Hell Quest: Curse of the Grimoire


A gay story: Hell Quest: Curse of the Grimoire This story is demeaning and refers to the passive partner as a faggot, among other insults. It is not a vanilla story. It is a turn on for many people. It is probably one of the most warped stories you will read on here. It does include water sports and sex with both a demon and an Ogre named Beauty. It is clearly fantasy. If this story is not for you then don’t read. I am sure you will find something more Mills and boon somewhere. Enjoy your read when you do. I don’t need to know that it is warped. I already know that. Its not for you.

To everyone who is still reading.

Hell Quest, stories are meant to be pervy. Enjoy and I hope your little dicklet is hard as a fag in hell!

Hell Quest: The curse of the Grimoire.

Derwin had just turned twenty-one and had been practicing witchcraft since his eighteenth birthday when he found an old grimoire of an old-world witch that had famously vanished many centuries before. Some said that they had been sent to hell after summoning the devil himself, others say that all of his powers had been taken from him by a more elite witch. The more powerful witch then turned him into dust. No one truly knew.

There were many spells in the grimoire including one that would make a beta male into an Alpha stud. Another that would turn your enemies’ cock into a small pitiful nub. Another that made a faggot’s pucker as tight as it could be around a man’s cock. Derwin did this particular spell on himself, and it worked. It made his fuck hole tight enough to suck up any mans cock that fucked him. All men that fucked his hole came back for more. They had never had any fuck chute like it. It mystified many Alpha males how such an experienced faggot bitch could have such a hot tight fuck hole. One hot top man fucked him four times in a row, without coming out of the slut at all, simply resting on top of Derwin between fucks. His hole was as popular as a giveaway of notes at a bank. Everyone wanted some.

However, there was one spell that took up six pages to explain. Everything needed to be precise. He studied it for almost a year, collecting and organising everything on the list. He looked for the perfect place and found an old stone cottage not far from where a series of trials took place in the Dark Ages. All of the stories indicated that there had been some kind of dark magic linked with kings and nobles involved. Every hundred years or so, the land and most property round the area was burnt to a crisp by mysterious fires. The lost was hard for many living on the cursed land. Derwin was experienced enough to understand that this was the work of darker ancient magic. He knew that this was the right place to carry out the spell. The darker the history of an area or building would give a better hold on a demon or spirit.

He hired the property for two nights, getting there early in the day on the first night. He drew the pentagon on the ground and ensured the room was perfect. The floor was solid stone and ancient. Then he went to get some sleep.

The following day was the last day of October. The perfect night. He lit the room with the thirteen white candles that the spell required. He then placed the bell jar and cork on the floor next to the pentagon, checking the pentagon was exact and then went about mixing the witch’s brew. A certain white wild mushroom. A toad with yellow upon its back. Six black legged spiders and so on. A quarte of oil of the finest English lavender and the broth of juniper berries. He placed it on an open fire of dried blackthorn logs. The cottage chimney took the smoke to warn the heavens as the flames alerted the underworld.

Before the sun vanished, he bathed in the leftover lavender oil and the hottest bath his body would allow and then he re-entered the room as the night began. He swore he could hear the hoot of a tawny and then a cat screeching away at its enemies. The grimoire was clear that he needed to enter the room naked and with only hair above his shoulders. His hair as short as one inch. No more. This took an hour to double check. He plucked his eyebrows. Everything had to be perfect. Everything had to be natural.

He began the chant. Not understanding all of the words he chanted with precision in the ancient tongue.

He felt goosebumps on his naked body. A hand touched him for a split second, not the hand of the demon he was trying to summon but a lesser spirit, lost in years of turmoil over this dark place. It made him understand that this was the right place to carry out this magic. Has the last flicker of natural light vanished outside, the room itself went dark too. He jumped as the candles appeared to have burnt out. Then he jumped again when he heard a dark sinister voice.

“Who has summoned me?” he jumped again as the candlelight lit up the room once more. The young witch’s hair would have stood up on his body if he had any. A figure stood before him. A creature tall and regal looking. Full of dominance. It repeated again from the trapped state of the pentagon.

“What is your name earth child?”

“My name is Derwin Pitt!” there was an obvious shake in the fag’s voice.

