Glory Daze Ch. 10


A gay story: Glory Daze Ch. 10 For John, without whose suggestion this story would never have been written. Another story in a series about the pleasures of youth and the fun had during those glory years….

Story Ten — Everybody’s Hero

That night, Toby was everybody’s hero.

He was golden. Nobody could touch him. The ball kept sailing towards him with remarkable alacrity, thrown by the powerful arm of our quarterback. And each time he somehow managed to evade the defensive lines of the opposing team with an ease that bordered on miraculous. I swear I’d never seen anything like it. It was as if God himself had arranged the players on the field, all to contrive a clear path for Toby to charge down the field like a victorious general. He made touch down after blessed touch down. We had so many points on the board; we were unbeatable before the first half of the game was over.

Toby was literally carried off the field on our shoulders.

It was like I hadn’t even been there. Ordinarily I was one of the stars on the field, but I may as well have just sat on the bench the whole game for all the use I’d been. I didn’t mind though. I recognized it was Toby’s time. And I was prouder of him that night than if he’d been my own brother.

He could have had anyone he wanted. It turned out though that the only person he wanted was me.

“Great game man,” I said to him later in the locker room after we’d showered.

Usually I have plenty of opportunities to talk with Toby, but he remained a bit of a loner. Off the field you might take Toby for one of the grungy stoner types, with his tattoos and blue, spiked hair. He had a way about him that just didn’t fit our home town. But on the field he was a competent player who earned the respect of the fans and his fellow players alike. Toby was widely admired. However, because of his reputation as something of a fag, or at least a bisexual, most of the guys gave him a lot of space. Not that anyone would have said anything to his face. Toby would have kicked the shit out of anybody who had the balls to cast any aspersions his way anyway. It’s just that no one wanted to be considered guilty by association. Except me, of course. I didn’t care one way or the other. Damn all if I couldn’t hang around with whomever I wanted to. I liked Toby. He was a good friend. And I dared anyone to question my sexuality.

Everyone knew I’d deflowered half the girls in my grade.

I was one of the few people who knew for a fact Toby liked boys as well as girls. But it didn’t make him a bad guy. And it didn’t make me a bad guy if I’d sucked his cock one drunken night a month ago when we’d been banging chicks together in a hotel room. Or again a few weeks later at the apartment of Toby’s friend, Brett.

Shit happens, as they say.

“It wasn’t bad, man,” he said, with a sense of satisfaction and pride thick in his voice, “Not bad at all.”

He was standing at his locker next to me getting dressed. After he took off his towel he was as naked as a jay bird, and I don’t mind saying that it was one of the few times in my life having a naked man next to me was an intensely erotic experience. Toby glowed with an internal light, and I bathed in the rays he cast off.

“Going out with Katie tonight?” he asked me with a touch of macho bravado, “Taking her out for a victory lap?”

As he said it he mimed a hip thrusting, fucking motion in the crudest possible manner. Ordinarily I would have laughed, and said something equally crude, but instead I just groaned.

“You haven’t heard then?” I replied, with a pained tone, “She dumped my ass this morning.”

The memory was still somewhat painful. Katie was one of the few women I’d ever actually tried to date, rather than merely have lots of casual sex with. We’d gone out for slightly less than a month, but I had known for most of that time that we were doomed to failure. I had too much of a roving eye, and Katie was too jealous to allow that to go on. Some women view men as a kind of repair project, and therein lay the principal attraction. She thought she could change me. But she was wrong. And I wasn’t about to act like some pussy whipped asshole just to get some when she was in the mood.

Not me. No sir.

The only thing that really smarted about the way it went down was that Katie had dumped me before I’d dumped her. And she’d been real mean about it too. Fortunately, my reputation was too solidly cemented with most of the girls at school for that to be much of a worry. I might take a small hit with some of the younger girls, but I’d get through it.

I was just surprised Toby hadn’t heard about it before now. Or maybe he had?

“No worries, man,” he said, stepping into his tighty whities and pulling them up over his ass.

I couldn’t help but watch, out of the corner of my eye, as he did so. And I thought, not for the first time, what an amazingly sculpted ass it was. He had a firm, hard body like my own, built from hours spent in the gym. His figure reminded me of one of those statutes you saw in museums of ancient Greek heroes carved from snowy white marble. Except that unlike that cold white stone, Toby’s tanned body radiated an intoxicating outward warmth. I could feel his heat in the close proximity of our positions.

“I’m sure you’ll find something to occupy your time at Jameson’s,” he continued, by now pulling up a pair of tight, ripped blue jeans.

“Not sure if I feel up for it,” I said abruptly, surprising myself.

“Well,” he said, “I’m not going. You can come over to my place and hang if you want.”

It wasn’t unusual for Toby to skip a party like Frank’s. It was a little too crowded for him, and maybe a step or two upscale. Toby seemed to find enjoyment in the company of a much rougher, less popular crowd of people. And it wasn’t unusual for him to find his women by trolling through the bars that he was too young to legitimately be found in.

“Oh, man,” I said to him, “You know you’re going to deprive your fans of their hero tonight.”

“They’ll get over it,” he said matter of factly, and then clapping a hand on my shoulder, “I’ve got a buddy in need. That comes first.”

“Thanks, man,” I said, not wanting to let the mood get too serious, “I’m really touched. I think I might cry.”

Toby broke into a huge smile and started laughing then. The mood was back to the kind of masculine camaraderie that you’d expect to find in a locker room.

“C’mon dude,” he said finally, as we finished getting dressed, “There’s a couple six packs at home with our names on them.”

We snuck out of the school by a side door to avoid the rest of the guys who were heading off to Frank Jameson’s place for the usual Friday night party, and I followed Toby in my truck back to his house. Despite his preferred choice of apparel, Toby’s parents were not poor. His father was a doctor. And they lived in a very nice home on the edge of town not far from my own. I imagined they did lay awake at nights wondering how their son had turned out the way he had.

As we went inside the house, Toby was all swagger.

