Going Home Ch. 06

A gay story: Going Home Ch. 06 Sorry it took so long, and i know youll hate me for the ending to this but believe me when i say the next chapter is worth it! Thanks 😀

Present day

I need a hobby. That was my first thought when I woke up with a raging hard on and Luke’s face stuck in my overzealous mind. I got up, rubbing a hand down my face and shaking my head to clear it. I hated how early I had to get up to get to Luke’s compound. Maybe I could take William’s old room since he wasn’t really occupying it anymore.

Ugh but that would mean I would have to live on the floor above Luke’s with all the guys and that was just not appealing…and not because Luke would be so far away. Nope that wasn’t it.

I drove to his compound slower than I had ever drove, I was so tired it was unbelievable. I got there ten minutes late and just glared at the guy at the desk…what was his name?

Jack….John….James….Frank? Something like that. I walked to the elevator and stared longingly at Luke’s door with his big comfy bed that was so much nicer that mine a minute while waiting for it to come up.

I stepped on the elevator and noted with a groggy mind he really had changed the setting to say Hedge now. I hadn’t even noticed that before. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the cool metal.

“Johnny? Johnny boy….wake up sleeping beauty.” I thought I was dreaming as I heard Luke’s voice beside me.

Then he shook me and I opened my eyes. Nope not dreaming. He was standing in the elevator with me, shaking me awake while a couple of guys peered curiously over his shoulder. I stared at him, not even really there. He looked really beautiful, I thought lethargically, my mind swearing his blue eyes were brighter than normal.

Luke shut the doors to the elevator and I frowned at him, but didn’t say anything. I hated mornings. They were the worst thing ever invented. Ever.

Luke put an arm around my shoulders and I dropped my head to his chest, not caring anymore. He chuckled and when the doors opened again he smoothly swept my feet up and carried me to his room.

Luke put me on his oh so wonderful bed and I smiled for the first time all morning. Mmmm did I love this bed. Luke smiled and turned to walk away and I grabbed his hand, turning him around.

“Thanks.” I said, my voice ridiculously deep with sleep.

Luke’s eyes visibly darkened and my teeth automatically bit my lower lip, releasing it slowly. Luke’s eyes tracked the movement a second before he actually shook his head.

“No prob Johnny boy, I’ll wake you up when I think you won’t be a living zombie.”

I smiled when I wanted to laugh and just nodded. He walked towards the door, turning just as I was slipping off.

“Oh hey Johnny….why did it take you so long to get to your house last night?”

I answered before my mind thought it through, “Mike Warden caught me in the parking lot. No big.”

Luke turned to me fully now, “What!” he yelled and I flinched, groaning as I made myself open my eyes.

“Luke, it was no big, he tried to offer me a deal to get out of town so his business wasn’t threatened. Don’t make it more than it was.”

Luke looked way to suspicious, “He didn’t hurt you? Do not lie to me Johnny.”

Uh oh, real name, my mind thought in a ridiculous sing song type voice. Man I needed more sleep, I was loopy.

“Nope. Checked out my scars, told me don’t make him find me or some crap, and left me be. It’s not something to get worked up over and I want you to give me your word you won’t do anything Luke…I mean it.”

Luke just looked at me for a minute before sighing, “I give you my word until you are fully awake and we can talk I won’t do anything. Ok?” Eh, it was good enough for me.

I nodded and snuggled deep into his covers. I frowned…my mind wanted something I couldn’t quite identify, but it didn’t want to sleep without it. Oh right, Luke’s shirt. Well….deal with it, I thought sarcastically.

Luke walked over to me with a frown, “You ok Johnny?”

My eyes dropped to his shirt, a black muscle shirt that hugged his body so well, before looking back at him and sighing.

“Yup.” I said, closing my eyes and nuzzling his pillow, telling my mind it was good enough.

I heard a drawer open and some rustling and I looked up as Luke as pulling a green t shirt over his head, covering up his smooth chest one second to late, letting me have a nice eye full. He handed me the black one and I didn’t say anything, just took it and snuggled it close. He left with a smile on my face and I fell asleep with a similar one on mine.

Later that day I woke up to the alarm in the compound going off. I looked up as the door opened and closed and I frowned at Luke as he came over to me.

