Graham and Griffin Ch. 07


A gay story: Graham and Griffin Ch. 07 Griffin’s POV

I’m sitting in my Geology class and Graham is next to me. This is the only class we have together. His eyes never stray from the professor and his hand is always writing. He’s a good student. I can’t keep my eyes off of him. I’m going to fail this class if I don’t get it together and concentrate.

The professor breaks from his lecture to set-up a video he wants to show us. Graham glances over to me and catches me watching him.

He leans his shoulder into me and asks, “What are you looking at?”

I lean into him and say, “You.”

He looks down at my notebook. It is blank.

He presses his face into the side of my head and speaks softly in my ear.

“Good. I’ll take notes for both of us.”

I hear a giggle. It’s coming from behind us.

I jerk my head around and there is a girl sitting behind us. Graham turns around, too.

She has long brown hair and big blue eyes. She leans forward and says to us very quietly,

“Sorry. You guys are so cute. You remind me of my brother and his boyfriend.”

Graham grins at me and then at her. I’m frozen. How does she know?

She notices my discomfort.

“Oh, sorry, “she says, “I guess I misinterpreted things.”

I raise my head. She is smiling at me. This is it. I’m going to come out.

I smile back at her and say, “No, you didn’t. I’m Griffin and this my friend, Graham.”

She raises her eyebrows and looks at me and then at Graham.

“Oh, just friends?” she asks. “It looked to me like a little more than that.”

“Well, ” I begin, but Griffin interrupts me.

“I asked him to be my boyfriend, but he hasn’t given me an answer.”

The lights dim and I can’t see anything, but I can feel both Graham and the girl’s face staring at me. I turn away from both of them.

Graham reaches out and takes my hand. I move into him and say, “Graham is my boyfriend.”

The video is long and incredibly boring. I can’t believe that Graham is my boyfriend and he is holding my hand in public. I take a deep breath and try not to panic.

After what seems like an eternity, the video ends and the lights go on

Graham turns and smiles at him. I smile back and squeeze his hand. I let it go and begin to pack up my stuff. He does the same.

“Want to get lunch?” he asks.

“Okay,” I say.

We pick up our backpacks and head out to the dining hall.

The dining hall is packed. We grab our lunches and head to the only empty table. We sit across from each other and dig into our food. I’m so hungry. I inhale my turkey sandwich in two minutes flat and then move onto my salad. Surprisingly, the food in the dining hall is really good. When I finally look up, Graham is watching me intently with a very serious look on his face. I suddenly feel very self-conscience.

“What?” I ask. “Do I have something on my face?”

He shakes his head.

“Are you embarrassed of your piggy boyfriend?”

He shakes his head again.

“C’mon, Graham. Just tell me. You’re making me feel weird.”

“Griffin, ” he begins and then pauses. He squirms in his seat. He looks nervous.

This in turn makes me nervous. I want to bolt.

“Griffin,” he starts again. “Will you go on a date with me?”

I want to get up and beat the living crap out of him. Of course I want to go on a date with him. He’s my boyfriend. Why would he even have to ask me this? I decide to mess with him.


His body stiffens; his eyes get big. I’ve got him good.

He lowers his head and mumbles, “Oh, sorry, I guess you’re not ready for all of this. I’m okay with keeping whatever is happening between us a secret. I just thought since you told that girl about us that you were ready to go public.”

Okay, maybe I got him a little too good.

“Graham, look at me.”

He raises his head and we make direct eye contact. There is the beginning of tears in his eyes.

Oh, crap! I push out my chair and rush over to him. I kneel down next to him and put my hand on his leg.

“Graham, I am just messing with you. Of course I’ll go on a date with you. I think I made it pretty clear this morning and in class that I’m yours. I don’t want to keep us a secret. I’m done with secrets.”

He turns and looks at me. He wipes the tears from his eyes. There is a big grin on his face.

“Do you mean that?”

I don’t use words. Instead, I grab his face, pull it to mine and place my lips on his. I give him the longest and sexiest kiss I’ve ever given anyone in front of the entire dining hall.

Graham’s POV

Griffin’s kisses make me weak. He starts out slowly. His lips gently press against my lower lip and then move to my upper lip. He continues this pattern until I can’t take in anymore. My hands move to the back of his neck and I thrust his mouth into mine. I move my lips aggressively against his in a circular motion. I feel his tongue press into my mouth and I quickly massage my tongue into his. We kiss like this until a voice interrupts us.

“Hey, dudes, get a room.”

I pull my lips away from Griffin and press my mouth to his left ear and I say, “Let’s get out of here.”

Without making eye contact with anyone, we get up from our and table and quickly make our way to the exit. Once we are outside and few yards away, we collapse onto the nearest bench.

I can’t look at Griffin. He’s going to be so mad at me. I should have stopped him. How did I let things get so out of control?

Griffin’s body begins to shake and a loud sob escapes his mouth. Oh, shit, he’s crying. I glance over. Tears are streaming down his face.

He isn’t crying.

He’s laughing. Hard.

I can’t believe it.

His laugh is contagious. I begin to laugh, too. Before long, we are leaning against each other and we can’t stop.

People are giving us strange looks as they walk by. We look like a couple of lunatics.

Eventually, I gain my composure.

“Baby, please stop. I have snot all over my face, ” I say.

He hiccups, grabs my hand and pulls us me up.

