His Seduction Ch. 05

A gay story: His Seduction Ch. 05

“Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies.”

Sorry about the delay, and what a delay it was! I would go into the reasons, but nobody really wants to hear excuses. So, please, enjoy this story, the ending to what I had only intended to be a one chapter delight and turned into a five chapter epic. Thank you for all of your support. You have no idea what it has meant to me.


Tugging up the zipper of his jeans, Keith ran from the room barefoot, padding down the hall to the stairs. Whipping at his stomach and chest with his open jeans shirt that Mike left on him while he ravished him, Keith looked down towards the door wondering who it could be. Most people he knew were in class at the moment and none would be this insistent on trying to break down the door with their fist.

Mike paused in the middle of the stairs pulling on a T-shirt as Keith began to open the door, just as curious to know who it was that was enthusiastically trying to reshape their door.

Keith opened it to find Kelly, Scott, and a red head standing on the other side. Kelly was grinning from ear to ear and jumping up and down.

“Oh, hi, Keith. Where is Mike?” Kelly pushed past him, leading the read head by the hand. Spotting him on the stairs, she squealed in delight. “Look what I found on my door step!”

The red head stepped forward and looked slyly at him while his jaw dropped. “Hey, Mikey. Been a long time, love.”

“Holy shit! Toni?” Mike jumped down the rest of the way and grabbed her up in a bear hug, lifting the petite redhead off the ground and swinging her around.

Keith stepped back, almost walking out the door until he ran into Scott. Scott smiled down at him and handed him two Tupperware bowls of chicken noodle soup. “Kelly and I were going to bring these over to you guys when we ran into Mike’s ex-girlfriend, Toni. We just couldn’t wait to bring her over.”

Keith glared at him, not missing the lecherous glint in Scott’s eyes as he looked over Keith’s chest and stomach. Taking the soup, he headed for the kitchen and snarled, “Thanks.”

Scott practically skipped as he followed Keith into the tiny kitchen.

“Man, I can’t believe it’s actually you, Toni! Damn, what’s it been, three years?”

“Yep, you bum. You promised to keep in touch!”

Mike released her, looking her up and down. She was just as hot as always with her perky B-cups and tiny little waste. She hadn’t changed a bit. “Sorry, about that. You know I’ve never been good at long distance correspondence.”

“That just means you owe me for all those years, Mikey.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Dinner and a movie. Plus this.” Toni grinned and grabbed his head, pulling him into a kiss that nearly curled his toes. He damned near forgot Keith was in the room. Shit! Keith!!

Mike pulled back and concentrated on focusing his eyes. “Um, Toni, I ah, want you to meet, um . . . um . . .”

Keith could have spit nails had he not currently been trying to keep Scott from getting too close to him. He glared over in Mike’s direction who was staring at him with something close to dismay. “His roommate. They call me no-name.”

Mike shook his head. “No, no that’s not what I meant!”

“Yes, it is. Trust me.” Keith knew acid was dripping from his mouth, but he didn’t really care at the moment. After everything they’d just shared upstairs, Mike forgot his damn name at the first sign of a pretty face and a good pair of tits! So much for being so-called boyfriends. Lifting his hand, he gave a less than friendly wave to Toni. “Hi, I’m his roommate, Keith. Funny, you would have thought he’d remember my name after we’ve been roommates for so long. You must have some powers over him, huh?”

“Well, I did almost marry the guy,” Toni said with a laugh, her hand crawling up Mike’s chest. “I should hope I hold some sway over him.”

Mike grimaced.

Toni didn’t seem to notice and wrapped her arms around Mike’s waist and squeezed. “Not to mention we’ve been best friends for the last eight years.”

“God, I still remember walking in on you two countless times when you were getting all hot and heavy.” Kelly shivered and shared a wicked look with Toni. “Grossed me out countless times.”

“Yeah, until you found your own boyfriend. Then you were practically begging me to teach you tricks I used on Mike to make him moan.”

“Oh, gross. TMI ladies,” Scott gagged from behind Keith. “The last thing I need in my head is a heterosexual female and the way she gets busy with her boyfriend!”

“Don’t be shy, honey, I’m sure you use some of the same tricks.” Toni shrugged with one of the friendliest damn smiles, Keith wanted to hate her for it alone. “If you don’t, maybe you could take some notes.”

“Toni, my dear, you are incorrigible.”

“You know I try, Scott.”

“Oh,” Keith said with a surprised look at Scott. “You already know Toni?”

Scott shrugged. “Sure, Kelly introduced me to her when we first moved in together. Why? Didn’t Mike tell you all about her eons ago?” Scott looked innocently at Mike, a smile quirking his lips.

Mike wanted to hurt him.

“No. No offense, Toni, but I didn’t even know you existed.”

“No offense, dear. I’ve never heard of you either,” Toni laughed as though it was all a big joke. The significance of the conversation was lost on her, but on no one else. Scott grinned, Keith glared, Mike winced, and Kelly stifled a surprised ‘OH’ as the reality of the situation hit her.

“Oh, crap,” Kelly muttered and turned to glare at Mike. Somehow, someway, she knew this was all his fault.

“What?” Toni was beginning to look a little lost.

“Nothing, Toni, nothing. Listen, why don’t you show Toni around the place, Mike? I’ll help Keith get some drinks.”

“I’d really love to see the campus, Mike.” She actually had the gall to bat her eyes at him. The hussy! Keith turned away with a huff and put the Tupperware of soup in the fridge.

“Well, um, okay. I guess.”

“Come on! This will give us some time alone so we can catch up!” Toni began pulling Mike towards the door.

“Don’t forget your coat, sickie. I don’t need you coming back throwing up. I won’t be there to clean it up.” Keith headed for the stairs and didn’t look back. Upon reaching his room, he flopped down onto his bed face down, arms at his sides. He was so tired and his head was beginning to throb again. He could hear mutterings down stairs. Then the sound that made his heart go cold. The front door opened and closed.

Two minutes later there was a soft knock on his door. He didn’t bother to raise his head as the door opened and Kelly’s soft voice called out to him. “Keith? Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know Mike hadn’t told you about her and I just wasn’t thinking, really. We were all such good friends back in junior high and high school that I just brought her over without really thinking about it.”

Keith rolled his head back and forth on the mattress. Kelly could barely hear his muffled voice. “Doesn’t matter. Just proves a point I was too blind to see. I should be thanking you.”

Kelly came in and sat next to him. “Honey, please don’t be upset.”

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