Ginger: How it Concluded

A gay story: Ginger: How it Concluded CHAPTER 4 of 4.

This is the FINAL part of the 4-part Ginger series!

Thank you for your patience in waiting for the fourth part of my “Ginger” series, depicting the steamy romance between two programmers that started with a hookup on a plane. I know it took a while, but I hope the final installment will meet your expectations! It contains a lot of drama and plenty of passionate scenes – although they are a bit further in the story plotline! So it’s more of a slow-burn part.

Tags: slow-burn, gay anal, intense sex, rimming, ginger, long hair, hairless, programmers, boss-employee, drama, toxic ex, jealousy, office romance, love.

–These events directly follow the bathroom fuck between Rory and Dallas from “Ginger: How it unfolded” —

I stood behind Rory, my forehead resting on the back of his head. I slowly calmed my breathing. My dick was going limp in his ass, but I still didn’t want to pull out.

And then Rory said, “Martin is a hard case, Dallas… he may not give up so easily. I haven’t told you everything about him.”

I didn’t answer. I was still hiding my face in his red, luscious hair. It wasn’t pleasant to be dragged out of a postorgasmic glow, but the conversation about Martin was going to happen anyway.

“He has a history of… certain behavior,” Rory whispered, his forehead still leaning on the stall wall.

“Toward you?”

“Surprisingly, no. I was his boyfriend, so he already had me within his reach. He took me for granted, and I was stupid enough to let him ignore my feelings and needs. But he behaved differently in front of other people…”

“What exactly does he do?”

“He likes challenges. The harder, the better. It excites him! One woman he pursued… She resisted his advances. The more she resisted, the more intense his behavior became: flowers, gifts, DM confessions. She felt cornered and came to me with this. But when I confronted him, he denied doing anything out of the ordinary. He just… seems unable to stop until he gets what he wants, and only then does he lose interest. This woman actually left the company.”

I scrubbed my chin. “Did he try to stop you from leaving?”

“He didn’t care about me at that point. He was so focused on this new girl… The one who brought him to San Francisco. His new challenge! She had a teasing personality, and he couldn’t win her over easily, which made him more… determined. She wasn’t afraid of him. Her attitude was an extra challenge for him, resulting in obsession. I believe he wouldn’t have let me go if not for this situation with her. I was just a distraction. He was super concentrated on a more rewarding challenge.”

“Wow… all of that seems so… fucked up. Toxic.”

Rory sighed. “He can be really, really determined to get what he wants, no matter the price. It’s a game, a chase for him. That’s why I suspect he won’t let it go just like that.”

“Did his relationship with this new woman fail?”

“I’m not so sure, to be honest. She may still be in the picture. But he felt my resistance in our initial interaction. It ignited him! A new challenge, even if I would only be a ‘side project’ for him. He can be a bit scary with his intensity.”

“I won’t let him hurt you, I promise, Rory,” I gently stroked his neck and arm.

Meanwhile, my limp dick slid out of his ass, I gazed down, and I could see my cum dripping down his thighs. So I took a piece of toilet paper and wiped him clean, I also gently dried his dick, he watched me with a strange intensity. And finally I slowly pulled up his pants.

Rory turned toward me. Our gazes met, and he analyzed my face, which probably looked a bit worried. Something flickered in his eyes. A shadow of fear?

“Did I scare you? I come with… a toxic ex as my baggage. It may not be what you want.” He spread his arms. “I probably talk too much about him anyway; I know it’s not healthy to discuss an ex. I told you I thought about taking Tyrone with me as my ‘bodyguard’, as he…”

I snorted. “As he what? I’m with you, Rory. It’s kinda my job now. And I’m not easily discouraged. If you… let me stand by your side, support you and help you, it will only make us stronger. Don’t push me away out of fear that I may be unhappy about the situation; that’s all I want. We are in this together now, okay?”

He slowly nodded, biting his lips. I lowered myself a bit and kissed him lightly.

“Okay, Dallas. But you must really be prepared that Martin will not back out easily. I see the telltale signs of that.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Well, we’ll see what’s gonna happen. First, we have to survive the long hours of lectures and labs…” I winked.

“We will be separated, you know that,” he murmured, putting his hand on my chest and playing with the lapel of my suit.

“I’m hoping he won’t make his move during a public lecture… or will he?”

Rory only sighed. He seemed pessimistic, but I hoped for the best. Oh, naive me.

I was sitting in the lecture hall, listening to the lecturer who was probably trying to teach us something about programming in Java at a medium level, but I had trouble focusing on his words. I was deep in my thoughts. Being separated from Rory made me a bit nervous because I knew he was in the same room as Martin at exactly this moment. What was going on there?

I didn’t want to bother Rory all the time, especially not knowing who was at his side, but then I remembered that my friend, Adam, was also in the advanced Java course. Adam was the guy who got me the job here, so I decided to send him a message.

“Hey, how’s it going in your part of the course?”

“Boring, except for one situation with your boss,” the message appeared on my screen.

I stared at the text for a second. Then blinked and read it again.



“What… situation with my boss?”

“Some guy from the San Francisco branch is sitting next to Mahony, and they talked the entire time, which got the lecturer angry,” Adam responded.

I felt a wave of annoyance and suspicion. “What guy?”

“I don’t know him. Some blond, bulky guy.”

Fuck. So, Rory was right after all.

Martin started his siege even in a public place. I definitely underestimated his determination. Did he use this occasion to sit next to Rory and begin his attempts to… win him back?

“A weird request, Adam. Can you discreetly take a picture of them? I’m curious about something.”

“What are you up to?” he asked, but two seconds after my phone displayed a picture he sent me.

Martin and Rory were actually sitting two rows in front of Adam, so there was no problem with discreetly taking a picture of them. Martin was almost hanging over Rory, leaning on him heavily.

My blood started to boil. The game has begun… This fucking jerk was impossible! He had Rory as his boyfriend for years and wasn’t appreciating him at that time, only cheating on him over and over… But now, suddenly, he was all over him?

Was Rory right after all? Did Martin see him as his prey, an old… but at the same time NEW challenge?

It was so frustrating that I couldn’t do anything about this situation!

“Nothing, I was just curious if that is his former boss,” I texted Adam back.

“I have no idea; I have worked in the company only for six months, so I don’t know the guy.”

After a few seconds of silence, I saw another text message from Adam…

“Is your boss gay?”

Wow. So that was it. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by that question; if Adam saw Martin’s interest in Rory, he surely understood it wasn’t random. I thought about what to answer for a while.

Adam knew I was gay, of course, as we went to college together, and he knew some of my ex-boyfriends, but should I reveal such private information about Rory? But then I remembered that Martin and Rory actually were boyfriends while working in the Los Angeles company branch – for years. It wasn’t a secret there.

“I feel like I should not say that, but I believe everybody knows in his department and beyond, so it’s kind of pointless to deny it. Yes, he is.”

Another couple of minutes of silence. I just knew what he wanted to ask, but he also wasn’t sure how to do it properly. But he finally went all in…

“Are you… into him?”

Eh. I bit my lip not knowing how to navigate this conversation. Fuck, Rory and I decided to keep our relationship a secret. But could I really lie when asked directly by my friend? I was sure it would bite me in the ass in the end. And I needed an ally, to be honest! Would that hurt if I revealed that I liked Rory? Would that be so weird? We were both young guys, and not straight…

“I can answer that question, but I need to ask for your discretion on the topic. It’s… a sensitive matter. The guy you see next to him is Rory’s ex-boyfriend. He is a very… pushy type.”

“That I can see with my own eyes… So? Do you like Mahony?”

I really needed Adam on our side. He was present where I could not be at the moment. He was my only hope – in a way. So, pursing my lips, I wrote my honest answer, “I do.”

“Aren’t you into Asians? All your exes were of Asian descent.”

“I was, but I somehow also like Rory. He is a really great guy.”

“Oh. I got it. Does he know? That you are gay?”


“Does he also like you…?”

I sighed and sent him: “I hope so.”

A minute went on before he answered, “Now, that’s not an easy situation, considering he is your new boss.”

“No kidding. So that’s why I ask for your discretion. Please, keep it to yourself.”

“Sure. But you should be more worried about that ex-guy. He is putting his hands around Mahony’s waist all the time, and your boss has trouble freeing himself from this groping. Pretty unprofessional behavior. And wait…”

After one minute of impatient waiting, Adam sent me a short video.

“I even recorded it for you…”

I cursed under my breath, seeing the short clip loading. It was precisely what I suspected it would be.

Martin was – not very discreetly – wrapping his arm around Rory’s waist, sliding his hand between the chair and Rory’s back, and Rory was pushing him away with his elbow, saying something to him, obviously to no avail. I growled.

“Believe me, I’m pretty angry. I could rush there and make a scene, but that would not help the situation. I have a request, however. Your lecture ends fifteen minutes before mine, and that quarter of an hour makes me pretty uneasy. Could you possibly hang around them, or even interrupt them and say to Rory you want to consult with something, so as to separate them a bit and let Rory have a break from Martin’s intensity?”

A long silence… Finally, Adam answered, “I don’t know, man. The guy seems pretty determined, I would not want to go between them.”

I clenched my fists.

“Please, Adam. Rory is a very… polite guy, not very assertive. Martin can take advantage of that. I only ask you to distract him for the fifteen minutes, Rory will understand if you say Dallas sent you, he also would be grateful for help with Martin.”

“Shit, man…”

With some hesitance, I decided to add some extra information. “I would owe you! It really is important. Martin forcibly kissed Rory just before the lecture started. He dragged him to the side corridor. It’s really going out of control. He may even do more…”

“Jesus, man, seriously? That’s sick. You ask a lot, but okay, I’ll try.”

