Zac’s story – Chapter 5


Gay story: Zac’s story – Chapter 5

Author: Zac22

“Dude, you’re soaked, what happened?” Brent asked. He was still not overly drunk so he must have hit it off with Michele. Randy was totally gone.

“Somebody spilled beer on me” I replied. “You ready to go?”

“Yeah but Randy can’t walk.” Brent said looking at him in a chair.

“Yeah I can you guys” Randy leaned forward in his chair to get up and nearly fell on the floor. I caught him and helped him to his feet.

I put his arm around my shoulder and basically carried him to Brent’s car. Brent couldn’t really help me with Randy since he was drunk to, but he wasn’t that bad so he could walk on his own. We got almost all the way out to the car when Randy puked all over. He was able to avoid puking on me or himself for the most part but got a fair amount on us. I got him to the car and leaned him up against the side.

“Well I guess this shirt isn’t salvageable.” I took off my shirt and dropped on the street corner. I did the same with Randy’s shirt but used a dry part of his shirt to wipe off his face. Brent got in the car and I put Randy in next to him “Keep an eye on him and make sure he pukes out the window if he has to.”

We got back to Brent’s house and surprisingly we got inside and down to his room quietly. Brent went into the bathroom to pee. “I got pee too” Randy said.

I brought Randy in the bathroom. “You need help?” I asked.

“No I get it” He answered and stepped up to the toilet. He was standing ok so I thought he’d be ok. Then before I could take one step away he just started peeing. He didn’t undo his jeans or anything. He just stand up to the toilet and let it go. I hurried over and undid his pants helped him pee.

When he was done I got him undressed and tossed his soaked clothes in the corner and got him in the shower. “Stay there for a minute I’ll be right back” Brent had a nice walk-in shower that had a bench but I didn’t trust Randy on it so I put him on the floor.

I stepped out to Brent’s room “Randy pissed himself so I gotta get him in the shower. Do you need anything?” I don’t know why I even asked, While I was saying that I saw him trying to get his shoe off but couldn’t figure it out. The alcohol had caught up to him, but he still wasn’t as bad as Randy so that was my priority.

I grabbed a couple towels from the closet and went back into the bathroom. Randy was still sitting in the shower smiling away. “Did you know I’m naked?” he asked.

“Yes Randy you peed your pants” I replied. He just laughed.

I got undressed and turned on the shower. I lifted him up to the bench and let the water run on him. I squirted body wash on him with one hand while I had to keep my other hand on his shoulder to hold him up. “Ok, I’m gonna have to touch you to clean you off, ok?” I don’t even know why I asked because he just smiled like an idiot.

I rubbed him down quickly and rinsed him off and got clean myself. I shut off the water and put a towel around my waist. I picked him up and did the same to Randy. At this point he couldn’t even hold himself up to stand. “Screw it” I said as I bent down, put my shoulder to his stomach, put my arm around his legs and picked him up. That didn’t work so I put his arm around my shoulder and held him up by my head and put my other arm under his legs and lifted him that way.

I got him to Brent’s bed and laid him down. Brent was still trying to get his shoe off. I dried off and put on a pair of clean underwear from Brent’s dresser and went down to help Brent get undressed. I got him undressed and on the couch and gave him the TV remote.

I then went back to the dresser and got another pair of underwear for Randy. Brent had turned on Cinemax and at this time of night it was nothing but porn. I would’ve made him change it, but that was the least of my worries. I went over to Randy and dried him off and put the underwear on him. Then I laid him down on Brent’s bed. I sighed in relief that all of that was done.

Right as I was finally able to sit down Brent said “I gotta pee again, but I can’t get up.”

I got back up, helped Brent to his feet and walked him to the bathroom and now I regretted not making him change the channel. He had a hardon from the porn but I hadn’t noticed quite yet. I held him up and he got his boxers down on his own but started peeing on the wall. I quickly held his dick down to the toilet until he was done.

