Friends and Love – Ch. 01

A gay story: Friends and Love – Ch. 01 All characters explicitly or implicitly engaged in sexual activities, both present and past, are over 18 years old when performing such activities.


“I heard Jason has a huge cock.”

“What?!” I asked confused, “How could you possibly know that?”

“I’ve got my sources,” Ryan said as he briefly stopped eye-fucking the handsome football player and gave me a wink.

It was still the first week of our sophomore year and we were having a sort of homecoming party at our place. Ryan and I were sitting on a couch, talking while we looked at the crowd. There were a few girls but most of the people invited were guys, no surprises there. It was definitely on purpose though, and in that moment we were trying to decide who’d be the lucky guy to fuck Ryan tonight.

“Oh my god did you fuck him already?” I asked with genuine curiosity. I knew my friend could work fast.

“Geez, Scott! I’m not that big a slut, am I?” he asked as he gave me a hurt look.

We stared silently at each other for a few seconds. I had no problem with Ryan’s sexuality or the way he lived it; I mean, I was gay myself and loved guys. However, Ryan always did beat me in enthusiasm. We had met each other in our first month of college when we shared a dorm room, and in the whole year that I’d known him I was sure he had slept with at least 20 different guys. I swear it was like he got a new one every weekend. Nonetheless we had become really close and he was basically my best friend in college.

After sharing a serious look for a few seconds we finally couldn’t hold it anymore and broke out laughing. “Okay, yeah, I am,” he admitted between laughs. “Sadly though, I’m afraid I haven’t had the pleasure,” his eyes strayed dreamily towards the guy in question.

“So it’s just a rumor then,” I knew we couldn’t trust what some girl, who had likely just lost her virginity the first week of college, had said.

“Yeah but the source is trustworthy,” I looked at him questioningly, “It was Bruce who told me, he says they went down on each other in the locker room after Wednesday’s practice.”

My mouth almost dropped open at the gossip. Bruce was another one of my roommates. He was the quarterback of the football team and was supposed to go on to play in the NFL after he graduated. Also, he was just as gay as Ryan and I, and he didn’t care to hide it either. He was pretty much the top version of Ryan, fucked a new guy every week; being the young star of the football team had its benefits. It wasn’t like he wasn’t good looking, he was so big and muscled that his biceps looked like cannonballs; I’ll admit I had a little crush on him when I first met him, he was just my type of guy, so manly and tall. Of course now I was totally over him, nothing ever happened between us and we were actually really close, he was almost like my big brother.

Surprisingly, Ryan and him had never hooked up either, the way they talked about the guys they liked made it seem they were perfect for each other, but I guess it just never happened. In reality they were almost as close as Ryan and I were, bonding over their seemingly endless sexual appetites. I mean, we all talked about guys a lot but to them it was like it was the only topic in existence. I can’t recall ever hearing a conversation between them about anything other than which guy has the biggest cock or the thickest ass. So Bruce getting action with some guy wasn’t what surprised me, even if it wasn’t common for him to hookup with his teammates. No, rather it was learning that one of the hottest guys in the football team liked to suck cock.

“Jason is gay?” I couldn’t hide my surprise.

“Well I don’t know if he’s gay gay. But he is definitely gay enough.” Ryan answered.

We both giggled and directed our gaze at the fine specimen that had come to our party, looking him up and down. After a short while of enjoying the view I heard Ryan’s voice, “So, will you let him into your knickers tonight?” a teasing hint in his voice.

“What? I thought we were scouting him out for you!” I asked even more shocked than before.

“Oh trust me honey, I would very much love to ride that train,” he said dramatically, “But I think you could use a good hard fuck a lot more than me.”

“Very funny Ryan,” I rolled my eyes at him, “But you know very well I have a boyfriend.”

“Oh come on! Bill hasn’t so much as called you in two weeks. My last booty call was more considerate to me than Bill is to you,” he said, not holding back on his thoughts about my boyfriend, “When are you going to dump his cheating ass?”

I knew my relationship with Bill wasn’t perfect. Okay, fine, it was terrible. But we had known each other since we were little kids and had only started dating before going to different colleges. Surely it’d be different when we could be together all the time, right? I was also aware about the rumors that said he cheated on me last year while he was at college, but I had no way to be sure they were true. Maybe I was being a bit naive by refusing to believe he’d cheat on me, but I really didn’t see any other option. If it didn’t work out with Bill, whom I had known for almost my whole life, then how was it ever going to work with any other guy?

“You know I can’t Ryan, I don’t want to go back to being single again.” I answered truthfully.

Ryan put his right arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer as he spoke, “Scott, we are two very hot and very fuckable guys in what is probably the gayest college in the country.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the way he spoke like he was giving a huge speech, “From all those high school stories you told me, I think your 18 year old self would be very disappointed that you aren’t taking advantage of the fact that the student population consists of around 80% males, most of which are good enough to eat.”

I couldn’t find anything to say to that. I had been a bit of a slut my senior year in high school. I didn’t lose my virginity until Bill but still. After coming out at 18, I just discovered I loved the thrill of making out with hot guys behind the cafeteria. And our college was indeed pretty gay. I mean a lot of the guys were straight, but having a 4 to 1 men to women ratio meant many of them experimented at least once. Bruce and Ryan had probably turned more guys than anyone else in history and they were only in their sophomore year. Perhaps I really was missing out.

Either way, I just didn’t have the guts to break up with Bill, my parents loved him and I’m sure he was mostly the reason they began to accept me being gay at all. “I’m sorry, I just can’t. Not yet anyway,” I sighed.

Ryan pulled me closer and gave me a hug, “That’s okay honey, I’m sure all the hot guys can wait for you.” He gave me a reassuring kiss and I smiled at him.

“Thank you,” I pulled away and looked back at the handsome stud standing in our living room, “So, think you might want a taste of him yourself?” I asked Ryan, motioning my head towards his prey.

“Oh lord, how could I not?” He was back to being dramatic and it amused me, “My family and I got back from Cairo on Sunday, I haven’t had a cock in me in two weeks. That’s like, two months in slut time.” I giggled at his comment, “I’m going to leave him dry when I’m done with him.” He was biting his lips as he got up and began walking towards him.

As I saw him beginning to walk away a thought popped into my mind so I stopped him briefly and asked him a question, “Hey, have you seen Jack tonight?”

Ryan stopped for a moment and turned back to answer, “I haven’t, maybe he’s not home yet.”

“Yeah, maybe…” I trailed off in a low voice as Ryan continued walking towards his conquest of the night.

I watched him flirt with Jason for a little while before I decided to look for Jack.

