From Homophobe to Homo Ch. 24


A gay story: From Homophobe to Homo Ch. 24 Fags are disgusting and Connor hates them all! There is no doubt in his mind. But when this raging homophobe finds himself forced to move in with another hunky mechanic, he has no idea that he is about to slowly, but surely, become what he despises the most!

This is a pure work of fiction.

This story does not reflect the views of its author. I do not endorse the actions depicted in this story in real life. All characters featured are above 18. Enjoy!



Chapter 24: What it means to be gay

After everything that I had agreed to do, every dick I had taken in my mouth or deep in my ass, every load I had swallowed or been painted with, I still ended-up in an even worse position than I had started in.

I was walking in the streets of New-York, virtually homeless, shirtless and barefoot… Damn, I did not even have underwear on!

My entire possessions consisted if my low-battery phone and the grey sweatpants I was wearing.

At least, they made my crotch look good…

People were staring at me, a barely naked hunk wandering around in the streets. Maybe they already knew me, from the website, from the videos. I had no idea where I was walking towards to.

I checked my phone.

8% battery.

I needed help.

I had reached my lowest point but, in a way, it was also my ground zero. I was starting from scratch. I finally knew who I was, where my limits were, I was no longer scared.

There must have been someone left in that world willing to help me! Right?

I walked some more, through many blocks. My feet started hurting against the concrete.

I had to call someone. Anyone.


6% battery.

I checked my last texts.

I called Jonathan.

He did not pick up.

Fuck my life.

Where can you find a hot ginger jock when you need one? I considered walking to a gayer neighbourhood. I could probably get some money in exchange of a blowjob. I would find myself an old daddy, just for a few hundreds of dollars. Maybe less.

I could not live off the streets but I knew that I could take a dick in my ass to save my life.

I opened a map application on my phone.

5% battery.

What should I type: “Gay meeting spot for older rich guys”? “Whoring location”? Or should I go directly on an escort website? Would I have time to create a profile and find some rich guy quickly?

Right before I started typing, my phone rang.

It was Jonathan, calling me back.

“Connor? Hi. You tried to reach me?”

“Hi… Yeah… Sorry… I…”

What should I have told him? “Hey, it turned out that I was sort of a sex slave for my roommate and I just ran away, can you save me?”

No… I could not reasonably say that.

“Everything’s fine? I cannot hear you well.”

“Yeah… I saw your texts, John… I was just wondering if you wanted to have that drink.”

“Bro… At 4am?”

Oh well. I had not thought about that.

“I was just… I was thinking about you…”

3% battery.

“Are you ok, Connor? Really. Did you take something? Should I call someone?”

“No, no. I’m fine. I swear. I’ve just had a very rough night. I got in a fight with Robbie. I think I need some help.”

“What kind of help? Where are you?”

I just had the time to give him the street I was on when my phone turned off.

Those fucking batteries! They always die before they actually reach 0%.

I sat down on the sidewalk.

I was exhausted.

For lack of sugar daddies and of any way to find one on the Internet, maybe I could just offer some random guys passing by a blowjob? Some straight guys might even be interested.

And even if they would not give me money, they could at least lend me a charger for my phone.

A deepthroat or a sodomy for a few minutes of battery, that was a real bargain!

I noticed a bald guy who was walking towards me. Maybe he would be interested? He looked a bit threatening but he was alone, probably lonely… Maybe horny?

Thankfully, before I could go down that low, a sport car stopped right in front of me.

It was like a dream. A red Audi TTS, one of my favourite models, appeared in the quiet street out of nowhere, and parked 10 inches away from my bare feet.

When the passenger’s door opened, I recognized Jonathan behind the wheel. His ginger hair was fitting nicely within the sport car.

I had noticed that car parked at the gym from times to times, I did not know it was his.

“Well, jump in!” Jonathan pressed me.

Confused but relieved, I stood up and got in the passenger’s seat.

I was dirty as fuck, I would mess the nice leather. Jonathan looked at me making a weird face.