“My parents aren’t home,” he said, throwing off his jacket and heading for the fridge.

He grabbed a beer and tossed it over to me. Taking another for himself.

“Bottoms up,” he intoned, as we both took a swig and settled in to the business at hand.

We were just a couple of dudes hanging out together in the typical uniform of our age group: jeans and t-shirts. There was a lot to occupy two football heroes who had decided to forgo the weekly party. There were video games that needed playing, movies that needed watching, weed that needed smoking, and the angst filled music of youth that needed listening to. But after that, sometime during the early hours of the morning, I came back to myself, from that brief descent into youthful indolence, to find that I was sitting together with Toby on his couch in his living room, with our respective choices of reading material arrayed on the coffee table before us. The remains of our evening’s excess lay scattered around us, including beer bottles, a few half eaten bags of chips and an empty pizza container. Toby had picked up a comic book after putting down Sports Illustrated and I was looking through a copy of that month’s Playboy.

The centerfold had the most amazing tits. I was genuinely trying to read the articles, but the weight of the day had limited my attention span and my eyes kept floating back to the pussy shots on the pages. I don’t care if they were airbrushed, they were a thing of beauty, and, as my father often said, true beauty is a joy eternal.

It had given me a boner that I was absent mindedly rubbing through my jeans.

“She’s hot,” said Toby’s deep voice from beside me, “Don’t you think?”

“Yeah,” I mumbled in response, feeling suddenly uncomfortable sitting next him.

A guy with whom I’d shared something very unexpected, and very confusing, several times before.

I put the magazine down and got up to hide my obvious masculine excitement, abruptly shy. I walked over to the wall of the living room, which was adorned with a variety of pictures showing Toby and his parents in scenes of familial togetherness. They were quite something. In most Toby was a young boy in poses such as standing holding a fish he’d caught with his father or playing at the beach. He was a tender, blond haired child. There was just a hint of the man that he would later become. The last picture I glanced at, which was obviously a school photo from junior high, showed a rather thoughtful young man of about twelve. The changes of adolescence had not yet taken hold, but there was the same handsome face and strong jaw that I knew was boring holes into my back even then from across the room. He had an incredible gentleness about him and I felt a wave of fraternal affection for Toby wash over me right then, although different than the affection I felt for my own brother, Peter.

For Toby I also felt something akin to desire.

I sensed, more than heard, Toby come up behind me. He had crossed the room as quietly as a panther on the prowl.

I was nervous and I needed to break the tension, so I asked him, “Cute kid. What the hell happened to you?”

“Dunno,” he murmured very close to me, “Bad influences I guess.”

Toby was not quite as tall as I was, but I felt his breath near my ear as he said it. I don’t know what I expected, but I knew that if I turned around just then he would be right there in my face, waiting for me.

Unexpectedly however, disturbing my thoughts, he playfully grabbed me in a classic wrestling move, knocked my legs out from underneath me, and tried to pin me face down on the soft carpet, with himself over me in the top position. I was temporarily winded by the move as the breath had been knocked from my lungs when I hit the floor.

We were just a couple of guys horsing around.

“Dude,” I asked him finally, my face near the floor, “Do you really want to mess with someone who was an all state wrestling finalist two years in a row?”

Toby just laughed his response, but he tried to hold me there all the same. He should have known that when it came to the wrestling mat, or in this case the floor, I was definitely the boss. He struggled vainly, but I had superior skills and strength. After a few minutes of rough housing, we came to rest there, with me on the top and him underneath looking serenely up at me.

He was totally pinned at my mercy. And I think he wanted it that way.

Toby had the eyes of an angel. A face that was beatific. His lashes were long enough for a supermodel. His lips were so tender I wanted to kiss them.

In my own mind it was settled then. Having decided to take the chance, I relaxed and let myself sink in towards his waiting body for a kiss. I didn’t know exactly what I was doing, but I knew it was something I’d been waiting for since we had been together in the locker room earlier that night. I wanted to lose myself in Toby. Before I knew it, there was nothing but the unification of our mouths and the mingling of our tongues.

We broke away for a second and he murmured, half groaning, “God, I want this.”

I smiled at him then. I wanted it too. I really did.

“Just you wait,” I said in response.

Getting up on my knees for a moment, I pulled my t-shirt up and over my head, revealing my broad, muscled chest and torso to Toby. When I had flung the shirt across the room, I knelt there over him, and he raised himself up on his elbows to fully take in the view. With a lascivious, but satisfied grin as crooked as ever they come, he ran the fingers of one hand across my chest, tracing the outline of my muscles. It was the lightest touch imaginable, but it burned me like a fire.

I needed him completely at that moment, beyond any doubt.

I leaned down to kiss him again, and his lips answered mine back. He was hungry and I could feel it call to my own unsatisfied hunger. Before I could go further, he grabbed my wrist firmly and broke our kiss.

“Stop, Marc,” he said softly, yet firmly.

I rested my forehead on his momentarily, but our lips had parted from each other. I was reluctant to move away from him, but I gently pulled back.

He got up into a sitting position and peeled off his own t-shirt. It was a gesture that matched my earlier one. But this time I got to drink in the firm outlines of his body, taut and rippling with muscle and youthful vigor. My eyes lingered momentarily on the dragon that wrapped around his left, upper arm.

I needed to close my eyes for a second, to concentrate on calming down and controlling my impulses. Timing as they say is everything, and tonight I wanted to take my time. When I opened my eyes again, Toby was looking back at me quizzically.

“There are so many things that I want to do to you, Toby,” I told him trying to explain, “And with you.”

He answered me with that crooked smile again and his expression softened. My throat was dry, but I wet my lips in anticipation. Nervous in a way I’d never been before, not even when I’d lost my virginity to a woman. I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. With sure, swift fingers he undid my jeans as I kissed him again and he freed my cock from my boxers. I felt the chill of the air on my throbbing meat. But Toby wasted no time, so eager was he to get it out. I could feel the softness of the skin of his hand as he enticed my dick with his fingers; his firm, skilled fist began to slowly stroke me to an impending orgasm.

