Friday Body Switch Ch. 03

A gay sex stories: Friday Body Switch Ch. 03 Hi, all main characters in this story are work of fiction and above 18 years old. This story is a slowburn at the beginning but the pacing in terms of sex does pick up at around Chapter 4. Hopefully you guys have as much fun reading this story as I had when writing it.


Chapter 3: Uncharted Life

I must admit, the owner of the body I’m currently in, Xander, sounds like a complete brat. But more importantly, I’m told that there are higher dimensional beings, magic, and souls, and they all actually exist?! The information overload is too much and I considered just driving to my home and beating up Xander who’s currently in my body.

Wait…that would be just beating myself up, it wouldn’t work. But i could skip school and drive to my home, it is only about an hour away from Xander’s college.

It is pretty funny, but I work for the Hundred Pines Community College District or HCCD. It is actually an hour away from where Xander lives, our school district actually manages Xander’s college. And to make matters even funnier, I visited OakPalm College on several occasions, and I kind of know the general structure of this campus.

I remembered how Xander said that this body switch thing would only last one day. Curiosity again got the best of me, and I decided to play along with this mess of fate and live out the hot stud’s life for a day.

As I got out of the car, I couldn’t help but feel the power of Xander’s body. It was full of energy and strength, it just make me feel a sense of confidence and superiority that I never have experienced before.

Using the muscle memories of Xander’s body, I headed to presumably Xander’s locker, and when using the lock combination that Xander just gave me, I was able to open the locker. I saw the tome that Xander was talking about. It was a leathered book with strange symbols and patterns on the front and back.

As I touched the book, a series of chants, words, spells, and tongue twisters flooded into my brain. The overwhelming knowledge caused me to collapse to the ground, and when I regained consciousness several seconds later, I notice that people were darting at me with weird and concerned eyes.

I looked at my hands again to see that the tome was nowhere to be found. Well, that isn’t the strangest thing I experienced today, I again chuckled to myself.

Strangely I know what the first class to attend is, the first lecture is college algebra taught by Mrs. Rodriguez, a middle-aged woman with spectacles perched on her nose. If I recall correctly she has a master’s in Mathematics. A really smart woman if you ask me.

I began to head towards the math and science building where the class was held. On my way there the hallway bustled with teenage and young adult chatter as students hurriedly made their way to their respective classes. Navigating through the crowded corridors, I couldn’t shake off the surreal feeling of being an imposter in this unfamiliar body. I was Xander—or at least, occupying his physical form—but the memories, the experiences, they weren’t mine. I guess you can say the imposter syndrome is literally real in this case.

With each step, I tried to blend in, adopting the mannerisms and gestures that I thought seemed natural to Xander. Yet, deep down, a sense of disconnection lingered. Who was I, really? And what had happened to the person whose body I now inhabited?

As I entered the classroom, the sea of faces turned towards me, their gazes a mix of curiosity and indifference. It was as if I were a blank slate, devoid of a past, a history that defined me. I took a seat at an empty desk, acutely aware of the weight of my secret. How could I explain my sudden appearance, my transformation, without being dismissed as insane?

The professor, Mrs. Rodriguez began the day’s lesson. My mind, however, was consumed by a maelstrom of thoughts. I couldn’t concentrate on the math equations scrawled across the whiteboard. Instead, I tried to recall any information about Xander—his friends, his interests, anything that could offer clues to my new life. Some of his memories I can access easily, while others I’m having a hard time doing as if some type of mental block was placed there to restrict my access.

An opportunity presented itself during the lunch break. I spotted a group of students huddled together, engrossed in animated conversation. Recognizing one of them as Ethan’s best friend, Jake, I approached with a tentative smile.

“Hey, Jake,” I greeted him, hoping my voice didn’t betray my inner turmoil.

He turned to face me, his eyes narrowing with confusion. “Do I know you?” he asked, furrowing his brow.

“Uh, yeah, it’s me, Xandeer,” I replied, my voice tinged with uncertainty. “Just… feeling a bit off today.”

A mixture of surprise and concern washed over Jake’s face. “Dude, you don’t look like yourself. Are you feeling alright?”

“Long story,” I muttered, glancing around to ensure no one else overheard. “Can we talk somewhere private?”

Jake hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Sure, follow me.”

We found an empty classroom, and I took a deep breath, preparing myself to reveal the truth. I recounted the bizarre events that had unfolded—the enigmatic humanoid, the body switch, and my bewildering predicament. Jake listened intently, his eyes widening with each passing sentence.

“You’re saying you’re not Xander, but someone else inside his body?” Jake exclaimed, disbelief etched across his face.

“Yes, it sounds insane, I know,” I replied, desperation lacing my words. “But you’ve known me for years, Jake. You have to believe me.”

He studied my face, searching for any signs of deceit. After a moment, he sighed and shook his head. “I don’t know how or why this is happening, but… I trust you, man. We’ll figure this out together.”

