Helpful Master Chief: The “Ball”


A gay story: Helpful Master Chief: The “Ball” “Joe, man, you ain’t never been to any khaki balls since you been retired, mane,” Wade asked me, in his Memphis drawl.

The Chief Petty Officer Khaki Ball, a Navy tradition is observed annually and takes place after the newly advanced chief petty officers don their uniform, and we, former and current chiefs, would host them in an official welcome to “the mess,” or group, as some would bring their spouses or significant others as guests.  

“Wade brother, I haven’t been to one since I retired, and crazy as it sounds, I feel like this year I wanna go,” I told the senior chief, as he was the command’s liaison to the base, which sponsored it.

Since retiring I changed gears and kept my distance for the most part with naval affairs, as now I wasnt seceded to active duty members in my old position and didn’t feel adequate interfering with leadership, or trying to admonish junior Sailors. Wade, who’d recently came aboard six months prior to asking to come to the ball, brought an energy that united all of us, as he still believed in Navy pride, regardless if you wore the uniform or not.  He mentioned he spoke to Jack, the command master chief, about me coming and Jack made it clear be wanted all chiefs, active or not, to attend.

“I already bought you a ticket, and if you’re plus one, let me know, and we’ll make sure she’s good, too,” he said.

I wasn’t too sure if I could still fit my khakis as I put on a few pounds since receiving my discharge, but if I couldn’t, then I’d show up in a suit.  I had two weeks either way to get ready to show my solidarity with the rest of the mess, as now I had something to look forward to.

A few days later, it went down.

“There’s the old dog,” said Jack, as I appeared in my khaki uniform, fitting it just fine.

All of the command’s chiefs seemed surprised, as they’d never seen me in uniform.  

“Brother, you look stunning,” said a drunk Wade, as he was the one hyping me up the most.  “You upstaging some of these young’ns in here.”

I nodded and praised the 13 newly advanced chiefs, as they all looked good in khakis, and shined brighter.  Tyrone, a chief yeoman that was the leading petty officer for the admin division when he was selected, was the one I hung close to the most as my team lots of times had to rely on his office as they constantly took care of our travel reservations. I let him know how proud of him I was, and that he shined the best.

“Well, its guys like you that helped me get to where I am,” he said, as I noticed he had a ‘print’ in his pants.

“Your junior Sailors. Remember that,” I told him as we hugged.

He’d walk through the crowd afterwards, while I retreated to a table.  The ball, hosted at the local casino, had the boss set up wiith ice sculptures, chocolate fountains, champagne, as well as many waiters and waitresses walking around taking food and drink orders. I asked for a Jack Daniels and Coca Cola once this cute, petite lady came my way as I was looking to get a little tipsy since I wasn’t one to dance, and barely mingled on this evening.

“Joe, get over here and cut a rug,” a drunken Jack said to me as he would sneak behind me.   “Can you do the cha cha or electric slide?”

I giggled.

“Jack, I may be the only guy, or white guy you know who can’t,” I told him.

“No ye ain’t,” he said with thunderous laughter and in a southern accent.  “I promise you, you’re not alone.”

He sat with me, then Wade joined us, right as the waitress brought me my drink.  The three of us sat there, “jonesing” on some of the younger chiefs who had a tad bit too much to drink, and who’s wives were acting a little loose.

“Look at Carter’s bitch.  I didn’t know she had that much jelly back there,” Wade said of the armament division’s chief’s wife, a thick bottomed, thick chested, blonde with a little pep in her step.

“Buddy Tyrone came in here with an Asian chick.  She’s absolutely gorgeous,” said Jack as we turned into their direction.

I felt something however didn’t add up with Tyrone and the female, as I’d grown to know him over time and he never mentioned women.  Even the way they were stepping on the floor looked awkward, almost as if they were staged.  I’d come to a point since I started playing with cock that I had a radar, one that could gauge who was straight, and who wasn’t, no matter how hard they went against the latter.  I questioned Tyrone, and even Wade a little, as there were times he’d say sly jokes that were anti-homosexual, an indicator that he might’ve been curious.  

“Joe man, you ain’t bring anyone to the ball?  You single, brother,” Jack asked, as he happened to tap my elbow.

I looked in his direction, and our eyes caught. For a moment I looked deep into them as the liquor worked my system, and he smiled.