“What the hell happened to you, bro? You got mugged? Should we go to the police?”

“No police.” I spoke.

I looked down at the dirt on my feet: “Sorry for your car.”

“That’s fine, I guess… I’m more concerned with the fact that I may be bringing a fugitive home.”

“You’re taking me to your place?”

“And you’re not answering the question about you being a fugitive. If you did not get mugged yourself. Did you kill someone? Your roommate maybe?”

“Why on Earth would have I killed Robbie?”

“Dunno, always felt like there was a super weird vibe between you two.”

As it turned out, Jonathan was insightful besides being hot as fuck.

“I am really sorry to have called you. You were the last person who texted me. My phone was about to die. I did not know what to do… I promise you; I have not hurt anyone. I did not take any drug or anything. I just…. I just need a place to rest.”

John assessed me, scanning me from head to toes, stopping longer than necessary on my nipples (hard, because of the cold), and on my crotch.

“You should have told me you were practically naked; I would have brought you some clothes for the ride.”

“Yeah… I did not think about that.”

He chuckled.

“You are a weird man, Connor. A weird man.”

I smiled.

“And you’re a good guy, John.”

“I am.” He started the engine. “Let’s get you to my place then, I’m not going to send you back on that sidewalk. That bald dude was looking weirdly at you, I don’t think he intended to be nice to you.”

I thanked Jonathan again and we drove for about twenty minutes.

The streets of New-York City were empty but when we got to his building, the first rays of sunshine were already appearing on the horizon. The night had gone.

Just like Robbie, Jonathan was living in a fancy neighbourhood.

His apartment looked even bigger than Robbie’s actually. I realized that I had no idea of what John was doing for a living. I only knew him from the gym.

Was he a freaking pornstar in disguise too?! He did have the perfect body (and cock) for that kind of work.

“I’ll let you take a shower and I’ll prepare you a bed.” He told me.

I got strong reminiscences of the first time I went to Robbie’s place.

Suddenly, my heart started beating fast. I could not make the same mistake again. Maybe I should run before John use and abuse me?

He smiled at me and I chose to trust him. Also, and to be fair, I did not have much of a choice.

I walked to his bathroom.

The warm water of the shower calmed my nerves. My asshole was still a bit sore. That double penetration a couple days prior had been very rough!

When I got out, Johnathan was lying on his couch in his underwear, semi-sleeping. I had woken him up in the middle of the night.

“You can use my bed; you need more sleep than I do and I have to start working soon. I don’t think I’ll sleep much more today.”

I was not sure if he was expecting for anything to happen between us. I was naked except for the towel wrapped around my waist.

“I can use your couch. That’s fine, really.” I suggested.

“You should see your face, dude, trust me, you need some good few hours of sleep. And then, we’ll talk.”

I guess I had the “face” of someone who got double-penetrated, shot his first porn scene, swallowed 100 loads of jizz, and fucked his roommate in the last forty-eight hours.

I nodded yes and went to the spacious single bedroom.

The bed was nicely done. There were some underwear, a t-shirt, and some broad shorts on the sheets. Another clue that John was not Robbie. My ex-roommate, for sure, would have made me sleep naked.

I put the underwear on and slipped into the bed.

I fell asleep immediately.

I woke-up to the sound of someone arguing over the phone.

“Robert, you cannot consider the threshold has been reached. We have rules in place for a reason.”

It took me a whole minute to remember where I was. In John’s apartment. In John’s freaking bed. I looked at the clock. Fuck’s sake, it was 6pm already! A whole day had gone by!

I got up only to realize I was sporting a huge morning wood.

Well, an “evening wood”, I guess at this point.

I made sure I was back to being flaccid before walking into the living space where Jonathan was having a visio-call.

“Of course, I have considered the termination clause. I have considered all options.”

I had to refrain a laugh when I saw him.

On top, Jonathan was wearing a nice and perfectly ironed white shirt with a red tie (always with the red, that guy), and a blue navy jacket, but on the bottom – where his correspondent could not see him -, he was wearing some loose blue underwear with anime characters printed on the fabric.

