Hooked and Baited


A gay story: Hooked and Baited Description:

In this story, a man takes another man fishing and uses a little hypnotic language to covertly convince him to do a sexual act. If you enjoy a brainwashing scene that does not skimp on the details of bringing the subject down deep, then this one’s for you. It’s a fleshed out description of how he dropped deep, with the reader falling down into trance along with the subject.

Hooked And Baited

“Thanks again,” said Alex.

“My pleasure,” Jason replied.

Little did Alex know the real reason Jason had invited him out on the lake to fish.

The outboard motor continued its slow whir as they sped across the lake towards Jason’s “special fishing spot.”

It was bass season, but Jason had a different catch in mind.

Alex was damn cute, and Jason had been itching for new minds to play with.

This was the perfect opportunity.

“So why is this called Stony Lake?”

“Because there are a lot of low spots and high rocks, if you don’t know the routes you can crack your motor good. But trust me, I am an expert. In fact, we’re almost there.”


They neared the shoal of a small island, which hosted a number of fir trees.

Jason slowed the motor to a crawl and eased them close.

“Now, we sit here and drift slowly. Dropping anchor won’t get us anything. Got it? We drift.”

“Drift, right.”

They got their poles and tackle ready and soon cast their lines.

“Now, we wait and we drift. And speak softly, or you’ll scare the fish.”

“Got it.”

“That’s the beauty of this lake. You can get your mind off things. You can get away from it all. You can just relax and drift. Floating.”

Alex just nodded.

Jason lowered his tone and slowed his cadence.

He could see this was working; he just had to play it right.

“I love to relax and drift here. I can see you do too. It’s so quiet and safe, and safe and quiet. As you drift. Just drift. Let your cares just, drift away. Let your thoughts just, drift away.”

Alex was breathing more slowly now.

Jason could see the tension leaving his co-worker’s body.

“It feels so good just to relax. To not have to even think. It feels good to drift and not to think. So good. So good.”

Alex mustered an “mmm” of agreement.

“I told you, I’m the expert here. So just drift and relax. Drift and let go. Drift. Drift. Drift. It’s so easy to relax here, with me, focused on the now. Focused on the words. The gentle lap of the lake helping you to relax. Helping you to drift. Helping you to let go of worry. Of cares. Of thoughts. Just let it all go.”

Jason was pleased there was zero chance of catching fish in the area, since the last thing he wanted was a bite snapping Alex out of it.

“I’m the expert here. So listen to me. Listen to every word I say and you just relax and drift. Relax and drift. Everything gone. I’m the expert here. Thoughts gone, I’m the expert here. Mind so relaxed. So empty. So open. Open to the words of an expert. Open to these soft, warm, wonderful words.”

Jason’s grip on his rod was slacking.

Soon, he’d have other rods on his mind.

“You love to drift. You love to relax. And the expert will help you drift and relax. And, if your eyelids start to become heavy, that’s fine. Just focus on the word, the expert words, as your eyes slide closed. It’s ok. I’m the expert and I say it’s ok.”

Alex’s eyes slid shut, right on cue.

Jason reached over and took the rod from his hands, setting both of them aside.

“That’s good. Trust me when I say it’s good. You can always trust me, I’m the expert. You can always relax for me, I’m the expert. It feels good. It feels good to drift and relax for the expert. Drift and relax. Drift and relax into this warm, comfortable, safe, feeling. Drift and relax totally. It’s easy, and it feels so good.”

Alex let out a slight whimper of pleasure.

“Good. Very good. You’re relaxing so deep now. Focused on the words. The important words. The powerful words. The words are what matter. The words are what helps you drift and relax. Relax and drift. So relaxed. So open. Open to the words. To my words. To Jason’s words. You drift and relax for Jason’s words. You drift on Jason’s words. Jason’s words are so important now; because Jason is the expert. That’s true. You know it’s true, and it will always be true. The words are true, the words are always true.”