He now lay again beneath me and I pulled his knee up against my leg, sliding my hand up the back of his upper thigh as far I could. He immediately rocked his hips to meet my fingertips as they grazed along the crease where his leg became his ass, and groaned into my lips, as I found a particularly sensitive spot.

He increased the pace and pressure of his hand on my cock, forcing me to return his groan with a groan of my own. It became impossible for me to keep myself from matching the rhythm of his strokes with my own thrusts. I felt a tingling spread from my balls outward, down the insides of my thighs and up into my abs.

We lay like that for a very long time, Toby bringing me near orgasm time and again as he kept the wave breaking before it reached the shore.

“I want you to take me,” he said finally as he nuzzled my ear.

I got up off him for a minute, standing up. And he stood up too. I drank in his muscled body, broad shoulders and narrow waist. His jeans still hung against his hips, sagging and baggy. I could see the outline of his cock tent the denim. But I didn’t wait. I let mine fall to the floor, followed by my boxers. He moved achingly away from me and led me upstairs to his parent’s broad king size bed, with my stiff cock pointing at him like a compass. I followed the muscles of his upper back with my eyes, and they bunched as he moved, directing my gaze down to his still covered ass, which was firm, tight and round. We didn’t wait to hit the bed. I came up behind Toby and he leaned back against me as my lips descended to his flesh. They opened and closed against the crook of his neck.

His head tilted, letting me continue sucking and nibbling at his shoulder, my hand moved around to his chest, pulling his body tight against mine. My cock pressed up against his jean covered ass. But I wanted to get closer. Still nuzzling him, I reached around and undid his jeans, pushing them down as I did so. The thin white cotton fabric was all that separated us and Toby pulled that down for me, eager in his haste to let me have my way.

My cock was now wedged in the crack between his firm, round ass cheeks. I could feel the muscles bunch as he anticipated my moves and I knew my cock had found a home. I was nestled there. He reached back and held my hips, while grinding his ass against me. We groaned together, finally being able to feel skin against skin, having waited a long time. I found his nipple with a hand and teased it, squeezing and pinching until it was as hard, like his dick. I licked behind his ear, nibbled on his ear lobe.

“Lie down,” I whispered.

He stepped out of his jeans and the underwear that lay in a pile around his ankles. He smiled at me and turned around, facing me, before his ass made contact with the bed. His cock stuck up above him and I climbed onto the bed over him, still dominate, my legs fitting nicely between his. I leaned over him on one arm as I ran a free hand over his chest in a lazily motion. He leaned into me and just as quick our tongues where merging together in each other’s mouths as our cocks rubbed against each other below. My slick precum was erupting out of the end of my prick and mixing with his. Behind my back I could feel his hand, his fingers running up and down my shoulder blades, massaging the muscle and pulling me gently in towards him.

“Fuck!” he said to me, “You feel so good, Marc.”

I slid lower on the bed, finally having the chance to spend time with his chest. My tongue traveled slowly from his neck. His scent was deeply masculine and intoxicating. I licked across the muscle to his nipple, feeling it harden against my tongue. I bit down on him as I would a woman, going from nipple to nipple, back and forth, letting neither soften. He arched against me in pleasure, writhing under my weight.

But I needed to kiss him again.

I caught a look of lust and excitement in his eyes. And I pressed my lips tightly against his. Toby opened his mouth as my tongue slid in, his tongue stabbing against mine. We played back and forth, letting the other take over for a time, but for only seconds, neither of us willing to let the other have complete control. Then I soon found Toby’s tongue wandering over my chest while I slid up his body, taking his fingers into my mouth. Switching from one to another, I sucked and licked until they were all wet. I groaned as his teeth sunk down onto my nipple. In reply, my body arched, pushing hard against him.

Before I realized what he was doing, Toby was on top of me. He pinned me beneath him, his gaze still locked onto mine.

“My turn,” he murmured aggressively.

I was very excited. I arched beneath him, panting in anticipation. He bent his knees so that he knelt above me and worked all the way down my body with his tongue. I’d never had any woman do that to me before. He didn’t linger for long in any one particular spot, and avoided my engorged dick altogether, instead spending time licking and sucking the skin of my inner thighs. I wanted him to suck me, but I didn’t want to rush him either.

He took hold of my hips and rolled me over onto my stomach, then crawled up my body to position himself over me. He took time exploring all the bumps and groves of my back, starting with my shoulders and the nape of my neck. Testing the waters, he settled his hips against mine, letting his dick rest snuggly into my crack.

I was nervous and excited at the same time and I wasn’t sure what I would do if Toby decided to take that part of me just then. I don’t think I could have made him stop. I’m not sure if I would have wanted him to.

Holding very still, he whispered into my ear, perhaps misreading my sudden tension, “Take it easy, Marc, I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.”

He slid down my body enough that his cock dangled between my legs and continued exploring my back, searching for more sensitive areas. I relaxed and began enjoying the pleasure he was giving me.

I panted loudly as he sucked on my back near my ass, grinding my cock into the mattress as I clutched his parent’s headboard. Moving further down, Toby’s tongue traced the length of the underside of my left ass cheek. Then moving back and forth between them, he occasionally worked his tongue between my legs and into a very sensitive area near the bottom of my ass crack, while gliding his sure fingers along the break between the cheeks.

I’d never experienced anything like this before. I wanted something, but unsure of what, I got on my hands and knees on the mattress and spread my legs for balance.

“Please stop teasing me,” I begged him.

He had no such intention. He spread my ass cheeks with both of his hands, dipping his tongue back between my legs and running it along my crack from the bottom to the top, pausing only to pay special attention to my asshole before completing his trip. I grunted my pleasure, and thrust my dick in the empty air. I was being fucked. I’d never been fucked before. I was the one who did the fucking. It was a strange and amazing feeling. But then he started to suck my asshole. Holy shit, I was groaning like an engine. Purring like a kitten. I was totally thrashing under his overpowering attentions. He probed my sphincter to test my tightness and resistance.

