Gay Days Ch. 01


A gay story: Gay Days Ch. 01 Some 30 years ago I wrote, with pen and paper, a long history of my gay sexual experiences, from my first sexual fumblings – right up to the day of writing. Then I added events and chapters as they happened for the next ten years or so, ceasing only when time and freedom ran out and then I found out all about computers so I transferred everything into electronic words.

The whole essay was way too long and rambling for publication – not that I’d ever intended to publish my sexual autobiography…but since I hit my 60s, (and now my 70s) I’ve felt that I should really let others partake in some of the fun that I enjoyed.

So I’ve attacked and divided up the story, edited it to the best of my ability, made it more readable and turned it into eight parts for you to read.

The original writing was also very much in my 1980’s/90’s style – comparatively polite and lacking conversation, so I hope that my efforts to liven the stories up meet with your approval.

And the stories are in English from England, so please put up with my British spellings and phraseology.

I’m not expecting everyone to like these stories but they’re my effort at “saving” my past memories, which I’m now sharing with you. They’re probably not written as I’d write today with more excitement and more teasing – and more sex – they’re written as I remember the events.

This therefore is the FIRST (and longest) of those segments of my life – “Extra Curriculum Entertainment.”


In 1963, at just short of 18 years old, I finally left school. I’d managed to acquire six GCE ‘O’ level passes and then my parents had insisted I stay on until I’d had a go at my GCE ‘A’ level exams and thank heavens I managed to obtain decent passes in two vital subjects; Mathematics and English Language. But my parents still weren’t happy that my education was complete and so, after the summer break and at the age of eighteen and a bit, they sent me to the local College to complete a two year Business Studies course.

It didn’t really worry me because at least my entry into the big hard world called ‘work’ was now delayed, because at that age I had simply no idea what career I wanted to pursue. Back in those days the school’s lacklustre careers master would probably merely have thrust an army recruiting booklet into my hands and left me to it – so continued education seemed quite sensible to me.

As an aside for my American readers, I’m in Britain where our education system is different to yours. Nowadays we go to school until we’re 15 or 16 and are driven to obtain some GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) qualifications but then we have options – to stay at school for another two years; to head off to a secondary education college (and possibly University after that)…or to just leave education behind. Many choose college in the hope of gaining additional qualifications; others use college just to delay their debut into the world of commerce and I was somewhere in between.

Anyway…our college, which has long since been demolished and rebuilt, was an old establishment with huge brick-built buildings and massive rooms that were now our lecture rooms.

Our section of the building was for the various Business courses – there were two or three different courses I think with multiple sections to each course and they were almost entirely populated by male students; the ladies who ‘did’ Business courses being few and far between in those days.

The one major difference from school was that we stayed in our own classroom when possible and the lecturers came to us but staying in one room did have its problems when several different sections of the courses or curriculum ran side-by-side. If the lecture wasn’t on your list, then you were kind of pushed to one side and ignored rather than getting involved in the lecture or being allowed to leave the room.

Therefore there was usually at least one lecture a day that wasn’t of relevance to me and also to a small group of other students and to keep us out of the way during those lectures we were made to sit together right at the back of the spacious room.

And there at the back of our room was a large and ancient science workbench where there was space for at least a dozen students to sit and there we were told to sit down, keep quiet and find something to do.

The group who occupied the bench varied occasionally but eventually just four of us were the usual group whose course seemed to be different to the majority and we soon became used to the routine. We’d settle ourselves behind the bench; perhaps revising or just working on our coursework but often boredom took over and we’d find something better to do!

Thank heavens that the tutors of the day were a pretty decrepit bunch on the whole as I remember them and so long as we kept quiet in our corner, they didn’t usually worry or take much notice of us at all, which was fine by us!

Right then, at that stage of my life, sex just hadn’t reared its head; well, not properly, anyway. Oh sure – my cock reared its head all the time. It would become stiff at a moment’s notice and at the most awkward times and often dominated my world – a world of sexual ignorance. My small sexual world was centered around my cock because I knew of nothing else. Of course I could wank as well as anyone but sex with another person – now that was a frightening prospect!

And back in those dark days so long ago, sex education and the internet didn’t exist so what sexual knowledge we could acquire had to come via the occasional dog-eared magazines; from ‘bragged’ boastings from older lads and from the occasional enlightened parent.

Hell, in those days, being gay was still entirely illegal – but that didn’t mean that there was no man to man sex around and lacking a decent sex education didn’t mean that we were never horny – quite the opposite – we were typical teenagers, weren’t we?

But we were ignorant – sometimes perhaps blissfully ignorant; but often worried and ignorant about how we’d feel or what we’d do with a sex partner…but nevertheless we were definitely always curious!

My curiosity was based on penises – all about them and many of my pals seemed to have the same interest because at our stage in life we’d had few opportunities or experiences with girls (at least, I hadn’t managed to get intimate with one yet) and therefore “sex” to me meant “cocks”.

It wasn’t that we were really gay at that point (and the word bisexual wasn’t widely known) – we simply had so few chances to ‘discover’ sex with the opposite gender – so what else could we play with or explore so easily? Girls brought to mind only a quick grab of a heavily padded bra-clad tit or perhaps a hand thrust up a skirt – while the sight and scent of a hot cock was quite well known. Truthfully it was simply delicious and both the sensation and the feel of my own oozing cock in my hand was enough to send me into a frenzy!

More than that, cocks were far more likely to be seen than any other sexually interesting part so that was where my interest was centred and that’s what I wanted to find out more about.

So, back to the lecture room…in those long-ago days we only used surnames; the sociable use of first names in schools and colleges had yet to arrive…but to hide our identities, I’ll use first names only in this tale.

In our isolated corner, the four of us, Tony, who had been at school with me; Arthur, William and I, Chris, would get bored just sitting there and with nothing better to do, we’d play around with the only thing that was of interest and readily and quietly available – our cocks. Yes, of course we were really supposed to be making use of the time to study for another subject but we were boys!

I don’t remember how it started but I’d guess that one of us must have sprung an involuntary erection which then became the centre of attention and the fun developed quickly from there. I do remember that before long we were all contriving to get erections and we’d make them bob up and down in our trousers – truly juvenile fun! Then, moving swiftly onwards, we became more adventurous – undoing our zips to expose our strained underpants to more clearly show off our covered cocks as we made them jerk.

And then my friend Tony had an accident – his erection slipped out through the fly hole in his underpants!

I was alerted to it by Arthur who nudged me sharply in the ribs one day.

“Hey look – Tony’s got his cock out!” he hissed and my eyes pivoted rapidly and there it was, a goodly length of Tony’s solid rod exposed to our gaze, just as his hand was rapidly descending onto it to hide it.

By the time he’d put it away though Arthur and I had both had a good quick look at it and it wasn’t long before we were asking him to show it to us again.

And one day he did just that, purposely allowing it to slip out again to stand proudly before us. It looked so exciting – nice and straight and fairly long, with a bright shiny partly-hidden knob.

He made it jerk a few times, then turned towards me and nodded his head, while his eyes cast down at his erection.

“Do you want to touch it?” he mouthed, his hand demonstrating what I should do.

“Nah,” I breathed quietly, “Not really.”

“Come on, get hold of it. Try rubbing it a bit,” he said hopefully.

“You’re joking,” I said, as I shook my head and eventually he put it away again.

But truthfully I did fancy the idea…but I was way too scared to take up his offer!

A few days later and he had his erection out once more, throbbing and jerking excitedly and once again he asked if I’d hold it for him and by now I’d had time to consider the deed. Not only that, this time he and I were right in the corner at the end of the old bench and my body shielded our actions. The scene was set perfectly for a nice bit of fun, not to mention a way to find out if other cocks felt the same as mine did and so, fascinated and following his instruction, I gingerly reached over and put my hand around his hot rigid penis while Tony’s face remained blank and exuded an air of innocence to the lecturer. Nevertheless, I heard him gasp quietly when my hand found his cock.

I’d never held anyone else’s penis before and not only was I now shaking with excitement; I was also shaking with a kind of fear – a fear of the unknown, and fearful too because Arthur and William might both get to know what I was doing!

His cock jerked suddenly as I held it, so I slid my hand down his length, pulling back his foreskin and as I did so the broad plum of his knob, glistening with moisture, was exposed and on my return stroke a little trickle of lubrication ran from his little slit, just like mine did. My up-stroke gathered it and as I pulled down again, so it spread over his knob. It looked utterly delicious already and I was captivated!

On the other side of me Arthur nudged me in the ribs and I turned my head towards him. He had his hand inside his underpants and was obviously rubbing his own erection as he tried to watch and I presumed that William was doing the same.

“I’ll get to you in a minute,” I mouthed before I turned back to Tony.

But this was just too daring to continue for long and Tony soon pushed his cock back into its place but we’d stepped over a huge boundary now and things could only progress from here. I secretly sniffed my hand afterwards and the wonderful scent held therein ensured that this would happen again!

Within an hour I’d told Arthur and William about my exploration and soon we were all taking turns to show off our erections. Tony, Arthur and I could all produce respectably hairy and thick six or even seven inch cocks, but William’s penis was perhaps just a slim object no more than perhaps four inches long – he was a late developer, he said.

It wasn’t long before we were all stroking each other’s cocks – a kind of chain gang along the bench. We only dared to hold and very gently massage our penises and we always had to keep a wary eye on the tutor just in case, so our fun was fairly subdued. But it was so exciting to us that trips to the toilet for relief seemed to happen between almost every lecture!

William wasn’t actually all that keen to join in and before long he left the course anyway, (along with several others who were on different courses), but I still had two good cocks to play with and now, pretty well every time we ended up behind the bench, we’d start to play around, actions that were easier now that our group was down to just three members.