“To what is the reason of the summons?” the creature almost demanded an answer.

“I wish to be used as a sex object for the night and then I believe that you belong to myself as a genie, granting me infinite number of wishes!” Derwin laid out his reason for the summons. Has the grimoire stated he would need to give himself to the demon first. The truth was he was more than happy to give himself to the demon. He was a bottom boy faggot after all. However, having a genie at his beck and call afterwards would mean his freedom and he could easily enjoy both worlds. The world of a faggot slave and the freedom of a freeman. That was his wish after all.

“Lavender oil” the demon sniffed the scent. “Even if I could resist this magic spell, I wouldn’t be able to resist the oil.” The demon stood up showing his perfect body. His twelve pack and muscled arms. His twelve-inch erection. Everything was perfect for Derwin.

“I cannot do nothing but offer you the deal. Step into the pentagon circle, as nothing demonic can leave the circle, unless there are two demonic beings in the circle.”

Derwin had precisely read that. He had also practiced fucking himself on an extra-large demon dildo for the past six months. He wanted this more than anything. The reward seemed very acceptable and fair for a night of passion with a demon in exchange for a genie trapped in the bottle forever.

Only if the fag had understood everything, he may have left it well alone. One wild night can change our lives forever.

“Until the sun rises you are my sex toy?” the demon explained as Derwin entered the pentagon.

“Yes sir!” he made it clear he understood as he dropped to his knees, licking the demon’s cock from the balls up the full length of the shaft. He used his tongue over the demon’s giant bell end, licking up the surplus demon pre-cum, taking down the first taste of satanic DNA down his throat. The human asked himself if this was what sex was like in the dark world.

“It can be more intense.” The demon read the sex toys mind. “However, the human residents are not allowed to cum!” Demons never lie, they don’t have to. Manipulate and with hold the truth, but never lie. The demon then slapped his dick on the face of the pitiful sex toy. Leaking more precum over his divine face. For a human Derwin was a looker. Right now, he was looking up at the demon with lust in his eyes.

“Are you a faggot?” the demon asked.

“Yes sir. I am a faggot!” Derwin admitted to himself as well as the demon.

“Say it you little faggot!” the demon demanded, “Say it loud. Say what you are. Make it clear!”

“I am a true faggot. Sir!” Derwin was honest.

“Louder!” the demon demanded in order to humiliate the fag as he slapped his engorged dick on the pitiful animal’s face.

“I am a faggot!” he burst out at the top of his lungs.

The demon looked down at the fag and said, “open your mouth faggot,” he did as he was commanded.

The demon shoved the entire twelve inches into the fag’s mouth to the hilt and slowly released it. The faggot felt every single vein on the cock, every demon wart. He smelt the odour of true demon hood. The scent was in toxifying. Stronger than any human Alpha that the dirty slut had ever smelt the underwear of, secretly in the locker rooms of his school days. It was something that he tried to keep to the back of his mind, but he knew that deep down the scent of a real man made his little pee pee leak like a faulty faucet.

Then Derwin the fag felt something else as the demon pulled out. He began to see the evil smirk on the demon’s face as he looked up with a certain amount of horror. The demon also had reach down and was gently playing with the pervert’s little nipples, making his mini dicklet rise up. He looked down at the fag’s eyes and spat on its forehead.

His fag brain was in conflict. It realised what the demon was doing. He was using his throat as a urinal. Demons found the sexual excitement in this was sometimes as intense as cuming up a pretty fag’s ass. The fag’s tits were being hold tightly by the demon and there was no way he could get away even if he wanted too. He just knelt there in a submissive pose and gulped down the demon’s piss. More demon DNA.

The demon was in control now and ordered the faggot around even more. “Lick my feet faggot!”

The faggot slave couldn’t get down fast enough. He soon had his tongue between the big toe and the next toe in seconds. Although the demon could feel it, he demanded more, “Make me feel it fag!” he chuckled as the faggot took down the scent of the demon and more DNA.

The demon stepped back for a second and took in the scene. He was also testing the pentagon. It was still solid and probably would be for a while longer. The oils and the witch’s broth made it near perfect. He pissed all over the little grovelling faggot as he took in the sight of the animal. He chuckled out loudly as the pathetic omega licked up the piss too.

