His Father’s Tough Love Ch. 02


A gay story: His Father’s Tough Love Ch. 02 Theo awoke late, having slept the whole day, feeling both refreshed and more miserable than before.

He jumped up when this bedroom door opened again, not having realised that his father had returned.

He blushed furiously as this was the second time in the same day that his father opened his bedroom door to reveal Theo naked on the bed. Fortunately, his father simply let his eyes scan over his nude body, before continuing.

“Come with me,” his father’s voice left no room for argument, so Theo followed him to the master bedroom. He followed behind, his limp penis and testicles were red and sore from both the punishment and the intense ejaculation he endured earlier. Pain flared up with each step he took as his floppy dick and balls bounced with no underwear to keep them in place.

“Sit,” his father pointed to the edge of the large bed.

The satin bedcover was cold under his naked buttocks, his feet on the plush carpet.

“You were very reckless, immature and selfish, Theodore. I will not have such behaviour in my house, in my family. That was the last time you were so impetuous. Do you understand?”

“Yes, dad,” Theo whispered, not meeting his father’s eyes.

“Carmen’s mother called again today. She took Carmen to the doctor for a proper test. She’s not pregnant. The drugstore test gave a false positive.”

Theo’s eyes lit up and a relieved smile curved his mouth. He could shout with joy!

“I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson. You have nothing to be happy about! Your behaviour was appalling, you knew better than having unprotected sex with a girl and yet you did it. You are only thinking with your dick, not your brain,” his father scolded with his arms crossed over his chest.

Theo was scared his father would bring up that he had orgasmed from his punishment earlier, and not only orgasmed but also sprayed his father in the face with his eruption of semen.

He looked down to escape his father’s angry gaze. His eyes landed on his own crotch, with his dry, white cum clotted in the dark pubic hair, and the dry streaks of the cum that had splashed on his tummy were cracked and obvious against his olive skin tone. There was no way his father hadn’t noticed that even many hours later, Theo was still covered in semen. Now he probably thinks even worse of him, Theo though sadly.

His father continued slowly, making sure Theo heard every word.

“You may not understand right now how to control your own behaviour. You lack impulse control. But I will teach you this lesson in a way that you will never forget. And I will take the necessary steps to make sure that, even if you manage to forget the lesson I’m about to teach you, you won’t be able to make such poor choice anytime soon.”

The snap of velcro being pulled had him looking up at his father to see a set of four connected cuffs in his father’s hands. Theo’s mind reeled. He couldn’t imagine what his father had in mind. His sore, swollen penis and scrotum were the proof of the punishment he already received just hours ago.

“Um, dad,” he began softly, looking down at the evidence of his punishment. “You already punished me, and I promise I won’t ever do anything like that again.”

His father gave a dry laugh. “That wasn’t punishment, Theodore. That’s only the warm up. No boy, you’ll forget that as soon as it stop hurting. What’s to come you will remember for the rest of your life.”

He gestured for Theo to give him his hands. Obediently he held out his arms towards his father, glad to have been given direction, even if he was nervous about what was to come.

The velcro straps were wrapped around each wrist, behind his back but each cuff had another empty cuff next to it. He looked up at his father in confusion.

In response his father told him to sit on his knees on the bed. Without being able to use his hands there was a bit of awkward shuffling but finally he got to his knees, with his hands still bound behind his back

Then his dad took each empty cuff and wrapped it around the corresponding ankle, securing his wrists to his ankles in a neat line. It was forcing his legs to remain bent on the bed and his upper body upright for his wrists to be aligned with his ankles. His knees were spread wide by the solid spreader bar to which all the cuffs were connected.

His back was slightly bent backwards for his wrists to reach his ankles, thrusting his crotch forward, as if he were proudly showing it off. He made a little noise of distress. “This is for your own good, Theo. I’m doing this because I love you,” his dad said softly.

In this position, he was defenceless, he realised with horror, yet, the prospect of being completely at someone’s mercy and command tickled his arousal. His entire body was completely exposed, no secret part of him spared. His limp cock twitched as his submissive side was exposed.

His father, sitting in the centre of the bed calmly observing his son shift in the cuffs, had an unobstructed view of how his penis shamefully responded to the situation. He immediately tried to close his thighs, to hide his disgraceful reaction but his arms were bound behind his back with no give in the cuffs, and his legs spread so far apart. There was no way to hide anything, any reaction.

His father’s eyes took in hie entire body. From his slightly puffy eyes from crying earlier, to the dried cum in his pubic hair, the splashes of dried cum on his abdomen and now his reckless cock that was coming to life.

Observing that his son took pleasure from his punishment, his son’s penis growing to erection before his eyes even as Theo turned his head to hide his bright red cheeks. His only hope was that because of the earlier punishment of having his cock and balls slapped red and swollen, the pain would stop his erection. His cock didn’t seem to mind, and soon it was again a throbbing 7 inch manhood before his eyes.

He often wondered how his son had inherited so much of him physically, down to his impressive manhood, yet none of his decisive, strong personality. Theo had always been soft spoken and quick to obey direct orders, but with his teenage hormones running wild, he had been making bad decisions.

Masterbating instead of studying. Daydreaming about girls instead of doing chores. And now he had had unprotected sex with an older girl, almost knocking her up. That wouldn’t do. He needed to be firm and use this last chance before Theo went out into the world alone to teach him discipline and control.

So he took the disobedient organ at the base and gave the head a few hard slaps until Theo cried out in pain. Then his exposed buttocks were reddened. A few slaps landed directly on his exposed anus.