“Stay put Johnny ok? Mike is here and he’s causing trouble. Stay. Here.”

He ran out the door after that rather cryptic statement and I shook my head. Yea right like I was gonna stay here.

I got up and followed him, smiling at him as he turned around and glared at me.

Shaking his head he backtracked a few steps and grabbed my hand, dragging me down the stairs with him. The whole compound was at the door, guns, knives….other things drawn, waiting. Luke put me behind Leslie and William, not glancing at them though his face visibly tightened at how close they were standing.

I heard something blow up outside and could only pray it wasn’t Luke’s new BMW. I hadn’t even been in that car and I loved it. Abruptly it got very quiet, and you could hear the men shifting around nervously. Suddenly there was a very soft knock on the door, totally at contrast with all the noise outside. Luke nodded at a man named Roger, who opened the door slowly.

“Luke. You didn’t have to get everyone up for little ole me.” Mike’s voice was as smooth as a knife and just as sharp.

He stepped into the compound, four men stepping in behind him, shutting the door. He looked at my hand in Luke’s and smiled sadly.

“Oh John, I really thought you’d be smart enough not to go back down this road, I really did. You disappoint me son.”

Luke stepped in front of me and I glared at him, “You don’t talk to him Mike, don’t even fucking look at him after what you did to him.”

I tensed thinking about that day, the day I left. It seemed like it was just yesterday and it was still so vivid in my mind.

“I’m here to warn you personally Luke, I know he’s back and I know what that means. You fuck with my business and I’ll make sure that next time you see John will be when you identify his body. Got it?”

Guns came up, pointing very soundly at Mike’s head. His guards didn’t move, didn’t flinch. This wasn’t supposed to be a fight, not yet. This was the warning…later would be the fight.

Luke was literally vibrating with anger and I squeezed his hand tightly. There was no need for bloodshed right now, and I really didn’t want to see it happen. It was just a turf war, and we had rustled Mike’s delicate little feathers. Giving in and fighting is exactly what he wanted, but we weren’t some lowly operation, we were organized and we were better than him.

Luke got what I was trying to say because his body visibly calmed down, “Alrighty then Mike it was nice to see ya. I’m sure you know your way out.”

He did the stupidest yet bravest thing of all and turned his back on his enemy, knowing his boys had his back if need be. He pulled me next to him and together we walked up the stairs, unhurriedly and made our way back to his room.

He waited until we had got inside and the door was shut to wrap his arms around me and pull me tight to his chest. He laid his head on top of mine and held me close.

“Oh God Johnny. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you. At least when you left I knew you might come back, that you were still out there somewhere. I can’t imagine a world without you in it.”

I smiled against his chest and held him tight. He was scared and I knew it, but I wasn’t go to say anything to mushy; he had a sensitive ego. After a while he let me go and started pacing the room. I sat down on the bed with a sigh. Luke had a over analyzing mind, he thought about everything to much and made the smallest of things seem like Armageddon. After a minute he stopped and stared at me.

“I think you need to move back in here. I’m not say it because I want you back personally, but it’s better for your safety and it won’t give Mike any reason to go to your mom’s house to find you so it will keep her safe and you also won’t be falling asleep at the wheel anymore because you can sleep later.”

Funny how I was thinking the same thing this morning but I didn’t let him know that. I just stared at him for a minute before frowning.

“Where exactly do you want me to sleep while I’m ‘living’ here Luke? With you? We both know that won’t work out the way we want it to. Well the way I want it to.”

He frowned, running a hand over his suddenly tired face. “I’ll sleep in my office. I can’t put you upstairs with the other guys Johnny, they are slobs, loud, violent, just about everything you hate being around most of the time. The only other room is mine.”

I closed my eyes for a second before sighing, “I’ll put my clothes here but I’ll sleep on one of the couches in the living room. I don’t want you sleeping on that horribly uncomfortable loveseat thing in your office.”

Luke didn’t look happy but he didn’t blow up about it like he would have before. “How about I sleep downstairs and you can sleep here and I will just come up to grab clothes and stuff. I promise I won’t molest you in your sleep.”

I shook my head and Luke’s eyes skirted around the room as his fists clenched. He was trying so hard not to get mad and to trying to be reasonable when he really just wanted to tell me what to do and tell me to deal with it.

