Freddy the Sniff


A gay story: Freddy the Sniff Freddy didn’t mince words. I liked that though. You knew where you stood.

I always thought there was more to that look he gave me in the past than he let on.

Or did I recognise his lustful look because I was as Bi as he was?

I guess it had to happen eventually and certainly I did not discourage it.

There was something about Freddy that really magnetised my passion buds.

It was a dream that did it. What was all that about?

Why did I dream of Freddy for god’s sake!?

We, that is Freddy and me were having great sex in the kitchen.

I’d been peeling potatoes and he came up behind and I felt this sudden surge between my buttocks.

Freddy lodged in the upstairs float to me and for some reason was in my flat!

He yelled at the same time he was trying to poke me with my jeans on that he fancied the ass off me, That it was quality ass and was asking for a big stiff fuck.

And there was me, not telling him to bloody well lay off but more concerned with him trying to poke me withy my jeans on

“Much better off” I couldn’t believe I was saying to him.

But first he knelt behind and pushed his face into my jeans, panting that my tight ass was irritable and there he was sniffing and doing things. Like I could feel his mouth moving there thro0ugh my jeans.

And it was really turning me on.

I had a cock like a stiff cucumber bulging beneath my pants

Freddy wasn’t slow top notice either…

“Wow! We do have a problem don’t we, it looks like it needs some airing and although I love to smell you through your jeans I would like to suck cock too.”

I told you ate the beginning Freddy was not one for mincing words.

But this was just a dream wasn’t it.

No it was for real. It was the next day and it was reall6y happening. I shook my head and turned around and sure enough it was Freddy smelling my pants.

Next thing he stood up and undid my belt and downed my pants, just like that. My cock jolting out under my boxers, more room now, and obviously a real turn on for Freddy who was not just poking at my ass but also wanking my cock.

“I think we had better go to bed don’t you, Pete?” he said like his tongue was hanging out..

“And you smell great and I want more, so it is to bed then?, first there gets it first”

I didn’t have much option, it was he who came up with the idea and he was already halfway up the stairs with his ripe cock bouncing about.

Somehow he had prompted me to sit on the side of the bed, and stuffed his big cock into my mouth. “It will need priming if you want it up your tight fat ass” he yelled.

I was more concerned that he thought it was fat!

“Just a figure of speech” he added, “It is lovely, so tight and fuckable, now get on with the job in hand, or should I say in mouth!”

Anyway with my mouth full of cock I could not say much, he held my head at the back to prevent me coming away and I felt his bulging cock stretch my cheeks, I closed my eyes and sucked, tasting the earthy pungent flavour I’d known many times before when I’d sucked Badger in the allotment shed., the old guy who paid me for my ass and me without a job and eighteen was finding it a good income, although Badger and his mate who shared me made sure they got their moneys worth.

As I sucked Freddy I saw he had my soiled boxers bunched up and he was sniffing them, little did I know then he was one of those sniffing addicts but I was soon to discover more when, ripping of his briefs, fresh with the spurting of his cum when I sucked him, he first showed me, tramlines and all, und gagged me with them, the crutch piece wedged tightly in my mouth, tightly secured at the back as he took my ass over the edge of the bed, pillows planted underneath my stomach to get the right height, with his stiff cock thrusting into me like a frenzied piston engine,

It was nice. Yes it was, the feel of quality cock up inside me was always a wonderful experience ever since dear old Badger, bless his heart he is dead now, fucked me regularly unt8il I was numb and sore there, he rubbing ointment into me making it feel better, but come a couple of days there was his mate waiting for it too, so I had the tw0 of them plying me, me sucking one as the other fucked me relentlessly, watching each other doping what they were doing being more of a turn on to fuck and suck me even harder. And the times my mouthy was filled with hot sticky white cum was never ending, I use to have a giant sized bottle of cola to wash my mouth out afterwards, and even then I could still taste cock for hours after.

Now it was the same with Freddy, remembering that familiar taste, suck one and all the others are similar, the taste anyway, but I shouldn’t complain because I have been well satisfied,

And it was good I had given others satisfaction too,

Next day Freddy was contenting himself with my smothering, me standing beside the bed, one foot resting on the side and well open for him to take his sniff of me, feeling his tongue explore between my ass, tease and rim me and suck my cock and balls, then he jumping onto the bed, face up ready to be groped and smothered, me astride his face and lowering down until my whole cock and balls were pressing against his face, him sniffing and wanking me until, I shot my load all over his face, he loving it and licking it all down.

All these things were happening almost every day and occasionally when he was in the mood, most of the night too. He bought these handcuffs to attach me to the bed rail as he had his way with me, my whole body seemed in one way or another to be served by him, and when he regularly spanked my ass crimson until I yelled I knew he would give me suck a wonderful ti9me afterwards, with the deep massaging, the licking and sucking all over, I willingly took the temporary pain . It was wonderful and I shall never forget Freddy the sniffer.


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