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. I was glad Adam agreed to help; it was a relief.

Soon the moment came. I knew their lecture just ended, but mine was still going on.

I was checking the phone every ten seconds.

After five minutes, Adam’s report was on my display:

“They left the hall, I followed them, and your boss went into the buffet room, even though the Martin guy wanted to drag him toward the elevator. Mahony firmly resisted. I’m following them now.”

Another five minutes of my nervous waiting and another report:

“Jesus, this Martin is really intense, he is literally all over your boss. People are looking weird, he is wrapping his hands around him and whispering something into his ear.”

“Please, distract him, tell him you want to speak with Rory about something from the course!”

“I’ll try, but only because it’s really… inappropriate what he is doing. Even I’m annoyed at this point.”

For another five minutes, I was glancing at the lecturer angrily as he still didn’t end the class.

So, after another two additional minutes, I stood up and just left the class, as I just could not contain myself in my seat.

I stormed out and rushed toward the buffet. I entered the room and looked around, but… didn’t see either Adam or Rory!

Cursing under my breath, I took out my phone and started to call Adam.

He responded after two signals.

“Hey, where are you?”

“I’m outside the building.”

With clenched jaws, I made my way toward the exit.

I noticed a group of people smoking there, and a second, smaller group nearby; Adam, Martin, and Rory were standing there, discussing something.

It looked like Rory was explaining something to Adam, and Martin just stood there with his lips pursed, seemingly only waiting for Rory to stop talking.

I approached them, trying to look normal, or even careless.

“Hey,” I said, and Rory’s light hazel eyes snapped at me.

I could see… a sudden joy in him, that made my heart beat; his face lit up so much, I felt a dizzying, weird wave of happiness in my chest. I wanted to grab him and kiss him in front of all the people, not caring about anything. But I obviously couldn’t.

“Hey, Dallas,” said Adam, glancing at me knowingly.

“Hey, Adam,” I responded, grinning.

“How was your lecture?” Rory asked in a polite and official tone of voice.

“Very informative but also hard. I made some notes. I would love to go through them with you, in the hope of understanding them better. Some elements are completely new to me. Would you be so kind and help me with that?”

“Of course, Dallas, I will help you…” Rory assured me immediately.

But then Martin said, “Jesus, guys. Do you really all have to have some ‘questions’ for Rory just now when I need to talk with him? I know how smart he is, but seriously, can’t it wait?”

“I’m sorry, but the next lecture is in just one hour, and I would have trouble keeping up with the rest of the participants. I don’t want to waste my opportunities here to learn,” I said in a stiff, official voice, furrowing my eyebrows.

Adam was nodding approvingly.

“That’s understandable, Dallas. Of course, I will help you, no need to explain. Let’s go, we will look at your notes…” Rory answered quickly, touching my forearm and obviously trying to steer me toward the main entrance.

“Wait! Are you kidding me?” Martin growled, taking a step toward Rory, but then Adam and I – in a weird sync – took a step toward him, effectively separating him from Rory. He raised his eyebrows seeing it.

“Sorry, dude, I don’t know you, but you seem very intense. It’s getting uncomfortable. Can you let him breathe a bit?”

And Adam added, “You were almost kicked out of the lecture hall, the groping thing you did to our colleague… looked really weird.”

Martin froze, fixing his eyes on Adam’s face. “Hey! He is my ex-boyfriend! We know each other pretty well!”

“Okay, the word ‘ex’ provides us with all the information we need. Please, go.” I said, trying to sound calm and composed.

Martin’s face went fiery red. He clenched his jaw, but surprisingly, he quickly walked away!

Adam and I turned toward Rory, who stood there, turning pale and then reddening alternately.

“Thanks… guys… he really can be a handful,” he mumbled, looking embarrassed, obviously.

“No problem,” said Adam with a reassuring smile. “Listen, if you want to know, I recorded what he did during the lecture if you need to have that, in case… he wanted to cause you more trouble.”

And Adam showed him his phone’s display with the record on it.

Rory swallowed hard and licked his lips. I could see he felt very uncomfortable.

“Oh… I appreciate it, Adam. Could you please send it to me?”

“Of course.”

They exchanged phone numbers.

I waited, scrubbing my chin and thinking about what to do now…

“Adam, would you be so kind and sit next to Rory at your next lecture? Martin seems very determined to bother him.”

Adam glanced at me and slowly nodded.

“No problem, Dallas.” And he looked at Rory. “I would suggest you sit at the last chair in the row, and I will take the second last. It would be a good arrangement.”

Rory’s face was the color of a fresh beet.

“I… thank you… It’s a really awkward and uncomfortable situation. Sorry to trouble you all with it,” he muttered, his gaze fixed on the ground.

“I really hate that kind of behavior,” Adam assured him. “My girlfriend was similarly harassed in her workplace. I can’t tolerate people like Martin who just don’t seem to know proper boundaries.”

“Yes, he’s exactly like that. Thank you.”

Adam nodded and patted me on the back.

“Let me know if you need anything, Dallas…”

“I already owe you, Adam; I really appreciate your help.”

“No problem, good luck.” He smirked and walked away.

We were left alone, and Rory closed his eyes for a moment, looking visibly stressed.

“Jesus, Dallas, it all spiraled out of control. What did you tell Adam about us?”

“I didn’t tell him we’re… in a relationship. But I admitted that… I like you. He knows I’m gay; we went to college together, so seeing you being… cornered by Martin, he probably guessed you are gay too. He agreed it’s a difficult situation since you are my boss. He doesn’t know anything more than that.”

Rory slowly nodded. “God, I feel awful. Martin behaved totally unprofessionally in front of the other course participants and made me look bad. The lecturer addressed us both, saying ‘Gentlemen, if you are not interested in the course, please leave.’ I’m so angry because my previous director was in the lecture too, and he winced seeing that… Martin made me look stupid in front of everyone.”

I let out a small huff. “I’m so sorry, Rory, I really am. I wish I knew Java better, so I could be on your course level, but I’m not. I’m happy Adam promised to shield you from Martin; that’s a good thing.”

Rory sighed. “I just feel awkward, seeing that you both are literally employed now around the clock to protect me from him. It’s so weird. I feel like a damsel in distress!” Rory chuckled.

“I don’t mind doing it. I volunteered for the job,” I added, smirking.

We both stood in silence for a while, staring at the other people some distance from us, smoking cigarettes. I decided to slightly change the subject, not to torture us only with Martin’s topic.

“So… Would you go to dinner with me after today’s lectures?”

“Sure, I would,” Rory replied and smiled softly. “Anyway… do you really need some explaining with your notes?”

“No, no, no. It was just a false pretense. We can go to the buffet finally, as we didn’t eat that much before,” I murmured, smirking at him knowingly. He chuckled.

So, we went back to the lobby, heading toward the buffet room.

We ate, glancing at each other from time to time; Rory was slightly blushing, and I could see he was somehow… emotional. So, I stood next to him and whispered.

“I can see something is bothering you… care to share?”

He chuckled quietly. “You may say that. I’m a bit… surprised. And maybe even excited. I never had a situation like that, where I felt somebody actually cares for me, wants me to be… his. Martin was never like that; I remember one time we were in some nightclub, and a guy groped me. I told Martin that I didn’t feel comfortable being touched without my consent, and he only laughed and responded that I’m just too prudish. When he conquers somebody, he just loses his interest, I guess.”

“Funny, I had almost exactly the same situation. While living in Sydney, Lee and I were in one club, and some guy groped my crotch. I was annoyed about that, believe me. Some places are just not for me.”

Rory blinked and smiled softly. “I’m happy you feel that way. I feel like… we are so alike in some regards, and in another, we complement each other.”

For a moment, I analyzed his face. His hazel eyes fixed on my face, visible behind his platinum-wired glasses, his soft lips slightly parted.

“I also feel that way; I had this weird intuition from the moment I saw you – we are a match. And probably this is the reason I feel so… angry at the possibility he is trying to win you back,” I confessed, feeling weirdly exposed and almost vulnerable by admitting to that.

Rory almost gaped his mouth, “Dallas… He won’t be successful. Even if you weren’t here. I know all too well what would happen if I succumb to him today. The next day he would be gone. His conquest finalized – I would prove to him for the thousandth time how easy it is with me. Never again. I want to… matter. I want my feelings reciprocated.”

I looked into his light hazel eyes. It was a moment… of particular intensity.

“They are,” I lowered myself a bit and whispered. “And one thing for sure… I don’t want him to touch what’s mine…”

Rory’s pupils dilated slightly, and I could hear his breath speeding up. My words had an obvious impact on him. He wanted to matter to me, he wanted me to care, to want him.

“We have two rooms booked by the company. But would you agree to spend tonight in my room?” he asked in a slightly shaky voice.

I smirked. “I want nothing more than to be inside your room…” I murmured in a low voice. “Your room…”

He chuckled. “That’s not how I was hoping you’d finish the sentence!”

I was fully aroused again, so I pretended I was just passing by him to get to another salad bowl. I pressed my groin against his ass for a moment, making sure he couldn’t be oblivious to the kind of room I had in mind.

He let out a small gasp.

“So, guys…” I heard Adam’s voice as he approached us with his plate full of food, smirking. “I can see you’re pretty cozy here. The Java consultation is pretty intense, I suppose?”

I almost burst into laughter, but Rory blushed, as usual. Being a ginger, he had a very ‘easily blushing’ face.

“Yes, well, we were hungry.”

“I can see somebody is hungry for sure. I’m just not entirely sure if he has regular food on his mind,” Adam chuckled, giving me a meaningful look.

“That’s not what you think…” I murmured, focusing on my plate, and Rory did the same.

But Adam was having too much fun.

