Happy Birthday to Me Pt. 02

A gay story: Happy Birthday to Me Pt. 02 It is said that water will find its own level. I have found that people will rise or sink to the level to which they’re destined. Regardless of who or what you consider yourself to be, others can and may see you for what you are. Like it or not, hate it or love it, reality prevails. Once we accept our true nature, only then can we be truly happy.

Cin’s birthday present to me had been wonderful and so very exciting. But there was also an element of fear. The fear that comes when I realized that my whole life had changed, and not knowing where that change would take me.

For sure, Bruce had taken me to a place I’d never been before. Well, perhaps he didn’t take me, but he most assuredly helped me get there. It could have been the alcohol, and that strange pill Cindy gave me. Then again, there were all those pretty bois cavorting out in a public place wearing panties, hose, make-up and the like. I them found so beautiful and very arousing. I felt a kinship with them. I wanted to be them. The vibe was so sexual and sensual that me sucking Bruce’s cock was unavoidable.

When I swallowed Bruce’s load as he face-timed my wife so she could see, it was as if I’d become a different person. Those gathered, watching me suck my first cock, applauded as I passed the test all first-time cock suckers face. (NOTE: the test I refer to is for those who have wanted, been tempted, but have never gathered the courage to kneel and welcome a cock into their mouths and swallowed their reward.)

For some, they never get beyond their desire to suck a nice hard cock. They are left with their fantasies and regrets having never followed through. Others have been forced on their knees by desire, coercion, or circumstances out of their control.

For me, it seemed all it took was a few shots of alcohol, a pill to relax me, and a handsome man that cared for me and wanted me to be with him. Even in the state of bliss after conquering my first cock, I knew, oh how I just knew that sucking cocks would be in my future. Whether Cindy wanted me to continue or not, it was she who opened Pandora’s box and freed a newly minted cock craving sissy that night.

And, since I had my wife’s permission to enjoy myself and had my handsome man to take care of me, I joined the other soft and pretty bois frolicking in The World-Famous Turf Club.

In my new panty and pink sneakers, I allowed a pretty boi who Bruce knew as randi to apply a little make-up on me. I thought it would be a fun thing to do.

randi took me to the ladies’ room and had me sit on the sink’s counter. We giggled a lot and I would interrupt her efforts pulling her close and sucking her large nipples. It took a while but she was able to apply a little mascara and lipstick on me. When she finished, she and I kissed as other pretty bois chatted, giggled, and played among themselves.

We left the ladies’ room holding hands. randi took me around the club to introduce me to those she knew. “This is Miss johnnie. She’s one of Bruce’s girls,” she told them. I was greeted excitedly and fully accepted in to their exclusive club of soft fenimine bois.

We were chicks with dicks and we were with men who liked us because we had dicks.

It was touchy-feelie at every table and the dance floor. I had large sexy leather wearing men proposition me. “When Bruce gets tired of you, baby girl, come to me. I have what you need,” was their familiar line. They had me clutch their big cocks and ran their hand down the back of my panties to hold and squeezed my bottom. It was all almost too much.

I was staggering when randi took me back to Bruce. He was chatting with another man and indicated that I should wait quietly while the men talked. “I don’t want to bother you with man talk, baby girl. Go sit over there and wait for me to finish.”

I did as my man directed and waited. I had seen pretty bois on leashes led by real men so I understood where I fit in. Bruce is the man; my man and my role would be as his submissive. Instead of being pissed or hurt by Bruce’s action, I felt included, part of something new and exciting.

randi saw me sitting alone and brought over a tray of Jello shooters. By the time the men finished their conversation, I was barely able to stand much less walk.

Waking in my own bed the next afternoon, it took me a few minutes to realize where I was and how I got there. I had vague memories of the previous night. The last thing I remember was Bruce picking me up in his strong arms and carrying me out to his car. The rest was a complete blank.

