Heart of Gold Ch. 04

A gay story: Heart of Gold Ch. 04 Hello fellow readers! Here it is, the fourth chapter to the Heart of Gold series. But please, I want to thank Fukmi_Allnite for her brilliant work on helping me smooth out the story and other possible submissions!! Thank You!! Without further ado, here’s Brendan and Logan for all!


You know when there are moments in life when you ponder about your own existence? Whether it’s over an important event in your life or the current situation in which you are living. Like the birth of your first child or when you are about to get married. You always stop and try to figure out exactly what were the key moments leading up to that point in time. Then you rejoice over what has happened and think about how lucky you are that nothing went awry.

“Logan, don’t regret what I do next.” His lips touched my lips.


I’m in shock, but I didn’t let him see it. I whimpered, my brain still not fully comprehending who was kissing me.

His eyes were closed as he held my head in place, trying to force open my mouth with his tongue. My heart was telling me to open up and to let him inside, but my brain told me to think about the consequences. I went with my heart and reciprocated his actions. We passionately kissed as our tongues danced together.

I moaned as he broke the kiss. Brendan lifted himself out of his seat and straddled me. He anchored his weight on his knees as he spread them out on either side of the seat for balance.

“Fuck Logan,” he moaned from the beautiful mouth which I now had the privilege of kissing.

We resumed our passionate kissing, both of us making sure that not one inch of our mouths were left untouched by our searching tongues.

I couldn’t take it anymore. Suddenly, I had an urgent need to hold him. I stopped kissing, pulled my tongue from his mouth and held onto him tightly, my head resting on his chest.

I heard his rapidly beating heart as I held him. I was more than ecstatic when he placed his arms around me, returning the hug.

“Thank you for all of this,” I said in a weak voice.

I wasn’t sure if he heard me but I’m glad I got the chance. For all I knew this could be a onetime thing for him and it will soon be all over. At this moment in time, I wanted to at least savor his taste, feel his touch, and held be safely and lovingly in his embrace and against his warm body. Brendan sent chills throughout my body as he slid his hands up and down my back. I was in heaven. I sighed deeply. I didn’t want this to end, but like with all good things I knew it would.

For some reason I couldn’t fully enjoy the moment. Several questions raced through my mind. Was there a motive for him doing this? Why out of all people would he kiss me? Was this a trick, to make me feel loved and wanted and only to cast me off like some leper. Why was I feeling so anxious over a make-out session he began?

“I hope you’re not feeling self conscious or beginning to doubt my reasons for doing this Logan.” He said as if reading my silent thoughts. It wasn’t really a question so I didn’t answer.

The silence didn’t last. “Why did you then? I need to know, just in case this turns out to be experiment or I do something that I’ll later regret.”

It was his turn to be silent, and this worried me. “Brendan…can you please answer me?”

He looked at me, his eyes full of affection. This was the same look that had during the ride here. “I don’t know Logan. I honestly don’t know. Please forgive me.”

I gave him a small smile and nodded. I put my head back on his wonderful, firm chest. The thumping of his heart was like a lullaby to my ears. Another satisfying sigh escaped my lips. I didn’t want this to end, I wanted more.

We sat in silence, embracing each other, both of us lost in our own thoughts. Brendan from time to time would check his watch, but he never said or did anything to break the reverie.

A few more moments passed before he spoke. “Umm…Logan…I have to go.”

“Of course,” I knew it had to happen eventually. I hoped he didn’t see my disappointment as he pulled back. I couldn’t shake the feeling of despair that encompassed me. I asked anxiously. “Is this the end?”

All of the other questions that I thought about earlier came bubbling out before I gave him a chance to answer. “Is this a game? Is this a trick? Tell me whether or not this was for personal gain. I can accept it.” I looked into his arctic blue eyes, eyes that I have cherished ever since I could remember, searching for answers.

“No it’s not like that. I have to leave, but it’s not because of you.”

His answer did little to calm me. “Then what is it then?”

He looked at me and smiled. He leaned forward and kissed my left cheek. His action was so intimate and unexpected that I felt heat rush to the area and soon I was blushing like a ripe red tomato. Brendan chuckled, “You should see yourself right about now. You look so cute blushing from my kiss.”

