Forever My Love Ch. 05


A gay story: Forever My Love Ch. 05 Forever My Love Ch. 05

Comments, critiques and tips are welcome!


“Amber?” David gasped, staring at her wide eyed. “You know Ben?”

Jim’s skin prickled with a clammy cold sweat at the question David had asked. Goosebumps rose like a constellation of fear as if his body sought to shield itself from the impeding danger. He’d never been as scared as he was. He knew that if Amber opened her mouth to say anything, it would all be over.


“No!” Jim chimed, chuckling nervously. “Actually, mother was telling her about the new business deal our company got. She showed her some pictures and I guess he’s just surprised that Ben is here. Isn’t that right, Amber?”

David was waiting for an answer. His eyes on Amber whose eyes didn’t leave Ben’s, even for a bit. She was so shocked but happy at the same time. God knows how much she wanted to just throw her arms around him and hug him for hours. But…

“Yes!” She said with a soft smile. “He’s so handsome in person though.” She chuckled. “Thank you so much for bringing our bundle of joy to us. You have no idea how worried we were.”

“It’s… it’s nothing!” He stuttered, moving his eyes away from her and onto the handsome boy. “I am glad that he is safe.”

David kissed his son’s face several times, staring into his cute little face. He couldn’t believe he was holding him.

“You gave me quite a scare there, my love.” He said with tears in his eyes. “Where did you go and why did you run away? Why?”

“I am sorry papa…” He spoke softly.

“Don’t scare me like that ever again.” He said, smiling at him. He began kissing him again.

Meanwhile, tears welled up in Ben’s eyes as he watched the emotional scene between father and son. He imagined seeing David with his grown-up daughter displaying the same emotions. A bittersweet smile played on Ben’s lips as he gazed at David and the boy. It wasn’t until he felt a tear going down his cheek that he came back to reality. He quickly rubbed his tears and his face became stern.

“Where did you find him?” Amber asked. “We’ve been looking for him the entire day.”

“Well… actually, I found him in the park.” He said softly. “He was crying excessively.”

“What?” David gasped, his eyes widening. “The park? But that’s far away from school. How did he get there?”

“He… he said that he was scared of someone.” Ben said abruptly. “Someone that threatened to take his father away from him… he was scared of the person that wanted to take you away from him.”

Jim’s pulse quickened, and his breath became shallow. His hands trembled involuntarily, and he gripped his clothes, trying to calm himself.

“What?” David snapped. “Someone threatened my son? Who?” He asked, staring at the boy who dropped his face. “Son, who threatened you? Tell me who that person is right now.”

The little boy though scared at first raised his face slowly and stared at Jim who looked like he had seen a ghost. He knew very well that he had to act fast, otherwise, things were gonna get bad.

“Why are you asking him all these questions?” He chimed in, rushing towards father and son. “Our son has obviously been through a lot and right now what he needs is a bath and some proper foods. Who knows if he’s eaten anything.”

He slowly opened his arms, smiling at the boy.

“Come on, Michaeal, daddy will bath you and prepare a very good meal for you.”

The boy though hesitant at first started going towards him but to his surprise, he rushed past him and went to Claudia instead. Claudia took the boy in her arms, kissing his forehead. Everyone saw how excited he got when he was with her. Even Ben couldn’t help but smile.

“Come on, let’s go get you cleaned up.”

With those words, she started going back inside. As she did, the boy waved at Ben and he couldn’t help but wave back at him. Somehow, as the boy left, Ben felt an emptiness in his heart that he couldn’t explain. How could that be, he thought? He had only him a few hours back and felt peaceful and content with him. It was strange.

When the boy disappeared into the mansion, Ben couldn’t help but feel empty. It was until David spoke that he came back to reality.

“Thank you so much, Ben, for saving my son. I am truly indebted to you.” He said, putting his hands together. “I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost him. I would have died, I swear to you. You saved two lives today and I shall forever be in your debt.”

He smiled sheepishly, trying to keep his emotions in check.

“He’s a very nice boy.” He said simply, staring into David’s teary eyes. “Please, take very good care of him. He loves you and his greatest fear is to lose you. It is during this moment that we can either build a happy child or a scared child depending on what we say to them. You’re lucky to have him because not every parent was given this opportunity.”

“I promise!” He said softly. “This will never happen again. I will personally take care of him. I will never let him out of my sight.”

Ben nodded, a mixture of sadness and pain swirling within him.

“I have to go now. Your son needs you.”

David nodded, staring deep into those eyes and the yearning feeling he got was scary. He didn’t understand it. And then, with a final, lingering look, Ben turned and began to walk away. David stood rooted to the spot, his heart heavy with a mixture of grief and gratitude. With a sigh, he rushed back inside the mansion with an angry Jim behind him.

Ben reached his car with tears welled up in his eyes, shimmering like tiny diamonds, before cascading down his cheeks. Each drop bore the weight of a thousand unspoken words, a myriad of hopes and dreams that had been shattered by circumstance. He didn’t know why he felt so hurt seeing David and his family. Before he went further…

“Ben!” He heard a familiar voice behind him whisper.

He felt a shiver go down his spine and he slowly raised his hands to rub his tears.

“I can’t believe it’s you.” She rushed in front of him and when her eyes fell upon him, she got emotional. “Oh my God, I can’t believe this is happening. Ben!”

“Amber!” He chuckled, his voice raw with emotion.

Amber took a hesitant step forward, her heart pounding in her chest. She gazed into Ben’s eyes, her own shimmering with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. Ben mirrored her movements, closing the gap between them. Their hands reached out, fingers trembling, until they finally intertwined in a delicate dance of intertwined emotions.

The distance between them dissolved further as Ben’s arms enveloped Amber in a gentle embrace.

“God, I can’t believe this is actually you,” Amber whispered.

After what felt like forever, the two friends pulled away but still held each other’s hands, their eyes glistening with unshed tears.

“This feels like a dream too. I didn’t think I’d see you.”

“Where have you been?” Amber slightly hit him on the chest. “You didn’t call… you didn’t text… you didn’t even send a freaking email. Last time I heard of you was when my brother came back and…”

Amber paused once she realized what she had been about to say. She watched as Ben’s smile faded for a second before he smiled, pretending like nothing had happened. Whatever had happened, she knew that Ben was still hurt by it.

