has a “this was my first time with another guy” story, and I am no exception. Some of the stories begin by saying that the main character had been “thinking about it for years” or “was always curious” or maybe “there was a certain someone they met that they fell for in an instant.” For me it was different. For me it was something I wasn’t looking for, I hadn’t even thought about it. It just happened and once it did, it changed my life forever.
I’m sure every guy on here has a “this was my first time with another guy” story, and I am no exception. Some of the stories begin by saying that the main character had been “thinking about it for years” or “was always curious” or maybe “there was a certain someone they met that they fell for in an instant.” For me it was different. For me it was something I wasn’t looking for, I hadn’t even thought about it. It just happened and once it did, it changed my life forever.My name is Paul and for the last thirty-eight years I’ve been happily married. My wife and I raised six remarkable kids and life was good. Then cancer took my wife away and I was now alone.

Anyway, about me and my story. I stand right at six foot tall and weigh in just about one hundred and eighty pounds. I won’t say I’m buff or cut but I do look good for my age and work hard to keep it that way. I recently had changed jobs and the opportunity to travel out of state for a week of intensive training presented itself. I had nothing preventing me from leaving for a week and so I took advantage of the opportunity.

A co-worker of mine, Ron, was going to attend the training as well. Now Ron was the work cut up. He was always putting a smile on everyone’s face with his jokes and outlandish stories. Ron was single with no attachments and claimed he liked it that way. He was a little shorter than me but made up for it with a body builder physique. He was about twenty years younger than myself and although he was a friend at work, he was not someone I would have picked out as a friend off the street.

The day arrived to leave for the training and I arrived at the airport. After getting through security, I walked to the gate and found Ron already sitting in one of the lobby gate chairs. “Well, you did make it. Did you have to stop and get your doctor to clear you to fly at your advanced age?” he chided.

“No,” I quipped. “I was just arranging a time schedule with the stewardesses to see how many of them I could make members of the mile high club before the flight, was over.” As we both laughed, I walked up and shook his hand and we made small talk until our flight boarded. The plane was full and we were seated in different rows, so getting to know more about him during the flight was not going to happen.

We landed and collected our luggage and found the hotel shuttle which we would use throughout the week to get to and from the training center and hotel. When we checked into the hotel things began to get a little weird for me. Our company had only requested one room for us to share. I would have gladly paid for the extra room but the hotel was full with others from all over who were also there on business.

We took our key cards and went to our room. It was a lot nicer than I expected and I began to relax a little about the living situation. I picked the bed by the window and that was fine with Ron. As we began to unpack, Ron was joking around and said, “I hope you don’t mind but when I’m at home I don’t wear clothes. I like the freedom.”

As naïve as I was, I assumed he liked to walk around in his boxers. I didn’t mind that and told him, “No worries here. “

“I’m going to take a shower then watch TV or something on my computer before bed.” Ron announced. That was fine with me. I wasn’t really tired and a shower sounded nice. Ron started taking off his clothes as he headed to the bathroom. He closed the door as I walked over to get a pair of shorts to sleep in. I heard the toilet flush then the bathroom door opened. Ron stepped out of the bathroom and he was completely naked.

I looked over at him framed in the doorway and for the first time was impressed with what I saw. He had a six pack below his slightly muscled pecks and well-defined arms. His legs rippled as he stood there for a moment. You could tell he took pride in his body. He didn’t shave his hair off like most body builders and he was covered with reddish brown hair over most of his body. I tried not to look below his sixpack but his curly chestnut chest hair flowed downward beyond his naval into a thick bushy treasure mound where his manhood was nestled.

His cock hung down loosely, resting on his scrotum where two oversized testicles made the perfect backdrop. His cock was thick and cut. Even flaccid it hung down about 5 inches. I did my best not to stare and hoped Ron hadn’t noticed. In hind sight, I think he paused in the doorway just to get the reaction from me…………which he did.

“I forgot to get my shampoo and soap from my bag.” He said as he walked across the room. As hard as I tried not to stare, I couldn’t help but watch as his cock (which appeared to be enlarging ever so slightly), swung back and forth with each step. Ron picked up his soap and shampoo from his suit case and returned to the bathroom to take a shower. As he walked past, he reached down, then scratched himself, as if to make sure I saw his goods. This time he left the door open. The tub and shower stall had a clear glass sliding door which hid nothing when anyone was bathing.

