Good Guys Don't Date Bad Boys Ch. 41

A gay sex stories: Good Guys Don't Date Bad Boys Ch. 41 Chapter Forty-One — Good Guys Do Date Bad Boys, After All

Maddox rushed into the kitchen just as his mom was starting to prepare breakfast.

“What’s with you up so early?” she asked while she busied herself with a stack of plates. “Not even your dad is up.”

“Jonathan left,” Maddox said. He felt his lips curling into a grin as he remembered the love letter.

“I know. Unlike the rest of you, I was on my feet.”

Maddox stopped for a moment and studied his mom’s face. She could barely keep in a smile.

“Wait, wait, wait, you know something I don’t.”

“What do you mean?” She continued to smirk, all too full of herself.

“He talked to you, didn’t he?”

“For a bit, yes. He didn’t want to even have a cup of tea, he was in that much of a hurry.”

“But he talked to you,” Maddox insisted. “What about?”

His mom paused for effect as she tended the stove. Then, she turned toward him with a huge smile. “Well, since you insist, he told me that he would speak to his parents about you.”

“What exactly did he mean by that? What’s he going to tell them?”

His mom gave him a look like she couldn’t believe he had come out of her with only one neuron in his big melon of a head. “Obviously, that he wants them to know you’re his boyfriend. I understood that he’ll introduce you to them. And after that, all of us.”

“Hmm,” Maddox grunted and crossed his arms, “I pity the Hamiltons, then. They’re in for the shock of their lives. But wait, Jonathan left me what sounded like a farewell note–” He stopped before talking more than he should.

“He said,” his mom said, ignoring his hesitation, “that if you ever go visit him, he wants his parents to be prepared.”

Maddox frowned and tried to make sense of that. “Prepared to meet a working-class boy like me or something?”

His mom burst into laughter. “No, he actually said that he wants them to be prepared to accept that he will never have anyone else but you. Provided, of course, that you feel the same about him. Damn, that boy is so intense. I hope he hasn’t done anything embarrassing like serenading you under your window yet.”

Maddox grinned ear to ear. No, Jonathan was not very much into public displays, but he did know how to write an awesome love letter. “Not yet, but I’m counting on it. Just joking. Mom, are you going to hate me if I go after him? I might not be able to be back for Christmas.”

That seemed to surprise his mom enough that she stopped what she was doing to look at him. “What’s burning? Can’t you see him later?”

Maddox rubbed the back of his neck and tried to choose his next words carefully. “He wrote me a seven-page letter. Like a love letter. And then told me that he wouldn’t be coming back to Sunny Hill after winter break. Ah, it’s complicated. I can’t give you all the details.”

His mom put one hand on her hip, which was a sign that she was debating whatever she wanted to say next. “How complicated? Do you risk losing him?”

Maddox knew he was being offered an easy way out, but he decided not to lie. “I don’t think so. No, I know I won’t lose him. But I think he’ll be very happy to see me. Plus, I can meet his parents,” he added with a broad smile.

His mom chuckled. “When do you want to go?”

“I’ll need a plane ticket, and if it’s today, it’ll still feel late.”

“Today? But you don’t have any clothes!”

“Really, mom? I have clothes.”

“Not the kind fit for you to meet your future in-laws.”

“Jonathan wouldn’t want me to look fake in a suit or something. He would want me to meet his parents as I am.”

“Still, that doesn’t mean that you should look like white trash.”

“I cannot believe all of the stuff that comes out of your mouth. Since when did we become white trash?”

“We’re not, but you need to be dressed nicely. At least some new clothes are necessary.” Decided, she turned off the stove and wiped her hands. “We’re going shopping right now. I’ll wake up your father so that he can see about finding a ticket for you. You know that’s going to be tough, given that Christmas is right around the corner.”

He wanted to argue with her a little, but she did have a point. Even if he didn’t want some stiff weird suit, some neat clothes wouldn’t hurt. After all, he was going to meet some people who would judge the way he looked, without a doubt.


His parents weren’t the type to go overboard with displays of affection, so he didn’t expect much when he set foot in his father’s study after a very satisfying nap. While it was unnatural for him to feel so relaxed about seeing his parents again, it was just how he felt right now. He had spent too much time being afraid of all kinds of things. He didn’t even play any ‘what-if’ scenarios in his head as he knocked on the door.

His dad’s morose ‘come in’ let him know that he must be expected.

“Jonathan,” his dad said the moment he was inside the room.

