Freaky Trucker 08: Gym Buddy

Freaky Trucker 08: Gym Buddy by tchina85,tchina85 I made it into Virginia just in time to prepare to deliver, as I was close to running out of hours for the day. I was able to park in a shopping center lot not too far from the consignee, and so I cut the engine, kicked off my boots and called all my kids just in time for a rain began to pour. My concerned daughter asked where exactly I was, and what I’d be doing.

“Shopping center, with the only thing open being a gym, and I’m going to eat this porkchop sandwich I ordered in Baltimore,” I told her. “Otherwise, I’ll mind my business, mom.”

“Porkchop is for the devil unless it’s grilled,” she told me. “And don’t press me for worrying about your well being. I’m sure your sons aren’t doing the same.”

I listened to her ramble and try to chide me as I grabbed my hot sauce from a cubbie, then splattered it throughout the smashed bread as she chattered through my Bluetooth.

“Honey, I’m too old to take orders, mmmkayyy,” I told her with a mouthful. “When’s the last time you paid one of my bills or fed me a home cooked meal?”

“Dad, me having your back has no age bracket or responsibility level. You should enlist in that gym you see, and do a 30 minute cardio,” she told me. “Burn that fatty piece of pig.”

“But it tastes so good,” I told her as I chuckled. “What if I run in my sleep? Does that count?”

I loved pulling my “little girl’s” chain even though she was well into her twenties. She was a get-fit enthusiast, someone who considered health wealth, and was always promoting such. She worried about me most from my three offspring, as the other two were short and pudgy like me and destined to be fat fathers as they had my grands.

“When I have my kids, I want them to meet Santa like I did,” she joked, referring to the times I played Santa when she and her brothers were little.

She encouraged me enough to only finish half the sandwich, then toss the other part of it out the window for seagulls to devour the next morning.

“I’ll pack a bag to go in the gym,” I told her.

“You promise,” she asked.

“If you think I could get something out of it, then I will. I have a jogging set in the bunk I’ve only worn once. I’ll send you photos when I’m done,” I told her.

We said our “I love yous” and hung up, and so I quickly changed out of my work clothes to the outfit, then pulled out a pair of Nikes I wore on occasion before packing toiletries and a change of clothes. I stepped out of the truck then went inside the facility, and right then made a membership to the gym that was part of a nationally recognized chain, by way of a handsome guy at the front desk.

“Hey. This is my first time ever being a part of any gym,” I told the stacked Adonis. “I’m a trucker who travels all over the place, so I never saw the benefit of this.”

The young man, who might’ve been Latino or Asian, had a gleam of teeth as he willingly showed me around, just patient with walking me through the initial steps of joining the gym.

“There is a health and liability waiver you must endorse first,” he told me, then I paid my fee, and Gabe, the name of the guy, gave me a short tour of the place as it was completely empty.

“Need a demonstration on any of the machines,” he asked.

For the hell of it I asked him to walk The Stairclimber, then the treadmill so I could see his balance. I watched the cute attendant work on the machines three minutes apiece as he gave me a glimpse of his gorgeous frame. He was wearing form fitted shorts that were above the knee, showing off his thighs and calves as he spent a considerable amount of time on lower body from what I could tell. I peeped at him closely when he did the treadmill, as I could see his biceps and pectorals through his shirt as clearly he was someone who lived in the gym.

“How many days you spend working out,” I asked in admiration.

“I’m in the gym six, sometimes seven times out of the week,” he told me.

I became a little hot and bothered seeing him, and when he finished I let him know I understood the movement, but I wanted to keep him longer so I asked questions.

“You’re the only guy that works overnight,” I asked.

“My part time gig,” he told me. “I’m a Navy diver currently on shore duty, too.”

That explained his physique, as well as his overall demeanor as he was a calm, toned gentleman, with an accent synonymous with the south.

“Thank you for your service. I can really admire a Navy man,” I told him.

“I’m originally from Texas. “Currently going to school part time to become a fitness enthusiast,” he added.

Gabe explained he was in the final year of his Navy contract, and that he was bored at his post to where he could make time for working overnight at the gym, and going to school.

“No girlfriend,” I asked.

He blushed, then brushed me off as he let me get to my workout, offering his assistance if needed. He walked off and I watched him walk away as his perfect ass poked through the shorts, then I got to it, walking on the treadmill slowly while watching a Lifetime movie. I placed the speed at 1.0, them 2.0 with a slight incline as the television took my mind away from any pain. I immediately became drenched as it had been years since I did any exercises, the perspiration seeping through my clothes as my top was soaked, and my pants covering my thick, slippery inner thighs tightened only due to the sweat. I loved the sweaty feeling and was sure my daughter would’ve been proud so I took a photos.

“I’m making an instant dent in my fatness,” was the caption to the photos, and I’d look over to the front of the building where Gabe stood, to catch him looking back at me, smiling.

“Doing a great job,” he yelled before giving me a thumbs up, and I would speed up things, then increase the incline to really get my heart going.