This was going perfectly.

“Alex loves the words. Alex loves Jason’s words. Alex loves to drift and relax for Jason’s words. Jason’s words touch Alex deep inside. They reach into him. His mind. His body. His very soul. All are open to Jason’s words, as you drift and relax. So relaxed. So open. So ready. The words are so strong. The words of an expert. And Alex always listens to experts.”

The last line was true; Alex had a great respect for experts in their fields, and expertise in general.

Jason knew that going in, all part of months of scoping and planning for this day to finally arrive.

How many nights had he dreamt of, or jerked off to, fantasies of bending Alex to his will?

“Alex drifts and relaxes for Jason, the expert.

Jason is the expert in drifting and relaxing.

In fact, whenever Jason the expert tells you to drift and relax, you will return to this place.

This deeply relaxed place.

The place only Jason takes you.

The place you love to go.

The place you love Jason to take you.

Drift and relax.

Drift and relax.

Relaxing twice as deep now.

And twice as deep again.

So deeply relaxed.

So deeply focused on the words.

The expert words.

Jason’s words.

Always focus on Jason’s words.”

Jason had to gamble now. The next step was call and response, but it needed to be handled carefully. Alex could still snap out of this if Jason moved too far, too fast.

“You feel good Alex. Tell me how you feel.”

Jason’s lips twitched then he mumbled in a faraway voice, “Good.”

“That’s good Jason, just let go and you will feel so good. So incredibly good.”

The same faraway voice, “Good.”

“You can always relax for Jason, you know that. It’s true. It feels right. It feels so good.”


“You want to feel good, and any time Jason helps you drift, you feel good.”


“You want to drift for Jason, because it feels so good.”


“It feels so good, it can’t be wrong. Alex feels so good, it can’t be wrong.

It’s never wrong to feel good for Jason. Jason always makes Alex feel good.”


“Jason is the expert, the expert in making Alex feel good. Trust the expert. The expert knows best. The expert knows the best ways to make Alex feel good.”


“Alex is drifting for Jason. Drifting gently down. Down. Down so deep. Drifting

so deep.”


“Alex is drifting deeper than ever before. Drifting beyond consciousness. Drifting deep into Alex’s core. Jason’s words are going to Alex’s core. Jason’s words are so powerful. Impossible to resist. Why would you want to resist when it feels so good?”


“Deep is good. Drift is good. Drift is your trigger. When Jason, and only Jason, tells you to drift, you return to this special place. This relaxing, drifting place. And each time you hear the word drift, you drop deeper and deeper into relaxation. Into Jason’s words. Jason’s words make you feel so good.”


“Drift. Good. Drift. Good. Drift. Listening. Drift. Focusing. Drift. Nothing else matters. Drift. Absorb. Drift.”


“Yes Alex. Keep repeating that word in your mind. In your conscious mind and your subconscious. It’s all you want. Need. Crave. To drift. Drift. Drift. It feels so good.”


“Listening to Jason feels good. Right. Natural. No need to worry. No need for fear. It feels good.”


“Drifting. Slowly sliding into total focus. Total absorption…”

he hesitated for a moment then took the next big step. “Total obedience.”

Not a hint of resistance from Alex. Even when Jason dropped that bomb.

It was going so well, Jason was practically giddy.

Still, he needed to focus. The celebration would come later.

“Alex listens to Jason, the expert, who knows best. Alex knows Jason makes him feel good.”


“Jason makes Alex feel good. So Alex wants to make Jason feel good.”


“Drifting for Jason makes Alex feel good. So you want to drift for Jason. Because making Jason happy makes Alex happy. So happy. Because it feels so good.”


“Alex has drifted so deep for Jason. Alex feels so safe. So warm. So comfortable. Alex feels total trust. Total trust. And feeling total trust feels so good.”


“Alex feels so good it’s almost sexual. And sexual feels so good.”


“The pleasure will build. And it can build more. And more. And more. Tell Jason, what would Alex do for that much pleasure?”