I raised the sheet and saw I was completely naked. I wondered where Cindy was and how she’d act after what I’d done last night.

I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. I was shocked when I looked in the mirror. I had mascara and lipstick and didn’t look at all like my normal self. “Wow,” was all I could say as I cleaned my face.

“There’s the birthday boy,” Cindy smiled coming into the room as I was tying my robe.

“I have no idea what got into me last night, hon. I mean I remember meeting Bruce and all but what I did was out of character for me.”

My wife listened with a patient smiled.

“I don’t know why I would do what I did. What did you give me? That pill. What was it?”

“We’ll get into that later. You were pretty funny when Bruce carried you in at 4 AM.”

I was? He did? Oh God,” I almost wailed. “Did I… did he… did we?”

“Come let me pour you a cup of coffee. You look like you need it.”

At least my wife wasn’t angry with my antics or she appeared that way. You never know for sure. Women can suppress shit like that for months or years, and later, for no reason you can discern, and out of the blue, when you aren’t expecting it, she’ll bring that shit up and throw it in your face.

We sat across the table from each other. “johnnie, please listen to me and let me finish. I knew you had some gay or at least bisexual tendencies in you. I sensed it when I’d see you looking at some femme boi or some daddy bear, and sigh.”

“But I…”

“No. Please don’t interrupt me. Please allow me to finish, baby.”

“Sorry,” I apologized slumping in my chair.

“I saw you with Bruce. I have it recorded. johnnie, you can’t deny that you enjoyed sucking his cock. I thought it was sexy and beautiful. Really,” she said when she saw the incredulous look on my face. “And I must say, you looked so fucking sexy in those panties Bruce helped me buy you.”

“Bruce told me you were worried about cheating on me and me leaving you. You’re so sweet. I have no intentions of leaving you and I set it up so it wasn’t like you were cheating.”

I was relieved to hear that.

“No baby, what happened last night was natural. You have always been, well, let’s say very agreeable. Um, you know, you take direction well.”

“Submissive,” I blurted.

“Well okay, submissive then. And it’s perfectly fine. We go together well. I admit I can be bossy and you, well, you just go along with it never complaining.”

“Please Cin. What are you trying to say?”

I watched my wife take a deep breath. “johnnie, I have no agenda here. I want us to stay together as husband and wife. I am prepared to allow you to pursue your affair with Bruce as long as you want. But you have to love me, and we must still make love, have sex. I can accept you being bi-sexual but if you go full-out homo on me, all bets are off.”

She rose and came to me. Her hand on my shoulder, she stood waiting for me to say something. I looked up at her and saw the look of concern on her beautiful face. I stood and hugged her to me. “Cindy, there is no one more important to me than you. I love you. I have loved since I met you and I will always love you.”

We both shed a tear but did not get physical. She knew I was feeling ill from my hangover.

I looked her in the eyes and smiled, “Sissy stick, huh?”

Cin looked startled for a second then we both laughed. “johnnie, it was a spur of the moment thing and Bruce’s cock, well, I hate to say this…….”

“I know,” I interrupted her. “His cock is much larger than my dick. I get it. No worries, babe. That’s the way it should be, I guess. The man with a cock rules over males like me with little dicks.”

“I agree, johnnie. You’ll never see or have Bruce on his knees sucking you or anyone else.”

When she told me to chillax and get over my hangover, that she was going grocery shopping, I was left alone with thoughts of last night.

My dick grew hard as I remembered all those cute bois and manly men. I slowly masturbated as I remembered sucking Bruce’s cock. I remembered him telling me I didn’t have to that. “God but he’s so sweet,” I thought. Could I be his girl? Maybe his part-time girl. My wife had only that one caveat, one I could easily meet.

But the thought occurred to me, did I really want to be his girl. I’m a man for Christ’s sake. But, wearing those panties and feeling his hands on me. The easy way he undressed me in a public place, the feel of his cock between the cheeks of my bottom. The feel and taste of his cock in my hands and mouth. All those pretty bois so excited on their night out with their real men. God help me but I loved it so. I quickly climaxed into a tissue.