Jack was our fourth and last roommate. He was around our age and was an old friend of Bruce, he wasn’t on the football team but played volleyball instead. But perhaps what stood out more about him was that he was the only one of us who was straight. He was a bit shy and that naturally made him the most comfortable around me. It wasn’t that he was homophobic or anything, but even I understood that Ryan and Bruce could be a bit much at times.

So Jack and I were pretty close. We talked about our classes and our love lives, and were generally always there for each other. So I found it a little weird that he wasn’t around tonight, he never stayed in his room when we had a party. And I was sure all of his classes were early morning so there was really no reason for him not to be here on a Friday night, he didn’t have any other friends.

I decided to ask around the party but no one seemed to have seen him tonight. I even went to look for him in his room but didn’t find him there so I went out to keep asking around. The apartment was very small but there were a lot of people so it was really difficult to locate anyone. I finally found Bruce near his room and talking to a guy from my economics class.

“Hey Bruce, do you know where Jack is?” I asked him, mostly ignoring the other guy. The guy from my class was quick to recognize me and looked at me a little embarrassed; I was sure they had been flirting.

I didn’t pay attention to him and just listened to Bruce, “I’m pretty sure he said he’d be in his room tonight, said he had to study.”

“I already checked his room, he’s not there.” I said a bit frustrated, “Plus it’s only been one week of classes, what could he possibly have to study for?”

“How should I know? You know I hate studying and Jack’s got an almost perfect record, I just figured studying is what he does every weekend.” His drunken smile disappeared when he realized the guy he’d been flirting with was walking away. He turned to me and said sarcastically, “Great, you scared that cute ass away. Thanks a lot, Scott.”

“Oh come on! I was sure he was straight, but if he was talking to you he must be really curious to try hooking up with a guy. I’m sure you’ll have an easy time getting him into your bed.” I responded matter of factly.

“Yeah you’re probably right,” Bruce giggled back at me, “So yeah, I’d look for Jack in his room if I were you, can’t think of anything else.”

“Fine, I guess I’ll check again.” I sighed and turned back but was met with a familiar face.

Now, Bruce’s room was directly in front of my own. They were the farthest away from the living room and were only preceded by two other doors in the hallway. One was the door next to Bruce’s room, it was Ryan’s bedroom. The other was the bathroom that Ryan and I shared.

So when I turned back, I was quickly marveled by the effectiveness of my smaller friend. Ryan was walking towards his room and was holding Jason’s hand on his own, clearly leading him behind him. After the door to his room closed I heard Bruce speak behind me, “That little minx. I knew he’d jump Jason if I told him about our encounter in the locker room.”

I couldn’t help my curiosity and just turned back towards Bruce, “So is it true that Jason is gay?”

Bruce chuckled at my question, “I mean you saw the same thing I did, I doubt they were going in there to read a book.”

I knew my question was a bit stupid, but I still couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that Jason liked guys. Of course most of the people here were queer but he just didn’t look the part, I never would have guessed he was into boys.

“Yeah, but I mean, did you guys really go down on each other?” I was looking intently at Bruce.

He giggled as he answered, “We did. It was really good too. He gave pretty good head for a first timer. Plus, his cock was even bigger than mine.”

“Wait, what?” I already knew about Jason being well endowed. And while I had never seen his cock before, I was no stranger to Bruce having a big member too, Ryan and him talked about those things a lot. It was the other part that surprised me, “Jason’s a virgin? How did you get him to blow you then?”

“Well, I had noticed before that he stared at some of the other lads a little too much. On Wednesday I caught him looking at me a couple of times so I just went for it. Waited til everyone had left the locker room and just asked if I could suck his cock.” Bruce was licking his lips at the memory, “He said yes, so I had my fun with his long cock. He came in my mouth and asked to suck my cock. We made out some, but were afraid of getting caught so we left it there.”

“Wow,” I could feel the beginning of an erection as I pictured the two hunks playing with each other.

“I doubt he’ll be a virgin much longer, Ryan wouldn’t let him leave his room without riding him to orgasm at least twice,” Bruce said in a serious tone.

I myself couldn’t help but laugh a little. I was honestly quite happy that my best friend was enjoying himself. I eventually turned back to Bruce and asked him a little concerned, “I thought you preferred not hooking up with fellow teammates, aren’t you worried it will be weird between you?”

He seemed to think about it for just a couple seconds before confidently answering, “I was a bit worried. Fortunately we talked normally the rest of the week, like it never happened. I even talked to him a bit earlier tonight, after he arrived here. He actually asked about you.”

Tonight seemed to be full of surprises for me. I had met Jason before through Bruce but had barely even talked to each other alone. I mean, we didn’t even greet each other on campus and now he was asking about me, “He asked about me? What do you mean?”

Bruce didn’t notice the hint of desperation in my voice and just said, “Like what was your major, what classes were you in, whether you were single. That sort of stuff.”

I could barely keep my jaw from falling to the floor as I wondered if the gorgeous football player could actually be interested in me. I was about to ask for more details when we were suddenly interrupted.

“Scott! Bruce! How are you doing guys?” I didn’t even have to turn around to see who it was, I just rolled my eyes at the voice.

“Hey Cole,” Bruce and I said almost in unison when he was next to us.

He seemed to avoid looking at Bruce and just focused on me, “Great,” I thought.

“Great party bros, been having a blast!” He started to inch closer to me, “I’ve been looking for you Scott, you look great by the way.”

I tried to act dismissively so I just answered with little energy, “Thanks.”

Cole didn’t seem to catch my cold tone and just kept going, “So Scott, I was thinking maybe we could get a chance to hang out tonight. Perhaps even somewhere more private.”

I caught him looking back at my room with obvious intentions. As his eyes were distracted I tried looking at Bruce for help but he was just laughing about it all.

Cole was a bit obsessed with me. I think it was after a party last semester where I was a little drunk and we had been hanging out. He tried to kiss me then but I didn’t let him under the excuse that I was with someone else. Of course that didn’t stop him and he tried to flirt with me every time I saw him. He was a very short guy, barely 5 feet 2. To be fair he was very muscular and he probably worked out a lot, I just wasn’t really attracted to him.

Also, he was a bit insufferable. That first night I met him he seemed okay and I might have flirted back some, but it was probably just all the beer I’d been drinking. Now, every time he talked to me I just couldn’t stand how full of himself he was. It was almost like he was sure I was attracted to him and wanted to hook up with him. That was really funny because despite his macho and alpha charade, Bruce says he actually fucked him once.

