Girlfriend’s Son Ch. 02

A gay story: Girlfriend’s Son Ch. 02 Story Info

Part 2 of the 3 part series

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Neither of us moved for a minute or two with Ben still gripping my shoulders and me caressing the globes of his bum with the palms of my hands. Eventually he broke free and after a slightly uncomfortable glance, headed off for a good nights sleep.

The next morning Ben was up and about before me and had the fire going before I surfaced. We were both on edge that next day and I was starting to wonder whether I had done the wrong thing. We chatted away but he was a bit more like his usual sullen self. By the end of our stay I was almost pleased that the weekend has ended.

I didn’t see him through that hole in wall of the public toilets over the next week. I didn’t hear from neither he nor his mother and was becoming fairly sure that that was the end of that.

I was relaxing at home one night after coming home from work when the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and got a surprise when I realised it was Ben. Neither of us said much, just a hello. He looked a bit nervous and, judging by his red tinged face, almost embarrassed. I invited him inside and asked him if he would like something to drink.

He followed me into the kitchen and when I turned around he had a funny look on his face. I looked down and saw that his cock was bulging out in his pants. I just stood there with a surge of adrenalin surging through my body and my heart racing. Almost instantly my cock was straining against the thin material of my tracksuit pants.

I walked over to him and grasped the waistband of his pants and gently pulled downwards. Lower and lower they went, his thick, dark pubic hair came into view. Lower still and his thick mushroom-headed cock sprang out followed by those heavy balls of his. I was almost coming in my pants. I couldn’t wait any longer and neither could he. I knelt down in front of him and started caressing his beautiful bum, slowing down to gently run my fingers up and down his crack.

He didn’t say a word during the whole proceedings unless “aaarrgh” and “eeerrr” count. I licked that cock head around and around, up and down the shaft, up and down again. When I had teased him enough I slipped my lips over his mushroom headed cock and slid it down my throat. By that time he couldn’t stand it any longer and started groaning as he shot hot streaming pulses of cum far down into my throat. He had a glorious orgasm and I could feel his whole body stiffening up while he was blowing into my mouth.

I was still fully clothed but that didn’t matter, to neither him nor me. He was smiling from ear to ear with a look of contentment that said it all. Now that it looked as though he was starting to accept his urges I didn’t want to push things so waited until he went to pull myself off. I too was so excited that I came after a few strokes and came in long, strong, pulses that landed a few feet across the floor.

We talked briefly before he went home with the agreement that he could come over any time he liked. Now that I new things were looking okay I has a desire to fuck his mother again. I waited till he went out the next night and went over. To my surprise Joanne was her normal happy self. Ben mustn’t have let on!

After sucking off her son the day before I couldn’t wait to slide up her beautiful hairy cunt and fill her up with my cum. In no time I had her on the bed moaning, writhing and pleading with me to fuck her hard. I decided to fuck her up her bottom and as soon as she realised this started saying ‘yes, yes, please do it there”. It was while she was cumming over and over that I started filling up he backside with loads of hot streaming cum. We both flopped down on the bed and cuddled, all sweaty and worn out, relieved and exhausted.

If only she knew what was going through my mind as we lay side by side. How many men are lucky enough to suck off their Girlfriend’s Son. How many know that they both have the same dark, thick pubic hair and respond much the same way in bed.

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