I was involuntarily resisting him because he couldn’t make his tongue stiff enough to get past the incredibly tight outer ring of the muscle in my asshole. This was a new experience for me and I wasn’t sure how to relax further. Straightening up, he pushed on my hips, rolling me onto my side and then to my back. I looked at Toby questioningly as he moved between my legs. Leaning over me, bracing himself to either side of my shoulders, he tested me again. Then he moved up over me slowly, giving me a chance to pull away, but even though he’d been rimming me only a moment ago, I reached up and pulled him down to me, kissing him hard and eagerly as he sought entrance to my mouth.

I clutched his hips and pulled them down while rocking mine. I had him lying on top of me, cradling his hips between us as we ground against each other’s bodies. Abs on abs and our aching cocks rubbing together. I almost lost myself in how perfectly we were moving together. Soon, he slid lower and rubbed his shaft just under my balls.

But he kept moving down my body. He placed kisses down the length of my torso until he settled his chest between my legs, propping himself up with his arm next to my thigh. He kissed and licked along the groove between my hip and leg, and coated two of his fingers from pool of our precum around my cock.

He then started licking and sucking along the underside of my shaft which produced the desired effect. I rocked my hips up, sank my hands into his hair and gripped his head, pushing it down. I was pulling on his hair, trying to force him to take me into his mouth, so desperate to cum. Toby resisted as he slid slick fingers into my crack and found my asshole.

“Oh, fuck!” I groaned, “Oh, God…Fuck, man.”

Toby began deep throating my shaft as he pushed his index finger past the resistance of my tight hole. It was easy enough to distract me; all he had to do was run his tongue over the mushroom head of my nearly ten inch dick while he loosened me up for a second finger. I grew accustomed to this invasion, this new sensation, and relaxed around his finger faster than I’d expected. The pain quickly turned to pleasure. By the time he slipped his middle finger in next to his index finger, I was thrusting my ass up, wanting more.

Using his free hand to untangle my fingers from his blue hair, he lifted his head and raised himself a little higher on his arm. I just made a series of unintelligible grunts as he worked his fingertips over my prostate in a circular motion. My hips bucked against his hand, my neck and chest arched up from the bed while my legs spread further apart and I gripped the headboard with my right hand. My eyes were open, but they had glazed over completely.

Then it was upon me faster than even I’d thought possible. A blast of thick, white cum like cannon fire shot out the end of my dick, without either his hand or mine touching it, to land at the top of my six-pack. Holy fuck, I thought, a long, loud groan escaping my lips. My hips continued to buck into the empty air as I shot stream after stream onto my abs.

Then just as suddenly, overcome, I collapsed fully back up the bed, limply. I lay there chest heaving, my body trembling and jerking. He moved up next to me, lying on his side and propped his head on his palm while watching me slowly recover.

When I stopped shaking and could breathe again, I saw Toby alongside me, grinning. I know I had a silly grin on my face, having just come down from a very intense orgasm.

“That was fucking incredible!” I told him, meaning every word.

I rubbed some cum absent-mindedly over my chest before wiping it off with a tissue. I reached around behind him, pulling him to me, and giving him the best kiss I knew how to give. Toby’s thick, hard dick, while not in league with my own, nevertheless lay pressing against my leg, and I knew it was only fair for me to get him off. But how best to do it? Pressing a hand against his chest, I pushed him back, and moved on top of him, my ass resting on his thighs. Running my hands down his chest from his neck, I watched his cock jerk and leak.

Sucking on his nipples, I let a hand wander over his abs and around his dick. I squeezed it and stroked him back and forth, feeling his length and girth. Our bodies rubbed together as I sucked and licked down the center of his chest. Taking small nibbles on the skin just below his ribs, his body jerked and I realized he must be ticklish.

“I want to get you off,” I told him.

My teeth tugged playfully on the sides of his thighs causing him to wiggle and allowing me to slide a hand under him to cup his muscular ass. Feeling the hair along the crack, my fingers probed deeper. His cock jerked when the rough flat of my tongue raked over the soft head, taking with it all the precum that he had been leaking. I felt the moist heat of his ass and my cock began hardening again, wanting to sink into him. His fingers ran through my hair, encouraging me to take in more.

My lips wrapped tightly around him, slowly sucking him in. He was close to cumming, and I knew I could finish him off, but I wanted to explore more. I really wanted to fuck him, and I could imagine how hot and sweet his ass would feel, but I wasn’t sure how he’d feel about it.

I rolled him over onto his stomach. I lay my body over his, my hard cock nestled between his ass cheeks. The muscles beneath his neck and upper shoulders tightened, responding to my mouth. When my teeth sank in, he moaned and squirmed underneath me, wiggling his sexy ass against my cock.

I slipped a hand under him, pinching a nipple and rolling it in my fingers. Licking and caressing his body with my hands, I made my way lower; eventually my mouth reached his rounded ass muscles. As I sucked and nibbled on his ass, my hand reached between his legs, fondling his balls. They felt so hard I thought if I squeezed them, he would cum. I took a moment to admire him, the beautiful form of his body. His shoulders broad and the way his back tapered down to his ass, covered with the lightest dusting of hair.

Pulling up on his hips, I continued to lick while I spread his cheeks wide, giving me a perfect view of his hole. I breathed it in, taking in his scent. I pressed my face there, my tongue moving across his skin. He squirmed and groaned. I ran my hands over his ass, caressingly while keeping his cheeks spread wide open. Then took his cock in my hand and began jerking him off. Soon his dick was fucking my hand as my tongue was fucking his hole.

When I thought Toby was close to cumming I made my move. I tugged his dick backwards until my mouth could suck him, while at the same time pushing a finger into his hot hole. His ass pushed back on my fingers, which in turn slid his cock deeper into my mouth. He grunted and began shooting his creamy load. I continued rubbing the tight walls of his ass and sucking his cum until he had no more left in him. Swallowing the last of it, I lay beside Toby, softly kissing the back of his neck as we relaxed.

