He Got Caught!

A gay story: He Got Caught! “You made me, you made me a believer! Believer!”

All four of us were screaming the lyrics of the new Imagine Dragons song. I was in the back seat on the passenger side next to Kevin. They laughed as Daniel decided to finish with a riff and very off key.

Dan jerked around to look at them. “Hey! We all suck, dudes!”

“You more than us…” Bryan responded. Kevin and I made quick eye contact and roared with laughter and Daniel dramatically pretended to be offended, but all of us could see the smirk on his face.

Dan was driving us back to Bryan’s parents’ house where we were staying for the night. They were very generous to let us crash there after we got tickets to see Imagine Dragons in Montreal, which is a good two hours away from Ottawa. All four of us attended university there.

Tommy was exhausted but felt great. It was one of the best nights in a long time. It was mid-July, and the heat was suffocating, but that didn’t stop them from partying hard tonight. Thomas was a sweaty mess, but his clothes rarely got wet, just a little damp in certain areas. Kevin was a little on the chubby side and he was soaked from head-to-toe, but he didn’t smell. Kevin was using some of the concert programs as a fan to try and cool off, but the sweat was still rolling down his face like a waterfall.

“Guys, I’m dying back here. Has the AC kicked in yet?” Kevin asked between deep breaths.

I heard Dan checking the buttons on the console. “It’s on, but this heatwave… Hold on.” The back of his head disappeared. “Here, drink up. I have plenty.” Kevin reached towards the front of the car and brought back two bottles of water in his hand. “We’ll be there in about fifteen,” he said looking at Kevin, a little worried.

I wondered how much Kevin had had to drink tonight, but I can’t imagine it was that much. Dehydration was definitely a danger in this heat. After Kevin chugged some water down, I looked over to see if there was any indication that he was losing strength, but he looked fine. Kevin was just sweaty and hot; probably just super uncomfortable and wanting to get into a room with temperature control.

“Hey Thomas! You brought your air mattress, right?” Dan asked. I could see a light coming from his lap; probably his phone.

“Oh yah, it’s somewhere in the trunk,” I responded back to him. “Do we not have the extra bed then?”

“No,” he responded. I could tell he was doing two things at once because his answer was almost devoid of emotion. Then the light disappeared. “No, my sister came home as well apparently. It’s a full house.”

“Your sister?” Bryan blurted out, looking at Dan, then back at the road. Bryan was in the wrestling team at the University of Ottawa and was built like a tank. He wore a tank top with shorts that showed off his bulging arms and legs. I won’t lie that it’s very hot, but he’s straight as an arrow. I did hint that I was interested when we met, but that flew out the window.

I chuckled and heard Kevin beside me say: “Bryan… she already said no twice…”

“I know,” Bryan said. His voice was a little sensitive there. Bryan never had girl troubles and Isabelle was giving him a hard time. He was brooding, focusing on the road with furrowed eyebrows. They were a bit thicker and angular. Combined with a pronounced brow ridge, his looks will let him have any woman he wanted. Nonetheless, he was insecure about his height. I kept telling him to shove it cause I’m only 5’4″, but he didn’t like to compete with guys who are 6’2″, basically 5 inches taller than him. Although, none had his physique.

Isabelle was gorgeous, 5’6″, lean and curvy at the same time. I could see the alure for Bryan, even if I was as gay as they come.

Dan changed the subject quickly. “So, I was thinking that I could bunk with Bryan in my room. It’s a queen-sized bed, so plenty of room.” Bryan nodded and made an agreeable sound, but his expression didn’t change. “Tommy and Kevin can share the guest room, but that’s just a double bed. So, air mattress for Tommy and Kevin has the bed!”

“I don’t care as long as the room has AC,” Kevin was still sweating like crazy, but he was just fine.

“We’re 2 blocks away now”, Dan mentioned. Kevin rolled down the windows at that. No one said anything; the AC in the car wasn’t doing anything and Kevin’s sign of relief at the current was enough to just smile quietly.

Dan’s family was upper-middle class. They had a 2-floor home plus a fully finished basement. All four bedrooms were on the top floor. The basement was divided into a gym and an entertainment room which was mostly used by Dan’s dad, now.

Dan and I have known each other since middle school. I’m originally from Montreal, but my mother moved us to Ottawa in my senior year of high school. Luckily, Dan and I both planned to attend the University of Ottawa. I wanted to be a Computer Engineer and he wanted to go into political sciences, so we reconnected as freshman the next year.

Dan was a tall guy at 6’1″. He was fit but had gained a bit of weight since coming to Ottawa. We had just finished our second year of university and he was maybe 20 lbs. heavier from stress eating, but it didn’t look bad on him. He always had a thicker build, so the extra padding was proportionally spread out. His superpower was charming the ladies. Even if he was heavier, he wouldn’t have a hard time; he could convince you to go to bed with him if he really put his effort in. Guys in our dorm called him The Politician because he could convince you of anything.