“Nah, no lady right now.  I’m divorced, living my best life eating TV dinners and alone in the house,” I told him.

“Well, you need to roll out with Wade sometimes.  He’s in his 40s, moving like he’s in his 20s with these young, thick bottomed gals on base,” he said, half jokingly.

“Better watch your step, old stallion,” I told Wade as he sipped on his Hennessy.

“I ain’t doing nothing wrong out here.  I’d never mess with my own Sailors or anyone in the command.  I love my paycheck, my reputation, and love being able to move freely without stares,” he said.  “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll get up and hit the floor to see what other young fawns might need a buck in their lives.”

We both chuckled, too drunk to really care as it didn’t take much for me to get saucy.  

“I’m divorced, too, man.  Yeah, just went through it eight months ago.  Me and Lila were together 26 years,” he said to me.

Jack, a tall, handsome white guy that resembled “Bull” from the former television show, Night Court, spilled the beans on why his marriage burned, making a confession I would’ve never expected of him.

“She caught me fucking another chief,” he said to me.

I damn near choked on my drink.

“No one else here knows it.  I told the skipper and the executive officer already that she and I just had irreconcilable differences, and they ate it up, but truth was, I was banging one of the new chiefs from last year, as we both had too much to drink one afternoon and ended up in my tool shed, with him bent over taking it good,” he said.  “Don’t tell anyone else.”

I was glad he felt comfortable in sharing that, but then I asked, why me?  Did he see me online?  Did he somehow play with a mutual playmate?  Did he notice I liked to suck cock and take it deep in my ass?  I wondered if I had a “fuck me” sign on my forehead, and continued to listen to him as he mentioned he was having a hard on telling me.

“You’ve gotta keep this underwraps, brother,” he said.

I let him know his secret was safe with me, and we shook on it right before I got up to head to the restroom.  As I walked however, I could feel his eyes on me and thought perhaps he was sizing me up.  I went into the bathroom to relieve myself, then came back to the table, as he and Wade were talking.

“Wade brother, he knows,” I’d hear Jack say as we sat down.

Wade turned to look at me, and I looked back at him and smiled.

“No biggie.  He likes to play with dudes,” I said, taking another sip and acting as if I brushed it off when deep down, I was now turned on.

Jack, who stood at six foot six, was a masculine, no nonsense type of guy at the command, as the other chiefs, officers and junior Sailors all respected him.  He showed his gruff on the job, but at a time like this when we would let our hair down, he showed his vulnerability, and I for one wanted to reward him in doing so.  Jack would stand up and head to the restroom, turning once as he forgot his wallet on the table, and I would get a glimpse of what he was packing.  

“Be right back,” he said, as he caught me staring, and winked his eye.

I took that as my initial queue that I could have whatever I wanted from him if he gave me the opportunity.  I watched him walk into the bathroom, as Wade and I would start chatting.

“I broke Tyrone in when I came to the command,” he told me.

“The fuck is going on in this mess,” I asked, bursting into laughter to these guys admitting they liked playing with cock.

“I like pussy, but from time to time I need an ‘extra grip,’ if you know what I’m saying,” he asked.

“Who else in the mess likes to play with dudes,” I asked.

“No one else I can think of, but I caught Tyrone at a bar in Fresno, and well, let’s just say I blew him up for the first time,” he added.

Wade basically stated he liked throwing his dick around, and what a nice one he had from what I could tell.  I was sitting there, hearing him speak on fucking other guys, and internally I wanted to go somewhere to have him demonstrate on me. Jack came back, and now I wondered if they were now closer to me because they knew of my secret.   Then, they “tried” me.

“Joe, would you come over to my place to hang sometimes,” Jack asked as he sat down.  

“Or could we come to yours,” Wade asked, as he turned to look directly at me.

Somehow they knew, as all of this seemed planned for me to come to the ball.  I didn’t feel slighted in any way, as I always loved to commune with other chief petty officers, as in fact, I felt honored, now hot and bothered that these two were pushing up on me.

“You two give me the green light to play with those cocks, and the rest will follow,” I told them.  

I wasn’t quite prepared to get fucked, but I surely wanted each of them to provide me with a sample, sooner than later.

“You’ve got me so hard right now,” I said to the both of them.  

