FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYS_(0) by boys in the hood

A gay adult story: FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYS_(0) by boys in the hood ,

boys lost on an island waiting rescue



This is a story about a group of boys

stranded on an isolated island after

a plane accident.


You are about to read a story that

contains sexual activity between

boys and teens and you need to be 18

and over to continue reading this.




What you do when you have read this chapter is up

to you, I am not concerned what you do and will not

be held responsible for your actions.

Copyright 2010: do not copy, change or repost without

the owner’s consent, please vote if you think this

story is ok.


As the boys waited for someone to come and rescue them

from their small Island their parents back in the states were

frustrated that no news was given about any reports of the

lost boys.

“Captain Mc Cain, what news have you about the navy and air force

looking for our boys. “Mr Jenkins asked. “Yes, you are the twin’s dad,

am I right, well we have had contact from the Aussies and they have?

informed us that they have searched most of the islands and have

seen some wreckage floating near an island and found no boys there.”

Captain Mc Cain replied.

“I can’t take much more of this; my little Wesley must be right out

of his mind by now.” Wesley’s mum cried out. If she only knew what

her son was really doing and that he was in fact in love with another

boy and loved the friendship he got from Simon.

“I know you are all upset and that we have not yet found your sons

and as no bodies were ever found floating in the sea could mean that

they could have survived the crash and are alive somewhere and we

will find them soon enough.” Capt McCain reported.

“We know you and the Aussies are trying their best to find our boys

and as a parent we need to be kept up to date on what is going on.”

Jackson’s dad said.

So after the meeting with the U.S coast guard captain the parents

mingled outside in the car park and talked about today’s meeting.

Back on the island all the boys were having fun the ocean, naked as

the day they were born and no one could care less.

“Hey Desmond, lets splash Ron and the twins and see if they scream

at us.” Jackson asked. “Ok then, but you can take all the abuse they

send our way.” Desmond replied. So two cutie nude boys ran

towards Ron and the twins screaming like Indians whooping and

splashing the other boys as they ran around in the water.

`Great, just great guys, you sure can whip up a storm.” Ron

giggled as he and the twins splashed the boys back again.

“We just wanted to have some fun with you guys as we have missed out

just hanging out with you all.” Jackson giggled. “Yeah, you two have

put a lot of time in sorting out the camp site and finding all the goodies

that we needed to make this a liveable place and all the boys will thank

you all soon enough.” Ron said.

“It looks like all the guys are now not bothered about being nude as all

of them are now swimming and walking about in the nude.” Desmond

laughed. “I think that some of the boys were shy about showing off

their junk, like seeing their pubes and having bigger peckers and having

boners all the time so now they don’t care.” Peter hooted.

“Did you ever feel embarrassed when you started growing your

pubes and other boys saw them.” Mike asked. “Gee you twins sure are

sure full of questions all the time, Well I was at first as only a few boys

in my gym class had pubes and we always got looks from guys that

had not started growing any yet.” Ron quipped.

“It’s because they wanted some and could not wait to grow a bush on top

of their peckers.” Mike laughed. “You don’t have much there yourself

but I like what YOU have there.” Ron grinned as he squeezed his younger

friends cut bell end. “Thanks I need that.” Mike replied. “Hey what about

me.” Peter asked. “You are just the same as your bro; it looks like a crew cut

of pubes on top of your pecker.” Ron hooted as the twins ran around in circles

and whooped a war cry and splashed anyone in their way.

Wesley was on the beach looking for Simon, he saw him early on with some

other boys Simon’s age and wanted to be with him as he was feeling down in the

dumps. Grunting could be heard from the deflated life raft and it sounded like

Simon’s moaning and groaning as Wesley heard the same noise when they fooled

around together.

“Come on Harry, hurry up and shoot your goo, I want to taste it.” Simon lusted.

“I’m trying, Simon, you need to suck harder, dude.” Harry gasped as he was close to

unloading his first boy milk to another boy for the first time. Wesley was getting

closer to the life raft after what he thought he heard Simon’s voice.

Harry was about to squirt out his ropes of warm clear goo when Wesley

walked in on the fun and saw his boyfriend giving oral sex to another boy.

“SIMON, What are you doing, why are you doing that to Harry.”

Wesley cried out as he ran out of the life raft screaming like his life

was in danger. Ron and the rest of the boys ran towards screaming boy

and asked why he was screaming and crying like that.

“Si — Simon was, sob-sob — Simon was sucking –sob — Harry’s dinky

and — and I saw them doing it.” Wesley said.

“Oh shit, holy frigging hell, Simon was giving Harry a head job and Wesley

caught them.” Desmond shouted out. As the boys tried to calm Wesley down

Simon walked up to the shack and asked how Wesley was.

“Why-why — did you do that to Harry, I—I thought you were my friend.”

Wesley cried out to Simon.