“What happened, Ben?” She asked softly, rubbing his hands sweetly. “Up to now, I am still confused because my brother left everything for you… his life…. His friends… his family… all the wealth. He loved you and I had never seen him so much in love. But he returned and…” She paused and took a deep breath. “What happened?”

“He realized he didn’t love enough!” He said, his voice barely above a whisper. “But I don’t wanna talk about the past. Everyone has moved on, including David and I. He’s got a family.”

Amber sighed gloomily. “He was involved in a terrible accident barely a month after they got married. He was in a coma for almost five months. When he regained consciousness, he had lost 3 years of his memories. He had difficulties remembering and…”

“I don’t wanna talk about it.” He said, slightly closing his eyes. “Your brother made a decision that day and that was the day everything ended.”

He didn’t wanna think about it as he was in so much pain.

“I have to go.” He said softly, letting go of her. “If you need to talk to me, you know where to find me.”

“Alright!” She sighed.

Ben got into his car and drove off as fast as he could. Amber remained standing there, thinking about the whole thing. She had seen the way David was staring at Ben, the yearning in both their eyes and not forgetting that she had found Ben crying. She was no fool. Those two were still in love with each other.


Ben arrived at the house feeling mixed emotions. He had felt so emotional along the way that he had to stop the car just to cry and breathe. Now he was back home and he was hoping that no one was gonna notice anything.

“There you are.” He heard Carlos’ voice as soon as he entered the living room. He was coming down the stairs in his pajamas, wearing a beautiful smile. “I missed you at dinner. You promised you were gonna come home early.”

“I know…” He sighed, throwing a bag on the couch. “… I planned to but my day didn’t go as I had planned.”

“Really?” He frowned, rushing to Ben. “What happened and why didn’t you call if you needed help?”

Ben felt a myriad of emotions at that moment and he didn’t want to break down. He had to be strong… for as long as he could.

“I was in the park today when I found a child crying…”

He began narrating the story to Carlos and he could tell that the man paid so much attention. He said everything, including every detail.

“I am so sorry…” Carlos said softly, holding his hand sweetly. “I know how painful this must have been to you.”

Ben shook his head. “Funny thing is that it wasn’t even as painful as I had anticipated. This boy…” He paused and took a deep breath. “…he made me feel at peace. He made me feel so happy when I was with him. No child has been able to make me feel the way I did when I was with him. When he was crying… my heart bled. When he was laughing, my soul rejoiced and when he waved at me, I felt so empty. That was when my pain returned.”

Carlos stood there staring at Ben like he’d grown another head.

“Maybe… I just got emotional.” He chuckled softly, a tear going down his cheek. “I went to their home not knowing that it was where I was going.”

Carlos took a deep breath and wrapped an arm around Ben’s shoulder.

“Come here!”

That was what Ben needed at that time. He went into Carlos’ arms and feeling them wrap around him felt like haven. He hugged the man tighter and felt his hand moving through his hair.

“I know how this must feel and I know it wasn’t intentional that you went there.” He said, his voice soothing. “But you’re home now and you’re gonna forget about that man and his family. All we need to do is concentrate on this moment right now.”

Ben nodded and chuckled.

“Thank you so much!” He said softly. “You really have a way of making me feel better.”

“Of course,” He laughed, holding him tighter. “Who else if not for me? That’s my job and I am happy doing it. Just tell me when I am getting paid.”

The two men laughed but remained in that position for what felt like hours before they sat and just talked. It was what Ben needed to get his mind off his troubles.


Elena’s face contorted into a mask of rage, brows furrowed, lips curled into a snarl, the very sight of what she was looking at radiating a menacing aura that warned of an impending eruption. She gripped the magazine with white knuckled intensity, feeling every fiber of her being vibrating from the rage she felt deep within.

It was a picture of Ben on the cover of the magazine with the words, ‘the brains behind the current success of the chocolate empire.’

“Fuck!” She screamed, ripping the magazine in half and then to shreds. “How did this little bastard gain such fame? I hate him so much!”

She began pacing around the room, her fists clenched and her face red from rage. She heard her phone ring and she didn’t waste time answering it. It was her son and his voice didn’t sound pleasant.

“What’s wrong, baby?” She sighed.

‘Mom, I have just had it with Ben.’ Jim complained angrily.

“You’re also having a dose, huh?” She chuckled bitterly. “Welcome to my world.”

‘What?’ He gasped.

“I just saw his magazine. He graced the cover of ‘hot and running.’ Apparently, he is the hottest thing happening in the business world. But forget about that, what happened?”

Jim didn’t waste any time to start explaining to his mother every single thing that had happened. Each second that happened, his voice rose and he hissed.

‘I am just sick and tired of him, mom. He’s becoming a bigger thorn in my flesh and I need it out. We need to do something about him before he destroys everything that I have worked hard for all these years.’

“I swear to God, that little bitch needs to stay in his lane.” She seethed. “But don’t worry, I will tell you exactly what to do by tomorrow morning. Right now, I need to come down in order to think straight. Is everything alright over there though?”

‘Thankfully, Michael hasn’t said anything to David about why he ran away. And I plan to keep it that way.’

“Good!” An evil grin appeared on her face. “Hang in there… I’ll get back to you soon. I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” Jim said on the other end.

Elena kissed the phone and cut the call. She had barely put the phone down when the door to the mansion opened, revealing her husband who was busy on the phone. She hadn’t seen him the entire day and she was pissed with him. But her anger went overboard when she heard the conversation that he was having.

“Are you sure that you couldn’t find out more than you did?” He asked with a sad sigh. “There has to be a connection because his mother died years ago. He doesn’t even know where she was buried. There has to be more than you’ve already told me.”

He waited for a few seconds before he spoke again.

“Well… thank you very much. I guess my son didn’t wanna be found after all.”

He cut the call and stood there for a few seconds lost deep in thought. He was being haunted by the decision he had made in the past. Something bad must have happened to his son and he couldn’t find out what it was.

“What the hell was that all about?”