His words added fuel to the fire and I soon flushed as if I had full blown sunburn. “Stop,” I whispered in embarrassment and closed my eyes.

“I love your lips; they are so luscious and tasty. Your beautiful ethereal green eyes are marvelous. Your silky smooth golden blonde hair is equivalent to the sun.” He said as he kissed each part of my body he named. “I thought I had to go, but, Baby, I don’t know how but I can’t stop thinking about you.”

My eyes flew open and I felt my pupils dilate. Did he just call me baby? What the HELL?

He chuckled from my action.

Does he know just how much his presence alone affects me? “Please stop laughing, it’s embarrassing, it feels like you’re making fun of me.” I told him squarely, keeping all emotion and expression from my face.

He saw how serious I was and stopped.

“Now that I have regained your attention, since when did you even start to think of me? The last I heard, I was nothing more than a mere trailer trash to everyone in school. What could a person like me give you?”

He shifted slightly and I realized that he was still in the same position he was in earlier. His legs were now spread out to the edges of the seat. He noticed where I was looking. He gave me a wicked grin and then sat his gloriously round ass on my legs. “Now there’s no way for you to escape.”

My eyes widened as large as saucers and my cock began to involuntarily tighten in my pants right then and there. My cheeks flamed red as fuck!

I swallowed nervously as I tried to contain myself. “Brendan, this is kind of uncomfortable.”

“I didn’t think you would mind. Besides, I can tell this is getting you off, judging by the blush on your face and the tent you’re pitching down there.”

“I do… mind that is. I can’t feel my legs.” It wasn’t technically a lie. My legs were numb for another specific, glorious reason that I wasn’t going to tell him right about now.

“Then this really wouldn’t be fair. Right now, I want to be very close to you.” he lowered his head and kissed the top of my nose making my breathing ragged. When he traced my lips with his tongue, I stopped breathing.

I don’t know who or how it restarted but we began French kissing again.

He began a full attack on my mouth and his fingers flicked my earlobes. I was in complete ecstasy when Brendan sucked my tongue. From him flicking my earlobes to his powerhouse tongue kissing, I couldn’t help myself anymore.

“Brendan!” I groaned loudly.

He stopped his oral assault and locked eyes with me. I hoped for the life of me that he wouldn’t look down at the mess I had just made. Of course, what I wanted and what I got were two different things. His eyes lowered until they focused on two growing wet spots on my pants. His eyes widened and he smiled like he had just won the freaking lottery.

“Was this all me babe? Did I get you off without even touching you there?” He flashed another one of his beautifully wicked smiles that always blew me into oblivion and turned me into a Neanderthal.

There was an awkward silence in the car as Brendan continued looking at the stains in my pants. I felt so embarrassed. Shame and guilt ran throughout my body of doing such an atrocious thing with Brendan. I had to escape. “Umm…I have to go now Brendan.”

“Wait. When can I see you again?” He asked reusing to let me leave.

“That’s kinda asking too much Brendan,” I opened the car door and awkwardly dislodged myself from underneath him which was no easy task considering that he’s about 20 pounds heavier than me. I swiftly grabbed my backpack from the backseat and before I could flee a familiar hand stopped me. I shuddered from the contact.

“I’m serious… I want to see you again. It doesn’t have to be anything sexual or anything like that. I just want to have a chance to talk to you, to get to know you better.”

“Why all of a sudden do you want to know me better? A few days ago before we so cordially met, you probably didn’t even know I existed. Now all of a sudden you’re offering to bring me home, and you’re seducing me to the point of making me cum in my pants, which by the way is kinda uncomfortable at this moment.”

He didn’t speak; he just stared off into space. His silence was really beginning to piss me off.

The wind, like my anger, began to rise, sending chills coursing throughout my body. The weather was against me interrogating Brendan further because the chill in the air cooled me off and I began to shiver, the icy breeze piercing my cheeks like little knifes.

“Don’t bother answering. It’s getting really cold and I’m going inside.” I turned from him and began to scurry towards to my house. Hopefully this would give him a signal that I wanted him to leave.