“I can see you were having a hard time… searching for food on the table…”

“Hard, indeed,” I finally couldn’t stop myself and burst out laughing.

“Stop it…” Rory murmured, elbowing me slightly.

Adam only winked. “Don’t worry, guys, I’ve got your back.”

We all finished our meal and talked about this branch for a while. After that, we returned to the wing of the building where the next part of the course was supposed to take place, and there was already a large crowd waiting there. It was almost time for the lecture to start, so I turned toward Adam and urged him, “Please, sit down with Rory because I doubt Martin can be discouraged so easily…”

“Don’t worry, I will take care of that,” Adam assured me.

As we parted, I still felt uneasy but had to go to another lecture hall where the group of coders from the medium level Java course was also waiting.

Soon, the lecturer arrived, and we all went inside. As the class started, I received a text message from Adam.

“Wow, that was awkward. Martin is sitting next to me, and I am now separating them. But that didn’t discourage him from making very blatant comments toward your boss.”

“What comments?!”

“For example, that he can see all the ‘fucking hickeys’ on Rory’s neck, and he hopes Rory had a good fuck. All said in a very annoyed tone of voice.”

“The fucker! What did Rory answer?”

“Nothing, he just stares at the lecturer, ignoring Martin, who is very agitated. He can’t sit without fidgeting. He is glancing at Rory all the time. You were right, he won’t give up.”

“Thank you for being there. As you can see, Rory is in trouble…”

“I can see. I can also see his hickeys. So, you really are into him, like for real. And he is into you.”


I spent the next hour of the lecture feeling tense, but at least I was able to focus more on the course, as I knew that Adam was with Rory.

Close to the end of the lecture, I received another text message from Adam,

“Martin just said to Rory that he wants to talk with him and he won’t take no for an answer. I said to him ‘fuck off, man, he doesn’t want to speak with you’, but I guess he is very determined. Prepare yourself to come here,” he urged me.

I was glad this lecture had the same length as theirs, so I stormed out of the room and ran toward their hall. The moment the first group of participants from the advanced course opened the door to go out, I went past them and entered, only to see the unpleasant scene. Martin was publicly trying to squeeze himself between Adam and poor Rory, who was literally holding onto Adam’s forearm to avoid being separated.

“What’s going on here? Are you crazy?!” I went toward them, feeling like I just couldn’t let it go this time. But Rory saw me and made a quick, sharp shake of his head, and I knew he was begging me not to escalate the situation.

“You need to go. Now!” I said coldly, taking my position on the other side of Rory. To be honest, the absurdity of the situation was overwhelming. “Your behavior is inappropriate and verging on sexual harassment, and, to be honest, super weird!”

Martin’s eyes fixed on my face for a while, very intensely.

There was something in his eyes–like what you sometimes see in desperate animals. Some wildness, but not in a respectable way. More like… a rabid way.

Then he snorted and said, “Are you both his fucking bodyguards or what? He is a grown man for fuck’s sake, and he can have a conversation with me without you two hovering over our heads!”

“I don’t want to talk with you, Martin. Please respect it,” Rory said and added, “Let’s go to the parking lot, Adam and Dallas. Today’s dinner is on me!”

We all left, but we were wrong if we thought Martin was going to just… let us go!

It was slowly beginning to transform into a really crazy and bizarre situation.

The guy was just in some kind of frenzy. He followed us to the parking lot.

“I won’t let it go, Rory. I need to speak with you,” he said as we all approached Rory’s car.

Rory snorted angrily. “Okay, so speak. In front of Adam and Dallas.”

“What? You can’t be serious…”

“I am. I’m waiting. Start talking.” Rory crossed his arms on his slim chest.

Martin snarled. “Jesus, you’re so insolent. Whatever, so they will hear it. I wanted to let you know, I regret how I treated you. Say one word and I will move back to LA. I promise this time it will be different.”

Rory almost gaped his mouth. “Do you know how often you used exactly the same words? First, when you cheated on me with Jenny. Then when you cheated on me with Stephanie. Then with Lucy. Then with Keisha, then with Monica…”

“Stop, okay, I got it. But this time… I learned my lesson the hard way. I learn slowly, but I learn!”

Rory crossed his arms on his chest. “Sure… until the next time. Listen. It doesn’t matter. I moved on, Martin. I’m in a relationship with another man now, and I’m happy. Please, leave. We are done.”

Martin’s face was very tense.

“Did he… make all those hickeys?”

What a bastard! I clenched my fists, but Rory raised his hand.

“Are you a child, Martin? Are you seriously asking me that? Okay, you know what? I’ll have an answer for you. Yes, he did! We fuck all the time, and he even cares about my pleasure, more than you ever did. Now go away and leave me alone!”

Martin became silent. He just stood there and stared at Rory with an unrecognizable expression in his eyes.

“Spend one last night with me, please,” he said suddenly in a strange, almost pleading tone. What a snake. ” I will prove to you that I care about your pleasure as well.”

Rory actually giggled. “Suuuuure! I remember your stupid rules! ‘Bottoms give ass and suck, and tops just fuck’. Besides… I’m not like you, Martin. I don’t cheat.”

Martin pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes.

“One night and I’ll prove it to you…”

“No! Never! I gave you a dozen chances! Years of chances! No more empty promises! They turn to dust the moment you see beautiful women! Now leave me alone, Martin! I will never date a bisexual again, for them… everyone is fuckable. Constant competition!”

Adam burst into laughter. “Good point!”

Martin growled. “It’s not the end, I promise you that!”

“Get lost!” Rory yelled.

Martin cursed under his breath, turned around, and walked away at a pretty quick pace.

Adam followed Martin with his eyes and sighed. “Guys, you should go. You probably have a lot to talk about now. We can go to dinner together tomorrow.”

“Okay, Adam, thank you. Take care,” Rory whispered and quickly got into the car.

“Thanks, man.” I patted Adam’s shoulder. “I’m forever in your debt.”

“Go, go. Add some more hickeys on him,” Adam responded and winked.

I also got into the car, and soon Rory and I drove off.

For a moment, there was silence in the car. I could see how Rory’s hands squeezed the car wheel. His knuckles went white, obviously he was very emotional.

We didn’t drive long. I was surprised he parked maybe one mile from the company building, in some hotel parking lot.

I looked around and wanted to get out of the car, but he suddenly said, “I can’t believe how I even stayed with this person for so many years. I can’t recognize him anymore. He went off the trail…”

I thought about my answer for a while.

“And I can, in a way.”

Rory raised his eyebrows.

I sighed and spread my arms.

“He lost you.”

Rory looked at me, the dim light of the streetlamps making it impossible to recognize his expression well. We stared at each other.

“Do you think he can guess it’s one of us? He looked at me pretty intensely in the lecture hall. Would he be able to connect the dots now?”

“I don’t fucking care if he connects it or not. What I care about… is you,” he said with a firm voice and suddenly raised himself from his seat, relocating and straddling me.

“I don’t want to think about him, Dallas! Or talk about him. I’m so over him. I lost too many years. I want to focus on our future,” Rory whispered.

“I’m on board with that,” I responded and kissed him.

We kissed for some time, hugging tightly.

“Can we go to your hotel room and make love for hours?” I asked, smiling.

“Sure, we can!” Rory responded with a smile.

And we got out of the car.

With our luggage, we entered the hotel lobby. We took the key at the reception desk and strode toward Rory’s room, exchanging meaningful glances.


“Shower. Together.” I smiled enthusiastically.

We got there, and I just could not keep my hands off him – from that point on, except for a moment when I got the lube out of my suitcase. After that, we tore off each other’s clothes and jumped under the water jet, kissing like crazy teenagers. The adrenaline and stress had to be released!

I had this crazy urge to fuck him against the wall, so I put a dollop of lube inside him and put my hands under his hips.

“I’m gonna fuck you now…in the air, like we started!”

His eyes got bigger.

And so I lifted him up. Rory made a sound of surprise, but quickly wrapped his legs around my hips and helped me align my dick with his hole. He was pretty stretched out from being fucked by me in the company bathroom.

He slowly lowered his hips onto my dick and I began to leisurely thrust into him, warm water running down our bodies. We looked at each other as I penetrated his hole, thrust after thrust. It was hypnotic and intense, Rory’s dick rubbed over my stomach, I kissed his warm and wet skin, grabbed his nipples, creating new hickeys on his chest…

“Did you hear something?” Rory asked suddenly.

“No, what’s going on?”

“Someone’s knocking.”

We both fell silent. I stopped fucking him.

And Rory was right – unfortunately. Now I could hear the knocking loud and clear.

“Who can it be?” I asked perplexed.

“Probably room service?”

The knocking again, much louder…

“Are you sure?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

Rory swallowed, then cursed under his breath.

“Jesus, what an idiot. He won’t stop, Dallas! He’s gone completely crazy. I have to open the door.”

With regret, I pulled my dick out of him and lowered him to the floor. I just couldn’t believe we had to stop such an epic ‘by the wall’ fucking for this idiot. My back probably wouldn’t be able to handle another one for a while… A missed opportunity!

Sighing, I touched Rory’s slender shoulder and rubbed it gently.

“You know what that means…he’ll know.”

“Not necessarily…” Rory scratched his chin and raised his finger. “I have my winter suitcase with me! That gives me an idea! I always carry my ski cap in the side pocket. It’s basically a chimney sweep or balaclava, however you wanna call it. You will put it on! He will be… pretty shocked seeing somebody dressed like that with me. He always considered me a good boy…” Rory smirked.

I shook my head slightly in shock. “The idea is crazy; I’ll look like a terrorist!”

“And that’s the point!”