I always sat between Tony and Arthur, and Tony, who sat in the corner, was usually the instigator and would be the first to expose his penis. As we’d settle into place the bulges at our groins would already be visible and in minutes we’d be checking out the erection beside us and once the lecture was underway Tony would undo his fly and let his penis out. Almost inevitably my hand would quickly be around it, luxuriating in the delicious feel of a solid penis and as likely as not I’d soon have my hand around Arthur’s cock as well.

It was then just a matter of choosing whose turn it was to be played with first today.

“Who wants to go first,” I’d ask even though I much preferred to hold Tony’s penis.

We’d built up a friendship already and much as Arthur’s penis was as big and just as exciting, I always hoped that Tony would make the first move.

It was therefore usually Tony who won while Arthur might perhaps place his hand on my own pulsating penis to encourage me.

Tony, the exhibitionist, would already have made sure that his penis was well aroused and by the time we’d settle down it would already be oozing precum and throbbing with stiffness.

“Yessss, play with it, please,” Tony would always softly say, “Come on, give it a nice rub!”

I’d always be gentle, moving my hand slowly up and down the shaft, making his foreskin cover and uncover his knob. I’d always have to give both him and Arthur sensuous slow wanks – a necessary precaution because of the risk of large movements being observed by the tutor but anyway I preferred to do it that way.

It must have been torture and yet must have felt very sexy for them – it certainly was for me!

It was torture too in that I’d have loved to be able to watch the cocks as I played with them but I too had to keep my eyes on the lecturer…instead I could only glance occasionally at each penis sliding through my fists…and then it would be back to eyes-front.

Gradually, as Tony would become more aroused and turned-on, his lubricating fluid would begin to flow more freely and I’d now rub the lovely slippery liquid over his knob and down his shaft.

Naturally, this would cause yet more to ooze out and I’d continue to caress, rub and masturbate his penis until he’d put his hand on mine to stop me. I’d be able to feel his cock throbbing urgently with lusty need as he held himself just short of cumming and then he’d quickly push my hand away before he lost control.

As Tony’s approaching orgasm was subsiding, I’d usually turn my attention to Arthur and do the same for him. He’d have been watching me manipulating Tony’s cock and would now be able to enjoy my attention to his own stiff penis. It was very similar in both length and thickness to Tony’s cock but he had a broader knob and a longer, looser foreskin.

His cock would become drenched with generous quantities of gorgeously slippery pre-cum fluid that he produced in abundance, lubrication that was thicker than Tony’s and mine – almost like syrup and because it was so different to ours it was that much more exciting!

It would readily ooze from the tip of his cock to pool on the floor – there was so much that I just couldn’t make use of it all – it was a terrible waste, I used to think! Nevertheless I’d do my best to catch every treacly drip and trickle and to smear it onto his thick stem where my hand could rub it over his shaft and knob. I’d even bring his precum to rub onto my own penis and I remember how my hand would smell arousingly delicious after I’d pleasured him…

I also had to time things right because if I played with him too near the end of a lecture and then had to move to my more usual seat for the next lecture my hand would be all sticky and wickedly scented, his strong aroma following me as if I had a big light shining above me!

Like Tony I often took him to the edge but he wasn’t willing to cum in public either and especially not in class!

But what a waste of that lovely precum, because in those days, the very idea of licking it from my hand and perhaps, heaven forbid, swallowing it, just wasn’t on. Perhaps truly gay men might have done that but we were merely playing…

Anyway, while I’d be playing with someone’s cock, the other student would be giving mine the same treatment and their actions together with mine would be so stimulating that I too would have to still the hand that wanked me rather than cum and by the end of the lecture (that we were no part of) all three of us would be on edge and in need of relief.

We’d all require bathroom breaks after such ‘lessons’ and as I said before, the toilets were visited regularly but because there were numerous students around, we could never enjoy mutual games there – merely solitary masturbation in locked cubicles, but relief nevertheless, at least until the next lecture!

Down the other end of the college another set of communal toilets was attached to the sports changing rooms and showers and there I did however witness Arthur having a wank and shooting off. I also saw several other students wanking themselves in those toilets or the showers from time to time, although I never had anything to do with them.

When I spotted Arthur ‘at play’ I’d come in from a game of tennis and Arthur couldn’t have noticed that I was at the far end of the showers just beyond the toilets, where I was quietly drying myself off. Thank heavens that the toilets were otherwise empty.

Something must have got him very worked up or he was just very full of spunk, because he walked straight to the urinal, pulled out his cock – it was already hard – rubbed it for no more than perhaps twenty seconds and with a grunt, he shot his spunk into the trough.

He ejaculated his cum in five or six distinct jets – I actually heard the first few hit the back of the metal urinal even from the shower area – and then there were several dribbles, which ran from his cock before he shook it, returned it to his trousers and quickly departed. I just stood there covering my throbbing erection with my towel. When I left the shower-room I looked at the toilet and his creamy-white spunk was still there, clinging to and slowly sliding down into the metal trough. I wish that I’d been able to have made him cum; to do it for him – it was and still is something of a fetish of mine to see jets of cum being ejaculated, especially if I can do the masturbating.

Another student whom I watched tossing himself off produced a spectacular fountain of spunk – I really wish that I could have got to know him but he was on an entirely different course and I seldom even saw him again. And yet another student whom I saw wanking had a cock that must have been at least ten inches long or even longer and it was many years before I met one anywhere near as big.

The smell of hot sex and the feeling of holding and rubbing Arthur’s and Tony’s stiff, slippery, lubricating cocks was wonderful then and I’ve enjoyed playing with cocks ever since. I just wish that we’d have been able to wank each other to completion but, apart from the risk of detection and the inevitable mess, none of us dared to give in to the final pleasure in public. I presume that it would have been considered unmanly as well; definitely a very gay thing to do but as I said before, we weren’t really gay at that age; we were just experimenting, playing, exploring – and enjoying ourselves.

Later in life we may have chosen different paths but for now we were just having fun.

Getting back to having orgasms, only once in the lecture room did it happen that I rubbed Tony’s cock for too long. When you’re enjoying being wanked, you want the feelings to continue and the last thing you want is for the pleasure to stop. You want to enjoy it until the very, very last moment and you’re always sure that you’re in control…but once your orgasm starts, your spunk is on its way however much you want it to stop!

And on this occasion, by the time he tried to stop me it was too late to prevent himself from cumming – those last couple of touches had set off his orgasm. Possibly even his own touch had done it as he tried to tear his penis away from my hand.

I remember him gasping suddenly.

“Oh no, no! Stop it Chris!” he exclaimed under his breath, his hand urgently pushing mine away, “Stop it! Oh shit!”

I remember watching him struggling and failing to get his jerking, thrusting, pulsating erection quickly back inside his fly just as he started shooting off.

I watched as a big white jet of spunk shot straight up from his cock to splatter over his shirt almost up to his neck and to sprinkle down over his trousers.

Once he’d started squirting cum everywhere he was a flurry of muted action as he tried to catch and smother the rest of his spurts of spunk in his hands and shirt tails – and failed! There were blobs of whiteness splashing everywhere – I even had some little bubbles of cum on my trouser leg and a bigger splash on my wrist.

And all the time, he was still trying to look calm, natural and unruffled in case the tutor should happen to look his way!

As he hadn’t got a tissue or handkerchief with him he had only one real option to clearing up the spunk on his hands and clothes – he collected it with his fingers and then he licked it off and swallowed it!

I watched with open-mouthed admiration and longing as he cleaned himself up while thinking I’d have willingly done it for him!

I remember too, the big damp patches on his trousers and shirt where his cum had soaked in and sitting next to him, I could smell his salty spunk quite easily. I treasured the small puddle of whitish cum that was on my wrist, sniffing at it several times before spreading it over my skin; it was as good as an expensive body lotion to me!

Tony and I had originally become friends while at school and now, in our last year at college, he and I became much closer friends. We actually lived in the same village within a few hundred yards of each other although away from school in the evenings and at weekends we’d been going our own ways, somewhat governed by our parents’ preferences.

But at college things were quite different and during lunch breaks together we’d sneak out of bounds together and into the adjoining woods to peacefully and innocently eat our lunchtime sandwiches.

We’d fill our short break with general chatter until we had to return to our lectures but then on the way home together (we often walked – it was more enjoyable than catching the bus) we’d stop off at one or other of our favourite hideouts – a disused barn or a derelict concrete bunker that we passed on our way home.

In the first few months of sharing college together, our visits to our hideouts were simply so we could have a secret smoke as we’d done when we were at school, but as we grew that bit older and once our games behind the old college bench had developed, so things soon escalated.

With the excitement of our sexual play in college still strong, there in those quiet places we began to examine each other’s cocks more intimately, although in truth, I did most of the examining, I was the explorer.

Although I was taller than Tony, he’d developed a bit sooner than I had and his penis was well worth exploring, it being a good seven inches long at that stage; mine having only achieved a more modest six inches in length at this point in time. Within a few years mine had reached and then surpassed that seven inch mark but Tony’s penis continued to grow too and had already reached a good eight inches in length by the time we left college.

He and I would stand and rub our cocks until they were both erect (not that that took much doing!) and I’d often put the end of my stiff penis inside his foreskin and we’d masturbate in that position.

But in those early days of our sexual development we didn’t really know how far to go, certainly not ‘all the way’. Perhaps wanking together was fine but having an orgasm together was still a very private matter despite Tony’s unintentional moment at college – but we were learning!

But let me go back to one of the earliest occasions of our out-of-college meetings…

I wanted to examine Tony’s penis in real detail, because for some reason I was fascinated by its construction, being unable to examine my own so closely.

