Godrick’s Story by Octans


Was that the yellow mug?

Y-yes sir. she stuttered.

That was my favorite one.

Her eyes darted to the bloody body then back to Redding then back.

Hey! My eyes are up here. Listen. very slowly he said “Get me another cup, but try not to drop it. Got it?”

Y-y-yes s-sir. Should I get a clean up crew?

Oh I don’t think we need an entire crew for my broken mug, just get a broom and pail.

With a look of disgust she said “No for him.”

What? Oh yeah call a clean up crew to pick that he pointed at James’ body “up off of the floor. I don’t need it rotting in here.”

Yes sir. she said through gritted teeth.

Shortly the clean up crew had arrived and took James’ body out of the room. Now content with his mug of coffee and his memory of raping the corporal he continued to watch the security tapes. It was just then did he notice the speck of blood on his face. Wiping it off with his finger he said

Not as good as Project X, but still tasty. Hahahahaha!!!

—————————————————————————————–Godrick had been running for hours, he was tired both physically and mentally. Just a little while ago he had escaped that hellhole he had called home for 16 years. After he got out they had looked for him, using that much of his mental powers at one time had exhausted him enough but he still had to put as much distance between him and the lab. So he ran, and ran and ran. Taking a short break in an alley (of course avoiding the chopper that was looking for him) he continued running. He was still very tired but he had to do what someone in his position would do; use his powers. Brainwashing a taxi driver to drive as far to the east as possile took a lot of mental concentration and energy, two of which he had very little. Poor guy almost broke through but Godricks hold was still pretty stong. So here he was running, again.

Oh fuck this I’m going to rest, I can’t take it anymore.

It was now 6:00 in the morning the sun was starting to rise and he would look pretty suspicous so he decided to rest.

This looks comfortable!

At the moment he was staring at an alleyway with a huge garbage can and a couple of cardboard boxes stacked up on each other. He flattened some of the boxes and made a makeshift bed for himself.

I’m really starting to hate alleys, but I guess it’s better than nothing. Hey who are you little guy?

A little grey tabbycat walked up to him its big brown eyes narrowed at him, clearly angry at him for destroying his house.

“What’s wrong? Oh wait was this your spot? I’m sorry you think we can share? Look I just escaped from a really bad pla- Hey where are you going?
The cat, losing interest apparently starting waltzing away. Godrick jumped up to his feet trying to catch the grey cat, not really keen on spending his days living on boxes by himself.
Hey can you just wait a minute?! I’m not going to hurt you!”””

Spending your entire life imprisoned in a government research facility like a lab rat, you tend to not learn important things. Like not grabbing a cat that you don’t know very suddenly around the waist. This was a lesson that he was going to learn – the hard way. As soon as he touched the tabby the cat screeched, turned around and scratched Godrick’s arm.

Owwww! That hurt! Look I’m sorr- You know what? How about I try this.

In the second that his eyes met the cat’s the cat went still, for Godrick was breaking through his mind. He was used to entering human minds and the occasional animal. Animals had a different mental wall, of course smaller than a human’s but still different, this caused additional stress on Godrick’s mind.

Ah finally the source of your anger!

Its okay, its okay you don’t have to fear me, he thought to the cat. It’s anger didn’t completly subside, which meant even deeper mental probing.

Damn, a tough cookie huh? I’ll crack you eventually.

Straining his powers even more he went even deeper into its mind. He saw the cat’s previous owners, his gender (which was female) and why she didn’t live with them anymore. Apparently the kid couldn’t take care of her so they abandoned her, left her in the middle of the street to die. Poor girl, he thought. I’ll take care of you, just stop being so angry okay? This time her claws retracted, she got out of her defensive stance and she even started purring.

‘Sigh’ “Wow that was more tiring than in thought. Well at least I made a new friend. I’ll call you-” He thought for a moment ” Elizabeth. You like that Elizabeth?”

She purred in contentment and stroking her hair lovingly he looked into her mind to she if she got her shots. She did, which was good for both of them. She would have a good owner, and he would have a companion. They were both living on the streets, and the best they could do is stick together.


Godrick froze. His thoughts racing, a cold sweat forming on the back of his neck. He didn’t turn around.


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