Jerome got out of his thoughts to find his wife staring at him like she was ready to kill him.

“My son!” He said simply, ignoring the look of irritation on her face. “I am trying to find out what happened to him all these years. But seem like…”

“Spare me the details!” She snapped, shaking her head angrily. “I just don’t understand you. It’s like you’ve been possessed all of a sudden. Ever since this stupid boy returned, you’ve simply lost your mind. Have you forgotten what happened in the past? Have you forgotten how he almost ruined our son? But you don’t care about that. All you do nowadays is come in and out whenever you like.”

“I am busy.” He said, moving past her.

“When last did you kiss your wife? When last did you check up on our son?”

“You’re fine.” He furiously turned. “Jim is also fine. You two can handle yourselves but until my family is back to the way it used to be, I will not rest. I made a mistake once and I need to rectify it. The only thing that can make me feel better is when I have my son with me.”

“I will not allow that.” She seethed, her fists clenched at her sides. “We’re happy the way we are.”

“You’re happy! I am not.” He said softly, tears building in his eyes. “You have your child with you, but I am missing one of my own. As a mother, I expected you to understand that.”

He shook his head sadly and rushed upstairs, leaving her standing there feeling hurt. She had never felt the pain she felt at that time in the last 5 years. She had been happy. But no, she couldn’t allow that to happen to her.

“We’ll see.” She said under her breath, a tear running down her cheek.


There was noise and cheering and singing… coming from the children and the women that watched as joy unfolded. Ben, with a beautiful smile and scarf around his neck twirled gracefully, his arms reaching out to the heavens. His eyes sparkled with joy as he moved to the music, his body in sync as the women and kids cheered for him. He exuded an irresistible energy that drew the kids towards him and started dancing with him.

He was very happy and fulfilled as the kids danced with him. But just as fast as it had started, it ended and he had to move away, leaving the children playing with their toys.

“Wow, they’re just so happy when you’re around.” The beautiful blonde woman in charge of the orphanage said to him. “You should visit more often. And let me just say, you’re gonna make a wonderful father one day.”

He just stared at her without saying anything, except his eyes that spoke so much for him. He knew how good of a father he’d have been had that chance not been snatched away from him.

“Thank you so much.” He put his hands together.

“No problem.”

With a pat on his shoulder, she left him alone. Ben took a deep breath and started walking around the beautiful area, admiring how good the orphanage was maintained. They had a very beautiful garden, a play area and a pool. It had almost everything children loved.

He was walking in the garden area when he suddenly stopped and watched the scene before him. A distance from him was a very beautiful family, a handsome man, a very beautiful woman and a girl who was barely above 7 he guessed. They seemed so happy. The woman was pregnant and her husband had his hand on her tummy, feeling the baby kick. He had the excited little girl on his shoulders and they seemed like a perfect family.

For a moment, Ben had a flashback of his previous life when he had been staying with David. The man used to play with him like that, imagining he was carrying a baby. It gave him so much pain and by the time he was realizing it, he had tears in his eyes and the family was already heading out.

He took a harsh breath and cleared his eyes. Then he turned quickly and started heading back where he had come from. He had only taken about two steps when he suddenly stopped and stood there like a statue without even blinking. He didn’t know if he dreamt it or his mind was playing tricks on him. In front of him stood David who wore a very beautiful smile when he saw him.

“Hey! What a surprise!” David gasped in shock, feeling excited at the same time. “What are you doing here?”

“W-what?” he stuttered, feeling his heart begin to race. “W-what are you doing here?”

“Oh… I…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Ben heard a happy voice that took his entire attention. When he looked in the direction, he saw a handsome little boy rushing towards them. He seemed so happy… he wore a white shirt and a black jean.

Ben expected him to rush to his father but got the shock of his life when the little boy instead rushed to him and wrapped his tiny arms around his legs tightly. In that moment, the world seemed to have fade away. It was like he was suddenly connected to a cable of electricity, feeling a connection he hadn’t felt in a long time. He felt like every broken thing in his life had been mended… like his troubles had melted away and his heart began racing so fast that he thought it was gonna burst out his chest.

His eyes robotically moved to the child and his hands found his hair, running them through it. He didn’t know when he knelt or when he cupped the child’s face but he found himself staring into those beautiful blue eyes.

“Hey!” He chuckled nervously, smiling brightly. “Look at you, you’re smiling. How are you doing?”

“I am okay.” He answered excitedly. “Ben.”

Ben felt his bond with the boy grow stronger, like the unbreakable thread of fate.

“Yes!” Tears built in his eyes. “You remembered my name.”

“Yes!” He nodded. “You brought me to papa and he told me to say thank you when I see you.”

“Is that so?”

Ben raised his face and stared into those eyes he’d once fallen over hills for.

“Really?” He asked. “Thank you so much. This means a lot to me.”

“He seems to like you so much.” David said softly. “He kept asking about you since morning. I didn’t know I’d bump into you at this place.”

“Yeah!” He took the boy into his arms and rose. “I visit the kids once in a while for donations and just to play with them. It makes me so happy and at peace. What about you? What are you doing here?”

“I visit the orphanage once in a while, when I am not busy for the same thing.” They began walking slowly. “After what happened yesterday, I had to come here to do some good deed. I got a dose of what I might feel if I ever lost my son so it reminded me of what these kids must be feeling without someone to call their parent.”

Ben was touched by his words.

“That’s very sweet of you.” He said with a smile. “I am sure these kids really appreciate you more than they show you. On their behalf, I am so thankful.”

“There’s no need.” He said with an equal smile. “So tell me, how long have you been coming here and what made you love kids so much?”

Ben chuckled and began telling him of how he had loved kids ever since he was young. He told him of how much he had dreamt of having kids of his own. David paid so much attention that he got lost in the boy’s smile. It took long but Ben told him about his childhood dreams, not revealing too much. He was so lost in the conversation that he didn’t even care about how long they had been walking around. They gave got the boy some food and sat down to eat. It was a very good day for Ben, especially spending time with Michael.

“Well, from what you’ve told me, you wanted to have kids as soon as you were settled.” David said with a raised eyebrow. “And from the look of things, you’re pretty much settled. You’re handsome, rich and one of the chocolates kings of this city. Why don’t you bring in a kid into your life? You’d make a very good dad.”