I had no idea what Bruce would expect from me, want from me. I remembered he asked if I would dress sexy for him, lay naked in his bed, in his arms. My heart raced remembering how much I wanted to experience him. All of him. And I knew instinctively that me getting all of him would require him getting all of me.

I imagined me wearing a garter belt and hose and panties being escorted by my man into that club and re-joining the ranks of all those pretty and so very sexy bois. My make-up and hair done just right. My generous bottom with my man’s hand on it guiding me to the dance floor. I wondered if Bruce would ever lead me in on a leash. I shivered at the delicious thought. I had to have it all. I needed to experience all of it.

I knew I had to talk to him and I wanted Cindy to be there and give her two cents. It was those two, after all, who led me into his arms.

When Cindy came back from shopping, I helped her carry the groceries into the house. “We need to talk, Cin.”

“Okay. Let’s talk.”

“I mean the three of us; you me, and Bruce. I think it only fair to put our cards on the table, share our expectations, and discuss what happens next.”

“You’re right, johnnie. Give him a call and invite him over.”

I didn’t have Bruce’s number so Cindy pulled it up on her cell and handed her phone to me.

Before I could get a word in, Bruce, who thought it was Cindy on the other end went off. “Damn Cindy, johnnie was everything I thought she’d be and more. She was beautiful and sexy, so much fun, and so loving. I wish you could have seen me taking her clothes off on the dance floor. She was so nervous about the other sissies and men seeing her nearly naked. It was cute. Really though, she was not willing to cheat on you before I told her it was you who set up our date.”

“Thank you, Bruce. But this is johnnie.”

“Better still. Hi lover. How’s my girl today? You went on quite the binge last night.”

I blushed when he called me girl. “I’m fine, Bruce. Really. I thought it might be a good idea if the three of us have a talk.”

“Sure, baby girl. What about?”

“Our expectations and our feelings and what happens going forward. We should all be on the same track.”

“Are you having second thoughts, baby girl?”

“No Bruce. I promise you I’m not. I had a wonderful time with you last night but I am married and I want to be sure we don’t hurt Cindy.”

“That’s my sweet baby girl,” Bruce said. “Your place or mine?”

“Let me ask the boss. hold on. Cin, Bruce wants to know where we should meet. His place or here? Your choice.”

“Give me the phone, hon.”

I handed Cin the phone and listened to her talk with Bruce. “I think here on her home turf would be best for our girl, Bruce. Uh huh. Sounds good. Any preferences? Oh, she’ll love that. Okay. See you around 8 tonight. Great. Bye.”

“He’s coming here tonight.”

I heard. 8, right?”

Yep. that gives us plenty of time to get you ready.”

“Me? Ready for what?”

“Why, for your man, silly girl. He wants you to dress sexy for him. I want to watch you two together; see you suck his cock, baby.”

“Yeah, I’m not too sure I’m comfortable with you being there Cin. I mean it’s one thing, me and Bruce and all but with you there, well, it might make me too embarrassed to have you see me doing things like that.”

“Tough titties, johnnie. You might not suck his cock while I watch you tonight but if you don’t, if you don’t feel like you can be yourself while I’m with you, what do we have to keep us together?”

I gave in. “I’ll try, okay?”

Cindy took her time selecting an outfit she thought would be suitable for me to wear to greet Bruce. I don’t know, hon. I mean they look tight. Real tight.”

Try em on. We’re almost the same size though your hips and ass are a little bigger than mine, johnnie. Wait. First let’s find you a nice panty. that way we’ll know if those shorts fit.”

“Where the fuck did you get these?”

Cindy chuckled. “Like em? I bought them but never had the nerve to where them. They may have a few years on them but trust me, they’re new.”