He gave me a sign when I walked in to signify that he was busy. I did not know where to go so I went to the bathroom to take a piss.

I heard more of John’s conversation over the phone, he was talking about a business deal of some sort.

I patiently waited for John to end his call. I felt silly being there.

After a few minutes, I heard him (politely) say goodbye to the people he had just been arguing with and I got out of my hiding place.


“Hey, sleepy bird. Are you feeling better?” John asked me with a smirk.

“I am. I did not realize I had slept for this long. You should have woken me up.”

“You seemed like you needed that rest. Coffee?”

“No… I don’t drink coffee…”

“Maybe you should start.”

It was a joke but I could not stand people telling me what I should do anymore.

“I said no.” I replied harshly.

“Ok. Chill! I have…” He searched his fridge. “Orange juice, maybe?”

“Yeah, thank you.”

He poured me a glass.

Again, I felt bad for acting impulsive like that. John must have been thinking that I was insane. Maybe I was.

“Is everything fine with you?” I asked, trying to be nice.


“That phone call, that seemed tense.”

He laughed.

“Oh no. I mean, it was, but that’s just the job. I’m a lawyer. Arguing is just part of what I do.”

“Oh, that explains the serious look and formal style.” I said, grinning at him.

He looked down at his underwear and ridiculous outfit.

“Yeah, well, I’m usually alone at home when I work remotely.”

“I won’t bother you for too long… I just needed a good night, or rather a good day, of sleep.”

“Where are you gonna go?”

That was a relevant question. Where the fuck was I going to go?

“I think I’ll have to go back to my dad’s farm. Just for a little while, until I can get back on my feet.”

“But what happened to you, dude? You fought with your boyfriend, I mean, your roommate?”

Jonathan knew exactly what he was implying.

“Robbie is neither my boyfriend nor my roommate. He… He’s just an asshole. An asshole who is weirdly obsessed with me.”

“Ok…? And?”

“Look, it would be very long and difficult to explain.”

“Generally, when people say that, it’s just that they don’t want to explain at all, but that’s fine. I don’t want to force you or anything. Your phone is charged by the way. It’s right there.”

I thanked him and went to pick it up.

12 missed calls.

All from Robbie. Fuck him. (Not literally though, been there, done that.)

“Can I use your computer to show you something?” I asked Jonathan.

“Be my guest.”

“You were checking me out at the gym when we first talked to each other, right?”

“Hey! You were checking me out too!” He snapped back.

“I know, you’re hot, but that’s not my point! I wanted to say, when you were looking at me, like, wandering around in my jockstraps at the gym, you did not know what Robbie and I were doing? And Carlos?”

“I’m not following. The three of you were in a throuple or something?” I chuckled.

“Oh boy… Just be prepared for a little surprise.”

After a quick Google Search, I found Robbie’s page and there, multiple links to everything: the 24/7 live stream, the content visible in replay (which I did not realize was happening), the previous videos — even the very first ones where I was only jerking him off, my face fully visible -, and uploaded that very afternoon, my bukkake scene on Claudio’s studio website.

I confirm: Jonathan was very much surprised.

“What the actual hell? You are a pornstar?” He exclaimed, his jaw on the floor.

I had just pressed play on the bukkake video. I could hardly recognize myself.

I did not know if I should cry, laugh or run away from the United States.

“I guess.” I simply said.

“Dude, this page has 25.000 paid subscribers?! That’s huge!”


“Connor, you must be loaded! Wait… What the hell are you doing in the streets barefoot with no underwear on, then? You should be living in a freaking mansion!”

“I have said it all already. Robbie is an asshole. That sums it up. He… How to say that? He sort of refused to pay me for appearing in the videos. He also… hmmm… pushed me to be featured.”

Jonathan’s face changed and he took a more serious expression.

He was grave when he talked again.

“Wait, you consented to that, right? Being recorded? Having sex on camera?”

“It’s complicated, but yeah… I mean, yes. I did. I needed money and… I… I liked it. For the most part.”