Ben took a deep breath as he felt a hurt deep inside begin.

“It’s not the right time.”

“Why?” David chuckled nervously. “You’re handsome, surely, there must be a man or a woman in your life. It is rare that you’re gonna see someone so handsome single.”

Ben wanted to say something but he couldn’t find his voice. He just chuckled nervously and rose from where he sat.

“I am so sorry. I have to go now.” He said abruptly, picking up his bag. “I have lost track of time.” He knelt in front of the boy that stared at him. “You take care very good of yourself, Michael, okay.”

He leaned forward and kissed the boy’s cheek.

“Bye, Ben!” The boy waved.

Ben nodded and smiled at David sheepishly before he rushed out of there like the hounds of hell were after him. David watched him, feeling some strange loneliness that he couldn’t explain.

Ben on the other hand reached his car and quickly opened it, letting himself in. He sat there, arms tightly on the driving wheel, trying to catch his breath. His eyes glistened with unshed tears, a shimmering pool of unspoken sadness.

“Get a grip, Ben!” He said softly, taking a deep breath. “You cannot always be this weak. You gotta be strong.”

With a deep breath, he started his car but to his surprise, it wouldn’t. Strange, he thought. He tried again… it would ignite but would stop on its own. He tried and tried again but it continued like that until it wouldn’t even start.

“Shit!” He said under his breath, hitting the wheel. “This can’t be happening!”

He lay back, his eyes closed, trying to think of something. He was still lost in thought when he heard a knock on the window. Opening his eyes, he found a worried looking David staring at him. He took a deep breath and opened the window.

“Anything wrong?” He asked with concern.

“I can’t start my car. And I don’t know what’s wrong with it.”

“Really?” David asked, putting his son down. “Let me try.”

Ben nodded, getting out of the car. David tried but the same thing happened.

“Oh, I have no idea what’s wrong.” He said softly. “But I can have one of my guards check it out.”

“Isn’t that gonna take too much time?”

“I am sure it won’t.”

David called his guard to check the car and the news they received didn’t make them happy. Ben was told that something needed to be changed but he didn’t care about that. He needed to get out of there.

“Great!” He sighed, hitting his forehead. “Just what I needed.”

“It’s okay.” David tried to calm him down. “I can give you a ride back to the capital. My guard will remain with the car, fix it and bring it with him.”

“Oh no!” He shook his head. “I wouldn’t wanna…”

“You expect me to leave you here alone?” David gasped with a raised eyebrow. “If not for anything, for the sake of my son, let me give you a ride back to the capital.”

Ben remained silent for a while, his eyes never leaving the handsome hunk.

“Alright.” He nodded.

David smiled. “Thank you so much.”

Ben smiled sheepishly without saying anything. A ride to the capital was like 3 hours and he knew he was gonna be with David for that long. He had to figure something out. He smiled when he felt an arm on his leg. He knelt and took the boy in his arms, enjoying his beautiful giggles.

“You, young man is gonna sit with me and tell me all about what you love to do.”

David took Ben to his car after giving his guard instructions. Ben and Michael sat at the back seat while David started driving. He couldn’t help but glance and laugh at the conversation that was happening behind him. It was beautiful. An hour’s drive and it was quiet. Both Ben and Michael were fast asleep in each other’s arms. It was a beautiful sight.


It was a dark, moonless night and the only noise David could hear was the sound of the car as it moved on the road. His window was half open, letting in the cool air that kept him alert and concentrated. He was still an hour’s drive from the capital and funny thing was that it had been long since he had seen any car pass him.

There was a cool music playing on the radio. Ben and Michael were still asleep and he didn’t wanna wake them. Suddenly, his car gave a slight jerk and the engine emitted ominous sounds. He didn’t think there was anything wrong but began panic began setting in as the car began to sputter and slow down.

“No, no, no!” He said abruptly, his eyes widening. “Please no!”

He quickly swirled to the side and before he could stop it himself, the car came to a halt. David tried to start it, but the engine only responded with a feeble cough before going silent. Sweat beads formed on his forehead.

“What now?”

He glanced at his phone, which displayed a “No Signal” sign and he knew that shit was about to get real. The car was now completely motionless, parked on the side of the road. David sat inside, frustrated and anxious. He turned the key in the ignition, but the engine remained silent.

He glanced at the two behind that seemed to have no idea what was going on and he planned to keep that way. He didn’t want to see the look on his son’s face when he saw the situation.

David grabbed his phone and stepped out of the car, looking around. The highway stretched into the distance, disappearing into the darkness. The only sound was the distant howling of the wind. He tried calling his husband but the phone cut without ringing. He walked a distance from the car, begging for even just a signal but he wasn’t lucky.

“God, no!” He said angrily, gripping his hair. “The fuck is happening!”

“What’s going on?”

David felt his heart hammer in his chest when he heard a voice behind him. He quickly turned to find a worried looking Ben staring at him.

“The-the car stopped. I can’t start it.” He said softly. “And I cannot get any signal.”

“How?” Ben gasped.

“I don’t know, but don’t worry, everything is under control.” He reassured, getting closer. “I should be able to get a signal and get us out of here the soonest.”

Before he could say any other word, thunder roared and almost immediately rain began to fall.

“Oh no!” David shook his head. “Could this get any worse?”

The distant rumble of thunder grew closer and rain poured down in torrents. They quickly ran back to the car, shutting the door in frustration. The sound of the rain violently pouring down the car must have woken Michael up as they heard his voice.

“Dad!” His voice shook in fear. “I am scared.”

“It’s okay, sweetie.” David said with a smile. “I am right here and nothing is gonna happen. Remember, your father is a superman.” He raised his arm and put confidence in the boy. “It’s just rain.”

Thunder roared again and the boy screamed, covering his eyes. Ben opened his arms and the boy didn’t waste any time running into them.

“It’s just rain, baby.” He reassured, rubbing on his back. “Close your eyes and listen to the sound of my voice. As long as I am here, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Promise!” The boy asked softly.

“And hope to die.” He chuckled.