Much to his surprise, his dad stood from his desk, walked around it, then toward him, and after that, he pulled him into a brief hug. Jonathan was taken aback, and then began to feel moved by that sudden reaction only after his dad had stopped hugging him for a few moments.

“I’m glad that you’re home,” his dad said. Jonathan couldn’t help notice the lines at the corners of his eyes and the slight stoop to his shoulders. It wasn’t a thing he had ever paid attention to before, but his father was getting old. “Simmons told me you were tired, so we didn’t want to disturb your sleep.”

“I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night,” Jonathan admitted. “How’s mom?”

“Mad at me, but probably less so now that you’re here. Let’s go see her together.”

There was an awkward pause between them.

“How is school?” his dad asked. “You had your finals, right?”

“Yes. It’s good,” Jonathan replied.

They were both bad at making small talk. It seemed like his dad didn’t want to say the wrong words, so there must have been some upheaval around the house between Thanksgiving and now.

His mom was in the living room, reading a book, and she jumped to her feet once he walked in. “Jonathan!” she exclaimed, and unlike his father’s, her hug lasted for a while. “You’ve changed a little. Have you lost weight?”

Jonathan doubted that major changes had occurred in that respect, but he decided that he couldn’t reject this offer of peace. “Probably. Studying at Sunny Hill is no joke.”

His mom smiled. “Do you like it there? Do they have a proper chemistry lab? We could always help. George,” she said to his dad, “you know what to do.”

“Mom, I don’t want you to make a donation or anything. I’m just a normal student there. And I’m not going back. I might take a break altogether from my studies and figure out–”

“What happened? Why wouldn’t you go back?” she asked.

She let go of him to touch her pearls, a sign that was, in her case, one of great distress.

“It’s… well, the same thing as before is about to happen,” he said in a strained voice.

Both his parents looked at him, trying to make sense of his words.

He blushed under their scrutiny. “Somebody found that video. They’re threatening to release it for every student to see if I go back there. End of story.”

His parents remained silent. One minute or so passed before his dad spoke. “We can file a lawsuit.”

Jonathan pursed his lips. “Against who? It’s some anonymous gossip page on the internet doing this.”

“There are means to find who the people behind it are.”

Jonathan shook his head. “It wouldn’t change a thing. People would judge me anyway, and they do. It’s something I need to learn to live with, don’t you think?”

“There are always solutions, even to the direst situations,” his mom said. “The Kincaids are visiting, as you might know by now. They are more than interested in clearing things up once and for all. And Andrew–”

“Mom,” Jonathan stopped her, “I’m not interested in Drew at all. I have a boyfriend.”

“You have a boyfriend,” his mom said slowly and exchanged a glance with his dad.

“Yes. His name is Maddox Kingsley.” He took one deep breath so that he had enough air in his lungs to continue. “He’s a student at Sunny Hill, and he doesn’t come from a rich family. I’m very much in love with him.” He looked away, not wanting to see them observing him with judging eyes like before.

His dad cleared his throat. “But we thought that Andrew–”

“Andrew,” Jonathan said pointedly, “was a mistake.”

There, he had said it. If they didn’t agree, there was nothing he could do. They had to live with it, just like he had to live with everything else.

“Well, I think that his parents might be very disappointed,” his mom said.

“Why would they be? Don’t tell me you expected us to… what? Become official?” Jonathan asked, rightfully intrigued.

His dad pursed his lips. “You cannot find fault with us for trying to salvage this situation. And you and Andrew shouldn’t feel forced to hide your relationship.”

Jonathan didn’t want to shock his parents too much, but he had come this far. “Mom, dad, Drew used me. And he’s not interested in me, unless there’s something in it for him, and I don’t even want to think what that could be.”

“Well, that will make for very interesting conversation at the dinner table,” his mom murmured under her breath. “So, this boy, Maddox?”

“Yes, that is his name,” Jonathan said.

“What is he like?”

“I told you. He doesn’t come from a rich family.”

His dad snorted. “We figured as much. Your mother wants to know, just as I do, a bit more about him than that little detail.”

Little detail? Jonathan’s eyes moved from one parent to another, but they appeared to be dead serious.

“Well, he is very popular because of his good looks, but he works for his grades, and he is kind and doesn’t do drugs.” He felt so strange telling his parents all the reasons why he was in love with Maddox, but he had promised himself that he would hold nothing back. “He knows how to have a good time, but he is serious when the situation requires. And he is…”

His parents leaned forward slightly as they listened. The calm from before returned, as Jonathan continued to explain the many reasons Maddox was his boyfriend, and why someone like Drew was not.