There was a brief pause before Alex replied, “Anything.”

“Very good, Alex is being very good.”


“Alex wants to be good. Needs to be good. Craves to be good. For Jason. Be good for Jason. Always be good for Jason.”


“Alex will do anything to feel this good. Alex wants to feel this good more and more. So Alex will drift for Jason. Alex will always drift for Jason. And it will make Alex feel good.”


“Drift deeper. Drift down. So far into Alex. Jason is penetrating far into Alex. And Jason penetrating Alex feels good.”


“No need to worry. No need to think. Just drift and feel good. Drift, and feel good.”


“Yes Alex. Alex is being so good. So good for Jason. And Alex will always be good for Jason.”


“Alex’s mind is open. Soul is open. Alex will be open with Jason, always open with Jason. Being open with Jason feels good.”


“Alex can trust Jason. Always trust Jason. Alex can tell Jason anything. Jason will never judge. Jason wants Alex to feel good.”


“Alex can share secrets with Jason. Alex can share everything with Jason. Sharing with Jason feels good.”


“Alex can admit the things to Jason that Alex can’t even admit to himself. Sharing with Jason makes Alex feel good.”


“Drift, Alex. Drift. Drift. Drift.” Time for another milestone.

“Alex can tell Jason everything. Alex can tell Jason his fantasies. His secrets. Every dirty little thought in his dirty little mind. Because Jason wants Alex to be dirty. And being dirty feels good.”


“Jason knows Alex so well. Jason knows Alex has deep, dark fantasies.” Every man did, so that was a gimme. “Jason knows what Alex dreams of.”

Now the real work began.

“Alex knows he’s dreamed of other men. Alex knows it’s ok. In his heart of hearts Alex knows there’s nothing wrong with fantasizing about other men. In fact, it feels good.”

Jason hesitated a second. Alex held his breath.

“Good.” Jason said, just a second later.

“Yes Alex. That’s good. It feels good. It feels good to admit it. To accept it. To understand it. To embrace it. It feels so good.”


“Alex has always had these thoughts, and it feels good to admit that.”


“Alex has fantasized about many men. All his life. Alex fantasizes about his friends. Right now, Alex is fantasizing about his friends.”

Of course he was, Jason had just planted the thought. It was no different than saying “Don’t think about a hard cock,” it instantly springs to mind.

“Alex has even fantasized about Jason. Jason knows this, and Jason is the expert.”

It was working.

“Alex has wondered since he met Jason. Wondered what Jason’s skin feels like. Knowing it would feel good.”


“Alex has wondered how soft Jason’s lips are. How they would feel to kiss. To French kiss. Another man’s tongue must taste good.”


Another big step was next.

“Alex has wondered what a man’s cock tastes like. Alex knows it must taste good.”


He hadn’t even hesitated.

“Alex knows he needs to try it. He knows he must satisfy his curiosity. He knows he will regret it forever if he doesn’t.”

Regret is a powerful motivator..

“Alex wants to do it. Needs to do it. Craves to do it. Alex knows it will feel so good.”


“Alex knows Jason. Alex trusts Jason. Jason is the expert. Alex needs an expert. An expert can help Alex. Alex needs an expert. Alex wants an expert. Alex wants Jason. Alex knows Jason is good.”


“Jason is good for Alex. Has been good for Alex. Will be good for Alex. Alex trusts Jason. Alex knows Jason won’t hurt him. Alex knows Jason will make

him feel good.”


“Alex owes Jason for making him feel good.”


“Alex needs to make Jason feel good.”


“Alex needs to listen very carefully. This is very important. When Jason tells Alex to awaken Alex will, and Alex will remember nothing of this conversation. But Alex will be horny. Horny for Jason. Tonight, back at the cabin, Alex is going to give in to the fantasies Alex has had for so long, so very long. Tonight, Alex is going to suck cock. Alex is going to suck Jason’s cock. Alex can’t wait. Alex knows it will feel good.”