Relief flooded over me, grateful for Jake’s support amidst the chaos. We spent the rest of the lunch break brainstorming ideas, attempting to unravel the mystery that had entangled our lives. From researching supernatural occurrences to consulting local legends, we left no stone unturned in our quest for answers.

To our disappointment nothing came up, there wasn’t anything remotely close to what could describe or help with my situation.

It was then I felt my phone buzz, the real Xander using my phone sent me another text.

Hey bro, you got a sick office, a little bland for a gay dude, but I uhh enjoyed it. By the way, do go to the bar this evening, please, I need you to be there to cheer up my man Jordan. We’re going to help him to ask his crush out tonight.

I didn’t know what to think of this text. I asked Jake about their plans tonight as he is also in the boy’s chat. He told me they are actually going to a gay bar, and to hype up the only gay member of their friend group Jordan to ask his crush out. His crush is someone named Bard, and they somehow found out he’s gonna be there tonight so Xander and Jake came up with the idea to help Jordan out and play matchmaker.

I understood the good intentions of Xander, but what did Jake mean as the only gay member of their friend group? Does this mean that they do not know that Xander is gay? Wait, has Xander ever come out to anyone yet? I tried to search Xander’s memories of coming out, but there was nothing.

Oh shit! I thought to myself, thinking back to the interactions I’ve had with Xander’s little sister this morning, I might have accidentally outed him to his little sister.

Jake told me that they plan on going to the bar at around 9:30 PM, so I had time to go home, take a shower, change outfits, and then go. It was only noon right now, and Xander’s last class ends at 4PM

The rest of the day passed in a blur of classes, interactions, and trying to navigate Xander’s life. I found myself surrounded by friends, engaged in conversations, and even invited to a party that evening. It was a whirlwind of new experiences and emotions, and I couldn’t help but be captivated by the temporary thrill of living someone else’s life. Is this why Xander wanted to switch his life with me?

Throughout the day, I tried my best to blend in and behave as Xander would. I attended classes, interacted with his friends, and even joined in on their conversations. It was both exhilarating and terrifying to step into someone else’s life, experiencing their relationships and navigating their social circles. I wondered what Xander was doing in my body, and if he was handling it as clumsily as I was.

As the day went on, I found myself growing more comfortable in Xander’s skin. The initial shock of the body switch had worn off, and I was adapting to the physical and mental attributes of this unfamiliar vessel. But with each passing moment, I became increasingly aware of the responsibility I had been entrusted with—to live Xander’s life as authentically as possible, while also trying to uncover the truth behind this supernatural event.

As Xander’s school day life drew to a close, I decided to take a moment of solitude and reflect on the events that had transpired. Sitting alone in Xander’s car, I found myself staring at my reflection in the rearview mirror. The muscular physique, the chiseled features, the aura of confidence—it was all so different from my usual self. I couldn’t deny the allure of this temporary transformation, the escape from the constraints of my own life.

But deep down, I knew that this wasn’t my reality. It was borrowed, a mere illusion that would fade away come tomorrow. As tempting as it was to revel in this newfound identity, I couldn’t forget the consequences that awaited me. Xander, trapped in my own body, would be experiencing the hardships and challenges of my own life.

With a heavy sigh, I made up my mind. I would embrace this day, seize the opportunities that presented themselves, but I would also use this chance to gain a new perspective on life. As drove the car and headed back to Xander’s home, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement, apprehension, and a newfound appreciation for the complexities of the human experience.

“Hey Siri, send a message to Alec” I already saved my own phone number on Xander’s phone under my own name.

“Of course, what would you like to send?”

Sure Xander, I’m going to the bar tonight with your friends to be Jordan’s wing-men, but if you encounter any problems in my body do let me know.

Upon entering my room I was greeted by a serious face, it was none other than Alexa, Xander’s little sister, she looked at me with inquiring eyes, I felt afraid of this little girl if I’m being honest.

“Hey Xander, you are not yourself today, before you’d never ever admit that you’re gay, but today you just nodded in the car and accepted my blackmail, this is so unlike you. At first, I thought you had some tricks up your sleeves but then you actually Zelled me, another thing that you also would’ve never done. You don’t seem like my brother, who are you really?”

Alexa’s bombard of questions and impeccable logic backed me into a corner, she is incredibly sharp for a girl her age. She’s proving to be a major thorn on my side today, and I’ll probably be more careful of her from now on. I thought to myself.

The gears in my head started to turn at max speed, how should I answer Alexa’s questions? Do I tell her the truth? No, I cannot risk her reaction if she finds out that I’m not her brother but rather an imposter in his brother’s skin.

“Well, to be honest, Alexa, I just wanted to be nice to you and end our sibling rivalry. Admitting to the false accusation that I’m gay was actually my plan to Zelle you some money. I know you need it to go out with your friends this weekend. But I did not want to admit I wanted to do something nice for you out of pride. But I decided to come clean to you right now, I just think that the way I acted with you was childish, and now I am trying to fix things up.” Wow, I impressed myself with the speech I just came up with, and by the looks of it so did Alexa.