“This is impossible!” Maddox pushed the heels of his palms into his eyes and groaned. “Have you checked, dad? Everywhere? Even on that website, what’s it called?”

His dad rubbed his shoulder in sympathy. “Are you sure you can’t wait until after Christmas? There’s a better chance for you to find a plane ticket between Christmas and New Year’s Eve.”

Maddox munched on his bottom lip. He had even gotten the nicest clothes he had ever had. His mom had splurged without even looking at the tags. And he didn’t look like a different person in cool designer jeans and the nice sweater that, his mom said, brought out the color of his eyes like nothing else could. He was so totally prepared, and now, he couldn’t get where he needed to be? Which was, obviously, in Jonathan’s arms?

“I’ll drive there,” he said with conviction.

Both his parents stared him down.

“Maddox, it’s a long way there, and being behind the wheel for that many hours is not safe,” his dad pointed out. “I know,” he said and put one appeasing hand up when he opened his mouth, “what you’re going to tell me, that you will pay attention to the road, and that you’re going to take breaks to rest, but we’re not blind, and we can tell that you’re impatient to see your boyfriend.”

Maddox pursed his lips. He was starting to fume on the inside. How could he convince them that he would be totally calm at the wheel, when he couldn’t control himself as things were right now?

The front bell rang cheerfully, breaking the tension. His mom gave him a stern look and went to get the door. The moment Maddox heard who it was, a plan began to take shape in his mind. “Rusty!” he bellowed from the kitchen. “Come here right now!”

“Aye-aye, captain!” Rusty replied, saluting as soon as he reached the kitchen.

“I need your help, man.”

His parents were looking at him, but they said nothing. So Maddox walked over to Rusty, who looked a lot more rested than he had been for an entire semester, and placed his hands on his shoulders. “I need a second driver for the most awesome road trip in the history of road trips.”

Rusty didn’t look like he needed any further explanations. His face lit up, and a grin split it from ear to ear. “I’m totally in!”

“Maddox,” his mom said sternly.

Maddox turned toward her. “You can’t have anything to say against my plan now. I’ll rest, Rusty will drive, and then, he’ll rest, and I’ll drive. We’re going to get there in one piece, I promise.”

“Where are we going?” Rusty finally asked.

Maddox grinned and looked him in the eyes. Then, he grabbed Rusty by the neck and shook him. “We’re going to Jonathan’s house, my man!”

“Wow, what are we going to drive? A boat? A plane?” Maddox squinted as he stared at Rusty, who finally got the cue that he wasn’t making much sense. “Isn’t he like from the royal house of England or something?”

Maddox half-strangled Rusty with all the affection he was capable of. “Luckily for us, he lives on this continent.”

“Ah, good, I was afraid I was going to need to know how to drink tea with my pinky raised.” Rusty gestured to make sure everyone understood what he meant. “I mean, how do they do it? Don’t they like get a cramp?”

“That, my friend, remains to be seen. Because I also plan on using you as a human shield to deal with Jonathan’s folks while I’m busy….” He finally realized that his parents were still listening. “While I’m busy talking some sense into him so that he comes back to Sunny Hill after winter break.”

“Oh, okay,” Rusty said. “So, I’ll have to drink tea, anyway, huh? Don’t worry, my dude. I’ll be your human shield while you bang–”

Maddox put one hand over Rusty’s mouth. “Thank you, man. You’re a true friend. The truest friend in the universe.” Rusty was still trying to mumble something despite having been silenced with a purpose. “I mean it, okay? So, now, I’m going to remove my hand, and you’re going to go home, grab some things, and then we’re off. And, in the meantime, just don’t say anything, okay?”

Rusty finally nodded, and the moment Maddox released him, he turned on his heel to leave. Mid-way, he stopped and waved at Maddox’s parents while pointing at his mouth with the other hand, to mime that he wasn’t allowed to speak.

“Maddox,” his dad began.

“Dad, please,” he said, “haven’t I been a good kid all my life? I promise I’m going to be safe. And Rusty’s with me. We’ll pay attention to the road and everything. And–”

His dad stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “I just want you to give you some gas money. And for anything else you might need.”

“Oh, okay. Mom, we’re cool?” he asked while he let out a breath of relief. His mom still seemed to be struggling with an internal debate, but he just rushed to hug her. “Come on, I’ll bring home a noble title or something.”

She laughed and patted his back. “Just go and make that boy and yourself happy. There’s nothing else we want.”

“You guys are the coolest mom and dad in the world,” he declared, making them both laugh.