Kevin was a little shy with women, but he had a girlfriend of 7 months that he loved very much, and he never complained about her. We liked her well enough, even if she was a little simple for what I thought Kevin would like, but he was happy.

I was a tiny twink, or so they called me every time I went out at the gay bars in town. I’ve been going to the gym since I moved to Ottawa, but I could never gain any real muscle mass. So, I was left with a toned body and have been called cute often enough. I have a little stubble that I keep on my face to appear a little older, but I don’t have much body hair. I’d rather have no hair than have ridiculously weak ones, so I get rid of most of them on my body.

Bryan’s thick frame was pulling bags from the trunk like they were light as a feather. That would have made me swoon when I met him as a freshman as well, but now he’s just a friend. I chuckle at it since he doesn’t realize how hot it is, but I just grab my bags and make my way to the front door.

Dan’s mom opens it a few meters before I get to it.

“Tommy!” It wasn’t quite a scream, but it wasn’t her usual tone either. “It’s been 3 years! You still haven’t grown, eh? But you have definitely filled out. Look at those arms!”

“Hi Nicole,” I greeted back after she finished her little spiel. Then she pulled me into a big hug. “It’s been way too long time!” I was able to say, her grip was tight, and it caught my breath.

“I’m really sweaty…” I told her after a good three seconds. She let go suddenly and pulled away. She wore a big grin.

“Pff! That won’t stop me from hugging the boy who was always here on the weekend and half the school nights!” she responded. She looked away towards the rest of the group as they started to make their way towards us. “Right! Let’s get all inside before we all get acquainted.”

Bryan looked at me with a smirk, almost saying something naughty. I gave him a sharp look. He was not going to say anything while Isabelle was here; there was too much ammo for us to use against him at the moment.

Kevin was the last to get into the house and closed the door. “Dear Mother of God… I’m saved”.

The house was a freezer compared to the heat outside. My tiredness went almost away.

“Hi dad!” I heard Dan say. I looked towards the living room to my right, and I saw him getting up. Paul was always a looker and 3 inches taller than his son. He was a bit greyer than I remember, but he was still hot. As he got closer, I could tell he actually got buffer. He finally reached the light of the entrance, and I was shocked to see his shirtsleeves straining from his biceps and the edges of his shorts being fully stretched from his beefy legs. I was not expecting this whatsoever.

“How was the concert?” Paul asked the group leaning against the stairwell railing in front of us.

“It was awesome! Best time I’ve had all Summer” Dan replied enthusiastically.

“They sang some oldies too, which was nice. I’ve always loved Warriors,” Bryan added in as well.

“Oh yah! I’d see them again, for sure,” Kevin said.

“And you, Tommy? It must be what 2 years since Nicole, and I saw you?” Paul asked me.

I swallowed some of the saliva that had accumulated while I was gawking at him. “Actually, over 3 years now, I think.” I got myself to smile, but I blushed when I made eye contact. What are you doing? He’s Dan’s dad, a father figure for me too since my own dad left us as a child, I told myself.

“And you got fit too! Good for you! Maybe you can drag Dan at the gym again; he’s gained a bit since he left home.”

Dan just shrugged and groaned. “I look fine, dad…” Kevin definitely looked down at that comment, and Paul seemed to have noticed.

“As long as you’re comfortable and you’re healthy, I suppose.” He added, trying to recover from the comment. “Nicole made snacks and some refreshing drinks. Don’t worry, non-alcoholic. We thought you’d be dehydrated when you got back.”

“True that!” Kevin responded, seemingly having recovered from his shyness. “Thank you so much! This is great”. Kevin had the first view of the kitchen island and had responded to the sight. It was fruits, freshly squeezed juice from the juicer.

“The famous concoctions of Mrs. Drapper!” I said excitedly with a laugh. Nicole and Paul laughed at that as well.

“When you left, no one said it anymore!” Nicole said heartedly. “I thought I’d give you a little slice of memory while you’re here.”

We each got a glass and poured some of the great fresh juice and some bits of fruit in a bowl. We sat around the table savoring the tastes

“Thanks a bunch!” Bryan said. “I didn’t know I was craving it until now.”

Nicole smiled back at him warmly. “You’re welcome, Bryan.”

We chatted a bit and eventually made our way upstairs. I set up my bed while Kevin set up his. We slumbered in no time.


I woke up in a fright.

What in the world was that? I thought sitting up in surprise.

It happened again. Kevin was snoring and was as loud as a construction site.

I’ll never be able to sleep with that.

I got up and left the room with a pillow and blanket. I knew all of the bedrooms were full, so I went to the ground floor. I was at the bottom of the stairs in the entrance when I heard some noise from the basement.

