Guardian Angel Chapter 8 by Night_Walker05


A gay adult stories: Guardian Angel Chapter 8 by Night_Walker05 ,

Old Friends

Part 1: Memories of Mount Gloria

Mount Gloria is an old area of the canyon where Hunter and Jake became the best of friends. Most people say it’s a cursed place, so no one goes there… Except boys who don’t believe in fairy tales.

As Jake approached Mount Gloria, his mind began playing tricks on him, showing some of his memories in each part of Mount Gloria where Jake had been. Specially, the tallest spot in the area, which had a beautiful sight during sunset. The orange sky, and one could see Lucy Street and much more from there. Quite a sight to behold.

One of his memories triggered when Jake approached a spot in Mount Gloria, a huge rock. He recalled when he was laying on his back on top of that old rock, and Hunter was sitting right beside him. It was late in the night, the boys could see the beautiful dark sky, filled with stars:

“Hey look Jay! A shooting star!” screamed Hunter.

“Nah… Must be an airplane.” Said Jake, with his hands behind his head.

“Ya know… You can be a real pain sometimes, Jay.”

“Sorry… Look, maybe it was an UFO.”

“Gimme a break, Jay!”

“All right, it was a shooting star, then.”

“I heard I could make a wish when I see a shooting star in the sky.”

“Too late for that.”

“Well… I’ll just wait for another one…”

“I don’t think there’ll be another shooting star, Hunter…”

“Look, another one! Told ya!! ‘Kay… Gonna make my wish now…”

The boys were silent, and Jake was surprised that another shooting star had appeared. The boy looked carefully at Hunter, who had his eyes closed. Then, suddenly:

“There… I made my wish.” Said Hunter.

“What did you wish for?” asked Jake.

“Can’t tell you, or it won’t come true.”

“Oh, gimme a break, Hunter!”

“Sorry, it’s the rules.” Said Hunter with a smile on his face, then he layed on his back, next to Jake:

“Don’t worry, Jay… When it comes true, I’ll tell you. Promise.”

“Better not take too long, then.”

The images disappeared, and Jake found himself looking at the old rock, and noticed it was almost sunset. Jake continued on his way to the spot where he would meet Hunter.Part 2: Jake and Hunter

Jake arrived to the spot, and saw Hunter, with Seth and Gary holding a tied up boy, knocked out boy. It was Fabio.

“Don’t worry about him. He’s just asleep. I’m a freakin’ genius.” Said Hunter, looking at Jake coming closer. Hunter walked closer to Jake, and punched him staright in the face:

“I was thinking… Maybe I’ll just beat you up until you can’t even stand up. Or maybe I’ll just beat you up until you I feel you have suffered enough. Whichever happens, I don’t really care.” Said Hunter, and punched Jake in the face again. The boy fell to the ground. Hunter kicked Jake, putting him on his back, and sat on his knees on top of Jake. Hunter grabbed Jake by the hair and gave him another punch to his face:

“Oh, I remember this…” said Hunter, “Don’t you remember, Jay?”

Jake’s memories triggered again. Jake remembered being in that same spot, with Hunter on top of him, naked. Jake was fucking Hunter, and Hunter was moaning really loud and sweating a lot. Jake came in his ass, and Hunter layed on top of Jake and devoured his lips with passionate kisses. Both boys were hugging each other, pressing their bodies on each other.

His memories faded away when Hunter punched him again.

“It was a nice fuck I had that day… Too bad it was with the wrong guy, though.” Said Hunter, as he got ready for another punch. When he was about to punch Jake again, his arm was stopped by someone who kicked him in the face, pulling Hunter off of Jake. Hunter tried to stand up and recover from that kick, when he looked behind him, he saw Kiyan trying to help Jake stand up. Shawn was behind one of the trees, away from the scene.

“Well, well, well… How cute. Nice to see you again, Kay. That was a nice kick.”

“Shut up, Hunter.”

“I told you not to bring anybody else, Jay…”

“I came here on my own, Hunter.”

“You two are so dead now.” Said Hunter, taking out a knife from his pocket. Hunter went closer to Kiyan, who was walking away from Hunter, away from the knife. Not looking to where he was going, Kiyan tripped on a rock on the ground and fell. Hunter got closer and was about to stab the boy.

A huge scream was heard in Mount Gloria… A huge scream of pain… But it wasn’t Kiyan’s… It was Hunter’s.

Kiyan opened his eyes, and saw Hunter on the floor, with a knife stabbed on him. Kiyan tried to stand up and figure out what happened. Shawn came next to him:

“You ok, Kiyan?”

“What happened?”

“The guy was about to stab you, ‘till Jake pushed him away, one heck of a fight, Jake has a few scratches from that knife, and he stabbed it on Hunter, after taking it from him.”

“Jake was on his knees next to Hunter, looking down at him. Hunter was slowly opening his eyes, the boy was filled with pain. He was looking up, and saw Jake’s face. A lot of things went through Hunter’s mind. Most of them, being the moments that proved to him Jake was his best friend… Memories Hunter had forgotten, until now.

“You’ll be all right, Hunter. Just hang in there. Seth and Gary ran to get some help, you’ll be all right soon.” Said Jake.

“W… why? Why did you abandon us…?” asked Hunter, with a whisper, filled with pain.

“I never abandoned you, Hunter. You said my mom told you I never wanted to be your friend… I never said that. My mom never liked you, anyway, so… I guess that’s what happened.” Said Jake.

“All of this… When we could be friends…?” asked Hunter, with his painful whisper.

“It was an accident, Hunter. I didn’t mean to stab you… You’ll be all right, just hang in there.”

“I’m… Sorry…”

“Forget about it. We can be friends again, if you want. I’m sure it was just my mom trying to take you away. She never liked you, I don’t blame her. You really got on her nerves… I liked that about you…”

“So… We’re still… Friends..?”

“Yeah, of course… I don’t wanna fight anymore. Never wanted to in the first place…”

“Ya know… Jay… My wish… It came true.”

“Your wish?”

“Yeah… The one I made… That night, remember?”

“Yeah, what did you wish for?”

“I… I wished… That we would be friends for…Forever…”

Kiyan sit next to Jake, looking at the injured boy on the floor. Kiyan saw the injury caused by the knife. The knife had been taken off, and it seems Jake has done everything he could to aid Hunter. Now it was all up to Seth and Gary to find help.

Hunter looked at the boy sitting next to Jake:

“I’m sorry…” whispered Hunter.

“It’s ok, Hunter… I just hope we don’t have any other problems now.” Said Kiyan.

Jake put his arm around Kiyan and spoke:

“I guess you weren’ properly introduced. Kiyan, this is Hunter, my best friend. Hunter, this is Kiyan… My little guardian angel.”

Part 3: New Memories

Fabio spent a couple days at home, and told his parents the same story made up to protect all of the boys involved: Seth, Gary, Hunter, Fabio, Jake, Kiyan and Shawn went to Mount Gloria to have some fun together. Hunter had found the knife, and was goofing around and stabbed himself by accident. Some might not believe the story, but none of the boys made up too many details and they all told the same excuse.


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