“Damn, and I thought you were a huge homophobic prick when I first met you! And all this time, you were actually getting fucked on camera!”

“I was a homophobic prick! I… I had some troubles… I guess, accepting who I was, who I am. I’m gay. Well, I’m attracted to guys… Like to you, for example.”

“Good example.” He smirked.

“But Robbie took advantage of that, of my confusion. He trapped me. Not really, not physically, just like, emotionally.”

Out of nowhere, I started crying. It was not pretty, literal waterfall.

But I was too exhausted to feel shameful of that. I needed to let it all out.

“I’m fucked up, John. Rob made me fall for him and I think he was too… He was falling for me. It is all messed up. I had to run away.”

Jonathan was very, and legitimately, confused. I was not kidding before, the relationship I had with Robbie was difficult to explain. He took me in his arms.

“Jesus Christ, Connor, you really don’t think we should go to the police? Or at least to a lawyer? That story is insane. I have a few friends who could help you out at the firm. Just the question of the money alone, the very least is for you to get compensation for those videos online.”

After much back and forth, I decided to stay one more night at John’s place.

I had agreed to meet with some of his lawyers’ friends the next day. I did not want to take any action against Robbie but it was only fair to ask for a share of the profits for the videos I was featured in.

Overall and in the past six months, Robbie had given me around 20.000$ which was absolutely nothing compared to the revenues the live-stream alone had generated. He had probably made a million dollars.

John really was perfect.

He did not make any move towards me, he was only listening carefully, gasping from time to time and giving me some advice. Besides, he was cooking and his tiramisu was delicious.

To be honest, I was rather the one checking him out as he was walking around in his tight (and you guessed it, red!) boxer briefs.

His body was impeccable, the ginger pubic hair slightly visible were giving me butterflies in my stomach.

We had a long discussion before going to sleep. Nothing too deep. Sports, TV, porn. He was not a fan of it, he had always preferred the real thing. John did not even use dating apps, preferring to meet people in real life, in bars or at the gym.

“I want to feel the connection, you know. The real thing. Not the bullshit in a chat.”

“How come you’re single then?” I asked him.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re good looking, you’re a lawyer, you own this nice place. I know for a fact that you’re a decent guy. You have a big dick, a nice ass.” I dared adding. “You being single does not make sense.”

“First of all, I’m only 29. I think it is fair that I’m still single, I’m not that old!” He grinned at me. “Second, I was in a long-term relationship with my ex-boyfriend, nearly five years, but he left me… About a year ago.”


He shrugged his shoulders.

“I guess that’s life. And what about you? You have discovered that you were gay only recently then? Have you ever dated a guy, like really?”

“What do you mean? I’ve had sex with dudes. I’m homo.”

He laughed.

“Fucking a dude does not mean you’re gay. Sure, it means that sexually, you like to have fun with guys. But it could mean that you are bi. It also does not mean that you would be attracted to a guy in a romantic way.”

I had a lump in my throat.

“I think I would though.”

“What do you mean?”

“I would be attracted to a guy a romantic way. I mean, I just had very recently come to terms with it.”

Jonathan caressed my left cheek gently.

“Circumstances of your self-discovery seem a bit extreme my friend, but if this is of any help, coming out is a difficult process for each of us. And you’re what, 24? You’re very young. You have time to figure shit out. But my first advice would be to stop worrying about what box you should categorize yourself into, and just follow what your heart wants.”

I do not know what came over me, I grabbed his neck and kissed him.

It lasted for a few (amazing) seconds until John pushed me away.


“Sorry John… I… I don’t know what got me to do that…” I apologized.

Jonathan was casual.

I was having a full-on meltdown but he did not seem fazed.

“I do know what’s happening here. I’ve been taking care of you; you’re getting out of a traumatic and intense situation. You rely on me. You want me.”

“And… You don’t want me back? I thought you were into me.”

“Man, have you taken a look at yourself? You’re the sexiest guy I have ever met in my entire life. Why do you think your roommate is obsessed with you?”

John’s smile was everything.

