Friday Body Switch Ch. 05

A gay sex stories: Friday Body Switch Ch. 05 Hi, all main characters in this story are work of fiction and above 18 years old. This chapter is the first chapter where we get to see things through Xander’s point of view and a lot of the lingering questions surrounding the supernatural body switch and Samanuel gets answered, although as you will shortly see, Xander’s growing affection for Alec starts to develop.


Chapter 5: Xander’s POV

As I woke up in Alec’s bed, I glanced at him peacefully sleeping. Damn, this guy’s face is incredible, I thought to myself. My mind drifted back to a few weeks ago, when this whole extraordinary journey began.

It was the beginning of May, and I found myself at the city library, studying diligently for an upcoming final. Despite the common misconception of me being just a dumb jock, I took my education seriously.

After finishing my study session, I sensed a voice calling out to me, as if carried by an echo. At first, I questioned my sanity, attributing it to the exhaustion from hours of studying. But then, my attention was drawn to a book on the shelf. It was a beautifully crafted leather-bound tome with delicate patterns carved onto its cover. There was an inexplicable pull compelling me to reach out and take hold of it. And as soon as my fingers made contact with the book, I was transported to a realm beyond anything I had ever experienced.

I found myself standing in the grand throne room of a palace, where a slim humanoid figure with two pairs of distinct wings sat upon a magnificent marble throne. His short black hair framed his strikingly pretty face, and he was dressed in attire reminiscent of a cyberpunk movie.

The humanoid gracefully rose from the throne and approached me, exuding an air of majesty befitting royalty. “Hello, Xander. I am Samanuel, and I’m delighted that you responded to my call,” he greeted me with a warm smile.

Confusion mingled with a hint of fear swirled within me, but I did my best to maintain a brave front. Although physically larger than the enigmatic being before me, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of trepidation in his presence. He radiated power and wisdom that commanded respect.

Unfazed by my guarded demeanor, Samanuel spoke in a reassuring tone, “Fear not, young one. I am here to offer you an opportunity, a chance to live a different life. I can sense your discontent with your current existence.”

Startled by his astuteness, I couldn’t help but ask, “What do you know about me? We’ve just met. Tell me what you want!”

Samanuel remained calm, his voice gentle as he replied, “Patience is a virtue, my young friend. In my three thousand years of imprisonment, I have learned that lesson. Although the passage of three thousand years might be vastly different for me compared to your kind.”

He continued, “I know that the persona you project, this brash, buff, and sexually assertive image, is merely a facade. No matter how muscular your body becomes or how many stereotypes you embrace, it does not change the fact that it is not your true self. Deep down, you yearn for something more, and you are unhappy with your current life.”

“How?” I gasped in astonishment, as he effortlessly exposed my deepest secrets.

“Not only do I know all that, but I also know that you are not exclusively attracted to the opposite sex. Let’s just say that my perception extends beyond the limitations of your dimension for a 5th-dimensional being,” Samanuel continued.

“The fifth dimension?” I questioned, still trying to comprehend the weight of his revelations.

“Three thousand years ago, I was imprisoned within this very book by a human mage who had discovered the secrets of higher dimensions. At that time, I was tasked by the high council to observe your kind, the humans,” Samanuel explained.

He continued, “The reason you have been chosen is that the mage who bound me within these pages was one of your ancestors. To break her spell, I must assist one of her descendants in finding true love.”

Samuel revealed his purpose and the underlying connection that led him to me. “Throughout the ages, I have attempted to reach out to your lineage, but only your frequency resonated with my call.”

“Do you trust me to help you find happiness and discover true love in your life?” Samanuel inquired, his eyes conveying sincerity.

In that moment, I cannot explain the whirlwind of emotions that coursed through me, but I found myself answering, “Yes.” Deep down, I yearned for a better life, one filled with genuine love and fulfillment.

“Excellent,” Samanuel acknowledged with a pleased expression. “This upcoming Friday, you will switch bodies with a person of my choosing. You will get to experience life from their perspective for a day, and I am confident that you will cherish the experience.”

Under the direction of Samanuel, I put the tome in my locker at my campus so that when I switch bodies with Alec he’ll have access to it as well. Over the weekdays I’ve grown to bond with Samanuel more, I ended up nicknaming him Sam, a name that he did not seem the oppose.

Friday morning soon arrived, and I stepped into Alec’s shoes, quite literally. As I stepped out of the bed in Alec’s brief I went to Alec’s bathroom to brush my teeth and start the day. Looking at the reflection in the mirror, I cannot help but appreciate the beauty of Alec’s face.

He had a handsome face with a type of boyish charm that words can’t do justice of. But his face flashed across a type of sadness that made greatly diminished and overshadowed his attractive features. I felt waves and waves of deep loneliness and sadness coming from Alec’s body. The emotional pain I felt was familiar yet different.

I took a closer look at Alec’s twinkish body in the mirror, doing a flexing pose with my arms. There was little muscle showing on Alex’s arms unlike in my own body. But when I flex on the stomach, Alec’s lean physique did show some abs. I used my hands to run through Alec’s smooth flat chest, his skin so soft and comfortable to the touch. I ran my fingers through Alec’s wavy hair, it again felt good to the touch. His hair has a silk-like texture in contrast to my hair that’s rough and thick to the touch. To be honest, Alec’s body reminded me of myself, before I was on steroids and changed into the person I was now.