We are facing each other. He pulls his sweatshirt over his hand and wipes my nose.

“Now you don’t.”

I pull him into me, wrapping my arms around his waist. His arms wrap around mine. I want to remain in this embrace forever.

“I love you,” he quietly whispers into my neck.

I audibly sigh into him. I can’t believe he is the first one to say it. As cliché as it sounds, my heart skips a beat.

I pull him closer and say without hesitation, “I love you, too.”

His body collapses into me.

“You make me so happy, Graham. I can’t believe that I found you. I’ve wanted something like this for so long.”

“I know. Me, too, baby.”

He pulls away from me and grabs my hand. There is a huge grin on his face.

“Let’s go back to our room. There is so much I want to say to you and do to you, but I don’t think this is the best place.”

I laugh and squeeze his hand.

“Oh, Griffin, I tease him, “are you trying to seduce me?

He rolls his eyes at me and pulls me in the direction of our dorm.

Griffin’s POV

We are snuggling in Graham’s bed watching a movie on my laptop. His arms are wrapped around me and my head is resting on his bare chest. We are finally watching Edward Scissorhands the movie we were suppose to watch the night I invited Graham into my bed. I’m trying really hard to watch it because I know it’s Graham’s favorite movie and I’ve never seen it before, but I’m having a hard time focusing on anything.

This entire day has been a whirlwind of firsts: sexy time with Graham this morning, coming out to the girl during geology class, kissing in public and finally, admitting to Graham that I love him.

The latter is what’s freaking me out the most. Yes, he said it back, but did he really mean it? Did he just say it back because he didn’t want to upset me? When we came back to our room, I thought we would have a long talk about everything that happened today, but instead he suggested we watch a movie. Why? Is he avoiding a real conversation? Does he regret what happened today?

Graham sighs and pauses the movie.

“What’s going on, Griffin? You don’t like the movie? We can watch something else.”

I wiggle out of his embrace and sit up.

“No, it’s not that. I just have a lot of things on my mind. I’m sorry.”

He sits up next to me and begins to rub his hand up and down my back. I lean into him and give his shoulder a series of small kisses. My lips pause and I say,

“Do you really love me, Graham? If you don’t, it’s okay. I’ll understand.”

He turns away from me, closes the laptop and sets it on the floor. He turns back to me, gently pushes me down and climbs on top of me. His body bears down on mine

“Griffin, look at me.”

Our eyes meet. He kisses my lips softly.

“I love you, Griffin. Can I show you how much?”

The look in his eyes gives me no reason to doubt him and his feelings for me.

“Yes, Graham. I love you. Make love to me.”

He gives me one last kiss on my lips and begins to make his way slowly down my body.

He begins with my neck. He moves his warm tongue gently across it, from the left to the right and then back underneath my chin. He nibbles on my nonexistent Adam’s apple. It feels so good. I let out a deep moan.

He moves back up and gives me a long, slow kiss on my lips. My hands move up and down his back.

“Do you like this, baby?” He asks me.

“Yes. Keep going. I want your tongue on my nipples.”

Without pause, he moves down and his tongue is on my left nipple and then my right. If my penis wasn’t hard before, it is now. I can feel it throbbing against Graham’s right leg.

I push his head down. I want him to go lower. I’m ready to give him everything.

He removes his tongue from my nipple and looks up at me. There is a cocky smirk on his face.

“What do you want, Griffin?”

“I want your mouth on my cock, Graham. I want it now.”

Oh, crap! I’m a total slut. The word cock has never left my mouth until now.

Graham lets out a low, sexy laugh.

“My boyfriend wants my lips on his cock. Oh, yeah, here it goes.”

Graham kisses my mouth, then the space between my nipples. He scoots down and kisses my stomach. He runs his tongue up and down it until his tongue swirls into my belly button.

I’m writhing and panting underneath him. He’s so close.

“Are you ready, Griffin?”

“Yes, please. I love you.”

“I love you. I’m going to make you feel so good.”

I feel Graham graze his tongue over the top of my penis. I lift my hips up and his entire mouth engulfs me. His hand wraps around my shaft, moving it up and down, while his tongue and mouth circles my head. I thrust into him and come. My body seizes and collapses.

Graham’s mouth and lips gently lick and swallow my release. His body moves up until we are face to face. His lips graze across my lips and nose.

“I love you, Griffin, ” he says. “Are you happy?” His eyes are intense. I quake underneath him.

“I love you, Graham.”

I flip him over and take him into my mouth. I’ve never done this before, but I’m determined to make him feel as good as he made me.

My tongue slowly twirls its way up and down his shaft, concentrating a good time on the head of his penis. The tip of my tongue dips into the top of his head and I move it meticulously around it. He lets out a loud a moan.

“Oh, baby,” he cries out, “don’t stop.”

I don’t.

My tongue and mouth work effortlessly until he comes into my mouth. I swallow everything he has to give me.

I fall back and take a deep breath; my head is hanging off the foot of the bed.

He reaches out and pulls me up underneath my armpits. His hands wander down and rest on my waist. I lean into him, my lips at his throat.

“That was amazing, ” he sighs into my hair.

I lift my head up and give a small kiss on his forehead.

“That was my first time,” I confess.

He pushes me back until our eyes meet; his hands still on my waist.

“I love you, Griffin. You are mine. You belong to me.”

I grab his head and push my lips into his.


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