The panties she picked out weren’t much of a panty. A red thong that fit me like it was tailor made. My dick fit neatly in the small triangled front. The back strap was snug between my ass cheeks. Cin handed me the shorts she never wore. I pulled the bright red velvet garment up my legs and buttoned the front. “Cin, half my butt is showing.” But I wasn’t really complaining. My dick reacted the way it did last night.

“I know. Isn’t it great? Bruce will love them on you. Trust me.”

Cin loaned me an over-sized transparent silk white blouse that she insisted I wear fully unbuttoned and tied at the shirt tails.

The rouge she colored my nipples with was rubbed with a tissue several times to make sure it wouldn’t stain her blouse. Bright red lipstick and I was ready. “Nope. Not done yet.”

Cindy brushed my long hair and used a curling iron to have the ends turn up in a flip. “One more thing, well two really.”

“What now?” I asked in excited anticipation of seeing Bruce.

“Fingers and toes, baby. Can’t have our girl meeting her man without properly tending to her nails, can we?”

“Guess not,” I sighed. But I had to trust her. She was way more experienced in dressing for guys than I was. Thanking back to last night, I did recall that all those pretty bois had their nails done so it was the right thing for me to do.

My nails were now bright pink and considering how much thought my wife put into preparing me to greet Bruce, my thought was, “I can do this.”

“johnnie, get the door. You know who is here.”

Bruce swept me up in his arms, with his hands on my rear end and mine around his neck, we kissed as lovers do when they’ve been separated for a period of time.

“Wow, you boys make a nice couple,” we heard my wife say.

Bruce put me down and hugged Cindy. “Can’t help myself with her, Cin. She’s one sexy girl. Those shorts look fabulous on her.”

We sat at our dining table. It was like Kissinger and the Vietnamese negotiating a peace treaty. The talk was serious and deep. When Cindy asked Bruce what his intentions were regarding me, his reply was what I thought it would be.

Reaching across the table to take my hand in his, Bruce told her exactly what he wanted and expected from me. “When johnnie is with me, I want her dressed like she is now. Not fully crossdressing but feminine enough to let others know she’s a fairy princess, a soft boi. In other words, a chick with a dick.”

“Cindy, you’ve known me for a few years now and we trust each other, or I hope we do anyway. I have no desire to break up your marriage to my new girl. Please believe me when I say that. But I am asking you for your permission to date johnnie, take her out, have her blow me, maybe a friend or two, and I really want to fuck her.”

Without asking me what I thought, Cindy explained to Bruce that she had certain reservations. “If johnnie doesn’t want to suck your friends, she doesn’t have to. I won’t accept you making her do anything that she does not want to do. I mean that, Bruce.”

“Now, as far as you fucking her, that’s between you and johnnie. If she’s good with you fucking her, then you don’t need my permission.”

Cindy continued, “I want to watch my husband suck your cock. I want to see my sweet baby be your cock sucking bitch. Not every time but once in a while. Tonight would be nice.”

“I’m happy to oblige, Cin,” Bruce smiled and glancing at me. “She’s used to being watched while sucking my cock, right baby girl?”

“Um, I guess so, but….”

“Hush now johnnie,” Cindy said. “The adults are talking.”

I sat quietly and very much chagrined as my wife and my man negotiated my roles and responsibilities. I found it quite arousing that I had no say in how I would be used.

“You can have her one night a week, Bruce. Pick which night you want, preferably a weekend night considering how fucked up she was when you brought her home last night. And, should you so desire, we will welcome you here to satisfy your cock during the week but I’d like you to be considerate and let me know a day ahead of time.”

“Done and done,” Bruce announced as if he’d won a prize. “johnnie, ask your lovely wife if she’d like a drink and get me a glass of wine.”

“Wine for me too, johnnie,” Cindy ordered.

I left them to get their drinks thinking it was interesting that it was me who suggested this talk but neither Bruce nor my wife had asked me what I wanted or expected. It was all so damned arousing I thought my boner would burst through the thong.