I thought about how Alec must feel in my own body, so I used Alec’s phone to text myself a message briefly explaining everything to hopefully not freak Alec out. After using Alec’s fingerprints to unlock his phone, I entered my own phone number into his contacts and typed the following message:

Hi Alec, this is Xander and I’m sorry for the abrupt body switch bro. But ya need to understand I wanted to experience a different life, and that’s why I asked Samanuel to switch our souls temporarily, after tomorrow you will be back into your body. But as of today you will be me and I will be you.

I know you hate my life as much as I hate mine, so I just thought that this would be a good opportunity to do something different. Yes bro, magic does exist, and Samanuel is some higher dimensional being dude that did this to us. In my school locker, the code is 10-2-8, you’ll find an ancient-looking tome that summons Samanuel, If you have any questions feel free to reach out to your own number and ask me or summon Sam from the book, you’ll know how to summon him once you touch the book.

PS: Thank you for this cute body, lol, I can’t wait to see what a day in your life is like.

Dressed in his usual attire of a button-down shirt, khaki pants, and glasses perched on the bridge of my nose, I made my way to the college district office where Alec worked. As I start Alec’s car, I saw Samanuel appearing out of nowhere in the front passenger’s seat. He is in a more human-like form this time, without his wings, and dressed like a normal person.

“I’ll give you a fraction of Alec’s memories so you can do his daily tasks correctly.” Samanuel said. “In the meantime, Alec will get access to your memories as well, but only the memories you want him to have”

After explaining about how the memory thing worked, Samanuel disappeared out of thin air leaving me by myself in Alec’s car. Pictures of Alec’s regular route to work came into my mind, and I successfully drove his car to work without the need for a GPS.

The office buzzed with activity as I settled into Alec’s cubicle, surrounded by stacks of paperwork and a computer screen displaying spreadsheets. It was a far cry from the physical intensity of the basketball court, but I embraced the change. I immersed myself in the tasks at hand, applying Alec’s meticulousness and attention to detail to each project. I noticed a sketchbook of sorts tucked under a pile of folders. As I opened the sketchbook, drawing of alien creatures, cyborgs, space stations, and planets sprang into my eyes. I’m impressed by the artistic skills of Alec, and I decided to try my hands at drawing the same figures when I get back to Alec’s home at night. I was never much of an artist myself and always struggled to draw things.

As the workday progressed, I noticed the subtle glances and smiles exchanged between Alec and his co-workers. It became clear that Alec was well-liked and loved by his colleagues, even though he tended to keep to himself. The thought of Alec, this gentle and reserved soul, navigating the office dynamics and earning the admiration of others, warmed my heart.

One thing I did notice about Alec’s office, however, is the lack of colors or decorations it has. It is in stark contrast to his artistic talents and just the general perception that gays decorate their offices with good tastes. I pulled out Alec’s phone again to send him a text message, remembering that I’ve made plans to be Jordan’s wingman tonight.

Hey bro, you got a sick office, a little bland for a gay dude, but I uhh enjoyed it. By the way, do go to the bar this evening, please, I need you to be there to cheer up my man Jordan. We’re going to help him to ask his crush out tonight.

Once the workday came to an end, I found myself with a newfound sense of freedom.

Alec’s typical Friday evenings were dedicated to his passion for art and gaming. Instead of going out with friends or socializing, he retreated into the solitude of his apartment, indulging in his love for drawing fan fiction Stellaris art.

I returned to Alec’s cozy apartment, the walls adorned with his artistic creations. The room emanated a calming energy, and I could almost feel Alec’s presence lingering. Sitting at his desk, I picked up a sketchbook and a set of pencils, and I allowed myself to get lost in the world of art.

As I sketched, my mind wandered, contemplating the unique connection between Alec and me. It wasn’t just the physical transformation but the glimpses into his inner world that captivated me. His introverted nature and love for strategy video games resonated with me in unexpected ways, and I found myself appreciating the beauty of his perspective.

Lost in the creative process, time slipped away. The evening sky darkened, and the soft glow of a lamp illuminated the room. I set aside the sketchbook, satisfied with my artistic endeavors for the night. Yet, there was a lingering sense of longing, a desire to experience more of Alec’s life.

Just as I was about to retire for the night, a notification chimed on Alec’s computer screen. It was a message from a gaming forum—a group of online friends who shared Alec’s passion for strategy video games, particularly Stellaris. They were planning a virtual gaming session that night, and they had invited Alec to join them.

With a mix of excitement and nerves, I accepted the invitation. I logged into Alec’s gaming account, feeling a surge of anticipation. This was an opportunity to delve deeper into Alec’s world, to connect with people who shared his interests and perhaps even experience a sense of camaraderie.

As the game loaded and the familiar sounds of interstellar conquest filled the room, I found myself immersed in a virtual universe. The hours flew by as I strategized, battled, and laughed alongside Alec’s online friends. It was a different kind of connection, one forged through shared experiences and a mutual love for gaming.

As the night came to a close, I reflected on the events of the day. Despite being in a different body, I had experienced a glimpse of Alec’s world—a world filled with art, introspection, and a close-knit gaming community. It was a life far removed from my own, yet there was a beauty and depth to it that I had overlooked before.

A sense of gratitude washed over me as I prepared for sleep. I was grateful for the opportunity to walk in Alec’s shoes, to see the world through his eyes. And amidst the appreciation, there was an undeniable truth emerging—I was beginning to fall in love with Alec’s appearance and look, not just on the outside but on the inside as well.

I decided to handwrite a note to Alec expressing my feelings and gratitude before going to bed. As I drifted off into dreams, I couldn’t help but wonder what the future held for both Alec and me. I silently made the decision that tomorrow I’m going to come back to Alec’s place to give him a surprise.

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