“Wait Logan, come on; don’t do this. I really do want to talk to you, to get to know you better. I’m not trying to avoid your questions; I just don’t have the answers you’re looking for right now, but please, for my sake. Don’t leave.”

For his sake! I huffed.

Hmm… I wonder what the outcome would be if I accepted his offer of “getting to know me better”. Maybe, just once, I’ll finally be able to have a legitimate conversation with the person I wanted the attention of, even if it was for a miniscule second. I could get the answer to why he kissed me to the point of no return.

For purely selfish reasons, I hoped this “getting to know me better” thing would lead additional make out sessions with Brendan in his car. I hoped it would escalate from him “getting to know me better” to him really getting to know much me better. The kind of better where his cock, hard as a rock, was thrusting inside me with my legs wrapped around his waist while he shuddered his release–type better.

I exhaled a breath that I didn’t know I was holding and with chagrin accepted his offer. His eyes lit up and that charming smile of his made yet another appearance almost making me weak-kneed. I can’t lie; my heart blew up a little. I can’t for the life of me understand how I brought this man such happiness by just accepting his request.

“So when is this “getting to know me” date you are so desperate to have it occurring?” I asked.

“How about this at Saturday, 8 o’clock sharp,” he answered with a pleading look in his eyes.

“Sure, I’ve got one question. But please, I’m begging you, answer the question instead of trying to change the subject.”

“Sure. I’ll try.” He licked his lips methodically, making me quiver from the memories that just a few minutes ago that tongue in my mouth.

Don’t buy that shit you idiot. It’s obviously a trick and you’re falling for it.

“Is this a date or a mere first time buddy let’s go to a burger joint kinda thing,” I gulped, my throat became dry. I then mentally kicked myself for actually saying the word date. Date? What was I thinking?

“Lemme think…”

My heart was pounding in anticipation. My brain was waging an internal war on itself as it answered for him in my mind saying ‘This was only a buddy’s night out thing and you turned this into some other shit. I’m not a fag’.

“Hmm…how about you decide? Whether it’s a date or a buddy’s night out? I was actually hoping for a date-like kinda night, but, whatever suits you. I’ll be content no matter what you pick.” In true Brendan-like fashion, he turned the question I gave him back to me. He flashed that wickedly beautiful smile again, making me flustered yet again.

The snow storm started to get stronger. The snow flurries were only becoming larger and clumpier in size and sheer volume. I wondered if the setting was the way I got to where I am now. It wouldn’t be a coincidence considering the range of emotions I am having at this moment. I didn’t give him an answer, I just shrugged. Hey, if he isn’t giving me a response, why the hell should I give him?

“If you are really going to take me on this night out then do not pick me up here. I don’t want my mother getting suspicious. I’ll just tell her that I’m gonna meet up Rich at some place or something.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the moment I saw Brendan scowl.

“Where do you want me to meet you?” His tone was suddenly serious.

“How about at the corner of my street? I’ll meet you there about 5 minutes before eight.” I hoped he would approve of this plan. It was the only way we could make it happen if he really wanted to do this. He was quiet for so long I got nervous.

“Well,” I say in a half barked.

“Uhh…sure…sure…I’ll try to get here as soon as possible.”

“Brendan, I’m not doing this if you’re going to be the faint of heart. I don’t want to be stood up. If you think that for a moment I will just accept your apology, for fucking me over for whatever reason, than you can forget about it.”

Brendan just stood there nodding at everything I had to say. “I may have feelings for you, that I for the life of me I cannot control, but I am not even insane enough to believe that you’d be quelled with an ‘I’m sorry’. I’m hoping that you will be there on time and that we will have a great time.”

I waved a curious goodbye. I was awarded with a warm smile and a very heartfelt goodbye from him. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me but I think I saw Brendan do a little skip. Maybe, I was imagining it. I was hungry and usually I see and hear a lot of crazy shit when I get hungry, and I am a bit more hungrier than usual, thanks to him sexually assaulting me in his car.

When I finally entered my house, I heard Brendan’s car drive off, leaving me and my newly revived erection alone in my house. I really was hungry but my hormones called for me to quench a much different need.