He draped a leg over both of mine, letting his palm glide up my sweaty chest to cup my face. I leaned down and brushed my lips over his. I kissed him lightly, a tender expression of the warmth I felt for him.

“You are so fucking hot, Marc,” he told me then, pulling back slightly to look into my eyes.

“You too,” I responded sincerely.

He teased me by ruffling my hair with his hand; I had to laugh as he settled his head on my shoulder. What I wanted to do now was relax and enjoy the afterglow. I lazily played with the sparse patch of hair growing on his pecs. I let my eyes close as my thoughts wandered.

I woke so slowly that it took several minutes for me even to realize that I’d fallen asleep.

I heard the spray of the shower running in Toby’s parent’s master bathroom, and realized somewhat stupidly that Toby must be taking a shower. Then it hit me again who it was, why I was here, and what had just happened. A stupid grin spread across my face. Stretching mightily, I rubbed my eyes and looked at the alarm clock. It was a little after four o’clock in the morning, which meant that I hadn’t slept too long.

The shower turned off and after a few moments Toby came back into the bedroom. He wore a towel around his waist.

“Hey,” I said as he came into the room.

He smiled at me in surprise, not expecting me to be awake. I noticed his dick was soon managing to make a tent against the heavy fabric of the towel. Even from so far away I wanted nothing more that to rip the towel off him, and suck his cock until he couldn’t stand anymore. I had a primal need at that particular moment and I shot up out of the bed with an athletic grace. Toby didn’t even try to resist me. I pushed him against the wall, my hands roughly stroked through his hair, my mouth seeking his lips. His wet tongue finding mine. My body blossomed heat. I bucked against him, trying to feel his entire delicious body pressed to mine.

I wanted him naked.

The towel had to go. And so it did, falling away between us.

Toby started to laugh against my mouth. His rocking hips shook against mine, the lump of his boner provided friction to my straining cock. His hands, still damp from the shower, found their way around my back to dig into the muscles there. Toby gave me a big kiss. I loved the way his soft lips manipulated my skin, sending shockwaves to my hard dick.

Moving in unison, we prodded each other back toward the bed. Not realizing where I was going, the back of my legs met with the mattress and I fell backward onto the bed. Toby was quickly on top of me. His impatient tongue traced my chest, around my pecs, my armpits, orbiting each chiseled muscle on my abdomen. I was on fire. My skin burned and shivered, tingling as my muscles contracted beneath his marvelous tongue.

Toby worked his way back up my chest, fingers reaching before him like a climber on a wall.

I couldn’t help but cry out, “Shit, dude. That feels so good. Oh, Toby. Shit, fuck, damn.”

His teeth felt great, just pinching, drawing my skin into his mouth and getting it warm and wet. He prodded and poked me with his hot tongue then licked onwards. It just felt so fucking amazing. But finally he worked himself up to my face.

“The best is yet to come,” he whispered in my ear, before sucking on my ear.

He thumbed my nipples causing them to stiffen and burn. Jolts of pleasure shot over my skin in a wave of heat. My cock burned and swelled, stretching even more to its full length, almost ten inches; I had fucking porn star action going on. And there was so much passion as his lips nuzzled my neck. My groans were muffled against his hair. My dick trembled and I tried to rub my burning rod against his. It wasn’t nearly enough. I lost control. I couldn’t help it. I pulled Toby to me, loving how hot his flesh felt in my fist. We kissed hard and fast, sweaty muscles slipping against each other, creating a temperature that seemed destined for our cocks. His head tilted away from my mouth, groaning for me to fuck him.

He kissed me hard, our mouths open. Our hot tongues played and tasted each other. I was breathing hard and staring at his hot body. Those long, thick arms, broad chest and his finely muscled abs were driving me crazy. His blue dyed hair was luminous under the soft light of the lamp; his cock and his balls lay large and heavy between his legs. It pulsed, raw, curving up in front of him, a thick vein feeding it.

I reached over to the bedside chest of drawers and took some of his parent’s lube that was lying on there. Then I pushed Toby back onto the bed, and then climbed astride him. In the back of his throat, deeply, he began to make a strange, purring noise of pleasure. Behind me I fest the fingers of his hand trace the curves of my ass as I groaned my pleasured response, enjoying the sensation. But all too soon we were positioned so that my cock and balls were flat on his chest.

“Fuck man,” I whispered overcome.

“I know,” he responded softly, “This is so fucking hot, me and you….”

As he leaned forward, my long dick was positioned dangerously close to his lips and he brushed them against my knob, eagerly opening his mouth after a moment to receive the feast, treating my meat as lovingly as a last supper. I caressed his hair softly, lovingly. Was I selfish? Was he? What was going on anyway? At that moment all thoughts of pussy fled my mind and I allowed his tongue to lick the surface of my engorged dick, watching him intently all the while, the way his head tilted up, and his eyes settled their gaze on mine, gleaming. Knowingly. His tongue worked between my muscular thighs; my balls rubbing against the stubble on his chin.

When he sucked me off for a bit, I lay against him as sweat ran from our bodies. The bed began to squeal as we rubbed our glistening bodies against each other. We groaned, swearing and calling out for more. My knee went between Toby’s thighs which forced apart his legs, and I pushed my hand into the gap it created, sweaty fingers finding their way behind his balls to stroke lightly across his asshole. I teased the hot skin with a bead of sweat that had dribbled between his clenched cheeks. He jerked involuntarily against me, pressing his hard, wet dick into the knotted muscles of my stomach. I reached between us with my left hand and grasped him tightly until he begged for freedom.

My own body was on fire.

I rubbed my massive cock against Toby’s side, engorged beyond reason, demanding attention, even though Toby’s mouth had temporarily sated it before. It’s just that I hadn’t yet cum inside him. Everywhere we touched burned and we were sweating as if we had a fever. I maintained my grip around his long shaft as I licked a line over and between his nipples. I stopped to tease each hard point with my teeth before giving them a light suck. Toby moaned like a woman when I did that. I would have liked to spend more time, but I was too frantic with thoughts of cock to bother.