When I got back, they were in the living room. Cindy sat in our overstuffed chair, Bruce in a recliner. I handed my wife her glass of wine and went to Bruce. “For you, kind sir,” I smiled.

“Thank you, baby.” Bruce took a sip then set his glass on the side table. He reached out and I took his hand. When he pulled me onto his lap, I glanced over to see if Cindy was okay with what we were doing. Seeing her smile and nod, I knew I could be myself.

I touched Bruce’s face with my left hand and placed my lips on his. “Mmm,” I love those soft lips, baby girl,” he said after we finished our kiss. I buried my face in his neck as he and my wife talked more about me. “Her fat ass made quite an impression at the Turf,” he told her. “The panties we got her showed her hips and ass perfectly.”

“You’ve got a nice cock, Bruce,” Cindy said which caught my attention.

“Thank you. But you know me. I only play with bois like johnnie. Sissies really, Chicks with dicks.”

“Oh, trust me,” Cindy laughed. “I have no desire to play with your cock. I was merely complimenting you on it. I wish johnnie had one like it but what she has is good enough for me.”

Bruce was caressing my bottom in front of my wife. And while I loved his touch, her watching made me feel uncomfortable. “Bruce, please, not now,” I whined.”

That whine earned me a quick slap on my bottom which made me squeal. But it also served to remind me of my place and ignited a need in me to show my man how I so loved his masculinity.

“Oh my,” I heard Cindy exclaim but not in a bad way. “I never thought to spank her. Maybe she’ll have to get used to them. Would you like that, johnnie? Would you like for momma to spank your sexy fat ass?”

I whimpered a muffled yes into Bruce’s neck.

“What’s that baby girl? I can’t hear you. Please have the courtesy to face me when you speak to me.”

I was blushing profusely when I turned to face my grinning wife. “Yes, ma’am,” I spoke clearly.

“I must say Bruce, one night with you and she’s become very polite.”

“She is sweet, isn’t she?” Bruce said. “I love how she blushes when called upon to answer embarrassing questions.”

Bruce turned me to face my wife as he began gently pinching my nipples. When he untied the blouse, I shrugged my shoulders allowing the flimsy garment to fall away.

As Bruce continued his sensual assault on my titties, I began to squirm on his lap. I felt his cock move and I knew he was getting hard.

Bruce leaned forward to whisper in my ear, though not so quiet that Cindy wouldn’t hear what he said. “You want to suck your man’s cock, baby?”

I blushed and nodded.

“Use your words, baby girl. Tell me, tell your wife what you want to do, what you need to do.” As he said that, he pulled harder on my nipples. My senses were now fully enflamed. I was back in the same sexual haze where I was the previous night, wanting to please my handsome lover.

“I need to suck your cock, Bruce. I want my wife to see her husband be your cock sucker.” After I said that, I turned completely around on Bruce’s lap. I kissed him hard with our eyes locked.

“Show her, baby girl. Show Cindy what a cock craving sissy you are.”

I slid off my man’s lap to kneel at his feet. Bruce stood and kicked off his shoes. As I reached for his belt, he pulled his polo shirt over his head.

I looked up and saw my man standing over me. His hands on his hips, his face stoic as though he expected me to suck his cock as was his due.

I will never forget that look if I live to be 100. Handsome, so manly, and without speaking, his look demanded me to tend to him.

Bruce stepped out of his trousers which left him in his little black cotton boxer-briefs. I heard Cindy gasp when she saw his bulging cock still covered and pointing 60 degrees right as if trying to free itself of the cotton confines.

I ran my hands up the back of Bruce’s sturdy legs until I held his tight ass. I inhaled the aroma of a real man as I planted my lips on his cotton covered cock. I looked up at my sexy man and used my teeth to clutch the front of his waist band. With my hands in back and my teeth in the front, I pulled his underwear away from his hard cock and down his legs.