“Okay, Rory. It’s up to you. I’ll wear it. But wait, wait! Please set your phone to record…”

He nodded. We left the stall and wrapped ourselves with towels. Not the best outfit for any confrontation, but I didn’t care now.

Rory handed me the chimney sweep, and I put it on. I probably looked weird, but since I had my large dragon tattoo — a gift from my first boyfriend, a Chinese tattoo artist — I might look more… credible?

In the meantime, Rory took out his phone and started recording. He propped it up on the carpet in the corridor, leaning it against the wall, so it had a good view of the door.

And then he asked loudly, “Who is it?”

“It’s me, Martin. Please, Rory. Let me in. It won’t take you long. I really need to talk with you.”

“Do you have any weapons with you?”

Even I was pretty surprised by this question. Rory was really careful! Commendable.

“What? Are you crazy!?”

“I don’t believe you. Record yourself now and send me the clip via Messenger.”

“Are you aware that if I had a weapon, I could just hide it behind my belt or on my back and…”

“So record your back also, without the jacket!”

I could hear Martin cursing muffledly and some rustling. Rory took his phone again and checked it. He showed me the clip. It showed Martin recording himself from the top and back. He had a reddened face and a clenched jaw. I sighed; the CRAZY part was about to begin!

“Give me the phone. I’ll put it in the room against the wall; it will record the corridor and a large part of the room at the same time,” I whispered. “I’ll be waiting on the bed, not to spook him too early.”

He nodded. So I took the phone and placed it in the corner of the room. Rory waited until I was ready, and I sat on the bed near the headboard — from the direction of the door, Martin couldn’t see me now.

After some hesitation, I decided to throw the towel away.

Why the hell not? Right? My dick looked great in a limp state, I was always a shower. A naked tattooed guy with a balaclava would look much better than half naked – with a creamy hotel towel! Minus ten points for being creepy.

I heard the door open.

A moment of silence.

“Hello, Rory… Nice hickeys.” Martin’s screeching voice sounded strangely soft and seductive now. I wanted to throw up.

“I told you to leave me alone, Martin. You can’t follow me around in my hotel room. How do you even know what my room is?”

“It doesn’t matter. I just… needed to see you alone without your weird bodyguards…”

“I don’t want to see you anymore. Please leave. Can’t you understand the word ‘no’?”


I heard a rustling and my heart quickened.

“Let me go, let me go!” And more rustling, and Rory stormed into the room, now positioned next to the window.

Martin, if he wanted to follow him, would have to enter the room as well and then see me…

And… so he did.

He walked in with a slow, almost predatory pace, his eyes focused on Rory.

But he twitched, almost jumped, when he saw me. A chimney sweep doesn’t look friendly to anyone.


I stood up slowly, letting him feel the difference in our height. His eyes went to my chest to see my dragon tattoo. Then he looked down at my exposed dick.

“Who… who are you…?”

“This is my boyfriend,” Rory replied before I could react. “I told you, I’m with someone now. We are over, Martin. I would never be with you again, even if I were single. You are the last man on earth I would choose for myself. I have lost too many years because of your sorry ass”.

Martin’s upper lip curled up, and he made a strange, almost growling sound.

He looked at me and swayed a little, shifting his body mass to his right side.

And he did something none of us would have expected.

It was only by chance that I was able to predict it. I saw his pupils suddenly dilate, it was strange, but I remembered that I was once attacked by my grandmother’s cat and his pupils became very large just before that…

I managed to get my hands up just as he was about to take a swing at me. His blow went to my forearm and I made only one move, which I learned in a Krav Maga class I attended for exactly one month before I decided to take a programming class in Python instead. Yep. Priorities in life.

But I did remember one thing. In Krav Maga they are very efficient. You don’t play with boxing exchanges. Neutralize the threat. Groin, throat. Eyes… and so on. And I chose the first one. I kicked him as hard as I could, and I landed the kick perfectly.

The throaty screeching sound filled the room.

Martin sounded like a pig being slaughtered. Then he let out a big, desperate gasp and more grunting and screeching followed… He curled up into a ball on the floor.

We both stared at him, a little shocked at how this was happening and how… fast it was escalating. Crazy, crazy, crazy.

“I think he needs medical attention. We should call an ambulance or even better… The police. We were attacked first.” I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Nooooo!” That was all Martin could get out. A very pitiful sound.

“No to the ambulance or the police?” I asked tilting my head.

“Bo…both…” he stuttered.

I knelt down beside him and leaned over his head.

“Listen, fucker. We can do it with the police and the ambulance, or we can do it the normal way. You will be a decent person for a change. You don’t really need a Java course, as far as I know. You are actually the co-creator of the course, am I right? So you will not show up there. You leave Rory alone, forever. Look at the wall. What do you see there? A phone. We recorded everything. You – storm in here, grab Rory, attack me. So what’s it going to be? The police, or are you going to start taking a simple no for an answer, like a normal person? Enough with the crazy chasing of challenges!”

“I got it! I got it!” he whined, panting quickly, obviously still in great pain.

“Good. Stay on the path, we’ll keep the recording, just to be sure.”

Martin looked at me, his eyes wandering to my dick as I knelt beside him, it was right in front of him. He stared at it for a while. I noticed that my shaft was still well lubricated, after all we had stopped in the middle of the action.

Then he slowly craned his neck and looked at Rory.

Silence filled the room. Then he winced in contempt and muttered with real hatred in his voice, “You just fucked? You little whore!”

Okay, I had enough.

I grabbed him under the armpits and rather brutally dragged him to the door and pushed him out. The moment I was sure the phone camera wouldn’t catch it, I kicked him in the ribs, eliciting a long whimper, and then grabbed his hair and pulled it back with such force that his neck arched back sharply.

“You disgusting piece of shit. You sealed your fate. The recording is going to the police and our company.”

“No! Stop!” He tried to grab my hand, but I pushed him away and closed the door behind me.

Rory was still standing in the same place, his back to the wall, his hazel eyes fixed on my face.

The room was silent. I didn’t know what was going on, the energy was changing slightly.

Rory walked slowly toward the bed.

He didn’t say anything, just threw his towel on the floor.

He was now gloriously naked, slender and beautiful. Although he was somewhere between 5’9″ and 5’10”, his willowy posture made him look taller. My eyes wandered over his flat stomach, slim waist and narrow hips.

He looked me in the eye, “I think he interrupted something,” he said, his dick was already half hard as he slowly got on the bed and took the position on all fours. His perfectly shaped ass cheeks were now facing me and between them was the – oh so inviting – gateway to paradise, glistening with lube.

“Fuck me, Dallas,” he asked in such a voice that I could not deny him. “Please, fuck me hard,” he begged, his eyes filled with a mixture of intoxicating submissiveness and eagerness.

The unprecedented lust flowed through my vain, for some reason, my dick swelled even faster than before, under the shower. I slowly bent over him, letting my dick graze his ass cheeks and over his pliantly offered, twitching hole.

But for now, I was aiming much higher. I placed my hands on his slender neck, gripping it, feeling his pulse. Then I slid one of my hands even more up, over his tendons, jaw and chin, reaching his soft lips. I brushed my thumb across his wet mouth and Rory parted his lips. As I pushed my thumb in, he began to suck on it, while I slowly slid up and down his lubricated crease, teasing him with the head of my cock.

Soon I straightened up and kicked his knees apart with my knees, my dick bobbing in my heartbeat as I bracketed my legs with his. I stared at the spot between his ass cheeks.

Only the tip of my dick brushed the round ring of muscles that alternately clenched and loosened, almost tempting me to push in.

But I waited. Rory made a pained sound, encouraging me to breach him, but I just squeezed his ass cheeks, waiting and staring as his body seemed to beg me. Rory pushed his ass even farther back, his muscles loosening even more, opening up a little, and I could see a tiny, dark opening in the middle of it.

The sight pushed me over the edge, he was obviously well-prepared, I grabbed his slender hips and with one powerful thrust impaled him on my shaft. The bulbous head disappeared behind Rory’s wide open sphincter. Our balls slammed together as I plunged into his hungry passage, his hole clamped on my cock, and Rory’s dick waved in the air, splashing drops of pre-cum on the blanket.

And I began to fuck him in earnest.

Soon the room was filled with my grunts and Rory’s moans of pleasure, much louder than usual, so I encouraged him, “Scream Rory, don’t stop yourself!”, my pounding inside him shook Rory’s body with power, but he didn’t protest, on the contrary, holding him by his arms, he rocked back greedily, impaling himself with an even wilder pace than I was maintaining.

Rory’s whimpering and screaming filled the room and the hallway, and then we heard it,

It was a loud yell coming from behind the door!

“I’m still here, and I can hear you in there, you slut!”

For some reason, neither I nor Rory reacted at all, caught in a spiraling pain, the urge to fuck harder and deeper, I realized we were both close, so I leaned forward a bit and grabbed a handful of Rory’s lush, long hair and pulled him back so that he stood up, lifting his upper body into a vertical position, and now his back was pressed against my chest, our hips slapping lewdly and loudly.

I sucked on his neck, almost biting it, while simultaneously working inside him with long, deep thrusts, and my second hand went down to his steel-hard cock, my fingers wrapping tightly around it, Rory moaned in a deep, prolonged cry.

As I accelerated my strokes on his shaft, he tilted his head back forcefully, resting it on my neck and screaming at the top of his lungs as his dick practically exploded, shooting long, thick ropes of his cum high into the air.

I could swear some of it hit the ceiling, the raw evidence of his arousal and pleasure made me… strangely happy, almost elated, and the unwise words… just spilled out,

“I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you, body and soul, I think I’m falling for you…”

The next thing I knew, I cringed and realized that we had known each other for just over a week! For fuck’s sake, a week! Damn, did I scare him, being this sappy, overwhelming new boyfriend?