“But promise us that you and Rusty will stop somewhere and rest for the night. It’s not too late if you two get there tomorrow, okay?”

“I promise. No driving at night,” Maddox said. “And it’s a great idea. We’ll split the long distance like that.”

He wouldn’t disappoint his parents, and yeah, he was a good kid.


Jonathan didn’t need a psychic to understand that the atmosphere at the dinner table was quite tense. He was polite toward the Kincaids, but he paid little attention to Drew, who had been seated at his right. His parents were left to make all the effort to keep the conversation going. His earlier declarations of his love for Maddox had left them somewhat flabbergasted, and he wasn’t sure they had come out of it yet. Still, they were the perfect hosts, and it didn’t looked like the Kincaids were keen on addressing the issue of whatever they wished to achieve, either.

After all the plates were cleared from the table, and they had moved to the living room, however, it looked like Drew’s father intended to grab the proverbial bull by the horns. “Jonathan,” he addressed him directly, which was something of a faux-pas and a departure from their usual modus operandi, “we understand from your parents that you now have a partner.” He made it sound like Jonathan and Maddox were some kind of partners in crime.

“Yes, sir,” Jonathan said politely, but firmly.

Mr. Kincaid turned toward Mrs. Kincaid, as if he was seeking approval. A short nod from her confirmed that it was all right to continue. “You see,” he said, “not only your reputation was affected during the scandal at your school.”

Jonathan considered it a good moment to intervene and set things straight. “My old school. It is not my school anymore.”

It appeared that Mr. Kincaid wasn’t used to being interrupted like that. He frowned slightly and caressed his bushy moustache in an absent-minded manner. “I thought you were only taking a sabbatical.”

“No, I have no plans of returning there,” Jonathan replied.

“Ah, I see.” The scowl on Mr. Kincaid’s face did nothing to endorse that decision. “Andrew is here, with us, to right a wrong. Andrew,” he said pointedly.

Drew took a step forward, like a kid in school, asked to recite in class. “I apologize for all the trouble I created through my negligence. It wasn’t my intention to hurt anyone, especially you, Jonathan.”

Jonathan could tell that, underneath the surface, Drew was seething. Although he was performing in front of a very select audience, the red painting the heights of his cheeks told everything about how he truly felt inside.

“Apology accepted,” he said, although a part of him wanted to watch the guy squirm for a bit. But no, he wasn’t that kind of person. “It is all water under the bridge, as they say.”

“Then, I hope you don’t mind if I ask you for a second chance… at friendship.”

Friendship. Like Drew even understood the concept. Jonathan kept his cool, despite a sudden impulse to choke Drew’s insincere words out of his mouth. “I’m afraid that is not possible.”

“Why not?” Mr. Kincaid asked.

“Because there are things that can be forgiven, and things that cannot,” Jonathan said calmly. “If that is all, I would very much like to withdraw for the night.”

Everybody looked at him, somewhat flummoxed by his hasty exit. He had nothing else to say, and he didn’t intend to sit there and take whatever they wanted to dish at him. The time for that was over, and the soonest everyone understood that, the better.

He walked stiffly out of the room, without a look back. Whether they liked it or not, this was the new version of himself. And they all had to live with it.


It was a sunny day, which made it ideal for a ride, and Jonathan wanted to take Asta out for a bit of action very much. She must have become bored in his absence, although Mr. Simmons had assured him that she was allowed to roam free for a good portion of the day, and that she received the same grooming and attention as when he was there.

“Come on, girl,” he urged her softly, as soon as they were out of the stables.

He breathed freely for the first time in a while. Asta wasn’t built for speed, but she liked a vigorous pace now and then. Jonathan guided her toward the stone wall to the east, from where the beautiful sight of the lake and the forest bordering it on one side could be admired without hindrance.

When he got there, he dismounted and offered Asta the apple Mr. Simmons had handed him as he was walking out the door. The Kincaids would leave today, and that meant that Christmas was going to be a family affair only, something a bit unusual for the Hamiltons. As far as he was concerned, he didn’t mind that at all. Some peace and quiet, finally.

He leaned against the wall and smiled when Asta snorted and shook her head. “Isn’t it nice here?” he asked her and patted her strong neck.

Maddox must have read his letter by now. His phone had been silent, so he had left it in his room so he wasn’t tempted to check it every other minute. There was a lot to process, so he didn’t expected Maddox to call him and try to convince him to go back to Sunny Hill. No, that wasn’t true. He had expected Maddox to be all over him with phone calls and messages and all that.