“Ok, then! Let’s do it!” I said stupidly.

“Connor, you’re not in a place to get involved with anyone right now, at least, not with me. I’m already too invested in your shit and I have to preserve myself too, you know. I’m done with toxic relationships.”

I looked at him in awe.

“Damn, you’re smart. You actually do know not to make bad decisions. I wish I could do that to.”

Jonathan chuckled.

“I think we should go to bed; we’ll go to the firm together tomorrow, first thing in the morning.”

He let me have his bed for one more night, and the next day, we did meet with several counsels.

I notably talked with Jeremy White, a good friend of John in his late thirties with whom he was spending times in Mykonos during most summers. He was a good lawyer.

I called Robbie back only in the presence of White.

You should have heard Robbie’s voice crumbling when he realized that I was on the phone with my lawyer!

He used to be so arrogant and sure of himself, suddenly, he was like a little frightened puppy.

Pathetic. Ridiculous. Wretched.

“Of course, I will send Connor his share, I never intended to deprive him of anything. There is no need to bring this out to court.” He blurted out.

In the meantime, all the websites had been shut down.

We were supposed to negotiate a larger settlement but the first measure was for Robbie to give me enough money right away so I could rent a small apartment downtown.

I was surprised of how quickly he accepted to give me that money.

When Rob was texting me, it was not to push back on my financial demands but to apologize.

Could you believe that the guy actually tried to win me back?! John told me later that this was typical of narcissistic perverts.

There were so many texts. All throughout the first days after I moved out, I was receiving dozens of texts where Robbie explained how he got lost in his own game, how himself, had troubles accepting who he was, how he had fallen deeply in love with me.

Mainly, he was telling me that he missed me, that he needed me.

I did not reply to any of it.

Maybe Robbie was sincere (which I highly doubted) but I had gotten to a point where I was simply despising him. It was not even hatred, just disgust.

The type of feelings you normally have for an annoying cockroach on your kitchen floor.

If Robbie had stopped his messed-up games a few weeks earlier, maybe a few days earlier, I may have been able to forgive him. If he would have owned-up to the truth before getting caught, maybe that would have helped his case, but at this point, it was just too little, too late.

At least, he told me where he had hidden my car.

Seeing my Mercedes in the sleazy parking lot was the ultimate proof I needed to confirm this was all true. Robbie had fully manipulated me.

Another friend of John hooked me up with a realtor and I was in my new place in less than four days. I was not happy leaving John’s apartment because I felt good in it but I knew it was for the best.

Last thing I wanted was to overstay my welcome.

As difficult as it was, Jonathan was right to get away from me. I was in no state to start a relationship.

The following month was tough.

The videos were still online, they had leaked on multiple websites and forums. Even the fight I had with Robbie the very last day had become viral. I had no job.

But above all, I was someone else entirely and all I had was time to think about it, alone in my apartment.

Trust me on this, it is not easy to reconsider all of your beliefs and re-evaluate your entire way of life and choices all of the sudden.

Eric reached out to me when he learned about the porn website (how? I do not know). I regretted how I had treated him back at the garage, when he had always been giving me genuine, and probably wise, advice.

I was an asshole before and he was one of the few people to dare putting me back in my place.

When we met again, Eric told me something which resonated weirdly within me. He implied that he could fool around with guys from times to times, – no big deal, in saunas or stuff like that -, but that he still loved his wife.

That made me wonder what I truly liked.

Once again, Eric gave me a great piece of advice.

“Just experiment, man. Stop stressing out.”

For once, I followed his advice. To the letter.

One night, I would go to a straight bar and bring a woman home, the next day, I would go to a gay bar, and bring a guy home. I would fuck them and, with the guy, get fucked too.

I guess that I liked both, but the one night stands quickly became boring.

I was still thinking about John a lot. We stayed in touch all throughout.

After everything I had been through and now that I had tested something more than just rough fucking, what I did before, meaning hitting with chicks — and now guys — on Instagram, did not have the same appeal.

Another big step happened about three weeks after I had left Robbie’s place.