But Rory didn’t seem to react at all, his head was still tilted back, leaning on my shoulder, so I just continued to fuck him to my own completion, feeling that strange, sweet and embarrassing sensation of being buried deep inside of him, like I was just free-falling into the bottomless abyss, not knowing what awaited me there, I inhaled his scent and felt the tingling sensation of his long silky hair spilling over my chest, it was so overwhelming and wonderful and exciting that I couldn’t go on and had to fill him with my cum, which geysered from my dick far down into his narrow searing hot tunnel, which I pounded like a madman for the last few minutes. Making strange animal sounds, I let myself tremble with bliss, my lips still sucking on his neck and both hands now on his hardened nipples.

Yes, now was the even more awkward moment when I would have to look Rory in the face and… what? Would he be embarrassed by the intensity of my confession? He remained silent, which was very telling. Did I ruin everything? Or was my fear unnecessary?

True, once he asked me – jokingly – “am I trying to make him fall for me”, but jokes and serious confessions? There was an obvious difference.

I didn’t want to see his eyes, so I just held him like that for a while before I had to let him go. And exactly at this moment, I was saved by some commotion behind the doors.

“You can’t stay here, sir…” A muffled voice could be heard from there.

“Oh, yes, I can! My boyfriend is fucking behind this door with some weirdo!”

“I’m sorry, but nobody can sit on the floor, the room service has to be able to…”

“Damn it, then open this door for me! You have a universal key or card, right?”

“I will not do such a thing….”

I snorted, using the opportunity to quickly move past the cringy situation I created.

As Rory faced me before he could even blink, I quickly said, “Martin went crazy, totally crazy! Is he going to camp here? I need to deal with this, Rory. I’m calling the police.”

I was sure he would protest, but he only nodded. His face looked calm, not upset or annoyed with me, so I let myself hope that maybe I hadn’t messed things up too much.

But I didn’t want to push my luck, so I took my phone and called the dispatcher. I explained that the jealous ex-boyfriend of my partner attacked us, and we have a recording of the whole situation. They promised to send someone.

In the meantime, Rory pulled on a t-shirt and sweatpants that he took out of our luggage, and he gestured toward my luggage. I nodded, guessing he wanted to get something for me, as our suits that we wore during lectures were now in the bathroom, in disarray.

As I continued talking to the dispatcher, sitting on the edge of the bed, he took out my black sweatpants and… knelt in front of me and… started to help me put the pants on. I froze in the middle of my words, seeing him on his knees, with his red hair lowered, helping me get dressed.

When he lifted his head, our eyes met.

And I knew he didn’t just forget what I said; I saw it deep in his eyes. He remembered every word. I was still talking with the dispatcher and looking at him. His small hand was laying next to my thigh. I glanced down and hesitated. Then, without interrupting the conversation, I slowly entwined my fingers with his slim fingers. Rory fixed his eyes on our entangled hands, but he didn’t pull his hand away.

When I ended the call, silence filled the room, except for the muffled argument still taking place in the corridor.

Rory raised his gaze to me. My heart started racing again, but I knew it wasn’t a good time to discuss my emotions. “I need to go out and deal with Martin,” I said.

Rory blinked in surprise. “I thought the police would handle it.”

“I don’t want him to leave before they get here. I need to bring him here.”

Rory stood up quickly. “What? Here? Why?”

“It would be easier if the police took him from here; we can show them the recording…”

“Are you sure? Do you want to deal with his craziness further?”

“Hopefully not for long. But the hotel management might bring bodyguards any minute now to throw him out…”

Rory sighed. “Okay, but… I really don’t want to speak with him.”

“I’ll handle that,” I murmured, getting to my feet.

Suddenly, he asked, “What about the mask? He’ll know who you are.”

I hesitated and fell silent for a moment. Rory walked toward the window and glanced outside.

“I’m afraid the police will ask for my name anyway. I’m on the recording. He took a swing at me.”

Rory nodded slowly. “Well, I guess we won’t be able to hide it anymore.”

I walked toward him, but for some reason, I was now afraid to touch him. He looked a bit tense.

“I’ll switch departments, Rory. I won’t jeopardize your position or reputation. I promise. I’ll talk to Adam; his department was about to start hiring, from what I heard. But I want to resolve this, and hopefully you get a restraining order against him. If Martin is that unstable, he could track you down even in Los Angeles. Only the law can somehow stop him. Hopefully. Having him loitering at your door doesn’t seem like something good.”

Rory let out a quiet exhale. “You’re right. But… I… would prefer you to stay in my department.”

I blinked, taken aback. I must say, what he said was surprising. “But…” I trailed off.

He turned his head toward me, meeting my eyes. They gaze was kinda intense and vulnerable at the same moment. I suddenly understood. Rory wanted me to stay close to him?

I swallowed, feeling a strange, warmly blissful wave. Did he… feel the same way?

So, I slowly nodded.

“I’ll do whatever you want, Rory,” I whispered, lifting my hand to gently skim over his cheek. “If you want me to call the dispatcher and say it’s not important anymore, I’ll do it.”

He shook his head slowly. “No, I should get a restraining order. But I don’t want him to know who you are. Let me explain the situation to the police.”

“In that case, you should show them only the first part of the recording, where he grabs you. I won’t press any charges for his… attempt to hit me.”

Rory nodded. “I’ll try to talk to them and explain the situation, but I guess there’s still a chance he’ll find out. The first thing he’d do is send a report to HR, explaining I have a suspicious pattern of sleeping with my… either supervisors, colleagues, or subordinates. I was dating him when we were in the same positions, and then when he was a team leader. Now I’m dating you, so… It would look bad in HR. Really bad.”

It really didn’t sound good; he was right. “Fuck. I shouldn’t have called the police…” I rubbed my chin.

“No. It had to be done. He needs to know I’m serious. Let’s wait and see what will happen. Maybe we’ll get lucky?”

I sighed, and we both looked down at the parking lot, lost in thought.

Fortunately for us, the police arrived before Martin could be confronted by the bodyguards. As we heard them in the corridor, Rory looked at me and nodded.

“I’ll go. I’ll talk to them. Wait here.”

With a tense expression, he left the room. I stood by the door and pressed my ear against it. I could hear multiple voices now: Martin, the hotel manager, and others, along with Rory. It was a challenge to focus on all of them at once, as they weren’t shouting like Martin had been, making it harder to distinguish. But soon, one voice started to stand out…

Martin’s pleading.

“Rory, please, listen to me…”

“Rory, don’t, I really…”

“Rory, stop it, I didn’t mean to…”

“I beg you, Rory, I just…”

Martin’s pitiful cries now dominated the background noise. It was getting on my nerves so much that I struggled to stay on my side of the door. After about twenty minutes of various conversations, I retreated to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I also grabbed our suits and placed them in the small closet in the corner of the room. Then, I changed into jeans and a shirt, waiting for Rory on my bed.

Finally, Rory returned to the room, looking tired and uneasy.

I jumped to my feet and embraced him tightly; he rested his cheek on my shoulder. We stood like that for a while, and it felt comforting. I buried my nose in his hair, waiting to hear what he had to say.

“They took him in for public disturbance, but I’ll need to file for a restraining order. I already gave my initial statement to the police, and I need to go to the precinct again. They provided me with contact details and the case number.”

“And Martin?”

“Pleading. The entire time… It was an unpleasant situation until they took him.”

I waited to see if he wanted to share more, but he remained silent.

“I can tell you’re very tense, Rory. Would you like me to give you another massage? It could help you relax…”

Rory sighed. “We were about to go to dinner…”

“It can wait. I can feel how tense your whole body is, how stressed you are. Please, let me help you…”

Rory nodded and raised his face to mine. “Thank you, Dallas. You’re so… caring.”

I smiled and took his hand, leading him to the bed, where I hesitated.

“Hm, but we don’t have any oil…”

“I have hand cream. It might work.”

“Okay, let’s give it a try. Are you going to undress?”

He nodded and removed his clothes, then lay down on the bed.

Using hand cream, I managed to massage him for a while, focusing on the tense parts of his back and shoulders. He was quiet during it, unlike the last time when he had moaned quite a bit. When I finished massaging his back, he slowly turned onto his front and I realized that even though he didn’t make a sound, he… boned up. Yep.

I grinned. “Someone really likes massages…” I murmured.

Rory smiled, but… not very cheerfully. He didn’t answer. He looked at the ceiling.

“Do you want me to help you with that?” I asked, hoping to improve his mood.

He looked at me again. “Would you?”

“Of course, Rory. I want to make you feel good, help you relax…”

He kept his eyes on me for a while.


So I knelt between his thighs and bent down to suck him off. I was quite surprised that it didn’t last very long.

Rory was rather quiet throughout the whole endeavor, only taking a few deep breaths at the end.

As I sat up, our eyes met.

“Thank you, Dallas. Would you… lie down next to me for a while? I really don’t want to go to dinner right now…” He winced.

“Sure, I’ll be right back,” I also got a boner during the blowjob, but I ignored it and just brushed my teeth in the bathroom.

When I came back, Rory was already under the covers. I slid under it too and hugged him so I could hold him in my arms.

After some soul-searching, I said what I needed to say,

“I can imagine how you feel. You were with him for six years. That’s a lot. He hurt you, but there were good moments, I’m sure. It must be hard to see how he changed and what it all led to.”

Rory sighed and shook her head.