Bruce stood proud. His cock jutted out a full 7+ inches and at a 45-degree angle. Neatly trimmed pubic hair met where his cock began. His balls were large, not huge but very nice. This was my first time seeing my man completely naked and he was more than anything I could have ever hoped for.

Holding those taut buttocks, I pushed my face into his balls, licking and kissing and just savoring my place.

I heard my wife say, “Damn shame wasting a cock like that.”

“It’s not going to waste, Cin. Your husband seems to like it. You do like my cock, don’t you johnnie?”

There’s something about being on your knees in front of a naked and well-hung man whose cock you so badly want in your mouth that makes you realize that you are less than he. Yes, he’s called me girl many times and perhaps I’ve acted like one. But acting is one thing and doing what comes naturally is another. “I love your cock, sir,” I said firmly placing myself in the submissive role I was born to live.

I took his cock in hand and rubbed it all over my face. When I could wait no longer, I brought it to my mouth. By now, Cindy had moved beside Bruce so she could see her husband suck a very nice cock.

I looked up at Bruce and then at my wife. I made a purposely loud slurping kiss on the large mauve head giving my wife what she wanted to see. I stuck my tongue out, dabbed at the slit, and tasted his leakage. His pre-cum on my tongue was like pouring gasoline on an already raging fire. My nostrils flared, my dick jumped in my panty, I sucked his cock deep in my mouth pulling out slowly and used my tongue on the large head before swallowing it again.

“Mother fucker,” I heard Cindy sigh. I glanced over and saw her with one hand under her shirt, the other in her jeans.

Knowing I was turning her on made me suck faster and jack him gently. “That’s my girl,” I heard Bruce mumble. It took me a second to realize he was referring to me, not Cindy.

I looked up at him with adoring eyes and smiled over his cock. “I love this, daddy. I love your cock.” “Daddy?” I wondered, “Where the fuck did that come from?”

“Yeah, no more daddy, johnnie.”

“Yes sir,” I said and resumed my attack on his cock.

I slowly and deliberately slurped and sucked my way up and down the thick hot shaft, my hand moving with my mouth. I cradled his balls in my free hand totally lost in my man’s scrotum.

“Oh, God,” I heard Cindy groan. I stole a glance and saw she had her jeans down to her knees. Her hand was furiously rubbing her clit under her panties as she watched me without blinking. I knew she was close to an orgasm, and I was glad she was enjoying watching me.

“That’s it, baby girl. That’s my good cock sucker,” Bruce sighed. “Show your man what you love, baby. Show me how much you want me to cum in your sweet cock sucking mouth.”

My jaw was beginning to ache but I continued to tend to my man’s need. I sucked and pumped, pumped and sucked. “That it, bitch, I’m gonna cum.”

I sped up my jacking and held the head between my lips using my tongue to swab the crown to titillate him further. Bruce grabbed my head and groaned. “Here it comes, cock sucker. Uhh, ga, fuuck,” he growled as his cock spit rope after savory rope that was my reward.

I held on to his ass as Bruce fed me his sperm. Cindy began calling me names. “You fucking cock sucking faggot. Gag on it, cock sucker. Choke on that cock you fucking homo. Eat his sperm you fucking fairy, you mother fucking faggot.”

I could tell she was having an amazing orgasm. Her cursing and swearing and name calling were indicative of it being a really earth shattering one for my wife as she watched her husband become another man’s cock whore.

I held Bruce’s cock in my mouth until he pushed me off. It was fully deflated and his lust had been, at least for now, satiated.

Cindy had skinned out of her jeans and suggested I remove the shorts she loaned me. Bruce remained naked and why wouldn’t he? If my dick was as large as his cock, I’d flaunt it too. The three of us lounged around with me serving them more wine and they discussing my ability in becoming such an accomplished cock sucker so quickly.