After 45 minutes I was beat, so I decreased the incline and cut off the machine before climbing off and cleaning it, and figuring what to do next as I didn’t want to throw in the towel.

“Some go for a sauna break after. Relaxes the muscles,” said Gabe, as I approached him for advice.

I headed to the sauna, and wasn’t a fan at first, as I’m not one who likes heat. After a couple minutes of sitting I felt my joints loosen and started to like it. I was fully relaxed when I started playing with my phone, then would hear the door open: It was Gabe.

“Just checking on you,” he said as he was donning a tank top, looking ready for a workout. “I closed the front entrance to any customers, so I can get a quick grind in. How you liking the sauna?”

“I like it,” I told him as I was eyeing his put together body. “You about to lift?”

“Nah, gonna run a bit,” he told me before he winked his right eye and shut the door.

I was for sure turned on by the young bull, as I was thinking about how he looked earlier when he demonstrated use of the machines. For a brief moment I fantasized of this kid that was the perfect looking specimen, but then came to my senses as I couldn’t see myself “trying him.”

“Wayne, would you let this guy fuck you, in a gym nonetheless,” I asked myself.

Sex in public wasn’t a problem as I’d been fucked in a shower stall at a truck stop, and enjoyed every bit of getting my ass torn while the mystique of getting caught lingered, but this was different, for it was the gym.

Where could we go? Could we hide, and most importantly would this handsome, fair skinned king even be into a fat, sweaty trucker? I left the sauna and looked in the distance to see my new friend, swearing, sweating and grunting with headphones on as he surely was in his element, just turning me on profusely without even knowing. I’d sit incognito at a weight bench as he didn’t notice me noticing him. I was out of view, getting my free looks as I laid flat and could see him upside down while I pretended to lift. I loved that I could be a horny pervert without interruption, but then I had to pee, and so I stood up, pretending as if I just finished a set of lifts when I turned to Gabe’s direction.

“That’s right, Mr. Wayne, get some,” he yelled as we made eye contact, with him grinning ear to ear.

I smiled back, then made my way towards the locker room to relieve myself. Minutes later he would come into the locker room, too.

“You were sweating pretty hard on that machine,” he said. “Did the sauna add any effect?”

“It did actually. I think the next time I stop in a town, I’ll see if it has one of your gyms, and do the same thing as I did tonight,” I said as I finished my last trickle then washed my hands.

I would get back into the locker room and found Gabe with his shirt off, his upper body with its light brown skin glistening under the light.

“You enjoy being at the gym now,” he asked me.

“It felt great. I haven’t been to a gym in God knows how long,” I told him. “Son, let me ask you: how the fuck do you get a body like that?”

He laughed and looked down as his shorts dropped and he showed off his sweaty boxers as he was preparing for a shower. I thought about when I was his age and how I was a scrawny character, no muscle in sight, just a runner with a slim frame.

He came over to me in just his boxers and shower shoes, and I got a closer look at him and fell in love, as his body was so defined from the neck down to his waist. Gabe could’ve been six foot one, maybe 200 solid pounds as he didn’t seem to have an ounce of body fat, until later when he pulled down his shorts and I saw his beefstick.

“Wayne, it’s perseverance above all,” he told me. “Willingness to treat your body right through hard grind, diet, and overall, attitude. You can go from one frame to the other in a matter of months, as long as you stay committed to the course.”

The words parting his mouth reeked maturity, and dedication that only intrigued me more as he was looking even tastier.

“Before you leave, take my number. When you come back into town, I’d love to be your personal trainer. Free of charge of course,” he told me.

I didn’t know what to take of his suggestion as he seemed real, yet flirtatious in a sense. I thought at that moment that maybe I was looking too deep into it, but I ended up accepting his offer as I liked him regardless

“You think you’re sweating now? You ain’t seen sweat,” he joked, and I’d feel my hole twitch as I envisioned what he probably meant.

We slapped five, and he’d walk back over to his locker to prepare to transition to the shower. I, too began to undress, but seeing him at the corner of my eye as he turned naked, and began playing with his phone. I became naked, too, and not ashamed of him seeing my rolls as I was actually hoping he’d be magnetized towards them. I wrapped the towel around my waist after sliding into my pair of shower shoes, then closed the locker as I was preparing to walk to the showers.

“Get back here man, and I’ll take real good care of you,” he said.

I smiled, for I wanted to take care of him, but had to keep things cool. I was holding on to my towel for dear life as I didn’t want it to touch the floor. I stepped into the first stall, pulling back the curtain before I pulled off my towel and hung it on the other side of the door. Little did I know that Gabe was behind me, close enough to where he saw me take off my towel, and see my fat ass.

“Sorry,” he said as he walked around me.

I cut on the water and continued the conversation.

“How long before school is done,” I asked.

“Year and a half, I’ll have my degree,” he said as he cut on the water to the stall beside me.

“You got time for a girl,” I asked, for at this very moment I was scrubbing my inner ass.

I even played with my hole a little after cleaning thoroughly, pondering what it would feel like to replace my finger with his cock.