Apparently it was only a couple weeks before I met Cole but they had gone to Cole’s after a party and Bruce had fucked his brains out. Bruce says Cole was very submissive and by the way he took his cock, he was sure Cole wouldn’t be a very good top. It’s not like I’d ever be tempted to sleep with Cole but after that story I knew it was impossible for us to hook up.

I just didn’t have the energy to turn him down all night so I just tried to trick him, “That sounds great, could you go get us a drink, I’ll wait for you here.”

I tried to sound a bit seductive and I could hear Bruce laughing behind us. Luckily it seemed to work and Cole’s eyes lit up, “Yeah, I’ll go get them and we can enjoy the rest of the night then.” I smiled at him as he left, then turned abruptly to Bruce.

“If he asks just tell him you didn’t see where I went, I’ll go look for Jack in his room and probably hide there for a while. See you.” I didn’t even hear Bruce’s answer because I quickly turned towards the living room and began walking. When I got there I could see everyone seemed to be having a good time, even Martin, the guy that had been flirting with Bruce, was engaged in conversation with a big group of people.

I saw that Cole was already serving the drinks in the kitchen so I knew I had to hurry. Jack’s room was the farthest from the rest of the rooms and you had to go through the kitchen to get there so I needed to be stealthy. I crossed through the kitchen, being careful that Cole wouldn’t turn around and finally made it into the laundry room. There wasn’t really a door separating the kitchen from the laundry room but I felt at ease when I put my back against the wall and knew Cole wouldn’t easily see me.

Jason’s room was just to the left and I could already see his door. His was probably the smallest room, but I was sure he didn’t care. In fact, I think he appreciated the privacy. Even during parties, not many people came to the laundry room, except for horny couples looking for some privacy. That was actually the case right then and I saw a couple of girls making out, one of them sitting on the washing machine as the other had her hand under her skirt.

That was probably another reason there were so many gay guys here at Monty Hall University. Not only were women scarce around campus but many of them were just as queer as my roommates and I. Whether they were lesbians or bisexuals didn’t matter, a lot of the girls were dating each other and that left few of them available for the “straight” guys. So I guess they had to adapt eventually.

I tried not to be noticed as I went past them and opened Jack’s door. Not even bothering to see inside first I just went in and quickly closed the door behind me, letting myself fall against it as I let out a sigh of relief.

“Oh, hi Scott,” I almost jumped up, startled by Jack’s voice. He generally had a very calm voice and this time was no exception, but I had been sure he wouldn’t be here so I wasn’t expecting anyone when I came in.

“Shit!” I nearly screamed.

“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Jack’s apology was very sincere, I knew it had been an accident and the scare was extremely harmless. Plus I was the one going into his room unannounced. Of course he didn’t mind, that’s how close him and I were. As for the apology, that’s also the kind of guy he is, I doubt he could hurt a fly if his life depended on it.

“That’s okay, I’m sorry I barged in here like that, you know how much I hate Cole,” I sighed.

“Cole is here? Why do you keep inviting him to these things?” Jack asked me with a raised brow.

“We didn’t invite him. He must have heard we were having a party and decided to crash and ruin my night.”

“Well you know you can stay here as long as you need, I don’t mind.”

As I looked up from where I was towards Jack sitting on his bed I suddenly realized the lights were off. Also, I could see Jack’s face in the moonlight that came in from his window and it was obvious he had been crying.

Using a more serious yet comforting tone I was quick to inquire, “Have you been crying? What’s wrong Jack?”

“Sorry I just-,” he wiped away a tear, “It’s just Bonnie and I broke up,” Bonnie was his girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend now I guess.

“Oh fuck, that sucks man,” as I said this I chose to stand up and sit next to him on the bed rubbing his back with my hand, “Why did you guys broke up I thought things were going great?”

“You know that time she told me I wasn’t as adventurous as she would like?” I nodded at his question, “Well it seems I should have paid more attention because it was truly an issue for her.”

I knew what he was talking about since he told me pretty much everything about his relationship. Just before summer break she had sort of hinted at him being a little too boring and not wanting to try new things. It was said as something casual so neither of us thought it was a big deal, though Jack had tried to arrange some new activities for their dates over the summer, as he had told me.

“I guess I really should have known it’d be an issue since it was the fact that she was so much more open than me that had first attracted me to her but, I just thought it had been something similar for her,” Jack said as his eyes looked away, remembering.

“Yeah but you did try,” I tried to assure him quickly, “You went with her on her climbing trips and even accompanied her on that road trip she invited you to.” He’d try to accommodate some of her hobbies, I just couldn’t see where things had gone wrong.

“Yes, and she said she really appreciated that but apparently that’s not what she meant,” I raised an eyebrow not understanding, “She said she had big expectations from college life and that she wanted to try all these different things with me but felt I was dragging her down.”

Late realization hit me then, “She didn’t want you to enjoy the same hobbies as her…” Jack nodded and allowed me to continue, “She wanted you two to try new things together.”

He wasn’t openly sobbing but he was crying on my shoulder, clearly the breakup had hit him harder than I thought. I mean, they hadn’t been together all that long, they only started dating back in January.

“Sorry Jack, I guess my advice wasn’t any good after all,” I genuinely felt bad about not being able to help him.

“That’s okay, it wasn’t your fault you know, that’s on me,” he said.

I knew that was a big insecurity for Jack, he was very self conscious about being so introverted and shy, he tried to change that about himself but he always had a hard time with it. Clearly that was one of his biggest issues about the way things had ended with Bonnie, so I tried not to mention it and turn it on Bonnie.

“That’s not true, I think Bonnie is the one to blame here. I mean she should have talked to you about it if it was bothering her, not just bring it up as an excuse to tell you she wanted to break up.”

“Well, it was actually a bit more complicated than that,” I could see in his face that he was ashamed of what he was going to say.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“The breaking up part, technically it was me who broke up with her,” he stated.

Now I was really confused. Had he broken up with her out of insecurity and was now regretting it?

“We had been seeing each other during the first days of classes but yesterday she just suddenly told me she was busy because she had to work on an assignment or something. I figured she was just tired and even if she did have homework then maybe she’d appreciate the help. I decided to go over to her dorm unannounced, you know, trying to be spontaneous.” He made a brief stop, perhaps trying to figure out how to continue.

I gasped audibly, I was pretty sure I knew where this was going.

“When I opened her door I found her naked in bed with another girl, a freshman from the same town as us, they must have met over the summer. Anyways, the girl was asleep but Bonnie was obviously shocked to see me there. I immediately left because I just didn’t know what to do. She tried to call after me but she probably didn’t want to wake her friend because she kept her voice low and didn’t even get out of her bed.”