I ran to my room and threw myself on my bed. I quickly unzipped pants and pulled down my sticky undergarments. I began furiously stroking my rock hard cock, all the while, envisioning Brendan and me in different scenarios. Like imaging having his long and hard cock entering me, making me his. Or how he would either sometimes go hard, giving me deep piston-like strokes or give it to me soft or be very passionate. I could see him wearing his dirty and muddy rugby uniform with his damp shorts down to his knees, his whole body flexing and covering my whole body.

“Oh fuck me Brendan,” I would whisper to him as he shot his release inside me. His teeth nipping at my bare shoulder as he shuddered in ecstasy. I then recounted the moments we had in his car a few minutes back. His full moist lips nibbling on my lips and skin making me feel as if this was like heaven on earth as waves of rapture over swept me from him using only his hands and mouth.

I shot my load with a great deal of pleasure all over my body. When the afterglow faded, all I could think of was Brendan and his ‘getting to know you better” proposal. I wasn’t quite sure if I could call it a date being that we never decided.

I wondered if this was that what the more popular and rich kids did when they ravished their average counterparts with full on mouth to mouth suckfest only to then say “hey I want to know more about you before we go any further”? Probably! I wondered if that’s how Rich and that asshole closeted boyfriend of his relationship begun.

This whole date concept made me a apprehensive. I wanted more than anything to have him talk to me more than a few minute. Now, it seemed as if I would get my wish to know him both mentally and physically as well.

I wanted to know every detail he was willing to tell me about his personal life as well as show me a bit more about him. I wanted to know why he ventured into lacrosse and rugby and then see how his body got enhanced from playing those sports by using my tongue to trace every cut and muscle in his body. I want to make him get to know me better as well. I wanted to hear his smooth and deep voice, feel enlightened by his attention, also hear him moan and grunt if I ever have the chance to go down on him.

My apprehension turned to enthusiasm; and I wanted time to fast forward to Saturday night.

Curiosity got the best of me and I moved from off of my bed and completely stripped and stared at myself in the full sized mirror in my room, trying to see what my best assets were and what I lacked. I wanted to look as good as possible for him.

Not much stared back. My unruly blonde hair needed a good combing. I try to tame it all the time but to no avail it has a mind of its own and is a recent target for bullies to pick on. Rich often says I look really sexy with the haphazard style and from time to time even pulls my hair when he rides me during sex, but I digress.

My green eyes looked like they need some sleep. They are so dreary and baggy that even I am repulsed. How can Brendan not be disgusted at seeing me like this?

My body type was thin and I was of average height. Though some might say my skin is kind of flabby, I think it’s more fitting to call it soft. I guess the best word that described my overall body image was simple, for a lack of a better term. I have a little body definition, mostly from carrying boxes in and out of the restaurant I worked for, but not enough to make anything stand out. My most striking body part, to me, would have to be my legs. They are long, strong, and sturdy. They should be thanks to the years of walking to and from school.

Rich really loves my legs, and he’s spent an ample amount of time rubbing his face all over my legs.

A sharp rap at my window startles me. Speak of the devil, I sigh realizing that it was Rich. The dreaded talk is finally upon us. But, I am going to do this.

“Hey dude, are you ready to talk about this?”

I didn’t say anything, I just simply nodded before beginning. “Let’s get this over with. I have a few demands. ”

“Sure, lay it on my man.”

“Tell him I get to top or I’m calling it quits.” I started.

“Sure, sure buddy you know he’ll do whatever you want.” Rich readily agreed.

“Tell him that I am going to want the money upfront.” I continued.

“Okay…” he wanted to say something but he bit his tongue.

“Go ahead. Say whatever it is you are going to say.” I ended.

“You can still back out you know that.”

I know…but I’m not going to.


I entered my room feeling ecstatic, like I was on top of the fucking world.

I didn’t care about anything other than the outcome of our Saturday night “get to know you better” I know he hadn’t defined it but I would, date. Of course, my rock hard cock was practically dripping its happiness with glee as well.