Satisfied for the moment he turned to retrieve his tools for the real punishment from the kitchen. “Don’t move, I’ll be back soon.”

Not that Theo could go anywhere. Even though he could technically shuffle to the edge of the bed, with the way he was tied up he would fall face first if he went over the edge. So he stayed as he were, his buttocks and erection were exposed for all who cared to see. Hell, if viewed from behind, even the tight pucker of his virginal anus could easily be seen.

He moaned softly, willing his erection to go down, for him to not be so submissive. He tried to steel his mind, to emulate his father who were always in control. Easier said than done. The slaps to his anus had sent more fire to his raging erection, despite how sore it was, and the erection was only amplifying the pain it had felt when flaccid. It hadn’t gone down at all when his father returned with a wooden tray in his hands.

Theo curiously peeked at what was on the tray, confused. Several large hands of fresh, unpeeled ginger, a sharp knife and a glass of ice water. And a ball gag.

He was unable to see how these objects could be used together, let alone as a punishment. But he remained silently watching, not wanting reawaken his father’s anger, and knowing that he deserved to be punished. Since becoming a teenager, his hormones had often compromised his judgement, always leaving him wishing for some way to control himself. Maybe this, whatever his father was about to do, will be the answer.

His father met his eyes, making sure he had Theo’s attention before cutting one of the largest, thickest fingers from the ginger. He carefully peeled it with the sharp knife before caving the end into a teardrop shape, with a part that thinned into a stem and then a thick base at the very top. He blinked twice, thinking he must be mistaken, that was shaped like a… buttplug?!

“Have you figured out what your punishment will be, yet?”

Theo gaped like a fish on land, unable to answer.

“Don’t worry, you’ll understand soon enough.”

Taking advantage of his son’s gaping mouth, he quickly pushed the gag into his mouth, fastening it behind his head.

It muffled Theo’s words and sounds of confusion. His father simply patted the top of his head.

He sat back down on the bed, his hand trailing up Theo’s thigh until his hand rested on his plump, perky buttock. As if he were unable to help himself, he squeezed his son’s bubble butt, enjoying the supple flesh for a second before dipping one finger into the glass of cold water.

The wet digit traced around his crinkled anus, watching it clench even tighter from the cold. The twitching rosette enticed his finger, pressing against the resisting anus, applying more and more water until he was able to push through the resistance.

Theo moaned at the sensation of the finger playing with his virginal opening, grunting in discomfort as it pushed inside. How had his father known that he had always had this secret itch in his hole, this feeling that it was supposed to be filled?

His mother had known, accidentally walked in on him the first time he had caressed his own forbidden backdoor. She had told him in no uncertain terms that he was to never touch it again, that the pleasure he received from stimulating it was wrong and misguided. He had obeyed her, even after she divorced his father and never returned, but never had the longing, the aching of the little bud between his buttocks stopped craving attention.

The single digit pushed deeper and deeper until the rest of the hand pressed against the outside of his anus. It twisted around and eventually retreated, accompanied by a soft moan from Theo, shamefully wishing that he could remain filled.

Ice clinked against the frosted glass as his father fished one rounded, slightly melting cube out from the water. Coming out of the water it was almost bullet shaped, long and slender with the edges smooth after melting slightly in the water, no thicker than a finger.

As soon as the ice touched his warm ring, Theo struggled against his bonds but accomplishing nothing but making his erection wag around in front of him. To keep him from moving, his father wrapped a large hand firmly around the base of his penis, tugging it forward and his whole body with it. He tried to squeeze his plump butt cheeks closed but his knees were spread so far apart that his frightened anus remained completely exposed and at his father’s mercy.

It gave his father the opportunity to quickly slip the small cylinder of ice through his unwilling sphincter, making it clasp down tightly as soon as the ice was inside his warm rectum.

“There, good boy,” his father ruffled his hair. “When that melts it will make the next part go much smoother.”

His finger remained on the tightly clenched anus, rubbing small circles, soothing it. Theo made sure to keep clenching as hard as he could, afraid his father might push more ice inside. It was so cold against his naturally warm channel, and he couldn’t even stop clenching against the little torture device.

After a little while the gentle rubbing pressure on his entrance combined with his sphincter muscle getting tired from straining resulted in his virginal flower to unfurl, a small stream of melted ice water dribbling down his thigh.

His father took the opportunity to quickly dip the ginger plug into the glass of ice water, then start forcing it into the momentarily relaxed and open anus. The tip of the ginger just barely inside him made Theo realise that something bigger was about to be pushed through his innocent sphincter.

Too late he realised that because he had clenched his anus into a tight pucker for so long, right now the little muscle was too tired to obey him again. His father had apparently anticipated that too, because after his second, failed, attempt at clenching, his anus relaxed again and the bulb of the ginger plug slid into his bowls, forcing open his hole far more than it has ever stretched before. The water inside his rectum did indeed help ease the glide of the plug and soon it popped past all his defences.

The tired sphincter was grateful when the thick body passed through so it could rest on the much thinner stem.

Despite feeling very full, stuffed to the brim, the plug felt… good. It was helping to scratch that itch that his mother had forbidden him from scratching. He clenched and unclenched around the intruder, secretly enjoying this object so rudely thrust through his backdoor, making his internal muscles tired from how large the bulb was.

Under his father’s watchful gaze on his little opening that had never been allowed to take anything inside before his father’s finger, he was afraid to try to push the uncomfortable object out. So he had to endure the discomfort mixed with the pleasure of being filled where he wasn’t permitted to ever explore, the excitement making his cock wag despite how shameful it was before his father’s eyes.


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