The silence made him a little sad, although he knew that he didn’t have the right to ask Maddox for anything. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the little breeze. The snow squeaked under Asta’s hooves, but it wasn’t chilly enough to rob him of delight in the beautiful day.

The sound of another rider approaching him pulled him out of his serene tranquility. He stared at Drew mounted on one of the horses offered at the stables for visitors. Not such a long time ago, seeing the guy riding toward him like that would have made him feel butterflies in his stomach.

All he felt right now was annoyance. However, seeing how everything was already said and done, nothing would change even if Drew was coming to see him now for whatever reason.

He waited until Drew got to him but didn’t say a word as the guy dismounted and walked over to him. He just watched with what was, hopefully, a slightly bored expression.

Drew seemed pissed. “You really made me look like a fucking schmuck in front of my parents,” he hissed at him.

Jonathan leaned against the wall and measured Drew up and down with judging eyes. “Maybe you’ve always been that.”

Drew’s eyes flashed with anger. So strange how different things looked in a different light. There was nothing candid and playful in those eyes now, like he had thought before. “Don’t fucking try me, Jonathan.”

“Try you for what? Just as a curiosity, what on earth were your parents expecting to happen? What were you?”

Drew threw him a loaded look. He clenched his hands into fists. “You’re such a fucking piece of work.”

“That doesn’t answer my questions, now, does it?”

Drew closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I do have a thing for you, you prick.”

“Oh. Is this thing related to how easy it used to be for you to manipulate me?”

“Wow. Woe is me much, Jonathan? You were all in for my dick.”

“Luckily, I grew out of it.”

Drew stared at him with a dark expression in his eyes. “Why don’t we test that?”

Jonathan made a disgusted face. “I hope you don’t mean what I think you do.”


“Wow, it’s a freaking castle!” Rusty exclaimed as soon as they reached the gates.

“Castles should have moats and dragons and stuff,” Maddox pointed out. In all honesty, he was beyond impressed with the property stretching into the distance behind the massive iron-wrought gates. There was a good chunk of a lane before reaching the entrance, and while the building in the back wasn’t a castle, it was the largest home he had ever seen from up close. Usually, he only saw that kind of stuff in documentaries about the rich and famous. Only those houses looked tacky, while this one was not. This one was built by old money, and world-class elegance, and plenty of other stuff he didn’t quite understand.

“Well, I tell it like I see it,” Rusty said matter-of-factly. “And while I don’t see any moat or bridge, I bet there are some dragons inside. Just saying that we should be prepared.”

“All right. I suppose you’re right.” Maddox looked at the gates a bit perplexed. Now what were they supposed to do? It didn’t look like the gates would open automatically in front of them like at the supermarket.

Rusty was already out of the car and inspecting the electronic device on the thick wall on the right. “I think this is where we call for someone to open the gate,” Rusty said with conviction.

Of course, it was. He had seen things like that before. It was only his addled brain that caused him to make little sense of his surroundings.

“Hello?” Someone’s voice came through the speaker. “Please introduce yourself.”

It sounded like an old man’s voice.

Rusty grinned. “I’m Rusty Parker,” he said, leaning forward and drawling the words in a phony accent.

“Pranker?” the voice inquired. “Is this some kind of joke?”

Rusty began laughing. “Pranker is my last name from now on.”

Maddox groaned and pushed him away so that he could stand in front of the speaker. “Hello, sir,” he said. “Is this the Hamilton residence? We’re looking for Jonathan Hamilton.”

“And who might you be, young man?” the voice inquired again, in the same haughty, annoying tone.

“My name is Maddox Kingsley,” Maddox said slowly, punctuating every syllable so that the old man didn’t mistake his name for something else, like in Rusty’s case. That couldn’t be Jonathan’s dad, so it had to be a butler or someone like that. “Could you please tell Jonathan I’m here? I’m his boyfriend,” he said with an importance which he then immediately regretted. What if they weren’t allowed inside because of that?

“Maddox!” the voice exclaimed. “What a surprise!”

Maddox remained nonplussed for a moment. “Um, do you know who I am?”

“Of course, I do! I’ll open the gate for you right away. Is the Pranker boy with you?”

“Yes, he totally is,” Maddox said with a grin. “How do you know about me?”

“Butler’s secret,” the voice said cheerfully. “I’m Simmons, by the way. Just drive straight to the front.”

The whirring sound of the gates opening cut their conversation short. Rusty was already behind the wheel, excited like a little kid. “Let’s go, let’s go,” he yelled at Maddox, his head out the window while he patted the car door impatiently.

