Hermia Aphrodite – Chapter 1 – by pANTSU

“He got his eventually, at least. Some of his victims came forward during the MeToo campaign. I may not be able to work in the fashion industry any more, but neither can he. His career is over. And at least I don’t really want to, now. I had the chance to get back into it, but I decided it isn’t really for me. I like my job, and I like the people I work with.”

“Do they know about… this?”

“My boss does,” she said. “They have a pro-LGBTQ+ hiring policy, so I put it on my CV. I think the rest of them have the impression that I am non-normative in some way, but I don’t talk about it, and they are fine with that. It’s really a great team, lovely and supportive.”

“They probably think you are lesbian,” I offered.

“Yes, that or asexual.”

“I am glad you aren’t asexual!” I said, laying my hand on her cock, which twitched a little in response.

“So am I!” she replied. “It’s difficult to find partners, but I really enjoy fucking.”

The dirty talk was starting to bring my libido back into play. I partly blame that for my next incautious question. “Have you ever tried it with a woman? I mean, you have the equipment…”

“Once,” was her response. “Like I said before, I’ve been to a lot of gay clubs, where I feel free to express myself without judgement. I get a lot of attention from the girls there, though. They are nicer than some guys, so I don’t usually have to worry about turning them down, but it is tempting sometimes.

“There was this girl; short hair, slim build, walking cliché in some ways. You get that sometimes, especially with the ones who have recently come out – they feel like they need to play up to their new identity. But this woman wasn’t a newbie. She had experience, and she was pushing my buttons. I’d had a few drinks, and thought, fuck it, why not?

“We got back to hers, and when I showed her what I had down there, she didn’t hide her delight. But I was sobering up, and realizing I wasn’t sure I was feeling it.”

“But you did it,” I prompted when she hesitated.

“Yes. My body wasn’t responding at first, which is a big clue for me. But you know how it is, when someone fiddles with your knob enough, it’s going to stand up, and she was really enthusiastic. She was so nice too, she really seemed determined that I should enjoy it as well, and it was clearly an absolute dream come true for her. So I just… went along with it.”

Despite myself, the thought of Hermia fucking a girl’s willing pussy was turning me on. My dick was starting to rise. She saw it, and as her hand wrapped around my shaft, the tone of her voice changed slightly. She was making the most of it now – not lying or embellishing, but emphasizing the details in ways she knew would get me going.

“I sat down on the sofa, and she straddled me, guiding my cock right into her cunt. She moaned with pleasure as she bore down, and her nipples brushed against mine. Her breasts were small, but mine are much bigger. She rode me for ages, so that I didn’t have a choice but to keep entering her, and the friction kept me hard. I wasn’t aroused, not really, but she was in heaven, and seeing someone totally having the time of her life right in front of me like that… I think it was kinda worth it anyway.

“She came really loudly, screaming and howling, all girlish glee; lovely to hear, but a turn-off for me that meant I wasn’t anywhere near orgasming at the same time. Then she hugged me, and said she had to thank me. She moved around, and took my hard cock in her mouth, still slick from her own juices.

I was fully hard again now, and I had started jacking her, so she was too. “Did that work?” I asked, my voice gruff with need. “Did that turn you on?”

“A little bit,” she replied. “She seemed determined that I should cum as well. It was so sweet. So I imagined she was a slim guy, and that helped. She wanted me to enter her again, hoping I could finish inside her, so I pushed her onto the rug, on hands and knees, and slid my cock into her from behind.

“When I looked down at her, all I could see was her back. With a bit of effort, I could imagine she was male. I ejaculated eventually, but it was really difficult, and it wasn’t a proper orgasm. Not like I had with you. I had to screw up my eyes, and imagine a guy was there. I wish a guy had been there. I wish you had been there.”

Her lips met mine again, hungrily this time. Our fists were now pumping out a regular tempo on each other’s cocks, bringing them back towards full engorgement.

“I wish I’d been there too,” I said. “But it would definitely have made the mood different. There aren’t many situations that aren’t fundamentally changed by adding in a guy wanking in the corner.”

She laughed again, that wide-mouthed, full, open laugh. I felt the vibration of her voice where her chest met mine.

Then she looked down at our proud members, standing erect and ready. And she asked the question that needed no answer: “D’you want to go again?”

I answered anyway. “Sure, but this time, you do me.”

She gasped and sat up suddenly, her eyes wide in astonishment. “Nobody has ever let me do that!” she almost whispered.

Some people will tell you that the most beautiful sight in the whole universe is a beautiful woman. They are wrong. The most beautiful sight in the whole universe is a beautiful woman in a moment of surprised delight. My heart seemed to swell to three times its normal size, and my guts turned to syrup. At that instant, if I had thought that my blood could keep that rapturous expression on her face for a little longer, I would have started tearing at my wrists with my own teeth.

“Then it’s long past time that they did,” I insisted. “You deserve it.”

She jumped up excitedly on the bed, towering over me like an adorable colossus, her dick bouncing up and down between her legs. “Oh my god, this is going to be amazing! I love you so much!” Again, my heart did a 360 at those words. “Now get comfortable, while I… Where did I put that lube?”

She hopped off the bed, searching around for the bottle of lubricant, which seemed to have been knocked off the bedside table at some point in our sexual gyrations.

“I love you too,” I said, and she looked up to reward me with another of those laser-guided, rocket-propelled, armour-piercing radiant smiles.

The lube bottle turned out to have rolled under the bed, so I was treated to the delicious sight of her pert buttocks in the air as she reached for it. Then we arranged ourselves for what was to come. I hung off the edge of the bed, on my back, a pillow under my head and another under the small of my back, lifting my pelvis for easier access. She stood on the ground – it was quite a high bed – between my spread legs and held the bottle in front of her, her palm in front of the nozzle to receive a dollop.

“Let me do that,” I offered, taking the bottle from her. I pressed the top to pour some into my hand. More than I had intended: some sprayed over onto my belly.

She stifled a giggle. “I’d offer to take it back, but you have the lube, so go ahead.” She pushed her hips forward, bringing her hard dick into my reach.

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