Geoff and Chet Ch. 06

Chapter 06 Geoff gets his reward

We got home around lunch and Matt was indeed home. The kitchen was a disaster—he had made “snacks” and everything was out. I heard the cries from the pool—Matt had brought friends and they were horsing around in the sunshine.

“Normally, I would have a fruit protein drink for lunch, but there is sandwich stuff if you want.” “The drink is just fine for me too. Let me help. Then, if you don’t mind, I’d like to use the Peloton and maybe take a nap. I don’t think I got too much rest last night, and I want to be ok for tonight.”

“Done.” So I made the smoothies and Chet helped to clean up the mess. Then, I showed Chet to the gym and got him started. Outside, I brought Matt up to speed.

Matt explained that they were going camping until Monday—assuming that Dad approved–as I assumed he would. I reminded Matt that Mom would be home Tuesday and presumably wanted most of his time after that to get him ready for Regent. He frowned, but understood. “That’s the reason for the camping. Doug has scored some really good stuff and we want to be in the open air to try it. We are going to camp on the back of Pat’s acreage in that large cottonwood grove by the creek—so we aren’t going far. This is sort of a pre-birthday celebration before school.”

“I thought that was last night. Do you know when the lacrosse drug testing will be?”

“Not for at least a week. It should be out of my system by then. And we aren’t going to drive. We’re going to ride. And no girls this time.”

“Well, good luck with Dad. He should be up by 4. Have you two had the talk yet?”

“He looked at me like I was from Mars. Oh sure. We did that, years ago.”

“That’s not what I mean. Let me give you a quick preview—or perhaps the whole picture, since Dad is often reluctant on these kinds of issues. You’re going to be 17 in a few days and that brings new Texas laws into play.”

“You know we’ve got money and that we tend to be more liberal than most of our neighbors and friends—I guess you find that your own views are pretty liberal at Regent. Well, it goes beyond that. Mom experimented with the Italian Communist Party when she was young and ended up a card carrying socialist—all before she and Dad met. The Foundation tends to finance some pretty liberal stuff. Her trip to Rome was to put together a JV to provide food distribution for the migrants on Texas’ southern border. This is not very popular with most Austin politicians, to say the least. Mom just joined George Soros’ board—one of the most radical leftist foundations in the world. And Dad has testified on the need for some level of gun regulation. This family has targets painted all over us. They would like nothing better than to embarrass Mom—and Dad—if they could. A drug bust or maybe even a statutory rape charge would certainly get press attention. Under the new Texas law, if the girl has drugs or alcohol in her system, she can’t give consent to sex—and as a 17 year old, you’re an adult, ‘raping a minor’ without her consent. Drugs, alcohol and sex shouldn’t be in the same place at the same time—at least among minors. Get the picture? We need to be really careful. With Mom’s money and her charity come responsibilities for all of us.”

“That’s way more than I needed to know. I am going to double check that we aren’t expecting female companionship at the camp. I won’t do anything that I—or we—will regret. I’ve known Doug and Pat for years, so I don’t think anything bad will happen.”

“So what’s with Chet?”

“Right now, just a friend. He had an accident on the road near the bottom of our drive. Dad and I are going to try to help him. I’d like to think something more might develop. But, med school starts after next weekend. And he is going into intense training for the Gran Prix in France next summer. So who knows? Meanwhile, it sure is fun having him around.”

“That’s cool. Maybe we will have an international celebrity in the family. I’d love to attend the Tour de France. But, I’m guessing he’s not the guy you had in your room Thursday night.”

“No he wasn’t—and I haven’t really emphasized who I’ve had before we met. I’ve only known him two days. Cool it.”

Shortly Dad awoke and he and Matt had their chat. Dad invited all Matt’s friends for the barbeque and they quickly accepted. They would leave for camp after dinner. I awakened Chet from his nap; we donned board shorts; and, went out to the pool to relax before dinner.

A local deli dropped off a variety of salads and Dad had defrosted what seemed to be a large part of a steer for grilling—as there would be seven or eight hungry men. Matt and friends were permitted a few beers each, but no wine or anything harder. They would not be driving, just horse-back riding and mostly on private ranch lands. But, there was no reason to court trouble.

Just before dinner, the GM of Amazon came by. He did remember Dad. He agreed to pay for all the repairs, without admitting any responsibility—he did say that their GPS records indicated two vans had been in the area; but both drivers denied any accident; and, they were good drivers which were hard to find in our area at that time. However, he asked if Chet would come to the center later in the week to talk as he had discretionary community sponsorship funds available. Perhaps getting Amazon’s name on the bike might be worth a good deal of advertising for them. And they certainly didn’t want any unfavorable publicity. They decided to meet Thursday morning.

Dinner was loud and a free-for-all until the younger guys left. Dad claimed he had office work to catch up on and left us to clean up and then to relax on chaises, pool-side as the sun began to set over the Texas hills.

We sat and talked for a few minutes and I reached over and placed my hand on Chet’s stomach, rubbing circles around his button, an innie, which I prefer. I reached over and stuck my tongue in. I untied his board shorts and my hand slipped in to stroke his penis. He did the same to me. And both of us lay there gazing at the setting sun, stroking slowly to arousal, and fully content with life and all it held.

“I’m going in to shower. Feel free to join me when you are ready.” And I rose, pushed my dick under the waistband, tied my tenting shorts quickly above my hips, and headed for my room. He followed a few minutes later. The maid had done the room and dropped tons of towels. She knew I had a guest. We had already left a pile of laundry which she had efficiently done. I showered, placed a large fresh towel on the bed, and reclined nude as he finished cleaning up. Then he joined me. We embraced and made out for a long time, squirming against each other, stroking and vying for dominance with dueling erections leaking precum profusely.

“Be gentle with me, Geoff. I’m practically an anal virgin and still a little sore.”

“I think I can handle that. I’ve done it before, but never with someone that I’ve desired as much as you. I’ll try hard to keep it easy. Now roll over so I can rub this cream into your wounds. Arms up. Hands on the headboard. Spread your legs. There is a money back guaranty on this treatment—for you tonight only. If you don’t like it, you can have another at no additional charge.”


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