“I’m so sorry,” I felt genuinely bad for him but wasn’t sure yet what else to say.

“Thanks. So I didn’t leave my room after that but she caught me earlier today after one of my classes and tried to apologize. That’s when I broke up with her. She said it was a one time thing and maybe she was being honest but I didn’t want to hear that. That’s when she said she had always questioned her sexuality and thought she’d get to experiment in college and how she wanted to do all these different things and felt like I was dragging her down,” I could tell by the way he spoke that he wasn’t all that fazed about Bonnie, it was more about how things had gone down, “She even said she wished I would have been in bed with them yesterday but never brought it up because she was sure I’d refuse.”

“Now that’s just bullshit,” I couldn’t help but blurt out.

Jack actually smiled at that a little.

“I mean, she’s just making up excuses for having cheated and I hope you aren’t thinking about taking her back,” he assured me he wasn’t, “I just hope you know that it was never your fault, she is the one who cheated, it was all on her.”

“I know, it’s just that I’m afraid she was right about me being so closed to new experiences, you know I struggle with that.”

“Yeah I know, but you shouldn’t worry about that, I talk to you almost every day and I can tell you you are doing great,” I meant what I was saying.

He just rested his head against my shoulder for a while and we both enjoyed each other’s company in silence. After what must have been half an hour he finally broke the silence.

“So, how did you get away from Cole, I’m surprised he even let you out of his sight,” he asked.

I sighed before answering, “I might have made him think he could serve me a drink, I guess I led him on a bit and eventually just sneaked off. Bruce was with me and he couldn’t stop laughing.”

“Wow, I’m surprised Bruce hadn’t taken anyone back to his room already seeing as it was already late,” Jack said with genuine surprise.

“Yeah I might have had something to do with that, kind of scared off his prey, this guy Martin from my econ class was flirting with him, until I showed up,” I confessed a bit embarrassed.

“A blond guy?” he asked and I nodded, “I got a class with him as well, no surprise there, I always felt he was a little bi curious at least.”

“What, so you’re supposed to have a better gaydar than your three very gay roommates? I don’t think so, how could you possibly have guessed,” I teased a little trying to lighten the mood from the previous conversation.

“Trust me, if you had seen how he stared at our professor you would have suspected as well,” he laughed, “So i’m guessing he must be on our friend’s bed as we speak.”

“Well the noise has died down out there already,” I pointed out matter of factly, “people must be leaving already seeing as all four hosts are locked up in their rooms.”

“So I take it that means Ryan is hooking up with Jason as well?” he inquired.

I was surprised he knew about that since he had been here all night.

“How do yo-” he cut me off.

“Bruce told me about their little encounter in the locker room, I think he called it ‘the biggest fucking cock I’ve ever sucked’, figured it’d be a matter of time before Ryan wanted to try him out.”

I laughed at how well Jack knew our friends, “Well you are right, I didn’t even know Jason was into guys but I saw them going into Ryan’s room earlier, he must be getting his guts rearranged then.”

“You didn’t know Jason was gay?” he asked, mocking me.

“Shut up, are you going to tell me your gaydar told you about him too?” I shot back teasingly.

He didn’t laugh but just answered, “Actually a friend of mine heard a rumor about Jason last semester, so I suspected. Though I must admit I actually thought he had a crush on you.”

I was surprised by his statement but genuinely curious after learning Jason had been asking Bruce about me.

“Why do you say that?” I tried to sound neutral but I guess I failed.

“Huh, so I see it’s mutual,” he said teasingly.

“Shut up,” I tried not to blush, “Just tell me.”

“I just always had the feeling he looked at you too long when he hung out with us. You never pay attention to those things but I noticed,” he confessed.

It had already crossed my mind earlier but now I was seriously thinking about it. Could it be that Jason, one of the hottest and most desired guys on campus, was actually into me? And what did that even mean? Did he just want to get in my pants or did he want something more? Maybe he was looking for a boyfriend. Maybe he wanted me to be his boyfriend.

Oh my god how was I even thinking that. Bill was my boyfriend. Sure he was an asshole but still, I had a boyfriend. All I had ever wanted was to find a handsome guy to fall in love with, my soulmate, to grow up together, get married and maybe even start a family someday. And Bill was already my boyfriend. He was the lottery ticket I had bought, I couldn’t give up on that.

Or could I? Bill was pretty handsome but Jason was on another level. The guy was smoking hot. And according to my friends he had a huge cock, maybe I’m a slut for thinking about it but I was so horny because I hadn’t had sex in two weeks. Bill was quite good in bed, he might not be as big as Jason but his thick cock had given me plenty of orgasms over the course of our


Also size wasn’t everything and Bill could actually be quite nice to me. When his friends weren’t around and we were alone in either his or my room but still, that counts for something. Then again, Jason had always been nice to me, and I had heard he shared many of my interests, I’m sure having him around all the time would be enjoyable.

Of course, there was also the fact that Jason was currently in the process of fucking my best friend’s brains out. As I’m thinking that, the noise outside has died down completely and I’m pretty sure I can hear someone screaming out in pleasure in the apartment. If I know anything about my best friend is that he can be loud when enjoying himself, and how could he not be enjoying himself with Jason in his bed.

I always do this, even in high school. Whenever I hooked up with a guy who was the littlest bit nice to me I immediately fell for them. It was like a reflex, I just wanted to get married and find my Prince Charming and I kept hoping every guy who stuck his tongue down my throat would be it. At least Bill had the decency to ask me out before.

And here I am, in college and still the same hopeless romantic. Obsessing over a guy just because I had heard a rumor that he had found me interesting enough to ask about me. I didn’t even know for sure if he liked me, much less wanted to ask me out. Yet a thousand scenarios were already playing in my head, starring Jason.

“Scott!” Jack’s voice brought me out of my daydream, “If you’re done fantasizing about him you can tell me why you encouraged your best friend to fuck your crush.”

Jack just knew me so well, “You know why.”

“Bill is an idiot and he doesn’t deserve your loyalty,” Jack said as he got angry.

“He’s my boyfriend Jack, I can’t just jump into bed with a hot guy while I’m in a relationship, you should know that,” I tried to soften my words because I didn’t want to hurt him.

“I’m not suggesting you cheat on him. I mean, I don’t think it would count either way since he has probably cheated on you already,” I held back a response, “I’m always telling you you should dump his ass and find someone better, you deserve that much.”

“I’ve told you before, I don’t feel like starting all over again. Sure Bill and I aren’t perfect but we’ve made it work so far and if I can hold on a few years longer then I can finally get what I want.”