I had to stop myself from watching as Ron turned on the shower and reached in to adjust the flow for the perfect temp. My mind was confused that I was attracted to his looks. I had always been taught and raised that it was wrong, but no one could ever tell me why except the stock answer that it was un-natural. I was not sure what the stirrings I was feeling were but they felt wonderful and perfectly normal.

As he leaned forward, I could see his cock swinging to his movements. My breath began to quicken at the sight. Just as he stepped into the shower, he looked out the door and saw me watching. He smiled and nodded that he saw me and then stepped into the shower.

I was mortified! What had I done? What must he think? I had been happily married to a woman and never thought of anyone outside my marriage; especially not men!

I turned away from the bathroom and felt a pull at my crotch. I hadn’t even noticed that I had gotten an erection which was pushing against my pants. God, I hope he didn’t see! I felt so embarrassed, yet at the same time exhilarated.

I had calmed myself and turned on the TV when I heard the shower stop. Before long Ron stepped out of the bathroom and announced, “All done, your turn.” I tried to act as if nothing had happened and answered “Thanks.” I turned and he was still standing in the doorway to the bathroom. Moisture still glistened on his body making him shine and look like a god. I couldn’t help but look down at his crotch.

His cock was much thicker now and longer. It was just at the point where any more blood flow and it would have started to rise. I was ashamed at my thoughts but it was beautiful. I quickly grabbed my things and as he stepped from the door way, I entered. We passed and a sudden shock went through me! Ron had reached over and patted my ass.

My thoughts were reeling. Was there anything to his pat or was it something that guys do; like on the football field. Again, I cleared my thoughts. Nothing had happened so far really, except he liked to walk around naked. I took a deep breath and assured myself that my thoughts were crazy.

I closed the door and stripped down naked. I got the water running and stepped inside the shower. I began to lather up and as I reached my cock, I stroked it just enough to get it in the same shape Ron’s was. It was a man thing and I just kind of wanted to compare packages in the secret of the bathroom.

Ron’s cock was probably longer but I was sure mine was thicker around. As I looked at myself the bathroom door opened and Ron walked in. “Sorry I left my cell phone in here.” He looked through the glass longer than a moment then picked up his cell phone. As he left, he said with a smile, “Carry on. Don’t let me stop you. See you in a few minutes.” He then walked out and shut the door.

I finished showering and during that time I decided that there was nothing for me to be ashamed of. My body was fit and not hard to look at. I didn’t want Ron to think I was a prude or old fashioned or anything, so I decided to leave the bathroom with just my boxers on. I stroked my cock a couple times first; just enough to make sure it left a nice imprint pressing against my underwear.

I looked at Ron for a reaction and he was sitting on the side of his bed with pillows propped up behind him for support. His legs were spread and his cock was hard as a rock. His computer was in front of him on a small table.

“There is nothing worth watching on the TV so I thought I’d look something up on the computer. Want to join me?” he asked speaking a little loud as he had earbuds connected to his computer and in his ears. It was then I noticed that Ron had already propped up other pillows on his bed making a place for me to sit next to him. “Uh, I don’t think so. I’m pretty tired.” I stammered.

“Suit yourself.” Ron answered and went back to his computer. He adjusted his ear buds and began watching something. There was nothing else to do in the hotel room and my curiosity was peeked. I looked over at the computer from the side and the show I saw sent shivers thru me. From the angle I was looking, I couldn’t see the screen but I could see Ron’s cock, fully erect, his hand slowly stroking himself up and down.

My first reaction was to scream out “What the fuck are you doing!?” but I stopped myself as a sensual curiosity swept throughout my body. At least I could look at what he was watching. I walked around to get a better view of the screen. Ron had on a pornographic movie. There was a girl and a guy naked in bed. She was laying between his legs deep throating his cock.

“I wish my wife would have done that!” I thought to myself. Ron seemed oblivious to me as I watched from the side of the bed. “Maybe I could learn something from this.” Was my second thought. Without really thinking about Ron, I found myself moving closer and sitting beside him to watch the video. By now my cock was raging and tenting my boxers so much there was no way Ron couldn’t tell.

I had never watched porn before and I was so enthralled with the video I didn’t even remember pulling the waistband of my boxers down to free my cock, sliding my boxers down my legs, or kicking them off on the floor. As I sat back on the bed and continued to watch the movie, my eyes popped wide open as a huge muscle built black man walked out of the bathroom on screen. His cock must have been 10 or 11 inches long. He joined the other two on the bed. The woman instantly released her hold on the first man’s cock and tried to deepthroat the black man’s huge man pole.

