High School All Boys School by trek4lyf

Manuel asked me to meet him tonight after our lights went out after 8 pm under the stairways of his dorm. He also told me not to use the grounds after dark since some of the priests are hanging out by their veranda and they can see the grounds from their location. So around 7:55 pm, I started to turn off my lights in my dorm. I was wearing an all-black outfit so that I could blend in from the dark. I opened my door and locked it quietly, I checked my surroundings if someone saw me and I was walking out of our dorm like a thief who is ready to prowl.

Our school and dorm is a huge rectangle, 75% is the school and 25% dormitory which consist of 4 dormitory buildings plus the rectory in between for the Priest and teachers dormitories. My dorm is in the 1st building while Manuel is in the 4th building, closer to the courtyards and school entrance where the security guard post is located. It is currently empty since they only guard our school on the weekdays.

So I need to brave it out & cross the path of the rectory through the bushes and under the trees. The signal was good since no one was in sight and my heartbeat is now beating so fast, I thought my heart was going to jump out of my body.

I saw Manuel under the trees by the stairways of his dorm and when he saw me, he signaled me to stay put and go low. So I hid by the bushes about 40 feet away from Manuel and then 4 guys just stepped out of their dorm, one of them was Allan who is now walking ahead of the 3 guys. Three of those guys are in the 12th grade, our seniors and ready to graduate that year. One of them invited Manuel and it seems he said he will follow them later. When 4 of them were gone in the dark and it seemed to be heading under the bleachers, Manuel waved at me to come to his direction so I walked slowly, looking around if anyone had seen me.

Manuel asked me to keep quiet, follow him until we reached the edge of the bleachers. The courtyard is now dark and all the lights are timely turned off. He told me to sit down and pointed out some tiny light under the bleachers. All I could see was a low battery flashlight that was pointing at the ground. As my eyes were fixated to the dark, I can now see the 4 guys in the dark.

It seems they are looking at a magazine and Manuel said they are now checking out the dirty magazine and the fun will now commence. He was right since I can see a guy who just stood up, and looked like showing his growing dick while the other guy just grabbed it and started sucking it. The other 2 just lay down on the ground and it seems they were performing some trapeze because I can see the other guy’s leg is in the air.

Manuel just whispered that the other 2 were doing a 69 now, he saw my questionable look since I don’t know what a 69 is. He whispered that the other 2 guys are sucking each other off in opposite directions. Then he saw my eyes widened to an agreement and went back to witness their acts. The flashlight is now off but I can still see what they are doing.

Manuel grabbed me by my arm and quietly told me to hide. He noticed that there were 2 more guys coming our way so both of us stood up and aligned myself to the nearby post to hide. Manuel on the other hand was giving them gestures and showing them the way. They just waved, went under the bleachers and disappeared in the dark. Manuel grabbed me with a nervous look and asked me to leave immediately. I didn’t understand since I still want to see what is happening. He whispered to me that tonight is going to be so bad to witness since the 2 guys who passed by were Mr. Ramos and Father Ulysses. With my shocked face, I immediately left the vicinity, roughing myself on the bushes and under the trees until I reached my dorm.

Are those guys going to be in trouble after Mr. Ramos and Father Ulysses find them? Is Manuel in trouble again? Why is it bad to witness what was happening? Too many unanswered questions and I must know. I need to talk to Manuel tomorrow and find out.

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