I took my A&F tee-shirt off and started to check myself out. I start to give myself the once over and compile a list of my strengths and weaknesses and my assets to make Logan swoon and drool all over me. I know I probably already have his heart; I wanted the rest of him including his soul now. I wanted him to say “I love you” the same way he professed about me to his emo friend in the bathroom.

I slide my hands all over my washboard abs and taut and powerful muscles. I really felt proud of my body; it was all 100% natural. Not like the shit Steven and those other football jocks use to make themselves look buff.

I take my jeans of carefully. I don’t want to wrinkle them or anything like that, they cost way too much for the color to fade away. I like how the color of my dark fuzzy leg hair contrasts against my skin. I have. They usually are tan but since its winter, the color was mostly a dewy pale. I traced the fine line of hairs I that I have smattered from my pectorals to my belly button; I glide my hand further down the treasure trail into to my boxer shorts and quickly discard my shorts.

I’m not really one to say I’m shocked that my nine inch cock is hard as a rock. All I keep thinking is how Logan’s tongue will feel flicking at the mushroom-like head or how his mouth will feel sucking on my balls.

I mentally slapped myself. What the hell am I doing? How dare I think of my poor Logan as a mere fuck toy? Surely, he’s going to be more than that. I wanted to do all of those things with him, no doubt. But before I could do I had to take the opportunity to know him better. I was serious about that.

I love his smile, that beautiful smile. I can’t stop thinking of those lips that make him smile. I really loved the way his lips were tenderly matched against mine will we had that hot make-out session. My cock twitched when I realized I made him cum by just kissing him.

I wonder how much he will come when I drill his ass with my…

Damn it Houghton! Focus!

I have to figure out where I’ll be taking Logan. It has to be somewhere far from this area by at least a half hour. I’m known in these parts and the second people figure out I’m with him… It’s not that I’m ashamed of who I’m seen with, it’s just that it has to be done for his safety. The jack asses O hang out with jump on him for just being with me.

My fully engorged cock stole my train of thought and forced me to think of more immediate needs. There was only one thing I could do at this present time. I started stroking myself when a knock on the door ruined it for me.

“Who is it?” I growl.

“Umm…Mr. Houghton it’s me Diego.”

Normally I would cover up if he entered, but what the hell he’s eighteen, neither me nor my dick are gonna bite.

“Come in.”

Normally I would covered up when he entered, but what the hell, we’re all adults, plus, neither me nor my dick are gonna bite. I answered casually, “Come in.”

To say that Diego was not only shocked but stunned as well when he saw me standing there naked would be an understatement. His face burned a deep red and he looked uncomfortable just from being here. He tried to speak but the words got stuck in his mouth.

“Don’t worry; I won’t bite,” I snickered. He blushed and gave me an adorable smile.

He really was cute if fresh-faced, Mexican twink types appealed to you. He was really short; couldn’t have been more than 5’5”, petite, and wore his pants so big they often looked like they were about to drop to the floor. He kept his hair shoulder length and had the biggest doe-like brown eyes. His skin can only be described as a honey colored. I couldn’t believe that I was standing here checking him like this was the first time I had ever saw him, but in all fairness he was checking me out as well without the hindrance of clothes.

“Well,” I encouraged when his eyes never made it to my face.

“Um…your girl…girlfriend…is downstairs…she wants…t…to…t…t…talk to you.” He stuttered adorably, when he realized I had caught him staring.

I was really fucking horny right now, and would have continuing to tease him; however, my girlfriend was waiting for me. I reached for the garments I discarded earlier and put them back on. I moved Diego from my path as I ran out the door and literally threw myself down the stairs at Audrey.

“Audrey, how are you babe!” I greeted her after which I peppered her face with a basketful of kisses.

“Hey hon, how’s it going? I felt really guilty about how I’ve been ignoring you and leaving you out of the blue.” She admitted and returned some of my kisses with ardor.

She would get no arguments from me on that statement, but nevertheless her absence was my gain. It helped me to capture Logan’s heart and soul. In actuality I should be thanking her. Now that I had the opportunity to think about it, our relationship really wasn’t what it seemed; we’ve been very distant for about a month. Truth be told, I’ve been waiting for her to finally tell me that she wanted out of this relationship but to no avail.