“I know you want to settle down and get married but doing that with the wrong guy will not give you the happiness you are looking for, it will only hurt you more,” he said in a soothing voice.

“And how am I supposed to find the right guy? He was my childhood best friend, who could possibly be better?” I asked with a hint of desperation.

“I don’t know, but you can only find out if you give yourself the chance to meet new people. You are young, hot, smart and funny. Any guy would be lucky to have you.” He was looking straight into my eyes as he spoke.

Did he say I was hot? I’m sure I blushed every color of red upon hearing that.

“Thank you Jack,” I was moved by his kind words and took his hand in mine and gave it a squeeze to show my appreciation, “And for what it’s worth, Bonnie is missing out on a great guy. You are caring, gentle and also handsome, and not many guys can say that about themselves.”

I meant what I said, sure Jack wasn’t handsome in the same way Jason or Bruce were, but he was handsome nonetheless. And tonight, as his blue eyes looked at me and his messy black hair reflected the moonlight, I had no doubt he could make any girl happy.

I was taken away from my thoughts when I felt Jack’s lips pressed firmly into my own. He was kissing me. I was so shocked at this that I didn’t even respond. Jack was straight!

I kept my mouth shut tight and my lips still as he tried kissing me but I just couldn’t react. He eventually realized I wasn’t responding and he pulled away.

“I’m sorry Scott, I don’t know what came over me,” he was very clearly embarrassed and was trampling over his own words as he apologized.

“What was that Jack?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“I’m sorry I just-” he stammered, “I just felt like…”

“I thought you were straight,” I tried to calm myself down, I didn’t want him to feel guilty.

“I was,” he caught himself quickly, “I am! But, I’ve been having these thoughts and with all that stuff about Bonnie and that girl and how I never take any risks I just thought.”

This time it was me who kissed him.

The kiss was quite short but nice. His lips were actually a lot softer than I expected and we didn’t open our mouths. As soon as I felt his tongue on the outside of my lips I pulled back.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize to me, I just want to know what’s going on,” I tried to be cool for his sake, but gave him a look that demanded nothing but the truth.

“I guess I’m not sure I’m straight anymore,” I had assumed as much, “I mean I still like girls, I think. But I guess I just recently started wondering whether I also liked guys now.”

“And…?” I tried to encourage him to elaborate.

“I don’t know yet. I started noticing some of the more effeminate guys, like Ryan, and I think I found them attractive, just not as much as I do girls. Then I started noticing some other guys, like, bigger and more masculine guys, and I’ve gotten hard just looking at them,” I wondered what had sparked this in him, “And now I just felt I couldn’t know for sure until I tried it.”

“And what about me?” My curiosity got the better of me, “Do you find me attractive?”

He looked at me, and then stared at my lips for a few seconds. I could tell he wanted to kiss me and my dick grew harder in my pants.

“I do,” he didn’t truly hesitate this time, and he only grew bolder from there, “I think you are hot as hell, plus you are my best friend, so I thought it’d be safe to experiment with you.”

I only heard the compliment he gave me and felt my heart beat faster.

“So you want to kiss me again?” I asked seductively as I looked straight at his lips.

His face moved closer to mine and only then did I realize how close we already were for he only moved a couple of inches and our lips were back together again. This third kiss was longer, he went straight to my lower lip as my hands found the back of his neck. When his tongue asked for entrance into my mouth I immediately allowed it. Sucking on it as he moaned into our kiss.

Our tongues battled for a while and I felt his hands going under my shirt, to explore my upper body. I was surprised by his boldness, but pleasantly so. I didn’t notice how it happened but eventually my tongue was probing inside his mouth as he gave me full control of our kiss. I chose to welcome this role reversal by throwing my left leg over him and straddling Jack. Once on top of him, I felt the hard bulge in his pants against my thighs.

He broke our kiss but our faces were still close to each other. In fact, I could feel his hard breathing against my face, and we were so close that I could almost taste his breath in my mouth.

“What about Bill?” He said as he gave me small kisses.

“Fuck him, I’ll break up with him tomorrow,” I knew it was a shitty way of breaking up with someone but fuck it, I hadn’t even heard from him in two weeks. He could wait a few hours to find out he was getting dumped.

When I went back to kissing Jack I pushed him onto his back and laid on top of him.

My tongue went straight into his warm mouth as I involuntarily began to slowly grind against him. I could feel his hard bulge against my own. The denim only increasing the friction between us. Eventually I felt his lips leave mine and an irritated moan escaped my mouth. I opened my eyes and was about to ask him if everything was alright but I saw him moving again towards my face.

As my lips readied for Jacks touch I was surprised to feel him kissing my neck. He began with slow sensual kisses but eventually transitioned into messier licks as he both kissed and sucked my flesh. I couldn’t help but find him cute for the way he made out with me. He was definitely not the best kisser I had been with but he sure was enthusiastic.

With these thoughts in my mind of how cute Jack was, I began to get turned on by the idea of him worshiping me. At the moment, his tongue was tracing the underside of my neck and my arousal increased as I realized what he had said earlier was true. About him finding me hot.

My self esteem skyrocketed and I felt sexier than ever as I tilted my head back to allow him for easier access to the rest of my neck, which he eagerly licked as well. My eyes were still open and I got a view out the window, straight into the full moon that bathed the room with its silvery light.

When I closed my eyes I began to moan softly. One of my hands took a mind of its own and began to look for Jacks pants, a desire of being naked with my best friend overtaking me.

I thought about how Bill rarely made me feel as desired as I was feeling now with Jack. I think I made the right choice in kissing Jack back. Sure Bill and I had history, but so did Jack and I; if I was ever going to leave Bill for someone it was Jack.

I know just a few minutes earlier I had been adamant in my refusal to break up with my boyfriend. But it was just because I was scared of being alone afterwards. Now I had nothing to worry about, Jack and I were about to make love.

Once my daydream was over I realized my hand had already undone Jack’s pants. I searched for Jack’s lips with my own and gave him a long wet kiss. Once done, I began to slide down his body until my face was in front of his crotch. I could see the tent inside his superhero boxers reaching out from inside his jeans. Without a second thought I just pulled down his pants and boxers in one move, Jack swiftly lifted his ass off the bed to help me undress him.

The first word I could think of when I saw his dick was “pretty”. And I don’t mean that because it was small or anything like that. In fact, he was right above average, only a little smaller than myself.