“I can’t tell you how many supposedly straight guys I’ve had suck me, Cindy. But none of them have impressed me as a natural born cock sucker as johnnie has. I would swear that she’s been sucking cocks all her life.”

“What you’re telling me is that you like to turn allegedly straight guys into sissies,” Cindy asked my man.

“Love it, girlfriend. I knew from the photos of johnnie you showed that she’d make a very obedient sissy. That one of her in her swim suit made my cock hard and I’ve had the desire to fuck her pussy since seeing her fat sissy pussy.”

I remembered that photo and that speedo Cindy had me wear. It was embarrassing. My bottom was so exposed that the lifeguard told me I had to wrap a towel around me or leave.

I felt strange but a good strange wearing only a thong and make-up and listening to Bruce compliment me on my technique and hearing him tell my wife how he wanted to fuck me. When Bruce took my hand and had me sit on his lap, I felt his cock stirring to life when it made contact with my soft round bottom. I thought it might happen then but my wife had other ideas.

“You know what, Bruce?” My wife said. “Only johnnie hasn’t cum yet. Let’s let her get herself off. I love watching my husband tugging her little sissy stick.”

Cindy, now continuing to refer to me as a girl made me even feel better about my actions in front of her. Bruce was caressing my tummy, but I noticed he never touched my dick; not once. I was hoping he’d get me off but I guess that’s not his thing.

“Go on girl,” Bruce said gently pushing me off his lap. “Give us a show.”

I stood not knowing exactly what to do. I mean I knew they wanted me to masturbate but where and how?

“She needs guidance,” Bruce told my wife. “Kneel down there, johnnie. Knees wide apart, yes like that. I want you to look at us while we watch you tug on your little sissy stick. Make sure you keep eye contact with your wife or me while you jack off. And, when you have achieved your disgusting discharge, I want you to put it back from whence it came.”

Cindy’s head spun as she looked at Bruce after he told me to eat my own cum. “I never thought of that,” she told him. “His disgusting discharge, Bruce? Really? From whence it came?” She giggled. “Where did that come from?”

“I like to train my girls to be neat and clean,” he explained his reasoning with a big smile. “Besides that, you saw how greedily she ate my sperm. Why would she find her own nasty sissy discharge less appetizing?”

You’re right,” my wife laughed as I knelt with my face burning hot with embarrassment. “My man can be deliciously cruel,” I thought.

“You may begin, johnnie.”

I did my best to keep eye contact as I tugged on my boner. “I find it necessary to keep my cock suckers humble, Cindy,” Bruce continued. “You’d be surprised how many times I’ve heard their wives tell me how well behaved their husbands, now my cock suckers are after they discovered themselves to be less than real men.”

“Less than real men? What constitutes them becoming less than real men?” My wife asked Bruce.

I listened to the conversation and was learning more about myself.

“For starters, ask your husband if even she considers herself to be a real man? Look at her, doing exactly what I told her to do. She’s wearing make-up, and she’s wearing a panty which we all three know is women’s wear.”

Cindy was clearly enjoying the by-play as she watched me tugging on my boner. “Is he right, johnnie? Is your man right that you’re not a real man?”

We’ve all heard stories about people who, when facing eminent death, see their lives flashing before them.

In the nano second that it took me to respond to my wife’s question, I saw my life pass before me. I saw the times when I was chased home by mean boys when I was a kid. The first time I tried to have sex with a girl and she laughed when she saw my thin, short boner. I saw myself getting hard while rummaging through my wife’s panty drawer many times while telling myself that I was looking for something I’d lost. I felt the longing that would come over me when I saw a sissy walking respectfully two steps behind her real man. I knew in that nano second what my answer was.

I wanted to hang my head as shame washed over me but Bruce had instructed me to keep eye contact. I looked my wife in the eyes. “No, ma’am. I am not a real man at all. I am a sissy. I am Bruce’s sissy cock sucker,” I managed to breathe.