“That’s not even it, Dallas. I remember my mother worked on the victim helpline called LoveIsRespect. And I had this revelation… He never respected me. How could he love me? What he did today, trying to force himself on me, showed me the extent of his lack of respect for me. Like I was a toy he could take and toss around whenever he wanted. I was blind for so long, Dallas, and it scares me. I felt disgusted looking at his face now when he begged. His eyes were empty. He didn’t feel any remorse. He was angry deep inside when the police came; he didn’t think I could go for that. He was shocked I was able to do it to him; it was beyond him. He expected me to pliantly accept whatever he threw at me. And I’m happy I finally had the strength to say stop. It’s so liberating. Thanks to you and your support, I had the strength to do it. For that, I’m forever thankful, Dallas. You’ve been such a positive influence in my life. I hope we will have a lot of time together to enjoy each other in a calmer environment, not thinking about Martin…”

We were lying on the bed face to face, our foreheads almost touching, our fingers entangled.

“Rory… have you considered moving into my apartment? The building has cameras all around and guards. Martin doesn’t know the address. If anything were to happen in the future, if he disregarded the restraining order, it’s less likely he would find us, although it’s still possible, of course.”

Viewed from such a close distance, his irises were a beautiful hazel color, a mixture of green, amber, and gray with small golden specks.

“Thank you for the proposition. It’s worth considering, for sure.”

A moment of silence passed; he was still looking deeply into my eyes, and I could sense he was contemplating my confession. I felt a shift in his energy, a softening of it.

And then he whispered, “I’m usually pretty cautious, careful about what I say… But I want you to know I’m optimistic about our future…” And he smiled shyly.

For me, it was as good as a love confession. Rory was a bit reserved, except in the moments when he was making love. I should probably appreciate that, as I knew well how quickly being overly expressive could become tiresome. Rory was like a breath of fresh air for me, as my ex-boyfriends were much more lively, bossy, but also superficial and self-centered. I guess I always attracted the flamboyant “bitchy bottom” type. I never felt like any of them truly loved me. But I could hope… that one day Rory could grant me that gift, as long as I remain supportive, respectful, and dedicated to him. And I was determined to earn his love… oh how much I wanted that.

Rory moved his hand over my body and slid it under the blanket. He found my hard-on, of course because I still hadn’t gotten rid of it completely. He stroked me a bit and suddenly said in a very shy voice, “Could you just… put it inside me? I’m a little sore from the last… pretty intense fuck, but I’d just like to feel you inside me…” he whispered.

My heart beat a little faster, I nodded with a gentle smile, then I lubricated my dick and his entrance. He lay limp with his legs spread, waiting for me to enter him, his eyes fixed on mine.

I knelt between his thighs and aligned my dick with his hole. It looked quite used, a bit puffed up and swollen, the ring even protruding slightly, but maybe because of that, I felt a throb in my dick. I had done it. I fucked him, he was mine.

I slowly breached his pink muscle rim, not taking my eyes off his face even for a second. He wasn’t hard, which didn’t surprise me because he had just come ten minutes ago.

I slowly propped myself over him, sinking deeper into his warm tunnel.

He parted his lips and took me in without a word of protest. He pulled his bent knees up to his chest and to the side, giving me easier access to his body.

For some reason, I was painfully hard as I watched him give himself to me, even when he was sated. The symmetry between us made me strangely happy. I had given him an orgasm without asking for anything in return, and now he was returning the favor.

I lay on top of him, face to face. His long hair was spread around his head. I began to move slowly inside him, making small movements with my hips, gently massaging him inside.

Our eyes were locked the whole time.

Rory lifted his hands and placed them on my cheeks.

“Are you mine?” I whispered.

“I am yours,” he whispered breathlessly.

We kissed, slowly, sensuously, sucking gently on each other’s lips. I loved his upper, somewhat fuller lip, which gave him that cute, slightly offended expression.

I moved my hand to the side of his head and took a handful of his hair, pulled it up to my nose and took a deep breath. It smelled like shampoo and Rory.

He watched me with a very subtle smile.

“Do you like my hair?”

“Do you even have to ask?”

I slowly took his slender hand and pulled it up behind his head, looking at his armpit and the little red tuft there.

“I love that you are a natural redhead,” I smiled.

And I slowly leaned down and sniffed there, as we had showered an hour and a half earlier, it still smelled of shower gel with only a subtle hint of Rory’s sweat, which strangely enough, wasn’t unpleasant to me, but had a nice and masculine scent.

I licked over it and Rory giggled.

“Hey! Are you into armpit smells?”

“I never was, but with you… everything’s more exciting.” I lifted my head and looked into his eyes. “I wasn’t lying, Rory. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you…”

He was silent for a while, his breathing almost stopped.

Mind you, I was deep inside him during the whole conversation! I’ve always been more into ‘silent sex’ and I didn’t like to talk too much during it, it was just too distracting, but somehow this conversation, with my dick immersed in him, was quite… pleasant.

“Why? What is different about me?”

“Everything. Your energy, your body, so… slim and smooth, the translucent skin, the golden dots, your… vulnerability… it all screams for me… take me and never leave me…”

Rory listened to me, his breathing a little faster. I leaned on his arm and sped up my movements a bit, discovering with some surprise that something was poking me gently in my abdomen as I slowly thrust into him.

I put my mouth close to his ear and whispered, “Did you bone up again, baby?”

“I guess I did…” He chuckled slightly.

“Who’s a horny little twink?” I winked.

“I guess it would be me…” he made a flirtatious face.

“But you were sore…”

“It’s subsided, it’s nice now…”

I felt a rush of arousal and sped up even more, rocking inside him, sliding deep into his inviting private place.

Moving there, I showered Rory’s face with soft, light kisses, finding his lips now and then and nibbling on them, then moving to his cheeks and temples, licking over his small earlobes and down his neck. I noticed that he was closing his eyes and immersing himself in this shower of caresses, his breathing accelerating, his lips parting, his hands clasping my neck, pulling me close.

So I continued along this line, leaving wet trails down his neck and back to his face, where I just gently pecked at his cheeks, lips, and temples.

Every time I returned to his lips and made little nibbles on them, he made short gasps and moans and responded by trying to catch my lower lips and suck on them, but I didn’t stay in one place too long, just showered him with kisses for long minutes, and… how strange! It seemed to work! His dick was now fully hard and rubbed over my lower abdomen with every thrust.

It was a bit weird, I wasn’t even fucking him that hard, it was just a regular, normal – medium tempo, but for some reason I was getting closer and closer to my climax and Rory – miraculously – looked like he was about to do the same!

“Dallas, Dallas, Dallas… so good,” he murmured, tensing a little under me. His hands stroked my back and my neck, he pulled me even closer, so that we were just rubbing against each other, body against body, skin against skin, I couldn’t remember ever being so close to someone, so close to someone’s body.

It was so pleasant and sensual to be connected with another human being in an intimate act, it’s hard to describe what I felt, touched and happy and fulfilled. I was never into hookups and meeting Rory made something so much out of my character and yet… my intuition was correct. It was the right direction for me.

Then I felt it… a small, thin smear of wetness on my abs. Rory really didn’t have much in his balls at this point, and yet I could feel his orgasm making him tremble, his hole clenching around my dick, pulsing and squeezing me.

“Oh Rory…” I whispered, speeding up a bit to join him in the pleasure he was now feeling, and soon I was following him as well, filling his hole with my load, quite a lot of it to be honest.

The orgasm was intense and somehow short-circuited my brain for a while, I just fell on top of him and closed my eyes.

“I really don’t want to go to this dinner, I would just… rather take a nap…” I mumbled.

“No problem, I’m super tired too…” Rory mumbled, and…

We both woke up at 8:00 in the morning!

We had slept almost 11 hours!

I sat up feeling strange, my head seemed swollen and heavy, and my temples were a little sore.

“Wow, I really overslept this time,” I muttered.

Rory was also sitting. He looked even worse than I did. Puffy eyelids, swollen lips, dark circles under his eyes.

“Fuck, my head is killing me…”

I stood up and got a bottle of mineral water out of my suitcase. I handed it to him, and he drank half of it in a few seconds.

“God, sleeping too long is not so good. I really need a shower…”

He looked down at his flat stomach, which was covered in a crust of semen.

I smirked but didn’t comment.

When he stood up, we were both naked, his eyes wandering over my body.

“Yesterday was really intense… I hope today will be better. Martin is out of the picture.”

“Yes, we can try to relax and actually learn something from the lectures…”


We took separate showers since we realized we were running late for breakfast. Afterward, we quickly headed downstairs to the hotel restaurant, where we unexpectedly ran into Adam. Of course, he immediately inquired about the Martin situation.

After explaining what had happened, Adam was in shock. He stared at us, shaking his head in disbelief the entire time.

“Wow, I didn’t expect it to escalate so quickly! The guy seems seriously disturbed. What’s the plan now? Do you need to go to the precinct?”

“I have to go today. If I want a restraining order, I need to file a petition and an affidavit explaining to the court what happened and why I need the order. I have to sign it in the presence of a notary, and I’ll get a temporary restraining order until the hearing. After that, the judge will decide.”

Adam hesitated. “Sounds like quite a process. Are you up for it?”

Rory nodded firmly. “I know him all too well to ignore him. If I don’t clearly say no, if I don’t establish a firm boundary, he’ll be back. I need to take action.”

“That’s good.” Adam murmured, looking around as if feeling a bit dazed, “Excuse me, I’ll get some more salad,” he walked away, providing the opportunity for me to say what I wanted to.

I leaned in closer to Rory’s ear. “I’ll support you every step of the way and be with you at the precinct.”

“Thank you.” He smiled ruefully.

However, there was a hint of tension in his expression, so I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

“I just need to close this chapter,” Rory sighed. The weight of it was evident in his demeanor.

After breakfast, we attended lectures separately. Luckily, Martin didn’t show up, so Rory sat with just Adam.

The rest of the day unfolded similarly. We were all in our respective lectures and labs until after the final lectures when we met outside the building next to Adam, who was smoking.