He felt the boy’s arms tighten around and he got excited. Ben began to hum, his voice a comforting melody. He kisses Michael’s forehead, and he slowly began to relax, his tiny body gradually growing still. He began singing a rhythm that he knew was gonna help.

“Hush little baby, don’t you cry,

Papa’s here to sing you a lullaby.

When you wake, you’ll see the day,

But for now, my love, just dream away.”

As Ben continued to sing, Michael’s eyes grew heavy, and his grip on Ben loosened. He started to drift off to sleep, his tiny body relaxing in Ben’s arms.

“Sweet dreams, my precious boy!” He whispered.

Ben continued humming the lullaby until Mchael was in a peaceful slumber. David on the other hand was impressed with what he saw. He gazed intently at Ben, feeling a warmth open up like a flower in his heart. That was the most beautiful scene he had ever seen and what he thought he felt whenever he saw Ben just overshot. He had never seen Michael so relaxed in anyone’s arms before.

“Wow!” He finally spoke. “I really can’t help saying that you have this aura about you… a captivating blend of intelligence and beauty. It’s really hard not to be drawn to you.”

Ben raised his head and when his eyes locked with David, his cheeks flushed with a subtle blush as he lowered his gaze, humbled by David’s words.

“Thank you so much.” He chuckled nervously. “He seems to be asleep but I fear he might be awakened by thunder if I put him down. It’s getting cold and…” He paused when he realized what he was about to say. “…and he needs to be warm. Do you mind grabbing my bag? I should have something to cover him up with.”

David nodded and glanced at the back seat, seeing Ben’s bag. He opened it and got out a beautiful pink baby blanket. It was large enough to cover Michael, but he couldn’t help but wonder why Ben had it. He didn’t wanna ask until Ben covered Michael and he saw the name “LEAH” imprinted on it.

“Leah!” He simply said, getting Ben’s attention. “The name must really mean something to you.”

Ben sat there silently, his fingers tracing the engraved name that had been etched there so long ago. He could remember it like it had been yesterday, holding his daughter’s lifeless body in his arms just like he held Michael at that point. Tears welled in his eyes as he closed them, transported back to a time when life had taken the most important thing before he even realized how important it was.

“I am sorry.” David apologized. “I didn’t mean to…”

“I had a daughter!” Ben said with so much difficult. “Her name was Leah. She died six years ago before I could even embrace her.”

David felt his heart get heavy.

“I-I am so sorry to hear that.” He said in an apologetic tone.

“I had so many dreams for my daughter.” He said with a tear rolling down his cheek. “I could imagine her growing up into a very beautiful girl, making me proud and happy. I didn’t mind living a simple life as long as I had her. But life didn’t give me that chance. Every chance I had was robbed from me and I felt like death was the only way. It’s been six years but it feels like yesterday.”

David wished he could pull the handsome man into a long and comforting hug, but he couldn’t. He felt his pain and he couldn’t help but feel like crying. He reached out and placed a comforting hand on Ben’s shoulder, squeezing it.

“I understand, Ben. Losing a child is something no parent should ever have to go through. How are you holding up though?”

Ben sighed, rubbing his tears. “Some days are better than others, but there’s always this emptiness inside me. I wish I could have done something for her. I wish I could have traded my life for hers.”

“I am sure you did everything you could, Ben. There’s no doubt that you were a loving and caring father. You can’t blame yourself for what happened.” He reassured, trying to smile but he could see the amount of pain Ben was in.

“I know.” He nodded. “I just miss her so much. There have been nights when the grief was so overwhelming and I felt like I was drowning into it”

David nodded empathetically. They shared a brief comforting moment, Ben holding on tightly to the boy that still slept in his arms. David didn’t wanna make things worse.

“Six years ago, I woke up in the hospital with a bandage around my head and my legs and no memories of what had happened to me in the last five years.” He said softly. “I was in coma for two months and when I woke up, I had a husband and a three-month-old baby. It was so hard for me to accept because I felt like my life had been rushed without me realizing it.”

He got silent for a while before he continued.

“I felt like something was missing. I yearned for something but didn’t know what it was.” He sighed. “But one thing that felt right was the love and the connection I felt with my son. It was pure and not forced. He might not have been my flesh and blood, but I didn’t care about that. All I knew was that I had to show him unconditional love and that’s all I have been doing all these years. He helped me face a lot of problems.”

“Oh…” Ben gasped, glancing at David. “…I had no idea that Michael was adopted.”

“He is.” He chuckled nervously. “But I will never make him feel that way or let him know that he is.”

Ben nodded.

“You’re a good father and he is lucky to have you.”

“I am the lucky one.” David said with a genuine smile. “And seeing the love you have showered on him in the days you’ve known him, I can tell that he has grown fond of you. Thank you so much!”

“No need!” he smiled sheepishly. “Who wouldn’t love this kid? He’s one of a kind.”

Ben and David stayed silent for a while before David began telling Ben the things he loved doing when he was young and in high school. It was a good story, to remove the sad environment and by the time David realized it, he was fast asleep.

He smiled lovingly as he stared at the scene before him and didn’t waste any time to take his phone and capture the moment. Slowly and quietly, he moved closer and reclined the seat, making it more comfortable for both of the sleeping companions. After all, he was driving a Ford F-150, it could be made comfortable for sleeping.

David could feel Ben’s breath on his face. For a moment, he couldn’t help but stare at just how beautiful the boy was. David’s gaze traveled over his features—the curve of his cheek, the graceful slope of his neck, the color of his lips that he couldn’t help but admire.

He reached out gently, his fingers lightly brushing a stray strand of hair away from Ben’s beautiful face, bringing it into full view. Ben stirred in his sleep, a faint smile gracing his lips. David smiled in response, captivated by the beauty of this intimate moment. He didn’t know how long it took before he realized he was staring and probably drooling. His heart was racing a mile away and his hormones were starting to go wild.

“Fuck! What’s wrong with me?” He sighed, rubbing the sweat off his face. It was cold but he felt hot.

Taking a nervous breath, he leaned down and placed a feather-light kiss on Michael’s forehead, his lips barely grazing his skin. He pulled back, still gazing at the two wonderful souls with a warmth that could melt the coldest of hearts. He reclined his seat and stared for while before he turned off the light and just stared into the dark. He didn’t wanna sleep for fear of what might happen as they were on the road side.