She stared at me for a good second or two, her eyes wide open, but then she jumped to give me a hug. “Thank you, Xander, that was very mature of you, I will use the money to have a good time with my friends this weekend.” and with that, Alexa left for her own room

I breathed I sigh of relief after the conversation, I totally made everything I said to her up on the spot, but I cannot believe it worked. I guess sometimes reality is stranger than fiction.

I still had some time to kill, so I went inside my room locked the door, and decided to get out of my white T-shirt. I again went to the mirror to look at my incredible physique. I touched the pecs, the arms, the abs, the backs, and just all over Xander’s body. Now I know what it feels like to be a muscular guy’s body, awesome and amazing.

I tried doing some push-ups in this body, to test the limit of how many push up Xander can normally do before starting to feel the burn. To my surprise, using his body, I was able to do 30 push-ups without a sweat before feeling the burn in my arms. I can barely do 10 push-ups in my own body.

All this admiration of Xander’s body has gotten me aroused again. I can feel the blood flowing to my dick. Xander’s dick is a grower and not a shower. When fully erected it is a good eight and a half inches long. It was thick but not to the point of unreasonable. A massive uncontrollable sexual urge overtook me. It was so overpowering in a way I never felt in my own body.

I frantically stroked Xander’s dick with his hands like a maniac. It only took about 4 or 5 minutes until I shot out six or seven ropes of cum, blasting the ceiling and the hardwood floor. I was caught off guard because my dick never shot cum as powerful as Xander’s dick. Normally cum just flows out of my pee hole without much power. The only time I shot with any type of notable force is when I edge myself for a couple of hours when I have an entire day to myself.

Anyways I scrambled to clean up my mess with the tissues and dirty clothes in the room. I stepped on Xander’s chair to wipe the cum that I just shot up to the ceiling. I have to mention Xander’s height now. He is a pretty tall guy at 6’4, I was able to easily reach the ceiling and clean off the cum just by standing on a regular chair.

After cumming hard in Xander’s room I felt kind of sleepy, I set an alarm on my phone for 8:15, before taking my power nap on Xander’s bed.

When the alarm woke me up again, I changed into a more stylish outfit suitable for going out to the bar. It is basically some tank tops with ripped jeans. I did it to show off my, no, Xander’s physique. As I searched in his memories, this is what he’d normally wear to bars anyways.

Before I head out to the bar I said goodbye to Xander’s parents, they told me that even though I don’t have a curfew now, they still recommend me to come back before midnight. I told them I’m going with the boys to play some video games, but I am pretty sure they know that was a lie. But what they don’t know is that I am taking their son’s body to a gay bar.

Actually, come to think about it, this will be my first time going to a gay bar as well. It might be hard for you to believe when I say this. But I have never set foot in a bar previously. I was pretty sheltered by my own choice to not go to the bar and get wasted during my teenage and college years. Part of the reason is that I am super shy, but another part of the reason was that I am deeply insecure about myself.

The gay bar I’m driving to is named the Chess Bar, I clever twist on the words Chess Board, their logo is a rainbow checkers board. Anyways, when I got there there is a bouncer that checks everyone’s ID. I showed my fake ID to the bouncer and he looked at me for a while. I was confident enough that I could pass off as a 21-year-old because of Xander’s looks.

“What’s your name?” the bouncer asked

“Justin Cornwell” I answered.

“Date of birth?”

” March 22nd, 2001 boss” I said, try to sound more of what Xander would’ve said in this situation by adding a little “boss” at the end.

“Okay Justin, welcome to the party” the bouncer replied with a smile while giving back my fake ID.

On the inside I was dying of laughter, I am Alec inside of Xander’s body pretending to be him while pretending to be Justin to the bouncer. Damn, this must be how CIA spy agents must feel, juggling with all the multiple identities and lies sure is a lot of mental chores.

Once inside, I was greeted by the darkened room and electro-dance music, they kind of “pop-off” if I’m being honest. I have never seen so many hot guys in one go, most of the guys who are topless have really good physiques that easily rivaled that of Xander’s.

I saw a bunch of hot twinks and twunks in the mix as well. I thought to myself that although I cannot realistically achieve Xander’s physique on my own body, if I worked out more, maybe I can be a hot twunk too!

The air was filled with testosterone and wild energy. The hypnotic music just wants to make your body dance to the beat and rhythm. As I walked through the bar I noticed people darting glances at me. Some of them take a quick peak and then quickly look away to avoid my eyesight, while others stare me down like predators toward prey. I know those glances all too well, and the lust behind them. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like all the admiration and attention I’ve been receiving, it is a massive ego boost.

As I made my way through the crowd, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. The pulsating beats of the music reverberated through my body, and I let myself get lost in the energetic atmosphere. The bar was filled with people of different backgrounds and orientations, all coming together to celebrate their identities and find a sense of belonging.

I spotted Xander’s friends near the bar, their animated gestures and laughter catching my attention. Making my way toward them, I felt a surge of confidence, fueled by the charisma that seemed to emanate from Xander’s body. I had to remind myself that I was merely borrowing this confidence for a day, but for now, I would embrace it.

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