Although I’d seen other penises, each one is very different and has its own character and his was a prime piece of meat. Thick, long, straight and strong it was; even handsome, with his pendulous balls and masses of hair.

So on that day inside the barn I got down on my knees before him and as I did so Tony undid his trousers and pushed both his trousers and underpants down. I reached out and slid my hand between his legs, then turned my hand over and ran my hand over his balls. I rolled them in my hand and caused Tony to groan happily. I let go of his balls and slid my fingers between his legs again, now pushing my fingers up his cleft even to his asshole and Tony squeezed his cheeks together tight as I touched his little hole.

Then I felt around the cheeks of his bum; around his balls again and then back to his cock where my hands settled and began moving up and down his shaft and over his knob.

“What have you been doing down there?” asked Tony dreamily, his eyes closed in ecstasy.

“Just exploring,” I said, “You’re different to me – more hairy and your balls hang down more. And you smell nice.”

I ran my hand up and down his shaft.

“And your cock’s bigger,” I added.

His cock jerked and dribbled its luxurious lubricant, which I spread over his knob and down the shaft, making it jerk and twitch even more – it was just inches from my face and I was so tempted to kiss his knob or even let it enter my mouth, but I wasn’t brave enough.

Instead I rubbed him until he was almost ready to cum but then, as in college, he made me stop.

And that was as far as our sex play would go…it was so frustrating…especially as we both admitted to heading straight home afterwards and wanking until we came.

Why he didn’t want to let me make him cum is a mystery that I never really solved although I suppose I was just the same. No way would I have dared to bring myself off in front of another man – not until it actually happened!

Heck – I hadn’t even done it in front of a girl and I doubted that he had either!

Perhaps he felt shy about cumming while I watched, seeing him in the throes of an orgasm; perhaps his experience in the lecture room had scared him somehow.

But once I eventually contrived to make him cum, the ice was broken and it was just a pity that it took quite a while before he gave in to the pleasure of a stress-relieving orgasm.

It finally happened because I obviously knew exactly how to bring about my own orgasms, so after wasting far too many uncompleted wanks, I decided that instead of just playing around with his cock, I’d definitely make him cum – he wasn’t going to stop me this time.

With his unintentional orgasm in college still clear in my mind and so exciting and impressive that I determined to complete the job, but this time just for me!

So, one day as I stood there in the old barn rubbing him, I made a point of getting him thoroughly worked up.

I gently played with his cock for a long time to make his lubrication ooze out copiously, then I massaged it into his knob and down the shaft. His big lengthy throbbing penis was all slippery and really hard and almost steaming as it jerked and glowed while I held it.

I continued to gently rub his cock until he put his hand over mine to make me stop; then he tried to pull his cock away but instead I kept my hand round his shaft and I let him hold my hand still – but I didn’t let go or move my hand.

Gradually his impending orgasm subsided and his hand slackened on mine and then I was able to gently squeeze and massage his cock again to tease him back to the edge.

Several times we did this, until I knew he could hardly bear to allow me to touch him…but I just knew that deep inside he didn’t really want me to stop because he was obviously enjoying it so much.

Perhaps he did actually want to let me see him cum but was still scared to go all the way – but I was determined!

So once again I started gently wanking him until his orgasm neared and soon he held my hand to stop me once more – his whole body quivering with tension. I knew that he was ready to cum and so I let him pull my hand away from his cock and as he held onto my hand I could feel his whole body quivering with tension and his cock jerking with suppressed and unfulfilled need.

Then, smartly changing hands, I grabbed his shaft with my other hand and wanked him even faster.

“Aaaah! Nooo!” he moaned, “Oooh, you sod – you’re making me cum!”

And suddenly I found that I was holding a cock that was jerking wildly and pumping out spunk in massive jets!

I remember him cursing and taking over, rubbing his cock hard and causing lots more spunk to squirt out! It sprayed everywhere! It was wonderful!

His first powerful jet of cum had shot at least five or six feet from his cock and his follow-on spurts were also impressive, to say the least. He’d certainly cum harder and more powerfully than I’d ever managed.

“Wow!” I said, well impressed, “That was fantastic! That was brilliant!”

“Yeah,” he panted as he stripped the last of his spunk from his penis, “It was, wasn’t it!”

I know that he was highly embarrassed at first but then I think that he really became quite proud of the way his cock had erupted and vigorously propelled his spunk.

I’d enjoyed it enormously too and was thoroughly turned on as well – I was jealous of his huge cum-shots but I was also fascinated. I plied him with lots of questions about how it had felt and I think it was then that he realised that cumming off wasn’t something to be shy about. And anyway, now he’d actually done it, the ice was broken…

So the next time we headed to the barn, he was first to start rubbing his cock and it was already stiff by the time he’d extracted it from his trousers while I pulled mine from my fly as well. He started rubbing it straight away, eager to enjoy another orgasm, then he stepped closer to me, his penis jutting proudly and urgently forward as he thrust it into my hands, his foreskin already retracted.

“Get me off,” he said, almost demanded, “Make me squirt again!”

I stood in front of him and grasping his erection, I admired it, absorbing the way his knob shone with his slippery juices. Slowly and then with increasing enthusiasm I began to masturbate his hot penis and as I started to stroke him his breathing became quivery as the sensations stirred his eagerness. I realised too that I was also holding and working on my own erection at the same time.

It was rather awkward working on his penis as I did, my hand having to jerk towards and away from myself but I was too wrapped up in the fun to change my position and grip.

“Ohhh yesss, nice!” he hissed, his cock pressing hard through my fist, “Keep going.”

He was already well aroused as he’d been playing with his erection in his trousers while we walked down the lane to the barn and within a few minutes or so he was ready to cum.

But being a bit of a novice at this game, I didn’t spot the signals as he neared his orgasm and not only that he didn’t give me much in the way of a warning that he was about to cum.

All I remember is that his cock seemed to go suddenly stiffer in my hand as Tony himself went rigid. I remember looking up at him to see his anguished face…then down at his cock as I stroked it faster and faster…and then…

“Oooooooh uhhhhhh!” he cried as the first jet shot out…and no way was I prepared for his spunk to shoot out as much or as far as it did.

His first staccato jets of spunk sprayed from his penis straight at me – all over my trousers and my shirt, up my arm and all over my hand too.

“Ahhhh, you dirty bugger!” I cried letting go of his pulsating penis in an instant.

I quickly stepped aside as Tony wanked himself to a finish, producing several more substantial spurts and some lesser dribbles of cum which I managed to avoid.

I’d got a big thick streak of his sticky cum across my hand and the strand of cum extended up my arm; some big blobs were slowly slithering down my grey trousers and my black shoes were heavily splattered. The front of my white shirt was striped with cum and the palm of my hand was all smeared and slippery too but despite the mess I had this weird desire to leave it all where it had landed!

Carefully I gathered what I could from my trousers and spread it in my hand where I rubbed it around, somehow savouring the super slippery texture of his creamy off-white spunk. The smell was strong; stronger than mine and wonderful but in reality I had to get rid of the stuff and I managed to wipe most of it off using my shirt tails.

Eventually I calmed enough to look up at Tony only to see him beaming happily.

“Brilliant!” he said gently, “Did you enjoy that?”

“Except for the mess, yeah,” I answered, “Watch where you’re shooting all that stuff in future.”

“That was your own fault,” he said, as he gently stroked his penis, “You wanna watch where you’re standing.”

The sight of his penis being manipulated stirred me again and I felt my own cock reminding me that I was still erect. I rubbed it firmly and as I did so Tony pushed his almost hard-again penis towards me.

“Do it again, would you?” he asked as he held his cock out to me, “Please.”

The excitement of the last few minutes had been massive and I eagerly took hold of his cock once more but this time I was more in control. It only took a few strokes before his cock was rigid again, jerking powerfully in my hand.

His second orgasm took longer and I know that my wanking arm was beginning to tire before he started to pump out his second load of spunk.

I felt his cock stiffen and pulse as his spunk ejected, squirting and dribbling safely onto the ground but as his orgasm died away a last large blob squeezed out and adhered to my hand. I can still remember that incredibly lovely smell and the feel of his ejaculated viscous fluid, all slippery and warm once again.

I smeared the spunk of his second cumming over my own penis and wanked myself, but only until I could feel an orgasm forming – then I stopped, shy as usual.

“Don’t you want to cum?” asked Tony as he stropped his own penis which even after two orgasms was already rising again.

“No – I’ll save it!” I said, stopping my wanking.

“Oh come on, let me see you do it!” he persisted, rubbing himself faster, “Finish yourself off!”

“Can’t,” I lied, “Not ready yet.”

“Come on, let me see,” Tony continued, “Let’s cum together!”

That woke up my interest and I grasped my penis once more.

“Can you cum again?” I asked incredulously, “Already?”

“Think so, I’ll try,” grunted Tony as he wanked himself faster and harder, “Come on then!”

And finally I took the plunge and began wanking myself in earnest and soon there was just the sounds of flesh slapping lightly and heavy breathing.

“Goin’ to cum,” I panted, “You ready too?”

“Just about – might do,” said Tony, his fist now flying up and down his shaft, “Ahh, I’m right with you! Yesss, here it cums, here it cums!”

And suddenly we were both filling the air with arcing sprays of hot sperm and my eruptions did at least exceed those of Tony’s third orgasm.

Jets, splashes and dribbles of sticky spunk went everywhere again but apart from the odd blob on our shoes and our hands, we’d managed to avoid any disasters this time.

Eventually hankies and shirt tails cleared up any remaining spunk from our bodies and clothes – and soon we were respectable and enjoying a post-wank fag.

It was a terrible waste of spunk as neither of us had got round to swallowing the stuff yet…well, not wholesale or ‘in public’ anyway!