I turned on the charm. “What brings my beautiful lady here?”

“Well, I want to make up for my foolish and hurtful way. I was thinking that in order for me to make it up to you, we should go out on Saturday night.”

DAMN!!! I felt the blood drain from my face.

“I don’t know if we can do it this Saturday,” I didn’t know how I was going to talk her out it. All I could see was my evening with my poor Logan slowly fading from my grasp.

No! I needed this date with Logan. “Can we do it on Friday?”

“I can’t, I promised the ladies we would go out that day. Why what’s the problem?” She pouted.

I bit my tongue in an effort to keep from blurting out my planned evening with Logan. If I told her, I knew her initial reaction would be one of disgust. Then she’d probably rant and whine about why I spending my time with trailer trash, which would later open the door to her questioning my sexuality if I was going to waste my time with a deviant like Hoekstra.

“I’m sorry, but, um, my dad wants me to join him at a business dinner and, um, being that I already blew the previous one, I can’t blow this one.” I smiled at the double entendre of the word blow. Just like how I wanted to blow Audrey off to have a pleasant evening with Logan.

“Brendan, you know I can’t reorganize my schedule so quickly, I have things plans all this weekend.” She thrust her lip out a little further.

“Well, I’m sorry if I’m messing up your fully planned weekend, but I am not going to be able to switch this one out, especially since you have cancelled on me on more than one occasion without giving me much notice.” I answered unwavering.

She huffed, but I knew she was breaking. She always did when I make her feel guilty about always blowing me off for something may or may not have been important to her.

She knew she had lost this battle when she saw me shrugging my shoulders and cocking my head to the side. I was not going to listen to her give another reason to interfere with my special date with Logan.

“Well…I don’t know what to say Brendan,” she was red with embarrassment. She really hated it when she didn’t get everything her way. But seriously, what else could she say? I was the one trying to hold on to any semblance of relationship when all she seemed to be doing was whatever she found way more important.

“I’m sorry, maybe some other time. I really can’t back out of this.” Part of me felt guilty for lying to her, but I really wanted this to work between me and Logan. Not even a major hissy fit that only the grandiose Audrey could perform was going to change that.

I had to close my eyes and shake my head of times to think straight. The longer I looked at Audrey’s golden hair and green eyes her face morphed to Logan’s green eyes and blonde hair with the little curls at the end. I’ve got it bad the twerp and there’s no stopping it.

She sighed heavily and gave me a look of defeat.

Well what do you know, I win after all. I had to grin with satisfaction.

“All right B., you win. I’ll see…whenever.” Her pout turned to a sneer.

No one was going to stop me from getting what I want, and who I want right now is Logan Hoekstra.



Why the hell isn’t Logan Hoekstra in school today?

I waited in my car all morning long to see my boy with the skimpy jacket scurry his way into school. My fingers drummed staccato against the steering wheel, to pass the time, but to no avail. I contemplated going to his house and picking him up but I didn’t think that was a good option because of all the negative consequences associated with it. One, I didn’t know when he left his house. Two, it wouldn’t feel right for me to just show up unannounced and out of the blue to his house. Three, I didn’t want an emotionally distraught boy on my hands if the second thing happened. And last how would my friends react if we showed p to school together?

I waited as long as I could, for my golden haired boy to appear, before getting out of the car. Patience never was my strong suit. I scouted the entire campus trying to find him or that emo freak he’s so fond of, but came up empty. Now my impatience was turning to anger which wasn’t easy to do.

I was really desperate to see his smile. I wanted to see those lips that I had the privilege to kiss with my own. I wanted to see if I had the will of power not to reach out and touch his silky smooth, golden blonde hair. And I anxiously wanted to hear his rich voice say “I love you”.

I was in a snit the whole day. I guess it was easily recognizable since one had the balls to bother me.

Audrey was being a moody bitch too. All of the elite thought that my bad attitude was because of the altercation I had with Audrey yesterday at my home. Audrey, who always wanted people to take her side on everything, told everyone about what happened. Knowing her, she probably stretched the truth a whole lot but I didn’t give a fling fuck. The less people bothered me the better off we all were.

