Home Port Rondevous

A gay story: Home Port Rondevous Pecs, located on University Ave in San Diego did not betray it’s status as a gay bar when seen from outside. A green awning over a plain front door created the impression that it could be a biker joint. For someone seeking camaraderie without betraying preference it could be the perfect place to visit.

Inside was a different scene altogether. A friendly clientele, mostly men in their early twenties, gathered there every night to socialize. Flirting was a common sight. Pecs had been for the past few years a favorite haunt and at times a crowded one. It’s two pool tables, dart boards, and big screen TV kept it’s patrons entertained. The horseshoe shaped bar seemed always to be fully occupied. One person would vacate a stool. Another would take his place.

Stephen had a preteen preference for girls his age as playmates. As he grew older some mannerisms developed that others might consider girlish. He had always been fashion conscious, sometimes wishing that other men could dress better. At the same time he was not above complementing a girl on her blouse or her skirt or her shoes. That he’s gay surprised no one.

Tom, a twenty year old Petty Officer 3rd class, stood on the bow of the missile cruiser Ticonderoga looking out towards the San Diego skyline. The mid afternoon sun was hitting the ship at a slightly oblique angle. In another hour or so they would be returning into port The tour at sea had lasted 168 days.

During those days the cruiser had plied the waters of the Indian Ocean and western Pacific. It had helped protect American interests in the middle east and Taiwan.

A sailor since one month after graduating high school from a small Montana town, Tom had also been athletic. The 6 foot , muscular boy had played outside linebacker since his freshman year.

Through his high school years Tom sought girls. Like most of the boys his age he had dated a few of them. There was Patty, a petite, small breasted blonde with pretty blue eyes whom he had dated for some 8 months. After Patty there was a brief period when he was single. Michelle came along late in his senior year.

During those times Tom had secretly fantasized having affairs with other boys. Though not old enough to officially be visiting web sights he had succeeded in downloading to his laptop a few photos which he had kept carefully hidden in a nested folder. Just before finishing high school he had finally accepted his own homosexuality.

Tom’s interest in the United States military had been evident since his earliest childhood. He had read war histories and collected photos. He had listened to the anecdotes from his father and grandfather. Becoming a teen he felt drawn to it, the promise of paid college tuition also being a big factor.

The tugboat approached slowly as the cruiser came into the confined waters of the bay and cut engine speed. Still on the bridge just passing time Tom watched as the tug took the cruiser in tow.

Seaman first class Carl Weston, a long time friend aboard ship approached the bow. The young Boatswain would in a few minutes be applying a part of his own trade, tossing out and tying the securing lines.

Carl and Tom engaged in small talk. Carl talked about his plans to see his girlfriend and spend qualty time with her. Tom understood that his friend was talking about sex.

“You know my whole family is in Montana,” said Tom, ” I’m going to hang here for a few days and see the town.”

He paused to think. There’s no one special friend back home really. He could keep in touch with family and extended family by e-mail.

“It’s not like there’s a girl back home.”

“Yeah that’s right. You come from cowboy stock.” Carl recalled. “I remember you telling me about that when we first met.”

Tom chuckled quietly at his friend’s remark.

The two youths had met for the first time some 168 days ago on the day when the young Bosun came aboard fresh from boot camp. Tom welcomed the shy teen. A liberty spent at a bar in Hong Kong helped bring Carl out of his shell.

“Don’t get arrested nailing that babe.”

Carl laughed at the reference to his anecdote about two 17 year olds.

Tico maneuvered itself along side the peer under the guidance of it’s OOD, a lieutenant. Bosuns sent out securing ropes tieing them around posts.

The gang plank lowered. The crew, dressed in summer whites , walked single file down to dry land.

Tom Lering had decided to tour the city before making his arrangements to return home to Montana. An online search the evening before disembarking from the ship had given him knowledge of area hotels and bars. He was already considering the places where few if any other sailors would go

Stephen stood over a bench cutting a piece of cloth fabric. Next to him stood a female mannequin clothed at least for the moment in just a bra and panties. The designer cut and visualized the outfit.