No. What I mean by pretty is that it looked like a dick that you would maybe probably find in porn. Surely not the size, but, just the shape of it and how clean it looked without a bush on its base. I love dick and I never complained when sucking off Bill, but I always did it out of horniness and I guess love for him. But Jack’s cock… I wanted to lick that like a goddamn lollipop.

And I did.

I first licked the head, getting my first taste of it. His scent took over, different from any I had experienced before in this position. It wasn’t a manly scent, he smelled fresh and soapy, like he’d just come out of the shower. After a few licks of his head I trailed my tongue down his shaft, down to his balls. I was a bit desperate to really get the sucking going so I didn’t do much to his ballsack. I just licked it and kissed it a bit. Then replaced my mouth with my left hand and used it to fondle his balls.

Jack was grunting by now so I knew I was doing well. I wanted him to realize that a guy can give a blowjob as good as any girl, even better most of the time. So I did something I was sure her lezbo ex, Bonnie, couldn’t do. I deepthroated him. I don’t think he realized what was going on until my mouth closed around his cock. I had engulfed the whole thing without my lips ever touching his shaft. I’m pretty sure my nose hit his pelvis before I closed my lips.

“Oh my god Scott!” He immediately called out, “I didn’t know you could do that.”

I was glad he had talked. I hadn’t said anything for a while because I was afraid it might give him a clarity about what we were doing and I’d scare him off.

With his dick still fully in my mouth I moved my tongue around to massage his erection. Then I pulled myself off from his dick and took his cock in my hand. It was wet with my saliva now but I kept it close to my face as I looked up at Jack and asked him teasingly, “What, you didn’t think this was my first time doing this did you?”

He looked down at me and gave me one of his beautiful smiles, “Of course not, it’s just… mmm… Bonnie never…” I didn’t let him finish his moan.

“Yeah I bet she didn’t.” As we talked our eyes were fixed on one another and I used my hand to move his dick slowly across my left cheek, hoping I’d look sexy.

And maybe I did because he gave me an interested look and then closed his eyes and threw his head back. I didn’t waste a second and went back to his dick. This time, after I had the tip of his cock as far down my throat as it would go I pulled back until he was almost out of my mouth. And then went back in again.

I repeated the motion. Slurping up some of his precum (and most likely my own saliva) as I bobbed my head up and down his shaft.

I was actually quite proud of myself. Not about the deepthroat, this certainly wasn’t the first time I did it and it definitely wasn’t the biggest cock I’d had. Back in my senior year in high school there had been a guy called Marty Stewart, he was hung like a horse and I’d almost gotten him fully into my mouth.

Anyway, I was feeling proud because Jack seemed to genuinely be enjoying himself. Sure there was the fact that he probably felt comfortable with me being his best friend. But he was also undoubtedly enjoying himself sexually, and that had nothing to do with our friendship.

In fact, he was enjoying himself so much that I could feel the signs of his incoming release in my mouth. But I didn’t want him to cum yet, so I pulled away from him.

As he realized I was no longer blowing him he began to sit up straight. But I was quicker to my feet and had sooner straddled him, kissing him and making him fall right back on his bed with me on top. In between kisses and as if sedated he said “Mmm, you taste wonderful.”

After another kiss I ran my tongue along his lips and answered, “That’s not just me, remember where my mouth just was.”

He seemed to intensify the kiss, even turning aggressive as his tongue sought to explore every corner of my mouth.

“So…” he began, breaking off our kiss, “Do you want me to do that to you now?” I could clearly hear the nervousness in his voice. I wasn’t sure he wanted to do it.

“I mean,” I stuttered a bit trying to find the words. I didn’t want him to feel like he owed me something, ” you really don’t have to.”

“It’s okay, I want to,” he tried to convince me.

“Really?” Maybe he actually wanted to go down on me, but I had other ideas, “because I was thinking we could go straight to the main event.”

I was hoping to sound seductive but I guess I just surprised him because his eyes got as big as plates as he asked, “you mean…?”

“Only if you want to,” I added quickly, “if you’re ready, that is,” this was getting a bit awkward.

“I do want to,” he answered assertively, “It’s just that I don’t have any condoms here, they’re all at Bonnie’s.”

“What? Why would you not have condoms here? Didn’t you guys have sex here?”

“We did once but she didn’t really like hanging out here at the apartment because-” he cut himself off.

I knew why she didn’t like it here. Or at least I thought I knew, “She didn’t like us, right? I always thought she kinda hated me,” I said as I stood up and walked to the door.

“She was a bit jealous of you. Said we were too close,” he conceded.

“Ha! Bet she feared I might make you gay too!” Jack forced himself to laugh. I realized it wasn’t the right time to joke about this and mentally slapped myself. “Sorry, I’ll just go get the condoms from my room okay?” I said exiting his room.

“Okay,” I heard Jack say behind me.

I never really liked Bonnie anyway. It’s not her business how close Jack and I are. Well. We’re about to be a lot closer after tonight so fuck Bonnie. Jack and I would make love tonight.

I slipped out of his room not knowing if anyone was still out there. I could tell Jack was still having a bit of a hard time wrapping his head around his sexuality and I didn’t want to put more pressure on him. Plus I knew that could only hurt my chances of what I thought was already a pretty sure thing tonight.

I needn’t have worried because the apartment was empty. People had already left and I felt a little self conscious I wasn’t there to see them off. Most of the people invited were friends of mine so I guess that makes me a terrible host. Hopefully Ryan, or more likely Bruce, had enough sense to stay out till the end.

The place was a mess as I walked through the kitchen and living room towards my room. Cleaning tomorrow would sure be an ordeal but I needed to focus on tonight. The walk from the living room to my room was through a narrow hallway with four doors at the end. Two on each side. The first to the left was Ryan’s room and the second one was Bruce’s. Bruce had the master bedroom because his dad had signed the lease. Then on the right was the bathroom that Ryan and I shared before my room at the end.

I shouldn’t have been surprised when I heard them. I knew Ryan had probably seduced Jason and I knew better than to think Bruce would finish the night alone. I just thought it was funny how the noise came out from both of their rooms. Seeming to compete with each other for control over the common area of our apartment.

“Fuck yeah, that’s great!” I heard Ryan shout between loud moans, “Don’t use your hands! I want to cum from just your cock in my ass!”

Wow! Ryan was trying hands free. He had told me before that he had been trying for a while now. Still unsuccessful. The image of my best friend riding the hell out of the football stud came to my mind and I was sure he’d do it tonight. I mean if Jason and his allegedly godly cock couldn’t make him cum hands free then I don’t know who could.