“Alex knows cock will taste good.”


“Alex knows cum will taste good.”


“Alex knows Jason, the expert, will teach Alex how to make Jason feel good.”


“Alex wants to learn to be a cocksucker. He wants to suck good.”


“Suck good.”


“Suck Jason good.”


“You want to suck good.”


“Need to suck good.”


“Crave to suck good.”


“Alex has learned so much. Alex has done so good.”


“Now, Jason is going to clap his hands, and Alex will awake. Alex will

remember nothing except his desire for Jason. From now on, any time Jason tells Alex to drift, Alex will return to this pleasant, receptive, obedient state. The state that feels so good.”


“Good Alex. Good.”


“Now wake,” Jason said with authority, then clapped his hands loudly.

Alex, shook his head and opened his eyes.

“Oh wow,” he said, “I must have dozed off.”

“I saved your pole. It’s not as nice as my pole,” Jason caught a flash in Alex’s eyes when he used the word ‘pole.’ “But I’m sure your pole is fine too.”

“Thanks, sorry for coming out here just to nap.”

“Sometimes it’s good to doze a little. How do you feel?”

“Good.”Jason smiled.

Tonight was going to be a lot of fun. And this was just the beginning.

Alex and Jason had split the cost of the cabin.

It was modest, a kitchen, a TV room and two bedrooms.

If everything went according to Jason’s plan, they would only need one of them.

Alex cooked dinner; Jason was surprised at how well his pasta sauce tasted.

Alex could cook, just one more reason he’d make such a nice addition to Jason’s harem.

Jason felt magnanimous enough to wash the dishes, as the “rustic” cabin had no dishwasher.

Alex lounged on the sofa, watching a basketball game.

Jason loathed sports, and soon he expected Alex would too.

Now was not the time to worry about that.

Now, Jason decided as he sat next to Alex, it was time for phase two.

“Tiring day,” Jason began.

“Yeah,” Alex replied, still absorbed in the game.

“You look exhausted.”


“Really? You look like you could drift off at any moment.”

Alex’s eyes drooped suddenly, his head falling forward then jerking.

“That’s ok. It’s ok to drift.”

Alex was wobbling slightly, like his spine was made of Jell-O.

“Lean back on this nice, comfortable sofa.”

Alex did. Jason quietly picked up the remote control and switched off the television.

This was no time for distractions. Alex didn’t even notice as the game blinked away.

“Nice and comfortable.

As you drift.

Just drift.

It feels so good to drift.

You are comfortable when you drift.

You are safe and warm, when you drift.

Drifting is like sinking into a warm bath.

Drifting is like the comfiest bed you have ever been in.

Drifting is safe, warm and comfortable.”

Alex let out a soft whimper.

Jason was sure it was from pleasure.

“And as you drift, you listen.

Listen and drift.

Drift and listen.


Listening to Jason.

Always listening to Jason when you drift.

Jason speaks to you when you drift. And you listen.

Listen to Jason when you drift.

Follow Jason when you drift.

Drifting and following.

Following and drifting.

It feels so good.

It feels amazing.

Drifting feels amazing.

Listening feels amazing.

Say it, ‘it feels amazing.'”

This was a key moment. Jason held his breath for a second.

Alex’s voice was low and faraway as he spoke, “It feels amazing,” came his words.

Jason’s heart surged, and so did his cock.

“That’s good Alex.

It’s good to listen and drift and follow.

Follow Jason.

Always, follow Jason.

It feels good to follow Jason.

Drift and follow Jason.

Follow Jason when you drift. It feels amazing.”

“It feels amazing.”

An unprompted reply?

Alex was looking like a very good subject.

This might be even easier than Jason had expected.

“It feels so amazing,

it’s almost sexual.

Almost sexual.



Arousing and sexy.

Sexy and arousing.

Drifting feels sexual; and it feels amazing.”