As we played over the ensuing weeks, so I continued to explore – examining every inch of his cock and balls, because each cock has its own personality which needs exploring. This involved getting on my knees again to be able to run my hands around his , between his legs, around his balls and even up his abdomen to follow the trail of hairs that led to his navel.

No – we were too young and naive to think about anal matters – that would come later although orally, that was different! I clearly remember the first time I let him put his cock in my mouth…

I was kneeling there one day; just admiring his throbbing cock now inches from my face, when he sort of pushed his hips forward, thrusting his penis at me, the tip bouncing off my forehead.

“What are you doing down there?” he asked, as I jerked my head away, “Are you going to suck me?”

I stiffened as he spoke, his words shocking and yet thrilling.

‘I’d love to’, I thought, but that very first time is a real test of one’s nerves.

“Don’t know,” I replied, “Just having a look.”

‘What the hell is it going to taste like? Will it make me sick? Will I be able to breathe even?’ I wondered as his penis waved before my eyes.

“Well, grab hold of it while you’re down there; don’t want to lose my hard-on,” he said and I was quick to take his shaft in my hand; my feelings on that matter were quite settled!

“Go on then, rub it,” Tony said, “Play with it.”

Yes, I was glad to do that too and soon small bubbles and dribbles of precum began to appear. I rubbed the lovely fluid around his knob, coating it completely, making it shine and seemingly glow – it looked huge and powerful from where I knelt.

It also looked somehow inviting so it wasn’t long before I tried pressing his oozing slippery cock against my cheek; the warmth of his flesh so strange and yet so erotic and sexy against me. Then I turned my head and let it rub softly against my lips and the sensation intensified.

I flicked the bubble of fluid from the end of his penis with my tongue, bringing forth a groan of pleasure from Tony and a quick jerk of his cock.

“Oh yeah, do that again, do it more,” moaned Tony, so I did, now swiping his cock with my tongue sufficiently to gather a little more of his precum.

It had a highly charged erotic taste that wasn’t really there; just an imaginary taste really that set my penis throbbing and my mind spinning.

“Keep going,” moaned Tony and I found myself rubbing his cock harder to get some more precum – and I wasn’t disappointed.

Moments later his penis lifted firmly in my hand and a steady dribble of precum almost gushed from his cock and I caught it in my hand.

Daringly I licked my tongue across the little pool, discovering that there was absolutely nothing to be scared of and then, in a moment of excited discovery, I lifted my lips and put them over the end of his knob and gave it a quick suck.

Tony actually groaned with pleasure when I did that and tried to push his cock into my mouth; my reactions too slow to stop his knob sliding between my lips but I pulled my head away as soon as his penis began to penetrate.

But even that small touch had been wonderful and I quickly found myself returning, this time with my mouth open and ready to accept his cock.

Then I almost came myself as his penis slid into my mouth properly for the first time; I was captivated already and knew immediately that this wouldn’t be the last time I had a cock in my mouth!

I let it slide in and out a few times – not deeply but sufficiently for me to get to know the texture and shape of his knob and the thickness of his shaft.

I only let him stay there for a little while though, then I quickly stood up, alarmed by my audacity. I didn’t really let him fuck my mouth then, but it was only a few weeks later that it really happened.

And my actions certainly excited Tony because just as I relinquished my grip on his cock and as I stepped away, he began wanking hard and within moments he began to shoot his spunk all over the ground beside me.

I was now getting him off on pretty well every occasion that we could be alone – almost daily it seemed and I naturally realised that he’d liked my mouth on him, so much so that he would continually ask me to suck him off.

“You going to suck me today?” he’d ask as we walked along, “I feel really horny right now; I’ll be ready for you as soon as we get there.”

I’d find myself shyly hiding my erection; his words powering straight to my penis.

“Come on Chris,” he’d say as soon as we entered our shelter, “Get down there and suck me. Only for a bit, mind you, I’m almost there anyway.”

But I remained wary of sucking his cock; scared of his cum; scared that he’d let it shoot in my mouth, scared of the unknown. But it wasn’t unknown. I’d tasted his cock, and I’d tasted his cum too which had taken the edge of my quest, but gradually the desire to explore further set in.

I simply had to suck him off one day, I just knew it; maybe I’d even let him cum in my mouth!

Of course I’d already found out what his cum tasted like because inevitably whenever I wanked him I’d end up with the last of his cum dribbling over my fist.

At first I was horrified to get his spunk on me; then I was interested and eventually I was captivated; it felt so sexy, so erotic; so intimate perhaps…

So in the first place I used to wipe it off against the wall; then later on onto my hankie or shirt; then finally I used my tongue!

And his cum had tasted gorgeous; so wild and exciting; kind of sweet yet salty and truthfully very much like mine; mine that I now swallowed regularly and eagerly.

So now that I was beginning to come round to the cum-tasting idea perhaps it might be good to try sucking him.

Then one day it happened!

I’d been manipulating and wanking his eager throbbing penis for some time this particular day and he was already on edge, as I liked him to be. His eruptions were that much bigger when I held him off for a while and I loved to see his spunk flying high.

Eventually however, he made me stop.

“So close…” he groaned, “Are you going to suck me one day? Please…today, please.”

“Mmmmm, guess so,” I mumbled, frightened by my desire.

I took a deep breath…the day had come and I sank to my knees before him, taking hold of his sky-pointing penis.

I pulled it towards my mouth and licked the end, causing Tony to cry out in delight.

“You’re going to…?” he asked breathlessly, “Yessss! Please, please suck me, suck me off!”

“Mmmmm,” I murmured as I concentrated on the penis that was now just a couple of inches from my mouth and closing…

Slowly I allowed the juicy slippery knob to slide between my lips, licking the lovely sheen of precum from it as it penetrated my mouth.

Slowly I allowed his cock to slide deeper and deeper until I felt his knob press against the back of my mouth but that was more than deep enough and I backed off until I held just a couple of inches of his cock in my mouth.

I began sucking at him, not really knowing what to do, but Tony helped.

“Lick it, use your tongue, slide it in and out,” he said, his breathing fast and shallow, “Ohhh, yesss, that’s nice.”

“Mmmmm,” I hummed before pulling away, “Tastes good – feels good too.”

I let his cock sink back into my mouth, letting the vague taste of a gush of precum and the rubbery feel of his knob excite me.

“Let me help you,” he said, pushing my hand out of the way from around his shaft, “Got to cum soon!”

I knew that I should move away but somehow my need to feel him spurt inside my mouth overcame my panic and concerns

He began to wank himself as I sucked at him and I could feel his penis swelling and jerking and stiffening further. I could taste and feel the gushes of precum that were welling up; this was just so exciting!

And then his orgasm arrived!

“Ahhh fuck!” he cried, using an expletive not often used by anyone polite in those days, “Aaaahhh, cummmmming!”

His energetic orgasm thrust his cock deeper into my mouth just as his first quick squirts of cum erupted – he got two off inside my mouth before I pulled away, coughing a bit, the rest of his ejaculations spraying messily onto my face and down my shirt.

“Oh my God,” he groaned, “Oh yesssss!”

And inside I was feeling exactly the same, so much so that I just had to pull his cock back into my mouth to finish him off; the feeling of his spunk being squirted into my mouth was such an incredibly sexy one.

I stood up, feeling his sperm on my face and using my fingers I gathered it all up and put it into my mouth, swallowing the stuff with wild enthusiasm.

Tony was bright with excitement and was egging me on!

“You going to cum too?” he asked, “Do you want me to help?”

I didn’t have to say anything because Tony simply reached out to my cock and grasping my shaft he began to wank me energetically.

Mere moments later and I stiffened all over as I felt myself orgasm and my cum squirted vigorously from my own cock – only my second ‘public’ ejaculation, with my best mate watching and helping.

It was only then that I came back to reality and realised that I’d swallowed his spunk without any other considerations and I now found myself licking round my mouth to try to gather any spunk that I’d missed. I wanted to enjoy the taste as much as possible and it was then that I determined never to waste another drop of his fluid.

In retrospect, why else did I want him to cum in my mouth, if not to swallow his spunk?

Some few days later, we were down at the barn for another wanking session. Tony as usual pulled out his half-hard cock and again I knelt down and grasped and rubbed it until it was erect and throbbing and now I sucked it deep into my mouth.

“Ohhhh that’s lovely,” groaned Tony, “You going to take it all this time?”

“Mmmmmm,” I agreed; this time I had no intention of wasting even a single dribble of his cum!

I kept his penis well inside my mouth, sucking and licking like anything as I rubbed his shaft. He moved his cock in and out of me as I sucked him while he held my head in place; fucking his cock into my mouth with increasing speed.

As usual, it didn’t take him long to cum the first time and this time I kept my mouth firmly round his cock as it jerked and poured all its hot tasty sperm into my mouth.

“You’re doing it!” groaned Tony as I swallowed another mouthful, “You’re really doing it!”

And this time I knew exactly what I was doing and I had no intention of losing his cum or of spitting it out! I simply swallowed and swallowed until he had finished cumming and then I concentrated on my own cock and wanked my own spunk out by his feet.

Tony’s cock was quite a big one and it used to fill my mouth. As I said earlier, his cock was about an inch bigger than mine and was a fair bit thicker too. In those youthful days I was still only perhaps six inches long but Tony’s penis was already the best part of eight inches in length by now and I had to be careful not to take it too deep for fear of gagging. But it tasted so good that I did my best to let him use my mouth as he liked because now, so long as I had a good mouthful of his penis, then I was happy!

Being young and horny, one orgasm usually wasn’t enough and after we’d cum, Tony and I would stand or perhaps lean against the wall; both of us gently massaging our cocks and discussing the activities of the past ten minutes, while he and I would usually share a fag.