On a whim, I decided to take my car and to drive to my dad’s farm to come out to him. I know, what a leap, right?

Robbie had not sent him the links to the website. It was just an empty threat to blackmail me. But I had to talk to my father anyway. I was getting increasingly mad at my dad for fucking up my mind and preventing me from becoming my true self for all those years.

It was eating me up.

I arrived at the farm unannounced, in the middle of a heated afternoon.

My father’s farm was the only habitation miles around. I knocked at the front door, my heart was about to explode in my chest, but no one answered.

He must have been in the fields with Cody.

I looked for him around the farm for about a half hour when, from afar, in a barn, I finally saw two manly figures moving around. I was stressed, more than I had ever been in my life.

I considered turning away many times but I had to be brave. I had to confront him. I had to say my truth.

Although, the more I was approaching, the more the two men, semi-hidden by a haystack, were looking weird.

I could not believe it.

What were they doing against the haystack?!

I walked slower. I did not make a sound but my heart was beating so hard, I was surprised the whole town could not hear it.

“Hmmm… yeah… daddy…”


No way!


This could not be.

They were both naked, I was not hallucinating. My dad’s hairy, broad and muscular body holding Cody and his leaner and smoother frame.

“Take it, boy. Take it deep!”

“Yes… Fuck… Yes… Destroy my hole, daddy.”

I truly believe that for one second there, I died, and then, I resuscitated. I had no words. I fell on the grass.

And they still had not seen me.

Cody was being ass-fucked by my dad against the haystack, their naked glistening and sweaty bodies all intertwined with each other.

They were both grunting and moaning like animals. This was how they spent their days? My former best friend and my homophobic father?!

You bet that he was struggling to maintain the farm afloat! My dad was fucking his employee all day long.

“I’ll breed you, Cody. Like the fucking bitch you are.”

“Please, daddy, yes.”

He was MY daddy! That was not fair!

What the hell? My dad started licking Cody’s cheek like a freaking animal as he was about to nut in his ass.

I could not move. It was like watching a car crash, I simply could not look away.

Finally, after what it seemed like hours of rough bareback fucking, (but was more likely a few minutes in real life), right when he ejaculated in Cody’s hole, my father looked up and he saw me.

Terror in his eyes.

“Hmmmmm…. Connor…”

“Connor?” Cody wondered, clueless.

“No… no…. Son… Fuck… aaaaahhh…. Cody… Connor… Co…”

Cumming and being caught by your own son at the exact same time must be a freaking intense experience.

I was no longer paralyzed.

I turned around and ran towards the farm and my car. My mind was exploding, just like my dad’s dick in my friend’s ass!

My father ran behind me, his large dick still dripping with cum fapping against his thighs. I can still hear the sound in my head sometimes. Crazy.

“Son! Come here!”

As if he still had any authority over me!

I reached my car, out of breath. I turned around and my dad was behind me, stark naked, drenched in sweat, panting.

Damn, he still had droplets of cum on his cockhead.

“Connor. I can explain.”

“What do you want to explain, dad?! WHAT THE FUCK COULD YOU POSSIBLY TELL ME?!” I exploded.

“A guy has his needs, you know! Cody is always teasing me, his ass feels just like a good wet pussy, he’s a real sissy and I’ve been feeling so alone…”

I ran towards my dad and I slammed him on the grounds.

I was suddenly on top of him.

“Cody is not teasing you. You are not fucking a pussy. YOU ARE FUCKING A MAN’S ASS.” I spat in his face. “YOU ARE GAY.”

His face decomposed itself.

He was trembling under me, clenching his fists, but I was holding him firmly.

“I AM NO QUEER.” My dad howled hysterically.

Well, that was explaining a lot.

I let go of my hold.

What was the point?

“Fine, then. You’re not into guys. Whatever helps you sleep better at night.”

I stood up above him, he was still lying on the ground naked, like a wounded animal.

“Connor, please…”

“I am, though.” I spoke. “Just for the record. Your son is gay, dad. Congratulations.”