“Fine Luke, whatever. You’ll change your mind after a few nights on the couch though, we both know your way to tall to sleep comfortably on anything down there. Your bed is special made because nothing was long enough for you, I feel like I’m swimming in blankets every time I sleep in it I swear some days I get lost like I’m trying to find my way out of Narnia.”

He laughed and walked over to me, leaning down to rest his forehead on mine gently. “Thank you for not arguing about living here.”

I smiled, and leaned up to press a small kiss to his forehead, “I’m really really not good with mornings.”

Later that day I was down at the compound, working on schedules and setting up a drop off when Luke came out of the elevator, a short red haired man following behind him.

He was about the same height as I was, which was short compared to Luke and he was pale, with a fine layer of freckles across his face. He was staring at Luke like he was a steak to a starving man and I frowned as Luke walked him over to me.

“Johnny, this is Joe, he’s a new runner. Would you mind getting him set up with the other guys, find someone that will go easy on him to show him the ropes?”

Johnny, not Johnny boy. Curious. I nodded and Luke slapped the guy on the shoulder before walking away. The kid watched Luke as he walked away, waiting until he was literally not visible anymore to look at me for the first time. He smiled and held out a pale hand.

“Hey it’s nice to meet you.” He had a remarkably deep voice for someone his size and I was surprised.

I shook his hand, my body brimming with jealously that I had no right feeling as his eyes searched out the compound no doubt looking for a certain handsome giant wondering around somewhere. I bit the inside of my lip hard and got up to show him around.

After we had done a quick tour of the compound I took him over to where the runners usually hung out, looking around the room where they were sitting, milling around, playing cards or video games on the big flat screens, waiting for the day to get started. Some days were slower than others just like any other business.

“Alright, before I get you set up, do you have any questions?” Some of the guys looked up, including William and Leslie who were playing rummy at a table near us.

The guy …I mean Joe…honestly looked scared to death and I couldn’t help but cough to cover up my laugh.

“Um no. Well except one.” He looked down and back up, his face turning red like we were sharing some big secret.

“Is Luke single? I know he’s technically my boss but I couldn’t help notice him. Do you think I might have a chance with him?”

Leslie tensed and William stood slowly, ready to defend me if I needed it. I gave him a look and he backed off but his eyes were locked on Joe with deadly intent.

“You know you might just want to ask him Joe. As for if you have a chance…” No way in hell, go near him and I’ll beat your head into the ground, “Luke is an eccentric guy, you never know.”

The guy nodded with a small hopeful smile that I wanted to slap off his skinny face. What was wrong with me! Luke wasn’t mine who the hell was I to be jealous?

William and Leslie walked up then, “Hey Johnny boy, new recruit?”

I frowned a second before nodding, “Yea, this is Joe. Joe this is Leslie, Luke’s second in command basically, and William, one of our top runners. I was just going to find someone to show Joe the ropes.”

William smiled a nasty smile that Joe was completely oblivious to as Leslie wrapped a thick arm around his skinny shoulders.

“We got him Johnny. Don’t worry about it, we’ll show and tell him everything he needs to know.”

Leslie winked at me as he led the kid away and William clapped me on the shoulder before following him. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for the guy as I walked away, and hoped they wouldn’t go to hard on him.

A little while later Luke stormed up to me, face red with anger. “What the hell happened to Joe Johnny?

I frowned, “I’m not sure what you mean but you can drop the tone dude I didn’t do anything.”

Luke didn’t let up in the slightest, “The kid is scared shitless and told me that ‘he just doesn’t think this is the job for him’, he is sitting in my office shaking like a leaf! Who did you put him with!”

I bit my lip to keep from smiling and shrugged, “You know Luke, I don’t really remember. I’m sure it wasn’t as bad as he is making it out to be.”

Luke got in my face then, real close, “What the hell is the matter with you Johnny, you trying to fuck up my business now, you working for Mike now?”

I pushed him away from me roughly, “Why don’t you just go back in there, look him deep in the eyes, maybe pop open a button or two and I promise that kid will be your puppy dog in two seconds flat. I’m sure you can find SOME way to make him think of staying.”

I shoved my clipboard into his chest as I went to walk by him, “By the way three of your shipments got fucked up and two guys called in sick, but don’t worry I fucking handled it like I always do and it’s all good now. But I’ll make sure I tell Mike hi as I fuck up your business.”