“Hopefully I get a job somewhere here in Virginia,” he said.

He elaborated on his long term plan while failing to answer my previous question.

“You still didn’t give me an answer, you hunk,” I told him as I was scrubbing my chest.

“No time for anyone, really. Just every now and again a hit and run, you know,” he asked.

I understood clearly as I wanted him to plunder my bumper.

“A hit and run, eh,” I asked.

The talk expanded to sex only because he didn’t support a relationship. He enjoyed hopping in and out of beds without obligation, other than to make the other person cum after he came. He’d ask me the same question.

“Not into women,” I answered.

We had a “Q&A” session right there, laughing and giggling when we should’ve been washing, and his charisma totally took over.

“Not into women? Holy hell, you like other dudes,” he asked.

“I do. It doesn’t make me any less of a man than anyone else,” I told him.

“So you like cock,” he asked.

“Yes, I love cock,” I told him.

“That’s cute,” he added. “I can admit, I saw you hiding like you were lifting earlier. I didn’t see that fucking bar move once.”

We both laughed as that actually changed the direction of the conversation in my favor.

“I can’t help it man, you’re cute,” I told him.

He wouldn’t say another word, as he instead cut the water off in his stall then walked past mine, heading into the locker room I guess to ensure the coast remained clear. When I heard his footsteps heading back towards the showers I opened my curtain so he could join me, and right then I would get on my knees to service his massive door knob of a cock.

“Guess you know the assignment,” he told me as I went down.

There was no more talking with Gabe’s thick, pulsating tool tickling my throat. He held still while I went to town counteracting his throbbing cock with my lips, trying to grip his curvy girth and show him zeal while bobbing my head back and forth.

“Ain’t never had a trucker suck this dick,” he said.

“”Well you’ve been missing out, baby,” I told him before I tried to get it even deeper down my throat.

Gabe showed me why us older pervs chased younger cock, for it seemed harder, tasted better, and in this case, was much thicker. I put my hands on his ass while gorging back and forth, and soon after made me rise to my feet and grab the wall while he uttered something in Spanish.

“You wanna quick dick down for your efforts,” he asked.

I nodded before he spread my cheeks to place some body wash on my puckering hole, then soon after felt that veiny missile enter me and make me instinctively squeeze his cock.

“Uffff fuck, Gabe,” I cried out as his thick prick had my hole gasping.

He was already inside, but managed to wiggle his hips and go even deeper, causing me to scream in the process.

“Nothing beats fat boy pussy,” he said as he wanted to tap hard and fast.

I urged him to slow down as I needed to get used to his size.

“Can’t fucking help it,” he said as he managed a slower pace, with his girth knocking at my walls so savagely.

He praised my bottom by rubbing it and telling me I was “thick,” and that my hole was warm and comforting. He smacked my tush a few times and I would wiggle my hips before I roamed back and forth on his cock.

“The real workout here. Throw that ass back, daddy,” he said to me.

The orgasms became erratic as the curve seemed to snatch my prostate area each time I rotated forward. I whimpered and cried in delight as I bounced harder, addicted to the feeling that made my pussy instantly cream.

“Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe,” I screamed

“Nut on that dick. There you go,” he yelled as I was plopping.

I was trying to back him against the wall as I cared less of the overhead spigot, for my twat was raining all over that cock. That dick sent chills through me each time I pulled away.

“You ain’t banging it fast enough,” he told me as he then took over, grabbing my hands behind my back as he showed the horse power in his lower body.

“Time to go to Poundtown,” he yelled while he chiseled those hips.

The clapping sounds along with the orgasm and showered head shooting caused for audio mimicking a porn scene, in which this felt just like that.

“Come back and workout daddy, so I can work that ass,” he told me as he pounded harder.

He’d grunt and scream after hitting the knob within my hole, having me making sounds at an octave I didn’t know I was capable of hitting. I’d never been fucked like this, and in this type of setting as I couldn’t get enough. He kept thrusting, hitting my hole harder until he’d whine, then let loose a blast of his nut deep.

“Fuck,” he yelled.

He dropped his load within me and pulled out, and left me hitting the floor shaking, my body still going through it after such an intense fuck.

He’d leave me there, as he exited the stall, then turned on the other stall so he could finish cleaning himself. I’d get up and get myself together, for my body was smitten with his after the work he put in. I dried off and changed into the other set of clothes before getting all my items together to re-pack. Minutes after I left from the locker room, with my bag draped over my shoulder, and me looking straight ahead at the exit, for two patrons had just walked in. Gabe and I acted like we didn’t know each other, and he even sent me off with a “goodbye greeting.” I went back to my truck and laughed, then took pictures of myself as I was glowing. I sent them to my daughter.

“Daddy, you look incredible. What did you do,” she asked.

“A lot of cardio,” I told her.

“Shit, man you’re glowing. I need to get some of that workout you had,” she said.

She absolutely had no clue, for I couldn’t stop smiling until I closed the curtain on the windshield, and slumbered for a few hours until my clock reset.

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