Those were basically the last words we ever said to each other. Really, what else was there to say?

The point of my trip was to come out, I did.

I had enough work to do on myself to deal with my internalized homophobia, not to handle my dad on top of it.

Really, fuck that homophobic bastard! He had been fucking up with my mind way before Robbie ever did.

Despite the initial shock, I felt somewhat relieved afterwards.

I guessed that it was true that the biggest homophobes were the biggest closeted cases. And if my dad had never been able to live his truth in the open, at least, I could… and I was definitely going to!

I met with Robbie a couple more times to finalize the financial settlement.

I did end up with a large amount of money while Robbie’s business started to fall apart without me. Both of those meetings were awkward until Robbie stopped trying to apologize and to win me over.

With the months going by, I had reached a point where I simply did not want to be associated with him anymore.

Ever again.

I do no wish him any harm though. I recently heard he was dating a wrestling Coach. Good for them.

I saw a shrink. It was not very useful.

I did make amends to people I had hurt. At least, I tried to. I can tell you that the gay guys I had bullied in highschool were very surprised by my call.

Most of them did not think that I was sincere, but I was.

And one day, once things had started settling down and I was looking for a new job, Jonathan texted me.

He was inviting me to take that long-postponed drink.

I was not too sure what to expect but I tried to look and dress nice. By nice, I mean tight clothes to showcase my best assets: my juicy ass, my large pecs and biceps and my prominent bulge.

Thankfully, I had been using the time on my hands to work-out more. I was running a lot to clear my mind. My thighs and butt looked great!

Jonathan was looking very nice too: a white shirt, with no tie. But this time, he was actually wearing pants.

I told him how I had stumbled upon my own dad fucking one of my former best friends after the first sip of beer. It was quite the conversation opener.

“Like father, like son.” John summed up quite accurately.

“Yeah… Except that I’m done with fighting who I am and he still is in complete denial.”

“So, the past couple of months have been good for you?” John asked seriously. “You feel more comfortable with yourself.”

“It’s hard to tell but I guess, yes. I thought about a lot of stuff. I also experimented a lot.” I winked at him.

“That’s cool. You do seem like you’re doing fine.”

I smiled.

“I’m trying. You too. You look good.”

I took his hand in mine. The butterflies were back again.

He did not push me away.

“Should we go to my place?” He asked.

I was surprised.

Jonathan had been so laid back and reserved since he had picked me up in the streets, I was not even sure that he was still interested in me.

I learned later that he clearly was, he just wanted to make sure that I had had some time to process what had happened.

See, Jonathan truly is one of the good guys!

“Yeah… I’d love that.” I replied, whispering in his ear.

It felt like the Jonathan, as I had first met him, flirty in the locker-rooms of our gym, was back.

The following hour was one of the most sensual moments of my entire life.

We practically ran towards his place, already making out in the subway, and then, in the elevator.

I wanted to eat him up. His lips, his tongue, his neck, his biceps. I needed to feel his warmth, his muscles, his heart beat.

I was unbuttoning his shirt while he was unlocking his front door.

When we got in, we threw our clothes away in the living room while licking, kissing, and/or caressing every part of our respective bodies.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” He said when he took off my belt.

Jonathan smelt nice. I sucked on his nipple while he was trying to pull down his own underwear.

I knelt down to help him out getting rid of his clothes and then, right before my eyes, his huge and throbbing dick popped out.

How could I have ever rejected such a gift?

I licked his big balls, played with his ginger hair, and then, my mouth opened wide to welcome that large and wet cockhead inside. I almost swallowed his entire shaft in one go.

His cock was slightly curved, it was a whole new sensation but I was a skilled cock-sucker.

“Mmm… Fuck, Connor…” He mumbled.

I bobbed up and down on his huge cock as he was gently caressing my hair. He was looking down at me. I made sure to stare right in his green eyes as I deepthroated his meat.

I was jerking off my own cock at the same time.

How nice it was to blow a man’s cock just to blow a man’s cock, not to think about cameras, about what the others might think, about hiding my own dick from his sight!