I got him back to the couch and turned the channel. Randy was passed out. I got a couple garbage cans and put one next to each of them in case they had to puke. I didn’t expect either to puke since Brent rarely ever did and Randy had already puked tonight, but I wanted to cover my bases. After all I never expected to have sex with a straight guy, have to give my best friend a shower because he pissed himself, or that I’d have to hold my other best friends hardon to prevent him from peeing on the wall. This whole night was one shock after the other.

I would’ve expected a night that I had had my hands on three cocks would have been more fun. Granted the first was great but the other two were just work and touching friends like that is just not as exciting. I’ll preempt the question that I know many people would ask. Brent hard was probably around 7 inches. First time I had ever gotten a good look, and in this case feel, of one of my friends with an erection. Seen before, yes, but not this much of a look.

I got both of them in bed/couch and all was taken care of so I got in bed and went to sleep.

After that night, I decided to take a break from relationships. I needed to get over Jon and just relax. This way I could stop worrying about sex and dating and just have fun with my friends.

We finished the school year and then went through senior year. I didn’t sleep with anyone or even date for that year and a half. I was actually really happy with it. Sure I missed being in a relationship and masturbation went into overdrive but I didn’t get hurt and I had a lot of fun with my friends and actually enjoyed my senior year.

Well, actually, during my senior year I joined a few dating/chat sites just to meet people and ended up talking to a few cool guys and avoiding many many others. Chatting was fun though I didn’t do the cam and picture exchange that so many guys wanted. I just wanted to meet people and talk for fun. It was nice because online you can be whatever you want to be.

I didn’t lie to people about myself, but if the question came up about ‘size’ I could always say, “oh I’m 7 inches” and they’d never know that I’m more like 5 rounding up slightly from 4.5ish. I never looked to meet anyone or get into a relationship because I thought it would be better to wait until college so I wouldn’t start something and then leave when I go to school.

Brent ended up really clicking with Michele and decided to go to the near by college to be closer to her. Chris and Kristin didn’t work out and he went to school with Brent and roomed together in the dorms there. Randy and I went to another school out of state but close by. The interesting thing with us going to school together was that we applied to room together in the dorms, but when we got there they had a problem. I don’t lie about my sexuality so I answered the forms honestly.

The forms asked questions about personality and sexuality and comfort with other peoples personalities and sexualities. They were concerned that it may be a problem for Randy to room with a gay guy. So we had to fill out a ton more paper work that relieves the school of any liability. Basically, Randy was no longer allowed to sue them form making him uncomfortable by making him room with a gay guy. First we laughed at the situation but the paperwork was a pain in the ass.

Anyway, we got to room together in the dorms. They were set up so that lower and upperclassman were together. The building was coed but roommates were not. So we were on the same floor as guys, girls, freshman, seniors, grad students, etc. Each floor had a living area with huge TV and stereo system and also had a big kitchen for everyone to use.

Each room was pretty much the same. Ours was an ok size with two beds sort of in the shape of an L so that Randy’s was against the far wall and mine was on the left size of the room against the wall. It opened space that way so that there was a desk inserted between the two beds so that my desk was right next to my head when I slept and at the top of his bed.

His desk was next to his bed and the bathroom. We had our own bathroom to share rather than a bathroom for the floor. We also got a pretty big closet with two dressers. The room was nice and all of them were mostly the same except upperclassman got rooms and a bathroom to themselves so it was nicer. Same size for them but they didn’t have to share.

The policies for the building were pretty lax considering it being coed. Girls could wear whatever they wanted on the floors as long as they had something on in addition to bra and panties so most girls when they were in the kitchen or living area just wore shorts and skimpy shirts or pajamas. Guys had less restrictive rules and had to have something on in addition to underwear so guys could just wear shorts and no shirt. Depending on who was in the kitchen or living area most guys would at least put on a tank or sleeveless shirt, but nobody really cared so shirtless was pretty common.