The rain started dying down and as it did, he slowly dozed off and didn’t realize when he slept.


As the first glimmer of light began to break through the horizon, David stirred in the confines of his car. The soft rays of dawn filtered through the windshield, casting a warm, amber glow across the interior. He blinked a few times, his groggy mind gradually reawakening to the world around him. The faint chirping of distant birds reached his ears, a reminder that the natural world was also beginning to stir.

Yawning, the first thing that caught his eyes was the breathtaking scene of Ben sleeping with Michael in his arms. It was like the boy was meant to stay in those arms. He didn’t hear him wake up which showed how comfortable he was with Beb.

With a smile on his face, he took out his phone and took several pictures, each perfect in its own way. He knew they had spent the entire night there but somehow, he needed to get them home. With a deep breath and hope in his heart, he reached out to the dashboard and turned the key, bringing the car’s electrical system to life. To his surprise, when he turned the key again, the car’s engine started without any challenge.

David’s heart began racing and small smile crept on his face, revealing his inner feelings. He couldn’t believe it.

“Yes!” He said excitedly, hitting the driving wheel. “Yes!”

“What’s going on?” He heard a sleepy voice say.

He glanced at his side and found Ben slowly opening his eyes. Wow, he was even more gorgeous when he was just waking up. He cleared his throat quickly and pretended not to have been staring.

“Err… the car has started.” He said simply. “And funny thing is, I didn’t even get to do anything.”

“That’s good news!” Ben said happily, smiling at the man. “We can now go home.” He realized he still had the boy in his arms. He moved but didn’t wake up.

“You must be tired.” David said softly. “I am so sorry that I got us into this and still let my son sleep in your arms the rest of the night.”

“Are you kidding?” Ben raised an eyebrow. “This is one of the most peaceful I have slept in a long time. If I am tired, then it is worth it. Your son is really adorable and I like him so much.” He glanced at him and felt the whole world disappear. “Just look at him.”

He chuckled happily and tried getting up from the reclined seat.


David quickly got out of the car and rushed to the door of Ben’s seat. He helped him get the car seat up, making him more comfortable. The boy wrapped his arms around him and mumbled something but still didn’t wake up.

“Are you ready?” David said softly.


David got into the car and started driving. It was quiet for most of the journey except with few questions about work. The rest of the way, Ben had his eyes on the boy that was still sleeping in his arms. It didn’t take long before they arrived at Ben’s mansion, parking right near the entrance. David got out and opened the door for Ben.

“Wow, this is quite a nice place you’ve got here.” He commented while looking around. “Looks like a five-star hotel.”

“Well, chocolate king!” He joked, making David laugh. “Yeah, it is really nice.” He remained quiet for second. “Thank you so much for bringing me home. If not for you, I’d have still been stuck at the orphanage.”

“Even if I got us stranded in the middle of the road?” He shrugged.

“That wasn’t you.” Ben said. “It was the car and it wasn’t all that bad. I got to spend some time with Michael. If I was to go back in time, I wouldn’t change any of what happened yesterday.”

“Me neither.”

As David stared into Ben’s eyes, his heart ached with a familiar deep yearning, de javu. It was a longing that had been growing stronger with each passing day and he still couldn’t understand why. Ben on the other had memories of their time together flooding his mind; the way his eyes shone when he smiled, the warmth of his embrace and the taste of his lips.

“You-you should go.” He stuttered.

“Y-yeah!” David nodded quickly. “I’ll take him.”


David tried to get his son away from Ben but the moment he touched him, the boy’s grip around Ben’s neck tightened. He tried again, but failed horribly. Ben tried to loosen the grip but for fear of hurting the boy as he did, he gave up.

“Err… maybe you should leave him.” He said, his voice sounding low. “I’ll take care of him.”

“Sure!” David said abruptly. He had no idea why he got excited.

“We’ll meet later in 4 hours at the restaurant near our company. You’ll get him then.”

A tender smile crept up David’s face as the world around him seem to fade away as he reveled in the beauty of the moment. For a moment, he felt like the star of a Telenovela escorting his date home after a wonderful date but in this case, he was given another chance for a second date.

“Sure! I’ll see you there.”

He leaned forwards and kissed his son’s cheek. “I’ll see you later champ!”

He entered his car and drove off, leaving Ben standing there. Ben’s heart swelled with emotions as he held the boy and watched David’s car drive out of his compound. He glanced at the sleeping boy, his eyes shimmering with affection. With a sigh, he went inside and straight to his room.

Reaching his room, he carefully laid the boy on the bed, covering him. He sat beside him, staring at him with so much admiration. He watched as he breathed, his chest rising and falling rhythmically with each gentle breath, a reminder of the miracle itself.

‘Leah!’ A deafening scream rang in his ears, reminding him of his loss.

Ben’s heart ached as he remembered the night his life had been completely ruined, the night he held his daughter’s lifeless body in his arms. The screams… the wails… the pain. Ben’s heart had shattered as he held his daughter’s cold body. He had wanted to go with his daughter but that wish wasn’t granted to him.

“I don’t know why I get so much peace with you, Michael.” He whispered, his eyes welling up. “Your very existence is supposed to intensify my pain but it’s the opposite. Your father had hurt me terribly… he broke my heart and left me for the dead. I lost a child because of what happened in the past.”

He closed his eyes, and the memories flooded him. David had walked away from their relationship because Ben’s illness had been too much for him to handle. He had gone back to Jim.

‘Right now as we speak, David is back with the true love of his life, my son.’ Elena’s words rang through him like a tornado.

Ben opened his eyes and slowly lay close to Michael, pulling him towards him.

‘You’re the missing piece of my soul.’ David’s word played at the back of his mind. ‘I love you, Ben, and I am ready to give up everything just to be with you.’

And he did give up everything. For some time, they had been so happy. Ben was reminded of the time they had spent together laughing, cuddled up in bed every night, the passionate nights. The whispers of ‘I love you’ every time they made love, their hugs and warm embrace, playing at the beach. It was a stark contrast to the somber atmosphere that now enveloped him.

