First Gay encounter by Sapelo

A gay adult story: First Gay encounter by Sapelo ,

First Gay encounter
by Sapelo

True Story, Gay

Author’s infos
Gender: N/A   
Age: N/A   
Location: N/A

Posted Tue 16th of October 2018

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I am a 6 foot tall ‘straight’ hispanic man on a 3 day work trip.

This is a true story which occurred to me 2 years ago. I am a 29 year old 6 foot tall hispanic straight man. I have only been with women my entire life.. That is until one curious day that started in a hotel sauna….

I was sent to Seattle Washington for a training for my career. It was a 3 day training held at the Ramada Inn. My company had booked me a hotel room at the same location which was really convenient. The Hotel had a indoor swimming pool, sauna, bar and restaurant. In preparation for what was kind of like a 3 day get away i stopped by the liquor store and loaded up on some beer and vodka for the hotel room. After checking in i headed down to my room pleased to find it was facing the pool and just a quick walk down the hallway to the sauna. So after settling into the room i started to open up the Smirnoff vodka bottle and put my beers in the fridge. I poured my self 2 shots and cracked open a beer. I changed into my board shorts. I am not like everyone else on these stories on the website and say they have huge dicks i have a good 6.5 inch dick. I wasn’t lucky enough to be born with a bigger one but hey I’m being honest on here. I am not completely shaved just a small amount of hair. So i take my two shots and down my beer. I head out to the pool with a mixed drink in hand, headphones in and just feeling really good on my mini get away. Its only 5 pm and training isn’t until 8 am. I go to the pool and start scanning for attractive women. To my disappointment their are no really attractive women and if their are they are with their family’s. Finally getting bored i head back to the room to use the bathroom. I guess it was the rubbing of the board shorts on my dick plus being at the pool but i was growing a bit nothing crazy. I use the bathroom and refill my vodka and cranberry. I head to the sauna. This is where it gets interesting. I am sitting in the sauna their is one man in there drenched in sweat looked like he was about to get out. I sit down he leaves and in comes a caucasian man who is maybe 45-50 years of age. He comes in with just a towel wrapped around his waist. He immediately introduces himself to me and we begin to talk. As he is talking he shifts his leg and his towel parted a bit which allowed the view of his penis. I looked away as i thought it was an accident. Then i notice he keeps talking and i take another glance. It is about the same size as mine. I have never ever had a gay thought in my life! But for some reason i started to feel blood flow to my cock. To this day i have no idea what came over me!! Actually yes it was vodka. I said hey i have beer in my room want one? He said sure stood up, his towel fell off exposing his full cock and said oops sorry and wrapped up. I said no worries and started walking to my room. We didn’t say a word to each-other. I open the door we go in and i get him a beer and shot. We quickly down both and he goes to the bathroom. My heart is beating out of my damn chest i have never done this before and did not know why i was doing it now! Then i hear the door open… he comes out naked and sits on the edge of the bed in front of me. He looks me dead in the eyes and said well what do you want to do? Nervous as hell i said i don’t know what do you want? He proceeded to lay down and said let me see your cock. As i start to unzip my shorts he starts stroking his cock. I take my shorts off and he says ‘wow baby nice cock’ he grabs my hand and directs it to his dick. This is the first time i have ever touched a cock other than mine. I start to jerk him off. His head rolls back in pleasure. I said hold on i went to the bathroom came back with the little bottle of hotel lotion and squeezed the whole bottle of lotion on his cock and went to town on him. He started grabbing my cock which was hard as shit by now. He was jerking me off and it felt wild good it confused me soo much! He then reaches around with his other hand squeezed my ass cheek, started moaning then slowly slipped a finger and rubbed my ass hole. I clenched hard and he said ‘don’t worry baby’ he proceeded to sniff and suck that same finger. This for some reason was a wild turn on and i almost drowned him in my cum right then and there. He then said ok stop i want to cum. I just stood there. He started to suck my cock with older man mouth which knew how to work and was jerking himself off. I could not fucking hold it i didn’t even warn him! I fucking came straight in his mouth i unloaded so much cum I’m surprised he didn’t cough or gag! As soon as i finished he started licking every drop off my head and then threw his head back into the pillow and came super hard all over his own hairy chest and stomach. I could not believe what had happened but it felt so amazing and was sooo exciting! He sat up on the bed and the next words out of his mouth shocked me even more than what had just happened. He said ‘how much do i owe you?’ I simply stared at him dazed and confused with my cock still dripping cum, he said ‘i got you ill be right back’ he left the room, 5 mins later i get a knock i open up and their he is holding a 100.00 bill. He said take it you earned it. He winked at me and walked away. I never saw him the rest of my time there. And i cant lie i was looking for him… i have not had a gay encounter since but have been very very curious….

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