We agreed to have dinner together.

Suddenly, some women approached us.

It was a young, attractive brunette with a very curvaceous body that straight men probably found appealing. For me, her beauty didn’t hold much allure; I preferred the smooth, flat, and toned features of Rory’s young male body. I guess I was quite gay.

The woman’s gaze fixed on Rory.

“Hello, Rory. You probably remember me, don’t you?”

Rory crossed his arms over his chest. “Ah, yes. The woman who took my man. Of course, I remember you, how could I forget?”

“It’s funny you put it that way. Now you’re attempting to do the same? I heard you were all over him yesterday and even sent the police after him. Is this some kind of twisted revenge?”

Rory smirked and pulled out his phone. “Yep, please, see for yourself how I was all over him and how I dragged him into my hotel room.” He played the recording for her–first, the recording from the lecture hall, and then the one from the room.

She watched it in silence, then straightened up. “You know how to play him. Tease him. Make him come to you by playing hard to get. Push his buttons to grab his attention again!”

Blinking in disbelief, I protested, “Seriously, lady? I was there, and Rory didn’t do anything to attract Martin’s attention!”

“But he did. By NOT giving him attention! You know it works. Martin is easy to figure out.”

“How messed up do you think I am?” Rory spread his arms. “I’m in a relationship with another man, Veronica!”

“Could that stop you?”

Rory closed his eyes and sighed. “I have feelings for him, so… I would argue: yes.”

I swallowed hard, feeling a strange fluttering of butterflies in my stomach.

Veronica pursed her lips. “Just leave him alone!”

“I intend to. I’m in the process of getting a restraining order. So, hopefully, that will put an end to it.”

Her face turned crimson, and I wondered if she had a burst blood vessel. She fixated her eyes on Rory with such intensity that, if looks could kill, he’d be dead in seconds.

I decided to speak up. “I don’t know you, but I suppose Martin manipulated you into believing he’s innocent. I feel sorry for you. He’s a toxic person, and we should all keep our distance from individuals like him.”

“You don’t know him…”

“Oh, but I do. He gives intense focus to those he pursues, making them addicted to his fickle attention. Pull and push, pull and push. And you all crave the pull, but the more you crave it, the more he pushes. It’s toxic. You deserve better.” I looked her squarely in the eyes as I spoke.

She clenched her jaws but remained silent.

“Maturity is knowing when to let go.”

She muttered curses under her breath, spun on her heel, and left.

Rory observed me attentively.

“How does it feel to be caught up in a cheap soap opera drama?” He suddenly asked with a bitter grimace.

“Well, when is life anything other than that?”

Rory sighed. “Thank you, Dallas, for taking it all so calmly and not giving up on me. Any other guy would be running away from me, thinking I have just too much baggage, it’s too much of a hassle.”

“And he would be foolish. Good things are worth the hassle.”

He watched me in silence for a while.

“I really want to forget about him. I want it to be just you and me. Getting to know each other without external factors.”

“But we are getting to know each other even better. An accelerated course.” I winked. “Rory, just relax. Stop sweating about it. Let’s finish what needs to be finished and move on. You worry too much. I have a proposition for you–let’s go dancing somewhere this evening. What do you say?”

Rory smiled. “To a gay club?”

“Not necessarily. They can be a bit intense and very…sexually charged,” I chuckled. “But I saw a poster in the hotel lobby about a festival on the beach. Want to go?”

“Sure, we can go,” Rory grinned.

For the first time in a while, I saw his face light up like that.

And that made me weirdly elated.

That day we went to the precinct and completed the formal part of his process to obtain a restraining order. Rory tried to keep it cool; I could see that.

We didn’t discuss it any further.

In the evening, we changed and drove to the beach. There was a large dancing area with bars and tables, and loud music playing all around. I noticed that there were actually some gay and lesbian couples on the dance floor, which put me at ease that we wouldn’t be drawing too much attention to ourselves as the only gay couple.

So I led Rory to the dance floor, holding his hand. It was pleasant to feel him close to me as we started to dance, tightly embracing each other.

I heard Rory exhale deeply, almost as if in relief, and he rested his head on my shoulder. I could feel his firm, hard body pressed against me, and it was very… arousing. My hard-on was probably brushing against his hip, but he tactfully remained silent.

We swayed to the rhythm of the music for a while, just relaxing and being together.

“Tomorrow we’re going back to LA,” he murmured, his face hidden in the nook of my shoulder and neck.

“Yeah. Wish I had learned more about Java,” I chuckled.

“I can teach you, private lessons, you know,” Rory whispered in my ear.

“But I would have to pay you somehow, right?”

“I have a couple of ideas,” he responded, gently kissing the side of my neck.

“I’m always open to new ideas,” I replied, reciprocating his kiss by planting kisses on his temple and cheek.

Suffice to say, we didn’t linger long on the beach. Upon returning to the hotel room, we engaged in passionate lovemaking for two straight hours. The next day, which happened to be the last day of the course, Rory appeared to be experiencing some discomfort when sitting, but well, that’s life, isn’t it?


I was the one driving on our way back to LA, and the conversation was light and pleasant. We discussed our college years and our families. Surprisingly, both sides of our families were generally supportive of our sexual orientation.

We parted ways only in the evening, deciding to discuss our future living arrangement the next day.

And finally, the following morning, we returned to the company.

The moment we entered the office, Adam appeared from a side corridor, welcoming us, but soon he murmured, “Hey guys, Director Ashen wants to talk to both of you.”

We both froze, Rory’s face turning pale. As we headed to the director’s office, the weight of the moment hung heavily between us.

“What’s that all about? What could he want?” I asked uncertainly.

“I can only guess,” responded Rory, his face very tense, almost contorted.

Feeling annoyed that, because of Martin, we could now face additional troubles (as if being at the precincts wasn’t enough!), I followed him.

We didn’t exchange any more words.

Upon entering Ashen’s office, the director’s gaze fixed on us, and he gestured toward the chairs. With unchanging expressions, we took our seats.

“Soooo. We received mail from another worker in our San Francisco branch…”

“Was this Martin Dash?” Rory asked with his head low.


I could literally sense Rory’s mood spiraling downwards.

“Let me guess, Director Ashen. He’s warning you about a dangerous pattern of mine, dating my colleagues…”

Director Ashen raised his eyebrows.

“No, nothing of the sort.”

“No?” It was Rory.

“No?” It was me.

Ashen blinked and explained, “The personal lives of my employees are not of any interest to me, as long as it does not interfere with work. The San Francisco branch was working on an additional version of the Xen app for their VIP customers. He informed me that he would not be able to fly to Sydney to attend a meeting with our clients regarding the database architecture for their part of the app. He’s dealing with some personal problems. However, since you’ve already discussed the same topic with our clients and are familiar with their team, I thought it would be beneficial if you flew there and met with them. I also learned from Dallas’s CV that he’s been working on some freelance commissions for their director of communication. So, I had the idea that maybe the two of you could fly there and make a good impression on them. He would feel more trusting of our company if he knew both of our employees personally.”

Rory and I sat there with our gaping mouths, probably looking stupid.

Director Ashen blinked. “Is there a problem, gentlemen? You both seem very surprised… I understand you just returned from the course, and I know it’s rather sudden, but it’s also a really urgent matter. Martin just let us know, literally one day before the planned flight!”

“Wow… I’m sorry, of course, I will fly, if there is an urgent situation…” Rory started to say, and I inserted myself also.

“And me too, of course!”

It was just too fucking unexpected!

Ashen snorted, “Good, you got me worried for a while. Your faces looked really strange. Is there something I should know?”

Rory’s lips pursed into a single line.

“Yes. There is something you should know…” I glanced at Rory nervously. “I’m dating Dallas.”

Wow, wow, wow. So Rory went into a fully open/disclosed relationship policy! He was not gonna hide it, obviously…being… himself; a good and honest man.

Ashen didn’t even look at us; he was checking something on his laptop.

“Just fill out a statement on this matter so that the girls from HR are informed, and that will suffice. There are couples in several departments; it’s not the Middle Ages. People get to know each other at work, and these things are normal in corporate environments…”

“But I’m his supervisor; there could be allegations of preferential treatment, or…”

Ashen sighed. “If they arise, we’ll move Dallas to another department. If not, there won’t be a need for it. Unless you both decide to report it yourselves.”

He raised an eyebrow, glancing at us.

“We understand,” Rory said quietly.

“Keisha will send all the flight details to both of you, and I’m also sending all the files you need to get acquainted with before the meeting. Rory, you probably already know most of it, as it’s essentially the same architecture, but their team may need some guidance. Assist Dallas in getting familiar with the materials.”

As we exited Ashen’s office, we both looked equally stunned.

“Is that really all? I just can’t believe that… my crappy life didn’t become crappier for once, just when I didn’t need it to be crappy!” Rory chuckled, leaning on the wall and releasing a sigh.

“To be honest, I’m also a bit shocked! How come? They have no problem with us dating?”

“It seems that way. The corporate environment really is different nowadays… nobody seems to care that much, I guess,” Rory sighed, rolling his eyes and shifting his gaze to the ceiling.

Then he slowly redirected his gaze toward me. “But I’m happy, for once… I can finally relax…”

I smirked.

“And on top of that… we have another flight ahead… I must say, I have exquisite memories from the other flight that started it all…”

Rory bit his lower lip.

“Yep…” And he responded with a smirk.


I sat next to Rory on the plane, and my mind was filled with only one vision. A replay of where our acquaintance had started. I glanced at him from time to time, actually since the moment we boarded the plane and found our seats.

