Good Guys Don’t Date Bad Boys Ch. 47 – Epilogue

“Well, let’s eat cake, then,” Maddox said, deciding that it was just better to go with the flow. It looked like everyone wanted a piece of that cake, and he hoped he could at least save the figurines from the impending doom that would follow.

Someone, however, seemed to have drunken a bit too much and propelled by unknown forces, stumbled and fell, face first into the giant cake. Under the collective gasp and held breath of the audience, the tower of confectionary trembled and fell on one side.

“Five second rule,” Rusty shouted.

All hell broke loose in an instant, everyone hurrying to get a piece that hadn’t been in contact with the floor for too long.

Maddox turned toward Jonathan, who was shaking with laughter. “You wouldn’t laugh if it was our real wedding cake,” he said with a bit of rancor. He really had wanted to have a bite, preferably in a civilized manner.

“Cake fight!” Rusty announced.

A clump hit Maddox right in the cheek. Jonathan laughed harder and took a piece before the entire clump fell. He held his fingers to Maddox’s lips. “Don’t be mad, sweetheart. And here is your bite. I heard the initial plan involved Rusty coming out of the cake, most probably naked.”

Maddox sighed and nibbled at the cake in Jonathan’s fingers. “I suppose we should count our blessings, then.”

“And they are many,” Jonathan agreed. “Save a little for me?”

The kiss they shared next was the sweetest.

And it wasn’t because of the cake.


Author’s note: And this was Jonathan’s and Maddox’s love story! They will continue as secondary characters in Rusty’s story, which is called Chasing Rusty Parker, and I will start publishing it here starting next week.

Until then, cheers, and thank you for reading!

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