I was slurping on John’s precum like it could be my last meal. Jonathan tasted as delicious as he looked.

He only stopped me when he was about to cum.

“I need to return the favour first.” He said, kissing my abs.

We both got entirely naked and he led me to his bed. I lied down on the edge; John licked my feet sensually and then; he knelt down and got in the perfect position to suck me off.

I almost jizzed in his mouth instantly, his tongue had been made to service dicks. Mine in particular.

Thankfully, one thing that I had kept with me from my time with Robbie was a new ability to control my ejaculations, otherwise, I would not have held myself for five minutes.

Still. When John started licking off my balls and then rimming my ass as he was stroking my big dick, I needed a lot of self-control not to blow my loads!

We made it last though.

We both wanted to take our time.

When we were both about to ejaculate, we would take a small break, slowly kissing each other, or even, sharing a drink… or some food! I ate some chocolates out of his abs. He licked whipped cream on my nipples.

That night, I discovered how nice it felt to have a guy playing with your nipples.

I learned a lot more than that, actually.

For the first time ever, I made love to someone. It was not just sex, it had very little to do with sex in fact. There were some sucking, rimming, fucking involved for sure, but above all, there was a connection.

We blew each other’s cock in the 69 position and when I felt like my hole was itching too much, I asked him.

“Fuck me, please… John, I want to feel you inside of me.”

Once again, it was a whole new experience.

John fucked my ass gently, passionately, while always making sure that I was feeling good.

Mind it, he could be rough and he certainly was, he pounded my ass severely at one point, but he also knew how to slow the place, how to open me up right, how to take care of my prostate.

“That feels so good, you smell so nice… I want you so bad…”

He fucked me doggystyle and then missionary until we were face to face, kissing each other as he was banging my hole.

I was in Heaven.

As I felt and heard his balls fapping against my ass, I truly wondered how I could have lived my life any differently before. I French-kissed him some more. We were swapping our tongues and saliva; it was hot as fuck.

“Do you want to fuck me too?” He asked me panting.

Of course, I did!

I bit his ear.

“I want to do everything with you. I want you.”

I tried to treat him as well as he had treated me before. I rimmed him nicely; I prepared his ass before penetrating him for the first time. I knew how to do that well. He was moaning like crazy and that was turning me on even more.

First, with a few fingers, and then with my thick cock.

John seemed to like it. A lot.

He came while he was impaling himself on my nine inches dick.

“Aaaaaah… Aaaah… Fuck Connor… I’m cumming… Fuck… Yes… Deeper… Deeper!”

I was an animal, thrusting my hips as fast and as deep as I could to prolong his orgasm.

When he was done exploding on his chest, I thought it was my turn to jizz. I let myself go inside his warm and tight hole.

I was still a kinky motherfucker; I licked my own juice dripping from his gaping asshole once we were done.

But John was a true romantic, he kissed me afterwards so we could swap the cum in our respective mouths.

Gay sex is so cool! Trust me, everyone should try it!

I laid my head on his furry chest. It felt safe. I could hear his heart beating with mine.

“I have never felt that before, John. Ever.” I murmured in a daze.

He caressed my hair.

“I’ll tell you a secret. I don’t think I have ever felt that with anyone else either.”

I was beaming with pride. With happiness.

The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy.

“Even with your ex?” I asked.

He chuckled.

“Don’t try to compare. All relationships are different. And I think ours might be very special.”

“I think so too… John…”

A tear fell down my cheek. It was a truly life-changing moment for me. I wondered if John realized how overwhelmed I was.

“You’re ok, babe?” He asked me.

I nodded yes.

“I think I’ve finally understood what it means to be gay.”

“What do you mean?”

He wiped off my tears.

“I think I am in love with a guy.”

He smiled, leaned towards me and kissed my lips.

“I guess you have just landed yourself your first official boyfriend then.”

He was more gorgeous than ever when he said that.

“Want to go for round 2? I think I’m still horny.” I asked.

“You naughty boy!”



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