I must admit a part of me was jealous that they were hooking up. Ryan is my best friend and I love him but I guess I really did like Jason a bit. A part of me wondered what it would be like to be Ryan right now and be in that room with Jason. But I had Jack now and I needed to hurry before he changed his mind about tonight.

When I got to my room I looked for the condoms. But the noise from outside was still too loud. But this time it was Bruce’s bedroom antiques I was hearing more clearly. Our rooms shared a wall after all. Well, my room and his bathroom but still. That’s why it was easier to hear him.

“Make out with each other,” I heard him using a commanding tone, ” Yeah that’s it. Stick your asses up. Show me how much you want this dick,” I heard two subsequent slaps both as loud as the moans still coming from Ryan’s room, “Yeah I love watching your tongues together. Don’t stop till I’m done pounding both of you.”

Oh my god he had two guys in there! Or at least they were both guys in my mind. Bruce wasn’t bisexual but he didn’t mind sticking it in some needy girl when they threw themselves at him. And boy did they throw themselves at him. But I knew he probably wouldn’t be turned on by having a guy and a girl kissing. Hell, even two girls kissing would not have done anything for him. But two guys, I was sure he’d be into it.

I didn’t think I had ever heard him with two guys before, and I had heard him do a lot of things. Not that I’m some stalker creep or anything but the walls here are thin. I probably should say something to him and he’d probably listen to me and not be so loud. He was just nice to me like that. But I honestly found it quite hot. On more than one night I had jerked off while sexting with Bill and listening to Bruce getting it on in his room. So yeah, sue me.

Anyway I found the condoms on my bedside drawer and headed right back to Jack’s room. He was still on his bed when I came back and he had stripped himself naked already. He looked so cute and sexy and I just couldn’t wait for him to fuck me.

“Hey,” he said awkwardly.

“Hey,” I smiled back at him trying to ease his tension. It must have worked because he smiled back at me.

I immediately took off all of my clothes after closing his door and my dick was rock hard. Jack had gone half soft in the time I was gone but I guess that’s just because he didn’t hear all the stuff I did in my odyssey. I grabbed the condom from my pants on the floor and tore it open. I gave it to Jack and put my hand on his dick, pulling him to full life again.

“Here,” I said, “put it on.”

“You want ME to…?” He asked with confusion.

Oh shit did he want me to fuck him?? That sounded hot too but I really needed to get fucked. Unlike Ryan I’m not exclusively a bottom. I bottom most of the time and actually enjoy it more but the one time that Bill let me be on top I actually liked it so I consider myself a vers. It’s just that I hadn’t been fucked in a while and was actually looking forward to it during the blowjob.

“Oh! You wanted to bottom?” I asked genuinely surprised. Straight guys usually took a lot of convincing to try bottoming. I guess it’s easier to pretend they’re not gay if they just think of you as a hole. That’s probably why they are all dicks too.

“No! It’s just that I thought you’d want me to,” he said quickly. I could tell he was embarrassed. But I didn’t want him to be embarrassed about the stuff he liked.

“That’s okay if you do. We can do that too if you want,” I told him.

“No no, you’re right, I’d rather be the one on top,” he said as he put the condom on.

I knew I had probably fucked up. Well I would have time to fix that later. Right now I was just too horny to think about it.

“So how are we doing it?” He asked with the condom already on.

“I’m a bit embarrassed to ask but will you do me in doggy? I get much more feeling that way and it’s easier to get it in too,” I said.

“Sure, do you want me to use lube or something?”

Shit I forgot the lube in my room. I looked at his dick and figured I could take him. Bill was bigger and he had even managed to go all in once. I just couldn’t wait anymore.

“The lube in the condom is enough,” I said as I got on my hands and knees on his bed. Facing the window.

I didn’t wait long and I felt him getting on the bed. As I looked back I saw he was kneeling behind me with his dick in his hands. I felt the tip rubbing against my butthole. God I loved that feeling. I loved having a cock just playing around my ass, soft and hard and powerful at the same time. But right now I needed to be fucked.

“You don’t have to be so gentle, I can take it,” fuck I must sound so desperate.

I hoped he didn’t think I was a slut or anything but I was just so horny. Anyway I couldn’t be a slut. I had literally only had sex with Bill in all my life. If anything I was a prude, or so Ryan would say.

Jack didn’t say anything. He just started to penetrate me slowly. I was thankful for that. Despite my eagerness, the lack of lube was making it a bit painful to take him in, the lube from the condom not doing much to help me.

“Ahhhh,” I let out a large breath as I felt his cockhead slip past my anal ring. He stopped for a second and then kept pushing in. I was determined to enjoy this despite the slight pain so I let him go on and didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to ruin our first time.

He must have been halfway in when I asked him to stop. I didn’t know how Ryan did it. He loves taking guys’ balls deep and from what he tells me they are all huge. But even with lube I know I would have struggled to take Jack fully.

He stopped immediately and didn’t move for about a minute. I asked him to let me get used to it and he did. I breathed long and deep multiple times as I grew used to the feel of my best friends cock in my ass. When I felt I was ready I told him so and he pulled back slowly. His cock was just about to exit me before he started to push back in. With just a bit more speed than before. I began moaning.

The pace of our coupling increased as the minutes passed and I began to rock myself back and forth slightly. This was great. I knew Jack would know what to do and he did. Changing up his pace at times and making us both moan in unison.

“Scott, you’re so tight!” I knew he was enjoying it.

“Mhm, Thanks,” I said back.

He laughed at that a bit and I laughed to. The relaxation making me enjoy his penetration even more.

“This feels amazing!” He said he couldn’t believe it.

“I know, better than girls?” I tried pushing.

“Better than Bonnie for sure,” he replied and we laughed again. He might have been joking but I felt genuinely proud of his comment. Bonnie was a bitch but she was pretty enough. Knowing Jack enjoyed fucking me better than her was like a big fuck you to her.

I felt him slow down his pace a bit and knew he must be trying not to cum. I wanted us to cum together, “Could you jerk me off while you fuck me?” I asked.

“Of course!” He said excitedly.

My cock had gone soft as we fucked. It wasn’t that I wasn’t enjoying myself. On the contrary, there was so much pleasure in my ass that it was just impossible for my cock to stay hard. So Jack reached for my dick with his right hand and began to jerk me off.

“Uh! Fuck me! Yes! Uh! Fuck!,” his thrusts were actually forceful now, “I’m about to cum. Uhh! Are you close?” I asked him.

“Yeah! I’m almost there,” but as he said that and I imagined us cumming together I went over the edge. My body went stiff as I came on jacks bed, “FUUUUCK!”