I grinned at him. This was so strange. I was scared about what we were doing, about where this was taking us. About these feelings.

But whatever it was, there was too much going on. Too much to turn back now. There was going to be a heartache tonight one way or another. I finally decided to use the lubricant on my hand.

My lubed fingers carefully orbited his asshole, making sure that everything was as moistened as possible. I didn’t want to hurt him. He was expecting something great and I wanted this to be the best damn fuck he ever had. I put some of the cold liquid on his hole as well. I pushed the tip of my finger into his tight, hot hole to make sure he was well lubed. I pulled out, re-coated my finger and pressed further in. His sphincter was like a hard knot around my finger. I thrust it in and out, then in and out again, trying to loosen his opening. He felt me there. I continued impaling his hot asshole, now with two, then with three fingers. He thrust his dick in the air, writhing on the bed, moaning more and more.

“Oh, shit man,” he begged groaning, “Fuck me. What are you waiting for? Fuck me.”

I looked down at my huge dick. The anticipation had me swollen to maximum length and thickness and I knew I’d be a lot for him to handle. I was a lot for anyone to handle. Precum leaked down my shaft and onto the sheets below. I though I might explode right then. But I used the lube anyway and prepared myself. We kissed and held each other for a brief few tender seconds before I pushed Toby back onto the bed.

Then I picked up his sweaty legs and looped them over my arms so that his knees hooked over my elbows. His asshole was totally exposed to my cock. I saw that he had closed his eyes, waiting for me.

I thrust really hard, but hardly moved at all. He was so fucking tight. I was afraid I was stretching him so far I might seriously hurt him. I slipped back almost all the way out, so that his muscle was stretched less. I tried to thrust back in. I met the same barrier about three inches inside.

“Push harder,” he said between gritted teeth, obviously in some pain.

I thrust in and out, desperately trying to loosen him up, never feeling an ass this tight before. But it wasn’t working and I finally pulled out telling him so.

Toby was frustrated, sitting up, and pulling me roughly against him. He kissed savagely down my neck. He grazed along my jaw and cheeks. When his lips finally got to my mouth, they pushed brutally against mine. I groaned into his mouth and raised my face to the ceiling as he sucked my lower lip.

“You have to fuck me,” he said desperately, “You just have to. I want this so bad.”

Toby put more lube on his hands and massaged my boner until it was shining like the top of the Chrysler Building.

Suspecting that another position might help, I suggested that Toby climb astride me, and he readily agreed.

I lay down on the edge of the bed, and Toby climbed astride my legs and lowered his ass until he just brushed the top of my cock. He stabilized himself with one sweaty hand on my left shoulder. His eyes focused on mine, a grin on his face. I ran my hands down his back, tracing the bulges of his muscles, though I applied no downward pressure to his body, just resting my hands lightly on his hips.

This time his tight hole spread open far more easily than last time. Suddenly, Toby just dropped down on me, as if he could no longer support himself in that position. It drove my shaft deep into him. He cried out and gasped. I enjoyed the tight, warm sheath suddenly covering my dick.

“Shit,” I swore.

I drew my hands up his back, rubbing him, trying to help him relax. I kissed him slowly, and then fast, trying to let him know how this felt. I reached down to his neglected cock, burning hot against me. His shaft had precum all over it. I took some and used it to jerk him steadily. Toby lifted himself up, nearly completely off my cock, and slammed himself down again. He gasped as he did it again. Suddenly, though still incredibly tight, it became easier for me to fuck him. He felt slippery and hot. I rocked my thighs upwards as he shot down my pole. My fingers were between his cheeks, both pulling him open and helping to control our thrusting. He started to thrust forwards a little.

“Oh, darlin,” I moaned and slapped his ass.

He responded by ramming himself down as my cock rose to meet him. As he drew off me, I bucked my chest forwards to brush his. He grabbed the hollow behind my neck and pulled my face to his. We kissed and I pounded his ass, for how long I don’t know. I don’t think we stopped to think. We both went insane, grunting and talking dirty, and sharing sweat. After a bit, I rolled Toby over, still deep in his hot asshole, and lay on top of him on the bed. His muscled body was heavy in my arms. His legs automatically gripped my hips, holding me tightly inside him. Finally, our hips were pressed completely against each other. I was also free to ram him as hard as I wanted.

I drove in faster, knowing that my thick cock was stretching his narrow hole open. It provoked me to fuck him harder and harder, drawing grunts from his mouth. I wanted him to never again to as tight. My cock literally battered him like a ram.

Toby gave me no warning he was about to cum. He didn’t shake or cry out in preparation, perhaps he didn’t even realize. When he did cry out, he had already beginning to shoot his load. I felt him spasm around my cock, his hot ass muscle clamping hard on my significant girth. His cock jumped between us, thick, white cum shooting mainly on our chests.

My already tight balls couldn’t take it anymore. I felt the need rush through my body, channeled to my dick. In the first release my balls sort of clenched hard causing cum to spurt from my shuddering cock. The spasms rocked me. I cried out, my toes curling at the same time. I felt his ass vibrate around me. Hot cum shot deep inside him. Still, my cock spasmed again, forcing cum down around my length. I trembled, and started to grunt, but Toby grabbed my head and forced our lips together. I gasped in and out of his mouth. My eyes clouded over momentarily with the intensity of my release. Suddenly, my muscles lost all power. I went limp, fastened to Toby by the cum on our chests and my softening cock.

I lay against him for what seemed like hours before I removed my softened shaft from his hole. A trickle of cum followed after me. Toby slumped against me, sweaty, and seemed unable to move.

“Fuck!” said Toby suddenly, “You’ve cum too soon.”

I laughed against him. That was not something I’d been accused of doing too often.