“It feels amazing.”

Though faraway, there was conviction in Alex’s voice.

“Drifting with Jason feels right. It feels amazing.”

“It feels amazing.”

“It’s easy to give in to that feeling.

It’s easy to give in.

It’s easy to give in to drifting for Jason.

It’s easy to give in.

It’s easy to give in.

It’s easy to drift and listen to Jason.

It’s easy to drift and give in to Jason.

It’s easy to give in to Jason. It feels amazing.”

“It feels amazing.”

“Give in to Jason, it feels amazing.”

“It feels amazing.”

“It feels arousing.

It feels sexual.

Jason feels sexual.

Giving in to Jason feels sexual.

It feels amazing.

“It feels amazing.”

“You fantasize of Jason when you drift. Jason makes you drift and you drift into fantasies of Jason. Jason has always felt sexual to Alex. Jason has always been arousing to Alex. It feels amazing.”

“It feels amazing.”

No hint of resistance left. No hint of will. Time for the big bomb.

“Good boy.”

Jason let out a whimper of pleasure.

“Now Alex. It’s time to listen even more carefully than before. It’s time to drift and absorb, and absorb, and drift. It’s time to let Jason in. Into your mind. Deep into your mind. Let Jason drift into your mind. Jason in your mind feels right. It feels natural. It feels amazing.”

“It feels amazing.”

“Alex knows it’s time to drift into fantasies of Jason. Alex has always fantasized about Jason. Alex has always wanted to make those fantasies, realties. Alex wants to give in to those fantasies. Alex wants to drift into Jason. Give in to Jason. Follow Jason.”

The last big bomb was next.

“Alex wants to suck Jason’s cock. Alex knows it will feel good. Alex is certain he wants to give in to his fantasies of sucking cock. The fantasies he has always had about sucking cock. Alex wants to drift into sucking cock. Drift. Suck. Suck. Drift. It feels amazing.”

“It feels amazing.”

“In a moment, Jason is going to count up to five. When Jason reaches five, Alex will awake, refreshed and alert, remembering nothing. Nothing except a burning desire to suck Jason’s cock. A need to suck Jason’s cock. Alex wants to suck Jason’s cock. Alex needs to suck Jason’s cock. Alex craves to suck Jason’s cock. The very thought thrills Alex. It feels amazing.”

“It feels amazing.”

“Alex needs to seduce Jason. Alex will do anything to seduce Jason. As soon

as Alex wakes he will begins seducing Jason.”

“Prepare to rise, and fulfill your fantasies. Starting at five, still feeling amazing. Four, slowly climbing back to your life. Three, focused on Jason, even as you wake. Two, let everything sink in and, one. Wide awake.”

Alex shook his head.

“Oh sorry,” he said, “I must have drifted off.”

Jason smiled, knowingly.

“So,” he began, looking directly into his eyes. “What now?”

“I don’t know, any ideas?”

“There’s a bottle of wine in the fridge. Neither of us are going anywhere? What say we open that?”

“I suppose,” Jason said, hiding his eagerness.

It didn’t take long for Alex to return with two beer mugs full of white wine.

“They don’t exactly have a selection of wine glasses here.”

“It’s fine.” Those mugs probably each held half the bottle. He was trying to get Jason drunk. How cute.

“I don’t know much about wine,” Alex said. “So I hope this is good.”

“I’m sure it will be amazing.” Another trigger word, and Jason could sense its effect on him.

“Cheers,” Alex said as he sat on the couch, nearer than he needed to. He handed Jason his drink, then held up his glass so they could clink them. Jason took a sniff, pretending he knew what he was doing. Then he took a long sip.

“How is it?” asked Alex.

“Mmm,” was all Jason replied, then took an even longer drink. Alex responded in kind, also pleased with the taste. Jason had something else in mind for him to taste.

“It’s good,” Alex said.

“Hope it doesn’t make me horny,” Jason said, “It can be weird jerking off in a strange place.”