‘I won’t let anything happen to you. I still need you in my life. We still have a family to start, remember?’

‘I wrote to inform you that I want to end our relationship and I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.’ His heart cracked like those words were being said to him at that moment. ‘I love Jim so much and I wish you all the best in your life. David!’

Those words had pierced his heart like a knife. Ben’s tears rolled down his cheek and onto the boy he held closely to him as he replayed that moment in his mind, the pain of abandonment, the raw ache of loss. He knew that he was gonna carry that painful love memory with him always and the death of their child, a scar on his heart that would never truly heal.


David reached his home, feeling like something heavy had been dropped on him. He knew that he didn’t just need a hot shower, but that he also needed a power nap. His shirt was folded at the sleeves and he was playing with his keys. He had barely entered his home when he heard a scream.


He looked in front of him and saw his family rushing to him looking worried. They were all in pajamas and he knew that they had been worried. Jim wrapped his arms tightly around him before he cupped his face and planted kisses all over it.

“You have no idea how worried I have been the entire night.” He said worriedly, tears building in his eyes. “I couldn’t sleep… I couldn’t think straight and the police told us that we had to wait.”

“Yeah… I am so sorry.” David apologized, putting up a smile. “I am fine. Nothing bad happened to me. I just had a car break down so I ended up sleeping in the car. My phone was off, I couldn’t contact any of you. I didn’t mean to keep you worried.”

“What matter is that you are here.” Claudia said as she hugged her son tightly. “Our prayers have been answered.”

Amber who hadn’t said anything and happy her brother was home kept looking around to see if Michael was gonna come around but when she didn’t see him, she got very worried.

“Err… David, where’s Michael?” She asked with worry in her voice. “You left with him yesterday. Is he sleeping in the car?”

“No!” David nodded. “I didn’t come with him.”

“What?” Amber gasped. “Where did you leave him?”

David remained silent for a second. “I left him at Ben’s house!”

At the mention of that name, Claudia’s skin prickled with a clammy cold sweat, goosebumps rising like a constellation of fear. Her hands suddenly shook uncontrollably, an involuntary tremor that betrayed her inner turmoil, as fear and panic waged a relentless battle within her. She quickly hid them behind her back, standing there like a statue as she tried to process the information her son had given her.

Jim on the other hand stood there, his lip quivering in anger and his hands suddenly clenched into fists.

“What did you just say?” Jim’s voice trembled with so much anger. “Where did you leave our son?”

David knew that voice very well. He could tell that Jim’s mood had completely changed.

“Calm down!” David tried to touch him but he retaliated, breathing like a woman in labor.

“Don’t you fucking tell me to calm down.” He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself but the emotions were just too overwhelming. “You left our son at a stranger’s house and you expect me to calm down? What if he kidnaps our son, are you still gonna tell me to calm down?”

“Jim, you’re overreacting.” Amber chimed.

“Don’t you dare come into this.’ Jim snapped, raising his finger at her. “This is between me and my husband.”

Amber raised her hands like she was surrendering.

“This is no big deal.” David couldn’t understand where all that anger came from. “Ben is no stranger. He saved our son when he got lost so I trust him.”

“Oh!” He chuckled bitterly, raising an eyebrow. “Does it mean that we can just give him our son? Whatever gave you the idea that you can do that? What the hell did you go to his house for?”

“Because I spent the whole night in the car with him.” David said abruptly.

At first Jim was hurt by the news of David and Ben spending the entire night together. His heart dropped to the floor and bled. He felt like someone had stabbed him right in the heart. His breaths came out rapid and shallow.

“We were at the orphanage together and his car broke down. I offered a ride and we ended up being stranded together.” David continued. “Michael slept in his arms and he had a tight grip on him. I couldn’t get him so I left him there.”

Jim’s face turned crimson, veins pulsating with pent-up fury as he clenched his fists, his knuckles white with the intensity of his rage.

“You know what, I don’t know what hurts the most.” He said icily. “The fact that you left Michael or the fact that you spent the whole night with that man. And here I was worried that my husband was probably in a bad situation but you were busy spending your whole evening with that man. How do I even know if the car really broke down.”

“Excuse me!”

“You heard me.” Jim snapped. “You can’t be the only one that doesn’t see it. That man lusts for you. Can’t you see the way he looks at you? He’s obviously trying to get your attention one way or the other.”

To say David was shocked would be an understatement.

“You’re being delusional.” He said simply, hitting his head. “Ben is not that kind of person.”

“Oh really?” Jim chuckled bitterly, crossing his arms on his chest. “You think it’s a coincidence that when his partners didn’t want to have you in the company, he stepped up and allowed you in. Ever since he came back, he has been trying to get close to you and you’re blindly falling into that trap. I wouldn’t be surprised if he kidnapped Michael and brought him back here so he can be in your good books.”

“Jim!” Amber gasped in shock. “Now you’re simply crossing the line. Why would Ben do that? He is an established and well-known man, who works in the biggest chocolate company in the continent. He can get any man he wants and…”

“Because they’re not my husband.” Jim snarled, eyeing Amber in irritation. “He is David Paola after all, one of the sexiest businessmen in the country. Obviously, everyone would want a piece.”

“You know what…” David snapped, shaking his head. “…stop this nonsense. No one wants to seduce any one and Michael is fine. Ben wouldn’t hurt him.”

“It’s not a matter of whether he would hurt him or not.” Jim shrugged. “I want him back to this house right now. So, tell me exactly where I am gonna get him.”

“He’s fine!”

“I don’t care.” He snapped, shaking his head. “I want our son back right this minute.”

David sighed, raising his hands like he was surrendering.

“I’ll go and get him in two hours. I am supposed to meet Ben at a restaurant near his company.”

Jim chuckled bitterly, staring at David like he wanted to kill him. Without saying another word, he furiously turned and rushed upstairs leaving David too stunned to speak. He was so tired that he couldn’t even think straight.

“I am so sorry for that.” Amber apologized, rubbing her brother’s arms. “Don’t worry about anything. You know the kind of husband you married, and honestly, sometimes I feel like he needs some psychiatric evaluation.”