“If you were fucking a hole that tight, you would’ve too,” I responded, grabbed his hair, and forcing his lips to meet mine.

“Just you wait,” he whispered, pulling away, and smiled devilishly.

I didn’t necessarily want to let him have the last word on the subject, but I thought that actions spoke louder than words, so I got up and went to the shower. I turned it on, stepping into the warming spray. Toby was close behind. His body so close to mine that it pushed me all the way under the shower spray. The steam was rising, making the lights look hazy. I looked down. We were both now rock hard. Toby wrapped his arms behind my back, enveloping me in a hot, wet hug. There was no friction at all between our bodies. I loved how I could feel his muscles tense and release beneath the skin, as I’m sure he was feeling mine do. Our cocks touched, slippery and hot, pressed in against our abs. He groaned.

We pressed firmly against each other, bodies straining hard, lips, tongues, teeth, everything. Getting as close as possible to each other’s flesh. I slammed Toby against one of the walls and grabbed his thick cock, stroking as hard as I could. I could hear his breathing hiss in and out in shallow breaths. His head rolled backwards, eyes to the ceiling, and then dropped to lean against my right shoulder. His mouth pulled hard on the flesh above my shoulder. He bit down a little, then harder, still sucking the skin in his mouth. It was enough to make me release his shaft, as I fought the waves of pleasure rippling through me.

I bent my head and sucked his nipple into my mouth. My hands stroked his cock a little more gently, mimicking the way he was treating my own dick. I got a bit of a shock when I looked down. I kept rubbing his head between my thumb and forefinger, the other hand around his base. He was so wet and hot. I fiddled with his foreskin, stretching it out and pulling it back. My fingertips manipulated the underside of his cock.

We were both groaning by then. The water supplied a steady hot stream rippling onto our bodies, bouncing and dripping off onto other parts. The water smoothed our skin and lubricated our bodies. It made me completely hot all over. I went back to Toby’s chest, which took some of my attention away from his cock.

But not for long.

Soon I was down on my knees, avoiding his cock and probing his crack with my tongue. He tasted like musk and cum. From the way he was standing, even though his legs were quite far apart, I couldn’t get my mouth to his hole. The fingers of my left hand could, however. I allowed my wet fingertips to massage the rim of his tight hole, while my tongue retreated to his balls. I sucked his sac a little. At the same time, I could feel myself growing hotter and harder. My cock burned against my wet abs. I was so caught up in what I was doing. Still, I did feel his hands on my head, pulling my hair and directing my hand and mouth to his dripping, sizzling cock.

I pulled back after a few attempts and mouthed down each side of his cock, plucking him hard with my lips. The hot water ensured that he was always warm and wet.

“Oh, man!” he groaned, “Suck my cock, Marc.”

My mouth slurped over the tip of his head. I sucked a little of him in, then bobbed back, each time taking a little more. He was thick. My tongue pressed his shaft hard against the roof of my mouth in rhythmic waves. I sucked in, swallowed some more. His head was completely slippery. My moans caused his cock to vibrate in my mouth. I can only imagine how good that felt.

I loved his hot, huge cock, and the noises of appreciation he made as he fucked my face, faster and faster. His balls slapped against my chin, his shaft burnt friction against my lips. At the same time, I forced two wet fingers into his tight asshole, fucking him back in an erratic motion.

We didn’t keep it up long. I didn’t want Toby to cum before he’d fucked my ass. It was something I needed to experience.

I finally withdrew him from my mouth.

“You gotta fuck me, man,” I said deeply passionate.

I didn’t think that I would really be able to do it, or that the thought of it would really turn me on like this. God, I was wrong.

Toby’s reply was something feral. He drew me from my knees and rammed me against the wall, thrusting at me with his hips, so our boners battered against each other. All I could do was moan into his mouth.

He left me breathing heavy for a minute as he stepped out of the shower. I slumped against the wall; my slick hair dripping water into my eyes. The sight of his body was slightly obscured as I blinked the water away. Still, what I did saw was just as arousing as the clear view I’d had earlier. His blue hair, wet with water, lay against his scalp. His shoulders and back muscles flexed powerfully beneath his tanned skin, and his muscular ass, rounded and clenched as he moved. Then he leant over to pull something from the floor and I saw his balls bob between his legs. His cheeks parted, exposing the hole I recently fucked. I still couldn’t believe that my thick fucking rod had fit so snuggly in there. He returned carrying the bottle of lube in his hand. He opened the bottle and squirted some on his red bulging cock and balls.

He turned me around and did my ass as well. His fingers were fantastic, not too light, nor hard enough to be painful, just enough to penetrate. At the same time, I felt his cock pressing against me.

“Oh, man!” I groaned with desire, “Fuck me, please!”

I felt his lubricated palms pressed into my ass muscles, swirling up my back and then down again so that his fingertips flicked over the sensitive place between my balls and asshole. He allowed one hand to linger between my legs, lightly brushing the smooth skin of my balls. The other hand reached for more lubricant.

I groaned. One of his fingers had slipped between my cheeks, guiding more of the lubricant down to my sensitive hole. He used one hand to hold my cheeks apart while he squirted more lubricant directly over my tight hole. Then I heard the bottle dropping to the floor. His fingertip pressed into me. The tip of my prick slid against the shower wall. His finger continued to thrust into my hot, tight hole. Everything he touched filled me with an insane kind of pleasure, and I couldn’t control the movement my body made in response. I pushed back slightly, forcing his second knuckle inside me.

“Oh, God!” I murmured, “Please fuck me hard….”

Toby impaled me with a second finger, circling the two inside my hole. I writhed and moaned like a bitch in heat. His other hand pulled my hips back, so that I was supporting myself on my arms and my hips and back were angled. I felt a sense of loss as my cock left the wall. Suddenly I felt this huge, hot thing, stretching my hole. Jolts of pain shot through my body. My body tensed, face creased, lips bitten so I would not scream. Toby thrust further into me and the pain just increased. A high pitched moan escaped from my mouth. In that moment I felt incredible sympathy for every girl I’d ever fucked up the ass. This was like some kind of torture.