I knew he wasn’t really coming with me but it was close enough, my ass must have clenched around his cock because I suddenly felt him stop his thrusts as his cock spawned inside my ass. I knew he was cumming into the condom and I wondered what it would have felt like if I had taken him bareback. I had never had sex without a condom and I was too scared to try but still, it made me curious.


I was awakened the next morning by the sound of the washing machine. And if not for that sound I wouldn’t have known I had not slept in my room until I had opened my eyes. I was in jack’s bed and the memory from last night came rushing into me as I felt myself waking up.

But the room was empty. Jack wasn’t here and I was alone in his bed. I worried I might have done something wrong or that he was now regretting what happened last night. Maybe it was a bit fast but I was too horny and drunk to think things through. Fuck I had cheated on Bill.

Not that I cared all that much. I was sure he had cheated on me before so it serves him right. I’d be breaking up with him later today, if he even answered his phone.

I got up from the bed and thought that maybe Jack was just busy and didn’t want to wake me up. I was still naked so I grabbed my clothes from the floor and got dressed before heading out. As I did I saw the washing machine was on and Jack had put one of his bedsheets in. I recognized it because it was the one with my cum from my orgasm the night before. We had taken it out before going to sleep and left it on the floor.

I heard a sound coming from the living room as I walked and saw Ryan there having breakfast. He was eating a bowl of cereal while looking at his phone so he didn’t notice me at first.

“Hey Ryan, good morning. Have you seen Jack?”

“Morning Scott, fuck have you still not found him?” He seemed surprised.

“No no, I did find him yesterday. He just wasn’t in his room this morning,” I said.

“What do you need him for? It’s pretty early. Why are you not in your room you always sleep in?” He asked.

Maybe I should keep it a secret but I was so excited. Plus Ryan was my best friend and he lived with us so he’d find out eventually.

“Because I actually slept in Jack’s room,” I paused as I saw the realization in Ryan’s face, “Jack and I slept together yesterday.”

Ryan’s eyes were wide open, “Hold on when you say you ‘slept together’ you mean you had a cute little sleepover or you mean what I think you mean?”

“I mean I’ll be calling Bill today to tell him that he is now single,” I said proudly.

“Yes! Oh my god I’m so happy for you!” Ryan stood up and actually came over to where I was sitting and gave me a hug, “So Jack and that bitch?”

“Bonnie,” I said.

“Bonnie, yeah, whatever,” he said giving her no relevance, “Did they break up too?”

I wasn’t sure how much Jack wanted everyone to know so I simply answered, “Yeah, they broke up yesterday.”

“Ha! He’s a little slut that one isn’t he? Just broke up and is already jumping into bed with someone else, and actually jumping to our side of the curb. Who would’ve thought?”

“Well don’t tell anyone yet please,” I said.

“What? Did he not like it? Did you not rock his world? I told you to do circles with your hips while riding, not jump up and down!” He was actually trying to lecture me.

“Shut up! He liked it well enough! But you know how hard it is to come to terms with your sexuality,” I clarified, “Besides we didn’t even do that, unlike someone else at this table.”

“You little minx, did you spy on us? I knew you couldn’t resist this body,” he said as he exaggeratedly traced his whole body with his hands, “Well too bad girl, because you are not big enough to ride it.”

I rolled my eyes at his comment though I actually liked playing this game, “You know I can’t resist that ass of yours, I just had to see it full of that big fat cock of Jason,” I said, faking to flirt with him.

“Oh you mean you actually peeked in and got a look? You must not care about my honor at all!” He pretended to be insulted.

“Honor? Yeah right! You are practically a whore if an expensive one at that. Anyway I just heard you, you weren’t being precisely quiet,” I shot back.

He laughed at me calling him a whore, “Well then you probably heard Bruce too, I don’t know who he was with but that guy must have really liked it by the way he kept screaming my walls off,” he said with annoyance.

“Actually I think it was two guys he was with. Remember that blonde guy I told you about from my class? I’m sure he threw himself at Bruce after I left.”

“Yet I am the slut! I was only with one guy yesterday, but Bruce can fuck two guys at the same time and he is praised. The double standard!”

“He is a slut, it’s just that he is a man slut. You are just a slut, plain and simple,” I explained.

“Fair enough,” he said in agreement, “But yeah, since you are so eager to know I did ride Jason. Yes, his cock is as big as Bruce said. No, it’s not the biggest I’ve had. Yes, he came twice, and only one of those was on my face. No, he did not make me cum from just his cock.”

I should be shocked at getting so many details from someone else’s sex life. But I guess Ryan had just gotten me used to it. So I just tried to be sympathetic, “Well, sorry about that, I guess you’ll just have to keep fucking every big cock you find until you find THE ONE.”

“Yeah I guess you’re right,” he pretended the idea was boring, “the sacrifices I make.”

We laughed at that and he kept on eating his cereal as I prepared my own breakfast. He asked more questions about Jack and I and I gave him enough details, just not as many as he had given me, though he did ask.

Our conversation was interrupted when we heard a door open. We looked towards the origin of the sound and saw Cole coming out of Bruce’s room. Oh my god it had happened again! I had to hold my laugh because he saw me right away. I could tell he was limping a little but trying hard to hide it and that just made it harder not to laugh. I looked at Ryan and he was in the same place as me.

“Morning Cole, did you have fun last night?” Ryan asked teasingly.

Cole went red in the face and I felt bad for him so I tried to save him, “Yeah! I hope you enjoyed the party dude.”

“I did Scott, thank you for inviting me,” I guess he was just going to ignore the fact that no one invited him, “the aftermath was great too, Bruce and I tag teamed this blonde guy,” he tried bragging as he flex his arms and tried to show off his muscles, “Wish you had been there.”

I was just having too much fun to even care about his comment, “Yeah I wish I’d been there too,” Ryan chuckled at that but Cole ignored him.

He seemed to think I had bought his lie because he was suddenly exited, “Cool, maybe next time or whatever. I’ll see you around, Scott.”

“Sure…” I said as he walked towards the door, “Bye Cole.”

“Bye Scott!” He smiled at me and then turned to Ryan before heading out, “Bye Ryan.”

“Bye sis!” Ryan said just loud enough to make me wonder if Cole had heard before closing the door behind him.

When he had left we just broke out in laughter at what had happened. Giggling as I told him what I had heard last night. The noise we made must have woken Bruce up because he came out of his room still half asleep. Ryan and I immediately ran to him to ask him about all the gossip. Apparently my classmate had left very early in the morning, claiming he had a class. But Cole had stayed for round two when Bruce asked him to.

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