Then it hit me. Maybe the reason that Logan and emo freak weren’t here was because they were both together. They probably skipped school to go to the mall, play videogames, maybe having hot passionate sex. That last thought made my guts twist and churn.

No, that wasn’t it. Maya told me they are not together like that and she would know since she was like the eyes and ears of this school. However, you couldn’t dismiss the fact that it was a huge coincidence that neither of them was here.

I could feel my anger eating away at me and I was having a hard time getting in control of myself. I was very anti-social for the rest of the day, which worried my peers, caused Steven to laugh like an idiot and I had no other choice but to move and sit in Logan’s chair for the last hour of school.

When the final bell rung dismissing class for the day I tried to decide whether or not I should go see if there was something wrong with Logan or to just wait it out until tomorrow. I decide on the latter.

I just have to make it until Saturday. I’ll be with him again tomorrow. All I have to live for at this moment is Saturday…

That’s all I kept telling myself on the way home, during dinnertime with my great parents, while in the shower, watching TV, etc. etc. etc.

All I have to live for at this moment is Saturday…

All I have to live for at this moment is Saturday…


“Damn it, where is it?”

I asked for the 1,000th time to no one in particular as I nearly destroyed my closet trying to find the one decent shirt I own. It was the only shirt that I had that didn’t come from a second hand store or garage sale. Let me take that back, it was from a garage sale but the previous owner told me his son never wore the white-linen, button down shirt that I was so desperately trying to find.

“Mom! Where the hell is that white dressy shirt I like?” I was screaming of the top of my lungs; because she was ignoring me. She has a knack for ignoring me when I frustrated or angry.

I felt a presence come into the room behind me and I immediately jumped for joy thinking it was my mother coming to my rescue; I was disappointed to see that I was only Arthur. And he was holding the shirt in question in his pale little arms.

“What the hell are you doing with my shirt you little runt?” I asked as I snatched it from his hands.

“Mom had to go wash it. Apparently it was a fun idea for your buddy Rich to use it as a napkin when he dropped the pop on the floor by the computer.”

“What? When was this? Oh, I forgot about that. Is mom even home?” He shook his head.

“Damn it. Listen little bro, can you take care of yourself until she comes back. I’m kinda running late on something I have to do. Damn! Why didn’t you wake me up?” I was talking a mile a minute. I knew I was being irrational trying to blame my tardiness him. I overslept since I had nothing else better to do then to wait until the time arrived. Guess it came a little too fast than expected and it was now five minutes before eight o’clock.

“What did you do yesterday? You were knocked out the whole entire day.” He asked.

I blew off his question and started to button up my shirt. “If mom arrives and asks where I went, tell her I’m at Rich’s okay.”

“Sure, but um…” He didn’t need to say anything, but I could tell that he was hungry; I could see it in his weak demeanor. Plus, his fingers kept on shaking. I sighed deeply.

“Here little loser,” I said affectionately as I reached for a brown bag that was on my dresser and gave my little brother a twenty dollar bill.

“Here, order something to eat, I hate to see you starving like this.” It made my heart glow seeing the way Arthur’s eye gleamed with joy and he gave me a toothy smile. “By the way where did mom go?”

“She went out with the ladies for bingo night,” he told me not losing that happy expression of his. “Thanks Logie!”

I patted him on the back. “No problem. Are you sure you’ll be able to take care of the house?” I inquired seriously.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, now get lost!” he hollered as he left to call for take out on the phone.

I gave him my personal safety procedures and rules of the house while I dabbed a little bit of cologne on my palms and neck. I knew the only reason I was telling him these things was because of my own nervousness. I wanted more time to calm myself and possibly practice what I would say tonight, but unfortunately time was not on my side. I took a quick glance at the nearest clock; it was five past eight already.

“Oh shit. Bye Artie, take care of the house little runt.” I said as I raced out of the house and down to the street corner, berating myself for the slight possibility that I dressed for nothing because it was so late.

My breath and my steps faltered when I saw his car. My mouth got dry and my cock swelled in my black pants. It hit me like the proverbial anvil you see in cartoons as my steps slowed to a stop.

HOLY SHIT! This really is happening.

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