Golden Lust Ch. 01

A gay story: Golden Lust Ch. 01 A soft sigh escaped his parted lips as golden eyes watched the smoke drift lazily across the breeze. Such eyes were framed with almost feminine lashes, but the expression set on these features flashed through pain and disgust as time passed. A single turn of the head let the light shine of his face, his eyes standing out beneath auburn tresses, a likeness only to that of a hunter. His entire form seemed to shift amongst the shadows as another breath of smoke drifted towards the heavens. The light disappeared beneath his toe as the cigarette was extinguished and I watched as the final wisp of smoke disappeared as he did.


“A jobs a job, right?” With a growl, Aschpen stood, his frames muscled, but not overly so. He stood just short of six foot two, and yet he could hide amongst the shadows as easily as a wolf could hide amongst the forest. But by far, his eyes stood out amongst all else. It was the one way to recognize him, and despite their golden colour, there was no mercy hidden behind them.

Moving easily, he slipped out of the office, a cigarette at his lips before the door had closed behind him. A spy at heart, Aschpen had wound up working for two such agencies, though neither knew of the other .He’d been trained by one, and scouted by the other, and yet he was still often without a job. He spent the rest of his time as a bounty hunter. The danger of both jobs gave him a thrill that nothing else could match, especially not in this dreary town.

“Ash…” Ignoring the voice of his boss, or so called, he finished the cigarette down, extinguished it, and left. Now was the time for action. He’d had a call from both agencies, seemed he was going to be busy.


Muttering to himself, Deovan finally forced himself to open the door and take a stand. He was being spied on, he was sure of it, and yet being guarded twenty-four-seven made his mood even worse. His father had insisted, though he had had no choice in the matter. And now he was stuck trying to get out of this situation. Was it better to have his secrets stolen, whereabouts always known, and life at risk? Ok, so maybe it was better to have a bodyguard around, but it still didn’t justify his father’s actions.

He’d been watching the guy who was to be his bodyguard all afternoon, wondering when they would meet, and he was stuck inside waiting until his father deemed him ready. He was ready to scream! And yet, he couldn’t even open the door, because the bodyguard had his key. Finally relenting, he curled up on his bed, closing his eyes, and trying to relax. He had been trying to get rid of his tension on the treadmill, running being one of his main passions, but it didn’t match up to being able to run through the grounds as he usually would each morning.

“Get up. Your father is waiting for you.” The voice at the door could only have matched the body he’d been watching all day, and he felt himself go weak to here just the commanding tone in the mans voice. He slipped from the bed, grabbed a shirt from his wardrobe, and disappeared through the door, closely followed by the man who had entered earlier. It was hard enough to keep his eyes on the corridor as it was, when his mind was so free, let alone with such a hunk guiding him.

Aschpen had been livid when they had told him his assignment, and when it was added to the other, things just made no sense. Deovan Sekigan, the son of an arrogant business owner, was in serious danger, or so he had been told. He had to be protected at all costs. He had then been told that any information on the Sekigan family was necessary to stop the dealings that were going on in the criminal underground, and he had to watch out for the bodyguard that was soon to be arising. But either way, he had an instant passage into the family, and could complete both jobs simultaneously. Piece of cake.

Of course, that was all up to this kid. He was only two years his senior, and yet, he was acting like a spoiled brat so far. But he’d only seen him for about five minutes, so could he really make a judgement. After the previous meeting with the father, he had failed at getting any new information, and had been instructed to collect the boy at half seven, and direct him to his father’s study. He was then to wait until the boy emerged, and return the boy to his room, and then move into his quarters, situated next door to the boys, and a joining door that was to be unlocked at all times. Even the bathrooms were joined, though he was able to lock the door so that the boy could not walk in on him, which wasn’t the same on the other side.

After what seemed like an hour, though was probably only about half of one, the boy emerged, his back stiff, and an expression of blankness on his face. Along the way, Ash tried to make conversation, but to no avail. He unlocked the boys door, and as soon as he had closed it behind them both, Deovan seemed to breakdown. This wasn’t going to be as easy as he thought…



Ooc: Hey guys, this is my first story, and I know this chapter is rather vague, and the story isn’t really there yet. This is a main introduction to Aschpen, and the next will be Deovan, but then the story will really start. Please stick with me, and leave any feedback. All, good or bad, is appreciated.

~ Cpl Shippers.

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