“I… I know what you mean.”

Jason took a slug; Alex followed suit. Not one to argue with a good thing, Jason kept going. Alex matched him, drink for drink, until both men had drained their mugs.

“Woo,” Jason said, “That went straight to my head.” He was exaggerating heavily.

“Yeah, me too,” Alex said; Jason could tell he was exaggerating too.

“Today was fun,” Jason said.

“Yeah, high five.”

He raised his hand. Jason slid a little closer on the couch to give him a gentle slap in return.

Jason could see Alex’s eyes light up as he felt Jason’s flesh against his own.

“Today was fun,” said Alex. “We should hang out more often.”

“Yeah, hanging out is cool. I like being hung.” And he was.

“What else are you into?”

“Besides sex?”

Alex giggled. He was blushing.

“I guess,” said Alex.


“And how is ‘stuff’ going?”

“You know.”

“You’re an interesting guy. I’d love to know you better.”

“You can know me any way you like.”

A puzzled look crossed his face, but he quickly went back to trying to land me. Soon, Jason would know Alex intimately.

“You’re right,” Alex said. “The wine does make you horny.”

“I’m serious about not wanting to jerk off in a rented bed.”

“I guess.”

“But a rented couch I can deal with.”

Alex’s eyes bulged. Sneaking a glance downward, Jason could tell that wasn’t the only thing bulging.

“Are you serious?”

“Sure, why not? I used to jerk with other guys back at university. There was only one TV on the men only floor.”

“Wow. What’s that like?”

“It’s fine. No big deal.”


“Let me show you,” Jason said, as he unzipped his fly. His cock was hard as a rock; it felt harder than it had in months. “What do you think?”

“Uh… well… it’s nice… I guess. I’m no expert.”

“I’ve got some lube in my backpack.”

“You carry lube?”

“You don’t? Side pocket, can you grab it for me?”

He scurried quickly, and found the bottle right away.

“Got it.”

“Then hand it over.”

He walked back to the couch and extended his hand.

Jason reached up, but instead of taking the lube directly, Jason made sure his fingers brushed against the back of Alex’s hand before he took the bottle.

Jason could see the shiver run through Alex as they touched.

“Thanks,” I said as I squirted the lube on my hand. “I’m not sure why I brought flavored. Who is going to taste it anyway? You?”

He giggled again. Jason proceeded to run his hand up and down his shaft to get it nice and lubed. Alex’s eyes were locked on Jason’s cock. He started stroking at the base, very slowly.

“Oh yeah, that feels better already.”

Alex said nothing.

“It feels amazing.”

“It feels amazing,” Alex replied mechanically.

Jason sped up his jerking slightly, he began to slide further up, to the base of his mushroom head.

“Doesn’t jerking off feel good? Hell, yeah. It feels amazing.”

“It feels amazing.”

“The only thing better than jerking off is getting sucked off. It feels amazing.”

“It feels amazing.”

“I know, right?”


Jason looked him dead in the eyes. “So, what are you waiting for?”

His eyes went wide with shock, and desire. He looked Jason in the eyes and Jason quickly glanced at his cock. Alex’s eyes followed, and stayed there.

“I…” stammered Alex, “I… Do you mean it? Can I?”

“Do it. Do it now.”

From where Alex was sitting on the couch, he was only a few feet away.

Eyes fixated on Jason’s cock, he slowly bent down.

Jason saw him quickly lick his lips as his mouth got closer and closer to the object of his desire.

Jason removed his hand from his cock.

“Go on,” he said, “touch it.”

Slowly, gingerly, Alex reached out his left hand until the tips of his fingers touched Jason’s shaft.

“That’s good. That’s a good start. Have you ever touched another man’s cock, before?”

He shook his head.

“Then grab it and start jerking me off.”

Alex wrapped his hand around the erect shaft.