Terry Phillips, co designer at the Poleci studio and long time friend walked by and stood for a second on Stephen’s left side.

“I needed a little inspiration.”

Stephen giggled “I’m happy to accommodate you”

“I love what you did with those slacks” she said indicating to the other mannequin.

“Well Terry,” she began, ” I got the idea from something i saw you wearing.”

“Really,” she replied feigning surprise.

“I’m going out tonight.”


“No place in particular. probably just a bar,” he replied.

“Are you bringing some one?”

“no. but I hope to bring some hottie home tonight,” Stephen said grinning.

Tom Lering walked trough the front door of Pecs just a couple of minutes past 7 30 that Friday evening. He looked around at the decor and at the men. Inside a gay bar for the first time in his life his mind began to wander. At first impression it seemed not too different from any other bar, pool tables, dart boards, big screen tv. Men sat by the horseshoe shape being served by two gorgeous barkeeps.

Stephen, a San diego native from Hillcrest was not a stranger to such places. The 25 year old had seen Pecs and other bars in the city.

Stephen dressed that evening in pink, button down shirt with light blue jeans and Hush Puppy loafers. A frequently worn pink Padres cap covered his blond hair which just covered his ears. He had been there for just a few minutes and was sipping on a gin/tonic when Tom walked inside Tom was open to chat and making acquaintances.

The two stared just briefly into each other’s faces. The boy of Tom’s fantasies; effeminate but good looking was right there. Stephen liked his men big. To him muscle was handsome as he didn’t have much of it himself.

Stephen spoke up first “Can I buy you a drink handsome?”

“Yeah as a matter of fact you can. I’ll have a Michelob.”

The twenty five year old turned toward the bar keep who bore a little resemblance to Elton John. “One Michelob please,” Stephen ordered.

The barkeep poured it and passed it. Stephen handed it to Tom

“Nice hat. You must like baseball.”

“I’ve been to a few games during the past few years.”

“Do you have favorite seats?”

“Yes the cheap ones.” he said.

Tom laughed. “Which side of the field do you prefer?”

“I like the view from behind home but Petco is a good place”

“What about you hon. Do you like baseball?”

“I used to play it . not in a league just pickup games. I played high school foot ball”

“I’ll bet you lift weights too.”

“Some” Tom replied

“I like staying fit. I just don’t do weights. Actually I do but very light. It’s a conditioning workout?”

“What do you do for a living?”

“I work for a designer. Poleci.”

“Never heard of them,” Tom answered.

“I design clothing for women.”

“How did you get into that?”

By now Tom had almost finished his beer. He took one final drink.

“I’ve always liked female clothing. It just looks so nice”

Stephen finished his drink and reached into his pocket for a cigarette. Tom noticed the feminine way that Stephen held it

“You smoke?”

“A little,” Stephen replied.

“How much is ‘a little’?”

There was no answer. After a short pause Tom continued the conversation.

“Do you play pool at all?”

“Not really,” answered Stephen, “do you ride horses?”

“Yeah as a matter of fact I do. I grew up on a ranch.”

“A ranch,”


“You must be on vacation cause you’re a long way from home to find a gay bar.”

“Actually I’m in the navy. My ship home ports here so I’ll be in town for a few days before i go home to see the family.”

“I live here in this city. And by the way thank you for your service.”

“You’re welcome I guess,” replied Tom.

“You know what they say sailor about a boy in every port,” Stephen said grinning.

“I think that’s a girl in every port.” Tom replied giggling.

Tom Lering’s mind was preoccupied for a moment A gay pornographic movie starred himself and a cute guy. For Stephen the moment was much the same.

Tom Lering’s first ever kiss from another man was all that he had expected; pleasant, and exciting. Stephen led his partner into the hotel room.

Their lips met then opened. Tongues probed as they caressed one another from the shoulders down to the buttocks. As Stephen lay on his left side Tom’s throbbing sex penetrated him and slid repeatedly forward and back. Stephen’s soft, gutteral moans showed the intense pleasure that he was feeling as Tom pumped him.

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