For the Love of God Ch. 22

A gay sex stories: For the Love of God Ch. 22

The life of Matthew, a devoted Christian man, is turned upside down when he finds out that his own step-son engages in homosexual deviant activities! The poor Jacob is addicted to cocks. Now, Matthew has to find a way to save his step-son as well as his family’s reputation! No matter the cost.

The story, names, and places are entirely fictional. All characters featured are above 18. Enjoy.



Chapter 22: Seven Sins.







And now murder.

In those past few months, I had turned my back on all my Christian values, and I had descended further into Sin than I would have never imagined possible.

To be fair, I did not kill that woman. I mean, not really.

Whether Theodore had pushed his wife down the stairs (and I would not past it by him), or she had fallen by accident, I had not committed any crime.

At most, I had slightly contributed to the events leading up to her death…

However, I was about to be heavily involved in the cover-up.

“We need to call an ambulance, Theodore!”

The naked conservative Mayor was wiping his bloody hands over his hairy chest. He looked like he was coming out straight from a horror movie.

“An ambulance? To do what exactly? Perform resuscitation! She’s dead, Matthew, so unless my wife turned out to be Jesus fucking Christ, I don’t think there is anything more we can do for her.”

Damn it, Gordon was right. And he was insane. And unpredictable.

I had to think carefully about my next moves. The twins were still there, fully naked as well, hiding behind the couch. I had ordered them not to move. There was still a gun in the room.

“Then, we should… I don’t know… I guess, be calling the police?” I told the Mayor.

“Are you mad? Cannot you see how this looks? Four men with their dicks out and a woman with her head smashed on the floor!”

Jacob gasped behind us.

Him and Aaron were slowly walking towards us.

“I think I’m about to puke.” Aaron spoke.

His face was indeed turning in a strange color, between yellow and green.

“Good Lord…” I whispered.

“Listen, gentlemen.” Gordon said. “This was a terrible accident. Ok? She was downright hysterical. She fell down the stairs! Shit like that happens.”

“Then you’ll explain that to the police!” I snapped back.

“Great! Call them! I cannot wait for the investigators to go through the surveillance camera’s footage. I bet the police Chief will be very pleased to see you whoring out your sons! I think he knows your wife, Mary, no?”


“What? No, please! I’m serious. Let’s call them right now! We can look at the bright side. You’re gonna get famous! Two twins fucking together on camera, right before the death of a politician on the rise! That’ll make national breaking news! You want to be a star, Aaron?”

“Fuck you!”

I could tell Aaron was ready to punch the guy.

Since there was still a gun on the floor, I would rather have him not lose his temper.

“Ok, ok. No police. But what do you suggest we do?” I asked the Mayor.

He took a long deep breath and started pacing around. His dangling cock; The blood on his body; The broken vase; That scene was really something.

Of all the crazy things that had happened to me in the past months, this was certainly the cherry on the cake.

“Get dressed, boys.” I instructed the twins.

I finally pulled my own flaccid dick back in my pants.

“Look, Theodore, I don’t know what your plan is, but my brother is a lawyer…”

“We do not involve anyone else in this.” He settled.

I sighed.

“Good Lord, there is no easy way out of this! What do you think will happen in a few hours when Emma will come back home or when the Washington office is going to ask about Candace’s whereabouts?!”

“I’m thinking this through, ok?! I am a politician, I had to get myself out of sticky situations more than once. Stop freaking out, White.”

Considering the situation, I thought I was being very calm.

“Well, I guess we have that in common, dealing with stressful stuff. But this is not a sticky situation. This is not a cheating scandal. Someone is dead!”

The Mayor suddenly threw himself on me and grabbed my neck. The fucker was strangling me!

“Don’t you think I know that, White?! It’s my wife we’re talking about! The mother of my child. That’s her freaking blood on my hands!”

Jacob and Aaron both grabbed Gordon and threw him on the other side of the room.

Shit, I had blood all over my shirt too now. But there was another pressing matter: the twins were about to beat that asshole up.

“Everybody, calm down!”

I knew from experience that even when you think you have reached rock bottom, things could always get worse.

I pulled each of the twins by the arm.

“Crazy psychopath!” Aaron was mumbling.

“What’s your plan, Theodore?” I asked, holding the twins.

He got up, clenched his fists, but ultimately, he spoke in a much calmer tone.

“Candace was not supposed to come home tonight. Right? Maybe something happened in D.C. Maybe she wanted to surprise me. Either way, and as far as I am concerned, she never got here.” He looked at the body on the floor. “I know ways to make this disappear.”

This man was truly the Devil.

“God, please help us…” I whispered to myself.

“What about the car?” Jacob asked.

Jacob would never disappoint me with his pragmatic way of seeing things.

“I’ll drive it up in the hills, midway between D.C. and here. We’ll break a few windows, make it look like there was an attack. Eh, maybe the police will think an LGBTQ+ gang has broken into her car! She’s been coming at them pretty hard lately.”

That would not be such a lie, I thought. An “LGBTQ+ gang” was indeed responsible for her death after all.

“Theodore, that’s insane. So many things could go wrong. I don’t think it’s that easy to cover up a… a murder…”

“First of all, it would be helpful if you refrained yourself from using such words. There was no murder tonight. Second of all, you would be surprised, the simple solution is often the best and I do have some friends in the police. Third of all, you have a better idea?”

“No… Of course… I don’t… But…”

“Look, we’ll leave the car two hours away from here. The body will… All I can guarantee is that it will disappear fully. And I’ll take care of the surveillance cams if anyone were to check them one day. That’s pretty simple, at this stage, if the four of us keep our mouth shut, we’ll have a strange disappearance and a new cold case for the police department.”

My head was spinning.

“I cannot involve the twins in that…” I mumbled.

“I won’t murder the three of you, here. I could but, eh, I would not be able to spin this and there is enough mess already. Do you know how this carpet cost?”

I was dying inside.

Well, wrong choice of words, I guess.

“In theory, you could call the police or run your mouth around.” Gordon continued. “Although I think it is pretty clear that if I go down, we all go down together. The other option is that we fucking solve this issue right now and we never have to speak of that night again.”

“Dad… Dad, I think he’s right… How would we explain we were here tonight?” Aaron intervened. “I cannot go to prison… Worse, I cannot let Emma see me fucking her dad on camera…”

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