David burst into laughter, staring at his sister. “I need some rest, Amber. And when I awake in an hour or so, I need some good food.”

“I got you.” She said with a beautiful smile.

The two siblings left arm in arm. But Claudia who hadn’t said a word remained there, deep in thought.

‘No,’ She thought. ‘I am not going to allow Ben get closer to David than he already has. If he does, it will only take a short time for David to remember what happened in the past and a step closer to realizing what I had done. I cannot allow that to happen.’

She gripped her hair, sitting at the edge of the seat.

‘Ben has already gotten too close to Michael and David loves his son too much.’ She placed her face between her palms. ‘If he allows Ben get closer than he has, everything will be over. David and Ben cannot know the truth no matter what. I need to keep them apart.’


Ben entered the beautiful restaurant with a smile on his face. He looked so handsome with his hair tied in a ponytail, wearing a black skinny jean, white designer shirt and black sneakers. He held Michael’s hand as they walked in. The little boy was holding a teddy bear on his other hand that Ben had gotten for him.

Ben knelt in front of the boy, feeling at peace when the boy smiled.

“Hey, sweetie, we’re here now. All we have to do is wait for your father.” He slightly pinched his soft cheek, drawing chuckles from him. “But before that, what would you like? Let me guess…” He paused and glanced upwards like he was thinking. “…you want something that has vanilla in it, don’t you?”

The boy quickly nodded.

“I know exactly what to get you.”

He leaned forwards and kissed his forehead, rubbing on it sweetly.

“Well, well, well…” A voice spoke from behind him.

Ben didn’t need to be a genius to know what that was. He got up and turned to find Jim staring at him, his face a mix of anger and desperation. But he wasn’t alone. He was with Elena who had an evil grin on her face. He could already smell trouble.

“If someone had told me that they saw you with my son, I wouldn’t have believed them.” He continued, his fists clenched and his jaw tight. “But look at you, shamelessly showing fake love to a child. If only he knew the snake that you are.”

“I mean, can you blame him.” Elena spoke with mock in her voice. “It runs in the family after all. Have you forgotten how shameless his mother opened her legs for my husband. And now her son is walking right in her footsteps.”

Mother and son burst into laughter, not minding that they were in a public place.

Ben smiled, raising an eyebrow. “Six years and she’s still talking about the same thing.” He rolled his eyes. “If you had kept your man to yourself, there’s no way he’d have come running to my mother. Whether you choose to accept it or not, I am my father’s flesh and blood. The earlier you deal with that, the better it will be for you.”

To say Elena was surprised would be an understatement. She glanced at her son and she could see just how surprised he was too.

“I can see that you’ve grown wings.” Elena seethed, getting close to him. “Perhaps you’ve forgotten the kind of person that I am.”

“Not really.” He said with a shrug. “After all I went through in your hands, that would be too hard to forget. And you’re wrong, I always had my wings but was too scared to spread them. Perhaps, I realized that it isn’t worth it anymore. I am no longer scared of you, Elena. You cannot touch me ever again.”

“Oh wow!” She gasped in shock, chuckling bitterly. “He’s no longer scared of me.” She glanced at her son. “Not even ashamed to admit it. Is that the reason why you’re shamelessly trying to interfere in my son’s marriage?”

“Interfere?” He raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure about that? If I was to interfere in your son’s marriage, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. David would be staying with me.”

“You wish!” Jim rolled his eyes. “You still think you have any effect on him? Just like he left you years ago, he’s never thought of you once. I am the one that he married and started a family with. And who was left in the hospital dying?”

A satisfying look appeared on Jim’s face when he saw the smile on Ben’s face begin to fade. He smirked and stepped forward, chirping and mocking Ben.

“Oh, Ben,” He burst into laughter. “You’ve always been stupid, most so now that you don’t have me to protect you. You shouldn’t have come back here. You should have run away while you had the chance. Now you have to watch yourself lose all over again. I am the one with David and we have a family. Now…” He extended his hand. “…may I have my son right now.”

Ben felt Michael wrap his arms tightly around his thigh, shielding his little body from Jim. He glanced at the boy and he simply shook his head. He could tell he was scared.

“I am not gonna repeat myself. Michael!”

He tried to grab the boy’s arm, but the boy retaliated, leaving him looking raged.

“Michael!” He roared, giving the boy crazy eyes. “Come here this instant.”

The boy shook his head. “I don’t want to go with you. I want to stay with Ben.”

“I am not joking.” He snapped. “Come here!”

The boy shook his head.

In anger, Jim swung his hand furiously and gripped the boy’s arm painfully. He winced in pain and began crying but never for once let go of Ben’s leg. Tears glistened in ben’s eyes as he watched the boy cry. There was so much pain that he felt, like someone was hurting his child. He couldn’t understand the emotional connection he had with the boy.

“Come here!” Jim furiously pulled him.

“Ben, help!” The boy screamed.

Ben felt his heart hammer in his chest with such intensity that he felt like his rib cage cracked. His hands began trembling with repressed fury, fingers curling into tight fists. The look he gave Jim was from out of this world. It was like he was possessed.

“Let him go!” He barked, gripping Jim’s painfully.

Jim screamed in pain and let the boy go. He raised his face to stare into Ben’s raging eyes and couldn’t believe what he saw, anger and pain. In just a flash, Ben threw Jim’s hand away, leaving him standing there like he’d seen a ghost. There was a red mark there showing just how much force Ben had held that hand with.

“What?” Elena screamed, her eyes bulging. “How dare you touch my son!”

Before Ben realized what was going on, he felt sting on his cheek, snapping his face to the other side. Elena has slapped him hard across the face and it felt like he had been possessed. The anger that got into him was from out of his world.

“Don’t you ever in your life oooow!” She screamed in pain.

One moment she was yelling and the next moment she found herself on the floor, her face hot, a sharp stinging pain throbbing at her cheeks. Her face was turned away from Ben. She felt like she was in a dream and the gasps from people that were totally surprised by the scene in front of their eyes didn’t help things.

She quickly raised her face, looking dumbly at Ben who stared at her like he wanted to kill with his hand still raised.

What happened?

To be continued…


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