“Now suck my fucking cock you pathetic animal!”

Derwin didn’t need to be asked twice. He went down to the balls, making the Alpha demon moan out loud and leaked out more demon DNA. Derwin couldn’t get enough of the saltiness of the precum and yearned for the demon to cum down his throat, like the green lights across the water in The Great Gatsby, the demon began to call the cocksucker exactly what he was as he twisted the bitch’s tits, almost to making them bleed. The intensity of the oral sex was enough to keep the natural painkillers flowing, making it comfortable for the submissive.

“You cock sucking bitch!” the demon spoke down to the fag as he began to fuck the whore’s face, producing more DNA in the form of precum. The demon moved his large hands to the head of the cocksucker and began fucking his face. Fag slime began to form on its chin and then the demon pushed his massive tool all the way down its throat as the faggot cough up phlegm and slime. The demon went a little slower as he looked down at the loser’s face. He smirked to himself. He thought to himself. It must be almost time.

This time the demon took not only one step back but two. The faggot moved forward and realised something as he looked down. The lines of the pentagon circle. The demon was standing outside of it. How could that be? The faggot’s face was of shock as he looked at the demon who was almost laughing.

The demon knew that only one demon could stay in a pentagon. Once a man of earth summoned the demon, he wanted using slightly incorrect magic. Not only one dark lord appeared but several hundred demons who fucked the former man into faggotry and dragged it to hell for all eternity.

Derwin tried to crawl forward, but he felt intense pain as he tried to leave the pentagon. He was trapped inside. How could this be?

“You didn’t notice did you!” the demon looked down at the confused being. “The grimoire has a page missing. Ripped out by myself. Centuries ago. Too many demons were being caught by the spell. So, I ripped out the final page. The do not do page. The main thing not to do is take demon DNA into your body, as it will mark you as demonic whilst the DNA is inside your body. Then as there are two demonic souls present one can step out of the circle.” The demon looked down at the circle and mocked the entire situation.

“I stepped out of the circle. I won’t be stepping into the circle till the morning!” he laughed in such an evil way as he looked at the pitiful faggot who was almost in tears. Its heart had sunk, and it half understood that it had lost its place as a free soul and the ownership of a genie.

“You are my slave now!” he laughed again. “Only I have enough slaves so I thought as you were going to capture me in the bell jar you have here, I will do the same and keep you as a pet,” he added “Of sorts!”

“You are a true faggot, aren’t you?”

“Yes sir!” The lesser being nodded humbly.

The demon then bent forward and took the faggots cock in his hand, smirking at the boy. “Well, you don’t need this, this big anymore!” he told the boy.” The boy watched in horror with the demon laughing above him. His cock shrunk down to just over one inch and the balls just shrivelled into nothingness. The boy’s face was a picture of disbelief.

“I am going to grant you a wish!” he mocked the faggots hope of making him a genie. “I am going to grant you sex!” It was clear it would come with a price.

The demon clicked his fingers together. Suddenly appeared the most disgusting being at the side of him. The being skin was grey with almost scale like skin. It had the most repulsive face with a dumb smirk as it knelt at the side of the demon. The being was neither human nor demon. It was somehow caught in between. It had an intensely large stomach and as you approach it you would appreciate the scent of the animal. Swamp Ogres live in swamps After all.

The ogre had a dick almost as large as the demon himself, although as most people will be aware that have been fucked senseless by a swamp ogre, they have an unusual phallus. It looks like a stack of balls on the top of each other. The top ball being the smallest and the final one actually being one massive scrotum. It may be the most frightening looking penis you will ever see. It is however that it is most likely the most stimulating they would ever fuck your tight pucker.

Imagine sticking an anal toy up your own ass like that and pulling it back out instantly, feeling every single ball coming out of your ass and going back into the fuck hole again. Now imagine that being attached to the most repulsive smellie creature. A swamp ogre. Swamp ogre’s love to kiss but they don’t have the most pleasant of breaths.