Maddox rushed to join him. Wow, so that butler knew who he was? Then, Jonathan must have really told his parents about him.


An old man in a conservative suit opened the door and smiled at them as they climbed out of the car. “Come, come,” he said and gestured for them to get closer. “Which one of you is Maddox?”

Maddox grabbed Rusty’s hand in time. This really wasn’t a good time for pranks. “That would be me, sir.”

“Oh, please, don’t ‘sir’ me. And you’re Pranker?” The man turned toward Rusty. “The name suits you.”

Maddox wanted to clear up the misunderstanding, but he didn’t have the time. “Can you tell Jonathan to come down, please?”

“He’s out for a ride, but I’ll tell you how to get to where he usually likes to make a stop.”

Maddox smiled. “Super cool, man.”

The butler quirked an eyebrow.

“Sorry, sir, I mean Mr….”

“Simmons, and ‘man’ is fine. Now, can you ride a horse?”

Maddox made a face.

Simmons seemed to understand the reply without even hearing any words. “I’ll give you the keys to the UTV I usually use to inspect the grounds. Come with me.”

The butler closed the door behind him and guided them around the property.

“Should I meet Jonathan’s parents first?” he asked, wondering about the protocol in such situations.

“That can wait,” Simmons said and waved. “Jonathan will be very happy to see you. But leave the Pranker boy here. Three’s a crowd, as they say.”

“Will I have to drink tea with the pinky raised?” Rusty asked, without hiding his rightful worry.

Simmons turned to look at Rusty over his shoulder. “He’s as unique as his name, isn’t he?” he addressed the question to Maddox.

“He’s one of a kind,” Maddox confirmed.

“Hey, I’m right here,” Rusty protested.

“Yes, indeed. We’ll have to brush that hair,” Simmons said. “And maybe change you into something more suitable for the tea room.”

“No way. Are you going to give me a cowlick?” Rusty asked.

Much to their surprise, Simmons laughed. “Got you there. We don’t really have a tea room. You’ll stay as you are, young man. There are few highlights at the end of an old butler’s career. I can barely wait to see Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton’s reaction to you, Pranker. And that would be a highlight of the kind I’m talking about.”

“It’s actually Parker,” Rusty carefully corrected the old man.

“Pranker suits you better. I’ll introduce you as such. And I can always blame it on my failing hearing.”

“What failing hearing?” Maddox asked. “You definitely knew who I was… and you said it’s a butler’s secret. Which can only mean eavesdropping.”

Simmons opened the door to a shed impeccably painted in a light blue color. “That’s a perk of the job. Nothing to do with hearing. Here it is. And now, let me give you instructions on how to get to Jonathan.”


Drew moved closer, ignoring Jonathan’s body language that should have been screaming at him to keep away already.

“I warn you,” Jonathan said calmly. He straightened up and steeled himself.

Drew stopped inches from him. “Come on, Jonathan, what can some country boy have on me? In case he’s real, which I doubt. I get it that I hurt you, okay? I really do. And you’re right to give me the cold shoulder, but come on, are you really willing to give up on this? We practically have our parents’ blessing.”

“Drew,” Jonathan said, this time more firmly. “You’re not gay. You’re bisexual, to some degree, I suppose, although now I’m wondering if you were only getting hard for me because you were high.”

Drew pursed his lips. “That’s not true.” He leaned in, angling for a kiss.

Jonathan moved his head again, without giving up one square inch of space. “Drew,” he said again, “I caught you jerking off to pictures and videos of naked women too many times. You don’t really want this, whatever you believe it is.”

“You’re not fair,” Drew complained.

Jonathan closed his eyes so that he could hide his impulse to roll them. So Drew was really trying to play the seduction card. He felt absolutely nothing, except for slight annoyance.

It looked like his silence was misinterpreted because Drew kissed his cheek and wrapped his arms around him.

Jonathan reacted by impulse and pushed against Drew’s chest as hard as he could. Drew only laughed and upped the ante, pushing one thigh between Jonathan’s legs. “I know I make you hard,” he insisted.

Jonathan frowned. He hadn’t expected this full-on assault, and now it looked like Drew wasn’t easy to push away. It didn’t matter. Drew was going about things the right way for getting punched in the face, if that was what he wanted. He gathered more of his strength so that he could get rid of the asshole, when a bellow from nearby brought his actions to a halt.

“Get the fuck away from him!”

The shout and the sound of a UTV approaching took them both by surprise. Drew let go of him, taken aback by the interruption.