Gradually our cocks would rise again and our massage would turn into wanking and then once his was stiff again, he’d come to me to be wanked or sucked off once more.

I was always pleased to help – because if one orgasm wasn’t enough then one mouthful wasn’t really enough either!

We were young and full of spunk and seldom ran out of juice in those days. We would vary our sex games – sometimes we’d wank together or wank each other, trying to time our cumming together. We became more adventurous, taking off our shirts and trousers, then squirting our showers of spunk over each other’s cock and body.

Sometimes we’d take it in turns to cum, seeing who could cum fastest or shoot furthest. When you’re young it’s amazing just how far your spunk can shoot and a well-timed rub would cause your spunk to be ejected even further than normal.

I carried on sucking him off as often as possible, usually using my hand to masturbate him until he was almost ready to cum and then dropping to my knees to finish him off in my mouth. Mondays were usually the best wanking days because we’d both try to save our spunk over the weekend and on Mondays there seemed to be even more copious quantities of hot sperm for me to swallow or for us to watch shooting from our energetic cocks.

To my regret, Tony wouldn’t suck my cock. Sure, he played with it and brought me off regularly but even though he’d lick up my spunk from his hand, he just wouldn’t go down on me. But I didn’t really mind – I was thoroughly enjoying everything anyway.

Sometimes we just wanked each other rather than involve oral sex and once we’d moved on a bit, one of my favourite methods of wanking was for us to face each other, with our two erections at the ready. I’d pull back his foreskin, bring my cock up to the end of his and then stretch his foreskin out over both his knob and mine. Tony loved me to do this and would lean back, obviously savouring the feelings as I manipulated our cocks together.

Fortunately his foreskin was sufficiently long for me to do this and then to use it to wank us both at the same time, not always successfully, I might add. More often than not he would cum first and his spunk would pump out all over our united knobs before the pressure made it squirt out from between our foreskins and over my hand. All the oozing spunk would coat our cocks and my hand; there’d be blobs and icicles of cum all over my fingers and I just loved the feel of it.

The sheer eroticism of it would make me orgasm so quickly and my cum would soon join his all over our united cocks and my hand. And then once we’d both cum I’d collect as much spunk as I could; lick it all up from my hand and then, getting down on my knees, I’d lick and suck his cock until it was clean and more often than not hard again. His second load would usually be pumped directly down my throat.

Once in a while Tony would be so fired up with excess sperm that he’d have his cock out and erect the moment that we got out of sight, whether we were on our way from college or from home. He’d probably have been erect and rubbing himself even as we walked down the lane and he’d immediately start to wank himself.

“Come here, quick,” he’d say and I’d drop to my knees before him.

Almost at once he’d hold his cock towards me.

“Quick! Here it cums – open your mouth, hurry up!” he’d add.

I’d open wide and within a few seconds he’d complete his wank with a flurry of strokes to push his cock well into my mouth and to pump his generous first load of hot sperm into me.

When he’d finished I’d stand up and we’d lounge around and probably have our usual smoke. He probably wouldn’t put his cock away but instead he’d just keep gently massaging it and just enjoying the feelings that I’d produced.

Once we’d smoked our fags we’d start to concentrate on his cock again. I might take over from him to renew his erection and soon his cock would be pointing rigidly again. This time I’d probably wank his cock for a while until he would tell me that he could feel things happening. Then I’d get down on my knees and suck his erection greedily into my mouth. I’d continue to wank him off until finally he’d thrust his cock into my mouth and erupt his second load of spunk.

While all this was going on I might or might not be playing with my own cock – I had plenty of spunk in me but my need was never so urgent as his.

Sometimes I simply wanted to suck him off – sometimes I needed to cum too but I’d usually bring myself off but only very occasionally did he do it for me. Still I wouldn’t complain because I’d be able to go home with the erotic taste of his spunk in my mouth and on my lips for ages and I’d often still have a full load of spunk of my own to swallow later.

And then we ‘discovered’ another method of wanking; intercrural (between the thighs) intercourse, in which Tony would take down my trousers and pants; then we’d embrace and he’d put his cock between my thighs from the front. We obviously didn’t know of its old Greek pedigree, or its name, but it was fun!

Whether we did it right or not I never knew but then we were ignorant of such nuances; we were just enjoying and relieving ourselves!

It came about as we rubbed our cocks together one day and when he moved a little closer his penis slid beneath mine and rubbed against my balls. Because I was actually some three inches or so taller than Tony our cocks didn’t quite align, so this was always likely to happen if we came close together…and somehow it felt good, if unusual.

“Yeahhhh,” groaned Tony on that occasion, “That was different, your balls felt a bit rougher than your hand, all sort of crinkly and the hairs tickle, they make me feel good.”

“Come on then, push him in there then,” I suggested and Tony’s body closed in on mine again as his cock slid between my legs and I then realised that if I squeezed my legs together tight he’d be able to slide in the resulting crevice and he loved that even more!

“Oh God,” he groaned as our tummies met, “Never felt anything like this – this is gonna make me cum so quickly.”

“Come on then, squirt it!” I said, putting my hand behind me to cup and feel his knob as it punched its way between my legs, “Whenever you’re ready!”

His cock was already wet and slippery; his precum must have been running like a tap; I could actually hear his penis sort of squelching as it penetrated my small opening.

“Yeah, yeah, gonna cum, gonna cum!” he panted, his pelvis and abdomen banging against mine, squashing my erection between us, “Here it cummmms!”

My hand cupping his knob received the full force of his eruption; a blast of hot spunk shot straight against my fingers. His urgent penis pushed hard against my hand, shooting another load for me and I wrapped my sticky wet fingers around his very, very slippery knob, feeling his cum slithering and spreading everywhere.

This was wild – it was wonderful and just so personal and exciting and so dirty – I loved it and I clung to him as the last pulses of his orgasm pumped the final few blobs of cum into my hand.

With a final squeeze of his cock I took my hand away and we parted, Tony’s slippery penis sliding from between my thighs and leaving a satisfactorily chilling wetness. We stood there, both panting gently; Tony with a slimy wet penis and me with soaked thighs and buttocks; a hand covered in his cum and streams of wetness coursing down my legs.

I ignored the last problem as I immediately brought my cum-covered hand to my mouth and licked it clean, removing every single last spot of cum – it was delicious!

I carried a handkerchief now specifically to clean up with and now it was put to good use, although I bent down and used my mouth and tongue to clean up Tony’s penis; no way was I wasting that!

For a while this became our normal way of getting him off.

Sometimes, because of the angle of his cock it often meant that his sperm would be jetted at or over my balls and my arse – sometimes his cock would actually be pushing near my asshole as he unloaded. It did tend to be a bit messy though sometimes, with spunk running everywhere, but it was so very, very erotic!

And then, some while later, Tony put his cock between my legs from behind and that was even more enjoyable. His pre-cum seemed to lubricate his passage between my legs so much better and when he’d finally cum, his sperm would be directed forward and over my balls or into my cupped hand, sometimes even causing me to climax too.

In those far off almost-innocent days we knew nothing of anal sex; I don’t think it crossed our minds at all for him to penetrate my hole. Perhaps, deep inside, he might have wanted to fuck me but the subject never arose.

Just occasionally he and I met at home for sex – usually when we hadn’t been able to have a session at college for a few days or perhaps because bad weather meant that we’d caught the bus home instead of walking. Tony would come to my house and then we’d go off together for a walk; there being little chance of real peace at our homes.

Our walk was nearly always to the old wartime shelter where we could indulge in our sexual release and there we’d get down to it immediately. He’d undo and drop his trousers and he or I would pull out his big hairy cock, which would already be getting hard.

After a couple of rubs it would be standing up just waiting to be sucked. I’d usually bend down or more often get down on my knees and hold his lovely cock in my hands. Once settled I’d rub it for a while to make it start to lubricate, then I’d smear the sticky juices all over his knob and most probably over my lips too. Then I’d pop his cock into my mouth for a quick suck and a taste of his juices.

While I’d be sucking him I’d also be wanking his stem and if perhaps we hadn’t had sex for a few days, I’d soon feel his cock start to throb – his first orgasm never took long to come. Tony would warn me that he was getting near and I’d probably suck harder at his cock and use my tongue to good effect round his knob.

Soon he’d shake and grunt and then his sperm would come pouring out of his cock into my mouth. Five or six good squirts was about normal after a few days off and his cum would fill my mouth to overflowing.

Tony and I never seemed to consider that what we were doing was really wrong or ‘queer’ – we were simply at that very horny, adventurous age before girls became useful or easily available. Neither of us ever made any real anal approach to the other – we simply concentrated on varieties of wanking and sucking – they were fantastic times! I never grew tired of playing with his super cock, wanking it, sucking it or just feeling it in my hand especially as it throbbed and pulsed as his spunk jetted out.

I’ve wondered since if my experiences with him turned me to enjoy sex with men or whether I would have headed that way regardless. What if his cock had only been perhaps four inches long – would I have become any different or any less interested in penises? I don’t know, but those days were a wonderful introduction to male sex – I only wish I could repeat them over and over again.

Right – fast forward a few years.

A new excitement was added one summer and one evening stands out in my memory as the first occasion that I had two cocks to play with and suck in complete freedom.

Almost at the end of our college days, Tony one day asked me to meet him later on in the evening and once I’d changed and had something to eat I walked down the village to the old mill pond where we’d agreed to meet. Soon after I got there, Tony came down the road with a considerably older bloke with him – the guy was probably in his late twenties.

As blokes go I guess he was reasonably good looking – he was tall, fairly slim and he had a nice smile, that’s all I remember noticing.

