Groundskeeper Billy Pt. 07


A gay story: Groundskeeper Billy Pt. 07 Time flew by, Chris and I went in to get tuxedo’s for prom, he and I in matching tuxes, we made a very handsome couple. I bought us each a corsage for our lapels, we matched perfectly, I was pretty sure Chris was more excited than I was.

He and I drove over, we parked then kissed in the car, I got out and opened my man’s door, he and I walked in hand in hand. People were snapping pics of us, we found our table and I got us drinks, there was a lesbian couple who joined us, then another gay couple who were supposed to be seated at another table but came and sat at ours.

Chris and I danced the night away, the six of us at our table all danced a nice slow song with our partners. As the night wore on, more and more of them got more comfortable with all of us, they announced the people up for prom King and Queen.

No Chris and I were not nominated, but it would have been nice to be, they picked the high school head cheerleader, and the quarterback from the football team. They went up on stage and got their crowns, they looked at each other and shook their heads in agreement.

Carol the head cheerleader went to the microphone to say something.

“Both Rob and I agree this honor should not be ours tonight, this should be for Billy and Chris, they deserve this for being so brave and making it okay to be yourself in our school. Get up here Chris and Billy.”

Carol took off her crown and placed it on Chris’s head, Rob crowned me with his, we shook hands and Rob ended up hugging both Chris and I. Chris of course was in tears, he and I were to dance the first song alone.

We got in the middle of the floor, I leaned in and kissed him, a nice long sensual kiss, almost all of them applauded.

“Best prom ever Babe, love you so much.”

“Love you too Billy and yes it is the best prom ever.”

I motioned for everyone to join us in this slow dance, some came and congratulated us, and I have to say it was a lot of people in this small town school. Chris and I stayed till the end, we went to our car and headed home.

I opened his door, then carried him across the threshold again, we locked the door and went to bed, Chris and I made out like it was our first time, paying attention to every part of each others bodies. I knew all or most of his spots that made him crazy, and he knew mine as well.

We kissed sucked each other then I would make love to this man I was so in love with, I was gentle at first but then on the third round things got a little spicier. I filled the man with my cum, my cock ached, my balls tingled, I could tell Chris had had enough for one night.

We snuggled in kissed and I pulled him in.

“Best prom ever Babe, I love you so much.”

“Love you too Billy, this really was a magical night.”

Days flew by and it was graduation, I would take some academic awards, and a sports scholarship, seems all the work outs paid off. We got so many looks when we walked in the auditorium, but most people seemed comfortable with Chris and I.

I guess the more we showed them we were two men in love they either had to look away or accept it. Mom, Dad, Chris and I would go out for a nice dinner just the four of us, we booked the restaurant earlier so we could get in.

It was nice, we had wine and toasted to another chapter, Mom and Chris had formed a real bond with each other. Dad and I were always close to each other, the four of us talked, then went back to our place, I showed Dad around showing him the new things we had gotten done since the last time they were here.

Mom and Chris were in the kitchen, Chris had all kinds of snacks for us, we sat in the livingroom, we toasted then Dad asked.

“So now what Son?”

“Chris and I talked about that, the university in the next town has great programs that would suit me perfectly, I can drive there and back each day and still be with this guy. Mom Dad, Chris and I plan to marry really soon. I asked and he said yes.”

“Billy why didn’t you say something before? Congratulations to you both, feel like we should have champagne.”

Chris got up and grabbed the bottle and four glasses. I opened it and filled the glasses, we toasted then sat back and enjoyed conversation. He and I planned a nice small wedding, but it quickly grew into a much bigger event as so many wanted to attend their first gay wedding.

We had it all in our yard, so many people some not even invited but we let them all in, it was a beautiful ceremony, Chris of course cried as I read my vows to him. He had a hard time to read his own, I stared at this man who I was so in love with, my love for him only grew stronger each and every day.

We kissed then we were congratulated by all of our guests, we danced and had a great time, Chris and I would celebrate our fifth anniversary today, looking back at all the pictures makes both of us smile. I love this man more today that I did the day I married him.


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