And Jonathan couldn’t keep his jaw from dropping as he watched Maddox jump from behind the UTV’s wheel and march straight toward them with murder written all over his face. In several steps, he was by their side, grabbing Jonathan and pulling him toward his hard chest.

“Who the fuck are you?” Drew asked.

“I’m Jonathan’s boyfriend, and my name is Mad Dawg!”

Jonathan bit his bottom lip hard. He paused for a moment and then pushed Maddox behind him. “As you can see, Drew,” he said in the most serious voice he could manage given the circumstances, “my very real boyfriend is here. Please, don’t make this difficult. Your parents wouldn’t approve.”

Maddox was fretting behind him, pushing against his back, and pointing at Drew over his shoulder. “Let me at him! I’m going to bite his ear off! No, the entire head!”

Jonathan struggled to contain Maddox with some difficulty.

Drew took a cautious step backward. “Gosh, Jonathan, the company you keep. Is this the kind of white trash you’re going for now? Your parents will be livid.”

“Well, that is only my concern, I suppose,” Jonathan said lightly.

“What did you call me, fat face?” Maddox growled.

“Fat face?” Drew seemed surprised by the insult and brought his hands to his cheeks, only to drop them quickly.

“You look like a pig!” Maddox shouted. “When I’m finished with you, you’re going to be a roasted pig!”

Drew blinked a few times. Jonathan didn’t know how much longer he could keep a straight face. And Maddox just kept piling up reasons for him to break into hysterical laughter.

“Drew, please, just go,” he insisted.

“Well, I’m sorry, but I have just been insulted. I have no intention to leave things like that. Release your… mad dog, or whatever he is.”

As if, Jonathan thought and smirked. “You’re a guest here. Leave with your pride wounded instead of your face. It’s not a choice.”

“I can take care of that,” Maddox assured him, but Jonathan continued to hold him back firmly.

Drew sneered. “All right, Jonathan. If you insist. But we’re not finished. You’ll get over this…” he seemed to be at a loss for words while looking at Maddox, “this country boy.”

“What does he mean by that?” Maddox asked, losing some of his Mad Dawg persona for a bit. “That I look like a cowboy? I’ve only been to a farm once, in fourth grade.”

Jonathan sighed. “Drew, I’ll never get over Maddox.”

“Mad Dawg,” Maddox corrected him.

“I’ve already told my parents about him,” Jonathan continued.

“Yeah, and I told mine,” Maddox added with emphasis.

“And? Are you two going to announce your engagement or something?” Drew crossed his arms and stared at them with disdain.

“Yeah,” Maddox said. “That’s why I’m here.”

Jonathan turned his head toward Maddox so fast he must have pulled a muscle in his neck. He was most likely joking.

“Yeah, I’m not joking,” Maddox insisted. “So stop pissing Jonathan off, and keep your hands off. Or I’m going to show you some country boy moves. One of them includes a foot in your ass.”

Drew made a disgusted face. “Well, Jonathan,” he said in a frosty tone but with a bizarre smile, “it’s your funeral. Too bad I have to leave shortly. I would have excessively enjoyed your family’s reaction to this…”

“One more word, and I’m punching you in the nose,” Maddox warned him.

Drew squared his shoulders, looking like he’d won. Then, he mounted the horse that had brought him there and turned it so that some of the snow under the hooves of the animal sprayed in Jonathan’s and Maddox’s direction. “It’s not goodbye yet, Jonathan,” he threw over his shoulder.

“Why didn’t you let me take care of his ugly face?” Maddox protested as soon as Drew was out of hearing range.

Jonathan turned to finally face the boy he loved so much. He couldn’t stop grinning. “You came,” he said. His heart was too full for any other words.

“Hello,” Maddox waved, “you should have let me beat the asshole up.”

Jonathan laughed, tipping his head back and then kissed Maddox loudly on the cheek. “I couldn’t have let such a thing happen to you. Unlike you, Drew is a bit of a brawler. And he’s trained in boxing since he was sixteen.”

“Ugh,” Maddox said and grimaced. “Still, I would have taken a beating to protect your honor, just so you know.”

“No way am I letting anyone mess up this pretty face,” Jonathan teased and kissed him on the nose. “I like you with all your teeth, and this perfect nose.”

Maddox growled playfully. Only then, Jonathan realized that he hadn’t really addressed why Maddox was there. A few of his doubts from before returned, as he let go of Maddox. He leaned against the stone wall again. “So,” he said, trying to act as casually as he could manage, “did you watch the video?”