Tony introduced him – he was Steve – and we chatted amiably for a while before we agreed that we’d “go for a walk”. That was our euphemism for going to the shelter or the barn, so I was feeling quite excited as together we walked down the lane. But instead of going to the shelter Tony led us for some way further until we arrived at a very narrow metal bridge over the mill stream, one that was supposed to be for Water Board workers only although we’d long ago ignored that rule.

We crossed it and slowly worked our way through a thicket of reeds and small trees and well out of sight. As we walked in single file, Tony put his hand back and touched my crotch, then pointed at the other guy behind us and then at my mouth – and I was left to work out that cocks and mouths were to be involved!

This was obviously going to be a sexy adventure as if I hadn’t already guessed!

Soon we reached a well favoured spot – a little clearing we’d made of dried grass and reeds well and truly out of sight and earshot of anyone and where Tony and I had come in the past when we’d perhaps found the barn or the shelter to be otherwise occupied, probably by some young Lothario and his girl.

“Tony tells me you like to suck his cock,” Steve said without much preamble, his hand already rubbing over his groin, “Do you want to suck mine too?”

I nodded eagerly, feeling my cock start to twitch with interest. As he was speaking he and Tony started to undo their flies and then brought out their cocks which both soon became erect in their hands. I stared in delight – if Tony’s cock was eight inches then Steve’s cock was easily nine inches long, possibly longer and when he dropped his trousers I could see that his balls were big too. His knob seemed enormous once his foreskin had rolled right back and even as his monster became erect a trickle of lubrication oozed from his knob – I couldn’t wait to get my mouth round it!

“Wow,” I exclaimed excitedly as I reached out and grasped it, “That’s huge!”

Tony also reached to my zip and extracted my cock too, as if to give me some encouragement and very soon there were three throbbing erect cocks on display; the three of us now all holding each other. And I’m delighted to mention that by now my cock too had grown to virtually full size and development and my seven and a half inch penis was as keen to unload as they were.

I was holding Steve’s cock as he held Tony’s and I began to rub it, covering and exposing his already slippery knob. His knob was both long and thick and I knew that he’d completely fill my mouth with that thing! Soon all three of us were tossing the other off but this wasn’t quite what we’d come here for and so, it being a hot afternoon, clothes were soon shed all around and before long we were all naked. This was a new development that was daring and yet so extremely exciting.

Now we rearranged ourselves, the two men standing before me as I knelt on the ground and attempted to wank two cocks at once but it wasn’t easy, so already knowing Tony’s penis, I pulled Steve’s penis towards me and let it sink deeply into my mouth.

“Yeah mate,” groaned Steve, “Suck me off, come on then!”

His hips pushed his penis into my mouth through my welcoming lips and quite honestly it was all I could do to get all of his helmet inside my mouth. I could taste his precum fluids as they leaked from his cock as I started to wank his penis and suck hard; then suddenly I felt him tense up and I felt his cock swelling.

“Ohhhhh wow, cumming so quickly, here it cums!” he hissed, “Oooh yes!”

Jet after juicy jet of hot slippery salty-sweet sperm filled my mouth and I found myself having to swallow before he’d finished, to make room in my mouth.

His big balls produced loads of warm, really tasty spunk and I took the lot; every last drip!

And as soon as he’d finished cumming, I turned and did exactly the same to Tony’s cock and it didn’t take long for his sperm to join his friend’s in my stomach. I swallowed it all greedily – then I stood up and allowed Steve to wank my cock hard until my orgasm arrived. As it did so, I caught all my spunk in my hand and then I licked it up, realising that I’d been able to swallow three lots of cum, one after another – it was wonderful.

As we recovered and relaxed, each with a cigarette, Steve told me that he’d known Tony and his family for quite a while and that because he and Tony had pretty well been brought up together and so were very close friends, Tony had confided in him about our wanking and sucking sessions.

Steve admitted to him that he always wanted to have his cock sucked by a man and when Tony told him about my liking for a good mouthful, he could hardly restrain himself. Tony obviously swore him to secrecy and Steve promised that he’d tell no-one…in those far-off days of the 1960s I’ll remind you that it was hardly legal even just to be gay, never mind about having gay sex!

Anyway, we’d all been lying naked in a row on the grass smoking while we talked quietly and the conversation never really left the subject of sex, so it wasn’t long before our various cocks started to show signs of renewed interest and I reached over and took hold of Steve’s again.

Soon I was propped up on one elbow as I played with him, just gently rubbing my hand up and down his solid shaft; loving its sheer length and I stroked it until it was completely erect and throbbing again.

As I lay on my side, Tony was now behind me and I felt him come up closer, his erection spearing between my thighs as we’d done before and I wriggled around to accommodate his urgent penis.

I leaned forward and downwards until I could take Steve’s penis into my mouth and this second time somehow I seemed able to get more of him inside but even so his knob alone was one hell of a mouthful! But at least that left a long length of his shaft to rub and I busied myself in making his cock produce generous dribbles of precum; somewhat different in taste to Tony’s…and yet still virtually tasteless. Perhaps it was just the texture that was different; whatever the difference was, it certainly didn’t put me off sucking him for all I was worth!

I could feel my own cock almost bursting with excitement as Tony thrust his lengthy erection between my thighs and Steve thrust his even longer penis between my lips – this was sex with a capital ‘X’!

Gradually our actions increased; Tony’s cock was now thrusting almost violently; His thighs slapping against my arse with each thrust. His urgent penis was banging my balls out of the way with each penetration while Steve’s cock seemed intent on diving right down my throat every moment. I so wanted to take more of him but I hadn’t learnt to overcome my gag reflexes yet so his knob and a few inches of so of his shaft was my lot…but my efforts were working just fine it seemed and Steve was getting all steamed up now…his mouth had fallen open and he seemed to be gasping for air as I sucked him.

I looked up at him, raising my mouth from his penis for a moment.

“You doing ok?” I asked.

“Bloody great mate,” he groaned as he pushed me back to his cock, “Coming up nicely; won’t be too long now.”

Quickly I engulfed his knob again and began working my tongue and lips over and around his glans, bringing forth long sighs of contentment and pleasure. Behind me Tony was huffing and puffing as he continued to slide in and out of the little tunnel between my thighs and then he too showed signs of impending eruption.

“Oh God,” he groaned, “I’m nearly there; nearly…won’t be long…”

His thrusts became jerky and erratic and his hand reached over my hip to pull me to him; then suddenly I felt him lock up hard and stiff, his fingers digging into my hip.

“Aaaahhh – yessss!” he cried, stifling his yell in my shoulder, “Yessssss – here it cummmms!”

I squeezed my thighs tightly around his cock as pulse after pulse of energetic spunk burst forth beneath and front of me as if I had a second cock; the first jet splashing over and around my balls. His second one flew right out and across Steve’s thighs; the third one sprayed up in my crack as Tony withdrew slightly and his fourth squirted out and landed on Steve’s leg again!

The impact of Tony’s cum on Steve was immediate; I felt him stiffen and his penis pushed hard into my mouth. It seemed to swell and almost recoil and I knew what was coming.

“Shit, that’s it, suck it, hard!” he moaned, his hips now jerking spasmodically, “Here it comes – all yours!”

And it was; a huge gout of hot cum fired into my mouth, almost sliding down my throat before I could stop it. I had to cough slightly and just in time before his second gusher topped my mouth up. I swallowed the lot quickly, wishing I’d had more time to enjoy it but I wasn’t to be disappointed as another gob-filler pumped from his penis, while I noted at the same time that Tony had withdrawn his penis from between my legs.

“Bloody hell, you’re good,” he said as he helped me to strip the last of his cum from his slowly softening penis, “Let me help you now.”

With that he sat up and reached down for my penis, pushing me flat to the ground as he started to toss me off.

“You gonna cum quickly too?” he asked and I nodded – I was so excited that it was all I could do to hold it back!

“Any minute,” I moaned as Steve wanked me furiously, his other hand collecting Tony’s cum from his thighs and wiping it over my cock, “Oh God – yesss!”

And with that I let loose; gout after spray of white spunk rocketed up my body, liberally covering my chest and abdomen with streaks and blobs of cum.

Slowly Steve slowed down and eventually allowed my satisfied penis to droop to my belly, where it lay, twitching feebly.

“Lovely!” I moaned, “Thanks Steve, that was perfect!”

“Welcome mate,” he said, “Anyone who can suck me off like that deserves something in return!”

With Tony’s cum cooled between my legs I wiped myself clean with my fingers and transferred all the spunk into my mouth – the fifth load that I’d swallowed that afternoon. I left Tony’s cum untouched because somehow the feeling of cold cum around my balls and my legs was weird and yet exciting in a perverse kind of way although I wasn’t sure why.

We lay back to recover.

“I was going to suck you again, but you had other ideas!” I said to Tony, “Did you enjoy that?”

“Damn right I did,” exclaimed Tony, “Feels so tight in there; guess it’s a bit like what fucking a pussy must feel like.”

I looked over my shoulder at him with a querying look in my eye.

“Don’t start thinking of me as a girl, thank you!” I said.

If only I’d have known how close I’d come to providing the service that a girl can provide…

We lounged around, chewing over the experience and our feelings until we felt refreshed and it was then that I noticed that Steve’s cock was once again rising.

“Fancy emptying another load?” I asked, as I reached out to hold his wonderful penis and Steve nodded.

“Come and find out,” he said and so I knelt over him as he lay on his back, “Should be able to cum again.”

I took his slowly but steadily growing cock into my mouth and began to stimulate him with my lips and tongue. Soon his penis jerked and stiffened until it filled my mouth and until it had grown enough that I could use my hand on his shaft to wank him while I sucked.

For a while there was just the sexy sound of slurping as I worked on his cock with the occasional grunt or groan as I pleasured him. While I sucked him I saw that Tony had become erect again and that he was wanking his cock as he watched us – not only that, he now reached over and took hold of my erection and began wanking me too.

