Glory Hole 1st Time

A gay story: Glory Hole 1st Time My second story — a fast foward in time from the first. This is a true accounting…

Metroland is an area free weekly for the Capitol District in New York. The last pages, the ones my eyes always diverted to, were for adults. One stood out. It was a video store. It advertised private booths and free tokens with the ad. After many more weeks of Metroland, I finally got the guts to go. I knew what a video store was. I had been to one when I was in high school during the summer in Times Square. I am 41 now. Times Square when I was a kid was not like the Disney World it is today. It was all about sex, stolen goods, and street vendors. I should write about that sometime.

I found the video store easily enough. I was relieved that the front entrance, on the sidewalk, was not for entrance. The real entrance was in the parking lot. I didn’t live too far from the store, still, I was paranoid about being seen. After all, I was married (and still am!!). I walked in and did the “new to the videstore” thing. I walked around as if I was going to buy something until I eventually got to the counter. I had no idea what to do. The clerk, a middle-aged guy, just asked, “video booths?” I said yes. He said $3.00 minimum. I gave $5 and the ripped out ad and got eight big, gold coins back.

I walked through the video entrance and found a bunch of guys standing around. Already, this was much different from my high school experience. I didn’t recall anyone standing around. This place was also much darker. Very dark.

My first attempt at entering a booth was interesting. I opened a door only to have it pulled back. The light wasn’t on, but someone was still in there. I found another booth. I got in and found a white, plastic lawn chair. I sat down and put my first coin in. The video started and the audio was blasting. I found the knob and adjusted it. God forbid someone know I was listening to porn! What an idiot. I flipped through the channels admiring the scenes.

Shortly after entering the booth, everything changed for me. Seriously. I love reading glory hole stories now because the first-time stories always start with, “then I saw a hole and fingers were beckoning me.” It’s true. As funny and naive as it sounds, that’s what happened. I as sitting there watching videos, rubbing my cock through my jeans, and then I heard them. Fingers. Then I saw them. I was blown away. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the purpose. I was just floored. I didn’t do anything. The fingers kept rubbing the hole. His tongue eventually flickered. I sat there getting very hard and thinking of the possibilities…the great ones and the bad. I had sucked many cocks up until then. I had never, ever, sucked through a hole! I had always seen his face (or their faces!). What if the guy was dirty? A pig? Ugly?

The guy left and another replaced him. The same thing happened. Fingers traced the hole. I wish I could tell you it took more soul searching to make my next move. It didn’t. I dropped my jeans, pulled my cock out, and went right in the hole. Within a nano-second I had a hot, wet mouth on me. It was too incredible to explain. I had sucked and been sucked many, many times. This was so different. It was mysterious. It was hot. I had my hands up on the wall and buried my cock in that hole as tight as possible. He kept sucking and sucking. I didn’t fuck the wall, I was just pushing as hard as I could through it. My knees were actually shaking.

I tightened up and was going to cum.. I didn’t know the etiquette. I always asked where “he” wanted me to shoot. How do I do it when there’s a panel of wood between us?? I started to pull out but this guy sucked me back. It was too amazing. He literally pulled me back. I pulled out all of the way, and his tongue came diving through the wall, flicking. I started stroking fast. The tongue went wild. I said, in a whisper as I knelt slightly, “I am going to cum.” Two lips appeared and out came, “put it back through.” I did. He started on me again. I put one hand back on the wall and another pushed on the far wall behind me. I had to brace myself for an amazing cum. It was huge and long. My knees quivered. I stayed in for as long as he kept me. When he stopped, I pulled back and just rest with my back against the wall, bent kneed, looking through the hole. He was gone before i pulled my pants up.

I left. I couldn’t imagine sucking someone off that way. It didn’t feel safe. That didn’t last much longer than a few weeks…. I still had five coins left. My wife was home waiting for me.

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