Maddox was highly adept at reading the room. He came to rest against the wall by his side. “Yeah, I did,” he replied.

“What did you think?” Jonathan asked and looked away, not wanting to read uncertainty or reproach in the beautiful grey eyes.

“I thought you looked beautiful. Damn sexy,” Maddox replied. He didn’t resist as Maddox cupped his cheek and turned him to look at him. “There was just this weird cock in the picture, really yucky.” Jonathan snickered and looked down. Maddox, however, had other plans, and forced him to look up, this time holding his face with both hands.

“His cock isn’t weird,” Jonathan protested meekly, not knowing what to say.

Maddox sighed. “I know. He’s one handsome asshole. I was so dying to mess up his perfect square jaw.”

“He would have wiped the floor with you. You’re just a big marshmallow inside, and we both know it.”

“Well, I’m your boyfriend, so I would have taken my chances.”

Jonathan smiled. “We’re still boyfriend and boyfriend?”

“Totally,” Maddox confirmed. “Although,” he said, frowning a bit, “there’s this rule about good guys not dating bad boys.”

Jonathan snorted. “I know you’re not a bad boy, Maddox. You’re a good guy. No, the best.”

“I know that,” Maddox replied as if Jonathan was stating the obvious. He was looking at him like he couldn’t stop himself from bursting into laughter any minute now.

“Wait,” it was Jonathan’s turn to frown, “are you trying to tell me that I’m the bad boy?”

Maddox nodded in confirmation, his eyes glinting with mischief, his eyebrows raised, and with a smirk on his handsome face. “You totally are.”

“Really? How come?”

Maddox looked up as if he was trying to recall all the reasons he had to call Jonathan that. “Well, you know how to break into buildings…”

“Oh, that,” Jonathan said airily.

“You punched me in the nose…”

“Ugh, I apologized,” Jonathan replied in an exasperated tone.

“You ran away from home…”

“I wouldn’t have met you otherwise.”

“True,” Maddox admitted. “Wait, I’m not finished. You made amateur porn…”

“O.M.G., really?” Jonathan groaned.

“Really hot amateur porn,” Maddox teased him. “Did you just say O.M.G.? But still, bad boy stuff.”

“Are you finished now?” Jonathan moaned.

“Do you have any hidden tattoos?”

“Like where? You’ve seen me naked.”

“Maybe I missed one,” Maddox joked. Then, he laughed and pulled Jonathan close for a sweet kiss.

Jonathan leaned into it, feeling close to melting. Asta broke their moment by snorting loudly.

Maddox offered him a cute grin. “That your horsey?”

“Don’t ever call Asta that,” Jonathan warned him.

“It’s a girl?”


“Cool. Now what?”

Jonathan examined his boyfriend carefully. “You didn’t come here with a plan, did you?”

“Well, I went with the flow. I’m here to convince you that you’re my boyfriend forever and to make you come back to Sunny Hill. That’s the big picture.”

“All right, I’m good with that,” Jonathan agreed. “Hey, what do you mean, your boyfriend forever? That’s as far as you go?”

Maddox smirked at his attempt to pull his leg. “I haven’t yet met your parents. But I don’t mind shocking them with an engagement proposal. I think they’ll be fine with it, since by now, I suppose they’ve already been shocked enough for the rest of their lives.”

“Why would they be?” Jonathan asked, puzzled.

“Rusty’s having tea with them as we speak, I suppose.”

“Rusty?!” Jonathan feigned an outraged gasp, and then he grinned. “In that case, let’s hurry up and save him.”

“I’d worry more about your folks, but whatever floats your boat.”

Jonathan laughed and pulled Maddox by the hand. “Ah, wait, I’m with Asta, and… did Mr. Simmons give you his UTV?”

“Looks like it,” Maddox confirmed. “You ride in front, and I’ll follow.”

“Are you okay with that?”

“You look really cool in this riding outfit. I must check out your ass while you ride your horse.”

“Must, huh?”

“Totally,” Maddox confirmed and kissed him again. “You know, I think Rusty’s fine. We don’t have to hurry, right?”

Jonathan pinched his cheek. “I’m sure he needs us. And don’t worry, I can strut around in my riding outfit for you later.”

“All right, then. But you’ll need to ride me in it.”

“That would be difficult, don’t you think?”

“Then just keep the boots and the cute hat. That will be enough for me.”

Jonathan swore under his breath when Maddox’s hand moved over his ass and squeezed. “Let’s just save Rusty first, all right?”

Maddox laughed. “All right. But you’re not getting out of my request for bareback riding.”

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