Steve groaned and then asked me to take it easy for a while.

“I don’t believe it! I’m getting close already,” he said, pushing me away gently, “Slow down; let me enjoy it.”

I held his cock and just licked at the knob as if it were a lolly – that way I kept him near to orgasm. I knew how close he was by the way that his cock was leaking fluids; every time I ran my tongue over the tip of his knob I could taste another dribble of pre-cum and his cock was twitching and jumping with his need to cum.

Now Tony was kneeling beside us, stroking his glowing cock with enthusiasm.

“See if we can all cum together,” he said as he wanked his cock faster.

I settled my mouth back over Steve’s cock and started to give him the full treatment again and soon he was moaning and groaning and his hips were pushing his erection deep into my mouth.

“Ooh damn, I’m nearly there,” he groaned, “Come on Tony – and you Chris, cum with me.”

Tony wanked himself faster before knee-walking even closer to us. He pushed his cock towards me and pulled my hand until it was around his shaft.

“Oh Chris, Chris, finish me off now please,” Tony moaned, “I’m ready to unload!”

I gripped his cock and wanked him while he began to concentrate on wanking my cock. I’d been getting close to coming for a while and now I felt my orgasm rising too.

“It’s going to be good,” I said, “We’re going to make it. I’ll be with you any moment now.”

I lowered my mouth over Steve’s erection once more and began wanking and licking him. Soon I felt Steve’s body tense up.

“I’m cumming,” he said, “Right in your mouth – ooh, gonna squirt! Oh yes, here it cums!”

I felt his cock swell and then pump out a substantial gush of spunk and then another one, filling my mouth to what felt like overflowing again.

I lifted my head away and continued to wank him, causing several more jets of sperm to gush from his cock and land on his chest. And as that was happening Tony groaned, grabbed his penis from my grasp, pointed it at Steve’s chest and began to shoot his sperm all over him and in a brilliant show of coordinated wanking, he jerked my cock harder too and I felt my sperm being ejected over Steve’s body to join the several pools of spunk that were gathering there.

His body was lavishly covered with our generous offerings of pools of liquid and big blobs of white spunk; although there would have been much more had these been our first ejaculations. He looked delectably tasty!

“Who wants it?” said Steve as he started to gather it together with his fingers, “Do you want to try some, Tony?”

“Go on then, I’ll share it with Chris,” said Tony to my astonishment and between us we licked and wiped Steve’s body more or less clear of spunk.

“I’ve been learning from you,” said Tony, “If you liked it so much, why didn’t I try it and now I like it too. I promise I’ll suck you off next time we can get together.”

Soon after we’d all cleaned up our third offering of spunk we had to go home – it was getting late but I’m pleased to say that Tony was as good as his word and over the next six months or so we wanked and sucked each other with enthusiasm.

During that particular summer the three of us met quite regularly, when I was able to repeat the pleasure of sucking off both lovely cocks and each time we were together I’d end up with load after load of spunk in my mouth. Mind you, I wasn’t the only one; by the end of that summer we were all committed cock-suckers.

It was the following spring that things developed further. Steve was working away from home so there was just Tony and me for now and we were still just as horny. We continued to meet in the barn or the old shelter – and then we had a stroke of luck – Tony’s parents went to visit his grandparents, leaving him at home for a weekend. At almost 20 he was well old enough to look after himself and to behave and they set off for their trip soon after work one Friday evening. And within a couple of hours, I was at Tony’s place, already stripping my clothes off while Tony was doing the same, needless to say!

For once we could use his bed – to get horizontal if necessary and at the very least, be more comfortable. Soon were both naked and eyeing each other up and down across the bed. We’d both grown into fit and healthy young men; lean rather than muscular from lots of sport and both well tanned from use of the local outdoor swimming pool. Tony and I had physically grown together; he’d grown taller and I’d got some muscles at last and we were a well-match pair…even down to our erections, although he was still that bit longer!

“Come on, lie down,” entreated Tony, leaping to lie flat on the single bed.

Soon I lay beside him, both flat on our backs, our hands on our erections as we pondered on what to do next.

“Do you want to suck me off like you usually do?” asked Tony and I hummed my agreement.

I moved down the bed until Tony’s stiff penis swayed just before my face. I took hold of his penis, enjoying the stiffness and pulled his foreskin back, making Tony gasp with pleasure.

His shiny crown now glowed just inches from my mouth – it looked too good to ignore, so I dived straight in. My open mouth engulfed the first four inches of his penis in one go; then I closed my lips and began sliding up and down his shaft. Applying suction to his cock as well, I soon had him moaning and groaning as well as bucking and jerking beneath me. My practiced tongue slid deftly around his knob, poking into his little slit and running around the fleshy ridge where his plum joined his shaft. Faster and faster I worked on him until Tony pushed me away…

“No – whoa. Not yet, that’s too quick,” he said, pulling his penis from me, “Anyway, I’ve decided I want to cum between your legs; I like that. Is that ok?”

“Oooh yeah, will you?” I asked excitedly, because I was starting to love the feel of his penis sliding under my balls and against my perineum too almost as much as I enjoyed a good mouthful of cock and cum.

“Let me come in from behind,” he said, “Roll over onto your front.”

Quickly I did so, although this was a different position, us being on the bed and I felt Tony moving around before I felt his knees and thighs land on either side of my thighs. And immediately I felt the heat of his cock resting on my bottom as he settled above me. I wriggled around a bit and his cock slid somewhat jerkily between my cheeks and down towards my balls.

But it didn’t slide properly – we needed some lubrication if we were to do it this way round.

“Something slippery,” said Tony, “What is there?”

Now these were the day well before KY was around; well before the word ‘lubrication’ was used for anything other than cars and hinges; well before you could just nip into a shop and buy something suitable.

“Butter?” I suggested, a bit dubiously, as I wasn’t all that keen on the idea of having melted butter all over my arse and balls!

“Nooo – ah, got it – some Vaseline…there’s some in the medicine cupboard; hang on,” and Tony was up and off me in a shot.

Shortly afterwards he was back, showing me the little jar as he unscrewed the top.

“Sod it – its bloody cold!” he said chuckling, “I just put some on my cock; made me go limp!”

He sat or rather knelt up with his legs astride me and as I lay there I could hear the slippery sliding of his hand as he stropped his cock back into action. Soon he was ready again.

“That’s better,” he said after a short while, “All warmed and slippery now and I’m really hard.”

I felt Tony’s penis land between my cheeks as it slid down towards my crevice; his penis now well lubricated.

Now he slid smoothly and easily down the crack until I felt his pubes resting on top of my arse.

I pushed my hand round from underneath and felt the end of his cock as it brushed past my balls and I cupped his knob and held him as close to my balls as I could to increase both the friction and the feelings on my balls and my perineum.

Tony started to move up and down, dragging his penis almost out of my cleft before pushing himself down again. I began to move my around to get more stimulation, because now we’d both warmed up, the Vaseline had become semi liquid and everything was really very, very lubricated. And it was at that moment as I pushed my arse upwards and sort of spread my cheeks by pushing outwards, that Tony’s cock slid between my cheeks and caught at my hole. Momentarily it slid into my puckered ring – I don’t know – perhaps an inch or so, possibly more, before he quickly pulled his cock out.

“Aaaaagh!” I cried as the sudden pain and shock hit me.

“Oh sorry, sorry Chris, sorry mate,” Tony said contritely patting my back but once again driving his cock into the cleft of my arse, “Didn’t mean to. Did it hurt?”

“Yeah, just for a moment, then it was ok. It wasn’t really all that painful; it was more of a shock,” I said, looking over my shoulder at him, “Anyway, what happened? What were you doing?”

“I just sort of slipped; my cock was so slippery that when I slid down it sort of caught on your hole and it was the angle I was at that did it,” he explained.

“You could do some damage down there,” I said, imagining his cock ripping me apart, “Just be careful where you stuff it will you.”

“Yeah sure,” said Tony, “But it was nice for me!”

“Huh!” I grunted, “Felt weird for me though.”

“Yeah, I nearly slid into you!” said Tony, “Nearly had my cock inside you!”

“You’re a dirty sod!” I exclaimed, feeling my arsehole twitching as I spoke, “You’d better be careful how you poke me!”

The nastiness of his actions was actually very stimulating and instead of being repulsed, part of me was thinking how exciting it would be to have his cock sliding into my hole. My hips betrayed me as they squirmed without any planned ideas.

“Do you want me to try again then?” asked Tony, now moving so that his cock was rubbing around my hole, “Shall I try and get it in there again?”

Suddenly the thought of having his cock inside me had become a powerful one – suddenly it was just what I wanted to try!

“Go on then but be bloody careful though!” I said.

“Help me then,” said Tony, “Lift your bum a bit. Try to push out…yeah – like that, now hold it!”

And then I felt it – his penis lodged into my anus, pushing and pushing and sliding and penetrating me; stretching my sphincter ring to breaking point. I let out a big muted yell and Tony told me to keep quiet.

“I’m just inside,” he said, “I can still see a bit of my knob but the rest is inside you.”

“Bloody hurt,” I groaned, “When you first went in there but it’s stopped now. Hold still for a little while.”

Tony’s penis remained lodged inside my anus while I recovered my breath and while I got used to the stretching feeling and before too long it actually began to feel quite good; almost enjoyable now…and suddenly I found myself panting with desire.

“Ooooh Tony, you know what? That’s nice,” I groaned as his penis quivered at the entrance to my hole, “Ok – try pushing in; gently.”

I felt Tony’s weight descend onto his penis as he pushed and slowly and gently and quite easily his cock slid deeper and deeper into me.