I made my way down, sneakily since I didn’t want to wake anyone. Someone was in the entertainment room with the TV on. Probably Dan or Paul, I told myself. I knew that Dan had a hard time sleeping and he told me his dad was the same way. I was about to turn around when I heard the distinct moaning from the other side of the door. Porn? I chuckled to myself.

I put my ear to the door and heard: “You like that boy?” and then a higher pitch, but definitely a man: “Yes, sir. Breed me.”

I froze. Okay… I couldn’t think of anything else. I found myself reaching for the doorknob and slowly twisted it. I cracked the door open.

The door was next to the couch and could be seen from the little crack. Paul was sitting there, with a full manspread, jerking his thick and long cock. He was focused on the TV which showed a buff daddy-type guy fucking a small and short twink.

This could be us, I told myself without thinking. What am I doing?

I ignored the porn movie and stared at Paul. He was huge. His pecs were covered in dark fur, and they were massive. I remembered him as a teen, and he wasn’t that buff. His shoulders were boulders, and his arms were bigger than both my thighs together. His thighs were basically tree trunks and hairy.

I don’t know when I stopped fighting my fantasies, but I was hard and gawking. His cock was uncut and leaking precum. I wanted to taste it and then impale myself on it.

I was only wearing small briefs and the little bulge from my dick was starting to leak little drops of precum.

My head was peeking through the crack now. Then suddenly I stopped thinking.

I opened the door and saw Paul jerked in surprise. He grabbed for the remote immediately and the TV turned off. The only source of light now was the lamp on the side table in the corner of the room, next to the couch. He was still naked, hard, seated way down, he was almost lying on his back on the sofa. I made my way around the couch standing in front of him. He was sitting next to a bottle of lube and his boxers were around his ankles on the floor and I slowly brought my eyes up, admiring him.

I reached his eyes, and he didn’t know what to do. He knew I was gay; of that, I was sure. He probably wondered if I saw anything, but deep down, he knew I did. I looked down at his dick and back at his eyes a few times. We never said a word; we were frozen in shock. I sighed and closed my eyes. I walked up to him, grabbed the bottle of lube and squeezed some on my hands and rubbed it on my sensitive asshole. I gently entered 2 fingers through the sphincter to lube up the opening appropriately. I moaned softly as they went in and out. Tonight, is a good night to get fucked, I told myself. My hole is cooperating very well.

I opened my eyes. I was standing between his legs, and he was looking up at me with eyes wide open. Paul was shocked, but I gave him enough time for him to stop me. So, I took the bottle of lube and squeezed some more in my hand. I threw the bottle on the couch and reached towards his throbbing cock. He could be shocked all he wanted, but the cock doesn’t lie. I stroked his dick with the slick lube a few times from tip to bush, studying the slight upward curve. When I touched it, it throbbed, and I heard Paul gasp. A little precum appeared and mixed in with the lube. We looked at one another. I could feel my face getting hot and I knew my expression was one of desire. His face was begging for me to continue, but afraid to say anything. I could tell he wanted more, and I was more than ready to give it to him.

Paul never moved a muscle. His arms were resting at his sides, and his legs were still manspread. He acted like he didn’t want to frighten me, like I was a deer he was stalking and could run at any movement.

I put my right knee on the couch, getting ready to saddle him. He moved his arms up and put them behind his head. Now his biceps were in a half flex position, his thick dark armpit hairs showing. He was still looking at me. I got my other knee on his other side. And I kept myself up while I reached behind me to his hard shaft. Then I aimed it toward my pucker. He sighed. Paul knew what was coming and I could tell he was as eager as I was to have his dick deep in my hole.

I sat down on it and took long breaths. The tip was opening my hole up perfectly and I gasped at how easily it was opening up. I felt the tip breach through and hit the spot. My prostate was vibrating now and knew it could take it all.

I let go of his dick and put both of my hands on his furry hard pecs. I looked at him, but his eyes were on my hands on his chest, surprised. I moaned at the pressure his dick was putting on my prostate.

I wanted more. Without thinking, I dropped down and let his thick dick slide in. His eyes shot up to mine. His expression changed to desire. My eyes started rolling and I gasped and moaned at every passing inch. I felt his thick pubes ticking my balls then I let my body relax. I was no longer holding myself up and was just sitting on his thighs.

Paul growled smoothly under his breath. I could feel his dick flex, stretching my hole every other second. We both didn’t dare say a word, in case one of us woke up and stopped this dream. His pleasures were making me moan.

I realized then and there, as I saw the pleasure waves showing in his face and diluted eyes that I wanted to pleasure him. This was my only goal.

I started rocking my hips slowly, feeling his dick slightly thrusting in-and-out of me. His face jerked back deep in the cushion and his growl was deeper, primal.