They put people on each floor based on the personality paperwork so all the people on our floor had no problem with homosexuality and had similar interests and personalities. It was cool because after just a couple months in school we had tournaments on various video games involving guys and girls and also had little parties and ate together quiet a bit.

There were around 30-34 people per floor and if we ate together we usually ate in groups of 5-10. There were around 18 girls to 12 guys on our floor. I always wore at least shorts and a tank around our floor while three other guys did the same, the rest of the guys would either sometimes or usually go shirtless. I did not mind one little bit; the girls never complained either.

We all knew each other on the floor but it seemed like it was broken into two groups that got to be closer friends and hung out a lot. As a whole group we didn’t hang out as much and didn’t know each other really closely. All the girls on the floor were straight and the same goes for the guys except me…at first

Now that I was in college, I was ready to date again and though I wasn’t pursuing a relationship aggressively, I was open to one. Randy and I had gone to a few parties and I had met a few guys, but none were my type. I didn’t mind; I was still having fun.

I had one class Tuesday mornings with two athletes one basketball and one wrestling who would go to this class right after morning workouts. I had a very hard time paying attention Tuesdays. One of them wore a cut off t-shirt that was totally open from his arms to his hips making his sweaty chest and stomach totally visible from the side.

The other sat just in front of me and had very strong shoulders and well built arms. He had medium length light brown hair and it was always wet from sweating during workout. So every Tuesday I could see a sweaty wrestler’s chest and abs a few rows up and to the right while I could see and smell another guy’s strong back with sweat dripping down his hair and neck. I was always the last one to leave the room, as I needed to conceal my erection each day.

One day in early November, I was sitting in the living area watching TV. The building was pretty empty because there was a campus event on the library lawn and I had already checked it out the day before. So, I was relaxing when Shawn, one of the guys on my floor, came over to me.

Shawn had blond hair and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. He had short hair and a little scruff facial hair when he skipped a few days shaving. He was in a wheelchair but would be about six feet tall standing. He could walk a little bit, but he needed to lean on countertops or whatever was around to keep balance. He was a freshman too, but had his own room instead of a roommate.

He was a cool guy and always joked about his wheelchair. He was totally comfortable with answering questions about his disability. At this point everyone on the floor didn’t care about the wheelchair and he was just another guy on our floor. He didn’t get any sympathy from us and no one ever asked if he needed help with anything because most of the time he’d get whatever done before you could even think to ask if he needed help.

“What’s up Shawn?” I asked.

“Nothin much.” He said. “What you watchin?”

“Nothing really, just flipping through trying to find something decent.” I replied.

Shawn rolled up to me with his elbows leaning on his knees turned half way between the TV and me. “You got plans tonight?”

“No, how bout you” I said casually still looking for something on TV.

“Me neither,” He paused a couple seconds, “you wanna go out to eat?”

“Sure, who all’s goin?” I replied as I landed on Comedy Central playing an episode of The Daily Show.

“Oh, no one, I was just wondering if you wanted to go with me” His voice dropped slightly to an awkward, nervous tone.

I turned the TV down and looked at him giving him my full attention now. “Wait, do you mean like” I paused “like a date?”

Shawn had his arms folded in his lap while he was leaning over still facing half way between the TV and me. He was blushing slightly and he quickly replied, “Yeah, I mean if you don’t want to that’s cool. You don’t have to-”

“No, I’ll go out with you” I interrupted. He looked up at me with a relieved look, “I just had no idea that you’re gay.”

“Yeah, well I wouldn’t know that you’re gay either if you didn’t wear that necklace.” He said finally making eye contact still blushing slightly.

“That’s true” I paused looking at him clearly still a little on edge over asking me out “You know, you’re really cute when you’re embarrassed haha”

He smiled and turned bright red as he laughed and covered his face with his hands.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you even more, but I’ve never seen you blush like that and it’s cute” I laughed as he put his hands down and smiled. “So where are we going to tonight?”