While she did this the black man reached over and began stroking the other guys prick while the white guy buried his face in her pussy, licking and nibbling like it was a banana split in the hot summer sun and he had to finish it before it melted.

Without even looking over at me, Ron took his earbuds off and unplugged the cord. I was suddenly bombarded with the sounds of slurping and moaning from the computer. It was amazing and I almost came right then and there. My breathing was becoming faster as I sat with my hands at my sides, my eyes glued to the screen, my raging hard on begging to be attended to!

Slowly Ron reached over with his free hand and gently wrapped his fingers around my rigid cock. His hand was warm and silky smooth. He must have coated his hand with lube. I could tell by the way it glided up and down from the base of my cock to its purple swollen head. My mind was screaming this is all wrong, but my body was in heaven. A primal sensual desire was building up within me, catching my loins on fire with a lusty flame I don’t think I could extinguish; even if I wanted too. I arched my back slightly and let out a soft moan. For a moment I looked away from the computer toward Ron. He was looking at me and smiling. I snapped my head back toward the computer as if it hadn’t happened!

I didn’t pull away or jump out of the bed as I should of, but instead let things continue. I hadn’t been so excited and wound up like this in years. Without even thinking my hand slid up Ron’s thigh. His skin was firm from thick muscular legs but his skin was smooth. Shivers coursed through me as I allowed my hand travel up and find his love pole. Ron released his grip willingly allowing me to take its place. All the time I kept my eyes glued to the movie. His cock sheath pulsed as blood flowed through it. I could feel his veins bulging down the sides.

My fingers drifted up and were met by the hot sticky droplets of precum oozing from the tip of his uncut manhood. In one smooth move, Ron reached up with his free hand and closed the laptop lid. He continued to turn toward me while lowering his head down to my crotch. His wet saliva and tongue caressed my raging prick head. Slowly he engulfed my cock and slid his mouth all the way down to the base.

I moaned in ecstasy as I laid back. I didn’t give it a thought that it was a man awakening the desires with in me. I placed my hands on his head and gripped his hair in my fists. “I’m gonna cum!” I grunted as I felt myself getting close.

Ron pulled his head back and whispered, “Not yet.” He rolled himself on top of me and pushed me back further onto the bed. Our cocks found each other as Ron began to grind his against mine. I felt his hot steamy breath against my neck as he began to lick and suck on my ear. I didn’t care about a thing in the world except the orgasmic inferno building up inside me, like a volcano on the verge of erupting.

I turned my head toward Ron’s and found his lips. I forced my tongue passed his lips and deep into his mouth searching for his tongue. There was no stopping me now and no turning back. I grabbed his head and held his mouth tight against mine. I arched my back and forced our cocks tight together as wave after wave of man spunk shot out of me and flooded our stomachs. I had never had an orgasm that intense and it seemed to go on forever. My lusty actions were enough to push Ron over the top. He began humping fiercely as I felt his cock stiffen and swell then begin shooting his load intensely between us mingling his cum with mine,

As our orgasms subsided and we began to catch our breath we stopped kissing. Ron paused for a moment and rolled off of me. “You OK? I was thinking just a jerk off session at the most.” Ron said almost apologetically. “But you were amazing.”

I looked at him and the realization of what happened began to sink in. I placed my hand on my stomach and felt the sticky residue of our unexpected encounter. “Um, I need a shower and then I need to get to sleep. The training starts early.” I hurried off the bed and shut the door behind me as I entered the bathroom and locked the door! I showered and put my pajamas on. When I left the bathroom Ron stepped inside and closed the door.

I was intentionally asleep (or pretending to be so) before Ron was finished showering. The next morning, we didn’t speak. We got dressed separately and left the room each on our own to eat breakfast and attend our training.

Training went well, however all throughout the day, my mind kept travelling back to the night before. As we walked up to the hotel room and stepped inside Ron said, Hey about last night…………….”

Before he could say another word, I kicked the door shut with my foot, wrapped my arms around his neck and forced my tongue into his mouth with a kiss with all the passion I could muster. We began groping at our close, getting them off as fast as possible and tumbling onto the bed together, but that is a tale worth telling on its own, at another time.


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