“I’m sorry Wesley, I’m really sorry, I just went to talk to Harry and we ended

up having some together.” Simon replied. “But — you—you licked his

dinky and saying shoot your milk in me.” Wesley groaned. “I-I know,

I just wanted to taste Harry’s goo and as you can’t shoot yet I just wanted

to see what Harry’s goo’s tasted like.” Simon pleaded to Wesley.

“I think you should make your amends to Wesley and apologise to him as you have

broken his heart as he loved you and now he may never want to be with you

ever again.” Ron yelled out. “I’m really sorry Wesley; I truly love you, like I said

I just wanted some goo like I give you mine and I only wanted to see what it was like

to have some goo in my mouth.” Simon replied to Wesley. “Ok Simon, if you want some

goo we can fill your butt so full of it –it will be running out of your mouth

if you ever do that to Wesley again.” Ron quoted.

“Please forgive me Wesley, I love you and won’t ever hurt you again.”

Simon cried out as tears began to fall from his eyes. “You you

better as you have hurt me.” Wesley growled. Ron and the other boys

walked out of the Shack and left Simon work out his problem with Wesley.

The twins went out to the reef and fished out some rock lobsters and caught some

fish with their spears and soon had dinner cooking. Jackson and Desmond and a few

other boys went looking for fruit and coconuts for dinner and soon returned

with a crate full of goodies. Dinner was almost ready when Wesley and Simon

walked out of the shack hand in hand and had smiles on their faces.

“We made up and as I explained to Wesley I only wanted to taste some boy

juice as I was horny and my pecker was talking to me.” Simon gasped.

“Ok, it’s all over now, but we will be watching you as Wesley loves you like a

brother and friend and we never want anyone hurting him ever again.”

Ron told Simon as dinner was brought out.

“We have roasted the lobsters in hot coals in their shells and fried the fish

with banana’s so eat up guys.” The twins yelled out. All the boys cheered

as the food was handed out in the coconut shells. Water and coconut milk

was passed around in the coke bottles to the boys.

`As always you guys have come up with a great meal, when we get home you

will have to cook a B.B.Q as you two sure can cook up a fantastic meal.”

Rob said as he hugged the twins and said thanks for the food. “Thanks Rob

it was a pleasure to cook for you all.” Peter and Mike replied.

Empty coconut shells were placed onto the fire and the glass bottles were

cleaned up and placed back in to the crates ready for the next meal. `You

feeling better now Wesley.” Desmond asked. “Yeah — a bit, I really like

Simon and I forgave him.” Wesley smiled. “That’s good, Wesley, I think he

just got a little randy as he is going through puberty and it can do

strange things to you.” Ron giggled.

“Will that happen to me to?” Wesley wondered. “I don’t know, each boy goes through

different phases as some boys just want to jerk off all the time, some want to

fool with other boys and some want to do it with a girl so when it happens

it will affect you soon enough.” Ron replied. “Ooh, I will never fool around

with a girl. they have cooties. “Wesley giggled.

Night was falling as the sun went down and some boys went and placed some

large logs on the fire and sat around and talked about life in general.

New banana leaves were placed in the shacks and life raft to be used as

blankets as most boys had only their underwear left as their clothes were

getting torn or dirty and were not able to wear them again.

“I do miss my folks but this is like a long summer camp and not having any

parents around telling us to clean out teeth or go to bed before 9 pm

is real nice but I bet they are missing us a hell of a lot.” Jackson told

his friends before heading to the life raft to lie down and rest after their long

day at the beach. Desmond said good night to his friends as Simon and Wesley

Joined the boys in the raft and cuddled up next to one another.

“Well another day at the beach, what fun we had today.” Desmond laughed

as he spooned up next to Jackson and felt the warmth of his friend next

to him. “Thanks for forgiving me Wesley; I sure was a jerk to you and I

will try to be a better friend to you.” Simon said as he lowered his head

to kiss Wesley on the lips and gave him a cuddle.

Rob was doing the same as he had the twins with him as the boys looked

up to rob and it was not for the sex but he was like a big brother to them

and the twins loved the friendship they had with Rob. “Dam you can snore

at times Rob, you make thunder sound like baby farts.” Peter laughed.

“Well I can at least say your farts sound worse than my snoring as you

could blow up a building with that fart of yours.” Rob told Mike.

“He sure could blow the skin off a rice pudding if he tried hard enough.”

Peter hooted. The sounds of boys heavy breathing meant that most of

the camp was asleep by now and Jackson and Desmond gave their final

good night kiss for the night and soon fell asleep.

The boys didn’t know but a rescue plane flew by their island and had missed

them as night time had covered their shelters as their fire went out before

anyone up there could see it. It might be days or weeks before another

plane could pass over them and find the boys alive.

End of chapter 5

Is rescue coming for the boys or are they

doomed for the rest of their lives on that

deserted Island, well we will see.

Thanks for reading and let me know

if it was ok for you.

Boys in the hood.

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