“I don’t know, Applebee’s or something. I didn’t really think much farther than asking you.” He laughed.

“Haha, ok, that sounds good.” I laughed. “So, what time do you wanna go, or did you also not plan that?”

“Leave here around seven?” He replied.

“Sounds good to me.” I agreed.

“Cool” he smiled “I can drive us, you wanna meet out here at seven then?” He asked as he sat up ready to go back to his room.

“Yeah, just one more thing” I said before he could roll away. “Are you out at all or do you want this to be secret or what?”

“Oh, it’s cool, I don’t care who knows.” He replied.

“Ok, see you tonight.” I smiled as he went back to his room.

Once he left I texted Randy “I have a date tonight!” and went to our room and got in the shower.

When I got out of the shower Randy had gotten back, “Who? What? Where? When? Why?”

“Can you at least let me get dressed? And what kinda questioning is that” I laughed.

“Well, you can’t just text me you have a date and nothing else. So who is it?” He interrogated as I dried off and got dressed.


“For real? He’s gay?”

“Yeah” I said smiling.

“When did this happen?”

“Well I don’t know the exact date, but I’m pretty sure he’s been gay for a while”

“Shut up, you know what I mean”

“He asked me right before I texted you”


“I was watching TV and he just came up to me and asked. I felt bad because I didn’t know he was asking me out at first. I thought he was asking me to join a group or something”

“Wow, so where are you going? When?”

“He’s taking me to Applebee’s at seven.”

“Awesome, so is he in the closet or something?”

“No, he said he doesn’t care if people know, he just doesn’t advertise it. I mean I’m the same way other than the necklace.”

“Ok, so it’s ok if I start telling everyone here while you guys are gone?” He asked with a sly grin.

“You should ask him that before you go spreading it around. Plus we don’t know yet if it’s going to be more than one date.” I answered.

“Ok, do you like him?” He continued.

“He’s cute and we’ve gotten along so far. I just don’t wanna get my hopes up. I don’t know that much about him or what kind of boyfriend he is so let’s just wait at least one date before you make me answer all this stuff.”

“You’re boring, I’m gonna text him” He laughed and sat on his bed.

“What the hell, what are you texting him?” I laughed rolling my eyes.

“I wanna know if I can tell people”

“You are such a gossipy chick”

“Whatever” he paused for a few seconds waiting for a reply. “Sweet, I can!”

Seven rolled around and we went to the restaurant. He drove a truck so he could easily lift his chair in and I just sat back and watched him take care of it knowing that I would’ve just messed it up. When we got to the restaurant we ordered and got to chatting.

“So, you do realize that when we get home, Randy will have told everyone.” I said.

“Yeah, I was a little surprised at how quickly he asked me if he could.” He laughed.

“So, since you don’t tell people, does anyone know?” I asked.

“Yeah, I came out to my friends in high school and my parents, but just don’t think much of it now and I guess I just did bother telling anyone here. I guess they’ll all know shortly.” He smiled.

I was looking at him in a totally new light now. He had a very strong upper body with thick arms, strong chest, and strong broad shoulders. His smile was absolutely adorable and I wouldn’t stop looking at his amazingly blue eyes.

We continued talking as we ate dinner. I told him about me and told him about the situation with Jon and when I came out and everything I could think of to say and answered all his questions. “Ok, so now you tell me about yourself. Hobbies? Interests? Old boyfriends?” I prodded.

“Ok, well you know a lot already but I like video games, sports, I play some sports, I am kind of a movie buff and have a bunch of DVDs and love going to the movie theater.” I nodded as he continued “And, well, this is a little awkward. I have talked to a couple guys and sort of dated but not really.”

“Ok.” I paused “You don’t have to say if you don’t want to, but what do you mean sort of dated? What did you do with him? You don’t have to say.”

“Um, I went out with a guy but never really were boyfriends and never even kissed a guy before.” He was blushing again.


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