I want his seed, I told myself. Fuck his dick feels amazing.

I moaned as I felt his dick flexing. Every thrust stimulated my prostate with waves of pleasure. My eyes rolled back in my head consistently and I held on to his chest more and more as my legs started shaking. The pleasure was building up and I wasn’t sure if I was able to hold on. The noises coming out of me were almost animal, I knew. I was losing myself to the waves, knowing this buff daddy was stretching me out and that I was giving him such sweet ecstasy.

I heard his breathing getting quicker. I continued rocking my hips and forced myself to look at him. Our eyes met. Through his furrowed brows, Paul was drowning in his primal instincts, and I wanted to send him over the edge. As my orgasm was building up, my face twisted in beautiful agony, showing him my own need for him. His eyes bulged, his back slightly arched and he released the deepest of grunts. I felt the first throb of his cum, but I continued riding his massive cock. I’m getting every fucking drop of your dad load, I promised silently.

My prostate exploded and I writhed in waves after waves of orgasm. My dick was a slow volcano of cum as it dripped on Paul’s stomach.

The World went still after a few minutes. Our breathing slowed and I eventually looked up at him again.

His dick was still inside of me, slowly getting soft. My ass was full of cum, and my dick was already soft on his stomach, surrounded by my own cum. My hands were still on his chest, and I looked down at him.

We made eye contact, and it was awkward.

What have I done? I asked myself, shocked once the sexual desires passed. I just rode the dick of my best friend’s dad, not to mention that he’s married.

I kept my head down in shame. I need to get out of here, I told myself. But his dick was still inside of me. I got up slowly, letting his dick slide out of my ass. I made an involuntary gasp when it flopped out too quickly. Once I was on my feet, I turned around to try and distance myself from him. I grabbed my underwear and quickly slid them on. I took my pillow and blanket, forgotten on the floor and walked out of the basement without saying a word.

Without even looking, I knew Paul hadn’t moved. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time, but I couldn’t face this.

I just ruined Dan’s life, I thought. I just kept walking. I didn’t go to the ground floor living room but didn’t go up to the second floor either. I found myself on the backyard patio in full darkness.

“Hey, kiddo. Are you okay?”

I yelped in surprise. I hadn’t heard the patio door open. Paul was in the door frame in a shirt and jogging pants. It left nothing to the imagination.

Look at that bulge! I looked away. I felt horrified at my thoughts after the shame I felt.

Paul passed through and closed the patio door behind him and sat next to me in the patio loveseat.

“I’m not sure what happened down there…” He paused a bit. I could feel his gaze at me. “But I don’t want you to feel bad about it.”

I scoffed at that. “I just rode my married best friend’s dad like a bitch in heat. Yah, I don’t feel bad — at all.” I used sarcasm as self-defense mechanism when things get a little crazy.

“The married part is not an issue.” Paul started. I turned my head his way and showed frustration.

“Not an issue?!” I spit at him.

“Nicole and I have an agreement,” Paul responded in a dry tone. I jerked back at the hostility. He eased his expression and took a deep breath. “Sorry, but I didn’t really have the time to discuss it with you before you saddled on.”

My eyes grew wide at that, and I let them get out of focus as I realized he was right. I had started it, not him. I blushed at my promiscuity and looked up at him as I sank a bit into the loveseat.

“I’m bisexual and she lets me play with other men,” Paul started explaining. I looked up at him this time, genuinely intrigued. “As long as it doesn’t get in the way of our marriage, our family and our own sex life, she turns a blind eye.”

When he finished, I was shocked. “I think maybe I would maybe get in the way of marriage and family if it was known.”

“Maybe. But it doesn’t have to happen again. I’ll take this to my grave.”

I nodded at him, a little confused. Do I want it to happen again?

“Honestly, that was some of the best sex I’ve ever had, and it might be because it was very impromptu and taboo, but definitely hot. If it never happens again, I’m okay with that; I don’t regret it though.”

We looked at each other for a long while. His eyes showed real honesty and I trusted him.

“Okay. I rarely come to Montreal, and you haven’t visited Dan in Ottawa since he’s been there. So, odds are we won’t really see each other for another 2 years.” I was analyzing it a little too much, but I knew I was right. “So, for now, it was a one-time thing.”

Paul smiled at me, and I responded back in kind. He is fucking hot, though!

Paul kissed my forehead and got up. “I guess you’re right. Well, I’m going to go to bed. See you in the morning, sexy.”

“Goodnight, daddy.” I responded back.

He turned my way with a grin. I winked back.

He went back inside and left me in the hot dark backyard to process what just happened.

I don’t think I regret it either, I concluded as well.

I went back inside, found my pillow and blanket on a chair in the kitchen and slept like a baby on the Livingroom sofa.

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