Groundskeeper Billy

A gay sex story: Groundskeeper Billy

I had just turned eighteen a month or so ago, when I took the job of grounds keeper for my neighbor across town, this was set up by my Mom and Dad, they liked Mr. Jacob’s so I was suggested to do the work for him. Mr. J was always nice to me, I really liked him as well, well okay maybe more than liked the man.

For an older man he was in incredible shape, not one to work out or anything like that, but he had a nice slim body, and he was incredibly handsome man as well. From his facial features to a well trimmed beard, soft pouty lips, well groomed hair, and always impeccably dressed. The man always seemed to smile and some of the people in town were not nice to him.

I showed up on time and he showed me where all the garden tools were kept and if I needed anything I was to come and ask him. I got the mower out and the trimmer, I would trim first then cut the grass.

It was a beautiful day not too hot, just the right temperature to get the work done, but with me doing the work out in the sun, I was roasting, I pulled off my shirt and only had on grey sweat shorts. Okay I did not realize it, they were very revealing shorts once they were damp, covered in sweat.

Mr J came out to see how I was doing, I was in the flower bed weeding when he came up behind me, I stood up to see if there was more he needed done. His eyes went to my sweat covered chest, cock and balls, yeah okay I’m hung I’ll admit it.

My cock is ten when it is hard and six around, yeah I measured it, don’t most guys? Here we are me pouring sweat Mr. J. Staring at the bulge in my sweats. My chest was pouring out sweat, dripping actually, yeah I keep myself in great shape I work out daily. Good thing I am not one to be shy, I never hide my body from anyone, any part of it actually.

Mr. J fumbled for words, he wanted to tell me if I needed a cool drink to come to the patio and cool off, of course I still did not realize he was staring at my cock. He could not speak he only pointed at the patio, waving for me to follow him he had brought out a pitcher of lemonade.

I sat there legs spread wide open, my cock clearly easy to see through my pant legs, my uncut knob poking out of my right pant leg, my balls out of the other leg. The cool air on my cock was making it hard, like there was a time when my cock was not hard.

He stood there staring at my cock poking out of the leg of my shorts, my cock dripping precum like crazy. I was so horny right now, I needed some sort of sexual outlet to rid myself of this horniness I was feeling all the time. Mr J handed me a towel to dry off the sweat on my semi naked body, I wiped off my chest and face. I placed the towel on my lap, hiding my cock and balls no not intentionally.

“Billy you could use the pool if you wanted after you’re done, you are free to use it anytime actually, I just ask you not bring groups of friends over.”

“No worries there Mr. J. I can tell you honestly I really do not have any friends at this school, or in this town, I am so glad graduation is so close and I will be out of that awful school once and for all.”

“Good looking young man like yourself not have any friends I find that so hard to believe, how about a girlfriend?”

“No to both, the guys in the school do not like me, they call me names and talk behind my back, and girls do not interest me whatsoever.”

“Well Billy you and I could be friends, you seem to be a really nice young man.”

“Thank you Mr. J so are you, always liked you.”

“Billy if we are friends then you can’t be calling me Mr J anymore, it’s Chris from now on okay.”

“Yes Sir Mr., I mean Chris, I better get back to it, want to be done before it gets even hotter out.”

I chugged down the lemonade and went back to the weeding, then I raked and made it all look so pretty. Chris came out and looked at the work I had done, I suggested I maybe paint his shed, it was looking worn and weathered, he quickly agreed and told me he would help me get it done possibly tomorrow.

He would pick up the paint and supplies needed to get the shed painted, he asked if I would wash the exterior windows and clean the gutters the next day. This just might turn into a full time job here, he found a few more things he wanted to get done but did not have anyone to help him get the heavier tasks done.

We stood there looking at his yard he seemed to be trying to find more work to keep me at his place, he then suggested I could just come over and hang out as a friend. Use the pool, sit in the loungers and just talk, like myself Chris did not have many or any real friends at all, just people who used him for his work knowledge and connections.

He suggested I jump in the pool to cool off then we could have another glass of lemonade, he did not have to tell me twice I could take a dip in the pool, I put the tools away while he got the lemonade ready. I came up and put my shirt on one of the chairs as he put the jug of lemonade on the table.

He looked at me and smiled, I turned and dove in the deep end of the pool, I of course forgot to tie my shorts and they slid right off, like I had planned. Chris got a full view of my tight white ass, my ass only was dusted with a fine layer of hair, my ass was snow white as it never got any sun, only my legs and upper body were tanned a nice golden brown.

Chris watched as my white ass swam from the one end of the pool to the other, he pulled off his shirt and dove in. He went and retrieved my shorts at the bottom of the pool, he swam over to bring them to me, yeah and he could totally see my semi erect cock.

He handed me the shorts and smiled.

“Feels good to swim naked doesn’t it Billy? I always swim naked at night, I turn off the lights then I don’t have to worry about the nosy neighbors watching me.”

“I love the feel of my cock just floating around like it is right now, maybe I will come and join you in a late night swim Chris.”

“Open invitation Billy, come by anytime, but you better put them on my one neighbor loves to watch me when I am in my pool and everything I do.”

“Then maybe I should give her something to look at.”

I smiled at Chris as I said it, he laughed but shook his head no.

“She may have a heart attack if you did so not a good plan there Billy.”

He and I got out of the pool, I could not hide my cock in these shorts, Chris suggested I wear a pair of his and we could hang these out to dry in the sun. He went in and got a pair for me to wear, they were just as loose and revealing like the ones I had on now but at least they were dry.

He went to hand me the shorts as I pulled my own off and wrung them out, I was never one to be shy, maybe that was why the guys at school did not like me. Chris stood there his mouth wide open, my cock seems to always be semi erect, the issues with being eighteen I guess.

My cock arched away from my body, fully hard I was ten by six, I was sure Chris would faint at the sight of my semi erect cock. His mouth open, his tongue poking in and out of his mouth, he was even drooling at one point.

Chris stood there holding the shorts staring at my cock, I went to take the shorts from his hand but he had a firm grip on them.

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