Then, slowly, he began to stroke Jason. Awkward at first, Alex soon got into a rhythm, sliding the full length of Jason’s penis.

“That’s good, Alex. That feels good.”

Jason saw a flash of pride in Alex’s eyes. He picked up his pace, just a little.

“Yeah, just like you were stroking yourself. Make me feel good, Alex, make me feel so good.”

Alex seemed almost like he was back in a trance. The world was falling away. There was Jason’s voice, and Jason’s cock. Nothing else mattered.

“Now Alex,” Jason continued, “Let’s feel that mouth. It’s time to fulfil your fantasies, and suck another man’s cock.”

Alex’s head drifted down, down, closer and closer until his mouth was less than an inch away from the head of Jason’s rock hard cock.

“Taste it.”

Alex’s tongue slid from his mouth, moving closer, until it finally reached the base of Jason’s head.

Giving in to his desires, Alex pushed his tongue against the base of Jason’s head and slid it all the way up to the opening of his penis.

Jason grinned.

Alex might only have tasted the lube, but Jason’s pre-cum was now inside him for the first time.

“Don’t tease it,” Jason instructed, “take the head in your mouth.”

Opening wide, Alex lowered his mouth over the entire head, closed his lips over it, and began sucking eagerly.

“That’s good, Alex. That’s very good. Now, up and down, deeper each time. You want to go deeper, each time.”

Alex pushed harder, pulled back and repeated.

His mouth was now sliding over the sensitive skin at the base of his head.

Then down the shaft slightly.

Then more, then more, then-

Alex gagged.

“It’s ok,” Jason immediately reassured him, “This is new to you. You’ll get better with practice.”

Alex nodded. He had just accepted he’d be doing this even more, without batting an eye.

“Just go as far down as you can without feeling like you’re going to gag. Don’t worry if you don’t make it all the way to the base on your first time out.”

Alex went right back to it.

He wasn’t making it much more than halfway down the shaft, but Jason still felt amazing.

“Mmmm,” Jason moaned. “That feels good. Now… drift!”

Alex stopped sucking midway through and just waited.

“Keep sucking.”

Alex went back to sliding his warm mouth down as far as he could.

“Swirl your tongue a little. Move it around.”

Alex was learning fast and began moving his tongue with purpose.

“Good boy.”

Alex let out a whimper, his mouth very full.

“Keep drifting. Just drift. And drift. Deeper into a trance. Deeper into Jason’s control. Suck faster.”

Alex sped up, the lube now gone, replaced by Alex’s saliva.

“Keep going. Just focus on that cock. Nothing else matters.”

Jason reached over to the coffee table as Alex sucked furiously. Grabbing his cell phone, Jason hit the camera button. As the pleasure grew, Jason managed to steady himself just long enough to snap a photo of his cock, deep in Alex’s mouth.

“Good boy. Keep going, my good boy. Be my good boy and make Jason feel good. Be my good boy and be a cocksucker. Jason is going to cum, and Alex wants Jason’s cum. Needs Jason’s cum. Craves Jason’s cum.”

Another muffled sound of agreement.

“Mmm. Suck me good, Alex. Be my good little cocksucker, my good boy. You’re going to taste my cum, swallow my cum, let my cum inside you. And you will never be the same again.”

As Alex sucked with every ounce of energy he could muster, Jason let himself relax.

The pleasure was growing, Alex was a rookie, but the turn on of feeding him his first load ever, more than made up for it.

He moaned, warm mouth and soft tongue bringing him ever increasing pleasure.

“You need this.

You want this.

You crave this.

You are a good boy and you want Jason’s cum.

When it hits your mouth you will awake, remembering the sex, but not the trance itself.

It will feel so good, so natural, so right as… I… mmm… mmm… can’t hold it.

Get ready… Cumming!”

His load erupted from him like a geyser.

Alex didn’t even flinch, greedily trying to suck up every drop.

Jason had done it. Alex was his. And the photograph?

That would make sure it would only get better from here.


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