“Ahhhh!” I gasped, as his cock forced my arsehole open, “I said be careful!”

“I am, I am,” he answered, “Long way to go yet though.”

I could feel the size of his cock as his knob slid through my sphincter and then things became easier and the deep pain departed.

“Oh wow, that’s so different. You’re stretching me and hurting a bit but I don’t mind now,” I told him, “How’re you feeling?”

“Bloody good Chris,” Tony enthused as he pressed his penis into me, “You’re tight and hot and this is even better than putting it between your thighs.”

“Not bad is it?” I replied, now beginning to find my way around this new experience.

I squeezed my sphincter muscles round his cock, feeling his power as his shaft slid in and out of my bowels, feeling the stiffness of his cock and the warmth too.

“I can’t believe I’ve got my cock inside you,” said Tony, now moving his penis in and out a bit faster, “I never thought we’d do this…”

“Me neither,” I said, “This is weird! We’re not supposed to do this!”

“I won’t tell if you won’t,” said Tony still thrusting away steadily, “Anyway, I like it – it’s good – better than standing up and poking away between your legs.”

“I won’t say a word Tony,” I said, pushing myself back at his driving cock, “Cos I think I want you to do this again and again!”

No-one had to know because in those far-off days, gay sex was still illegal and the stigma attached to such anal acts was still truly enormous.

“Oh brilliant,” said Tony, his thrusts now faster and harder, “I think your arse is going to get me off quicker than your hand!”

“Gonna cum then?” I asked, half wanting him to and half worried about what would happen if he did.

In some ways I wanted to have his cock spurting in my mouth or feel that hot sperm squirting at my balls while in other ways I wanted to feel it squirting up inside me. I just didn’t know which would be best except that this experience would definitely be different!

“Yeah – gonna cum soon,” repeated Tony, still driving hard into me and taking my options from me.

There was a smell of hot sex floating in the air that was driving me mad and I just couldn’t help but respond. I found myself lifting my arse, pressing hard back at his cock, squeezing it as he penetrated me, doing my best to extract his sperm.

“Come on then, do it inside me,” I said daringly, “Let it go up there!”

“Yeahhhhh!” groaned Tony his hips now hammering his cock into me, “Yeahhhhh – gonna do it then…gonna cum! Going to cum right NOW!”

“Aaaaahhhh!” I cried as I felt him push harder inside me and begin to unload his offering.

“Uuuuugh! Uuuuuugh! Ooooooh, yeahhhhh!” cried Tony as his cock jerked out his sticky slippery juices into my body.

“Oooooh yeah!” I cried as I felt his scalding hot cum splashing from his penis and coating my bowels.

It was a weird feeling – something hot seemed to be spreading up inside my body – not unpleasant but like nothing I’d ever felt before.

“Oh God,” groaned Tony as he collapsed down onto my back, his penis still quivering and twitching inside me, “Oh God, that was good.”

“Did you cum?” I asked, not entirely knowing for certain.

“Did I cum? Bloody right I did – best cum I’ve ever had I reckon. You must be full right up!” said Tony as he knelt up again, “Soon find out when I take my cock out.”

I felt his penis start to slide slowly from my body; feeling it dragging against me as his knob caught on my anal muscles; and then he was gone and I felt my hole automatically clenching and squeezing as it shut itself tight again.

“Phew,” I said, grateful and yet sad that it was over, “Feels all strange now. Like something’s missing.”

“It is – my cock!” laughed Tony, “Suppose you’ll be wanting me to do that again now?”

“Might do,” I said cautiously, even though I was still revelling in the feelings that his penis had generated, “We’ll see. By the way, how do I find out if you’ve cum inside me?”

I was pretty certain that he had done so because it felt warm inside me but I needed real proof.

“Try pushing out a bit with your arse like you want to shit…don’t push too hard!” said Tony and so I did, somewhat gingerly.

“Hah – here it comes – cor, there’s loads of it!” he said and I felt something warm and wet trickling down under my balls.

I put my hand there and collected quite a bit of it – it was spunk all right!

“Get me a towel or something, Tony,” I asked and he was back in a few moments with a small hand towel on which I wiped my hand and then my arse.

If it got dirty then that was his problem!

In the meanwhile my cock had been neglected but despite that it was still firmly erect so I rolled over onto my back on the bed.

“You going to suck me off now?” I asked Tony, “I definitely need to cum.”

“Yeah – all right,” he said as he mounted the bed and got between my legs, “You ready?”

“Course I am,” I said, holding up my penis for him, “Help yourself!”

And Tony did – no finesse – he just dived straight onto my cock, sucking him deeply into his mouth. Then he began bobbing up and down; every so often stopping so that he could wank me instead but after a while, when I was just getting close, he stopped and looked at me.

“My cock’s gone all hard again,” he said, “Could I put it back inside you? Please? I’ll wank you off while I do it…I promise.”

I pondered the idea but not for long – our first fuck had been enjoyable, fun and interesting and perhaps more importantly, after the initial pain, it hadn’t really hurt. What’s more, somehow it gave me a kind of control over Tony – now he wanted me because I had something ‘extra special’ to offer him.

“Come on then,” I said, spreading my legs wider, “Can you get in from where you are?”

“I’ll put a pillow under you – lift up,” he said

I raised my buttocks while he positioned a pillow beneath me with the sticky towel on top of it and I felt the cool wetness of his cum against my cock and my belly.

“That’s better,” he said, “Now ummmm, where the Vaseline? Ah – got it.”

I watched over my shoulder as he spread some more of the sticky slippery gel over his erect penis.

“You liked putting your cock in me, didn’t you?” I asked, knowing the answer.

“Yeah – it was brilliant! Hey, I fucked you! First time I’ve ever fucked anyone!” said Tony happily, “Yeah, fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuuuck!!”

I laughed with him because I too was happy. It had made me horny as well and if he could now toss me off as he fucked me, it would be the epitome of pleasure!

I wriggled my arse at him, almost seductively.

“Are you going to put him in then?” I asked and although Tony didn’t answer, he moved closer and closer until I felt his penis rub against my body.

Then I felt his tip at my hole once more and then with one big long push, he slid his cock right up inside me!

“Aaaaaagggh! Shiiiiiiit!” I cried, because he’d been a bit brutal this time.

“Sorry Chris, I though it would be ok,” said Tony as he continued moving in and out once again, “You were so wet and slippery that it just slid in.”

“Well, next time, think of me too,” I said, “It’s ok now but try to remember.”

Tony nodded his head, but he was thinking with his balls now as he set up a good rhythm.

You’re so nice and tight,” he exclaimed, as his penis slid in and out, “It feels really good!”

Then I realised that with my cock underneath me, I wouldn’t be able to be wanked.

“Let’s change places,” I said, “Turn over onto our sides, then you can wank me and still keep your cock inside me.”

Without further ado we shifted the pillow and towel and moments later Tony was lying behind me, his penis hard up inside me while he held my erection and started wanking me in time with his lunges and thrusts.

For a while there was just the slap of flesh on flesh; the slither of hand on foreskin and the sounds of us both breathing faster and harder. Soon Tony was panting – his thrusts were even faster and he seemed to be trying to tear my cock off! But I didn’t care because I was almost there…and so was Tony!

With one last body-stiffening plunge he forced his penis as far into my guts as he could and froze for a moment.

“Uuuuuuugh! Uuuuuuugh!” he cried and I felt two flushes of warmth spread inside me – soon followed by some more lesser glowing eruptions.

And as he came, so did I – my body causing my hole to clamp down on his cock at the same time as I forced my penis up through his fist!

“Yeahhhhh, aaah! Ooooooh! Oh yeahhhhh!” I cried as gush after gush of my pent-up sperm flooded from my cock to splash wetly over the bed; then over Tony’s hand.

Tony remained firmly between my thighs as we both regained our breath.

“Shit – that was good! I needed that; that was bloody good!” said Tony, somewhat tiredly, “You ok?”

“Yeah mate,” I said, almost sleepily, “That was good too. You made me cum a lot, didn’t you?”

“Did, didn’t you,” said Tony, “Hey, I think we’d better clean this lot up.”

His hand left my cock and I heard him sucking my cum from it before he handed me the towel and I mopped up the sticky, deliciously smelly sperm from the bed. I handed him the towel again and a few moments later he had the towel ready as he pulled his cock from my hole. He was still pretty hard and the feeling as he slid slowly from me was exquisite – I felt every knurl and vein and ridge of his cock until it finally slid from my body. Tony clamped the towel over my arse to catch his overflow; then he leaned over and sucked my penis, sucking up every last dribble of my still-warm spunk – and so he should!

Finally we sat up on the bed and just grinned hugely at each other.

“Beats wanking, doesn’t it?” said Tony, “That was the best thing I’ve ever done I think.”

“Enjoyed yourself, didn’t you?” I asked, “I bet you want to put your cock in me all the time now, don’t you?”

“Don’t get me started!” said Tony laughing and rubbing his half-hard penis, “Won’t take much to get me hard again!”

“So where do we go from here?” I asked, because I also wondered if I might get to put my cock inside Tony, “Any chance of me doing that to you some time?”

“Have to see, won’t we,” said Tony – and I noticed that his cock had suddenly stiffened and was now completely rigid once more. The idea had obviously excited him!

But for now it was time for me to head back home – there was always tomorrow and there would be other days…

Sadly however, there were few ahead of us. Tony’s parents returned from their visit and announced that they’d decided to move to be closer to his mother’s parents and within a few months Tony and his family were gone.

We only managed to get together for a couple of quick wanking and sucking sessions and then we were saying our goodbyes. His new home was well over a hundred miles away – as good as being on another planet to me.

But we’d had some incredible times and I had more than enough memories to keep me happy.


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