I felt Toby’s fingertips brush across my chest; the other hand stroked my cock. I moaned as pleasure started to mingle with pain. I must be relaxing a little. But then I experienced sudden pain as his thick head slid past my tight exit. He was stretching me wide around his shaft as he slipped inside.

“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he groaned in my ear.

Sounds like something I would have said, I thought, half laughing through the pain. I rolled my head back, so that I could almost see his face behind me in the corner of my eye. The change of position caused the water to run past my shoulder and down to my cock. It took time, but I began to relax.

He thrust in and out to loosen me a little more. His hand continued to play my cock, shooting waves of pleasure through my body, until I was shaking back against his chest, pulling myself up almost straight then moving down again. Slowly, I began to realize that most of the pain had passed. I could feel his hot, thick head and shaft moving easily inside me.

“Nearly there,” he whispered to me.

His pace increased. I started to move against him, thrusting down as he pressed up, forcing more of him into me. The friction of his throbbing cock rubbing against every sensitive place in my tight hole made me moan. My own cock was neglected now that Toby’s hands had moved to my hips. I didn’t need his touch there anymore; the pressure of his burning cock inside me was enough to keep me unbelievably aroused.

“Harder,” I grunted.

I pushed my ass down to impale myself further as Toby’s huge rod thrust back and forth inside me. I felt his balls slapping mine as he upped the tempo. Then I felt a blaze of intense pleasure as I felt him rub against my prostate, making me weak in the knees. Oblivious he pierced deep inside me, causing me to moan with pain and pleasure. Toby then pulled out almost completely before returning to that point, the pain receding as his thick dick massaged my insides with pleasure. My cock expanded and my balls felt tight.

We were both speaking insanely to the other, lost in intense passion, our words making no sense. He groaned on and on as his dick rammed into me. We were going faster and faster. Toby grunted. He slowed our thrusting right down, rotating his hips so that his cock ground against every surface in my tight hole. I countered by squeezing myself closed, and tilting my hips to crush his cock.

“Shit, dude,” he moaned, “I’m gonna cum.”

I released my muscles and started to move fast against him, fucking myself on his cock. His hands flinched and trembled on the thick, sweaty muscles above my hips. I could tell by the way his cock seemed to expand and vibrate in my ass that he was close to the edge. Toby’s wet hand grabbed my shaft and started to jack me hard. The assault on both my hole and my cock had me hot and quivering all over. Violent shockwaves shot through me. I convulsed in pleasure. My skin prickled with cold despite the hot water pounding off my back.

Toby pushed into me and held his whole length within. He began to jerk in my hole. His cock blew a load inside me. The intensity of the explosion forced cum deep inside me. It was so hot, shooting through me. He pulled back a little, his cock still blasting and quaking. I felt cum press down around his shaft, lubricating to reduce the friction of his movement.

“Oh, man!” he gasped, “Oh, fuck!”

His fingers slipped around my shaft, squeezing hard and releasing me with each wave of his orgasm. I couldn’t help but cry out, I was so close.

“Toby,” I groaned.

Oh, my God. I had another man’s cum inside me. What had happened?

He had started to ream me again, spreading warm cum as he went. My knees were beginning to bend. I could hardly take the trembling fire that was shooting through my groin. He forced me to stand upright, causing my ass to tighten around him. His long cock completely filled me at this sharp angle. The shower water shot at my tensed face. Toby walked me backwards, balls swinging against mine, so that the water was aimed at my trembling cock. I gasped as both of his hands began to play my long length. I writhed, forcing his dick to move inside me, contacting every sensitive nerve inside my tight hole. I rolled my head back and growled. His hot mouth and tongue stroked my sensitive neck.

“Oh, fuck!” I groaned.

His fingers worked my flesh harder. I couldn’t stop myself even if I’d wanted to. The water caused my sensitive cock to throb. His hands pushed me further, seemingly milking the cum right out of me. And his cock was still wedged up my ass, adding an incredibly pleasant sensation. I gasped. My body jolted as cum pulsed out of my cock. Thick juice blasted out, quickly washed away by the shower’s streaming water. Toby continued to rub me, using watery cum as a lubricant. He slowly humped his prick in and out of my hole all the while.

Toby slowed and finally stopped altogether. He wrapped his arms around my chest and his head slumped over my left shoulder. Both of our cocks had begun to soften. I could feel less pressure in my ass now. He kissed my cheek and started to pull from me.

His cock finally was removed from my asshole with a satisfying slurping noise as it withdrew. There was no going back from this, whatever the cost. The memory of that fuck in the shower would be with me to the end of my days. Toby and I instinctively pulled one another back up the bed, exhausted to the very core of our beings. We lay there for many long minutes, him snuggling in my arms, as sleep began to overtake us.

Finally he softly murmured, “Thank you.”

“For what?” I asked him sleepily.

“For everything. For fucking me. For letting me fuck you.”

“I guess this officially means I’m a God damn bisexual,” I said softly, then after a moment, “Promise me that this won’t get weird tomorrow. This was fun, but I like chicks too much, if you follow me.”

“Yeah,” he said, “Me too.”

“Okay,” I said.

“Okay,” he replied, his head resting on my chest.

Then after a minute he asked me, “Marc?”

“Yes?” I replied.

“You know you’re my best friend dude,” he told me, “And I love you.”

“I love you too, dude,” I answered, knowing it was a true statement.

I couldn’t see his face, but I could feel him smiling. I was smiling also. There was nothing more that needed to be said, so I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

* * *

Copyright © 2006, 2009 by Eagle1. All rights reserved. All characters portrayed in this story are meant to be over the legal age to consent to sexual activity. Any similarity to characters or situations, real or imagined, is purely coincidental. Unless you happened to be there of course. May be reprinted without permission of author in materials distributed free of charge or on websites where there is no fee charged for access, provided this copyright notice is attached.


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