“Beauty!” the demon called the ogre as he looked up. “I promised you a sweet human for a lover.” The ogre panted and nodded its head in excitement. “Here is your faggot!” the demon laughed as the ogre jumped forward without being asked twice, jumping on the top of Derwin. The thing about ogres they are not into foreplay. They just jump onto their ‘lover’ and plug them within moments with their strange cocks. Their lover scream and the ogre pistons in and out of the faggot’s hole, holding their legs far apart as they take what is now theirs to take. The ogre is in heaven. Ogres love human faggots and will fuck faggot meat forever.

Forever is a lucky word for the ogre. Not so for Derwin as he experiences the ogres cock moving in and out of him making his fuck hole fuck open and close tight round each sphere of the penis. The faggot would soon figure out that the ogre would be in a constant state of knotting to its fag hole as he moans part in pain and in pleasure. Derwin almost regrets the magic he used on his tight fuck hole to keep it that way. The ogre shoots up the fag hole within the first five minutes of fucking as the demon strokes his big penis over the scene.

The demon knows that he can return to the pentagon and fuck the face of the faggot. The fag will never be able to get away as the dumpiest of creatures in any universe uses him as nothing more than a sex doll. The demon smacks his even more engulfed cock on the face of the dirty faggot. He feeds the cocksucker his evil dick over and over. Then he looks up to see the sky outside becoming lighter.

This is the very moment the demon shoots wad after wad of thick demon juice all over the dirty fucks face. Has the resident of hell begun to shoot his load all over the sweet faggots face the little pervert opens up its mouth as wide as it can, gulping down the superior beings load as much as it could. The faggot accepts its status as a faggot for all to use within that moment as the sun rises.

There is one last task for the demon to perform. Out of nowhere a cast iron collar appears and the demon clips it round the neck of his new pet, making it clear to everyone who it belongs to.

“It is time to get back to hell!” the demon then picks up the bell jar off the floor and holds it at the side of the two new lovers. He begins rekindling some old ancient text as the two fuck animals lift up and shrink, entering the bell jar. Derwin is shocked and confused as the demon plugs the jar tightly. He then picks up one of the candles and drips wax over the cork. Mixed with the magic of the witch’s grimoire and the demons own magic it seals the jar shut.

Derwin’s face then goes white as a ghost as he begins to understand his new reality. He is stuck forever in a bell jar with a horny swamp ogre as a fuck buddy, as some perverse decoration for a twisted demon.

With demon cum drying on his face he moans in frustration knowing that humans can not cum in hell. Derwin the faggot is in for billions of failed orgasms and probably equally as many fucks from its new fuck partner.

When the demon returned to hell more magic as happened. The demon regains his true size as the bell jar remains the size of an earthbound object. The demon clips the bell jar round his neck as nothing more than a pendant. Everyone who looks at the demon will notice that in his pendant there is a faggot and an ogre couple fucking for all eternity.

Derwin’s heart was full of regret. Sure, he was a faggot, and he knew that. Sure, he wanted to experience demon sex, and in a way, he had experienced it, but he wanted to be free and hold the bottle of a genie. He didn’t want to be inside of the bottle being fucked by the vilest creature he had ever met. The creature was not a hot looking demon. For centuries the demon would ridicule the faggot in the bell jar being fucked constantly by a swamp ogre and not being able to experience an orgasm ever again.

The demon was happy that the plague of earth beings turning demons into genies was finally over. The last three had been the least successful. On the eve of returning to hell he sat on devil’s stump watching an earthling constantly being used by half a dozen of ‘its’ captures once more. For a demon it was the most delightful scene to watch while playing with his new pendant that sits nicely round his neck. He still had the memory in his head of the look on the human’s face when he realised that he had summoned a thousand or more demons at the same time, and they could easily get out of the pentagon.

Has for the latest faggot in the bell jar around his neck he knew that wasn’t the most pleasant place to be with a Swamp Ogre. Ogres have not got the best of odours to be stuck in a bell jar with. Perhaps if the earth faggot wasn’t so much of a tease and demanding of its own wants and needs and simply offered himself as a fuck animal without trying to trap the demon, he would be on his knees right now sucking demon dick instead of being fucked by a swamp ogre. If only the faggot had simply said when asked why he had summoned the demon that he wanted to be his faggot slave and he would have simply complied. Although, it was true the demon had far too many slaves in the first place.

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