Admitting the truth was absolutely liberating. I came when I said that. I squealed and shuddered, filling my hand with my discharge.

Bruce, hardly noticing my orgasm, told my wife, “See? That’s why I love turning out straight males; especially married ones. I know it’s mean and I may be a bit sexually perverse but did you see the look of self-recognition on your husband’s face when she admitted what she is? God help me but I love it so.”

Still looking at Cindy, Bruce gave me one final command. “Now put that nasty shit back where it came from, johnnie,”

The silence that filled the room was almost deafening as my man and my wife watched me lick my hand clean of my seed.

It did occur to me that Bruce had taken on a whole now personality. It wasn’t that he was being mean. That wasn’t it. Bruce was exercising his control of me. My man was training me. I was new at being a sissy and he wanted me to know my place as it relates to him. That he was unabashedly training me in front of my wife served two purposes. The first, he cared not one iota for my pride and my dignity. Secondly, Bruce was teaching me that when I’m with him and others are with us, he wants them to know that I am nothing more than a means to pleasure his wonderful cock and drain his balls. His cock sucker to do his bidding.

Before that night in the Turf Club, I might not have understood what he was doing. But now, having accepted being one of his girls did not mean we were equals, quite the opposite. It was not an exchange of power. I had given Bruce power over me.

As I freshened their wines, Cindy and Bruce continued to discuss my future for the amount of time he’d want my company.

“Understand, Cin, I tire of the sissies quickly after I’ve turned them into something useful. I like the hunt, the challenge, the scoring and the blow jobs. What I can’t abide is having a needy sissy hovering around me. This is why I think johnnie will be my girl longer than most faggots. She has you and you accept her need to serve a real man. He will always come home to you. Right faggot?”

“Yes, sir.”

“What are your plans, I mean in the near future for johnnie?”

I was standing behind Bruce who was still in the recliner. I put my hands on his broad chest and gently rubbed him and listening closely.

“For the time being and I have not forgotten the restrictions you placed on me; seeing johnnie once a week to suck me off, providing, of course, I called a day in advance, and taking her out either Friday or Saturday. That will be your choice, Cindy.”

“I appreciate that, Bruce. Thank you.”

“Hey, no. It’s me who should be thanking you again. johnnie has been a treasure thus far.”

I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Bruce. I hope I always make you happy,” I whispered but loud enough that Cindy would hear.

Bruce took my hand and led me around to sit on his lap again. I just loved feeling his bare cock on my bottom.

“I’d like johnnie to be more feminine, Cin. It suits her. Like I mentioned earlier, I like chicks with dicks and want everyone who se her with me to know she’s a male under her panties. For next Friday or Saturday….”

“Make it Saturday. My parents are taking us out to dinner Friday.”

“As you wish, Cin. Next Saturday, I want johnnie to wear a garter belt, hose, some pretty panties that I’ll treat her to. I’ll give them to you at the office.” And then to me, Bruce told me he expected me to shave my entire body. “Men have body hair. You tell me, baby girl. Do you think it’s appropriate for you to have body hair?”

It was a rhetorical question that require no response.

“We can do that,” Cindy agreed. “What else. She can’t just walk around outside in panties and hose.”

“What say we let johnnie what she wants to wear for her man. Should be something easy to take off since I plan on having her in only panties, belt and hose at the club.”

“You know? I was just thinking, why should we be doing all the planning for your slut? johnnie, find something appropriate, something your man will love seeing you in and out of and something that won’t cause you to end up in jail.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’d be happy to do that for Bruce.”

My man got up to dress. I was almost mesmerized watching his big cock swinging freely as he walked. “Can I drop by Wednesday to feed my newest cock sucker, Cindy?”

“She’ll be looking forward to your visit, Bruce.”

I could hardly wait.

Next up, my second night with Bruce at the Turf Club.

Your comments as always are welcome and feel free to drop me an email should you so desire.

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