His Seduction Ch. 05

Mike sucked in a breath as Keith’s fingers tormented him. “This is a persuasion to make me let you go?”

Keith laughed and jumped up, letting Mike go. “No, I just wanted to distract you.” Kicking off his shoes, he bent to pull off his socks. They were still dripping and his toes were prunes. “Ewe. That’s attractive.” He headed for the door when Mike’s arms encircled him from behind.

Mike laid his head against Keith shoulder. The thought of being even three feet apart from him for a minute was almost excruciating. His voice came out low and soft, saying, “I told her you know. We weren’t even off the front porch and I told her. I felt an almost painful pride at telling her that you were mine, and it nearly killed me to think that I might have lost you from being stupid.”

Keith left his arms at his sides, loving the warmth from Mike’s body seeping into him. “You’re human, you’re allowed stupid moments.”

“And you are a saint for understanding that.”

Keith laughed. “No, I’m just a guy who is too stubborn to let you go. I’m a little possessive that way.”

“Yeah? I’m a little possessive, too.” Mike’s hand slide sinuously down Keith’s stomach, his fingers quickly opening Keith’s jeans. Keith moaned as Mike’s hand closed around him inside his boxer briefs. Mike kissed his neck. “I also talked to Scott.”

Keith gasped as Mike’s thumb rubbed over his head, slickening it with precum. His back arched as he groaned.

“He told me how he got that bloody lip of his.”

Keith’s breath was coming in short gasps. The man’s hands should be illegal! “I don’t . . . ah . . .know what you’re . . . shit . . . talking about.”

Mike’s laugh was as dark as his hand was tormenting. “I like the fact that you can fend him off. If you hadn’t thoroughly pummeled him, I would have. The thought of him touching you makes me want to kill him.”

“Jesus, Mike!” Keith breathed as his hips jerked. “Scott’s not so . . . ah, fuck . . . he’s not so bad.”

“He’s not so good either. Not many men can turn him down when he wants them.”

Keith turned his head to look into Mike’s blue eyes. “He’s not you.” He leaned in to kiss him lightly, then pulled back with a smile. “Now if you don’t mind, now is really not a time I would like to be talking about Scott.”

Mike removed his hand, and turned Keith until he could push him up against the wall. He loved the way Keith’s breath would quicken every time he was pinned. It was exhilarating and empowering. Leaning in, he let his own body hold Keith in place as he licked the tender spot under Keith’s ear. “Let’s see if we can’t warm you up.”

Though Keith’s voice quivered, his eyes held a determined light. “You are so not getting the upper hand this time.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” With his hands firmly on Mike’s chest, he pushed Mike back towards the bed and shoved him on to it. Making quick work of Mike’s pants while Mike pulled off his shirt, Keith discarded the last of his own clothing and sat on top of Mike’s legs. His movements grew hurried and almost desperate. He wanted . . . needed Mike inside him, needed that unity and fullness only Mike could give him. But he wanted Mike to squirm. Leaning down, he nipped Mike’s nipples just hard enough to make him gasp as his hands flirted around Mike’s manhood with touches so soft it was sure to drive his lover crazy.

Mike began to moan, his hands gripping Keith’s dark hair. When had Keith’s tongue gotten so talented? With a yank, he pulled Keith’s mouth up to his own for a burning kiss. That kiss told him everything he ever needed to know about Keith. This man was passionate, forgiving, and all his. Mike moaned against Keith’s mouth and whispered, “I don’t deserve you.”

Keith smiled against his lips. “Yeah, I know.”


Keith raised his hips as he stared into Mike’s blue eyes, those eyes that continually swallowed him up whole. With a moan of his own mixing with Mike’s, he settled Mike in him. “You know I’m going to curse you from now until the end of time, right?”

“Why,” Mike breathed. God, Keith felt incredible.

“For corrupting me.” At Mike’s laugh, Keith leaned in and breathed in his ear, “And for making me fall in love with you.”

Mike’s breath caught and for a moment, he couldn’t do anything. Chest constricting in a painful way, eyes tearing up, he grabbed Keith and held him close as they began to move together. Reaching up until he found Keith’s hands, he linked them together as they rode over they edge, Keith crying out in unison with him. Keith collapsed on him, breathing hard. Mike kept one hand intertwined with Keith’s, the other stroking his dark hair. With a soft kiss, he smiled at the ceiling. “I love you, too, Keith. You’ve completely bewitched me.”

“Promise you’ll never leave me? You can flirt all you want, can’t say I’ll like it, but you can do it. Just promise me you’ll always be mine.”

“I don’t need to flirt with anyone else, I have you.” They sealed their bargain with a kiss that quickly turned into much more. This time it was slower, delectable. They made love, promising each other with their bodies forever. Eternity was theirs now that they had truly found one and other.

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