Rory was looking at something on his tablet for a while, but I think he sensed that I was staring at him because he sent me meaningful, brief looks from time to time. I observed his profile, just as I had done on that day when we met during the flight from Sydney to Los Angeles. I remembered that even then, I had trouble tearing my gaze away from his charming lips, with the upper one slightly larger than the lower, giving his face that pleasant, slightly pouting expression.

I really liked his looks, I had to admit… My attraction toward him just didn’t seem to fade. I gazed at him, his fair, typical for redheads complexion, the reddish strands escaping from his ponytail, and I looked at his slender, pale fingers gliding over the tablet screen.

I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter…

Finally, Rory turned toward me in silence – as my staring had become quite persistent. We locked eyes for a moment…

“The plane has already displayed the open seatbelt sign, you know?” I muttered, lightly biting my lip.

He tilted his head.

“We’re just at the beginning of the flight… we have many hours ahead of us…”

“And many… sex opportunities also.”

Rory blushed intensely. “Dallas… you are crazy!”

“I’m horny for my pretty redhead boyfriend… c’mon!”

Rory chuckled, I could see he was struggling a bit with the idea, but was also tempted.

“Now is the best time.” I whispered in his ear, “When people start eating and drinking, the line for the bathroom will be very long.

He nibbled at his lower lips and looked at me with accelerated breath.

“Okay!” he finally gave up and stood up!

Yes! I grinned and felt my dick demanding to be released from my jeans. It throbbed in need of Rory’s tight, sweet ass.

“Just give me two minutes…” he murmured and walked down the aisle between the rows of seats.

Feeling like my poor dick was almost painfully hard now, I waited those fucking two minutes, trembling with impatience.

Finally it was time. I rushed over and quietly knocked on the door.

Rory let me in quickly.

As soon as he locked the door behind us, I threw myself on him, kissing him hard, pressing him against the wall, devouring his soft mouth in a hungry, wild kiss.

“I want you, so fucking much!” I murmured into his lips.

Without even waiting for a response, I pushed him toward the sink and in a few quick moves, I pulled down his pants, exposing his beautiful, narrow hips with round, firm ass cheeks that protruded nicely. I immediately dropped to my knees, just like the first time we met.

“Um…” I mumbled immediately. “Airplane soap! I’m starting to be like Pavlov’s dog, I’m getting aroused by the smell of cheap airplane soap because I associate it with fucking your tight hole for the first time…”

Rory giggled a little but pushed his ass even further toward me and I plunged my tongue into his freshly cleaned ass. I loved to rim him, his ass was just perfect, the pink tissue smooth and he was very sensitive in that area, so I licked him diligently there, swirling my tongue inside and he moaned softly,

“Fuck, that’s nice…” He exhaled, “I remember how I loved it when you ate my ass the first time…”

I lapped there, poking his pink entrance with the tip of my tongue, feeling delirious with desire, my pulse racing, my dick throbbing angrily.

I simply could not stay there too long. I stood up, tore open the lube bag (yes, this time I had it!) and squeezed a generous amount onto my fingers, then leaned down, almost biting Rory’s neck from the side, my teeth sinking a little into his flesh, and pushed my two fingers into him at once.

He gasped at this (un)expected invasion.

Unhurriedly, I began fingering him, licking his neck at the same time, paying special attention to his older hickeys, nibbling at his earlobe, and sniffing his hair.

Suddenly, I noticed Rory was staring at my flushed face in the mirror above the sink, our eyes met and he whispered,

“I love how…intensely you desire me…” his lips were reddened and parted.

“You have no idea…” I replied, murmuring in his ear. “You deserve to feel this way all the time, needed and wanted.”

And… I pressed my engorged head against his entrance. I peered down. It looked really… enticing. Rory had very narrow hips, his whole body was slender and willowy, and my thick dick looked almost brutal next to his little hole.

“I need to be inside you, Rory…” I mumbled, feeling slightly dizzy from all the blood rushing from my head to my… other head. “All the way, Rory, all the way…”

“Do it, push into me, Dallas, fuck me…” he encouraged me, sounding a tad dazed.

So I did it, feeling true bliss, pushing on his sphincter and enjoying the characteristic moment when my dick breached through the tight ring muscle and plunged inside.

“Yeah…” I moaned, feeling the sweet relief of finally being where I felt best, inside Rory’s body and… his life.

For a while, I just stood there, letting him breathe through the discomfort, even though we had fucked so many times that he was probably used to me by now. Waiting for him to relax a little more, I spent that time kissing and nibbling on his neck and just below his jaw.

Rory slowly tilted his head to the side and looked into my eyes. His eyes almost seared me with a strange, slightly shy affection.



He opened his lips; I could see he was struggling to say something, a blush creeping across his cheeks.

“I think I’m falling for you…”

I blinked, feeling a slight tightening in my throat. A wave of happiness washed over me.

“I feel the same…” I murmured, and our lips brushed against each other. His were soft and slightly trembling. “After we go back to LA… will you move in with me, Rory? I want you in my life, I need you with me…”

“I will, Dallas. I want that too…”

We kissed again and while our lips were still connected, I began to slowly thrust into his searing hot passage. God, it felt so good, the best feeling in the world. Being here, buried inside him, I knew I’d never let anyone else touch him again. He was mine.

My hand found his hard cock, waiting for some love, and as I moved inside, I began to stroke his shaft at the same time. Rory closed his eyes and laid his head on my shoulder.

It was a very pleasant feeling to be so close to him. Smelling his scent, feeling the touch of his slender body pressed against mine, I adored his gentle, calm energy and his way of having sex, surrendering to my power.

But the pace and intensity slowly increased. Our breathing became more labored.

Now I was bottoming out with every thrust, my dick plunging in to the brim. In this trance-like state I was hammering into him, thrusting as deeply as I could. Rory’s eyes were closed tightly, long brown eyelashes fanning across his cheeks. He looked absolutely mindless, in a daze, mumbling some incoherent things. Breathy moans fell from his lips in a strange, dizzying plea that echoed through my head.

The view was too tantalizing, I knew I wouldn’t last too long, but I wanted him to enjoy it as well, so I concentrated on jerking him off, slowing down in his tight hole.

“Rory, Rory, Rory…” I murmured in his ear, continuing to rock gently, and he moaned softly, his eyelids closed, my other hand wandering over his chest, up to his neck, stroking his jaw, his plump lips.

I held him in my arms as tightly as I could, suddenly consumed by feelings far heavier than I was used to. “Be mine, be mine forever…” I muttered, deep in abandon.

I didn’t know what it was, but maybe those words sent Rory over the edge of his own bliss. His hips met my ass midway, pressing into me as he clenched his teeth and spurted his cum, landing in five long, translucent white ropes over the sink. It looked epic, and some even got on the mirror, which I didn’t give a fuck about.

Suddenly his eyes opened, and he looked at me… really looked at me.

And now it was my time, it was me who was thrown over the edge of ecstasy, my climax hitting my nervous system without warning, under his watchful gaze as I spurted into him, filling him with my cum, my balls tightening – I unloaded everything I had into him, never once looking away, our eyes locked tightly in the (splattered!) mirror.

“Fuck…” I mumbled, panting quickly, shaken by the intensity of my orgasm.

“Yep, that was a fuck, for sure…” Rory smirked slightly.

We stood like that for a while, just staring at each other in a very pleasant, and exciting silence.

“You are perfect, Rory,”

“You are even…perfect…er?”

I chuckled.

As I pulled away, I saw a trickle of my cum leaking from his puffy hole and trailing down his thighs. The realization that I had just pumped him full of my cum and he was now going to go out in public with it leaking from his ass flooded my mind, but I tamped down my excitement.

Instead of indulging in more salacious visions, I grabbed the roll of toilet paper. I knew where we were, and I had a vague awareness that while we were fucking, I had heard the doorknob move slightly, indicating that someone might be waiting outside…hopefully not a flight attendant.

Bending down a bit, I began to clean his ass, tenderly wiping his hole, careful not to rub too hard. Rory watched me the whole time in the mirror, his pupils slightly dilated.

“You’re so… caring…” he whispered suddenly. “It always surprises me…”

“Well, I care about you, so why shouldn’t I treat you well?”

He swallowed. “Well, believe me, it’s not a standard.”

“From this moment on, it will be a standard for you.”

I straightened up and he turned to face me.

There was silence between us. “Dallas, the best decision of my life…fuck on an airplane,” he said with a shy but happy smile.

“You got me…on board… with that one,” I said with a grin.

When we stepped out of the bathroom, we froze in our tracks because right behind the door were three women standing in line, staring at us wide-eyed.

I cleared my throat rather loudly and scratched my head.

“Ummm…. sorry, there was a speck of dust in his eye, I had to help him get it out!” I delivered my tried-and-true excuse.

“Sure…. I guess it must have been intensely painful to pull out that speck of dust. So many… painful moans could be heard…” one of the women muttered with a – thankfully – slightly amused expression on her face.

“Yeah, in a low-pressure environment, that’s how it works… everything… gets a little more intense.” I grinned.

We passed the women and returned to our seats, exchanging amused glances.

Oh God, I was so happy I was practically bursting. I guess when we sat down and held hands, the air around us turned pink and bubbly. What a flight…maybe that’s what they call being sky-high?

And then I remembered.

We didn’t clean the mirror.

But could that really spoil my mood? I was in love, after all. 😉

The end

Thank you for reading the entire “Ginger” series. I apologize for taking so long to produce the fourth part, but a lot has been happening in my life. I hope you enjoyed the conclusion of Rory and Dallas’s story. Please let me know if the return to the airplane where it all began was what you expected.

Please be sure to share your thoughts on the series and leave me your vote! I will reply to all your comments!

I also apologize for any grammatical imperfections — unfortunately, I’m not a native English speaker. See you in the next story! 🙂

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