Luke caught the clipboard before it fell and turned as I walked away. He watched me go to the elevator and let out a small yell of frustration before fling the clipboard across the room, where it smacked into the wall, and storming back to his office.

I left early that day, going home to pack up what little stuff I had, that I just unpacked, and told my mom what was going on. She hated it, literally was red faced at the thought of someone threatening me and I had to calm her down for an hour before she let me out the door.

I really didn’t want to go back to Luke’s compound but I did, parking next to a black scorch mark, all that was left of my favorite motorcycle that Mike had blown up this morning. I was surprised the spot was still there, usually Luke freaked about stuff like that.

I shrugged and went into the house. It was around five and I had no idea what I wanted to do. I really didn’t want to go back to work but I couldn’t just sit around all day.

I glanced at the huge 72″ flat screen in the living room and smiled. After setting up the couches the way I wanted them I dropped my bag off in Luke’s room and ran to the elevator, excited. I went straight to Luke’s office, ignoring him as he opened his mouth to talk to me and grabbed the loud speaker mic off his desk.

“Attention all K mart shoppers, this is your captain speaking.” It was something I always said because though it made no sense it made everyone laugh.

The guys I could see stopped moving to listen, “Starting at 7 pm we will be have a monster movie marathon, I repeat a monster movie marathon, in the living room. If you have your own movies you want to watch grab them and throw them in the pile in front of the TV and depending on how late you stay up we might get to them. That will be all.”

I grinned at Luke as he frowned and darted back to the elevators, noticing some of the guys smiling. This was a big thing for me, I did it just about once a month when I was here, and I always had beer and drinks, food being grilled outside, candy and snacks everywhere, it was like a college frat party with a bunch of ex cons. It was actually pretty cool as long as no one started arguing about who was better Freddie or Jason, because that just got plain violent.

By 7 I had food ready and beer cold as the guys started filing in, plopping down heavily on the dozen or so couches, set up in rows in front of the TV. We started with Godzilla, always a classic. I was sitting on one of the couches off to the side and was enjoying the movie when Luke sat down heavily next to me.

“I’m sorry for what I said Johnny.” He said and someone shushed him before they realized who it was.

Needless to say they didn’t do it again. Luke looked back at me and I shrugged, ignoring him, eyes intent on the TV.

“Johnny look at me. You know I will piss everyone off and pause that damn movie if you don’t look at me.”

I growled in the back of my throat but I rolled my eyes sideways to look at him.

“I’m sorry okay?”

I nodded, “You will always choose your business over me Luke, it comes first and everyone is out to get you, believe me I know. It’s no big forget it.”

He flinched like I knew he would and turned my whole head to look at him, ” Johnny we need to talk about what happened the night you left.”

I gently pushed his hand away, “You made a choice Luke, that’s all that happened.”

His face tightened, “Johnny I didn’t mean what I said to you, I was stupid and angry and I was mad at you because you got caught and because of me you got hurt, even though I knew it wasn’t your fault it was mine. I didn’t mean what I said. I went to find you afterwards but you were already gone.”

I just stared at him, noticing as the screen went black and the guys applauded. I didn’t respond to what he said because I didn’t want to.

“I have to change the movie.” I got up before he could answer and walked over to the huge stack of movies sitting up against the wall.

“Alright guys, Jaws or Anaconda?” I looked over at Luke as he watched me with hurt eyes.

Jaws won out, though we had to argue whether we wanted the classic version or the newer one. Naturally old school graphics won out and I laughed as I popped it in the DVD player. I was having vivid flashbacks in my head of what happened that night and it was really hard to concentrate.

I walked over to Leslie and knelt down, “Will you handle the next couple movies for me man, I need to lay down I’m not feeling good.”

Leslie nodded, a worried frown on his face but he didn’t ask.

I walked past Luke’s equally worried face and up the stairs, trying to clear my mind and failing. As soon as I plopped down on Luke’s bed and closed my eyes it was like a film I couldn’t turn off and suddenly I was back in 2008, just barely 22, head over heels in love with Luke, and doing a run I had never wanted to do. I could still remember Mike’s face the first time I really saw him, when he came out of the warehouse we were dropping our stuff off at.

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