“All I’ll say is, be careful where you post a profile,” Wade responded.  “Right now, I’m gonna find us a spot to hang at, and when I text you both the location, follow me.”

Wade got up, and headed to the opposite side of the ballroom after greeting a few other chiefs and their wives.  He exited through a door, while Jack and I patiently.  Our phones went off simultaneously, as he messaged exactly where he was, and we’d make our way in that direction.  As we entered a dark room with chairs, just down the hall from the ballroom, a light flickered.  Spooked, we all looked back and would see it was Tyrone.

“Motherfucker, cut that light off,” Wade said, as he was undoing his trousers.  “Joe, get that ass over here and sit down.”

I loved the instant dominance, as he had me sit down in front of him.

“Take that top off, it might get messy,” he said to me, and so I came out of my khaki top, and my white t-shirt under it, placing both items on another chair.

The others would come out of their pants, too, with Tyrone rushing to lock the door to ensure we didn’t receive any surprises.

“Man, we get caught, we could all get court martialed,” said Tyrone.

“Ain’t nobody getting caught,” Wade said as he stuffed my mouth with the most beautiful, black cock that would ever touch my lips.  

To explain, Wade, who’s complexion was light and resembled Steph Curry’s, had a dark, brown dick, with a hot red tip that was oozing precum.  He might’ve checked in at nine inches, and was thick, to the tune of maybe one and a half, to two inches.  

“Open up.  I been wanting to do this to you since I found you online,” he said to me as he instantly fucked my mouth.  

The others stood in line, stroking their cocks as they, too, wanted my wet mouth.  His rod felt great going in and out of my mouth, and I only wished he had me bent over as I knew he’d plow me the way I needed it.  He pulled out just as I was getting used to his flavor.

“Jack, come get some of this dick,” he said.

“My pleasure,” said Jack as he stepped forward, not carrying the longest dick at four, maybe five inches (I expected more judging from the size of his shoe), but he for sure was three inches in girth, and I magined riding him, and wrecking my own hole.  

He had no rhythm so I moved my head back and forth, and gave him a little balls action with my tongue until Wade directed him to leave some for Tyrone.

“Let the young buck get some of that mouth,” he said.  “Yeah, young buck, welcome to the mess!”

Tyrone, the slender, muscular toned with his dark chocolate frame, had the longest at maybe 11 inches, and with a thickness, as it didn’t seem real a man could be so endowed.  The proud Cameroonian slowly stroked in and out of my mouth, as that jet black shaft with the fat, purple tip went in and out of my mouth with ease, as he worked it where I wouldn’t gag.  I put my hands on his hips and rubbed them, smelling his sweet, cocoa like scent, mixed with a little man funk.  I couldn’t imagine taking him in my ass as he probably would’ve wrecked me,  but I felt delighted to take him down my throat with no issue.  

“Yeah, we need you to fill his belly up,” Wade said.  “Shoot that nut down his throat.”

Tyrone started gyrating his hips a little as he officially fucked my throat, with Wade and Jack now standing in front of me, jerking their dicks while I rubbed their hard balls.  I never would’ve thought I’d have three fellow chiefs, of different flavors, in front of me getting their jollies depositing their seeds in me.  Tyrone would be the cream of the crop, literally, so to speak, as the youngster wouldn’t last more than 10 minutes, shedding his loose cum directly down my throat, grunting, moaning like a girl.  

“Damn, you me ready to bust, too,” Wade said, as he stepped closer and I’d feel his jizz splatter against my left cheek while I still was ingesting Tyrone.

Jack, the loudest of the three of us, had bent slightly as he stepped closer, and I’d feel his cum shoot me directly in my eye, as he was plentiful.

“Got damn, how much can you nut,” Wade asked.

“I haven’t came in a few days.  Oh fuck, Joe,” he whimpered.

I let go of their emptied balls while Tyrone stepped back, quickly pulling up his trousers to get fully dressed.  Wade wiped my face with his left hand, and fed me all the cum spilled by he and Jack, before they, too, would get dressed.  They walked out one by one, with me being the last one to show up back in the ballroom as the chiefs were receiving cigars from one of the emcees.  I got mine, and the four of us were spread out throughout the room, giving each other a stare and wink, that no one else could pick up on.


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